i tested american FAST FOODS i never heard of BEFORE

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I don't think you guys are ready for what's about to go down this video is the highlight of my whole month if you follow me on social media you probably know that I'm in America at the moment and I'm actually flying home in just two or three hours before I do that I went on Google and I typed in that the most popular fast-food places in America and surprisingly I would say 70% of the list I've never tried it before I've been truly missing out so I think this video will be interesting if you're someone who lives outside of America and you want to see different food items that you might not see every day so not your traditional McDonald's just more specific items and if you live in America I think this should be fun because I mean most of you guys have probably try this is your child so you're gonna be like you've never had Little Caesars alright so in first place we are going to try some Panda Express and I know it's hard to believe that I've never had it before what I did for this old video was I went to fast food places and I said can I get the two most popular items I think some most of them I got two different items and basically the people work there just gave me what is the most popular so oh my god that actually looks really good this is a walnut shrimp I think and this is orange chicken and fried rice the people working there said these were the three most popular items and then this is I don't honestly know what that is and of course we had is this how America's eating egg rolls like I don't think you guys understand when we order an egg roll in the UK it's literally like that we've got a lot of foods to go through so I'm gonna try to give just one bite of everything so this is the orange chicken mmm I'm not sure if it's called orange chicken because of the color or because it's made in orange because it isn't tastes like orange so if you're expecting that you probably get disappointed but the flavor is really good this is a shrimp can you eat the whole thing hmm everyone watching this is probably horrified like however you never eat Panda Express before because literally there are so many pent Express restrooms in America I keep on seeing them I was overwhelmed with the choices like I'm so glad the lady chose for me because there's literally so much stuff and also they asked you if you want to sample a simple memory I tried to assemble one of these and she was like you can't sample that so I had to buy it not to be awkward so I don't really know what that is okay let's tried the egg fried rice so it's got like pieces of egg actually huge chunks of egg Wow they put the egg in egg rice okay and not crazy about the rice um definitely not my favorite it's got some weird flavor that can't really describe what it is the chicken and the shrimp really good so I think this is the chicken egg roll mmm it's crispy on the outside and it's literally packing some where stuff this is incredible I wish we could finish the whole thing already but I'm gonna we have a lot of roots to try first so this is vegetable spring roll it's a little bit soft now okay just spring roll um it's good but nothing too crazy about it I don't think this is like one of the most popular items I always like cream cheese in the middle I really didn't like the fried rice just keeping it super real with you guys everything else five stars out of five stars especially there's the chicken spring roll like if you ever go there honestly just skip everything just get free samples of everything and the only thing you should buy is the chicken spring roll this is on a complete different level next up is Panera Bread so I even though I've never been to Panera Bread I kind of heard about it just mostly from memes on Twitter there's this bunch of old meme which is probably my favorite ever it was something like when you order a baguette at Panera Bread and it's it's just Brenda why is my sense of humor like that the lady said that the most popular item at Panera Bread is actually the turkey hot sandwich it's so buttery it's got avvocato melted cheese um Turkey I think this is like a faux cashier bread do you know what I mean like it's like a specific Italian bread because it's got a little those little holes but like it feels so buttery in Gracie so the lady asked me what I wanted to decide and I had the option of apples or chips and I was like chips of course right chips and fries are a different thing in America so I was expecting french fries when they send chips it's really confusing I'm not even gonna go further into this okay please be good I mean it's good it tastes like Christmas to me it's just because it's got this turkey or chicken and honestly it tastes exactly like the turkey that my aunt makes for Christmas every Christmas I you just taste like Christmas to me it is really good the bread is like like good quality bread it isn't taste like fast food I think this is supposed to be one of like the healthier options on it definitely tastes like a healthier option I mean it is a lot of pride but I don't know it doesn't taste like artificial if that makes any sense the only thing is I wish you could order some fries so if we're gonna move on to the next one um I guess this is nicely like a healthier option and next up is Little Caesars so I've actually heard a lot about this place I don't even know exactly where so the lady said that the most popular pizza is by far the classic pepperoni so it looks good but the thing that I'm the most excited for is this stuff called crazy bread so she said this is like the most popular side I don't even know what I make expecting from crazy bread this is what crazy bread looks like oh it's basically like it's like breadsticks why are they stuck together this is so interesting I haven't mentioned price yet because so far I kind of found that everything cost around exactly what I was expecting but Little Caesars is so much cheaper than I ever thought it's so much cheaper than Domino's like I would say like one third of the price and by the way they also have an insane amount of sauces so I'm gonna have the butter garlic sauce okay let's give it a try I'm gonna just dip it in that buttery sauce it looks like straight-up butter oh my god this sauce I've never eaten a sauce like that it's literally like straight-up butter like it tastes like butter times a million oh my god this is so addictive it's liver like drinking bottom and it's so good cuz that cheesy sauce oh my god this is these sauces are so superior okay I have to try them all hey that's good that's really good about the butter sauce um ranch usually don't love ranch let's try the crazy bread on oh my god I'm honestly I'm gonna go and buy so many of these sauces and take it with me can you just take it on the plane oh my god this is on a complete different levels hmm I should be happy right now because I love this sauce but I'm totally sad that if I wanted to have something like this we don't even make anything as delicious as this butter garlic flavor so I think this one is just like um tomato sauce like marinara sauce yeah I mean anything you try after this it's just it doesn't really match this is this place like Little Caesars known for the garlic sauce if any of you guys live in America please let me know because I'm honestly speechless that I've never heard of this butter so it's like wow this is I would say better than Domino's in Pizza Hut like I actually think I like it a little better so tea next up is RVs and the reason why I even heard of this place RVs is because when I was in the taxi I think in New York a long time ago I asked my taxi driver what is his favorite fast food in America he was American and he said Arby's that this is supposed to be the best and I always had that in the back of my mind that one day I wanted to try it but I do have to be honest like so it got some curly fries that I might have might have not eaten in the car this is the most popular sandwich at Arby's wait I think you got an Arby's Oreo milkshake as well according to the people who work at Arby's the most popular item they sell is the curly fries I've actually eaten some in the car already and I mean this is exactly as you're expecting these are insanely delicious so much better than regular fries I've eaten so many of these like I'm not lying to you like I will show you the receipts like eating a whole bag already these are Soviet they taste like a mixture of fries and onion rings this is exactly why I've never been to Arby's before I just don't think it looks good I don't want to offend anyone especially if Arby's your favorite book place I'm sorry taxi driver but what even is that I don't love meat so he might be why I don't know like I don't want to be picky cuz I probably will like it that's just score like fat in it and loads of meat like so much meat like are you kidding me like it's way too much and this is their most popular item so mmm I honestly don't know what to tell you there's not a specific reason why I don't like this first of all immediately the look of food is got such like its go such an impact of my decision whether I like it or not like I always am willing to give it a chance but like I kind of half we make my mind when I look at it and I honestly don't like meat that much like cold meats and this is just like it's like cold meat Central and the cheese tastes so freakin intense I feel like the reason why I don't like this it's because it's less like fast food and I am literal trash so that he said why I don't like it it comes down to that the curly fries possibly the greatest thing I've ever eaten in an American fast-food place like why do we not have these worldwide people are gonna get upset because they didn't like it but I honestly that's my opinion it doesn't mean that this sucks this is possibly like one of the most popular fast-food places in America it's just not for me this next one is called Del Taco and I actually think this might be popular only like the west coast I'm not sure it but I did look it up and it's called like over 600 locations so it is quite a popular fast-food place the reason why I know it I don't know if you guys remember this fresh avocado mine basically that is why I've heard of del Taco and that is why I wanted to try it so we've got a burrito it gets at the yeah we've got some fries but honestly I've had so many of those while more fries Jesus Christ when do you ever need this many fries itself first things up this is the crunchy taco it's not very crunchy anymore okay it's brigid um it's no Taco Bell like that's for sure um I think I like Taco Bell better wow this is literally the same tackle I really thought I was doing something when I ordered so many are you serious I said can you give me three different Decker's look that all literally exactly the same I don't like the meeting these so the meat tastes a little bit weird like Taco Bell meat tastes a la lot better like for a place called LTAC but they really need to step step up their game so this is the kiss idea this actually looks really good it's a little bit dry now but it's like so soft I've never had a kiss idea that looks like a like a tortilla that looks like soft Wow the flavor that has the impact of that has Wow just really good it tastes like a rock is a d8 weird wife like I don't know why is he like steamed or something like the rap part and I don't know why it's so soft Bob this cheese mixture they use in the center it tastes like jalapeno sauce del Taco here's my advice change your name the tacos really not doing it for me but it gets a DM this is like I would come back every day for this so then we've got a burrito and there's fries inside the burrito seriously this is so happy and I think this whole thing cost like four dollars which is like how I don't even know all right I'm trying to understand what's in it first of all there's like that meat that I didn't like then there's bacon cheese fries Delta I could really thought they did something with that they're like why don't we just get everything we have put it in like a wrap and sell it it's no bad though I kind of like it it's like it does taste like leftover food like like all the leftovers from yesterday wrapped in the tortilla that's exactly how I would describe the flavor of it but this quesadilla it's so good last but not least we've got jack-in-the-box so the reason why I saved this one for last was because I go to an Oreo milkshake and I was like this is the ideal dessert for this video so I'm gonna save it for last and honestly it's kind of melted now I'm not gonna lie so he came to separated the Oreo to the cream but still enjoyable we're gonna just mix it in and hope for the best no four food items from jack-in-the-box and I'm gonna be honest with you guys I know if it seems like I have like one or two bites of everything I'm so full right now but before I show you what I got for savory items I got this like little doughnut bites and like little doughnut holes I'm very excited for this so this will be my dessert my friend Kat says that there's always space for dessert like it doesn't matter how much you eat like if it's sweet debo is no space for and honestly I agree so this is what I got from jack-in-the-box so these are the most popular items one of them is the chicken tenders so a lot different than like others so if we had usually so usually in fast food places in America you get chicken nuggets you don't get a lot of like like chicken fill it kind of stuff so and the lady said this is objectively the most popular item from jack-in-the-box oh my god this is Arbus flashback like i don't ever want to talk about rvs ever again this is a burger in a butter Brad it looks really shiny like I don't know if you can see the on camera this is the shiniest bread I've ever seen Americans basically got this reputation of like really like processed fast foods and stuff like that but I actually think these burgers are probably honestly feel like something that you could have made at home or like like no a fast-food restaurant which is weird oh my god it honestly taste like chicken than my mom makes it tastes freaking home married it makes me so upset because I always think of all the times I've been in America like most of you guys most of my subscribers are from America right like how have you guys never told me go to Jack in the Box like I've been missing out on this my whole life the reason why I'm not excited about it is because of what happened with RVs I'm gonna remove the ladders honest animal if you like vegetables I really don't love vegetables like it's not like a funny thing on my videos like I truly every time I think of veg suppose it makes me want to like this bread is so League of buttery he honestly is that gonna hold different level of fast food Brides like I really like that and I will finish this maybe like an hour because I'm so full right now and we've still got these to try oh my god I so delicious that's like straight-up syrup this is sweeter than sugar itself like I don't know why I can't stop having it oh my god we need to keep this away from me right just one more I actually think this is sweeter than actual syrup you know the syrup that you put in Starbucks in your coffee this is sweeter than that straight-up syrup like I'm not saying this like to be funny or whatever that is the actual reality of this I should have gotten more desserts I just didn't expect them to be good because I mean not trying to come for the UK or Europe bar or fast food desserts these suck I always end up getting a McFlurry and I also always end up disappointed on I mean tea bah I hope you guys enjoyed this video I spent so much money on this food item so I really hope you guys enjoyed it if you did it would mean the world to me that you could give there's a like and let me know in the comment section other fast food chains in America that I should try next time because I always feel like most of you guys live in America and you never tell me what to eat like I feel like this we need like to work on this right like you need to give me more suggestions please a huge thank you to those of you who subscribe to my youtube channel and those of you who've got my notifications on I know I always say that but honestly those of you who go and tap the little bell like he means so much to me because every time I put up a new video or if it's like if let's say I do a part two to this video you will receive a notification which is a lot easier than me having to like post on social media about new videos so thank you to those of you would tap the notification Bell I love you guys and I will see you guys from home or my next video bye bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 1,597,738
Rating: 4.8730445 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, first time, american, fast food, item, items, arby's, panera bread, panda express, reaction, foreign, british, european, little caesars, sugar, too sweet, high, differences, usa, europe, uk, reacting to, tested, reacting, food items, first, time, exposing
Id: fAA2u-18-vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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