I Tested Every Color Remover Method So You Don't Have To

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hi beautiful today we're doing some color remover things i've never been this excited about color remover in my life we're going to be testing four different formulas all very different from each other to see which one lightens the hair the best and is the most effective way of getting color out of your hair i want to see how good these color movers remove my own hair color x mondo color from the hair i know some of you guys are wondering how easy it is to remove or what it looks like when it's removed so i'll be sharing with you today the results that i get from these experiments let's do it [Music] color is not a one size fits all type of thing the effectiveness of the color remover depends on so many things like the porosity of the hair the coarseness of the hair how fresh the color is and all hair color lines are not formulated for the same things some hair color lines have colors that last a lot longer some a lot less you have to be the one that chooses the color line that works out for you my personal color line is meant to last a long time however i know this is so confusing i've seen my color last five washes and i've seen it last 45. it all depends on your hair type that is why we don't say how long our setting permanent color lasts because it is just not something that you can measure let's see if we can remove some color effectively with these different formulas and see which one is the best let me grab this many things this manny quinn has super blue on her hair oh my god you guys her hair feels like actual silk this is how my hair actually started this color so my hair has faded quite a bit and i have not used any color remover on it i've just been shampooing it just so i usually do like once a week so i probably shampooed it like seven or eight times now um and my hair tends to really latch on to color i did also bleach my hair before applying super blue this is how it fades it's faded about like three or four levels since coloring it so it does start off a very deep blue when you first do it so her hair is also very freshly colored i did it today so it has not been shampooed yet we have the maximum pigment you could possibly try and remove right now it's gonna be tough i'm sure okay so what i'm gonna do here is actually just leave this bang section out with just a strand on the side also that way we have something to compare to at the end okay now i'm just gonna section out her hair into four sections that we have four different sections to try each four different formulas on [Music] oh her hair looks so gorgeous i'm definitely sad that this is all gonna go away up first on my left front side we are gonna try this vitamin c and water mixture about like the powder vitamin c i've never done this exact thing before but it says to apply to damp hair so that is what i'm gonna do this one says that it should be on the hair for an hour that's why i'm applying it first because this is gonna take forever to do ew why isn't this working i think this is what it's supposed to look like still not really sure but i'm gonna just keep going along with it i mean this is very difficult to apply i don't know if this needs to just be like chopped up more or whatever but it's everywhere but damn it's already like light blue what this is crazy i've never used this before i always was kind of skeptical about it this is i'm pretty sure supposed to expand your hair fibers and kind of swell it that way the color can lift out when you rinse it off i'm really trying to like get it in there like really roughing up the cuticle all the blue is coming off onto my hand that's a good sign and of course you guys this is same permanent color my color line is just that so therefore you do you know eventually want this color to come out i'm gonna go through here one more time and just really make sure it's in there as best as i possibly can that's like light blue at this point this is not gonna be that even i'm sorry guys i am doing my best with whatever this is all right now that i have completely wrecked everything we're gonna pin up that hair and move on now we are gonna do our next type of color remover which is another homemade type of moment and this is dishwashing soap baking soda and anti-dandruff shampoo now this one is a bit more liquidy oh okay i mean it smells really good this is also a lot easier to use than the previous formula i don't think it's gonna be as effective i don't know nope nothing happening yet so this one i'm guessing works because dishwashing soap is a very harsh cleaner so it's really going to strip everything off the surface of the hair and same with the anti-dandruff shampoo i'm pretty sure it's quite strong baking soda is also known to remove really tough like grime from things that are dirty i found stupid but it's fine and so those three together creates a super blend of extremely stripping ingredients which can affect your hair negatively so if you're gonna do something like this on already compromised bleached hair make sure you you know do a deep conditioning mask afterwards but it is gonna be a little bit better than using bleach boom that's applied the color is starting to come out i can see it that's gonna stay in the hair for 20 minutes once i finish i will then bag the whole head now we are going to move on to something that i've used before and have light and a lot of you guys i know have used this this is the infamous color oops this is what everybody gets to store when their hair looks i want to do something that was very accessible to you guys and not professional because i know not all of you guys out there are professional hair stylists and don't have access to stores like that shampoo on this too yeah that's quick you know what i'm doing now wow come here she's a hairstylist yeah yeah i learned from the best oh hey you heard it first because i can't ever show my face so there's my hand here's your hand how does color oops work tell me color oops reverses the oxidation process of hair color pigment so we just mix these up and apply it evenly to the section what happened to you miss manny quinn where are you there you are girl don't die on me now she's over it she's like [ __ ] this all right so it is actually a gel which i wasn't expecting there's the smell it's starting color removers always smell like rotting eggs super easy to apply which i really like obviously and i don't think we're gonna see the results of this until we actually shampoo it out because that is what the instructions actually say that you have to shampoo this which i don't know why you wouldn't but that is the way the dye molecules fall out of the hair if there's any part of your hair that you do not want to be lightened definitely don't apply this there um if you have roots on your hair you don't want to put color remover on it because sometimes it can lighten it depending if the color remover formula has lightening agents some of them do they will lighten your natural hair color as well as the uh colored parts of your hair alrighty that is color oops all applied the scent wasn't like too bad i mean my nose is definitely burning my respiratory system is a little compromised but to be expected i guess so my next formula is an oldie but a goodie and this one always is my favorite but we'll see what happens today on this color this is lightner slash whatever we want to call it bleach any kind of strong shampoo um or cheap shampoo will work 20 volume and a little bit of water and now we are just going to apply this to the hair just get it all in there let me just bleach her face too it is already turning green wow that worked really fast look how light that color is i can't breathe when you mix shampoo with bleach it just like really something happens in there and it just really doesn't like it it's the worst when you're standing over a sink and you're doing this and it's all like right in your face it's not fun all right we'll let that sit for 20 minutes also this is definitely so far the most effective one of all her hair's already like light green as you can see we're gonna put a plastic bag on her head and let these all sit for their allotted amount of times and i'll see you when i come back for the results all right guys the results are in first up we have the vitamin c and water mixture it's definitely very very very subtle definitely lifted the color like as you can see that's definitely a lot darker than that i'm pretty happy with that because this is definitely the most gentle formula out of all of them this is supposed to be repeated over and over again until the color comes out as much as you want it to your hair is going to be fine might dry it out a bit but just condition it and it does feel amazing after up next we have this back section which is the dandruff shampoo with the dishwashing soap with the baking soda i think this one was pretty much just as effective as the first one so i would rather use this second formula this one you can also do multiple times in a row if it's not at your desired result yet but it will definitely dry out your hair a lot okay and then we get into some more serious color removers color oops now let me be honest with you i realized the directions said that it would go in your cuticle and remove the color and then i'm over here sitting watching this process and i'm like wow sometimes you just are such an idiot this is some permanent hair color it is not actually going in the cuticle and staying in there it is laying on the surface mainly color remover is not exactly going to work because it works on artificial dye molecules that are inserted into the cortex of the hair and it releases them semi-permanent or direct dyes do not do that i guess i was ultimately confused because it does say on the box here gently removes permanent and semi-permanent hair color which is the reason why i use it on the directions it says do not use this on direct dyes color oops i'm confused can i use it on some permanent color or can i not and i'm even extra extra extra confused because it actually worked quite well i think this did a really good job at removing the color actually even though i probably shouldn't have used it because it's not technically made for same permanent colors i can't figure it out because box is one thing the directions say another in my head i'm saying no you shouldn't use color oops on the same permanent color because it's not made for that chemistry wise it doesn't really make sense but at the same time i didn't format the color oops so if you guys are hairstylist just comment below and let me know what you think about that and lastly my all-time favorite the one that never fails me a bleach bath look at how blonde she is obviously we're seeing a little bit of green in there but that's to be expected when you're lifting out really dark blue out of the hair but wow it came out so even so quickly it was like 15 minutes this is exactly what i want to see when i'm lifting my own color out of hair i want to see that it is removable because it is not meant to stay in your hair forever it is a permanent color that's the fun of it you can change it all the time but as you can see we got quite a beautiful even lift on the hair depends on what you're looking for if you're looking for just a slight lift maybe use the first two formulas or if you're looking for a heavy duty lift use some lightener as you can see this is the before and this is the after so yes my color lifts out of the hair quite beautifully those are my findings for today definitely going to keep using lightner and 20 volume and shampoo and water mix together to lighten my colors out of my hair because it's just the easiest thing to do and it does the best job of all make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here all my social media handles check it out go for it if you guys want to check out the color that i use in today's video it is called super blue and it is linked below you can also head to our instagrams addicts mondo hair and add x model color for hair care and color obviously or head over to xmodohair.com make sure you guys subscribe if you're not already oh it's right down there and do it up hit the like button and the bell go for it that would really be appreciated this is my phone number yes it is really connecting my phone yes i really do see all your messages and yes i'll be replying to a few of you who message me right now this is to be notified on whenever i post a video and all kinds of other fun awesome stuff today's instagram shout out goes to rebecca she says this is my hair three months after getting a balayage it was the first time getting my hair bleached should i get a light more get it toned again and do something different or keep it the same i think you should get it light and more if you're looking for a change i think it looks super beautiful your hair is so healthy and gorgeous but i think you can even add more lightness and more punch just a little bit more though don't go overboard because i think it looks great as is but i do like this warmer tone on you so keep it in the warmer family it looks beautiful that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,481,628
Rating: 4.9654255 out of 5
Keywords: I Tested Every Color Remover Method So You Don't Have To, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, How to remove semi permanent hair color, remove hair dye, hair dye remover, how to remove hair dye, how to make hair lighter, xmondo color, arctic fox, manic panic, overtone, blue hair, pink hair, purple hair, how to get color out of your hair, color oops, bleach wash, dandruff shampoo and, dandruff shampoo and baking soda, dandruff shampoo and vitamin c, vitimin c
Id: 56nI6ey25Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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