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what up y'all welcome back to another GD episode we are exotics racing in Los Angeles Fontana location this is vlog life the log life right here I am borrowing a gentleman's tether to upload a vlog while I'm shooting a vlog while trying to register for something I don't know what weird I don't know what's going on it's gonna be exciting stick around let me put this somewhere I'll be right back okay and the cubby this is what we're going to be doing today guys exotics racing we get to drive supercars on a racetrack like flat-out you've never done this you gotta try doing this gonna be fine these guys are excited have you picked the car so we're all signed up signed in I've got like bracelets on bracelets on bracelets and we're going into the safety briefing about what's happening on the track what you can do what you can't do so listen this is what you can do anything you want I'm just joking follow the rules we do the podium come on I can actually get a little click to it so with them [Applause] you be quiet [Music] you teach him how to drive [Music] we are heading outside I believe - go get the drive around with Reagan Reagan's our instructor and we're going in what appears to be a Porsche Cayenne so they take us around to get familiar with the track and to give us some instruction on obviously all the safety hello hello and we're back all right break your stay right stay right here looking back breaking it in flipping this they're already looking ahead on winding out Leo squeezing our throttle make you Godley bringing it over to last I never realize that came in right okay class look right bring it over all right hold this side straight it flies out slowing the car down composing yourself coming back in never realized that I could do this killed it slayed it couldn't imagine you in a supercar kill all of us right now hey at one point yeah well what were you thinking I thought the car we're gonna flip over he was so crazy like good with that thing Choi's in the back like I can't believe I can do that I said came in black did you it's all good it's all good well edit that out near my helmet girl cool got my little yup keep that I usually wear a large so I'll tell you you're logged on and see if it works okay guys how am i doing here we go guys looks serious business alright let's check out some of the cars here in the paddock so we have a couple of 580 - 2 s so the rear wheel drive variant of the Huracan like my car they swap out now the 580 actually can come with basically a steel brake this looks like an aftermarket steel brake that does not look like the brake kit that they would normally put on this car what else we got here we got a Hellcat that's like basically their version of the tire Slayer here they have a pro drift driver who we can go for a ride along with and he basically slays the tires for the entire track so we'll be capturing some of that here shortly oh we've got the 488 and the 48 has seen some action folks check out the front end of this bad boy it's let's just say the splitters up there with the DD standard Wow so we have some carnage right here so you guys check this out these cars are well used in abuse all the damage on the front bumper splitter split I love it I want this car this car is the most easy for me oh god ah a four five eight got Regan the instructor they're getting the pilot all set up all I can smell is like brakes and like Alex what are you taking my friend gt3 that's the carjackers gt3 Alex and the gt3 you guys why you picking the Porsche I've never I've driven the 99.1 gt3 so the older version of this car but I've never driven the new point two which has a couple other new features I've always wanted to try this car and I actually have wanted this car at one point with the manual gearbox so this is like the only car here that I've never driven and I also wanted to try this oh man it's gonna be fun best of luck to your lap time I don't care about my lap time I just want to have fun I'm open drag it or let me go a little sideways Oh check this thing out we got a 430 in what is obviously a wrapped like Christmas red like metallic look at that color on this thing when he wouldn't be a party without an r8 we got the r8 in the house v10 I want to see someone rip this thing around the track yeah they got all the same brakes on all these cars I think they probably buy them in bulk I think we need to go trackside though everyone's ripping these cars but we gotta get some some hot laps hit that sound of the v8s and the beat beat ends I want to say b12 is gonna be 12 out here almost I almost became alive there we go five seventy coming in hot got the r8 headnote onto the track now [Music] [Music] it's gonna be action-packed can't wait till alex gets out there [Music] here comes sideways [Music] oh that would be the ride yo look who just showed up I'm late I know I'm sorry but I'm here slept in you're later than Choi I don't even know how that's possible mr. carb is got something done to the RA we gotta go check this out because I know it looks absolutely incredible ready you can introduce us let's do it all right so what did you do I just something to it it's right behind you okay I'm gonna come over and look one sec he's cut off do not give him any more redbull okay this is this is past wing guys past wing hey Luke you showed up oh good you went from one event to another event look at this you guys bro I get it the green shirt the green car the green wristband I love this thing holy it turned out so good and you did gloss black so he started blacking out the trim on the wheels we got a look at the wheels guys so a mere went with this is how closes this to be alien green if there's a way to get as close you can get burrow rap right I saw photos it looks really close oh man you killed it gloss black wheels now they were silver before if you guys didn't know gloss black wheels I know y'all more coming have a lot more coming in two weeks everything's ordered you're killing us I mean we liked actually teasing you a little bit about the stock RA now it's like it's gone you killed us yeah there's a lot of there's something very special coming to another 29th of this month yep guys stick around check out his channel you'll be able to see what's special happening to the RA now you killed it bro you killed it like are you guys giving karbas thumbs up I think so or or you you know there's always haters someone's gonna give you a little thumbs down someone who doesn't like green fair enough the audience but did we put the emblems on or did we leave it off oh I never even so they're not on right now so did does he put the Audi Rings back on the front or Daisy leave it clean okay but vote below below what's up guys so we just got here met a bunch of you guys super oh wait nevermind wrong camera cut it cut it cut it Reagan no intentions of killing her oh my gosh she's definitely seeing the videos we're gonna head out in the 488 we'll take all the footage from their in-car camera action they have cameras built into the cars here at exotics racing with an overlay of like your speed and all that sort of stuff so we'll cut to that right now and we're right we're driving in race mode which has a little bit of gift for the TC it does he asked that and and honestly with the this gives it a little bit more the turbos time to kick on a little bit sooner with the lack of the traction everyone's here watching you this guy looks like he's having fun oh yeah here oh he's great he's a professional Formula D driver so we'll break right here so on the right hand side is gonna be our first turning cone I like to go a little bit further where that that's all diamond comes in you're gonna hold this line stay to the left a little bit more to the left you're gonna feel the course and bring it over clip right look you got exit code on the Left we see that throw it'll make you able to lay over the right-hand side chef's there you go stay on and stay with it stay with it and break this cars quick we want to make sure cranky before release operator to get it start to squeeze the toggle making your way to the right-hand side of the track here we want a hard break stay right brake stay right stay right you're right ready getting so blunt you're looking at it traction control rolling starts to kick in until I want to get a little bit slower that way we can set the car and then squeeze onto the throttle through it good John stay right stay right stay right stay right stay right bring it in maybe definitely telling you run the drifting side hill right but why this let's be done on your fullest and exit on the right so start to unwind it to the right drop that right down squeeze the throttle there you go good job stay right stay right stay right Haggar then bring it over to the right unwinding it's less musical that's much faster good job reckon good let's emergency right don't forget it drastic on the theory sword a little bit no that's fine we'll just kind of play you're trying to make you can feel really springy then you can feel those turbos to get when the car becomes straighter Tori totally does and great stay right stay right stay right now smooth in and you're aiming for those cones to drop that right hand squeeze I thought oh there you go so next lap start squeezing on the front a little sooner squeeze out go go go right right right stay right stay right stay right that bring it over guys like are completely strippers right there we go yeah ice and then bring it over see how that the turbos start to engage a lot sooner from the left yet there you go start to unwind it's right it's squeezing that dog there you go full throttle left the inside great state left side let's bring it over flip right if I can teach you one thing my job inside there you go there we go right all right we're gonna pass on the outside good job that's you own you you've got to be honest I lost count break glasses right right good luck right right stay right stay right stay right put these rig bring it over hold the stuff side good job stay left stay left but it's sad forget over flip right a little bit there you go great job amazing what did you think of the car I love it it's it's fun you definitely have to change your driving style change the whole mentality of like learning how to drive on the traffic go fast you know and it is stiff right on so we're just gonna stay out to the right see I could have I could have just done that whole thing slower but like to see off and done it like one lap side which to me would have been I think just as fun it would be like a killer whoa that was insane took that 488 out and was just like spanking it you guys see me coming in in the 488 in the motor that was insane oh yeah it's because the brakes and the tires don't belong to me that's the best thing about coming here you guys the car ain't yours right Troy the bills on these cars if you wreck something are they smaller big thank you so coming here and paying a few hundred bucks and not having to worry about it and being able they take you to the limit yeah like I've never yeah like don't break and over again kept yelling at me I felt like a female Dave drifting time are you gonna take me on another car and drift it's a good drift car we could make it happen so something really cool about this charger gets murdered every single day and this you end up so to compensate for that they have the windshield wiper fluid connected to the oil cooler so the windshield wiper doesn't work anymore this they just pour water in here it sprays the oil cooler there's no wiggle diaper Andy come here look little mark the button to activate that got a little nice bottle right there No that's the button activated oil cooler how much do we like these guys joy these guys are awesome guys awesome that's work so we're going in this next yeah what I call the back seat because the back seat is actually much more fun when you're dressed yeah your are my driver all right what's your name you know Formula D drive arrest used to be used to be yeah well I hear it a Formula Vee started you need you need skills to be in that I've never made I've never made it there we go you guys cow hey send it wrong did you go in this I'm next oh you have no idea I'm going now I got my diaper on best customers you better bring him back all right we are in the hands of hero that is the name that's the name of the driver I want [Music] [Music] [Music] into the pit into the pits joy right Wow professional drivers are like something else yeah my cheeks hurt from smiling so much it's like smoky in here damn you brought it in smoking you guys I think I have no idea how to drive a car hey that's amazing thank you thank you I appreciate that insane don't know why kind of slows you down around the turns time to wish I went with the NA gt3 but it's not the charger huh oh yeah soccer charger 200 z yeah you're going on the charger right now oh I can't wait to see you in I'm last I'm less are you last at last well I'm gonna go get some water and eat my salad it's 1 o'clock and I've had nothing to eat except for two Red Bulls T tau T tau good luck Home Slice you ready for this here oh oh no we don't have your oh I mean you would we got on the bus the new driver boss the boss is taking he's gonna send it he's gonna send it right now the yeah I'd say the boss is sending it how was that Liz that is what's up right there you guys what did you think dude you're like why is the wind blowing my face through the passenger window how does that work are you ready for this I guess I am somehow I found a helmet I'm going for like the bonus ride I got the bonus round guys we're going with the boss hi guys I'm ready [Music] and say [Music] ready [Applause] where do you guys think well that was awesome that was amazing Wow you guys got to come here and try this it's only 80 bucks we heard we heard what he was saying like one of our big one of our biggest fans right yeah of course brand-new Tiger Slayer design from rock form so that the robot for shout out the rock form check mr. Chang second one goes to the lady all right guys that's a wrap here at exotics racing thanks for everybody who came out supported exotics racing in our event either did a hot lap in the drip car or picked up a supercar and did five laps or whatever amount of laps I did I know some people came out and drove up to three cars so super awesome great meeting everyone thanks for setting this all up with me and we're gonna do this again September 4th September 4th this location Irvine make sure you check it out there'll be more info on that event I will put links in description when they are ready hope you guys like the tire Slayer turned out beautiful I love it I love it look at this thing you gotta like orange but I like it check this out man they killed it they killed it the only thing left for me to do now is drive it which I'm about to do subscribe to the channel guys throw us a thumbs up on this video if you guys liked this content we'll see you in the next video peace oh my god knowing you [Music] name of the driver there you go
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 217,965
Rating: 4.9125872 out of 5
Keywords: Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, Exotics Racing, Exotics Racing Vegas, Exotics Racing Los Angeles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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