I think I’m in over my head! 😊 #junkjournal #creative #papercrafting

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hi everybody it's me Nikki I hope you're all doing well I'm so sorry I didn't post a video before now I don't even know if this one's gonna work I'm having so much trouble with this tripod thing I broke it then Ken fixed it and now it doesn't sit right and I don't know so if everything seems really close I'm so sorry I can't get it to go anywhere else so we're just gonna work with this and if it falls in the table when I'm crafting sorry all right so what I wanted to show you guys was some things that I've been putting together for those three journals I'm making um I guess I'll start with the Victorian one the Victorian ladies one so let's start there so I put it together this is the outside cover it's got I get a lot of decorating to do on these so don't don't judge okay so what's gonna happen is well here you know what let me show you the one I got completed more of so you get an idea of what I'm doing so that would be this one I got them all insteads guys it's craziness stuff everywhere okay so let me put this here okay so let's go over here that's not the one I need all right so this is the one I've got most of the stuff done so far so what's gonna happen is what I'm planning on doing is so I have this outside folio and then I have this journal inside what I want to do is do do this folio finish decorating it have that separate in this its own journal have this separate put this together as a journal stick it in there and then put it in with the some ribbon so it's attached to this folio but you can separate them if you want because this is like a I know I don't know how good you guys can see I'm so sorry if it's too close but so you know the flips we've got flips going on so those are those if they are all Pockets I gotta put stuff in you know we got these flips you know and then we've got this this would be the journal that goes inside and what I did is so this one I've started to show you this is the folio and this would be the inside Journal but it didn't collage this yet so what I did is I took a file folder and I just put it around these I took my pages I wanted and I took I need to fix this a little bit but I took a I'll put some lace in there I think but I color collage the fire file owner and um so that would be like the journal cover I'll decorate it and stuff like that and put some lace on it and fix that but I'm in the middle of doing that then here's my pages so there's the one that I sewn I gotta do the back of that I ended up with these pages I think pretty much is what that's a pretty one is what I'm gonna do I did that one the other night I'll show it to you in a minute some tracing papers some extra pages you know all these need decorated and pockets and all that stuff I'm just kind of giving you a gist of what they will be like and then here's the middle one I like this one a lot this for the middle one that's it on birds love the birds okay so this is the one I worked on the other night I wanted to show you I put a lot of these together but um I got lots of work to do but look isn't that cute I took some tracing paper and I stamped it and I put a piece of lace in there and it's just it's held together I sewed it I think it's so pretty but yeah I did that crap now I don't know where to put that I guess I had it in here [Music] so that's one and this cover I'll do a little bit more to it this is the outside of the folio of course needs some more work all of this needs more work guys but I just wanted to show you where I'm at with all of them and um because my camera's been giving me grief this tripod has been great with me grief so I thought I'd do this and then try to craft a little in a little bit and hopefully I can get this set up so it'll work I'm so sorry thank you so much for all the new subscribers you guys are awesome thank you so much that's really super cool okay so on to that's like the country bird one I think is what I'm gonna call it so uh Victorian one this would be the folio part this one's a little more decorated than the other folio there's a um book in there this is a side pie oh by the way all these folios have side pockets to put stuff in each each folio does so that would be that one you open it up there's some there's a uh can you see that there's a pocket card there's another German card in there can you see that I don't know what you can see it's an adrenaline card in there see they're Victorian ladies I kind of think that's the theme of this one and then this side I think I don't keep watching what you can see because my camera's sitting close so down here I got this in there and I did this you see that I'm so sorry and I put this pocket here and a journal card in there and there's the back of the pocket I think that's so cute and then this journaling card I love this it's so elegant and so simple and so nice so it's got in there and then this pocket with the lady so this folio is decorated a lot a lot more than the other ones are I feel like I took one thing and like I did mostly a lot of the fully on this one I did the collaging on that one and well maybe I didn't do that much the other one I don't know I can't remember we'll have to look we'll see you together I guess so and then this would be I think I showed you all the pages and these already but I don't think I added any special pages in this one yet so I'm just gonna release this book together real quick I did another tracing paper thing you know what I wanted to say something too I archival ink this black ink and I was so excited because it was so dark when I started stamping stuff with it and I think I got it like two weeks ago I'm not sure and I put the lid on like you're supposed to and I got it out and I started stamping with it and I could should I put water in it I don't know what to do it's like it's dried up I am like dude this is supposed to be like the really good ink stuff yeah whatever but anyways just saying I must have messed it up somehow that's just how I roll but I'm thinking I'm gonna put some water in it and see how that works out but anyways that was kind of disappointing um so there's the middle on this one and all the rest you've seen they're kind of just the other sides of those yeah it didn't put any special pages in this one yet and it didn't collage this one yet so I'm gonna work on that I got so much enjoy I gotta decorate the folio and bring together but once I get all these done guys I'm really excited on how they're gonna turn out and I did not do this on purpose I did not intend to do three journals at once I didn't want to do that but then I had all of this stuff and it had so many ideas and I just had to put them out there now I have ideas everywhere and then I have to put everything away when I get done crafting that's the bad part because it's like I would really just love to have everything sitting out anyways I'm rambling so let's just leave this go so anyway um there's that there's all the extras and the so being together some extra camera for that one you already seen the and it's what I did is I took all these summer and put it in bags and then put any extra backgrounds pieces that would probably be this special cage in this one I'm not sure I just put some extra extras that could go in there as Pages or background or that in the ephemera for I think we'll go in there we'll make some Gummer too and then for the country bird one I hope I'm not going too fast guys I'm just trying to get make this a little shorter so that my camera will load it the right way so sorry okay so then this would be a background Pages for the country bird one I don't have quite as many for that one I chop them up there's a lot of these ones [Music] who is that who did that sorry okay and then here's the ephemera that I got going on from that one just some things that I thought would look good and some things in it cut out of the stamp period this was a stamp period pack because I cut some things and this is in here because I'd really like to laminate some of them so that's an experiment that we'll do together too it's just a single side limit so we'll see how that works lots of ideas guys lots of ideas so I put that one away using that one okay let's go for the last one okay so this one is for fairies it was it's uh Blue Fern lice vignettes but I made it kind of a fairy one so um I hope you guys can see this is this thing like moving everywhere I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I hope you can see this stuff anyways this is the journal for this one way smaller than the other ones got a lot more work to do that's the outside got a lot to work on with that I already showed you that that's the soon part this is all the ephemera I have for that this one's the one I need to work on the most this has got the leaves done but anyways this is the folio for this one um some of this is decorated the folio so we'll just go through that there's that I got this tag in there and it's a fairy and then I don't have a lot of tags in this one but it's super pretty and guess what I did guys this this is not black I was trying to do this whenever Ken was watching TV and I was trying not to Blind him with the light above me so I was like I can do this I can craft in this light that's blue that's blue guys I saw black black so someone has to fix that and I'm thinking it's probably me so anyways that's why it adds blue so and then uh so that would be that side and then this side of the folio is like this like I said it didn't really put anything in these yet or decorate a lot it decorated some so that's that folio then the I'm going to collage this journal that will go inside of it and I don't think I have any extra special pages in this one yet either so there's just some tracing paper thank you [Music] I love the Blue Fern Studios paper though it's so pretty it doesn't even really need any decoration for real it just it's just awesome and it's so so nice nice construction really pretty and I hope you guys can see all this I am so sorry um let's see and there is the middle yeah this one is probably the least least closely done I need more pages in there how many do I have I try to put 15 in each Journal so one two three four five six those don't really count seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen no that was 14. I meant I skipped it okay that could use like another page with like another special page like those two clear ones in the other journals that I was showing you so we'll work on that together too of course each one has to have a flip up and with a writing space that's something I do in online journals and a couple other things I wanted to do but I'm so excited because there's so many things that we can do with these like this I mean like everything can be decorated so nice and you know I was going through my stuff the other day and you guys I have so much stuff that I forgot about and these are some paint like I might put this page in there um just some background stuff that was left over uh satin laminate things I'm gonna do that to all of them if I can just want ages yeah see I have a lot more pages I didn't put in this one this one needs the most work for sure I might cut these out make these in a journaling cards okay so that's what I wanted to show you guys that I've done so far and I'm so excited to show you um and I think what I'm going to do is load this video and put it up and then I'm going to turn on make another video right now and do some things in here but my camera is so weird I just want to make sure I can get these out to you right so I'm trying to make them sure how long is this not that long right oh yeah it's only like 15 minutes okay so I'm gonna turn this one off for now and I'm gonna sit right here and turn load that then I'm gonna um Journal some more because I'm really excited to get some of this done and I'll get my stuff out so you guys won't have to watch me get everything out so I'll do that while it's loading I'm so excited you guys thank you so much for all these subscribers you guys are so cool thank you so much I have tons of stories to tell you guys about our crazy chickens and work and my cat and stuff so I will be telling you guys that when we're crafting in the next video so I'm so sorry I know I was planning on putting one up this weekend but like I said I've been having so much trouble I think I should just order another tripod thing for my phone because this is just not working and I don't know what I did to it I didn't like use it as a Jedi sword or something like that I just picked it up and they fall apart so anyways bye guys thank you so much for watching look for the next video we're going to be crafting together not sure exactly what I'm gonna be doing but try to get something interesting going on um all right guys thank you so much have a great day hope you guys are crafting and doing something that you really enjoy and having a great day thank you so much bye
Channel: Let’s do this Creative Thing Together
Views: 1,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _g_6KGR_KcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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