I Survived Worst Vs Best Gym

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this is the best gym in America alphaland and this is the worst and today we're finding out if a two-star gym is better than a five-star gym let's find out all right guys we're waiting for Uber to come pick us up I ordered an Uber black because I'm feeling a little bit bougie today we're going to the best gym in the country so let's get it I see our Uber boys oh my God hey how's it going yep you got the address yeah like any music honestly anything works I like oh my God okay holy [ __ ] oh my God workout give me five stars please yeah I got you bro worst Uber driver ever we are about to head inside we are going into the worst gym in America we didn't even drive here we took an Uber here how is this area it comes in way waves you know I've seen things happen every neighborhood I have spy glasses on that we're going to be using so hello Joey I'm gonna walk in with these instead of my camera because you're not allowed to film they're probably going to kick us out but let's do it anyways excuse me can I ask you a question how is this gym it's good is it good because it's rated a two-star no I don't think you don't think it's that bad no I don't think okay we'll check it out it's time to put these spy glasses to the test and see if this gym is truly only two can I ask you a question I was looking for gyms on Yelp how come this one is rated a two I feel like it's not a two little did I know what I was about to see he's gonna answer all of my questions but now back to Alpha let me make a way inside I'm gonna show you guys the 20 million dollar facility that Christian Guzman himself has built it used to be Alpha League gym and now it's alphaland all right we're inside alphaland the first thing you're going to see is going to be an awfully athletic store but if we're looking around got an assortment of clothes it's pretty awesome you guys know that I'm sponsored by Young L.A what is yo how the hell did that get there man I don't know how that got there but somebody really good looking must have put it there yo Jesse on young La I think so we'll leave that there for somebody else to get there's a 3D hologram graphic I've never seen this even in like Nike and stuff I've never seen this what is Tesla on this place or something if you look over here this is something very very exciting because he has all of his Milestones on YouTube laid out in like an entire life I definitely want to have something like this one day where I can have people come and see almost like where they followed along it's just super awesome to see that's something that's really unique now while the best gym had some top tier amenities the worst gym was falling short on the basics we're going in to the locker room got a little bit of a situation all right we got random bottle half drinking water bottle there's water all over the sink like behind me all I see is a bunch of dirty napkins everywhere in the bathroom and it's kind of gross over here we have another one I don't know what this place is all about but there's like napkins everywhere apparently there's okay guys it looks dirty dude these look like prison showers literal prison showers looking pretty fresh pretty clean not gonna lie yeah we got a big shower head always room for two in here I'd like to say but we got some freshy towels you don't have to bring your own this shower area is definitely better than the worst job I don't want to do it but skid mark check wow a black toilet it'll hide the skin marks very smart ready I'm gonna show you something you don't need to blast it you just put it on a little bit you know you do your hand like this this is not a shower I gotta say the attention to detail in the bathroom is very chest kiss all right that's the bathroom for you all right boys we're gonna be doing a hundred dollar bill test right here I have a crumpled 100 bill just gonna leave it right here that's it literally that simple we're gonna see if by the end of this someone takes it let's go check out the equipment and see what the Gym's about we're gonna be making our way into the first gym here at alphland there are three total the vibe already when you get here is just insane like you just want to work hard immediately this is definitely a lot smaller than alphaland I'll tell you that is this you guys no dude there's napkins literally everywhere that's disgusting look right there look right there you see that let's find another 15 napkins all over the ground it's kind of gross there's just weights and cables and a bunch of stuff everywhere yeah it's not looking too hot it's kind of looking a little too Starry to me right now unlike the worst gym in the country this is a great place for power lifters they have the Texas power bar how could you not have a Texas Powerball when you're in Texas looking at the bar and my previous experience with Ben bars this is looking extremely straight this is a bar look bent oh it's Ben oh that's really bad who's been benching 405 here okay one thing I've really noticed the biggest difference that LA Fitness in here not a single weight is left on the ground everything is organized 45 25 10. you don't realize how much of a luxury that is until you go to the worst gym in the country we got dumbbells but ain't nobody here guys it's so easy to put your weights back so easy my boy will you spot me of course you will I appreciate that let's start running right all right let's go baby let's go while the members were very helpful at the best gym the worst gym not so much you don't want to spot me you know it's okay it's okay I'll just I don't need it I don't need it are you guys talking trash you're talking trash to me okay I thought I was gonna have to really just get in a fight right there I'm not gonna lie guys that was completely fake confidence I was like your boys let's go outside no I was about to shoot myself so something really nice is The Branding on the dumbbells they literally have custom dumbbells these are probably the best dumbbells you can get because they're just they just feel nice there is one two three sets of dumbbells missing right now that's it LA Fitness there was 17 missing these weights are literally all over the place there are three of them they're having a three-way I wish I could join you I wish I could but I just can't because I can't find the other 10. oh do you mind standing up real quick I just got to give the bench a good sniff test okay we're good we're good bro we're good we're good you pass the test don't worry man that was us now I can go on and on about the equipment so I'm gonna try to keep this nice and quick as quick as I am in the bedroom we've got Arsenal equipment everywhere this is probably the easiest and smoothest machines to use it is top of the notch top tier Five Star Quality yo I would lick this you think I'm joking I'm sorry Christian I don't I don't mean to be like that but I had to show everybody how clean it is this piece of equipment is like actually the dirtiest thing I've ever seen in my life I don't know what that is when I first walked in here I did not actually think this was that bad of a gym or the more and more that I'm walking around the more I'm literally seeing how dirty this place is behind me you can literally be a powerlifter and come to the gym you can be a bodybuilder and come to this gym you can just be a fitness and health Enthusiast and it's all Hood it all works sometimes if you're lucky you run into a wild wildebeest hey bro are you using this what are you gonna rate this gym one through five stars one out of five you could say hi there's a new category it's a ten out of five bro oh God I know dude if you don't come and check out alphaland what's wrong with you literally it is the greatest place on Earth it's a great environment I told you guys influencers everywhere people putting in the work everywhere and we're still only in gym one for me personally I think I'm a gym two guy so we should probably head over there welcome to gym two baby this is the play with a hardcore power lifters and bodybuilders like to come train the music's louder The Vibes are better this is definitely my favorite one of the three in gym one we had multiple squat racks multiple deadlift racks in here we have one two three four five deadlift platforms six squat racks and like five other benches you literally have no excuse to ever be waiting or ever not do your workout properly in gym two because it's more like a power lifting Vibe and a heavier Vibe we have kilos they are the most accurate plates you can find and that is why power lifters use them so if you are a power lifter unlike LA Fitness this is your spot do you find it hard to train powerlifting here yeah it's not the best tiles in the gym yeah it's on equipment it's not the same it's gone it's not it's not that real weight yeah the kilograms yeah the one thing that alphaland has that this gym doesn't is the lever all you have to do is literally just plop it like this [Applause] and boom and then when you're done you just jack it off Jack it up Jack it jack it off Jack it up why do you like gym two and I like more of the sweat okay I like to sweat more um Jim one's too cold gym two kind of gives you that like natural sauna would you compare this to a sauna yes do they not have a sauna here um no they currently don't Christian you heard of your first we need a sauna here we're sweating out our sins right now alphaland doesn't have a sauna but you know what this place does even though it's a lower rating on Yelp doesn't mean it's bad I'm feeling good I'm feeling frisky how am I looking looking good like a turkey all right so I just made a best friend I call him turkey grease turkey you gotta love the people here man they're honestly just outstanding we got Ryan dangler In the Flesh another influencer do you find it hard to train here at all as far as concerned prep probably not as far as concerned not the things and having more fun definitely I'll try and come in at like 10 11 A.M before it gets too busy you come in like two or three it's hard to train actually it's a lot of people people stop you every five seconds you can't get on machines you think that there's a lot more distractions here at alphaland absolutely you don't want to talk to everyone you know what I mean so um yeah I've been loving it down here man okay I gotta say it is so nice going to a gym where no one knows you it definitely takes away from working out when I'm always constantly saying hi and hello and taking photos which I don't mind whatsoever I love talking to you guys and hanging out with you guys it's like a refreshing feeling that they don't know who the hell I am they're like who are you and I'm like so honestly like coming to a commercial gym like this that's a rated a two is kind of nice I hope the 100 bill is not gone I really have High Hopes in this place okay so one thing that I've noticed is that just like the last worst gym everything's really tight I don't know I feel like the layout could be better definitely could be more optimized all right we're dusting off the 105. what the hell I don't want to keep saying like negative things loud but this bench is completely broken I'm still not gonna use it as the excuse we're gonna crush this little did I know my problems were elsewhere oh my God that's never happened to me in my life I don't know what just happened but that just malfunctioned so badly I almost just died yeah we're gonna we're gonna finish up there and head over to gym three now making our way to the bathroom we have just like an accessory posing room not gonna lie it's a little weird that it's next to the bathroom so yeah if you're waiting in line to pee you could just hit a quick one and then do your business before I show you guys gym three I want to show you guys the basketball court so outside of alphaland we have an amazing basketball court to play at which is really nice and fun especially oh that's right hey yo Michael Jordan where you at boy huh watch your boy watch it who flinched at home all right boys promise me this if I make this shot you guys have to subscribe wait what where's the basketball court go all right so clearly I'm not that good so let's check out gym three this is a special one if you're into sort of maybe some CrossFit or you want some privacy while training it's really dope that you actually can come here and work out Outdoors under this roof so if draining could still train the bumper plates the kettlebells the Rogue barbells you've got it all here and it's actually really nice okay gym three let's head inside we're gonna start off this gym in the nice and beautiful posing room there's a window behind me which gives you really natural lighting but then you also have down so this is a really good place to pose check out yourself it's just perfect behind me is the soccer field so we have an entire field that you can play soccer there's pickup games it's super awesome that there's a place for the community to go and have fun together the craziest part about alphaland is how big it is and that one man had this vision and made it happen it's so inspiring this whole place just breeds inspiration all right guys we are about to finally hit this workout we're gonna take some gorilla mode baby it's the Nitric now I know you're not supposed to dry scoop but like I always say I'm feeling frisky sometimes you just gotta open up you know oh yeah that tastes like some Jesse in your mouth oh Jesse let's go get this workout Tarts off for all the ladies and the boys out there okay let's run this bad boy gym three workout about to go down [Music] we gotta get some good food in we just had a good workout they have meal prep already done which is extremely nice I don't know about you guys but alphaland feels more like a university than it does in actual gym there's literally a cafeteria with a microwave and behind me is a beautiful Courtyard so we're going to be having the most bodybuilding meal of all time we have beef rice and broccoli if you are on prep or you're just trying to reach your fitness goals Alpha eats is able to just provide you with some really good food healthy stuff don't feel guilty get your Macros so when you're done working out it makes it really easy to knock it off diet and the food over at the worst gym well there is none there is no food hello hello what's your name again Dr Lakin stamps in the gym of alphaland so today what are we going to be doing I uh honestly a whole lot I'm not gonna lie I was sprinting on that that treadmill up there earlier my knee kind of like felt a little funny and I was like I don't like that all right I just I love getting a massage right after a workout what would you rate alphaland one through five stars I like a 4.9 only because I feel like we need more showers ah no I agree there's only like two yeah yeah we need more showers yes you know what we need a pool oh bro bro it's gone I'm going in the pool in a moment and we walked by I was gonna wait till the end of the video to see if this hundred dollar bill was gone it's gone already it's been 15 maybe minutes maybe so I lost a hundred dollars but clearly not a trustable gym does alphaland have a pool I don't think so I am not the best swimmer are there sharks in here no sharks okay I don't know how to swim no I'm kidding I'm kidding you know what to save me don't worry ladies and gentlemen time to swim why it's time to swim it burns calories while I was becoming the next Michael Phelps I found a secret room in the best all right guys we're upstairs we're only hourly athletes can be I'm a young La athlete but I'm seeing something really nice we're gonna go to the VIP room but we're gonna check this out so this this is clearly where they take all their professional photos we're gonna try to do a quick shoot why not right I mean okay baby work it I'm working oh my God work it do you need to lose some pounds what the [ __ ] dude come on I don't know what to do I'm not a model maybe like lay down like French bro let's go shirtless can we Photoshop some like yup yeah like grapes in my mouth more sexy more sexy more sexy bite the shirt bite the shirt yep [Music] Joey I wanted to get this photo we're in Texas once okay just get the boots in it okay [Music] there's nothing to see here just uh I'm gonna head out okay this is too embarrassing great alphaland one through five stars five um I probably five five star yes wow like a like four six six oh let's go he gave it a six out of five stars what are you rating this gym eleven oh Eleven stars that's no question would you rate this Jim I'll get about 3.5 it's not the cleanest gym yeah it's kind of dirty bro all right three a three okay that's not too bad is it two is it two I can understand though so uh what would you rate this gym one through ten and you can be honest four what would you rate this gym one out of five stars it's rated at two online I think that's inaccurate do you think it's two stars I'd say three overall I'm gonna say a solid 2.5 here well the people have spoken and the ratings are clear but there's still one more room we have to check out in Alpha we are about to go into the exclusive VIP room now I am not an athlete athlete but Claudia is so she has access we're gonna go in and check it out this is the craziest part about this VIP room is that it's also a club at the exact same time it's time to turn up baby let's go the think that you can go from working out and working on yourself to literally taking someone on a date all in one facility is just mind-blowing that is why half land is the best gym in the country at alphaland there are no numbers that can justify how good this gym is it's truly the best in the United States until next time Sarah landless peace
Channel: Jesse James West
Views: 4,351,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i survived, worst vs best gym, best gym, worst gym, gym review, workout, bodybuilding, fitness, lift, motivation, most expensive gym, cheapest gym, 5 star gym, 1 star gym, best vs worst, review, jesse, jesse james, jesse james west, fit, bodybuilder, i tried, diamond gym, gold gym, most expensive gym in the world, america, best gym in the world, bodybuilding gym, alphaland, $1 vs $1000, lifting, body building, workout motivation, aesthetics, dirty gym, worst gym trends, eating, eat, food
Id: xyKx3YP-6mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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