I finally get to do some crafting with you all! #junkjournal #creative #papercrafting 

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hey everybody it's me again so guess what I figured out for the fairy Journal one I don't have as much fairy camera as I thought I did I mean I've got a couple pieces like this and this and I put a couple more in that folio but I wanted to put these in there I think this put a ferry on this one but yeah I don't have a lot of fairy themed stuff so um I figured I'd take you with me today we're gonna use this leftover bluebird Blue Fern Studio paper to make some collages and then we'll cut them into tanks and put some fairies stuff on them and things like that so since it's so thick I figured I could just do it on like regular copy paper and it would be heavy enough I think I'm so sorry if this is close if you watch the other video I'm still having the same trouble okay so what I think we're gonna do is that um I don't know if I should use glue stick or regular glue for this because it's so hard I think I'm gonna use regular glue and do uh let's see do I have a glue spreader somewhere my license something old license not any nice it's not knit not new laces hold on what do I have in here I know I have it somewhere that's enough [Music] tried to get everything out and get ready this is one thing I don't know hold on let me find it okay so I think I have everything ready can we just start gonna start tearing first I'm gonna get maybe this side will be well let's just do it well I'm gonna cut these things off first maybe I should do that scissors where are you hello because these are really pretty you keep see the back how they all have their own design if I was smart I'd just get my cut around do this but this but too lazy to go get that and I just want to crap with you guys it's been so long so just do that on each one but I'm so afraid you guys can't see what I'm doing because it's so close I'm so sorry so let's just do a couple of these and they're so they're almost like their own collage in themselves I just feel like I'm cheating if I just take one and make a pocket out of it like we kind of gotta do something with it that's not fair so they are super pretty and they really are you guys so is stamp period paper same period is really pretty too you gotta say okay these already got them cut off that's what I thought a lot of them did and there's one that doesn't so let's cut it off so how are you all doing today I'm doing good um I can't remember what all I've told you guys and what I haven't told you guys about my life's escapades lately um I think they told you about my Shenanigans with seeing what kind of foods the chickens like and I think I told you about spaghetti Shenanigans like if I if I did already I apologize but it was funny I did it again the other night because super funny and cute so they they're so funny um even the roosters they act like they're big and bad but then I come out and I'm like chickens and they'll come running for snacks they're so cute um but anyways so sometimes I give them something different like just to see what they like and uh so the other day I was I tried spaghetti and it was so cute and I was like I have to film this because this is gonna be tricky like I have to film this because these guys are so funny like this has to be filmed because what you do is you put the spaghetti out and um and they take it and they they're so funny because they just they don't want to share their stuff like their stash or whatever so they take something and they run with it and they eat it on the side and then they come back for more so when they're doing that okay I've done it with him and cheese and all that stuff too they just take the pieces they run with them they're hanging out of their mouth and they're just running with it so funny so with noodles with the spaghetti noodles they do the same thing they're like hey when they take off running with it and they're running the spaghetti noodles flying everywhere it's just it's just really funny this is gonna be kind of hard to collage with because of how small these are um we'll just do what we can I guess but yeah those guys are super funny some of them aren't like and I don't know if you know this but we had uh we had some of the chickens that we had from last year two of them became moms and if you've heard this story already I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself but two of them became moms so they were in a coop with the peeps and you know one of them one of the other ones was a a rooster he had some disabilities his name was nugget he was a Rhode Island red and then we had three other silkies uh zoomy mop head and Butthead booster man and they were in the other Coop well turns out we have a lot of raccoons around here we didn't know that and make a long story short I don't really want to say talk about it very much but they ended up getting in the one Coop because it wasn't as strong as the other one and they took our chickens from us so it wasn't very cool but so the chickens we have now we have two of the original chickens that we had which weren't free to me I mean these chickens were used to me they come up to me and let us hold them and everything well when you let the hens let like teach them and let them grow up because the other ones the ones that originally ours we hatch them from eggs so they didn't really have um a mother hen you know they just kind of look to us for everything which is so cute you know they're not afraid of you anymore they love you it's awesome right so now we have the two moms that were like that that grew up like that kind of well they even them even though they know better it's their instinct to teach the young to be afraid of us so now I'm trying to do trying to get everyone to like me again and a lot of them do they dance there's a couple little ones they're so cute they'll just come up to me and they'll be like hey what are you doing and they look me and uh they give me the side eye you know it's pretty cute and uh and then I always make a uh make a plan to hold at least a couple of them every night when I put them away why do I keep wanting to grab my glue gun it's just a normal thing um so I try to make a plan to hold at least a couple of them every night before I put them in and just make them snuggle me and you can it's so weird because some of them I hope you guys can see that some of them do not mind it at all they like they're not afraid of me they don't come to me really unless I have snacks but if I pick them up they don't throw a fit they just kind of snuggle in and some of them are definitely afraid of me still and I don't know why so I cut I'm trying to I'm kind of figuring out which ones are scared and which ones aren't but I still don't know why I I don't know what to do to make them love me so I just keep spending time with them and it's funny because the more time you spend with them like the more you get to know them and you get to know their little quirks and how they act and stuff and we still haven't named them all because it it until you start learning their attitudes you really can't tell them apart that well because they all look pretty much the same there's some differences but not a lot so the main way that you can name them and tell them apart is their attitudes and they all do have their own things that they do like Lonnie has she's one of the ones we had from last year she's one of the moms um she has her own voice like I can tell her apart from all the other chickens she has this really pretty like cooing voice and she just sounds really pretty whenever she talks unless you squawk and that's not cool which she does sometimes so um I should use hot glue on these I don't think they're staying very well do you think no I'll just keep trying this it's just hard because these are really thick but I wanted to use something that's going to go with the journal and have all this extra Blue Fern paper so I thought well that'll work anyways Lonnie she's funny she's she can be so sweet she's like that little kid who's really really super sweet sometimes when she wants she wants something but if you make her mad you better watch out The Whole World's Gonna know about that one and duck she's the other one that we had from last year she's um I want to grab for the hot glue gun she is funny because I think she's kind of like the leader of all the hens like even over a line because she's kind of a little bit pushy sometimes but she's funny because every time she lays an egg I swear I hear this noise coming from the yard and I'm like what in the world is going on out there this is there and I'm like looking I'm like are they okay like what's going on right now I should know what this is because she does this every stinking time she throws a huge fit she's running around in circles it's all because she laid an egg I'm like oh my goodness duck we know you can lay eggs it's okay it's so funny though but she's funny because she does not like we have two roosters now and wine we call it oh why am I doing that oh my gosh I gotta get away from that thing when we call a butthead rooster man the second because he looks like the dad that got killed you know the dad of all of them actually he looks more like his dad than the other one so we call him Butthead rooster man the second and we call him number two for short and then the other one in another video I told you what Ken wanted to name the other one we are not naming him that we still haven't come up with a name yet but we are not naming him that but the one that is more like looks more like his dad is the one that's kind of rolling everything and that's fine and all but he's a bully like he'll come out and he'll just be like what's up what's up like he'll get in her face like every one of them like even the hands just be like challenging me challenge me you know I don't know if that's what he's really saying I'm just saying kind of what it looks like he's saying it's kind of like he has to be a bully to keep his place and I don't know I just don't think that's very cool a lot of times like the other the other Butthead rooster dang it oh my goodness the other button Roseanne his dad he would be the normal rooster he they're supposed to let the hens eat first you're supposed to find the food let the hens eat first they watched for Predators like Hawks and things like that and you know stuff like that well this one's just too busy being a bully doesn't really watch or anything and if there's food he's all over he's like get out of my way and the other rooster that we have kind of more normal like he's more laid back he looks he's a prettier rooster he's got prettier markings and stuff but um he doesn't really step up and he lets the other one be the main rooster guy um I don't know if that's gonna stay like that because I think duck has a thing for the the other rooster the one that has the real pretty markings because she seems to kind of hang out with him a lot and she yells at the other rooster if he tries to do anything with her I'm telling you what that guy it was so funny I came out I went out the other day and Lonnie and duck are the only ones that are old enough to really do stuff right now with their roosters I think the roosters mature faster than the hands the other ones are just kind of still running around anyways so the rooster's all over them pretty much or he tries to be well Lonnie and duck like put him in his place so bad and Lonnie the other day she's running I hear this noise he took off after she's like I think he's faster than she is but she is like like a football chicken like she Maneuvers so much she can't keep up he's falling over trying to keep up with her I was sitting there laughing so hard it was so funny and uh finally I stepped in between him and her because he would not leave her alone and I was just like you know go find something else you know to do their chicken rooster you know so dang it so I might as well just hot move so I keep reading for that but so he was like fine he turns away he goes and does something else whatever so Lonnie had run underneath my car and when I turned around I didn't see her run out of the car so I was like where'd she go and it looks under there I didn't see her or anything I'm like what the heck she's fast I didn't see her go anywhere so sorry my shopping um in here what she I was sitting out there with him I was just watching them you know just paying attention to myself and here I look over at the car and she's underneath the car she looks like pokes her head right around the wheel like is he out there can I come out oh my gosh Lonnie you can come out now it's safe so she comes out sure enough here he comes running I'm like oh my goodness this is just like high school you guys for real but anyways it's just funny those guys are funny to watch and then another thing that we had happened was um I don't know if I told you guys this either but we had a freezer in the laundry room and uh it was it's been in there for a long time it holds a lot of different meat that we had but we don't really use like just don't say this out loud but it holds like whole chickens in there you know like you can cook and stuff like that we don't say that out loud but anyways like that stuff and like some steaks and all that but we don't really haven't really made them or anything so it's got all that stuff we we hardly ever get in that one you know whatever and the light was on but I went out there and I like smelled this horrible smell I was like what is that smell I can't even breathe out here and so I took the trash I bundled it up and put it outside because that's where we keep our trash too and I thought I thought well maybe there's like I keep my potatoes out there too I thought maybe there's a rogue potato that got loose and it's like maybe there's a rogue potato it got loose it took off and hid behind something and died I don't know but no um so you know how they smell real bad if they're like rotten or something like that I thought maybe that happened I just didn't know so I went out there and I was looking around couldn't find anything uh hmm and uh couldn't find anything so I thought man I don't know what that smells the trash it wasn't the trash because it still smells I don't get it so then Ken came home and he was like what is that smell and I was like I don't know I took the trash out I don't know what it is it smells terrible though and I don't I don't know what it is and uh so he's like it's not that crazy I'm gonna start hot gluing some of this you guys because it's not sticking very well we'll see how this works too I guess we'll learn together I'm not very patient either so okay get in here okay but anyways he's like it's not that freezer is it and I was like I don't know I don't think so the lights on he's like yeah I know the light is on so he's looking around and stuff and all of a sudden he starts gay making this terrible noise I'm like what what's the matter he's like yeah it's the freezer how do you know and he's like don't ask so anyways yeah it was a freezer I don't know how long it had been bad if you think about this so we don't get in there very often and for the smell to seat out of the top without us even opening it you know it has been pretty bad right so whenever Ken opened it I bought I think he turned green and purple and blue yellow give me a shade of Auburn I don't know see it didn't look too good yeah he wasn't too happy about that and he had to get a um he got the dolly out and took that outside because and I was just not good and yeah that was just bad but now the good part guys is not that we lost all their food but that uh I have all this space in there now and I told him I said hey I said you know all that space we got in the laundry room now he's like yeah I was like you know would look really really good in there and he's like what I think it would look really really good in there if you put some shelves I could put my um crafting stuff in there and he was like oh my goodness okay we'll get get some shelves in there so now guys at least I can have my um crafting stuff in the same area that would be nice because right now you don't even want to see where all I have it I had got it I've tried to organize it as best as I can and put it in different spots and hops that are like insignificant or whatever and it's just everywhere it's just terrible I hate it I hate trying to get stuff out so um yeah that this would be really really cool if he if I can get those shelves I can just put everything back there no one will be have to look no one will have to look at it nobody will have to look at it and then whenever I want to pull it out I can just pull it out and put it all away if I have the place to put everything I don't mind putting things away it's just trying to find places to put things to make it look nice is what bothers me because I hate it I just can't that's pretty I'm not very good at that so this would be a really nice thing so it's kind of like um a blessing in disguise this pose so that would be super cool I keep telling them I want to go in the basement because our basement is half finished with the kids's rooms and they're all moved out or whatever but he's like then I would never see you because you would always be down there crafting and I'm like yeah but then I could just walk away from stuff and not have to worry about putting everything away all the time it would be super nice you know then I could just finish stuff where I left off ow I don't know if you saw it don't look don't do what I do I should not own a hot glue gun because I am not safe as I'm putting more on there okay so anyways um I said then I could start things and then finish them when I I could leave them go and start where I left off you know and finish them up and stuff and I'll have to get everything back out and figure out what I was doing so this is my bad keep your fingers out of hot lunac would be good look at that who does that don't I mean don't look at that you didn't see that so yeah and I don't know if I told you guys that my car is fixed so that's a good thing because remember I think I told you guys it was I don't know how much I've told you guys lately and how much I haven't because I haven't been able to film and I filmed and then it didn't work and some of them didn't come out so I don't know what you know what you don't know so just gonna repeat some stories I suppose yeah my car is running it turned out it was just the ignition switch and that's it remember it kept shutting down as I was driving down the road I'm like oh yeah this is this is fun no it's not fun I'm not especially when there's a semi-truck behind you on a hill that's really not fun so anyways it's fixed now so that's cool and that's what that turned out to be up here into lighter color so um my oldest is doing her nursing school thing and she's doing so good I'm so proud of her she did her um her IV testing like what is that called phlebotomy whatever you know the needle stuff the other day and she did really super good and I'm so proud of her because uh yeah I don't do needles well she did not get that courage for me I cannot nope and but she's doing really good and she went and she went by herself she's 25 almost almost 25. she went and got her own car she got a new car by herself I'm really proud of her she's doing really good my other one I love her very much but we aren't getting along very well right now so let me talk about that um long story just not even cool to talk about oh cool great so I got glue gun that was cool I mean I love for a bunches but she's you just won't go there but anyways uh let's put another boost again what else is going on guys not much really um I don't know I guess my life's been kind of calm lately it's kind of weird in a way um I go to the doctor on Thursday for that stupid seizure thing I don't know what she's gonna say about that oh I felt good lately I don't know what that I well I kind of know what that was about I was just super stressed about something that happened a couple days before that and I was I think I honestly had a nervous breakdown I did not stop shaking um the thing that happened was on a Saturday and the seizure thing happened on Tuesday at work and from Saturday until Tuesday I was just shaking it was kind of like the shaking that it was just like this it was like that honestly for three days and I could not stop in fact Tuesday at work in the morning well before that happened I'll be showing Brenda because I felt so embarrassed I couldn't even pick up a cup like I couldn't pick up a cup to drink anything like water or anything I'd be like this like this I had to hold it with two hands and it was just embarrassing but I could not stop and then I'm saying no I'm in the ambulance and seizure so I think my body just kind of broke down and I and even in the hospital I guess my heart rate was like I don't know I think it was like 150 160 something like that and I couldn't get it to calm down but since then I've been doing really good you know so I don't know what that was about I think that I just have like a once I get to a certain point with my anxiety or something my body can't shut it off and I don't know how to shut it off they don't take like anxiety medicine or anything really I take I don't like to take anything like that because I'm just kind of scared of it but they did give me something at the hospital that's kind of like that it's called um Ativan I think it's that did I shake water on there I think on it Nick trying to show stuff and you're messing up your product too what are you doing um but anyways that brought my heart rate down that was cool um but I didn't I they gave me like 10 of them and they were 0.5 I think or something and I didn't I just now took the last one and they're just using them to sleep because one of them just knocked me on my butt definitely would calm me down that's for sure so I don't know maybe there's some kind of uh nervous exercise that I can do that would calm me down I cannot calm down there guys I'm telling you what everything kind of be like just to breathe breathe like days before like Sunday night he he said he was holding me and he said he could feel me shaking inside like the inside of me was shaking and I was like I know I can't stop I don't know what it is so anyways enough about my health issues it is what it is I'm old anyways so that's probably why that doesn't help um yeah but the worst part about that whole thing was that what happened on Saturday I think that was another thing to have is my mom was having we were having a surprise birthday party for her on Sunday and I wanted to go really bad it was like a big thing like an exciting thing like she didn't know my sister was coming my brother was coming Bean was gonna be there you know everybody's gonna be there and that was on Sunday well after what happened on Saturday I couldn't function I couldn't function on Sunday you know I was just angry at everything and everyone and that was just not good just really wasn't good so I didn't go I didn't go to my mom's surprise party myself in the butt for that but you know it just I couldn't bring myself to go I just couldn't that was a nice thing I was really upset about though I was kind of like it's not cool but anyways so yeah we got um Chloe's doing good I didn't say anything about her lately she's funny sometimes she'll come up to me especially when I'm in the bathroom I told her she always protects me while I'm in the bathroom mom you're going to the bathroom I had to protect you here let me get in there with you let me come in there and protect you gotta watch out for you Mom I love her so much I need I think I need to clip her back claws because when she walks on the wound for her back Paws kind of slide out from behind her from underneath her and stuff I think that's why okay I think that looks pretty good so now we're gonna make some tags so this is what we're gonna do we're gonna turn it over and we're gonna make surprise tags okay so we're gonna do this okay don't I can kind of see where the glue is but I'm just gonna cut it if we use a template like [Music] trying to get all these scraps out of here maybe one adrenaline card like that a big one a couple of big ones like that and we had a jaw around them and then I will cut them out and we'll be back okay you guys so here's what it ended up with um I gotta trim them a little bit better but um I need some big journaling cards um we gotta put some fairies on these and decorate them up one thing I remembered about why I should not use hot glue which is a little bit late now is because sewing these and my sewing machine is not gonna like me do not use hot glue on anything you're gonna show you guys because I even did it again the other night when I was doing those folios and I think got stuck and I was like um Ken can you fix this for me I messed it up he he's so nice to me okay so this is not really that straight but I'm trying so what I did was some of it is with hot glue so that's fine some of it is with wet glue so it's still foggy oh my goodness so yeah I guess this is a crafter not to do what not to do because I'm trying I don't know I was just excited to start crafting and I don't know what I'm gonna make first and trying to do something you guys would be interested in instead of just boring stuff and um whatever I'm trying this one's not too bad and so what I'm hoping is after we get some place on these and uh decorations yeah she looked pretty cool we'll just take that off I think okay so at least you guys can learn something I knew there was a reason why I didn't want to use hospital but I haven't really collaged with anything like that paper for that folio that I did that wasn't anything like the Blue Fern stuff that was like really thin like scrap and not even scrapbook paper just like decorated paper that was like copy paper thickness you know so it wasn't hard to glue down with a glue stick that's what I did basically with that [Music] with that so yeah so when I was doing these I didn't even think about it I just was like oh that'll work better what am I doing yeah I knew what I was doing in the first place you trust your initial Instinct you guys trust your initial Instinct that's all I had to say yes okay so it's that one planning out having some big journaling cards because I got some big spaces to fill in there plus I'll make a couple more maybe out of some thinner paper too but for now this is what we got to work with and bows too besides um by the way I'm sorry I like again I need to remember that this tripod is not in the right place this isn't gonna work there so I'm trying to keep things where you guys can see them good let's see this way and this is at my coffee table again guys so my legs are like you can see them they're like right here so it might look kind of at a weird angle that's why um we did get a smaller dining room table which is really nice in our dining room it makes a lot more space but it's not nice and the fact that all my crafting stuff can't fit on anymore but it doesn't really fit on the dining room table either I'm just I don't know I I don't feel so lonely back here on the coffee table instead of at the dining table so I don't know what I'm thinking today I'm going to be in the basement because I can't be by myself all the time here that drives me nuts maybe I'm just trying to like [Music] our house is not not the biggest house okay so that's pretty good now let's decorate a couple and I will let you guys go and then I think what I'm gonna do is collage a couple of folios you guys don't have to watch that and then go through and do a writing flip through on each one put some lace on some pages and put some pockets and stuff down so we'll work on that so let's pick one I'm gonna do this one okay so uh hold on let me get my favorite okay guys so I found this one I think this is so super cute it's a little scary with a mouse and it looks really good on there so what do I want to put behind them do I want maybe some something to make them stand out so maybe even some where's my hold on one second okay so I got some different kind of book page stuff we can put behind it I was thinking Maybe what about no because this stuff is too busy I'm gonna do something a little bit plainer just to make it stand out so let's do some book page we'll just um I need this unit letter this is just uh paper that my daughter got me for my birthday just extra little papers you can use to decorate and stuff or backdrops so let's do some of that just just to kind of set them off a little bit I really want to straight edge here so that off I think maybe like around here that looks pretty Okay so we've got that going on and we need some lace so I I wanted to incorporate some black lace in this journal but for this I think I want to do I think I know what I want to do I'm so sorry everything is so scattered around I gotta go grab it okay so what I'm thinking is this yes this this is too dark to know wait no let's do um there's a little bit of blush color in there so let's do that all right so you know what I'm gonna do right I'm just gonna be putting this down the side like this let's glue these guys down first so I'm gonna use a glue stick for this do I want to Ink it first probably hmm where's my new one hello new anchor where are you I don't know what I did with it crap where is it that's not a new one is that the new one oh my goodness you guys have these all mixed up I guess we'll test it and see how it does how's that that's the only one we're gonna be able to tell them right I think that's the new one learning okay hey I am such a hoarder you guys I keep all my old ink pads because I keep thinking maybe I'll put water in them and they'll work again and yeah I don't know I'm just weird like that I guess but see I'm so bad because I go through store then I stash all the stuff I got and then just like I said the other day I was going through and I found so much stuff that I didn't even know I had I totally forgot I had it was terrible I was like I was telling Ken I'm like I didn't know I said this I forgot I had this and I was like this is so cool I thought that's awesome he's just like laughing at me like you're so weird he knows the word anyways right I mean he knew what he was getting into years ago poor thing poor kid I know I do love him though I love him bunches and he chased me really good he puts up a lot of crap from me he really does all right so let's see if we can get this Mouse's tail on there the right way in a good way oh no that's not how you do it Nick not how you do it let me see if I can I counted up I need to get a different one this is a glue I'm using you guys by the way I'm using um Elmer's craft Bond glue works really good totally a fan because any other glues oh look that sticky no it's not any other glues I get I have to order them because in the stores around here carry them like oohoo or Yahoo or you know just kidding like Yoo-hoo or um what's the other one everybody uses I don't know uh Scotch stick all that stuff Italy really carries those things around me so I kind of live out in the boonies so I found this though and this is uh the local Walmart store and I can pick it up it looks really good so there's that now I think I'm gonna put do I want anything else down right now no because basically like I said this bird this Blue Fern sturdy Studio stuff basically is like its own collage I mean like you really don't have to do a lot with it you really don't so pretty it really is super pretty [Music] okay so that was pretty good let's trim that off I'll make the little here if I can do this the right way I hope you guys can see what I'm doing I'm so sorry if I keep getting out of film or out of the camera thing like that no nick you just screwed it up okay that looks good okay and maybe we'll put like a word on there or something which my words are across their own so I have to put you on hold for another minute while I go and grab those if you guys could only see [Laughter] the mess that I have created in the last 15 minutes holy crap Ken's gonna come home he's be like oh you've been filming to him here yep sorry okay so let me go get word okay guys I got my words I keep them in this thing I got from the thrift store I love these things like these big cracks they are so awesome like I have all my word stuff in here so if I have one word I can just go to this thing and cut it out yeah so there's the perfect word right there tender hearted so yeah and I look for these where and I go to the store and I don't never find them but they would be so awesome even to keep like the three journals I'm doing keep them separate them in their own little pouch you know and their own little thing I think that would be so cool keep everything together just trying to find ways to be more organized guys all right do you want like a background for that no I think I like it just the way it is we're just gonna hit the corners I like this card you guys I think it looks cute we did good I just gotta do this I gotta sit down and relax and just craft because see that's why I didn't want to do 3D journals at a time because I get overwhelmed I think I gotta do this this and this and this and then I don't want to take the time to do the things that I want to do like in just special things like just take the time to do things like that and because I have all the stuff on my mind so I'm going to count on you guys to keep me grounded there's no rush in getting these done it's not like I'm got like an Etsy shop or something I'm just just doing them and that way they'll be extra pretty okay I gotta ink the outside I think that that was pretty much done so let's go ahead and ink the outside I love that picture it's so cute uh The Backs aren't looking too great because I don't know I can't sew them I usually sell all my tags and everything but this one I'm afraid because I use that hot glue so I don't know let me think about that for a little bit maybe do something to the back too maybe I'll take a chance and so um I don't know I'm just scared because my sewing machine does not like that stuff at all okay well anyways it looks really cute I like that one a lot so there's one I was honestly thinking that I wanted to put one on this like put a fairy on this I know that's not one that we created but let me look and see what I have where I put here we go um let's see and I found a couple other things that I did that just needs some extra work with the Fairy stuff so and I'm sorry all my favorite stuff is black and white Sicily marks oh man I gotta get her name right she's the one that created a lot of these images and I need to give her credit I don't have her book even though I really want her book but these are her images [Music] um I'm just so pretty but I do like that one I love that these ones aren't but the ones that are like the little girls like this these are hers I kind of think of I gotta remember her name she she does all the fairies that are the different uh flowers and I think months and things like that they're so pretty I'm sorry I'm off camera I'm like talking to you guys I'm just kind of looking around here and see what I have um if I cut that out it might look cute look at that one is so cute um and I still have to draw um pictures to put in each one of these too so that's gonna take a while and I I don't know how I'm gonna film that guys because John it takes me a while so I don't know how to speed stuff up so I need to figure that out first so I can just film the whole thing and then you guys can just watch it in fast motion I guess quite sure how might do that what's this lady oh look at her I think she might look good or do I just want to put a flower on there or something is that how pretty that is okay so um hmm do I want to put her on there okay well I'm not sure we'll set that aside for now I'm not gonna make you guys sit here while I think about that let's work on another um drilling card this one looks pretty cool let me put that on there what do you think of that I think that looks pretty cool now I would definitely need some lace [Music] or again [Music] um that has to be its own thing sorry I'm just looking looking and looking what about this one that's cute I like that okay that's the one for that one it is decided see what we want for a backdrop all right hold on how much longer did you filming uh five oh 51 minutes okay this is the end of this one I'm so sorry guys I didn't mean to keep you that long um I will put shut this off and I will just continue on and make another video so uh you will see me in the same setup doing some more stuff all right and again thank you so much for watching you guys have surprised me more than you even know with subscribing subscribe to oh my goodness who is talking it's me trying to talk with the new subscribers and stuff in the comments I am so overwhelmed with happiness you guys that is so awesome I really appreciate all of it I didn't think anyone would really be interested in what I'm doing and I'm so thankful that you are um let me know in the comments what you guys are up to or your channels I'd love to follow you and watch what you're doing um I hope you guys are having a great day and that you're crafting and you're happy and everything's going good for you and I'm so thankful and I will talk to you guys later thank you bye
Channel: Let’s do this Creative Thing Together
Views: 156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ThGWU6FztFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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