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hey everyone it's nikki um my voice is a little softer today than it usually is because ken is sleeping but i just wanted to film this because i've had a couple of health issues and i haven't been able to film that much lately and i just wanted to know that i didn't forget about you guys or anything like that at all so what i've done so far is i just want to show you real quick it'll be a quick video um what i've been doing and then maybe i'll uh video tomorrow what i'm doing but um first thing is uh the lice vignettes video or um a portfolio or whatever so what i did was i decided to make all these videos okay this would be this whole thing would be one would be the cover so there'd be a extra uh pocket right here this is gonna come open this is gonna come open and so that there's that these are the pages um so far anyways sorry chloe please want my attention over here she's so cute but those are my just my pages i don't have anything else done besides that but here's my pages um okay so there's that one that's like vignettes can i just show you my kitty cat she's so cute [Music] can you show how much how wonderful you are see ya my mom has been feeling that good lately so i've been watching out for her making sure she's okay thank you clue i love you yes she's the one that's she's almost 19 now and she's been with me i sure do love her okay on to the journals okay this is the next one that i'm doing right chloe um i just put up the same situation um this will be inside cover these two will be glued together so that will be a pocket in there and we got this and this popped out these are the pages so far so far you know so i hope you guys are all doing good i'm sorry i haven't been um uploading very many videos i just been struggling really bad with uh some health issues and uh i guess i'm just like really worried about it i don't know and then in the middle of the health issues i was not the most pleasant person to be around and i yielded my family and i don't know it's it's really hard time for me right now but anyways this is the thing that i mean that'd be the upper and then then we've got this comes down and this zip flips open and then flip it does that flip up no okay nevermind okay so there's that and that is for the country bird journal okay so hold on we'll get the other one okay and here's the the other one i'm working on it is um let's see so this would be the front two covers oh my goodness you did not see that happen just now hold on one second okay these with the front two covers these will be together so there will be a space in between there that'll be a pocket look at these this now open up in the beginning we've got these pages um so far anyways you know these these don't have any pockets on them or anything yet i just kind of put them together um it's probably going to be the most major project i've ever done is three journals at once but i really wanted to do this um i think that they're so super pretty i can't pick between them of which one to do first so i said okay well we'll just do them all together then right you know it's it's just fun anyways i mean you know whatever i just i love doing it so you know i'm not gonna worry too much about how it turns out i mean i will try my best of course but like i said it just makes me happy um i might draw a picture to go into each one of these but i'm not sure yet with the health issues that i mentioned earlier i don't know if i'm gonna be able to or not but i'm gonna see [Music] um yeah the the bad part about the health issues guys is because um i had a seizure and i can't remember a lot of stuff so it's kind of like not cool i don't know [Applause] um [Music] yeah it just makes me really scared but um well i had like this big issue i i got really upset about something i was extremely upset but what did i know that was gonna affect me like that like i kept shaking for like days afterwards i was shaking i couldn't figure out why and i was at work and then all of a sudden i woke up and i was in the ambulance and they had cold damage because i had a seizure in it i was filming at the mouth and not breathing so that's a little scary yeah so um and i can't remember a lot of things that were going on during that time so still trying to remind myself but anyways this is the pages for this one this is the the last page um opens up like that so that was pretty cool so what will happen is for each one of these this envelope on the outside will be covered with material okay material lace it'll be tied into these but these will be the inside um for these three um i i didn't go through the ephemera with you but i will [Music] soon and um i just wanted to thank you guys so much for your support thank you so much for watching i know that all that a lot of times i'm not that entertaining um but i just want to thank you so much for watching and for supporting me with this thing that i really like doing um all right thank you so much you guys please like it subscribe comment um i'll keep you updated on everything thanks so much sneaky bye
Channel: Let’s do this Creative Thing Together
Views: 59
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p6OSt0Yfg68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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