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what's up you guys welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotic you guys won't even believe this David found a Ferrari on a farm on our island dude let's go for this I can't even believe you found it we're helpful how much further just like literally around the block okay go I'm gonna follow you so Dave and I have been looking for like a project car probably for the better part of the last six months our goal was for it to be around $100,000 jay was calling around dealerships and everywhere local because we obviously have no access to anything in the u.s. right now you won't even believe what he found we've done a bit of verification and sure enough there is a Ferrari on this property actually a fairly modern one we're not talking about like a 50s multimillion-dollar for our it might be a bit rough around the edges but we're about to find out wow this place is crazy oh holy this [Music] no way no way you guys that is just fit Wow they got all sorts of cars in here look at this [Music] I can't even get over this oh this is amazing no way this guy's into everything norm yeah oh yeah but we can't do the handshake so we're gonna keep our social distancing Dave oh this is crazy bro Oh superbee look at this dude that color good in the McLaren I like the color this isn't straight-up Lambo color [Music] that's missing a critical piece here it's missing a critical piece so what do you do here norm like what's with all the cars I just fix on people wait mode I fix them that's what I do where'd you find this guy Internet do the Internet sounds legit Oh No kidding this is a full-on salt how come you know amazing everything's fixable except for Dave's last four three firewall right there that's how bad that was closed yeah guys head almost made a sort of freakin windshield no Dave the guy's head went through the windshield yeah that's from his head just hearing it okay moving on [Music] Wow this is the gym Oh 7777 this is two years older than me yeah look younger than you it actually runs oh yeah a little more air may be needed in the tires norm but that's why not a guy gosh forget another old Civic in here would not fit in that vehicle Don sit bete noire made a fit yes well that's crazy man made all my old mounts made everything hit the key done that's crazy yes 2,000 suspension in it so so low that you had to hold a gas tank over feel so low in the background [Music] what a beauty Singh runs that b20 I like it what you found more sort of Honda guy washing this video beyond the gates is Honda nation then it nation it's here in the woods on the bills dude you got a mini in the bushes Damon fryers first floor 84 Integra RS holy crap what we got over here you got a Civic with some back red wheels look at the wheels on that there the wheels on this car norm you are an interesting car collector my friend what what's this over here in the Cutlass blackberry edition movie are you selling everything for sale nothing finger wouldn't have them here Norm's are hoarder see there's a race car over here what I saw it I do I am all up-to-date so are some of the old cars that are up towards the rori guys we need to thank today's sponsor manscaped this is one of the coolest things we have ever had on the channel this is the lawn mower 3.0 if you're wondering what it does wonder no more your balls will thank you the boys in the comments might make fun of this but the men are gonna love it this is to trim your balls balls are now trimmed what's next well you've got the preserver ball deodorant keep it in your armpits guess what smells worse than your armpits yeah also you have a ball toner smell that Damon's it smells familiar okay so hose the new-and-improved perfect package 2.0 kit includes the new lawn mower trimmer as well as a ton of great add-ons to round out the perfect room experience for the modern man as a DD subscriber you will get 25% savings on your order instantly a new replacement blade refill for your lawn mower trimmer delivered to your door every three months making sure your trimmer stays fresh and clean for a limited time subscribers get not one but two free gifts the shed travel bag which is a $39 value as well as the patented high performance and heat chafing and boxer briefs the light you guys the light really doesn't work the DD fam special tip for you guys 20% off all this plus free shipping it's really easy no manscape calm promo code DD 20 make it happen don't be a boy be a man man up your balls I'll thank you I built that car 27 years ago and my kid in a flesh-eating disease your died oh yeah I'd never worked on it again engineer rights man Shana air suspension yep Lincoln's came out there like the quicker they went the lower they draw I wasn't born yet this thing is really cool Langton the widen offenders dubbed it it's fun it's got a wide body kit an air ride 31 Ford that looks cool that's that's like some old gangster Bonnie and Clyde Bonnie and Clyde there we go [Music] this for sale no there you go one car for sale not the end the black Ferrari I will get rid of that one because it's got way too much power for me with all the Corvette now I'm gonna make a nice seat it about at 66 Impala SS that's cool is that for sale no I'm really just here to sell the Ferrari are you into axe-throwing real quick ha this is crazy [Music] so obviously the Konami apartment for sale who talked in the phone you do have the Ferrari for sale the biggest thing we're curious about is no offense like doesn't really fit in where did you get that it's definitely unusual amongst your collection you know I'm always one of those type like you see on the TV it's like which one does belong about one no I don't want that Kirk where's he from I got a through an estate sale I don't have signed papers is a guy like but the bed before we got to sign it so we get insured somehow oh yeah you will sell that car why don't you want it cuz I don't want it is it run - it does run no we love that ran oh he'll be yesterday Oh with respect I noticed as a car cover in flame I go there is a car cover Norm's not much of a car cover guy put in there cuz it just fits what explain this cuz he told us something when we first met you had a whole bunch of Honda Fit so I was fixing yeah so I made up all these base for just fits on the fence that's actually pretty funny realities you'll sell this car this is the only car you'll sell it dad is you only without a price yet yeah uh you know probably whatever you want to pay oh I'm down with the pollen because we're daily driven exotics is there any body damage yeah you've got okay let's have a look at it I'm not seeing an immediate damage look how faded the center cap is that used to be yellow that used to be like the caliper the sunbeams in this baby huh mocked there's no light yep he should be at home the good news is is I heard the pump turn on when I open the door which means I obviously have some power something in here holy crap Dave it's the window sticker from the Ferrari dude this car was purchased brand new in San Antonio Texas really for a hundred and eighty seven thousand USD 2005 American car yes the American car will this or will this not start we're about to find out that's a good sign no plenty of how come all the lights are on ya ready give it a sec time to pump two major problems with every 430 regardless of an apple or 34 the Scuderia model exhaust manifold is like notorious for getting it cracking in and it will get at it so you're here my Scuderia had to manifold replacements and also the other thing we want to check is actually this theory you'll get this play in the steering rack because essentially the the column steering column itself or whatever you call it is made of three pieces so the three rods are basically like like this is a male and a female end I've seen it because I've had this also replaced in my Ferrari where they get they get sloppy and get playing them and then you get this really like almost like probably a couple of degree play before the wheels returned it makes it a nightmare to draw I had to get a fix to my car before I did a road trip much as that it was $12,000 no for real 12 grand because they have to take the entire dash out of the car to replace that call yeah a little bit I don't think it's got any play thirty-two thousand three hundred and forty three and a smile is an American car it's my almost fifty thousand kilometers so this cars been driven it's been driven a lot he's absolutely disgusting [Music] I'll tell you this much she's gonna want a lot of money for this car but there's toilet paper in it I'll tell you one thing my Scud doesn't have any of this stuff it's got this but it didn't have any of those other stuff like this is new tune whatever this is it's probably joules or something that's cool no whatever look I don't think norms gonna care it was really interesting what is this my car didn't have this and it's definitely Ferrari you can see the stamp right here play the stamp [Music] yeah that's amazing huh there's a Jackson Ferrari on anywhere that's his mija fact that this is its jack mija [Music] oh so extra fuses in only dude this is a Ferrari on it it's the og Ferrari parts look it's got the Ferrari screwdriver that's amazing everything everything is branded Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Emily needs a detailed look at all Illinois needles we'll put a bit of heat the engine give a little Rev yeah sound this is one of my favorite sounding Ferraris ever in fact I prefer the sound of an f430 over a scooter even and you guys want to know why the exhaust note is significantly different on this car you can get that oh like it that crazy kind of almost f1 sound at very low rpms and an F 430 Oh what sound really good sounds amazing bringing back memories [Music] holy crap what do you think oh that is nice luck Nattie's sock at all because the beer cans it sounds good it looks good too bro what's that arm Oh - I got a running this is it's it's interesting pitcher is clean no I mean there's a bit of a wall pegged it's all sticky well normal though right no it's sticky no it's normal for a 360 I was about to say I have no idea why this is all sticky these handles are all sticky and look around the key that's gross dude okay let's go for a little job springs back memories for our user elephant grow Jesus this driveway oh my god how cool is normally guys milk should be a character on DD done hours to build every car is like a hybrid like he cuts cars in half moving together they should in a second alarm [ __ ] I want to make sure that like the manettino and everything was a cool manettino be macchiato team maki Otto come on oh you can turn all the traction control off there the horses speaking of horses you want to see how many this has there was that laggy at 4:30 gearbox but still cool works why the difference between this car and the Scuderia is huge it's not just the aesthetics of a scud the scud actually has an e-diff and the gearbox was all tuned by in in conjunction with Michael Schumacher's law when he was still racing for Formula One for Ferrari so that car shifts significantly quicker than this car even in race mode verse verse works so brakes work reverse trucks windows what's up with the bus right here yeah in our PPI right now the book Jesus i watch how does through field over this train tissue it's not super tight but it's it's not bad I hate brandy were they they been British they're pretty tight dude it's a Ferrari it's tight I've had tighter okay we're not I'm not gonna go there I'm not touchin your jokes yeah chefs clean I like it I mean the question is what's it worth what do you think this thing's worth when norm says like what do you think it's bleeding fair no no we get on the internet look on auto trader yeah and see what's fair the reality is is is is losers we got to come up with what's fair what's fair to norm but what's also fair to lost because this car needs some work let's jump online and have a look what this thing's worth and we make Norman offer see what he's won the table what your changes his mind cuz that she looks happy right now you see what I started he walked I was like that sounds pretty good actually Wow you know I'll fight him cheapest fry in the country is won 125 is actually a fryer dealerships it's gonna have service records it's gonna have maintenance done it's gonna be like checked out that's all so yeah this cars a bit of a question I mean we drove it was fine but like I don't know yeah well it wasn't a barn hasn't driven in a year I can tell them like hey we've seen a couple for sale dealer records all about for 125 130 it's got steel brakes yeah because you could get this Carver ceramic all these caps are gonna need to be replaced so they're back to yell all this sticky stuff in the door handles so to get the intake manifolds are you done because it's all chipping in snow chicken I mean oh my gosh chicken it's legit a chicken where the Ferrari this was let's say if it was pristine 120 based on the mileage okay sure so let's knock off 20 ran because it's gonna need everything done interior pieces and all that is that fair or $20,000 it's all for let's offer him a v70 yeah so we like the car obviously needs a few things but I wanted to ask you again Mike do you know what you want for it I would like 100 grand for the car I would think it's worth that all day we were thinking like 80 it's because it's because this car has issues with exhaust manifolds what you don't know about power steering rack also it's a big question mark so I seen a few a lot like service records and all that but I just want to get into this card often get stuck with like a motor or whatever slate or you took a needy grand cash well I mean I YouTube [ __ ] [ __ ] you don't notice all that you want to buy the impeller OSHA's actually have a really cool idea for this car waiting to make sure make sense for our business so $85,000 I'll go pay right now go bang I'll get much cash as I can yeah okay done Oh nope can't do the headset virtual hands were still hashtag $85,000 thank you so much norm for your time today norm you're really awesome thanks for showing us around your your lot with all the cars in the history that you got going on here you're now the proud owner of a Ferrari f430 you're gonna paint this car because there was an estate deal how's that work the guy died I bought the property and got the car so technically I'm up 85 brands holy crap I was free isn't pretty you still have to tell me what your plan is with this I'm actually I'm gonna give this car away - episode you'll find out guys really yeah Dave's all about charity ya know you'll see you guys are you serious next video yeah straight up I know nothing about this thank you Dave I'm using I'm using my money in the company to pay for this car so this is all on me and I really wanna do for a long time and next video we're gonna do it eligible to get that car back [Music] [Music] he hypnotizes a chicken this one's walking around that one's hypnotized look it's not a movie what's happening here look at this you get up and walking away and it'll just stay there hey just give a little smack let's get up go what why does it stay like that just stupid
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 2,846,372
Rating: 4.8862534 out of 5
Id: dVV8vnwZvOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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