I bought the CHEAPEST Tech in the World 🌍

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i'm setting a budget of three thousand dollars to find the cheapest but also wildest tech on the entire internet i'm gonna make sure i find things you've never seen before okay wildest gadgets there's already a lot going on here not quite what i had in mind anti-gravity physics magnets so you put these ones on your fingers and it turns them into drumsticks that's right up my alley what's the weirdest mouse we can get so you can actually get a fully working mouse that's actually a pen this one has incredibly high ratings but i've never seen anything like it this one's a vertical mouse and i know this has been a category of products for a while now but it's just just so alien to me i want to try it let's see what we can find on etsy no way a personalized chocolate smartphone and actually comes in a smartphone box what oh this is too good it says send a screenshot of your home screen and they will print it in edible paper on the phone so we can go milk dark white gold gold chocolate i really really like this site it's less about big companies selling factory produced products it's more like individuals at home who've made really like quirky things but that makes it really really fun no way playstation and smartphone bath bombs i bet people have made some really creative styluses on here wait so this is stylus that you control with your mouth oh so it's built for people who are paralyzed and who can't actually use their hands to hold styluses so they have to control their phone with their mouth let's give it a go [Music] wait why is there a gun i'm so confused this is so beautiful my husband is going to love this for his birthday what ah so you know how i use like pretty much any excuse to dress up in a suit right well these are cufflinks to wear with a suit but they've got a circuit board design very very happy with this purchase oh yeah and thanks to surfsharkvpn for making this video possible so this is apparently the best massage gun in the world but it's 549 pounds ah can we justify it for the sake of it being really really cool i think we can wait a second is that a single airpod ah we're on wish.com again i wonder if there's such thing as like a mini earphone something that like disappears into your ear so no one can see you've got something in wait what what how is that even we'll buy it and we'll try it what is this it's like a fan that you wear on your waist it's not a bad idea to be honest okay let's just try gadgets well that's pretty cool you get like wrist mounted lights like a budget iron man this looks like something out of like a james bond film so you put it on your head and you can pick the magnification of each individual eye i wonder if they have any ps5 gadgets how does this site work man oh look so they have ps5s in stock but they're twice the price of what you would get in store ps5 shell that's kind of cool let's get gold oh you can get a gold strip for the controller as well why ever not wait can you just buy testosterone tablets glow-in-the-dark tape and it's free but you just told me it was free are there like laws against this have always been curious wish sells these enormous mats and rugs for like ridiculously cheap prices can they be any good it's like an optical illusion you get the biggest size possible ah the sun sang my favorite company actually a big fan of like magnetic toys like this and that is very cheap can you imagine buying your toothbrush on wish well that's funky this is a huawei knockoff but it doesn't look like the actual huawei phone okay they've got a wish.com version of the xiaomi mi 11 ultra the phone with a screen on the front and a screen on the back do you think they've managed to recreate the screen on the back up to an extra two percent off is that meant to be an incentive who says on the actual product description expensive but very cool what is that it looks so odd aromatherapy diffuser well i'm assuming that was meant to say display at night wait is that a lightsaber how does that even work very intrigued i've got a bit of a budget left i just want to get one thing that's just crazy well that might just fit the bill so instead of just being a standard speaker that kind of fires outwards it fires outwards and upwards almost like showering the room with sound all right we're going with that now let's fast forward a month when hopefully everything's arrived i am in shock at how fast all this arrived i was fully expecting it to take three months like it did last time this all arrived in two weeks so we're gonna start with the cheapest stuff from wish.com move on to the handmade stuff from etsy and then try the most bizarre most expensive stuff from the wider internet alrighty is this part of the lightsaber definitely something in the bottom maybe this is part of the test and we've got to use the lightsaber to get the lightsaber [Music] stick to the knife are you ready for the moment of truth i need to read my lightsaber instructions oh this is how they do it isn't it the true test of a lightsaber is can it slice through a banana are you ready oh timber can you join me from the dark side go on i believe in you cats these days this is our very very curious and futuristic looking subwoofer it's a nice heavy bit of gear i can't believe i'm saying this but wishes delivered here these are proper mechanical keys on the front and like the entire finish does actually look as crazy as it did in photos i guess i'm just used to being disappointed and this is not a disappointment [Music] off and also look so if you tap this button it cycles between all the different lighting modes shockingly good this is almost going suspiciously well for a mystery unboxing all right hit all right let's me with the big one of all things for some reason like this is one of the ones i've been most excited about amazing the question is is it gonna work it's not the best quality mat as i guess you'd expect for the price it's a bit creased up but you tell me if you can see an optical illusion so i think we've got it to the perfect angle such that [Music] ah damn it oh my god okay wait this is it this is our single airpod it's tiny some things you gotta see them to believe them look at that so this is the case of a real pair of airpods pro they've literally halved it i can't even really complain about the sound either it's probably about on par with apple's earpods which is you know not the highest benchmark in the world but they are a lot more expensive and not wireless pretty premium everything snaps in place it's nice magnetic packaging bulbs your uncle this feels a bit like the earphone equivalent of going into a shop and buying one sock what do we have here oh ps5 controller skin i feel like customizing tech is actually one of my favorite things to do we should also have a ps5 shell somewhere [Music] ah that's nice i think so in my head i was buying gold but i feel like with this kind of finish what i've actually ended up getting is like tortilla wrap color oh god that's obnoxious all right ps5 controller [Music] what have i done what have i done i've turned it from iconic to dusty it looks like those clothes that used to be white but then they got put in the wash far too many times and the controller it's really really bad but hey on the bright side i may be the only owner in the world of a tortilla edition playstation 5. i might just keep it like this give people a free laugh every time they come look at it oh it's our it's our waist mounted cooler that's not a sentence you say every day all right so i think the idea is you clip it onto your waist you put your jumper on top then you turn the button on and i'm slightly concerned this is just going to blow my jumper up but we'll see oh i mean it's far too loud to do any kind of serious work while it's on but the calling works i think the first holiday i go on after lockdown i would probably take this okay it's our tape a lot thinner than i was expecting okay i am proud to present a flower or maybe a wind turbine depending on how you look at it so we basically got to charge it up for that huh probably take this down now oh yes this feels like my initiation process to becoming a spy so for each one of your eyes you can change the magnification so it's on 25 times right now because oh what the focusing distance on these is phenomenal and they've got lights in them as well i know they look like something out of mi6 but i think these were designed to inspect jewelry that's not a good idea all right so we've got the world's smallest iphone from our last video in this series that is a phenomenal amount of detail could you imagine like rocking up to a club in these yes so these are clearly our smartphones as the front of the box makes very clear this i believe is our huawei p50 pro uh i don't think that looks like the actual p50 pro is gonna look but credit to them they have designed a different looking phone like at least it's not just a samsung design with the huawei name slapped onto it it's welcoming me it's very friendly i think we've just broken a record for the ugliest up front of a phone i've ever seen in my life is that bottom bezel combined with that what is that so it's a dual hole punch but there's only one real camera in there the other one is completely software the positioning is off and for some bizarre reason it's joined onto the top bezel it really does make you wonder lg has just left the smartphone market how are these guys still in business and the other phone we have is a xiaomi mi 11 ultra i was super excited about this one because i wanted to see if they could replicate the rear screen of the real phone oh no oh no so instead of actually having a proper rear display they've just put the numbers 20 21 in there it's actually such a shame because i genuinely think that compared to the realme 11 ultra i prefer that finish and just generally they have kind of nailed the likeness of the phone oh yeah and this one has a headphone jack the screen is about as poor as we expected but hey they have at least created xiaomi's ui i'm not actually sure what's in here though is that 100 in my head we were getting a full cube of these that actually might be it that said these are actually not bad quality at all and tell you what this is a tech channel let's see if we can make a phone out of this the magnets are too strong for their own good like you can't make anything with a square side because it just becomes a bangle it's etsy time i'm super super curious about those huge boxes at the back but also very excited about this one because i'm really hungry i think we've got our chocolate phone here i'm going to start with that so this is meant to be gold chocolate i've got no clue what that's gonna taste or even look like oh okay i mean it literally looks like the ps5 from earlier it's not a hugely appetizing color i'm not gonna lie but you know the one cool thing is they asked me to send a screenshot of my home screen so i did and that's what's actually on there so i guess the question is which app do i want to eat it's also got my 58 634 unread emails i think that's probably a good place to start it's actually really good and if you are enjoying this video then a sub to the channel would be succulent can we make more of these videos and can i just tell people on a smartphone only diet what is that these are the microscopic earphones very very curious about this one because i mean so far wish has not let us down pretty much on every single product so far they have delivered but this can't be as small as they said it was going to be right here we go oh goodness sake it's just a pair of events actually wait it's just one earphone what what is it with this site expectations versus reality no need to guess what this one is the mouth stick stylus kind of nervous about this one so it's got some sort of conductive coating on the end presumably so that it can replicate the touch of your finger you're meant to put it in your mouth and who's that on your phone hmm camera take a chelsea let's see if we can make a call i'm just calling off my stylish okay why are you sounding like that i've got a stylus in my mouth i don't know what to do with that information all right bye on a serious note though for anyone who has to use one of these mad respect this is what i think it is we are in for a treat what is that i wonder if that's like excess from the bath bombs they've made i'm keeping this between us but i actually don't hate the idea of a battle whoa that's awesome got another one we've got another one got another one another one another one oh these are the iphones check that out you should probably rethink that smartphone only diet that is literally the perfect etsy product not really sure what to expect here oh it smells like a like a kid's sweet playstation one controller water let's go oh my god oh that's some action look at it but as expected we have great water who needs a bathroom here between us bath bombs are kind of fun and that leaves us with i believe our cufflinks oh i like that i mean i'm pretty sure all they've done is just taken a circuit board and chopped it in random places but i'm such a sucker for it i feel like there's only one way to show these in action okay i feel like i spend more time in shirts and ties in these videos than i do t-shirts all right time for the wider internet i think we'll start cheaper and then go to the most expensive stuff now it's me such an unusual shape definitely looks like something's wrong but apparently these are meant to be better for reaganomics than normal mice the orbit trackball that's next level it's like a mini bowling ball very funky looking i gotta say so you get this stand that comes with it and i think you just leave it like that all right so this vertical mouse i know it looks like something from an alien planet and i've never used one in my entire life and yet it feels like a natural extension of my hand it just glides along the table and i feel like i've been using this for my whole life also i like the fact that just everything is soft soft matte finish soft buttons soft scroll wheel big fan i'm giving this an 8 out of 10. the mouse that i didn't know i needed all right going a level above on the weirdness scale we have the orbit mouse now this thing is incredibly sticky it doesn't budge at all but that's because it doesn't need to move you control everything with this trackball which is incredibly smooth by the way and this scroll wheel on the side of it now i don't know if this is going to be faster to use than a normal mouse or a vertical mouse but i love the fact that someone has really gone back to the drawing board and re-thought how to make a mouse that's cool but i'm gonna give this one a seven out of ten because even though i love the concept of it i feel like i've been spoiled by this vertical mouse like that just feels way more comfortable to me than whatever i'm doing over here and finally the pen mouse now because this is shaped like a pen and because the optical scanner is there it basically means you can use it anywhere like i can control my cursor just by going on my laptop i could use the table i could use my lap if i wanted to and i'm just surprised how responsive it all is oh yeah and the other side of it over here that is a stylus for your phone so really that's a nine out of ten i was expecting that to be a fun but kind of useless gimmick but i'm shocked how well it works and now a virtual drum kit i actually used to play the drums a lot as a kid this might be the modern day equivalent so you get this mat to layout you get these ring thingies so these things basically have sensors at the bottom and these are color sensors so what you can do is you can program a certain sound to play when you touch a certain color for example if i touch this green box here plays a green sound and so with a pad like this you can play what you want to play alright let's amp this up get ready for this getting down at the disco all right the feelflux skill set this is basically a tool that oh who am i kidding it's a toy we're actually getting a bit of warning here very strong magnet exclamation mark oh could you imagine getting your finger stuck in between there so through something called lenses law apparently dropping a magnetic ball through an aluminium tube will apparently slow the ball down the ball never touches the insides of the tube but it creates a magnetic field which reduces its acceleration let me try this okay you get the point there we go our second most valuable item in this video it's basically a speaker filled with loads of speakers all firing in different directions to try and simulate a live performance apparently it's like a like an a plus factory smell right there it's weirdly soft for a speaker it's almost like a like a piece of furniture all right 500 pounds seven omni-directional speakers let's see what all the fuss is about honestly i'm not blown away like yes you can get a good amount of bass out of it it's a thick unit and i do like the fact that i can walk around and from any angle it pretty much sounds the same but for that kind of sound quality would i pay 500 pounds for that okay well yeah i did pay 500 pounds for that but should you pay 500 pounds for that probably not should you pay 500 pounds and get 12 of these instead sure why not so so excited about this one i really need a massage it's got a real like apple vibe with the packaging so the one i picked here is product red just like apple does come on come on i'm dying for a message [Music] wow i mean fair enough because this was expensive but i am impressed with the packaging very very clean ah it's been so long i've got a couple of batteries here just gonna grab this thing and slip it right in oh it's like getting punched a thousand times a second maybe it's finally time for me to enter youtube boxing just holding it is so therapeutic all right let's see if i can punch through i wonder if there's a higher setting probably isn't recommended use three two one okay oh so many emotions it's like having a hundred people pummeling your back that is really good right i should probably start cleaning my room now okay at this point you probably already know what a vpn is if you either want to browse the internet anonymously change the location of your device to another country to avoid censorship or watch tv shows from that country or even just to escape data throttling from your internet service provider then a vpn is the way to go but once you've decided that then the question really is which one and at least from what i've seen there is no other vpn that's offering close to what surfshark is unlimited number of users and 24 7 support for this kind of price if you do use the code boss then you get an 81 discount and three months for free which takes the price to 2.49 per month we literally spend more on paper clips than that oh yeah and it also has the option to remove ads and trackers while browsing to find out if you're being watched by a hidden camera right now i've got a video right here or for the last massive unboxing in this series that's going to be right here my name is aaron this is mr who's the boss and i'll catch you in the next one but as you know the true test of a lightsaber is can it the force
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 7,338,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, tech, android, iphone, smallest tech, tiny tech, cheap tech, cheapest tech, wish.com, wish, ebay, unboxing, tech unboxing, mkbhd, samsung, apple, cheapest phone, smallest phone, cheap, marques, brownlee, latest gadgets, cool gadgets
Id: L1Kb_ZujBPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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