Screw The Nether | RLCraft Hardcore Ep. 28

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hi everybody i just realized that now that i've switched my keyboard over to the new logitech we're not actually gonna this is really topical because zine and pete were just talking about the the start of stream click sound that has become iconic and i just realized that's not going to be there anymore oh no my brand my brand i'm so sorry everybody if you're going to be missing the the click um oh geez well anyway welcome back to another episode of rl craft brought to you by our sponsor mc pro hosting also logitech i suppose in astros uh if you want to grab a server to play maybe rl craft with your friends you should go to the link in the description code captain sparkles at mc pro hosting it's pretty sweet and um yeah make sure to like the vid sub to captainsparkles2 hit the bell turn on notifications check the playlist and um yeah all that good stuff and things um okay so today we're gonna see if we can fight raj of art and maybe die maybe not die i don't know we'll find out i was a little scared after the caco demon last time caused us to get real close to death um but anyway so hey look this is pretty cool our wild berry wine is up to 1.0 bro let's go dude let's go that's so big we're maxed on the wild berries come on i could now use this to seed all of the wild berry barrels with 1.00 which will be good and then from there now we can just kind of start like cranking these dude oh wait what the few yeah oh what's that 0.62 doing in there that's actually gross bro ugh who would subject themselves to so i should just throw that bro 0.62 okay anyway do we have any more yeah we should probably make some more and now we can just kind of start cranking this out and uh get to enjoy the fruits of our labor dude let's go let's go anyway musically suede with four oh no i i freaking already read both of those i don't know why i had a brain fart there for a moment anyway i'm so focused on being nervous about dying today that that's that's what's gone wrong is that i just i can't keep anything straight while i'm worried about death is really all there is to it so um let's just get all of these seated and actually this oh look at these they're now like autumn colored and stuff crazy uh well this maxes out a little bit hopefully ingo with 27 months oh my god 27 months of pog champion reminder to hydrate and stretch stretching i don't do that hydrating is yeah it's debatable you may or may not want to drink water it's kind of whatever it is you know it's not a big deal you can go like three days without it before it starts being a thing where you might die so you know it is is what it is dude it is what it is okay i i got like i've got like a this is probably gonna be like a slightly an unpopular um take but i'm i have to ask okay regarding the hydration thing all right when i was growing up like there wasn't this dramatic concern about me like dying from dehydration every day and like no one was just like are you sure you've had enough water to drink jared like i didn't bring water bottles to school they were drinking fountains if i was thirsty go to a drinking fountain but like there was no overwhelming concern present on social media about like you're gonna die if you haven't had a big gallon jug of water with you today and i'm like it just it seems like there's a lot of um you know concern over have you made sure you've had enough water are you okay and i just feel like you know if you're thirsty you can drink water i don't know i don't think there's a need to like force water upon yourself if you're not feeling thirsty your body will like will tell you if you're feeling thirsty and then and then you can drink that's that's how i kind of view it but i don't know maybe i'm totally off base here man yeah hey you know just drink some wild berry wine or something like that i threw the wrong thing in there and if you're thirsty have some of the captain sparkles distillery wild berry wine that's now in 1.0 legendary quality okay um but but anyway so all i'm saying is i don't know no one was like terribly concerned for my well-being of water consumption and i managed to survive and i was like i'm good because i knew that if there was only there's actually only been one time in my life where i really needed water and i this is gonna sound really bad for my mom uh we were at oh god what was it like her 30-year high school reunion or something like that and i was like really thirsty uh and i'm like mom i'm super thirsty can we can we get lisa like this is unpleasant i really need something to drink and and she was like just hold on i've got some friends to speak to and i'm like but mama really like i'm genuinely super duper freaking i'm really thirsty mom can you please i'd like to get some water and so in that moment i knew that i needed water but i wasn't being provided with water and that in that case was an issue and the fact that i still remember that to this day means holy heck i was thirsty and that's only happened once so to my mom's credit she's only risked dehydration on me one time out of a lot of days that i was under her roof so [Laughter] but again it proves the point that i knew when i was thirsty and i knew that water was required so your body will usually tell you yeah anyway um dawn ringer thank you for the two of the bits the theory is if you're feeling thirsty you're already dehydrated that i don't i don't know but that would be just poor programming and adaptation on behalf of of our body to only to only be like hey you should get water when you're already dead you just feel fine up until you're basically dead kind of defeat the purpose of the whole thing um but anyway so someone was saying that the uh it would be good to get a sin pendant i guess or something so maybe i'll make a synthetic i don't what would it replace though that's what i'm concerned about because we need this while we're in the nether this is important um for hyperthermia and all that stuff uh this is probably pretty important because everyone's been like this is important um double resistance very important it may be just be the poison the poison stone would probably be oh replace the tool belt that could work potentially that could work yeah you're right i probably am not going to need to be swapping so yeah yeah yeah we could replace the tool belt as long as we get we got to get undying on this basically and stuff um this is rough though because it is going to use both of my gapples which could be good for the fight but i guess we'll be fine with our wine and our wild berry and our battle burrito and stuff like that so i guess it'll be what it be um yeah poison sound important otherwise and venom to viper damage nose dive exactly exactly dude that's what i was thinking that's what i was thinking um okay so cake i need to get some milk do i have any sugar and do i have any eggies i oh i do not have eggies wait unless did i put eggies in the mob drop chest which actually would make sense because that's something i would do uh oh uh oh i know how any eggies can you can you use the dragon egg instead the most valuable gourmet cake in the world yeah well how do i not i actually not have any eggs bro that's kind of ridiculous and where where am i going to find said eggies wait are eggs in the orchest how could i why would you think eggs are in the orchest why would you think that eggs are in the orchard where where are the chickens where are their eggs why are there no chickens and eggs around here this is ridiculous anyway okay i'm gonna wait can i already oh i literally already have a sin pendant how how exciting okay and then the gluttony pendant goes so the gluttony pendant is basically just a better syn pendant or no the sin pendant okay that's a crafting component so it basically gives you different huh so the gluttony pendant though is that a good idea because it's when you eat but i suppose what i actually you know what i could do probably is if i eat and then i battle burrito or sorry if i eat and then i whine will it extend this or is this in a different category than potion effects i just like is sinful a potion effect that can be extended and therefore i could just um okay gluttony pendant is for instant and one okay so wine wine works with it got it got it got it okay then in that case i guess this is a good thing to do and it can also do the wrath pendant um which gives plus stuff after you deal a critical hit which is kind of cool um you know what i'm going to end up doing though with with this as i'm going to end up 100 forgetting that i have it and then as a result i am going to eat my entire stack of battle burritos i want to check if this when you craft it um i want to see if it retains its attribute but i need to get the cake first so i want to see if it'll retain the three percent because now it'll be cheaper probably to actually it might reforge with the uh silt regardless so um okay cool well we need to find a chickens guys where do you think chickens would be located if i were a chicken where would i go oh you know it's actually a an absolutely sick idea right now you know what's an absolutely sick idea that i kind of want to try right now which would be so cool is i want to try using wine to extend a mending potion so that i can just passively as i'm walking around trying to find chickens heal up my armor that's kind of a dope idea you know you know i think that's kind of exciting about it all right we'll see okay hold on do i i think i have i think i actually have yes i have a mending potion conveniently still here i kept it for this very reason um also [Music] i feel like okay you do we do have a lot of good wine do a lot of good oh my god look at this stuff go look at it go look at it look at all this this is insane um i'm gonna let me go get some more well let's start this up and while we do this i'm gonna go harvest up some more wine all right so now check this out check this out wait actually if i do this no three minutes of repairing and we can keep extending it and also can i up the level of repairing i can oh my god dude what i can up the level of repairing are you kidding this is insane can we go repairing four no okay that's the most i can go that's actually crazy though that's actually sick okay so now basically all i have to do is kind of monitor when that is running down and then i can just drink some more wine extend it for another minute oh there i'm actually not even gonna have that need to have that much wine this is just it's just zooming dude or 330 and then 333 hold on if i hold my pickaxe it'll also repair my pickaxe and my shield i'm pretty sure at the same time is it doing my shield 989 992 uh and then this is also getting holy heck this is so sick i'm just gonna do this there we go and we'll just grab some more grapes oh my god this is nuts bro this is nuts also i love a good bit of uh fire resistance three that's always you know pretty pretty good no sense in only having fire resistance one when you can have fire resistance three bro this oh my god wait this is like actually this could be the way this could straight up be the way like we don't even need mending and we don't even need this to use levels like we can just straight up do this and we can repair everything like all the way that's so nuts i wish that i could oh wait i can hold the i can actually farm with the pickaxe in my hand are you kidding oh my god we got three more minutes of this three more minutes for just everything the shield the freaking wait actually you know what i should do it's even more important i should take this boy here and i should regen that all the way up this is crazy this is crazy dude okay oh my god and now we're getting all the new grapes i could just honestly i could just run laps around here for the entirety of the episode and just stock up on grapes as much as we wanted make sure you're liking for big brain plays of mending all of our stuff without actually having to spend any levels on it or get any mending enchantments holy heck and that's almost back up take a little while look yeah we're making progress dude swab the mending potion i should probably do yeah that'd be a good idea be a huge idea and then we can just extend it a little bit extended two more minutes yeah why not dad why not bro wine is op as heck like you can just keep it going you just keep it going bro oh my god so basically we're going to need to eat basically we eat the battle burrito right we just mochi crunch on the battle burrito and then we don't hold right click for too long otherwise we'll eat the whole stack with the gluttony pendant and then we get to wine in order to keep all of the attributes that it gives permanently and yeah oh my god okay i mean we're basically we're going to be as powerful as one can be when it comes to fighting raj of art rajavar more like rajo fart is what i'm gonna make him look like because i'm gonna be so powerful it yeah okay that looks that looks pretty good there okay cool good one thanks dude i worked on that one for a while let's go um and jobo danger thank you for the sub achille with two months of savage love your vids cat much appreciated dude nat with 18 months of summage pretty sweet dude all right god repairing three it just oh that's good that's good it's sorted wait where am i there let's get that going put that back in put that back on there now we don't have to worry it would just look bad having a little bit of dura missing you know i don't even i think that's it i don't think we need to add any more wine to the whole thing i think we're pretty good that remaining two minutes and 50 seconds is gonna be enough oh my goodness what an incredible what an incredible thing we've managed to accomplish here what an incredible thing oh except now i'm gonna lose my shield this is kind of unfortunate as soon as i click on this with the glass bottles i'm gonna lose my shield but yeah i also put a region oh yeah yeah see that's true uh actually no that's not necessary because the the battle burrito gives us um regeneration so we do not we do not need to do that um e so um yeah that'll cover the regen ring it won't make a difference on us um okay very sweet and now [Music] let's get all this god dang why are you like this frick you're sup ah so annoying i guess i don't need my shield to go like all the way up but also why are you so annoying i put in i put in the grapes i put in the grapes why are you like this i put 31 grapes in no really oh god did i really do that there's gonna be one grape left over now oh heck hey i need to put i need to hold my pickaxe hold the pickaxe now there's one drape i got it ah i am forever going to be one grape short this is terrible oh whatever it is what it is ah my battle burrito okay we're still preparing for 30 more seconds uh should i extend it i'm gonna extend it once more i'm gonna extend it once more let's just do that might as well once we have the attributes we might as well are we go and we're dude we're back up to full let's go that's so big i am um i'm a whopping inebriated level three right now but thanks to thanks to our ank shield we don't feel a thing okay actually i'll just do that you have drank like five bottles of wine yeah well i'll tell you we've really i've managed to really reinforce my liver here with the onc shield little did you know the onshield actually it like it fuses with your liver and provides you with an extreme coating that prevents all forms of liver damage it's very cool all right and now we grab all this stuff we look at this go look at it go and now we don't need nearly as much wild berry wine as we need um standard wine so this might kind of cover it for now how are we doing on glass we need to make more bottles probably do we want to keep it going do we want to keep it going let's keep it going let's keep it going dude i want to drink another i'm going to drink another hey i'm not even inebriated anymore so that's convenient right um okay so now let's sleep it off valley 1109 thank you for the four months first time subbing on my own instead of gifts let's go man chad hit you with a happy september long before september even started or happy september did i say september it is september but it's september and september so all right we're inebriated for another seven minutes lovely great we love it uh okay cool so now we need to all we need to do is freaking why is cake the hardest part of this entire thing that's what i want to know okay so i need to find a cow and i need to get lots of milk and then i need to find a chicken that will donate its eggs to me lv travis thank you for one year dude and squish deer thank you for gifting a sub we got another happy september moment right there that's super cool dude cake is really hard to make to be fair it really is isn't it it's like unfair dude i can't believe cake would be that way uh how much glass we got let's just turn all of our glass into more bottles here yeah cool all right if i were a cow or a chicken where would i be i should just go check some of the villages that we've been to probably maybe that are nearby that don't cost any levels because we're pretty low on levels um lobster bait thank you for the 19 months crazy indeed dude absolutely insane so crazy bro trade with farmer wait can farmers sell eggs farmers can't sell eggs can they oh farmer sells cake at expert level oh all right i'm down i'm down to give it a try let's see have we any farmers around here actually would it would it still be called a farmer here or would it be something else also by the way uh subject pe is there anything else to be like should we put subject pe and venom two try to find fire edge should we try to do like a full max out on the nunchucks before we fight rajov art i mean i feel like there's always gonna be something else i could do whether it's getting advanced protection four on everything you know there's a million things that could probably be done it's just a matter of like we gotta we gotta pick a time we gotta freaking yolo it because yeah but anyway anyway i should get i should get some more grapes from here yeah just you know let's harvest let's harvest some more we we've expanded the uh captain sparkles distillery now has um some sister locations where we grow a variety of different grapes still the same incredible 1.0 quality but from just varying vines it gives it some some different aromas and whatever other fancy terms are used to describe wine that i still can't tell if they're actually like legit or if it's just all made up to make certain wines sound fancy but i learned what the term vintage meant back when i took a trip to napa in may for driving and i ended up at the last dinner i was sat next to a guy who is a wine journalist and i was like asking him all these questions about how wine worked and and then he used the term vintage and i was like i've heard that term before but i don't know what it means what does it mean it's like that's just the year that the wine was bottled that's all i was like oh that's a lot simpler than i thought it was gonna be um uh but anyway it was interesting even if it hasn't made me like interested in consuming more wine i'm not really a big wine guy but um it was interesting like to i'd never met someone who was a wine journalist so it seems like you'd be a pretty good gig truthfully to like go around and see if you like wine dude to be able to like go around sample wine and write about it does it get much better than that i don't think it does so heck yeah um but he he knew a lot about the wines and the wineries and and the stuff like that bro so i was like oh this is fascinating very very fascinating all right well we've um we've run out of our stuff so we're no longer mending but shields almost back up to full this thing got some serious durabac on it and everything is good oh you know what i haven't done yet the people probably been waiting on i have not tested my omega bow you guys want to see me test my omega bow what why in no fire my quiver what wrong with my quiver what the frick is wrong with you ammo what passively supplies arrows to using bows or longbows what's wrong with you turn on quick it says ammo collect disabled but ammo collect enabled did you turn your quiver on what the what the frick how do i turn on a quiver that doesn't even make sense i needed i needed to charge my quiver uh oh it's gonna be on your back oh bro that actually that's big suck guess we're not using a quiver then huh um okay yeah that's not that's not good we don't we don't want that okay that was that's pretty cool what about um what about these mans over here what about these boys spawning from the desert temple where did they go yellow why did you disappear i just they were like that bow does not look fun i don't want to mess with that oh god um hmm test on a dragon oh i don't know is that a good idea to do to test on a dragon what about you i just decimated both of them in one fell swoop wowie zowie don't worry yale i would never i would never hurt you because you're nice and you're so cool don't i have infinity not anymore because we wanted to apply strafe and that isn't compatible with infiniti so we have arrow recovery which means if you hit a mob it has like less of a chance of actually going through your arrows so um yeah but i might want to make some more arrows we'll see before we actually go fight but also though i like i don't know i don't know what we're actually gonna do i feel like once we do a strategy we kind of gotta stick to it um because if i start far away and using my arrows and then if i try to run in i feel like i'll probably run into trouble whereas if i just start in and and just start swinging on these i don't know i feel like we should just go we should just go schwangen also do we have i feel like i'm not seeing any farmers here huh do we have any farmers over at jaglorik um oh i could eat chupacabra meat for extra leech oh oh that's big smart mans okay so not you not you not you what does the farmer look like oh man it's another uh another location sister location of the captain sparkles beautiful winery distillery i feel compelled to pick the grapes but i'm gonna try to resist they have hats do they know [Music] bo means no life leech oh right so i will get life leech if i'm close up and swinging bro where the frick are farmers honestly probably just be quicker for me to like find some chickens and just hope that one of them lays an egg eventually also i've probably not been paying attention to where are any cows so is there one at the greenhouse though is there do they actually chill in there nope nobody in the greenhouse what are you guys doing somebody's got a farm around here how do you all eat what the frick um oh are you my mans no you are not my mans where is my man's frick let's see or make a pride pendant and wine it and then you just don't get the ins to eat um let's see i could do that i could do that yeah well at full health and then i just whine it yeah yeah i mean that might be quicker that way we don't have to wait a whole bunch of time and we'll still get the whole buff for the entire time so yee the sole reason you can't find a farmer is because you want one probably not wrong wait quiver has to be in your hotbar let me see that does do it that wait what no huh what why do what i don't like that that gets rid of your shield wait that's terrible quivers are the worst quivers of the worst thing i've ever seen in my life why would anybody use this holy heck it's so bad that's terrible what what the what the heck also where did my i could've sworn i had some cobblestone in my inventory um you can't shield while you well i oh that is true that is true but then does it swap back does it swap back afterwards oh it does swap okay yeah it does swap okay okay you're that's fair that's fair that's fair it's not necessarily bad all right well maybe i'll just make the i'll just make the other pendant potentially okay okay you guys got me there help me thank you for the tier two at 30 months it's a lot of big months dude and then also five sub gifts on top of that from hell me my man's popping off happy september everybody super duper swick okay so pride pendant it is we're just gonna we're just gonna go that way and then hey you know what i can i can actually use the gapples in the fight if i if i wanted to so might not be the worst idea after all um okay so that was the scarlite plus some gold i think right cool and um there we go plus two max health okay so we're going for undying now come on okay come on come on frick don't make me regret this don't make me regret uh should we just stick with this instead of the additional oh god i don't know if i should go for undying because spectral silt spectral silt is not easy to come by um oh geez keep it oh my god it's so it's so hard to know what i should do here dude so hard to know just keep all right well let me see if is there anything else that i could juice right now i can juice runes which is a major major oversight on my part to not have been juicing all the runes that i come or uh yeah not keep all the runes that i've been coming by and and yeah anyway it's just oh what am i doing i can juice all these though i'm pretty sure all right so i can do that juice juice can i juice no i can't juice you what the frick what the frick are you doing um can i juice the extra mirrors good call good call i don't think you can because i'm i think they're craftable but maybe also not at the same time let's see oh i can juice the mirrors nice cool is there anything else juiceable in here i'm not sure that there is okay well at least on the other hand we can still um get another attribute on this boy um i guess attack speed would be good here let's see [Music] we are going to do this i mean 8 attack damage not bad so then i would basically i just take off the tool belt which is fine because we're not gonna need to swap that in the middle of battle max iron skin or bow draw speed in the level up menu oh boy okay let's see max iron skin is costs 37 levels i'm gonna i can't i'm gonna go through all everything oof and that's uh five percent damage reduction per level or do it worth oh my god dude i'm gonna have to hit up an advanced battle tower i mean if that's what you want i'll have to head back to the advanced battle tower die or upgrade iron skin okay and arrows or bow draw speed if you die you can't yeah i know i have tomes but i also gotta do holy frick dude okay here's the idea let me start off by maybe maxing this and getting envenomed to fiery edge 2 and um a subject pe maybe i i might have the money to get subject pe potentially let me do that if we're trying to optimize here i guess there will always be more optimizations that can be made but we are out here we are out here indeed max out weapon then get more levels i guess it would make sense to max out the weapon first now wouldn't it yeah that's true um okay so yeah cool i'm gonna oh boy it's gonna be a heck of a time also though oh god in the rahovart fight would i want to use this because if i have this then i get an extra undying versus just the shield do i risk it breaking though i guess i could carry both shields and i could swap out if needed but it's a little scary dude we're gonna have to react so fast and stuff i just i don't know i don't know but anyway okay i you know what i could do though that would get us a lot of levels is to grab a lot of books and trade with some of our our boys actually not levels more just emeralds so that we can afford subject pe just do a lot of trading with our known librarians oh okay that's all that's all you have in stock that's not that much bro come on do better okay now i can't remember if there i don't think there's any librarians oh no no no no there are librarians that you gloria yeah yeah yeah yeah i forgot that there is a whole library or is there or wait was it just cartographers in the library though were they fake were they posers i forgot were you a poser you're a poser that's so stupid um what about what about my man's up here you a poser you're a freaking poser too you were all posers oh my god bro why why do i even shut the door for you okay that didn't work that didn't work at all but that's fine we'll go to subject pe they would be trapped if they were librarians uh no they'd be trapped if they were librarians with decent trades but they're not that you know what i can do i can do this and i can add a trapdoor to my boy so my boy yep that's the wrong way i'm just gonna break it this way this is fine i'm too lazy to swap this my boy now can get a little bit of light look i've upgraded your home isn't that so exciting i think it's pretty god that's so expensive holy frick how many subject pe's do we have it's subject or what level it goes up to five oh my god what the frick dude it's a freaking five it goes up to five ah what am i gonna do there's no way i have to buy eight to eight of them eight of them no freaking shot dude that's insanity um oh my lord what am i gonna what am i gonna do about that what am i gonna do about that are you a librarian i can't remember nope of course not otherwise you would be trapped just by 16 i can't afford 16. that's why i can't i can't afford eight that's why i'm like oh my god that's so many because i can't afford it uh yeah yeah dump lava on cartographers become evil okay so how much would it cost to go through like how much how much would it be that's like three books right it's four basically i can afford four right now i can afford four books question though actually if i buy a subject pe will you restunk your book trade and then i can get a whopping seven more emeralds yeah yeah yeah restunk the book tray there we go that's what i love yeah seven more emeralds let's go bro you're so popping off right now dude you're so popping off that's such a deal you're just so full of deals how how are you so full of deals um oh turn into zombie and do all that that's subject pe 3 which is probably like pretty good in its own right i bet i bet it's pretty good in its own right okay and then yeah my man my man keep it rolling keep it rolling let's go let's go big maneuvers up to 28 emeralds there we go what are we up to we got a walking i could do two more and then we get up to subject pe four for some high quality physical education yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go there we go my man he do be jamming though yeah he really do be jamming okay and then a little bit more oh oh you can do more oh oh you can do more oh man's now now you got them serious like you got them serious stonks okay okay there he oh that's it that's all we get never mind that's all she wrote and then another subject physical education we are now up to subject pe4 now i me i simply need to double that that's all guys just double it and then and then we'll have subject pe5 easy that's all just yeah you guys think subject pe 4 is like probably good enough it's probably good enough right we think yeah it's it's probably good enough it's not good enough the min maxer in me says that is terrible and it will not stand um okay cool swick great um let's see well i guess let's should we combine these maybe we should combine these all right now you know let's just grab this what level will we be it will be this okay and then i will get these and i will combine and then i will get these and i do not have enough levels in order to combine so i will just waste levels and do these and then do these great cool another tome bites the dust so uh uh should i i guess big question big old question though should i just settle or should i go all the way hmm it's fine because if he dies we can just blame subject pe4 right i know that makes sense it doesn't make sense cool okay so in venom do we had somewhere i know no there's some venom too okay so we're gonna need that plus that plus um one other thing i don't know um all right fiery edge alduin's main thank you for the 29 months hi cap have you ever thought of how traffic is the politics of cars i have no idea what that means i hate i'm sorry i i hate to say but i don't i don't get it um anywho um okay look up diamond arrow okay what does a diamond arrow do base damage three but is that oh that's spartan weaponry oh my god oh my god just straight up using diamonds on arrows jesus versus regular arrow which doesn't really have a base damage um is it okay wooden arrow base damage one okay holy heck though dude like how much extra damage does this do dragon ball dragon bone arrow yeah i mean wha where where does it tell us that dragon bone arrow is that's from ice and fire and it doesn't really give us any information as far as like if it's better or not so um i don't know i don't know that's gonna be hard to tell all right well how about we do a little bit of cycling and see if we can find some fiery edge perhaps that's the wrong edge but it is an edge nonetheless um okay i'm gonna put these there our big boy bobbles and then let me see let me see let me see what are we going to do what are we going to do we are going to do i want to throw these into there and then we are going to uh uh in some books and then we hope that we can get fiery edge fingers crossed fingers crossed all right fiery edge where is my fiery edge give it to me show me the fiery edge please that's another show me two edges so far none of them fiery wrong looting wrong dude fiery edge fiery edge wrong thing frick blessed how are there so many edges and none of them are fiery unbelievable no nope you've got all of these edges and yet you will not let any of them have fire what the frick i thought i put a book in you piece of garbage god dang it now i have to make new gold freaking nunchucks what an idiot what an idiot um this is fine they're not expensive i love putting string in my food chest mmm delicious string i mean who hasn't had a hair in their throat every now and again you know i haven't lived until deal with that um okey-dokey so let's try we got all that anything good here purging blade nope okay cool not anything great why are you like this fi oh fiery edge let's go okay please please be fiery edge on top please be fiery edge on top um god if it's not fire edge on top then it's a loss it's a complete and utter disastrous loss okay come on yes let's freaking go we got him we got him come on dude all right um hi grady raid folks what's up welcome glad to have you um ivory rose thank you for gifting a sub very generous much appreciated dude super duper cool all right so i can't i can't remember i can't remember where we were at on our because we had just done we just done upgraded potentials but then i can't remember how we applied the enchantments to this after the fact and also is there anything else to um is there anything else that we would even need to apply you got in venom subject pe fiery edge two like i think these things i can't think of anything else that needs to be applied to these is is there anything else like it's pretty much they just absolutely they go hard in the paint you know oh perry remember right where was our parry we had perry somewhere where did i put you where did i put the perry oh wait i put it downstairs that's where i put it in the other chest um okay we had perry um we don't care about infinity okay um and no roon piercing is on these bad boys okay cool that's pretty much like that's pretty much it right so i can't remember though if we need to like how much that's 23. that's 23. that's going to be 19. now it's going to be 17. so i think we had applied oh god i don't remember oh you can apply rune piercing on weapons as well huh great i can't i can't do it all i can't do all the stuff do i have ash destroyer no what does ash destroyer do there's five levels of it deals extra damage if the enemy is on fire doesn't that conflict with like sharpness or something like that i'm pretty sure ash destroyer 3 has a whole sub debate about it wait why would you do three instead of five that doesn't make a bunch of sense do not get ash destroyer oh oh there there is some controversy we okay um and it does conflict with one of my enchants okay okay makes sense makes sense cool so then we would stick with these boys we would stick with these boys don't get ash destroyer cool cool awesome the only thing would be the the other the rune piercing whatnot but then i'd have to go through 50 million other bows where i'd have to find a dude um fun fact if you drink potion of wing you can fly around like in creative mode um what is potion of wing why why is there what the frick is this why are you like that why don't you show me what i'm looking for this is the worst thing uh hashtag hashtag potion of wing wing that actually worked no wait no it didn't work potion of transformation um [Music] potion of wayne um i'm pretty sure that's already that's a pill that you can buy um oh potion of flight potion of flight ah okay potion of wings flight three minutes oh pixie dust how does one get pixie dust i don't know how one gets pixie dust i'm not sure where that comes from oh you just slay pixies ah pixie in a jar pixie dust comes from slaying pixies two types of pixie dust you need the one from the pixies in the flower forest got it not ice and is that the ones that are over in the purple biome area where the bookworm was is that those if i just slay them i'll i can fly forever because that's kind of that'd be kind of cray-cray though that'd be kind of cray-cray oh no not those ah okay so different ones um definitely used for lost cities not the pixies from the little villages okay understood then i have no idea where they are okay so here's the thing that i'm having difficulty with i don't remember i don't remember where i i held off on this i don't remember what the last enchant was that i did here and um so i'm debating whether i combine all four books or if i could do a two and two just merge all the books you think all right i'll just freaking merge all the books based on what is most and least expenses that's 23 23 19 17. all right so these two will go together and then these two will go together i'm just going to rock with subject pe 4 instead of 5 and this way you guys can you get to blame me and not having subject pe5 if i lose so great that works that works cool okay so that's gonna cost eight and then that's gonna cost four and then that's gonna cost eight and then this is probably going to be too expensive it is but that's okay because we've already used upgrade potentials which is good um but we have tomes and we can use them all because i'm probably gonna need to yep this is gonna be great fun frick off [Applause] here goes all of my tomes we're definitely not getting uh the the level five subject pe i'll tell you that much this is gonna be these are gonna be our maxed out boys but that's okay because if we do survive eventually we work towards the sentient scythe anyway and then we hopefully win so all right will 46 levels be enough it will be enough let's go easy game easy life dude okay child's play only 40 levels let's go oh upgraded potentials locks the max enchantment to 40. no way dude so it's always just going to be 40 permanently for anything that reads too expensive seriously that's that would be crazy bro if it was actually that would be insane um anyway okay i'll be gnarly that'd be omega gnarly um dragon bone arrow does more damage than regular arrows but it only works with dragon bone bow well it's a good thing we have a dragon bone bow that we're using here so maybe that is a good idea dragon arrow um and then it wither bone oh wither bone shard oh that could be more difficult to come by though let me see how many i have a whopping one wither bone and a whopping seven wither bones um yeah okay i don't have a lot of that on the other hand diamond arrow it um removes the need for me to farm flint do i have many feathers though uh not a lot not a whole lot of those not a whole lot of them at all um chicken farm time i carumba plap 12. thank you for the sub much appreciated pretty swick oh yeah no i'm not worried about the diamonds i i can i can throw diamonds at the at the problem but um for now i'll leave an error or leave one feather just in case we need it and then i'll we'll just i'll we'll make we'll make we'll make some okay we'll make a few here we go what are you doing right you actually care about that cool okay there we go folks these better be these better be mega pog maybe make wine arrows mmm delicious delicious okay so we do that and then we do that something sounds very loud out there what is that is that a hippogriff oh it's a rock hey bud sorry about this i know a friend of yours but you can't do that okay cool cool i feel like we're pretty good i mean the only thing that we're missing obviously is like advanced sharpness but we're just we're just not gonna get there before hand it's just it's just not in the cards for us so you know if i die you can blame the fact that i don't have um that i i don't have the stuff for that the advanced protection but you know you can blame that the unfortunate part is that you cannot use the magic mirror while you're in the nether so i'm basically going to have to have a way stone on like quick quick summons oh wait but you can't place down blocks inside of the rajov art arena can you i don't think you can um oh upgrade iron skin okay you guys want me to fine we'll go to the advanced battle tower i just don't know where the place is that had it i didn't wanna but okay that's not what i wanted to do uh a warp scroll warp scroll huh wait this is oh advanced battle tower i don't remember wait is that just in jigglia no no that's actually kind of nearby isn't it okay so i can go that way um all right all right let me see warp scroll let me see wharf scroll warp scroll i gotta i gotta get levels for the iron skin thing but yeah warp scroll how do you make this it is fairly easy okay that would be good um i can do that i can make that happen oh um yeah i'll just do that cool okay that's a good lifeline i think because uh yeah that if we go south then we have these man amir is not gonna work so um cool and then all right we got more wine i feel like i can probably discard some of the lower ones just to make room in the chest yeah i'll test i'll test a warp scroll before we actually need to rely on it for our lives it's not a bad idea um all right let me get some blocks here really quick actually bro i wonder if i should um i wonder if i should run the advanced battle tower with a an active potion of mending and battle burrito just so i can kind of see how and whining whining mending battle burrito and see if i can kind of just rock through the entire thing like straight up no need to leave i think that'd be kind of dope wouldn't wouldn't it i think that'd be kind of cool let's give it a try okay so first thing we need is this i actually don't even need to make two sets i can just do that and then we throw in the dragon's heart right um [Music] wear it at right there and then a little bit of glowstone bring it up to level two oh right witches still mess you up until you have silver armor true all right no that's where the magic mirror comes in not a good idea since i'm gonna wait for the spawners bro i can destroy spawners as i run into win the advanced battle tower there's there's so many mobs that it's just like ridiculous i'm gonna need to destroy them for the sake of the lag is the biggest problem so i'm gonna destroy him as i go for sure i know i do want levels but also i can hit up regular battle towers and stuff like that i just i this is a good test just to kind of see like how powerful we are if we rock this way okay so we'll do that we'll do um what'll we do yeah battle burrito and then [Music] i'll leave this thing behind uh put it in here oh you know we can always hit up a normal battle tower if we just want to do that so no it'll be it'll be good i don't need you yet um okay cool nah it's gonna be great that heckish guy thanks for 32 months much appreciated okay sin pendant yeah yeah yeah yeah so we want to do we want to put that on then just quickly yeah yeah that's the way to do it that's the way to do it okay everything's good here need some blocks i don't know where i put all my blocks i swear to god i had cobblestone and now i don't and i don't know why but that's fine because we'll use end stone instead um okay no yeah that's the plan this is going from the top i'm just like a little bit concerned about the lag because last time around obviously we dealt with a significantly severe amount of lag and stuff but anyway uh it'll be great hopefully so let's let's do this thing okay um what which it's morocc roulette will it be the right one or will it be the wrong one let's find out it's the right one let's go that's so exciting uh and we zoom okay so wait oh heck that's the wrong way right i'm going this way here we go and we zoom this way so we're going to do we're just going to get a little practice in initiating our our attributes and stuff too um so we'll basically like at the top of the battle tower we'll eat the battle burrito we'll put on the sin pendants and um yeah we'll do all of that stuff and then start i forgot wines didn't i i need wines i'm an idiot good job to me i'm doing great wait i can just i can just come over here easy uh yeah all right i don't think this one will cost anything right this will be good we'll be fine okey dokey i'll be right back don't worry uh the title is risking my life because i thought we'd be fighting rajov art today and maybe we will we're just gonna see how this all goes but it also might not happen i'm not entirely sure it's it's it's fluid it's up in the air um wine anyway so we needed um grab a little bit of that hopefully be good with it i don't think we'll need that much but we'll see oh yeah and then maybe a little bit of uh just a little bit of wild berry wine too could be good please don't eat your brother brother your brother burrito um oh god which which one which one was that was it oh jeez hey guys a witch did anybody catch what the name of the village was that i i was at there just a moment ago cause i didn't i said oh it's right here i got it oh my god i'm so good there we go okay are we headed in the right direction yup and we zoom i screenshot it instead of boosting the thing is there will come a time where we just have to make concessions to um fighting raj of art like we're never we're never gonna be a hundred percent ready are we it's always going to be a little bit nerve-wracking and rob of arts supposedly the easiest of all the big boy leica nights boss mobs the arena boys so uh getting close getting close i don't know i saw the video on the guy you know doing it and it didn't seem crazy but we'll see almost there all right here we go he's stalling whoa okay he had to go i guess his people needed him that that's fine um let's do where does this go wait wait okay it goes there so now wait but we're not that's really annoying i'm not full health right now according to the when you swap it you're not full health cool what the frick this is fine the wait if i eat the battle burrito i'll get the regen and then i will be full health so it should work right i'll do that and then we'll do this and then we'll do some wine and then we'll do some wild berry wine which i think i can really only do one for now and then we keep the wines in here keep that there and now i should have the sinful buff which i can then do there cool i am i was still on my mouth i was very confused there for a second but uh yeah okay so wait this is gonna be this is gonna be mega dude okay we got five minutes we got five minutes of stuff let's do one more level of one cool and let's see how this all works out for us i want to be i want to be fast i want to be zoomy done let's go let's vroom dude uh oh yeah quiver needs to be in the hot bar you're right you're right you're right i can get rid of that okay wait where's the freaking thing there's the exit not a big deal all right guys here we fricking go we're gonna take everybody out they're not gonna stand a chance give me the emeralds though i do need emeralds um [Music] actually i wonder if i should you know what before i even loot things i should just i should just hit up all of the uh i'm gonna start hitting spawners oh god ah i'm already getting hit around okay are there any spawners up here what the frick bro what the what is something is freaking uh making me go all over the place oh my lord um i need to do i probably need to do this i don't seem stuck here okay oh god there's so much there's so much stuff there's so many emeralds i don't know how they're spawning here is there a spawner there nope there's not a spawner there give me the emeralds okay okay here we go i can't i can't focus on on grabbing all the all the gear on the ground i gotta just there we go okay they're all falling down spawner there i'm just getting shot from the floor below which is great maybe one again man it's just it's just like rocket freaking rocket spleef here bro bro my my armor has not taken damage because it just keeps getting uh rezzed and stuff which is crazy i do see which is down there which is not great i'll come back to harvest all this later we're going for we're going for levels and just abilities here we're good we're good everything's fine everything's good i'm getting choked oh god my inventory is going to start filling up here oh hi there hello something like that bro my saturation hearts just like staying is crazy i don't know why i keep hearing the clang i don't know why i keep hearing the clang it's a little weird a little unnerving you know what i should try is this although it's not good for levels to be okay oh god hi everybody i'm uh there's a there do be a little bit of lag happening now there's just there's a small amount of lag that i'm currently experiencing now having fallen down through all the levels and stuff like that um there's just a little bit of frame lag just a small amount of it and just a small amount oh okay there's everybody there's there's all of them i think i've fallen through like the whole floor and stuff like that but yeah everything is still looking pretty good um oh my god i slayed a blight zombie somehow i don't even know where okay this is this is interesting [Music] uh level the iron skin i can use my tones in order to do that it'd be really i honestly wish that i could how's our stuff okay i really really wish uh that i could investigate all this gear just to see if like you know there's any mending enchants on any of these but i don't think i really can that way hello it's a good way to get emeralds though if they don't i'll just despawn before i have a chance to do anything with them so there's that i can't spin my nunchucks it's not working okay i need to eat a wine hold on extend things up don't do it don't do it this is actually crazy this is actually crazy how i can just rip through here uh even despite like getting hit from all sides and not even using my shield quite as much like this is nuts no don't perplex me don't do it i'm not into it so jeez reason i'd like to um what okay dude that whatever is like doing that is crazy reason i'd like to not really use my bow quite as much is just because i obviously get the bonus experience from education on the nunchucks so can you frick off no perplexity don't do it oh god okay jesus it just messes you up as soon as you like hit something and it stops your nunchucks from spinning i can't like i cannot possibly deal with all of the gear that is on the ground and seeing if it has mending or all of that holy heck can i magnet no my inventory will just fill up how are we doing on emerald 61. okay cool so yeah that's just completely i'm filled up with junk completely filled up with junk honestly at this point i bet half of the lag is just from all the items on the ground not the mobs themselves [Music] like this is insane oh my god oh my even throw out anything please i want to get spectral silk thank you poor spectral silt's pretty good i'm honestly i think i just i'm gonna have to like leave for a moment and hope that i can come back and there actually be like less lag or something i don't know it's probably just gonna save the state of everything if i believe i mean this place it's just it's great it's great for levels but just pain in the butt to deal with oh my god here um i can't i can't even like pick up all i bet half of the experience is just like on the round right now decaying i don't want to leave because then i waste all my wine and stuff you know okay there's everybody there's the party am i at the uh bottom floor i'm at the bottom floor oh my god oh my god bruh this is ridiculous i'm just i'm just running around and swinging every which way i go good lord did i get perplexed i can't even tell oh no no break it don't perplex me nothing in there oh don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it i need to do one more wine maybe by the way i haven't lost any dura on any of my stuff um and i also the amount of items the amount of rotten flesh i'm sure the advanced looting probably doesn't help hey what's on that i wonder nope my inventory is full we'll never know um what do you got anything good protection one not gonna be it that's not it hey i'd like to pick up all of this is that um okay we're on the ground floor cool hello goodbye i'd like to pick up some um emeralds possibly no don't do it don't do it don't be the worst guys i think i might be like in a reasonably good shape to fight things potentially i feel like we've done pretty well also getting up to like level 80 and then and then using our tones properly we can iron skin it up probably pretty good from there you know i think things are things are looking pretty pretty nice um pic oh yeah pick up arrows that's true i didn't think about that uh let me see are they going directly i think they're going directly into the oh wait they're not going directly into the quiver but yeah i'll just do a little bit of that and then i can just walk around and pick up all the arrows don't do it don't do it don't perplex me please rick yo i can just jump up let's go don't do it there's just like every floor just has lingering experience all over the all over the place that i can't really grab um i would like to grab some ender curls i think that would be nice potentially holy heck dude this is insanity i've never been so powerful before in my life oh my god um yeah 83 levels eh 83 levels not bad i feel like you know what we can probably we can probably take a little break from here um maybe for a moment and just you know um go back home and work on our iron skin and stuff and i'm feeling like maybe we can tackle rajo bart maybe possibly and then we can come back here and we can also loot this or something like that that's a possibility too actually i'm definitely going to want to do that aren't i because otherwise um i won't be able to i need to keep my way stone around here it's it's insane to me that after being able to just like push through here like like crazy fast that there are still that many mobs that are that are spawning around here like are you kidding me it just keeps it just doesn't stop how does it how does this happen how does this even happen dude all right one more one more one more wine there we go oh down back down okay cool what is that infinity yeah don't do it too much and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming yup okay cool i would like to freak you i just want to grab water i'm going to go outside for that ah i can't even get you i can't even get you oh oh my lord um any of these got some good enchants on them by any chance uh no i don't think oh i i bet you for sure that there's some some piece of armor somewhere in here that's got mending on it just just sitting that i haven't been able to grab because i can't possibly go through everything while also then being shot at by 50 other things every time i go anywhere oh oh there's a uh i see the good the fancy and good drop on the ground i need to get that i need to find a way to get that even though it's just i hello i'm being assaulted can you chill for like two seconds i really just wanna i just oh my lord all i want i just i just want it and now they're incinerated aren't they i just wanna grab the glowing ingots i just want to grab the glowing ingots but good lord i i can't because you won't leave me alone how are there still more howard like it's just oh my god dude what the frick what the f what the heck oh my god hold on hold on okay um you're right i could just do a little bit of that uh okay okay i just wanna get that there it is okay our stuff is about to run out so um [Music] good lord level 92 level 92 can't i put the stuff in the chest i mean look at how much stuff there is on the ground it's mental i wanna of course of all the things there i didn't i picked up everything except for the silver everything except for the silver helmet i just want to see what the silver helmet has projectile respiration not that great if it had mending it would be pretty cool all right oh my god oh yeah you're right maybe i could just magic mirror it i just want to see any oh wither skeleton skulls that's actually good we want that i bet you there are a handful of weather skeleton skulls that are sitting around here as well it's a little bit of a bummer that we're probably going to miss out on them inhumane but oh well anything cool there unbreaking too hey we could keep that for oh hi there no dog i don't deal with that diamond axe what does the diamond x have sharpness for okay all right yeah 93 levels i'd say that probably is going to charge our uh our stuff up nicely again stupid vines dude what a pain do you really think this is a good idea really i don't even know how i'm so fast like where where is this speed boost was that uh was that from the sin pendant or something like that oh okay don't mind this just a whole bunch of levels over here oh my god it's amazing that this this long after you're still running into mobs on level one that are dropping down we got a few more frames though okay all right oh my god i'm gonna just i'm gonna just uh mirror out of here and call it good 94 levels oh my god dude oh my god i'm pretty sure we could do almost any too expensive enchantment at this point that's just wild okay uh i will go back there at some point and just kind of loop the stuff that's in the chest because there's always some good stuff there but um we did hey yo we got some emeralds out of that that's good i'm sure that you know we could just out also apply another subject pe 4 eventually and um actually be able to get away with it so if we want to i might need more tomes you're not wrong you're not wrong okay so let's see do we do that put another stack in there nice and then that's good there let me sort out my inventory okay making more wine making more wine i just want to replace the eight bottles that we used and be good and then maybe even more has he still not bought the thing yet he has he has still not fought the thing yet is that disappointing to hear um but but also we're just that much closer to being able to fight the thing and feeling good about it and you know why that's half the experience is feeling good about fighting the thing otherwise it would feel very bad fighting the thing if we didn't feel good about fighting the thing you know i'm glad we could be on the same page about that cool let's let's think here let's think okay let me do a little bit of um let's do a little bit of level stuff all right let's put some tomes to use here am i going to have enough tomes in order to make this work maybe we can that'd be crazy bro if we could fill them all out and get back what we lost one fell swoop in the advanced battle tower and we get everything back can you imagine all the levels that we used making the bow okay not all of them not all of them but close ah not quite okay gotta do that all right so let's you guys want me to do some iron skin okay iron skin it is uh let's spend some levels this is gonna cost for the next one 43 okay that's fine we can afford it done six we can afford it are you gonna afford it you can avoid it i can afford it i can afford it i can afford it i can afford it okay uh increase level 51. no i can afford it i can afford it i can afford it i can definitely afford it um yep okay here we go oh god i wasted the four let god dang it we were so close to 51 it freaked me dude oh no whatever whatever oh god whatever it's fine it's fine um um i can afford it okay well that that was expensive that was very very expensive oh boy all right i'll put some of those back in there uh just so we can have them on the go and um i i afforded it i don't need it i don't need it i don't need it um uh any other stuff in the level up uh reloaded that would be good to to aerospeed or draw the bow string back faster is also pretty looks pretty expensive there um looks pretty expensive but people are like you should level that one up because it would be good to do so is making me feel right should i do it should i should i use all i mean i guess i could always go back to the advanced battle tower or another advanced battle tower and use it all so um yeah okay oh god air don't need it wait yep okay oh it's level 30 now oh my god god what are you doing to me game it's level 30 to do the next level why is it like this why does it cost is it so expensive why is the inflation so high oh my god dude what the frick this is ridiculous and then it's how much is 31. it's 31 now which means i'm gonna waste two tomes because this is a freaking idiot and oh my god dude what then oh god no i'm gonna get up to like 39 and it's a waste that's a massive waste of levels i can't do that i can't do i can't do that that's a waste that's a huge waste i've got to be higher level when i use the next one frick dude frick dude no hold on this this this is we we leave it there for now it's fine it pulls back it pulls quick it pulls she pulls real quick she pulls real quick just use it all oh god you guys oh my god watch when we fight rajov art i'm going to end up 100 just using the nunchucks and i'm not going to fire a single shot um oh my god what about what about what about what about hear me out what about the one where you do more damage what about that one that one could be pretty cool you know have we ever thought about that one before what about that one because that way we're not wasting levels right because it's it's increase done and then and then there and then and then and then what's the next level what's the next level there 37. god oh god i'll get it up to level five i'll i'll get it up to bubble five oh my god my poor tomes my poor tomes oh my god they're in pain they're in so much pain increased okay done oh my god my poor tomes oof oof but i am doing 25 additional damage we're starting to stack damage like oh it's 41 next okay wow that's a lot that's a lot of damn it too many too many tomes you can never have too many tomes i want to be buried with my tomes when i die okay uh oh god well time to fight rajov art you say well if that is what you say i feel like that'll have to be probably we'll have to i'm going to have to cliffhanger you here um because yeah mm-hmm i'm going to have to i'm going to have to cliffhanger you though probably yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's going to be crazy dude it's gonna be great oh my god they so my god dude do okay whatever i'll freaking do it okay whatever i'll frickin do it you guys you guys are peer pressuring you guys are you guys are being mean fine i guess this way if i die at least it's the end of the episode and people don't know that i died because that way like if you die early in the episode then people are gonna be like oh this episode is really short something must have happened so this way though nobody will know that i've died so yeah that'll be great okay cool all right that's why you just black screen it at the end yeah yeah yeah for sure okay so we go that we do that cool then i need to get leveled up um and stuff i guess we can leave this behind us for now right because i don't see what else we would get out of it so now we have that up there that there all the big boys all the big boys ready to rock and roll pretty much unless i elected to do unless i elected to put this in the shield slot and risk it for the biscuit um i could do that i could do that but i'm also slightly scared that this could break during the fight and that would be very bad i don't want to have to be hot swapping it but we would get the extra undying so i don't know okay we need the battle burrito we actually need multiple battle burritos because rajov art can remove buffs with the green fire effect stuff so we actually need multiple battle burritos we'll need our wine to reapply stuff and we will need so i gotta like so i'm not gonna be able to place any blocks while this is going on so that means um okay we're probably gonna want like we'll bring like three stacks of that that needs to be in our hot bar we'll need to have this in our hotbar because i'm sure we're gonna get thirsty uh true paleo salad yeah yeah yeah yeah we need paleo salad too i'm gonna have to make more paleo salads i think where's our cooked or sore do we even have any we don't paleo salad it is cooked right yeah all right okay i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna fight him in this episode and i'm just honestly i'm probably just gonna take swings with the nunchucks and kind of hope it's enough for us and we'll see how it goes um okay so i think it's like it's like four diamond blocks that we need plus we need to make the thing the demon block thing um where is it it is this boy the demon soul cube wow crazy i'm crazy man i literally don't have cobblestone this is good this is good for us king autism 14 months pretty epic indeed pretty epic indeed so you know i'm just gonna let's grab some stuff from here oh you get nine per okay never mind i didn't need to go through that okay so question does it matter where you do the rajo fart arena because it'll it's it summons the whole arena so it like doesn't have to be you just want to not have a bunch of lava columns coming down from the ceiling right other than that though it doesn't matter too much if if i'm not mistaken i think right and biotite where where did i there is the bio toy okay there it is okay demon soul cube there we go oh yeah then we need to make another sulky don't we yes we do we do indeed okay okay so that's good um demon stone back there ender biotite there diamondos there sulky that we need those things um we need our paleo salad and leaves little leave out and then there's a carrot right uh hold on i like how the orange oak leaves turn very very green it's only autumn in the tree as soon as it's not in the tree it's uh not we don't care about seasons anymore those don't matter i'm just gonna throw some of this stuff in here and then we'll the menacing tool belt i'll be back for you don't worry i'm only going to fight something real dangerous but i i got you i would never i would never die and leave you behind i i would never in a million years i would i couldn't i couldn't do that to you buddy okay we're gonna be good we're gonna be good i'm gonna yeah you're right i'm gonna want my pickaxe that's a good point even though you can't actually break or place blocks while you're in there but um on the way you're right you're right okay so we have paleo salad warp scroll i need um and then i guess that can go there and then yeah what else do we need in our hot bar potentially water in case of refilling our thing um no i'm gonna and then oh yeah no no then we need the wine oh god it's like how do you how do you have enough slots actually we're not gonna need the pickaxe so pickaxe will go up wild berry wine that i feel like that that that that's how we'll do it that's how we're gonna organize our hot bar right there that should work i think hopefully cool and then the wines can go there those up there okay wines there wild berry wine there because i think we all need to do one wild berry wine per um and then yeah uh totem what indestructible totem this is rl craft not ragnamod i know i mixed up the intro once but they're different series yeah yeah um okay wear a totem of undying but like instead of a shield i don't like what a i don't instead of a shield i don't know dude i don't even know where to go i know i had a totem at some point did i put it somewhere i thought i had it somewhere is it armor oh yeah it's there i mean i don't know what you want me to do with this i don't i don't know what you want me to do with this you don't want to have a shield really okay all right [Music] you big you big scary me carrying the hop here's the thing i'm i'm never ever ever in a million years going to remember to um i'm never a millionaire is gonna remember to swap to my totem if i get into trouble and also if i do get killed it's gonna be so instantaneous that honestly the totem probably won't even matter because i'll get dinged once i'll die total proc and then i'll get dinged again immediately and it'll just be like oh you're dead so i very much doubt it'll do anything but um a reforged totem with emeralds for undying uh huh really you can do that that's interesting can you like do this can't put it there that's fascinating huh what do you know what do you know okay i still think that i think shield is is ten times better but i don't know here's the thing if i die with the totem people be like you idiot why didn't you use your shield if i die with the shield people be like you wouldn't have died if you had your totem so there's not really a there's no winning here just so we're clear there's no winning here uh recall potion doesn't work that's why we have the role the warp scrolls so yeah um shield offhand and totem and look i i will i'll do it but the problem is that here i'll rock the shield if i do this though then i have to like go into my inventory switch over when i'm thirsty and that could i'm never gonna like switch into this in time it would just be like if i think i'm gonna die i would have to think consciously i'd have to go off hand i have to go to it put it into my off hand with f and then hopefully not die while i'm trying to tp out basically if thirsty just drink wine i don't think it works that way if only um if only okay all right all right um well either it's gonna go really well and i'm just gonna destroy him in like two seconds or i'm gonna die i don't know which but i think we've got everything so may as well go to the nether and do it right yep all rights you know what i've had a moment of clarity just now both in my pee and in my brain um and i've come to think that i actually am gonna need to run around in order to fight the the adds that rajavar summons um and if i'm deploying my shield all the time that's not gonna work very well so you know what i am gonna rock totem i'll bring the shield but i'm gonna rock totem and what that will allow me to do is if the totem procs i immediately warp scroll and that's like i i that's my hope that i live so if totem procs i don't try to keep fighting i just try to get out of there immediately and um that's that's that so i'm gonna try to get undying on this we have obviously a lot of emeralds that we can use so hopefully we can get it that's not it come on come on come on frick undying please pain nothing but pain maybe i should just go with max health frick and once i get down to below 32 in the next stack then i i'm just gonna freaking take what i can get oh my god come on undyne there we go we've just spent all of this putting undying on something that is potentially um disposable so okay i need some regen where are you nymph come to me come to me come to me you're right here oh it doesn't like me floating here [Music] okay here we go here we go so yeah it's going to be a heck of a time this is going to be a heck of a time it really is it really is oh also you know what's gonna suck is i can't i can't do any more canteening while i'm in there because yeah oh we gotta we gotta finish this really quick otherwise it's a problem so um okay okay oh god don't use paleo salad the battle burrito replaces it does it actually oh does it really um i could actually get a second canteen to be fair a burrito has rejuvenation yeah but doesn't i thought that the uh i thought the paleo salad made that more effective um uh it doesn't hurt to do both like there's no reason not to eat both that that would be unless unless it oh my god oh my quit stop fine i'll freaking go gold carrot juice and you won't get thirsty if i if i die of thirst here this is on you guys i'm just saying this is on you guys okay all right uh oh boy so that's morocc we're gonna oh frick i gotta dismiss him before we go in and re-summon god dang it give me a moment i do have to actually wait for the spirit cost to come back up um i do actually have to wait so i can fly it give me a moment give me a moment drink before the fight and you will be good i certainly hope so i certainly hope so you guys are giving me so much crap because of it look i actually need to summon this to get to an area where i'm going to start the fight okay okay oh wait i do freaking i need to get up one of the mending potions though i do that gives us a chance while it's regening so just hold on i'm getting a mini motion i'm getting they're not stalling i'm getting a bending motion i'm not stalling i'm getting a mending potion that's all that's all there we go potion of of mending there it is okay cool i'm not stalling i've never stalled in my life okay it's good it's good it's good misha thank you for four months of savage if i win this if i win this i expect copious not copium copious praise okay for all of the oh hello for all of the crap that i have been getting here for stalling okay all right here we go sinful what the oh right that's from my i was like did i just get that from killing the belt no i did not i got it because yeah yeah okay all right all right eat [Music] i hate it here i really do hate it here i really do hate it here i really do hate it here it's okay i'm gonna summon a different mount like um like our cockatrice i'll summon does the cockatry still have the i don't know no the cockatrice doesn't have the saddle on does it and i'm it's back it's the other dragon saddle is back home i hate this i hate this i hate this so much i hate it i hate it this is the dumbest this is the dumbest thing ever oh i could have mirrored because heck whatever it's fine i have eight more warp scrolls it's fine oh my lord oh my lord where's the freaking dragon saddle that there it is good god good god 100 stalling just use big boy big boy will 100 go back through the portal 100 okay all right hats mounts cockatrice summon okay brilliant you beautiful beautiful boy my beautiful boy all right where do i want to go where is our best rajov art place we want it to not we want there to not ideally be uh lava columns coming from the ceiling where we do it so right here could potentially be good maybe maybe here oh nether roof um i don't know if it literally i don't know if it allows you to do that i'm gonna do it i'll do it right here i'm gonna do it right here okay i'll do it right here do it on the roof oh my god you guys are great really nether roof works do it on the roof i don't have ender pearls do you want me to go home in order to get ender pearls to get on the roof do you want me to do that because i will go home and i will get ender pearls and we can do it on the roof yeah yeah oh my god i'm freaking i swear to god just like just fight it okay okay i'm gonna i'm gonna here we go all right um how does this work how does this work it's like uh i believe the middle one is like um hold on i'll just just clear it out here i i don't have my shovel because i i yeah i disposed of that but anyway um it's fine so this is the middle one i hit bro what is happening literally what the heck what is going on what did all of a sudden just the entire universe just freaking came after me holy jesus christ bro what is going on we were like fine and then all of a sudden it was just like here's everyone and i'm gonna be out of water oh my god oh my god i hate it oh my god okay so wait it's got to be on the same level so there [Music] there here they come here it comes he's done he's freaking done good lord i have no health i have no health this is great uh i think it's three tall what the frick oh my god who is doing this who is doing this [Music] corruption [Music] i hate it well hey you know what this is a really good time to not be in the overworld bro what is happening why is everything lava what is going on leave me alone what is happening does it just turn into lava everywhere i stand ah i am about to actually stall until the next episode this is a serious murphy's llama oh my god all of my it's all just lava not that it matters for the because it should replace everything bro you guys suck so much i hate it i'm freaking them up but seriously this is particles everywhere get the particles out of my screen how do i get the particles to stop so [Music] hmm i hate everything i hate everything i hate everything i hate everything i hate everything this is the this is the worst sequence of events i've ever experienced in my life this is the worst sequence of events ever ever ever in a million years okay so make that and you make that yeah i'm gonna i'm making a second canteen i'm making a second canteen because this is absolute pain how do you make how did you get out of the nether i don't even understand [Music] i'm i'm i'm gonna rage quit i'm rage quitting i'm rage quitting this is it everyone's saying i'm stalling i'm being i'm being fricked at every single turn i can't do anything about it the entire universe is trying to frick me up and i am gonna rage quit and i am gonna rage quit i'm going to rage quit i'm going to rage quit 100 i'm going to prick and rage quit dude hi cranios i'm going to ragequit i am definitely gonna rage quit this is ridiculous i'm gonna get all the things and i'm gonna next time i'm gonna freaking fight on the nether roof or something i don't even i don't know dude i don't freaking know but i'm frick this is ridiculous i hate everything here i hate it i hate why why no no you know what no this thanks for watching this episode of rl craft we're gonna fight rajovart in the next one um thanks it's been great uh make sure to like the video if you liked sub to the channel and um this is for i can't we're going to go in and then some other event is going to happen and it's going to just i'm going to be ruined also i don't know are all the dings are those perry it must be perry yeah it's got to be perry um oh wait you guys had a freaking prediction you guys had a prediction huh you guys had a prediction didn't you i see um it's okay you can refund the prediction predictions can be refunded so it's fine it's okay it's okay yeah because the mods can refund the predictions it doesn't have to go through so yeah that's easy enough um anonymous thank you for gifting a sub to edging [Laughter] god oh my god fine i'll fight it fine i'm gonna go to the i gotta retrieve all my stuff which is over lava by the way so it's just gonna be in lava and it's just gonna be messed up and then i'm gonna go to the nether roof and then everything is gonna suck and oh my god everything is the worst this is the worst this is the absolute worst this is the absolute worst i have to get more iron and then a dragon skull and whatever the frick else is required for this the dragon skull and the dragon heart um [Music] okay oh it was refunded it was refunded oh guys it was refunded so it's okay that's probably i'm just gonna make this preparing for the next episode and um then it'll yeah then we'll actually do in the next episode so that that works out that works out okay cool now we'll have two canteens so that'll be good oh man um okay cool we're all good thanks for watching everybody and um see you in the next episode make sure you sub the captain sparkles too and all that stuff okay bye-bye
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 37,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, rlcraft, hardcore, captainsparklez
Id: hgYZL4JZd0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 51sec (7911 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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