I Tested VIRAL Travel Products Tik Tok Made Me Buy

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you ready to test the travel hack with me let's do this let's say you are at the airport and you have a baby and you want them to take a nap good thing you've got this look good thing you've got a place for them to sleep we saw this on tick tock look at that you guys you've got a place for your baby to take a nap right in your suitcase what do you think sadie good point sadie i didn't think about where i was gonna put my clothes today we are testing tick tock trouble hacks to see if they actually work and i've got my assistant with me to help we'll be writing each hack thumbs up thumbs down or buy it because the buy it is so good you have to buy it i need you to subscribe right now do it click it and give the video a thumbs up if you like me doing videos with zadie on here this is a hack for when you're traveling and you have a drink that you cannot carry because you have too much luggage like me so this thing you buy you just strap it on to your suitcase and then here's your drink you put it in and it's supposed to not spill we're gonna see if this works oh oh it's moving check is it gonna spill is it gonna spill it nope it's not spoon let me spin it oh yeah this is actually the coolest hack ever no more throwing your drink away that's right you can keep it i check watch out my channel this is a buy it this next pack is for if you have a glass bottle that you want to put in your carry-on and you don't want it to break all you need is a floaty and supposedly you just put this in it like this blackjack and then you pack it in here so it's not gonna break so we are gonna test this out right now let's see blackjack what do you think do you think mom has to buy new blankets it worked i would give this hack a buy it because floaties are super cheap and it's saving you a whole glass bottle you can't bring it in your carry-on but you can put it in your check-in luggage this is a travel hack for when you're at a hotel and you don't have a microwave let's say you have some leftover pizza but it's cold and who wants to eat cold pizza okay some people like it but i do not all hotels do have an iron to iron your clothes but now we're gonna iron the pizza supposedly flight attendants use this hack all the time and it's to warm up their cold food let's see if this actually works and it gives me an excuse to eat pizza from last night if i can do this anyone can do this oh it feels warm oh yeah don't touch the bottom i currently have it on max heat right now just don't spray the water look i don't have to do anything i just let it warm up the iron has been sitting on the pizza let's see if this works if we're gonna give it a buy it rating oh look at this look at this you guys oh my gosh actual pizza this is a buy it but you won't have to buy you just have to get the hotel room i are not included in this sadie this is another tick tock hack that i need your help with okay so this is a mom hack if you are packing for not just yourself but for your baby there was a hack on tick tock where basically you can put their shoes into your shoes voila you've doubled space so we're gonna see if it works with zadie's little sneakers so here i have my nike air forces oh oh zade can you believe this your shoes fit in my shoes if mom packs 10 pairs of shoes zadie can have 10 pairs of shoes more room for clothes right sadie and diapers this is a buy it except you don't have to buy anything it's free this next hack might be the coolest thing if it actually works so you can take this anywhere and let's say you're at a pond or a creek or lake or something where there's not great water this will filter the water so you can actually drink it it's drinkable water now i don't have a pond here but i do have a pool so i'm gonna attempt to drink water from the pool no do you think it's gonna work i don't know i mean we'll see i'm hoping that this is perfect for when you go camping or when you're in a place where there's not a lot of civilization or something or you don't want to like go over there to get a glass of water yeah so you like put it in a way it's not working i think i'm doing something wrong you have to like read instructions oh yeah no i don't have to do that i just watch tick-tock videos i don't read instructions oh maybe because they didn't have it oh that makes more sense now it looks cute doing it somebody please explain to me how this works oh oh oh oh no that didn't work that definitely tastes like pool water matt do you want to try if it tastes like pool water unfortunately i wanted this to work but i'm gonna have to rate this thumbs down this next travel hack is for when you go to the beach and you have sandy feet and you don't want it to get on everything all you need for this are your supplies that you would normally bring to the beach but most importantly you need a fitted sheet what you do is you like put one item in one corner whatever you have in another corner you put a bucket in the other corner i think you need like bigger what you do is you put water in i almost forgot i need my towel so i don't have sand here so i'm going to demonstrate with some dirt this hack better work getting my feet wet why i'm going to show you oh i don't want this in my sheet right i'm laying on the beach i'm not trying to be dirty just watch well i have to get there first everywhere now i don't want to get my dirty feet on this so what i'm gonna do is step into the bucket rinse my feet off step onto my towel and ta-da i'm cleaning my fitted sheet not to mention that the lip thing protects the sand from coming in sit nice and clean or if i want to put dating in here rebecca don't put zadie i'm not but if i wanted to she could just have a nice little play area that was nice and clean and sanitary see clean feet nothing on them you're going to the beach to avoid the sand you just don't want the sand on your stuff you don't want to like bathe in it i'm going to give this a thumbs up you don't have to buy anything but it's definitely a hack you should try everybody look at all the water this is a giant fail just don't tell rebecca this next travel hack i would have loved to test in an airplane but i'm not in an airplane so i'm gonna make this work and you're gonna have to use your imagination let's say you're sitting in a seat and you're like i have to be on this flight there's no tv screen how long's the flight five hours no i'm gonna use this remote because they always have that little clip thing and you're like what am i gonna watch good thing i downloaded this video i have these now if you have air pods that would actually be smarter it goes in a bag like this okay you know what we're just using air pods we're not gonna use the cord why because it's a waste you put your phone in the plastic bag if you wanna just rip a little hole you take the hook and you put it through like this i'm watching this right now it's a little fuzzy you got to get a clear plastic bag but look hands-free and ta-da i'm in my airplane watching my movie on my phone that i don't have to hold it's not in my lap heck i'm gonna give this a thumbs up just remember that plastic bag it's a little embarrassing there's no idea how loud she's talking what this next hack i didn't think was cool until i thought about it even more and i was like this is awesome imagine if you're in a plane and you like aren't wearing makeup but then you're getting off the plane you're like i should probably look kind of decent look at this trick you're like okay what's the big deal but have you ever had your makeup brushes or makeup go into a sink you can like do your makeup add your kylie jenner blush to your cheeks like oh look i look so good now none of your brushes go in the sink i say this is a pretty cool thing to buy it's called the matte and it can like easily fit in your backpack or your purse you can just like pull it out whenever you want and not get germs for all you germaphobes out there like me the only germs i want touching me are my germs this next travel hack is the safe space all you need is a garbage bag and a vacuum and it's supposed to like suck it tight so that it compacts it now i've seen this before with the machine i've never actually tried it tell you how to like buy a special machine well we're gonna see if this works you put it all in and then you have to like leave no air at all uh oh it's working oh it's stuck in the bag oh no it's ripping the back here we go oh is this actually working right now look it actually worked that this is gonna be a fail but this is quite nice i mean it's not a ton smaller take it off and with these two things look if i didn't use it look how much space i'd have honestly not that much different but it actually kind of did work so if you want to like organize your stuff that could work as far as it being a hat i'm gonna give it a thumbs down that concludes me testing tick tock travel hacks to see if they actually worked and for the most part these were pretty good hats comment below which one you think you would use the most make sure you're subscribed and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo Shorts
Views: 3,528,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, viral, tik tok, products, made me buy, Rebecca Zamolo
Id: 4iH0TP8Kgfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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