I took Upgrades to INSANE EXTREMES in Space Scavenger

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it's time to create a ship of chaos one that can kill the guys with santa hats are you kidding me the cutest thing ever you guys are the ugliest things ever though get out of my face ooh the spear and dead damn the christmas themed oh if you're not watching this in december it doesn't make sense but still man is this game cool this is the most intense attack force of all time oh free crystals i just got a beam and an extra engine i am a tiny but mighty ship who can move forward at an accelerated rate now my gosh take me away magic portal i got another ammo crate but i don't really need it so i'm just cutting it down now i have six little shop crystals i'm gonna be able to buy a sick upgrade oh another engine sure why not and i'll delete this ammo crate now i can move forwards and backwards fast do you guys mind oh it's another body yes let's slap this behind me and actually put my spears kind of like this what am i doing that gave them shorter range back up i simply wasn't thinking hey can i have your body please no i can have a snow cannon though don't mind if i do what is this okay think flamethrower but cold and it freezes enemies that's just extremely good what everything dies don't touch me back back i say what do you do against this nothing you can do nothing but live in fear i'm out of energy all right plan b stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab hey guys is it just you three left there's no help for you it's the dumbest joke get me out of here all right shopkeep anything good for me sorry this just says shield this is a big hammer too well let me buy the solar panel and this beam which actually was a bad call because i think i have to now scrap my engine dang it oh let me refresh the shop can i get anything good in here the mining drone would be good if i didn't just break everything already but now there's two snow cannons do i really need two i think one works fine give me another new shop oh there's a body there that calls six and a large solar panel for three i know what i have to do sell the beam sell my engine and sell another beam then i can buy this body and i can smack it like this and then throw the solar panel on and move my thing there now i'm flat broke so time to go get more resources maybe anything in these asteroids no okay no it's the squids oh wait that works extremely well and i did get another snow cannon but i think yeah they just face different directions now you know i'm fine with that better to accidentally freeze and damage an enemy then die oh and i forgot those flowers actually just have aoe stuff did i just freeze that projectile can i do what sorry i wasn't aware this was the best weapon in the entire game black projectiles sure i can just freeze everything too is that fine fine with you game oh my gosh and it's just really good against tiny multi enemies okay you know what i'm in love i'll say it stupid fish die thank you all right i'll see you no get away from me gross insects are gross let's all agree oh what is that a booster it's probably better than my other booster by the looks of things oh my gosh i can just move this direction extremely quick that is so good oh and then a mining drone do i have a spot for this no i do if i just do a little redesign i don't really like having my ship like this because it just makes things a lot easier to hit me since i'm not compact but it's only world 2 i'm sure i'll be i probably hopefully okay freeze freezing projectiles this is bad oh that was so close to dying why is there another fish there oh crystals thank you that's what i wanted stupid crack in the projectiles don't work on me get it through your thick skull well you have no skull anymore actually my bad i have six crystals and there actually is a beam here i'll buy it and then refresh the shop again oh there's two beams here perfect this works because i'm able to make a ship like this and then attach another body on and then since these boosters only take up the spot on the left and right that works out perfectly then i can throw down a body and put out a beam here and now this pretty much just lets me create something that works like this am i just longer than before you know what i'm not gonna dwell on it i'll just dodge anything that comes at me new plan hello enemies do you mind if i just frost shield everything and kill you guys no it doesn't look like you do thank you i'm glad we've had this talk it's really working and i just got a large engine so i'm throwing that on my back and i'm even faster forward than before now scavenger drone what this is really good if i need health so my tiny engine i don't need it put this on i've never seen the scavenger drone before what a nice little upgrade that is die die die you stupid blobs i'm sorry flame thrower it looks like it has to go on the front of my ship so just for now i'm dropping that and i'm putting this on how good is this is it not really but it does do fire damage over time i get two crystals out of this so i will actually scrap it oh hey scavenger drone go get that for me does it work automatically yes and break the saw and this is where things get fun it is the final level of world 2 after all i guess universe 2 i'm i'm scanning the worlds oh god the kraken hit me the big kraken is an issue thank you i'm starting to worry that my spears just aren't doing enough damage does that say battle drone health drone or battle drone my answer getting rid of this shield i will take them both game and there's nothing you can do about it look at that look at it i'm not even killing him my drone's got this thanks buddy oh and more health why you ask because of my scavenger drone if i'm gonna survive the just absolute brutal universe that this place is i need all the help i can get give me these crystals too where's the planet for this place have i scanned it yet i don't think so oh it's one of those ones where if i get too close it would spew up and try and kill me gross if i just hang out around the area my battle drone eventually kills everything for me and that's what i like about him also there's more stuff here another snow cannon game this is the fourth one this run i can't use any more oh but i also have 16 crystals now that is a very large amount because in the shop it means everything and another automatic shooting thing tell you what give me both these time to work on my redesign sentry turret in front because this is good oh for my snow cannons because i think my engines can fit on fine or place the beam right here and then throw on these bodies again my engines fit perfectly the only issue is i can't use these two little grippies in the front but that's all right i can place the booster down and then one of my booster engines has a little thing i can hold i think my spaceship looks extremely large now let's go ahead and immediately repair myself to 333 that should be fine it's lucky and refresh i could get a shield drone to immediately scrap this because i will take all the drones i can get thank you two things that automatically attack one thing that automatically protects and one thing that automatically scavenges the odds have never been greater also a gun that freezes things how lucky am i oh my gosh there's so many enemies just hiding right there battle drone hang out over there this area is just so tiny but my sentry turret battle drone combo does just crazy damage as long as i'm looking at something this ship is menacing next world please 2-2 yet again when it spawns me directly in front of enemies that's a bit worrisome i have about 1.2 seconds to think and i usually need at least three also these turtles are so dumb get away quit trying to hit me with fire bright side is i can freeze him pretty easily back back thank you shield turret oh this thing just does wonders can i hit him through here i need to oh no not fire krakens back it up back it up we got to play this very careful now these guys are deadly and scary most of all they look stupid and gross a lot of stuff i'm not a fan of in there it's okay my drones are helping me out a absolute metric ton right now yes get him get him get him perfect take advantage here we go yes kill them stab stab stab stab run run run now can i scan this planet in peace or is something gonna try and jump me from the looks of it there's another crack in here no you don't thank you you guys just caused so much problem self-destruct oh cracking right there what this just says block block some damage every level what does this mean is it just like an automatic shield okay is that oh my gosh it's automatic everything scavenger drone go ahead i'll actually come back for that just in case i take some damage in the future i'll be able to heal it right back ah like that damage that i just took from something i went down to 350 are you kidding it was so much it hurts scrap this immediately too what's this final enemy of course it's you stupid crack and jerk what is this level right now why is it so intense i just have to kind of slowly inch my way through this and i can't do anything with the ammo crate so we're breaking it down for scrap i need to kill this crack in as fast as possible thank you okay we're slowly working our way down i think there's like four trillion enemies here by the looks of things that's a bomb that's a bomb back it up okay there's just so much random stuff happening everything has a red color palette friend or foe i have no idea i know if i get in the shield though my likelihood of survival increases by 300 until they dash in what the heck it's fine so far so good freeze freeze these are the enemies you got to watch out for because they can just dash right into your ship before you even react gosh look at the way i have to go i'm not even at the part of the level where i scan planets i'm too busy fighting for my life trying to get down to this part it's all right thankfully my battle drone is just kind of killing things for me that i'm not even seeing because if there's one thing he knows how to do it's his job well oh get away turtle and you dash enemy one planet done i will wait patiently for the volcanic eruptions to cease before trying to spin around oh wow they're going much faster this time does not matter got two planets perfect no you stupid squid die die die yes oh more money thank you oh a broken ship too oh again i'm gonna leave that just in case i do take some damage in the future however did it drop an item no no i think it just dropped money as well and yet another one go get him buddy i actually am a little bit hurt so i'll just go ahead and slide into this one to get back to max health again don't need a double laser game i've got my kit get him battle drone mess him up good work buddy planet four done but i kind of drove into it stupid gravitational pull and the fifth and final planet of this level is taking forever scan it thank you finally oh now i just have to beat four enemies three enemies two enemies correction i did it and now time to go claim my sweet sweet heel oh 410 with seven crystals so profitable take me back to the shop and i wait that wasn't level four oh god i thought it was the last level i've made a critical mistake i think if i just hang out on this side of the wall my drones and stuff automatically kill everything wow this is a lot of projectiles game go go go go quick quick quick kill back up go in with the freeze perfect oh this guy is gross i need to make sure i hug this wall carefully as long as i get the freeze off i end up fine there was a cracking up here where is he teleporting to right there idiot thank you i'm not too worried about the enemies that lunge at me because two spears will kill them it's just whenever they have these like bat cannons they can just shoot stupid idiots is that it did i kill everything yes all right shop i'm coming should i get this mining drone just simply to have every type of drone on me no let's refresh the shop oh i can get two shield drones or i could with no reason add on another part to the body you know what let's do it wait a second i think it'll fit perfectly right here yeah this kind of equaled out my ship a little bit and gave me 460 health which i'll use this one to go to max all right world four here i come there's two levels i have to beat and one shop in between how large is this level oh there's only one planet but there's okay that's i'm already getting shot at it's been two seconds oh but there's a ton of crystals on these cubes get em drone get em automatic battling drone if anything comes close freeze wait these enemies okay they do freeze oh they just have saw blades that's why can i freeze this guy and then stab him a bunch can i oh these guys have swords what is that i think my shield just protected me we're gonna play a game of keep away eventually my self-shooting sentry turret and battle drone will kill everything trying to hurt me can i freeze these projectiles yes but it takes a ton i'm being held back in this spot by this one stupid cube finally i can move oh my gosh now that i'm not pinned in a stupid corner die die die die oh no i'm out of energy again where's my shield drone i think he's recharging this is fine just ignore all of the lights die die die die yes oh large engine for now i'll just throw this right here i don't really look at how fast i'm oh my gosh i was gonna say i don't really need the movement speed forward but there's no reason for me to not take it right now so i'm sorry battle drone and we're immediately selling the large engine and putting on another battle drone go get em troops fire yes wow does that work for this oh wait that's the planet i need all right well let's break these crystals and my scavenger drone will get that wow look at how efficient they are oh my gosh what good worker friends i want to activate this mine and immediately get out that did not work that blew up so fast okay immediately take my repair then say this planet pretty easy to understand you just gotta scan and then make sure you get out of its way which actually from the looks of things i think i could scan the entirety of it nope go back down get em battle drones get em yes stab those cubes are just the worst things in the world they're so oppressive along with the horde of enemies i just summoned that's fine none of these will actually hit me so long as i am careful and my battle drones will chase them down to the ends of this universe frozen oh that means you die oh what what'd you just hit me with your fist are you allowed to do that there's a wow i don't know what just caused that to explode but i'll take it get the battle drones yes i'm running stealth missions on these creatures i think i'm technically able to do this one now as long as i just hug it yes perfect can i get the one more one final got it oh planet is done and there's just a tiny little bit of enemies left along with the tiny little bit of fear i hold in my heart what creature is that what does he do he shoots bombs oh he shoots multiple bombs really fast that kind of emp me die these cubes are so annoying can i move this forward this is fine he's kind of dealing damage freeze freezing hit freezing hit freezing hit yes oh and there was a ship here i didn't even see oh sweet sweet full health nothing really good for me here so let's refresh same concept as last time continuing to refresh oh another body i'm gonna buy this just cause it's more health and then get redesigning all right i have a new design i look like a rejected tetris piece but that's okay i also have one crystal left i'm not really sure what i would even use it for but i'll hang on to it anyways world four two the big one there's already a lot happening okay this is this is fine the primary thing i'm worried about is that mine but i was able to activate it and kill something perfect freeze and try and stab that guy battlegrounds if you could yes and it never hurts to have another thruster so i'll smack it down low then my shield and put my battleground back now my side to side movement really good along with my forward movement always being good my back movement though kind of scary no no no don't absorb those i'm not ready yet it's okay i think my scavenger drone just got me a crystal out of that thanks guy there is one tiny planet on this tiny map as long as i don't make stupid mistakes i should be okay stupid mistakes like not letting my drones fight for me go little space scavenger bot thank you go guys oh my gosh i think i just got absorbed into someone's gravitational pull which is by far the scariest thing that's happened to me so far get out of here i'm just going to try and blow up this mine and not get out of the way that's what i wanted to do it's fine full heal from that also can i activate this and get out yes i need 20 health so i think that will be the perfect amount for me one enemy at a time with a ship right next to all that stuff too come here get that yes there has to be enemies over here still it only makes sense die die die die yes oh no i took damage also these mines okay oh just yes oh my goodness this is scary a battery isn't this more energy i have nowhere to put this that's fine i'll just scrap it my energy management is doing okay as it is i think i'm good to start scanning this planet now right hopefully just continuously pulsing in and out to avoid the fire go is that was that it is there like a big boss coming up or something give me this and then scrap these shurikens all right what happens now oh home sweet home this ship is one of power uh it's probably not good to land with my drone first guys now that i think about it oh look at me i'm a little space guy well this is just a good ending man i'm good huh oh hard mode that's exactly what i was looking for huh i guess
Channel: ImCade
Views: 293,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, funny, gameplay, space scavenger, space scavenger game, space scavenger hunt, space scavenger lets play, spaceship builder, space survival, alien shooter, space explorer, terratech space, vehicle builder, space roguelike, space game, roguelike, roguelite, space exploration, alien, indie game, indie games, terratech, terratech 2, vehicle building, space games, space scavenger playthrough, UPGRADING to DANGEROUS LEVELS, I took Upgrades to INSANE EXTREMES
Id: 9wFspwZTkpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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