Antique Quilts (Tour My Collection) | FARMHOUSE VERNACULAR

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so the office is nearly done as you can see that there's a bed behind me with some sheets on and there's art up on the walls and I'm sitting in a chair because this room is nearly done but fixing this bed was the last thing that we had to do which I'll talk about in a later video and now that the bed is fixed I realized that the final Decor piece I needed to figure out in this room was a quilt for the bed which meant that I had to go around the house and find all of the quilts that I own and it turned out to be a lot more than I thought I didn't know I had this many um part of that is because they were all in vastly different areas of the house mostly because I wasn't paying attention and anytime anyone offered me one I was just like yes of course give me a quilt I'll figure out something to do with it later but considering I have all these quilts and I have shown not a one of them on this channel before I thought it would be a very good thing to discuss today if you would be so interested so antique quilts some antique quilts handmade quilt handmade quilt tour [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so before I get into this um I have to scoot Baron off because he's sitting on top of my pile of quilts like he's the Princess and the Pea I was sharing these on Instagram which is kind of what sparked this whole thing and a lot of people were asking where do you find good quilts where do you find good antique quilts do you have any tips on them getting good quilts no no I don't because not a single one of these that I'm about to show you have I purchased literally not one they've either come from my family as heirlooms or they've been sent to my P.O box pretty much nothing in between so I don't have any idea how to get good quilts other than possibly having a family that already has a bunch of quilts or starting a YouTube channel and putting your P.O box up there and then people might send you stuff I do have to say I've been unbelievably fortunate with what has been sent to my P.O box because a lot of people send me things and say I've had this for years I don't know what to do with it and I want to go I wanted to go to someone who loves it and that's usually me and my happy little pause so thank you for everyone who has sent various things in the P.O box um let's get into some quilts okay so I was trying to figure out the best way to do this because there's a lot um and I think we're just gonna go smallest to largest okay so I've kind of been a um Scrooge McDuck about all things tiny human as you know most of that I still stand by I didn't have a shower I didn't really let anyone buy me anything because I just didn't want a bunch of stuff however uh somebody sent me something in the P.O box um and it was the same woman who sent me two of these that I will show you and it's this [Music] which is just the cutest sweetest little quilt it's like is it three feet yeah it's three feet by three feet I I learned that this is something you should learn if you have any interest in fabric figure out something on your physical person that is three feet long for me it's the distance from this shoulder to this hand when my arm is stretched out that's three feet so it's very helpful for estimating yardages of things but this one quilt it's a tiny little bitty quilt it's only three feet by three feet but it is just the most Charming little combination of colors the yellow is my favorite the yellow is absolutely my favorite and it is just so sweet I love this tiny quilt it's like it's a lap quilt it seems small enough that that like it would be pretty to hang up on a wall somewhere if you had a wall that you were so inclined to she picked this really great fabric that has all sorts of colors in it and then she pulled out matching colors to make all of this now fair warning I don't know a dag gum thing about quilts I have no idea what the patterns are I have no idea what the names are so if you know of any of them just leave it in the comments okay and the overall purpose of this video is because one of these fancy quilts is going to end up on this bed and I've already made my decision but cast your vote and May the odds be ever in your favor so this is the first one probably not a strong Contender to go on the bed because it's so stinking tiny but it's the cutest thing ever and we've used this many many times because it's just it's so good so very very good also if you were the maker of any of these quilts and you do this and you want me to promote your business please send me an email page it from house vernacular and uh I will make sure that the links are in the description if I can get them now the second one Baron are we gonna fight this whole time I think we're going to do I have a kitty he's Royal Majesty you're gonna jump down thank you Mr Baron you're gonna have to go sleep on another bed while I do this okay [Music] this next one um is also too small to be a contender for this bed but the sheer amount of work that went into this is truly unparalleled it was almost jarring the first time I saw it because I was like that is so many different pieces of fabric and so much thought and so much piecing um but it is this one this wonderful Farm quilt and this woman was very sweet she emailed me and she asked when Brandon and I got married so that she could put our wedding year on this quilt people you're you're killing me you're melting my frozen heart but this this one has been very nice to have because she put a lot of quilt batting in it so it's extremely squishy which is great for like sitting on the floor and wanting a little bit of extra cushion so that is my second oh oh no sorry I do have a favorite piece of fabric on this one shocking who is shocked about this not a single person it's that fuzzy gold velvet yes that is absolutely my favorite piece but she sewed this together and it's like some of it is is I guess traditional quilt piecing and then some of it is applique with a blanket stitch I I am talking so far out of my comfort zone right now it's ridiculous I don't know how to do any of this but I think that's a machine blanket stitch because I don't think she did it by hand and then there's just all there's so much quilting going on here and um where are they hold on I know we have chickens on here there we go see there's a chicken there's foreign tractor just unbelievably intricate and wonderful and then on the back of course we have some very fun Fabrics of chickens and cows so that is the second smallest handmade quilt that I have [Music] [Music] next this is the first family quilt that I have and this was a lap quilt made by my grandmother on my mom's side [Music] she I think she was just using a lot of her scraps because she had a quilting club and this one isn't like it's not technically quilted as in it doesn't have a ton of top stitching on it but it is just hand knotted in the middle and this one's nice because she puts something in it that has a pretty decent weight to it so this is a very good quilt for sitting you know on the ground this one while I do like it is also too small for this bed so we are moving through the small quilts and into some of the larger quilts now but this is the first of the family heirloom quilts that I have now this one came from the same woman I believe it was from the same woman who made the tiny first quilt and this one is really fun foreign [Music] good size quilt I think it's about five feet by five feet so it's it's a good sized quilt and this is the back side of it it has kind of like a cross on the back side and it has hearts on the front side and she has it bound with a bias tape and we have washed these and we have loved these this one is another one that's not too aggressively quilted like it really just has kind of some stripes down the seams I like this one a lot this one stays under our work table in the kitchen and we use it to sit outside a lot for picnics because it's a really good size and also the dark color on the back of it kind of hides any stains or anything so I like this one a lot again though too small to go on the bed foreign [Music] this one gives me so many feels this one used to sit in the the basket to be used outside but I had to stop because it's too pretty and it um I love this one this one was sent to my P.O box um I think it was technically sent for my mother and then my mother was like I think you need to have this because it looks like your house look at these colors look at these and the this color right here this color is sparkly it Sparkles it is a sparkly quilt I didn't even know you could have sparkly quilts it's too small for a bed this size but I almost want to layer it because it's just the most delicious beautiful incredible quilt oh I love this one so much and then on the back it has this really wonderful Rich pink color that kind of seems like the same tone as the office it's just sort of Dusty and muted and I just I love this quilt so much when I saw it after it came out of the P.O box I just about lost my mind there's multiple different Fabrics in the uh Stars there's this this one there's kind of a richer gold one kind of this muted one I love this one so much that's pretty much it for all this all the small quilts um I think we need to go into the large ones now [Music] so the first one to talk about is not actually a quilt this one came from my mother I think she found it at an antique fair or the antique mall or something like that and it's this one foreign and this is a 1930s 1940s I don't know if it's Chenille or not but it's gorgeous it has kind of like a ruffled Edge on it this is a blanket that I actually slept on a lot growing up I slept underneath this um as a as a girl growing up actually in this very bed this is my childhood bed um so I love this one I love the texture of it I love that it's a really lightweight and so if you need a blanket during the summer or something it's a really really wonderful one it's actually reversible so on one side you kind of have like a pink field and a white pattern on the other side you have a white field and the pink pattern so it kind of gives you a couple options depending on what you're wanting out of your blankets so this one actually is big enough for this bed so this is the first Contender what do you think do we think this is the one that we are going to pick for this room I don't know we'll have to see this next one is probably the wackiest quilt that I have foreign [Music] this one came from a P.O box and I think it was all hand sewn and all handmade because it is just sewn onto a sheet like this is a sheet the tag is on it says from JCPenney I'm assuming it's from like the 80s or 90s and it is just the most wild insane Patchwork piecemeal quilt I've ever seen I've never seen a quilt like this and there's different weights there's corduroys there's ginghams there's Stripes there's so many different colors on here and this one is actually what we sit on most often outside because it's a really good size and um I I don't know I just felt bad sitting on some of my other quilts because they're older and kind of started to fray but this one is actually in pretty darn good shape and on top of that it has been stitched all along all of these so they they were sewn together by hand you can see the hand stitching and then it was quilted down with these kind of chicken foot looking stitches all across it so this one's a pretty good size I think it's probably a full sheet or a double sheet and then they added the the fabric on top of it so what do we think am I gonna wash this up is this the one that's going to end up in the bed up here I'm not sure cast your vote [Music] now this one on Instagram this one uh was one that people liked a lot when I was um trying to figure out which quilt would go on this bed foreign [Music] I guess it's technically a quilt but the pattern on it is printed and it has a tiny little red ruffle all the way around it so this is printed this is not applique this is not stitched on this is all just printed Fabric and then it's quilted together and this one I really like it um the biggest thing that's that bugs me about it in this room specifically is that these leaves are very green and this might look green on camera but it's distinctively blue so to me it just looks like a bad match not an intentional mismatch so this one is um it's fine it does have a tag on it that says Old Kentucky quilt old and charm from modern homes so I'm not sure exactly when this was created but someone sent this to the PO box and I do think it is quite fabulous so let's see is this the one is this the one that's going to Grace this bed we shall see this is another one that came from the P.O box and actually I don't remember if this is a tablecloth or a quilt but it is incredible whatever it is foreign [Music] it has so many hand-stitched pieces on there you see all those circles every single one of them is hand stitched and I mean like tiny 16th of an inch absolutely microscopic stitches kind of hand stitching and it is just so bright and fun and colorful no I think this is this might be a tablecloth have I have I messed up here I'm not sure we're gonna throw it on the bed and see if I like it because quite frankly just because someone says it's a tablecloth doesn't mean it has to be a tablecloth I mean I make the rules here so this one is really fantastic this one also came from the P.O box um I'm just astonished by how long this must have taken someone to hand sew on all of these little applique pieces so what do we think shall this be the one that goes in the bedroom or the office I guess it is an office I keep saying different things something that I have noticed about all of these quilts though is that some of them go in this room better than others but none of them look like wildly horrible something about it kind of just looks right even if some look more right or less right they still look like cozy and nice and are really Pleasant and warm and and snuggly I feel extremely blessed I'm fortunate to have all of these quilts because I didn't buy any of them I've just been collecting them and when people say hey do you want this I usually say yeah sure that would be great they haven't ever all been in one place so I didn't really have a sense of how many I had and then I pulled them all out for this video and for this project specifically and I'm just like what a gift what a gift to have all of these [Music] foreign so this one is one of my childhood quilts actually on this bed I slept under this quilt a lot I don't know anything about the history of it I don't think it is um super old but I know my mom bought it and it is hand quilted you can see the the stitches um in between all of the different squares but I do like this one a lot it's very um muted just kind of very calming which I do feel like a lot of quilts tend to um kind of go in the direction of very loud uh just I'm assuming because that's what's more interesting to sew for the Quilters but I really do like this one is um kind of nice and soft and muted I enjoy that a lot this one is also a twin size so will this be the one that goes on the bed okay now we're getting into some of the seriously crazy ones is this yeah okay this one came in the P.O box and it was quilted by a woman at Elsie Eileen some I'm pretty sure her name started with an E I know I have the card that came with it somewhere but it's escaped me for now [Music] foreign this one is insane this one is completely mind-blowing because all of this is applique all of these pieces are all applicated on top of this white and not only that but all of the ridges in it see all the ridges there that's all hand quilting and what you you might not be able to see is that there are floral designs that are hand quilted into this quilt I don't even I just oh I remember when I opened this out of the P.O box and I was just absolutely in awe of how like the these stitches they are so stinking tiny like there are probably 20 stitches per inch just for just for how unbelievably tiny and fine and delicate this one is now I think this one is a full which I don't mind on a twin bed because then you have some extra that overhangs and it just looks really nice and dramatic especially because I don't really like bed skirts so this one with its beautiful pink is a very strong Contender a very strong Contender up here what do we think foreign [Music] this one I am a very firm believer that quilts are meant to be used and even if they are threadbare even if they are damaged even if things are kind of falling apart they should still be used because if you don't use them just out of fear of making them worse then they're gonna have to go sit in a Cupboard somewhere and nobody's gonna use them and nobody's gonna love them I would rather use them until they fall apart and then cut them up and turn them into pillows or something so that they keep getting use as opposed to just saving them for a rainy day foreign [Music] so this one is fabulous completely fabulous I think someone on Instagram told me that this is called a Dresden plate please don't quote me on that but that's what I think someone said and it originally these ones these kind of Darker ones were bright orange these ones were like lime green and the the pink was like solid hot pink so what is it's in some pretty pretty rough shape and it's seen better days but I love this one this one also seems like it was um hand quilted and this one came from my family which I believe it was my great grandmother on my father's side quilted these at quilting bees in the town I grew up in so I'm pretty sure that's this is from her so this one's pretty pretty old I think um probably 100 years ish maybe give or take but this one is truly fantastic and it has a really lovely border all the way around it like this I really like this one I really like this one in this room just saying okay four more [Music] this I'm pretty sure is um a hexagon paper quilt I might have the name wrong but I I think I know the process which is basically where you take pieces of hexagonal paper you end up wrapping the fabric around it and using that to sew it together then you pull all the paper out and you end up with this hexagon quilt this whole one is hand sewn and hand quilted and this section looks like pretty nice and chill but if you open it up this one gets really Wackadoo really fast and I do love that about it especially because one of the other rooms up here is going to be kind of this like really rich tealy blue color I can see it in my head and I think some of these ones that have very very bright and bold colors will end up looking good in that room but I like this one quite a lot it's just very very loud and it has this really bright green quilt binding on the edge so this is another one that was made by my great grandmother on my dad's side in the town that I grew up in what do you think does this deserve a place of honor in the office shall we see my mother is the one who keeps all of the stories for all of these things and this one has a really great story so this is a wedding ring quilt or a double wedding ring quilt [Music] this one I believe is either a queen or a full size so this is a pretty good sized quilt I do love how pale it is I love how kind of muted and pastel everything is and this one was actually made by my grandfather's relatives on my dad's side which is interesting because he was adopted so we don't have a whole lot of connection to his side of the family but this was made by some of his relatives in a sod house around 1900 around the turn of the century so that is extremely cool from a family history perspective and my mom has had this one for years um it has a oh gosh I just love the edge of it look at that edge right there this one is all hand quilted it's all hand done and it's just um it's beautiful I love this one so much does this one deserve to be on the bed up here so that's one wedding ring quilt and I think wedding ring quilts are my favorite quilt pattern I I can't say for certain because I haven't seen all the quilt patterns ever but I really like wedding ring quilts so this is another wedding ring quilt [Music] this one came from um also my great-grandmother in the town I grew up in and her quilting bees and this one has such a delicious pop of color on the edges and I love this one because there are no patterns there's no patterned fabric anywhere it's all solid colors and this one I think is going to be particularly spectacular in that next room whenever we get to it because the color I'm thinking is kind of like this but deeper and richer and so I think this kind of pattern and all these really bright saturated colors will look really good in that room look really good in the off the office wedding ring quote the last one now someone also told me that this is a quarter Dresden plate pattern I'm not a quilter guys I I can't I probably can quilt but I really lack the attention to detail um and the the patience for that much like fiddly stuff this one is really cool it kind of has these quarter fans on it and this one is a very rich like fall autumnal kind of quilt because we have this green band and this orange band and then a brown backing and I really really love this one I I feel like I've said that for every single quilt but I do love these and it's one of those things that I I didn't realize that I had them all or how cool they were until literally when I pulled them all out for this project and it's not that I didn't know that quilts were cool but I just it just didn't occur to me it was something that I was like yes yes I'm gonna collect the quilts because I will need them eventually and this was the first time that I needed to put a quilt on a bed and um and I had all these options I was like wow we hit the jackpot so with all of those quilts with all of those beautiful things one of them is going to end up on the bed up here but I absolutely love all of these quilts I think they are so fantastic and I am so thrilled to have them as options to put on the bed up here so you'll have to stick around and hang out to see how we finish up the office which the reveal is coming very soon so don't don't worry it's coming um but other than that thank you so much for hanging out today I hope you thought the quilts were as beautiful as I did and if you know anything about any of them please leave it in the comments because I need to learn and I don't know bye
Channel: Farmhouse Vernacular
Views: 30,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farmhouse vernacular, farmhouse renovation, victorian house, antique quilt collection, antique quilt, antique quilts, tour my antique quilt collection, farmhouse antiques, quilts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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