"MILK" Octodad Dadliest Catch - Ep 1

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hey do it's got weight welcome back to my channel so today I'm going to be playing a game called Octodad dadliest catch and this was actually recommended by you guys and it was on sale on Steam so I decided why not I've never played an Octodad before but I have seen it just ridiculously hard to control that's pretty much all I know about the game so let's just go ahead and get started Oh wedding great oh no he didn't show up he's just running late he's always late yeah am I gonna try to make it to the wedding oh great haha the wedding is starting are you ready gram oh my god he's adorable you're not even dressed make yourself presentable she's waiting for you Oh God all right so I'm gonna have to make myself presentable for my bride let's go ahead and move his arm clear the junk from the table get out of here junk get out of here remove the cushion okay so how let's see - left left click to grab all right get out of here how do I let go there we go all the cushions okay get off of my tentacle get out of here oh there's a key okay unlock the cabinet my bride-to-be is waiting for me hold right click and move the mouse or use a scroll wheel to raise your arm okay so let's see Oh God get in there how there we did it almost under Barry yeah yes no I got to open the cabinet come on after dad you can do this oh did not mean for that to happen hit in the middle mouse button or space bar to switch into leg mode Oh God holding the right mouse button will gradually lift your leg will gradually lift your leg all right let's get to the door we're gonna make Octodad go forward onward Oh get over there we go okay wait so let's good open that with my leg no oh jeez okay wait a minute there we go there we go and yay I got to die we did it one of three go out the door okay um raise our our arm there we go and find and wear your tux ah look at this oh no I'm gonna ruin the reception hole alright let's try to do this nicely no no sorry I'm tempted don't mind me where the heck the reception don't ruin the wedding I will hold my leg up to the sky where the heck is my tub was it in here ah I'm just knocking down all the chairs what is this button what is this button do where the heck is my tux let's hit this button really Oh party time you know I just forget about the weddings just forget about it Oh was this say something dressing something dressing room over here alright here we go go into the dressing room come on out so dad you are the deadliest catch don't keep your bride waiting oh there's the tux yes we found the tux get in here here we go and we go alright almost there just no just you know practicing my striptease on this texture tonight you know all right there we go thank God I didn't have to actually put my leg in one at a time okay let's grab this a key a mock the hall door and here we go where's the hall door and this door here is this looks like we need to unlock this let's get in there all right in you go key there we go all right find your bow tie Oh what I thought you already had a suit I mean I thought you already had it was it a tie why are you wearing bow ties oh no watch out for the bananas watch out for the bananas those it's a three congratulations to the happy couple why is there bananas around here who do that not slip don't slip bananas are our worst enemy get over there oh I slipped okay who would put those there let's go in right here okay okay oh why is the bowtie there all right let's let go this and here we go oh no dad okay let go of an object while moving your arm to hurl objects okay that's gonna be hard how am I supposed to hurl this oh well that worked out better than nice that worked out better than I thought let's switch and grab this I'll take that and thank you oh how do I put it on how do we put it on raise up our hand there we go all right yeah past the hall door let's get back over here what hall door event this way okay good good thing there's directions good thing there's directions I would not have made it why is there this gate door here what is this I thought it was a wedding hold right click and move your mouse or use the scroll rule to raise your okay so we already know that see this alright I have opened the door that door right up there get to the chapel formal attire only oh well oh here we go I'm coming I'm coming here comes honey leave gifts here okay I'm gonna go walk down this is gonna be so embarrassing why am i walking down the aisle it should be the bride Oh God wait let me grab white I need to grab my hat people are watching you if you make a mess you'll get suspicion get too much and you'll get caught what am i here I'm gonna need a top hat every groomsmen nice hat there we go we're gonna do this nicely I am a proper man there we go all right here we go I am so nervous he's sweating through the suit oh my god this is hard why your dad is here why is there bananas here in thought he was a lawyer we got this we got this we got we got this we got this just take it slow who won't put those bananas there get to your beautiful wife oh no here we go we can do this you got this you got this oh who put that there don't put that there I'm okay I'm okay we got this oh please please how much hairspray to dnews how much hairspray what oh all I made it I made it honey where's the best man what guess you'll have to get the ring yourself well where the heck is the ring lady where's the ring donde esta el ring where the heck is it where'd you put the ring sweetie where is it good to go oh sorry this is not going to be an abusive not going to be abusive where the heck is the ring have to go back and get the ring where is the ring there are a lot of locks and bars where why you know what maybe the ring is over here maybe it's over here maybe I don't have to go down see is it in here oh there it is I got it I got it that guy I got the ring you know what sweetie but you know what sweetie you know what you got yourself into you knew so handsome haha okay oh let's put this on her here you go honey honey that is a ginormous arene bracelet it's a ring bracelet we're deeply in love I am the deadliest catch kissing Brides now hey we're married young horses what is this Oh baby the people who made the game yeah we've got past the intro the morning after get to the kitchen get through the chopper can we turn this alarm off stop it okay well you know what let's get out of bed get out of bed no no here we go let's get on our feet early morning let's turn this alarm off shush please please please alarm alarm okay let's get to the kitchen maybe it's this way look at how I'm posing right here in this Victor I have kids I have kids and they're not octopuses that's weird she cheated on me all right here we go good morning morning kids okay so we have to not be suspicious let's not hit don't hit don't hit the kids ball we're trying to get good morning honey make some coffee okay wait a minute get up here oh oh oh oh God oh let's drop that let's put this put this coffee right here we go there we go I was stargazing last night while you were off and and I snapped a picture of some get in there wasn't what have you seen my salty hearts not was she talking about okay now I need to press the button but salty hearts what is she blabbering about their coffee done oh great looks like I'll have to bring her some milk and I tore him apart verbally there's milk in the fridge all right let's check this out Stacy honey I'm here drink your milk milk let me grab this for you I won't spill it I promise laughing there we go Oh give me that Oh we're spilling it everywhere reminder two weeks from now I'll be out of town okay there are the milk let's back it up where's the cups I sent a picture to the Inquisitor man oh geez okay we're the cops here we go we go yeah thank you oh you have to cup when I got that Cup we'll set it down and away it's here it's been flooded here we go let's grab the milk Jesus this is so hard get the milk okay here we go no no there we go I want them around let's walk over we go sit it back up and you're right no don't worry oh my gosh she's talking too much put this down get up there get up there and there there we go oh you might help me sweetie do you not realize you married I have to piss please this is so difficult for me please I'm gonna walk over here I'm walking over to the table maybe it'll be easier on the table that's down you know get air bring the milk over and then grab it there we go no go back and walk over here I need to fix a cup how am I gonna do this get in there get in there okay I'm gonna let go oh my gosh this is impossible get up there amen amen set it down just that it there's not much I can do it's just that good Stacey come get your own milk get your own big milk okay what if we raise it up high high into the sky and we'll set it down quick nope it's not working I can't freaking oh I almost had it can't do this get up get in there what the heck you know maybe we should just put on the floor we put on the floor Oh God for real like I cannot okay now maybe we can put it on the table I can't get it up straight oh gentle gentle I can get it the opposite way but I can't okay let's try this again oh it's almost there almost there bring the milk to Stacey I don't have to give her the cup Here I am trying to be a proper dad stupid Cup run a giver I'm just gonna this is where's milk where did the mail go this is coffee no here it is okay it's making things way more difficult than they had to be honey pour milk into her cup okay hello sweetie that is here to give you some milk you know I just cleaned it last night okay okay listen lady I'm an octopus you try oh there we go oh geez okay let go of the milk I'll just bring the milk back to the kitchen you know because we did clean oh my god stuff is falling apart now my leg my octopus leg caught coming let me put this milk back there you go honey you can pick that up oh thank you for making it easier for me well thank you I'll just yummy Oh God go out to the backyard oh my gosh all right Wow look but come just why did I make it so difficult let's go out to the backyard oh great grass to mow weeds to pull with the chops and don't forget to make burgers for lunch Wow she has a list of stuff for us to do why am I even in a suit and tie so dear guys and we will continue to do the backyard activities next time I play let me know if you guys enjoyed this episode by leaving a comment below or in like if you really enjoyed the video and if you're not subscribed please subscribe but thank you guys so much I think I'm just like all thank you all later
Channel: iHasCupquake
Views: 4,708,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octodad, dadliest catch, dadliest, catch, octo, dad, fun, funny, game, gamer, games, gaming, indie, girl, milk, ep1, octopus, random, silly
Id: 7p5bQjjq_rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 06 2014
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