i ordered the HIGHEST CALORIE OPTION for 24 hours

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this is an Oreos and chocolate shake large it's 32 ounces equals 1730 calories right here I've got the nutritional information of literally most fast food places like some of them are like 300 pages long this is the only kind of reading that I will ever eat my life you probably guessed by the title of this video for the next 24 hours so starting now a breakfast and going all the way until tomorrow morning's breakfast every single time I enter one of these food places I can only choose the highest calorie option so whatever is like the craziest biggest most fattening meal that is what I can have for the whole day so this in every place before we head out for breakfast I kind of have an idea of the places I want to go to but I haven't found out what the highest calorie items are so that is what we're gonna do so I thought that for breakfast we could go to aisle because it's stands for International House of Pancakes so we should probably get some pancakes and everything is so tiny like how am I even going to be able to figure out what anything is okay a thousand three hundred seventy four country fried steak and eggs how do you I don't know 200 calories 300 calories amateurs 420 wow I can't believe I think a thousand 370 is the highest calorie so basically what I want to do for all this fast food places is I want to pick the highest calorie savory but also the sweet option if there's both if it doesn't scream heart disease no good for this video what are the savory option from I hope the option with the most calories is the country fried steak in eggs with sausage and then if you add the option of eggs scrambled eggs has got the most calories so it all amounts to 1800 calories for the savory option then for the sweet option the one with the most calories is the Belgian chocolate pancakes I'm not even counting for the toppings and the syrup so we're gonna ask them to put whatever they have to just put it on top so for Starbucks the place where we're gonna get our drink from the option with the most calories is the white hot chocolate the venti one which amounts to seven hundred calories for one break just wondering seven hundred calories there were a few options like the Javid chip Frappuccino if that's your go-to order then that wouldn't a lot of calories as well very close but the white chocolate wins this was an eventful morning and things didn't go exactly according to plan so basically I got all the foods and I drove home and like now we can sit down enjoy the in sameness in calories that this is for Starbucks I got the white hot chocolate which is honestly such a plain looking drink it was so difficult when I was driving resisting the urge to drink this on the car the total calories of this is 700 calories well that like it's not even that big like I I don't know I was supposed to get the Belgian chocolate pancakes that was the item with the most amount of calories and apparently there is a new item in the menu let me introduce to you the Mexican churro pancakes and yes if you're guessing I try to explain to the lady that I'm trying to do this calorie challenge and basically she gave me five pancakes and the whole total of this is a thousand five hundred calories so all this together is I don't know I'm not good at maths this is like on a whole different level I would have never ordered it in first place but I'm glad this video is so extra and like trashy that I feel like we need to eat these out of a plate just to balance things out so I'm gonna transfer the five pancakes wholly for the savory option we got a country fried steak I've never even seen this this is like a steak like honestly it kind of looks like schnitzel so we also go I think this is like two portions of hashbrowns that they gave me with it they were very understanding of my of my choices so and this is scrambled eggs which is the option four eggs with the most amount of calories so when you get this dish you get to pick the eggs I've never had this before so this will be something that we'll share this is I think this is supposed to be gravy I thought gravy was brown so I've never had a gravy that looks like this so there you go so the total for this meal with the pancake syrup that we will add on top if I'm not wrong guys I think this will amount to 3800 calories so just the breakfast and lunch this is kind of both almost 4,000 calories what a die I mean I am hungry so I'm not even gonna complain I wouldn't start with the drink this drink is for rad rafael's oh this is for someone else sorry I stole your drink my evil twin first of all it's not hot chocolate anymore it's like lukewarm he tastes of white chocolate like very like very artificially I mean I do like it I wish he had more whipped cream if he sounds literally crazy what I'm having almost a thousand calories in one cup bah it could be sweeter it is good honestly I'm not someone who's like two calorie conscious like I hate that like I'm I don't count calories of something that doesn't make me happy but still I don't think I would ever order a drink that is literally the equivalent of like a meal I would rather go to like McDonald's and just eat chicken nuggets that's just my personal opinion if you love Starbucks and a nice sugary drink I mean go for it oh my god I shouldn't have put the syrup on top this is gonna be way too sweet wait I should give you like a short of cutting today's five pancakes this is what five pancakes look like this is literally a cake where's the churro I wish she hadn't sure no one will take me seriously today okay mom I'm gonna choke I honestly overestimate how much food I can keep you my mouth in one go um the churro pieces it's kind of crunchy it's actually the best part of literally the whole meal um apart from that it's a lot of pancake like a lot because we've got so many places to go to today for the challenge like I don't know how I'm supposed to do this there's gonna be a lot of like leftovers or tomorrow the day after you know just it's kind of like a dulce de leche sauce on top and it's got syrup as well it's still not too sweet like sweetness is not the issue it's more of the fact that it's just five pancakes and that's a lot but I mean I do enjoy it like I would exchange this or anything else right now hmm these are so good as well we're gonna move on to trying the lunch part of the breakfast lunch situation because I'm mostly curious about the gravy pop I honestly actually really enjoy that they don't know how I feel about this why craving cold and scald pieces of meat in it I've never had gravy with meat in it this is like an experience you know let's just do like we can't judge this until we have like the full thing but to me it's honestly really interesting that this is the meal at IHOP with the most amount of calories it's not bread it's not like any kind of pasta dish it's a fried steak taste fireman song I mean listen obviously in this video it is what it is maybe for the next one we should do the lowest calorie option now that would be an interesting video give it a like if that's something wanna watch like that would be interesting before this one that is the theme of the video so it doesn't really taste like beef to me kind of like schnitzel like it tastes like any kind of I don't even know like it's not very intense the flavor of the meat which actually makes this really nice like actually genuinely really enjoyable I'm not gonna lie when I tasted the gravy on its own I didn't like it but altogether this is probably how it's supposed to be eaten but like I do understand the amount of calories because like the plate looks so small still I haven't eaten even like ten percent of this and I'm honestly full I mean I did eat it quite a chunk of the pancakes but I feel like it's gonna be one of those challenges from the whole day I'm gonna take a lot in between meals yeah I was gonna do breakfast from IHOP and then lunch but this is the breakfast and lunch because he won't be hungry for a long time I feel like a student I've got like pages everywhere so so right now we are outside Baskin Robbins so this is I think it's like an ice cream slash milkshake place and basically I read all 300 pages of this nutritional menu and let me just tell you out of all things and this stuff is wild there's a lot of items that guess so close to 2,000 calories which is more like the daily amount they I don't know I don't follow these rules the large M&Ms milkshake is like a thousand 430 calories so I think they probably think that I'm health inspection because I'm sitting outside Baskin Robbins like reading pages and pages of nutritional information like I'm the farthest thing from health inspection I'm actually probably the opposite of that like if you sneeze on my ice cream and it tastes good that's fine with me so this is an Oreos in chocolate shake large it's 32 ounces equals 1730 calories I mean we want a lot more coming up in this video but this is kind of like just an afternoon snack just because clearly we need it in this video so let's get the Oreo milkshake so here we've got our Oreo and chocolate shake from Baskin Robbins and even though the cup says Dunkin Donuts I went inside just to double-check this is the Baskin Robbins one and this is the Baskin Robbins one it's just because it's a joint location they give you in the Dunkin Donuts cup I don't know I don't understand but we're still gonna test it out is this worth a thousand seven hundred calories like nothing is but let's I love it like I really wouldn't I hate it I really want to be like you know what guys this is not worth it but it doesn't taste very complex if that makes sense like I can barely get like the oreo it just it almost a second chocolate milkshake it still tastes great I would still I would probably get this again what ingredient you guys think makes this like have so many calories is it sugar is it cream or is it like what is it because like on top I swear he doesn't even have that much whipped cream like this is barely any whipped cream on top and like the whipped cream might I tasted it a little bit earlier and it's not it's not even that sweet well okay all right I they're just making excuses it's great is it worth it I mean to me it is I'll enjoy this today and I'll eat a salad someday I don't know when we came all the way to here so we're not gonna give up now so basically I just came back from picking up our later in the day snacks that's what I'm calling it because like this day is really hard to structure coz this is so many calories that like can't even finish everything so on this side I've got the nutritional info for Wendy's and I cannot wait to tell you what the highest calorie options for Wendy's are because I honestly actually found this kind of surprising and then on this side we've got the calories for Taco Bell and the reason why I wanted to include Taco Bell is because I just know you guys would be like where is Taco Bell so I wanted to do this one for you guys so I've also got the highest calories for Taco Bell and the items right here so I'm gonna share that with you but first let us start with Wendy's the Wendy's nutritional menu is kind of structured in two places so originally I thought that the highest calorie item was gonna be the spicy chicken Caesar salad which is 500 calories but actually once I started reading through it I understood how they organized it so the wasn't the highest calorie item even though like just this is just like a fun information the salads at Wendy's they've gone more calories than anything else I don't understand how that makes any sense I've always said salads don't have a place in the world so out of all the sides and Wendy's the one with the most amount of calories is the chili cheese fries so this portion of chili cheese fries that is actually not even that big amounts this amounts to 600 calories it is the triple like Baconator I don't even know what you call this this sandwich right here is 1,100 calories this is like more than any other item on here nothing even gets close like most of them go up to 700,000 100 calories so this is what it looks like oh this is huge it is heavy as well like if I ate the whole thing like in one go like even if this is my only meal of the day like the fries like kind of there space for that but this is like listen to this for the savory items this alone is a thousand seven hundred and then we also got a frosty so this is the dessert with the most amount of calories this is this is a chocolate frosty that amounts to nine hundred calories so I don't even know I'm gonna tell you the whole thing all together and the whole day which will be really surprising but that is it nine hundred calories for a chocolate frosting that I've actually never tried before so this is the highest calorie options and wine is now the Taco Bell one Cinnabon delight I don't remember ever eating those I thought they only made the cinnamon twists I want you guys to pause this video and guess how many calories this is this is 930 calories so almost a thousand weight with no dip not frosting none of the syrup just theirs alone so when we add like the dip and everything this is gonna be over a thousand calories so if you guess like thousand-plus and you warned i don't know what you want but i think we're safe with all the nutritional aim for today because this is our last item this is the item at Taco Bell with the most amount of calories which i think is more than actually any heightened that we've had which is crazy cos movin that babe I mean it can is Bob this is this is the beef nachos Grande I think that will you call it and this amounts to a thousand three hundred calories I think maybe even a little bit more so the whole dinner if I'm not wrong this whole thing amounts to four thousand five hundred and sixty calories which I think it takes the total of the day including our breakfast lunch and also our afternoon like milkshake adventure it takes us to eleven thousand calories so over ten thousand calories for the whole day I'm gonna say something that you guys are probably gonna think like this is no normal thing to say but honestly for the amount of calories that this is like it's know how much food like right this is a lot of food obviously like we have to look past it but like I would eat this and like this is like the amount of food that you should eat in like three full days like this is not gonna keep me fed for three days but it will keep me back for today after everything we've been through so this is the triple Baconator you really have to love beef for this like a lot like it's good but like it's really hard for me to find like three patties of burger more enjoyable than one like I just think in my opinion it's a little too much like I want to taste like all the other stuff and it specially because Wendy's makes good burger so I want to taste the pickles I want this to Brad that literally couldn't taste any of this this sauce is amazing mmm ideally um I would mill up each who this i repeating a slightly smaller one but this is a good burger so I mean I can't think of a scenario in which I would order is like just keeping it super hurry with you like it's just a lot of meat these fries are like so soggy but honestly so good I feel like this is gonna taste literally the same I should mix everything do i mmm now this is something that it's actually worth I don't even know how many calories this is this is worth all of it this is so good mmm so we go some nachos to eat um I think this might have happened in a video before people like I've had nachos from Taco Bell and not enjoy it so I'm curious to see how this beef ones are different from the ones I've had before maybe these it tastes better this is so sorry I don't understand that soggy nachos like they're definitely good like I enjoy them but it's really hard to ignore the fact that these are like maybe people enjoy soggy nachos personally I like a crunchy like a crunchy base and then a very soggy top for item want it all to become like a soggy mess but these are so thin that's just what happens look there's literally no crunch to it mmm so before we officially like I will eat these things like this is all I can eat until tomorrow morning breakfast but honestly this is gonna be like a 48-hour challenge like keeping it real because I still have so many foods to finish from today and probably the first person in the world to do this actually probably not even though I'm so cool I'm still excited to try the especially both together for a moment but honestly some youtubers like they do like all these crazy food challenges and I know for a fact like not spilling tea but I do know that some of them like kind of like fake it like it's not like it's filmed within a much longer period of time not really like the period of time that they say but I don't like that like I keep it real with you guys I love food I've known the best eating food like a lot of months of food in very short periods of what I enjoy it I enjoy trying a lot of variety I do finish it what it takes me like a day or two so I cannot believe then my whole life I've been eating um the cinnamon twist from Taco Bell every time I go there that's what I get as a dessert when these have existed all along it's like it's sugary and like crispy on the outside and then you bite into it and it's like it's like a dulce de Leite you or like custard or something in the center it's it's great with this so until tomorrow I mean I I've got so many leftovers like this is basically all still here so I've got this to eat for the next day so 24 hours of only the highest calorie option of every fast-food place I hope is enjoy this I hope this was everything that you guys wanted it to be honestly I would love to film a lowest calorie option because like I think I would totally complain a lot and Aaron would just be like mad at me so if that's something you want to watch give the video a like I would love love to film that and also guys if you don't want to miss out on my future videos I would really appreciate if you could scroll down and there's a little subscribe so if you tap that there's also a little notification valve so if you also tap the notification valve every time I put up a new video let's say I make a part two to this video YouTube will send you a notification which obviously helps me cuz it's just you know it just reminds people that I'm making videos so thank you a you thank you to those of you who've got the notification bell tapped on honestly like I really mean this you guys actually support my content more than anyone else so thank you a huge thank you for making this possible oh my god like food coma [Music] I'm surprised as a sneezing on a heart attack but I need my bed I'm gonna go to sleep very soon I love you guys I hope you had a good time and I will see you guys on my next video bye bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 729,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, calories, high, highest, 24 hours, day, calorie, ordered, menu, restaurant, restaurants, nutrition, nutritional info, macro, macros, diet, diets, test, tested, bulk, plan, thousand, eating, ate, a lot, big, huge, portion, size, portion size, america, american
Id: I7o-3tZhKy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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