Transforming into a Circus Performer for my Daughter

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baby happy eight months birthday I have a surprise for you oh thank you for that I have a huge surprise for Sadie in the backyard for eight month birthday come on let's go see oh a circus [Music] zadie at the circus that's a fire spinner and it's still walker and a contortionist and a flipper wait is that Benji what's he doing here happy birthday Sadie that's your dad I got you a circus I didn't realize they didn't like the circus so much especially the clowns I was going to give her a gift for her eight month birthday but I think I have a better idea today I'm going to join the circus for my daughter's eight months birthday and at the end of this I'm giving a live circus performance the live circus performance consists of 4X you have to pass four of these classes in order to put on the performance proceeding as long as I don't have to do clown class you might well we're starting the contortion this is contortion class and you have to fit into three of these items to pass this first round easy I can fit into some of these but here's the thing you have to spin the wheel to see what it lands on I don't know if I can fit in all these well then you have to do a punishment from the table of punishments so I'm gonna go first and remember we're gonna be doing this in public afterwards in public but I'm not really a contortionist oh large suitcase the most important thing about contortion is how you get into the tight space the very tight space it's all about figuring out the oh my gosh do you want me to zip you up Sophie yes well we know someone's not gonna have to do the table of punishments today goodbye Sophie bye oh my gosh let me get you out and that is how you travel for free please something easy garbage can Sophie got any tips for me contorting into this because you can fit into anything just as long as you like put your body okay I'm stuck get your knees up more yeah yeah there you go yeah put your head down I can't wait does it count official judge oh it doesn't count hey Sophie you're gonna pick one of these punishments I pick balloon prison this is balloon prison inside one of those balloons is the key you have one minute to find it Time start can you find out one I got it just barely almost a double punishment claw machine climb on in careful what's inside how does it feel honestly it feels good I feel like I can do like contortion in here though wow oh wow oh ah Sophie don't do anything she's shutting herself I didn't do it remember we're going in public after this okay I'm aware Sophie oh black plastic this one's gonna be easy oh I got in yeah now you're in okay bye Rebecca I'll see you one down two to go hope we get a good one dryer Sophie something fit in that dryer if I sit in this dryer you have to do a punishment deal okay but you have to do two if you can't shake on it okay contortion is this ain't gonna happen good luck no way so roomy in here Sophie what no oh no you know what that means you're doing a punishment see I can go with cutting hair no no I think I'm gonna land with this ghost pepper nuts I hate spicy I'm gonna cry if anything I'll even take one with you what yeah no really I'm not doing it cheers cheers oh it's hot oh we gotta keep going I'm done so you have to get two more okay I'm aware I just got a past contortion class Sophie you make this look easy it's all about how you get in and now you just have to get your head down in there you gotta bend your knee down and then it's got a zip up oh it's looking good here's the thing Rebecca your head's sticking out I know but I can't get it milk sponge oh so you have to drink the milk oh it smells fun oh is this expired possibly oh gosh I didn't check the date [Applause] oh it's definitely expired oh that it sounds contortionist goals okay Sophie big dog kid unfortunately look at this I could even fit in this with you yeah what like this counts right oh yeah I did that one only one more one more so I don't have to go to clown class small dog cage I hope I can find that oh you ready to go to public [Music] anything so I don't have to do clown class we're at Target right now and you have two minutes to get into two of the items that I pick out for you okay okay let's go this this let's do this I don't know if I'm gonna get this oh this is hard this is a little this is no this didn't work come on let's go let's go let's go container perfect I really need a point I need to get three I did it I'm in there's a point this is what you're gonna do oh my gosh so oh wait I can't get in okay you can't make it look come on let's get up fit in here so it's gonna be like come on come on come on I can do this I can do this and time did I get it you kind of didn't get it right before the time so so I didn't pass contortion class no this is juggling classic but I'm not gonna teach you how to juggle Josh Horton is are you ready to learn how to juggle yeah we have three levels we're starting level one right here okay are you ready oh I'm not doing that am I no no I'm just kidding okay level one is just juggling ball one ball right to left left right catch catch okay left right catch cat got it nice go on to three right left catch and stop left right left left right left almost almost left right left catch it moving on to level two the gross items you have to pick three of them and if you drop any of them you have to eat it I'm doing giant pickle oh don't drop the poopy diaper I've had a lot of these okay so now you just gotta do what we did before I'm gonna get out of the way oh no you dropped the food diaper okay I did it let's do it one more time no you dropped the other twos just a little mayo and a little furry man that's been on the ground oh there you go the level do you complete we'll call that complete all right Rebecca we're moving on to the third and final level before your test this is all personal items you have to choose three personal items to juggle and hope they don't break are we doing the iPhone and the wedding ring oh that doesn't count you gotta do it again damn fam smash the thumbs up so I don't break anything expensive broken is your iPhone okay my iPhone's okay but it's only compact I have I just got it since that broke I just grabbed the other two if you want to pass this level just do a left right catch catch Left Right catch just so you don't shatter your iPhone so now all I have to do is pass the final test I have to juggle knives not yet we're gonna use them in a little bit though what we are gonna do we're gonna use scarves you need to complete six catches juggling scarves six sketches and you pass the first part of the final test I do not want to go to clown Quest this is for you zadie one two three three five six you ready for the next section of the test nine times though right you only did three catches of the balls before okay now we're gonna do six but together we're gonna use your left hand my right hand we need to get to six six and then we move on to the knife final test one two three four five six are you ready for the final knife test until you said knife I'm gonna juggle these you're gonna juggle the apples and you're gonna throw me an Apple I'm going to slice it out of the air like fruit ninja while juggling [Music] now with the second Apple okay throw it kind of the same a little bit more Arc okay ready set throw [Music] wait what oh third Apple straight up yeah yeah well done thank you Josh Harden for teaching me you have no idea how much it means to pack that class you did great thank you you guys make sure to follow him on Instagram and here on YouTube I got more circus training to get to but can I have a bite of that no no that's mine I'm just kidding this is tightrope class but before we go to the pool you have to walk down this red line to zadie without stepping on the mouse traps I have great balance I was a gymnast this is gonna be easy and if spin around on this bat five times there's three of you okay red Line's moving whoa almost there oh two oh I did it all three of you babies it's time to graduate to the pool this is the tight rope pull challenge there are three levels each one gets harder and more extreme how do I pass you have to successfully cross two beams without falling easy we'll see round one you have one minute to cross drinking all five hot sauces since when do people walk on a tightrope drinking hot sauce time start now oh oh no level one hot sauce oh how was that oh this is so bad it's gonna get worse you're halfway through you gotta pick up the pace a little bit uh I don't know if I can do this I'm not fully though ten oh nine eight seven let's drink it six five four three oh nice oh my gosh you have two seconds left that was so bad ready for round two yes one down one to go I won't even have to do round three we'll see what she doesn't know is I'm gonna be throwing water balloons at her round two is a smaller beam but with the blindfold it's tightrope right good luck see if as long as I cross this beam I don't have to do the third most extreme one so wish me luck oh my gosh very full that looks really hard it is really hard whoa what was that what was that I don't I don't know what oh we're down no you didn't tell me there was gonna be water balloons I told you it was gonna be more extreme it all comes down to this you have to make it across this without falling is it safe it looks kind of wobbly I honestly don't know if it's safe or not I don't think it's gonna stay together and I have a baby I have to carry and we have to answer YouTube trivia wish me luck you guys I gotta keep this baby safe which Youtuber climbed a 40-foot wall as Spider-Man um correct this thing is breaking who set the world's largest trampoline Tower chair s free pizza restaurants PrestonPlayz he came to our house correct this is getting so deep who pressed the world's largest mystery wheel uh oh my gosh oh my gosh Mr Beast no what YouTuber survived a plane crash that was Mr Beast he did a video on that correct what YouTuber trapped a hundred strangers in the dark oh my gosh oh two down two to go which means I'm not gonna have to do clown class we'll see Rebecca these next ones are gonna be extreme oh brother zadie mama's gonna get you a small gift but now she's gonna give you the biggest bestest gift ever can you believe it this is gonna be so easy you can't eat sticks this is magician class in order to pass this you have to make your daughters 80 laugh three times welcome to the Rebecca magic show I hope you are ready to laugh oh I'm glad you left it back because the magic tricks are gonna get even funnier I bet you'd like to see a flower Abracadabra I'm thinking right here oh left is so funny stay calm Sadie has only left once which means that these next magic tricks really have to hit now no this dice to a bunch of little dices are you ready what do you think's day nothing Sadie come on please laugh Mommy does not want to go to clown class Sydney's not laughing I'm gonna have to help do you see this red ball now you see it abracadabra oh it's gone but oh I think I see something wait a second oh it was here the whole time magic nothing this is a magical hat when I wave my magic wand I will put it on my head and one of your toys will appear broken up bro I hope you're ready for the tour she's laughing she must like the fan when I mess up she doesn't care about magic well it fails is what makes baby laugh fails is what she's gonna get see look ow ow that hurt that didn't work do you think it's something else oh Blackjack she loves blackjack [Music] you I am a man didn't even see it that worked thank goodness it was these toy oh yeah oh yeah yeah did someone just pass magic class oh congratulations thank you what are you doing wearing that does it matter because this girl's not going to clown schools we are at Le petite Circ and you're gonna learn Ariel oh that was I was able to learn that I guess we'll find out yeah remember Rebecca if you don't pass this you have to take clown class foreign first we're going to learn the cube this doesn't look too bad I got this and then after we're gonna go up there up there how do you get up there you climb oh I'm gonna put your mermaid tail to one side duck and reach keep your mermaid tail hold on for the spin whoa you get dizzy in here move number two is the arch back you're gonna press your hips up tall and Arch beautiful okay that looks great you're gonna push all the way up Arch and look up at me and smile I don't know if my back bends like that Arch look up at me and smile wow back on the ground feeling good it's time for the performance as nervous as I am right now there is no way I want to go to clown class so I'm gonna have to suck it up and do the performance welcome to Le petite Circ okay Rebecca I'm lifting you up [Music] that looks great now that we've done the cube to pass this class we have to go up there easy got this oh this matches my outfit go climb whoa [Applause] whoa Shake It Out Shake It Out you can do it all right I'm coming up there you got it I'll reach up high grip and pull up use your arms you have one last try three strikes in your house so hook I got this on your foot use all your arms strength and go pull up I didn't pass that means that I have to go to clown school that's okay Rebecca clowns are an important part of the circus hey Zade quick update I thought it was gonna surprise you today but I don't think I'm going to you're so cute I just don't want to Feast my biggest fear do you know how scary clowns are to Mom oh my gosh you're such a crawler do you remember when you were afraid of this date and you overcame your your fears and so did I I can do this I can overcome my fear of clowns and I'm gonna give you the biggest best gift ever okay thanks for the bad job you're the best I love you so much this is clown class you have one minute to ride your tricycle choose your clown costume put on your makeup keep your clown Name by popping a red balloon finally you need to find your clown nose hidden in the ball pit once you have that you stand up and scream I'm a clown I can do this just remember you only have three darts so if you don't pop a balloon you're eliminated then I can't perform for zadie not be ready so good luck you have one minute once you cross that pink line it all comes down to this damn fam I hope I can do this oh man this thing is small oh let's go oh man this is harder than I thought ah too big for this I do not want to be a clone right now but I have to perform for zadie so clown it is okay zamfam of one minute clown dress clown dress clone dress I am my biggest fear right now do I look like a crown vampire who else hates clowns like me here we go this is not made for an adult human I got it Cloud makeup here we go how could zadie like clowns this is crazy I wish I passed another class right now I gotta hurry this should be easy no if I don't do this then I'm eliminated and I can't perform Mercedes fingers crossed as well my clown name is buttons now what I have to do is get my clown knows I'm performing for my daughter I've gotta find it assistant do you see it where is it where is it I'm running out of time where is it yeah congratulations Daniel you scared me you passed clown class now you can perform for zany you're right you want to smell my flower sure Welcome to the zamfam s for your dinner entertainment we're gonna start with the tightrope [Music] now it is time for the magic show it's a boring old hat kind of smells too but Abracadabra is there something in my hat and is it pink oh it is time to juggle using your bath toys this isn't exactly how I did it earlier why aren't you laughing zamfam zadie doesn't seem to be enjoying this like she did earlier I have no choice but to be a clone I really hope this works [Music] oh no my nose came out ah what a beautiful flower foreign [Applause] don't worry I am okay I'm gonna try Rebecca but it clearly looks like she like the other circus a lot more okay hey Zade I'm sorry my circuit's performance wasn't as good as the other one but I just wanted to say happy eight months I was gonna give this to you earlier but I thought I wanted to do something a little bit bigger since you didn't like my circus why don't you open it it's nothing crazy like a circus but Julie I know your favorite toy went missing so I got you a new one I'm so glad you love your toys Rebecca I don't think zadie likes a circus what and even clowns what what do you mean I was looking at the footage Blackjack actually had Sadie's toy on his collar you mean I trained for the circus for nothing
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 8,149,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surprised, daughter, joined, circus, surprising, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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