I tested 9 Gadgets that Think Different.

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this is a bike helmet with a Twist you wear it around your neck and if you ever have a dramatic fall this thing can detect your motion and it apparently inflates a full-on airbag around your head it works haven't played too fast it is apparently eight times more effective than a traditional bike helmet I've got eight more Gadgets in front of me and in the exact same way each of them take something normal but does it in a way that you would never expect so for example this is the 300 valmuda toaster and it toasts your bread using water no this is not a tick tock life had gone wrong this is genius so it should just be a case of popping the bread inside adding the water with this adorable little cut up choosing the type of bread that I'm toasting and then setting the timer oh it says that is one very pleasant bit of engineering the toaster is then going to boil that water turn it into steam and pass that steam over our bread the steam then forms like a layer of moisture around it and because moisture heats up faster than air this can very quickly toast the bread surface forming a crispy layer and leaving the inside protected and fluffy I can't wait to taste this when it's done and while we wait for it next up in this almost sci-fi looking package is a keyboard and you might be thinking um no it isn't what what are the keys right here my friends the makers of this product the tapster app basically realized that by adding accelerometers to every one of your fingers they can detect the position of them and therefore what you would have wanted to type without even needing to hit an actual key so I can write my video scripts like this I can write them like this I can write them like this you'll notice a little Optical sensor right here that's your mouse so just by moving your thumb along a surface you are moving your cursor and then the cherry on top if I finger guns my iPad I promise you this is not a joke the tap strap will realize that I wanted to become a pointer it will switch the sensors that it's using to measure movement and you can now gesture control it the only problem is that this is literally like learning another language like if I want to type an e that's one tap of my index finger if I want to type a u that's one tap of my little finger if I want to type a minus that's two Taps of all four of my fingers and then if I want to start typing special characters the whole hand gets involved it does have the potential to be a game changer but me personally I'm not looking forward to learning 200 new gestures today but we can get crazier so when I say the word glass to you what do you think of a glass shattering someone knocking over a glass and it making a mess everywhere it's probably something along those lines we actually broke the glass do not try this at home anyways this is what inspired the mighty mug company to build a glass that was both unbreakable and unspillable their words not mine okay that actually is quite impressive but what's arguably more interesting is the fact that when you then want to pick it up you just how does that work well the material is Triton plastic which is completely clear but apparently as strong as stainless steel and then the really interesting thing is this base which is effectively A specialized suction cup it forms a Rubber seal with the surface that's stuck on reducing the air pressure under the cup and therefore creating a strong downwards pulling force all right I've got my best selection of weapons everything is breakable if you try hard enough come on come on oh my God I'm whacking it if you try just try and smack it literally go for it just knock it I don't think I've ever had a product let's look I mean the cup's still fine and then what happens when you lift it directly upwards is that it has air vents that can detect this and then equalize that air pressure difference to remove the downward pulling Force right now that you've got the idea of the video there's probably no more literal example of thinking smart about a beautifully dumb concept than an actual smart mirror the idea of a smart mirror is a very sci-fi concept so I'm very curious what it's gonna do this is an absolute Beast I'm good Jim paying off wow so providing you can hide the cable this is actually a really clean unit anyways the way that a normal one-way Mirror Works is they tend to have a microscopically smooth layer of metal at the back and then a piece of glass on top of it which is designed to just not interfere with the light coming to and from it but for a smart mirror like this one you need a two-way mirror design which still has that metal but instead of having a thick metal sheet at the back it's more of a thin sheet that has some metallic elements at the front and that's what allows you to see this 15 or so inch display that's on the bottom bottom half of this mirror while also being able to see my face oh we have lights fun fact this is why if you wanted to check whether a mirror is two-sided and you're being watched from the other side you just put your finger on it and if there's a gap between your fingernail and the reflected image it's a normal mirror but if there isn't there's a good chance it's a two-way mirror and there is someone on the other side anyways now that we've got the Mirror part of it sorted let's see what the smart part means nice that it's a touch screen wait is that an app drawer no way it's so weird that this is a mirror wow it's got speakers as well hundred thousand it goes really loud it's possible what's the resolution of our mirror it's not the most responsive interface I've ever used but it's a surprisingly clear image given that it's actually sitting behind the mirror oh we got our Spotify working as well nice ah you can mirror your phone too this is a really tough one because I think it's such a cool piece of Kit and I love the idea of being fully connected while sitting in the bathroom but you could just take your phone and do things probably faster next thing the stem player is absolutely fascinating so it's a speaker but let me already tell by the way it's presented and the way the thing looks that it's coming at it from a different angle funnily enough this thing is actually a collab between Kano Computing this really wacky company who creates these interesting Life Solutions with their products like the flexible webcam and the DIY headphones and then Kanye West you I imagine based on this ridiculous shoe lineup probably had something to do with this design what does it feel like skin but what this tiny slightly gross thing allows you to do is to remix any song you play through it on the fly in real time it actually uses artificial intelligence to break any track you put into it into four parts or stems like vocals bass drums instrumentals and then it gives you individual control over each of them are the LED lights on the phone you just slide your finger on these pads and individual parts of the song will change you can like speed up individual bits and loop certain parts of the track so for example this slider here is vocals so if I drag that in it gets rid of the vocals seeing that happen in real time is kind of crazy it kind of feels like it's making me the conductor of an orchestra and I can tell individual band members to quieten down let's get rid of the instrumental track and then when you're done listening but there is one major catch for this track splitting to work you have to upload your music onto their site let it process it then download it and put it onto the player which would have been fine back when everyone was storing their MP3s but I haven't done that for about seven years because my entire library is on Spotify which this does not support right this one is about as low Tech As It Gets to plant pot but it's earned its place in this video thanks to a very clever bit of thinking the idea comes from the fact that most people like plant in their home but then if you're in a London or New York City Apartment you have paid for every square into that place and you don't want to waste it so why not secure the soil with this collar flip the whole thing upside down and hang the plant from the far less valuable ceiling space I know it sounds crazy but there's actually very little downside you can water from the base of the plant and they've even built in a porous water reservoir up top which means that unlike a normal plant pot that you have to water every day you only have to water this once every couple of weeks and then depending on how wet the soil is at any given time more or less of the water will flow in from that Reservoir by diffusion time to check our water taster I feel like I've just treated my bread to a spa that is a glorious slice of toast and this is a normal slice of toast from a normal peasant toaster one of the most obvious differences is the evenness of the toasting healthy load of butter on each normal slice of toast you can taste this very slight burnt Flavor now the bread is kind of mildly crispy all the way through six out of ten and now this feels much crustier oh my gosh I think you could have heard that crunch in the other room it's a weird description but you can really feel the the structure of the bread and that sound is something else nine out of ten and a sub to the channel would be delectable now we get on to the really cool stuff symbol what the hell so fundamentally this the C3 Rover is a cooler the same type of cooler that you'd buy to Chuck a couple of beers in on a hot day but this one is also a car which actually brings with it a whole Suite of other perks it's trying to be the type of cooler that you'd want to host a party with so they made it remote controlled so that instead of having to actually pass you a drink like some kind of Neanderthal I can drive your drink to you you can't drink and drive you can drive your drink I apologize plus the range is 200 feet which means you'd barely be able to see it by the time you lose connection it's got LED headlights baked into it to light your party up at night can holders on either side this isn't even sponsored by Hill it's also a 20 watt Bluetooth speaker and it's actually surprisingly full sound presumably because it's using this massive chamber inside to be able to push out more air all right let's see if Milo wants a party [Music] oh this is not bleeding edge Tech don't get me wrong but it is a really clever way to tie in lots of things that you would naturally want to have together anyway but this thing is a genuine Marvel we've seen a speaker on a car or on a speaker that can remix on the fly but you've probably never seen a speaker made out of light this is the Tesla music coil and I just want to be very clear here this is going to play music but there's no physical speaker here the music is going to come from the Sparks that this box generates let's turn it onto lightning mode oh my gosh so right now what this is doing is creating an extremely high voltage so high that electrons are just starting to fly off this tip creating plasma or what looks to you like lightning and that plasma is causing vibrations in the air and therefore this horrifying sound this does not feel safe and we could actually turn the power up using this slider here oh my God I never feel safe but this is where it gets insane you can flip this tab here to turn it into music mode which allows it to pair to my phone via Bluetooth and then when I play a song it will try to recreate that track using plasma as the instrument here goes nothing it works that is one of the coolest things I have seen in my entire life [Music] can't believe it works I feel like the craziest part of this is that you can actually hear the words it is recreating the human voice using lightning oh you know what else things different the Rhino Shield solid suit phone case this is very solid flooring and the case has actually just been upgraded it's easier to put on and take off it's easier to clean it's grippier you can now get a version with magsafe compatibility and this is my favorite thing about Rhino Shield cases it's even more customizable you can change the buttons you can change the camera ring you can choose from what feels like a million different designs all the way from PewDiePie to Naruto you can get them for iPhones you can get them for many Androids or if you'd rather actually just stop your phone being dropped in the first place you can go for the grip my girlfriend's actually had one of those on her phone since I gave it to her months ago she loves it and then for Black Friday up until the end of the month you can use the code Mr Friday to get an additional 10 off on top of the already up to 60 off that's happening site-wide
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 7,290,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, cheap gadgets, tech, unboxing, mkbhd, tiktok, technology, smartphones, marques brownlee, best gadgets, best gifts, tech gifts, gadget, cool, cool stuff, fun, christmas, best tech, 2023 tech, 2023
Id: 7zqNL-nzYfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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