I Went to Fat Camp

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this is a school in the middle of nowhere that only accepts overweight people for the next 72 hours I'll be staying here to see what this place has to offer and we're going to see if this place actually changes lives there's only one way to find out all right Rudy welcome to fit farm this is Rudy I met him one year ago and he could not get out of bed or even walk I brought him to fit Farm to learn all about weight loss to help his fitness challenge and fitness journey truly begin you ready it's about as ready as I'm going to get let's make some gains baby last year I was about 630 PBS I've been able to lose 250 hello Rudy yeah Jessie let's go Joey hey I brought him here to be able to learn and be educated more about Fitness and Nutrition and also he's going to be my sidekick on investigating this place to see what fit Farm is really about I do need all three of you to sign a waiver yes so these are just like life wavers in case I die yes what are you guys uh what are you guys doing here huh you'll see all right guys we are headed downstairs into the dungeon we're going to be doing a body fat scan and a weight test right now right out the bat we were literally getting tested we are doing your styu syyu styu we're going to do an avatar of your body now I've done a lot of body fat scans in the past and this is one that I've never done a full body scan a 3D render of our bodies that's me look at that butt all right your body fat percentage to 10.6 wait what is it 15.6 that's not bad does anyone ever like not want to do this it's not mandatory we don't make anybody do anything they don't want to do here okay 186.65 oh lost 3 lb right here we got Rudy's 3D model re's made some outstanding progress within a year and in another 6 months it's going to be even more insane after getting our results we made our way to the cabin where we'd be staying for the duration of the trip I think we should do a little room tour okay okay the casting couch the coffee bar a bathroom with toilet paper my room and this is definitely where the magic is happening tonight right Joey yeah nod your head after a quick tour I could say that this place is definitely well put together almost like where's the catch basically this cabin is absolutely awesome it's definitely worth the money we have to go check in with everybody else and all the guests why we do this first orientation is you're kind of coming into a really interesting place not knowing what to expect I'm Chris interest and I'm the owner of fit Farm Rock Springs kind of making sure you're comfortable right the last thing we want you to do is be anxious or Str so we have rules here and if you choose not to follow those rules there's a gate at the other end and we just drop you at the other end one no caffeine now we're going to get our addicted people to caffeine and two no alcohol why do I want to limit your caffeine and alcohol alcohol dehydrates you everything is about moderation right I don't discourage it I like my wine with the best of them three no sleeping around potentially this is definitely where the magic is happening tonight right Joey four let's not not find you in the pool naked that is not high on our list right has that happened oh yeah that's Happ way oh yeah yeah any other questions on there all right well we'll get up and move around and Chris then gave us a tour of the base camp which offered everything from a game room a convenience store in a full gym dedicated to cardio machines most of the time these rooms will be opened up to the outside cuz we don't want you feeling like you're locked in a gym right afterwards we went into the kitchen we got a breakdown of how the meals would be designed to best service myself and Rudy see there's a little yellow sticker on mine yes and I have a yellow plate okay that means that this plate is about 400 calories but if I eat every plate and my snacks in an entire day I'm going to eat, 1500 calories I got a solid green bad boy now imagine if I had to feed you more how much food you'd have and you have to go work out that's a lot of food yeah this looks good oh my God I'm so hungry only 7750 calories you can eat in the whole day that's nuts so that's going to McDonald's and having a Big Mac and a large fry and a regular Coke that's that whole days wor the food not one plate all right let's Dive In give a little taste test see what see what action we got going on here wow yeah it's very filling they seem to even have a class available to show you how to make stuff on your own and when you get home that's something I'll probably sit through and um and learn about food is really good although there was one review on Yelp that literally said that they were trained so hard that they actually didn't even want to finish their food are they overdoing it here that's what tomorrow's goingon to tell us that's right appar I'm gonna beat you up what I thought this place was going to be was a literally like drill sergeant type of place where there's whistle blown you're telling get on Line run burn calories eat this and it's like really hardcore this place is good to come and mentally recharge and you know whether it be with making new friends you're not focusing on your looks or your weight you're getting out of that space and just aligning with animals and just making you friends because of who you are not how you look top of the morning nice uh pink shorts yeah you ready yeah it's co you've been ready all right so we're going inside right now to do a sort of like metabolic test it's a resting metabolic rate that we're going to be getting judged on you're going to breathe into this machine you're going to put your lips over this tube so you want to breathe as normal as possible so this is going to tell you how many calories you burn uh just for your organs to function okay just for you to live sounds [Music] good I need some water do you have my RMR right now I do I'm hoping that it's a good number that way they I can tell you that no it's not damn I I thought it would be above this you did a physique show oh yeah I was like 6% body fat maybe less that's exactly why you totally jacked up your metabolism you doing all that leaning up and getting to 6% body fat is unhealthy you know that yeah very 1483 calories is what my body Burns some 65-year-old men burn more calories than me you you are SL a little slow as well um in comparison to other men the same age height and weight even though I'd originally come here to help Rudy it was shocking to learn that even at my level of Fitness certain decisions can really impact my health practical takeaway is that when it comes to losing body fat slow and steady is best and certain low levels of body fat are best to be avoided unless you're a competitor right now everyone is going around the table explaining how many calories they burned they make everybody wear some sort of wearable watch of like a fitness Gadget so I chose whoop it's also the sponsor of today's video I didn't plan that it said the calories that I burnt were 18872 in total 3200 calories about what is my goal today ,000 5K that's right 5K it was not going to be easy but we had a lot of workouts planned today starting with our first initial fitness test we're going to be doing a class on how to do push-up squat Burpee and few exercises that everyone is going to have to be doing throughout the next class is coming excellent It's almost like you've done a push-up before my name is Samuel Styler I've been training in physical conditioning for just under a decade at this point so I'm definitely going to bring me today let's go you got this one work one minute we're work good job two I'm pushing I'm going hard as I can six seven make sure you're breathing 2 1 35 36 all right 55 that was hard 36 EXC let's go Rudy has not been able to do a push-up sit up or a burpee how does it feel knowing a year ago you were struggling to get out of bed to be a to do a burpee now to go from the that to this is pretty drastic change yeah to think about it got you man keep crushing however that was just workout one next up we have to run walk jog whatever Pace you want to go at for one full mile here we go everybody going see a bit run a mile I'll be back for you Rudy I'm running this and I got to give it my all because I got to show Rudy that I'm pushing myself just as much as he is do you think nowadays like kind of all those hardships and whatnot kind of are are fueling you now to just just get better every day or yeah cuz I think about where I was at that point my mom was super important to me my sister too my sister essentially raised me cuz my dad passed away when I was seven and uh so not having that anymore was just a hardship cuz you go from being surrounded by family your mom and your sister giving you helping you get through your day telling you positive stuff now you're you're alone you're alone with your thoughts uh and a lot of times the voice in your head is negative I found you Rudy as Rudy and I finished the mile I wanted to hear more about his experiences and the mental side to how his struggles have shaped him he had a negative outlook on how I looked for forever have you struggled with people looking at you different I think a lot of people would look away cuz nobody wants to acknowledge what can happen to them almost done baby how does it feel that they're all cheered you on it's nice 26y cut my regular time by 4 minutes there we go are baby I was so proud of Rudy for both opening up and sharing how he's fighting to be the best version of himself it left no doubt in my mind that he'd be more than ready to take on the next workout everybody's been talking about this box brawl it's like the ultimate competition so every Monday we do braw box it's a high-intensity workout so we're not Partners apparently well good luck my son or am I your son I don't know uh I'm Hadad older than you okay we'll roll with that very difficult over a th repetitions what is this team Rock Springs who are you you don't have a team shirt oh my gosh why don't we have team shirts like them I'm sorry first person to complete uh the brawl box exercise wins get a little trophy it's pretty fun but it's a lot harder than most people expect let's crush it okay yeah let's go come on let's [Music] go where we at here we go I'm not kidding they push everybody here okay what's next B P Parts how many 200 during this workout let me just tell you I was in so much pain I think I was in more pain than anybody else because everyone else is so much more strong hearted than me they are pushing themselves to degrees that I didn't even know existed what you want Linda you want some of this smoke I don't smoke oh okay whatever I'm adding flashbacks to D1 college across it was a tough battle the entire workout Linda and Rudy were putting up a big fight but I refused to lose let's go I want to see those uh just just work hard okay we were neck and- neck as we made her way to the end which team would pull through and win the trophy we just won yeah we did we just won yeah we did I love you I love you too holy you kick my ass bring on the metal congrats congrats no I'm kidding she pushed me to my limits and this is what we got baby all right guys we've got a chicken wrap looks delicious a little bit of fruit and about one piece of lettuce talk about a diet as we ate lunch there was a live cooking demonstration this is really cool because instead of everyone just relying on meal plans they can actually learn how to cook healthy in the long term yeah however I mainly use this time to relax in preparation for the next workout we are now working on a boxing class this is one of things that Rudy really wanted to do so let's get to it my heart rate right now is at 121 BPM which is leading me to have more strain on my day I'm not very surprised as we haven't stopped working out all day long and to track these metrics I'm using my whoop band they are the sponsor of today's video and I genuinely wear this thing every single day right cross left foot ity let's go round one let's go boxing is one of the hardest workouts out there so we're going to burn so many calories every morning I check my woop to make sure that my recovery status is solid now if it is low I know that I need to get more recovery today I need to do recovery tactics and also maybe even take an extra off day who wants this smoke my favorite thing about the whoop is that it literally tracks how many calories I'm burning throughout the day it tracks the amount of strain that I have and how recovered I am for the day you got this come on come on come on go if you guys are interested in getting a whooop band for yourself which I highly recommend I use this every single day seriously click the first link in the description you will get one free month of whoop on me so click that link and go sign up I'm checking my whoop right now to see how many calories I burned and I can't keep my hand or the water bottle like still I've burned 2400 calories already she wanted 5K we're going to probably exceed 5K today what is getting you through this workout right now I might think about my family or uh certain people so and and that motivates you it pushes me to to keep going hell yeah let's dig deep baby cuz we got another session like that I don't mind legs this guy is more optimistic than I am right now I love it bro let's keep going all right all right guys we're doing a weighted workout right now like we're hitting the weights everyone's going to be training they're training us till we die I don't know where they keep the bodies here but we're going to find out so this weight training session was not my typical weight training [Music] session we would do 60 second sets we weren't even counting reps down go it down come on go [Applause] finish we were just repping this thing out reps on reps on reps the question is how is this not overtraining keep it up one more one more one [Music] more scale of 1 to 10 how hard is this eight eight I would have said a 10 you're killing it let's keep going 3 2 1 oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm starving I'm aching I'm exhausted so I guess the last thing to do is just kind of relax for the you got to keep pushing you you got to keep challenging yourself as you are and keep staying dedicated is there any sort of advice for anybody that might be in that position that you want to give right now for anybody who might be like where I was when all this started people are always going to tell you to lose weight nobody ever changes until they get to a point mentally toward it's like whether it be through fear of dying or seeing that they can't do something they used to be able to do a lot and that changes somebody's perspective that's when I was like okay if I don't do it then yeah there it's probably at that point where I'm I'm going to get buried uh within the next year so I might not even hit 40 I appreciate your story I appreciate everything that you you know that you're open and vulnerable to talk about because it's doing so much more good not not just for me but so many people and I'm glad we're here doing this right now it's crazy learning about Rudy's story you know there's so many things that I don't know about him and I've been learning about him and it's it's it's it's inspiring to see that he is someone that has turned his life around what slogan keeps you going stay Relentless but then I also think of it as stay Relentless to become indomitable oh do you know what indomitable is no what does that mean cannot be defeated yo copyright Rudy toar Junior one more night guys one more sleep the final day woke up feeling literally extra shredded I think I've dropped a few pounds just from being here right now we burned so many calories morning brudy how you feeling sore sore so when I woke up this morning I could see that I was uh looking on as well as feeling a little bit leaner and I can see a little more definition in my midsection now we're almost done we're almost there Finish Line is near I figured after yesterday's workouts that today would be more than laid-back however during breakfast I got a special message from Chris Chris just texted me this morning and she told me that I can train a class trainer's choice we could do whatever we want we have gone through hell together we have gone through misery through fun through competition now look around these are friends these are also foes everyone pick a partner ladies and gentlemen we're playing pickle ball whoever wins this wins fit Farm let's go oh it balls up balls smack After experiencing 3 days at fit Farm the biggest takeaway I have is how much this place promotes Community money it's a new experience learning the right way to to eat proper ways to work out Isaac takes the hit he goes for it and he's going for another one what's going to happen he smacks it hard but it's out I've never seen Rudy push himself so much it was so awesome and so motivating to myself to see him push himself 110% oh my gosh that's in oh oh 2-1 21 you come to a place and for the first time in your life you actually feel safe that you can follow guidance of what people are saying and you you don't even realize your limits you've been pushed Way Beyond anything that's ever been comfortable and then you get down oh my God I can do that money great shot Rudy great shot who oh trainers with the w if anyone's going through adversity Rudy is a prime example of someone that can overcome the impossible can kind of take that information that I've learned here and uh put it into practice back home the man is on a mission and I believe he's going to trans form his life and he already has ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed the video subscribe this place I got to give it to him five out of five stars man I love you guys do not forget stay rela peace
Channel: Jesse James West
Views: 2,507,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fat loss, fat camp, weight loss, fat, obesity, obesity epidemic, mens health, workout, bodybuilding, i went to fat camp, i went to a real fat camp, i took my overweight friend to fat camp, rudy obese city, obese city, most obese city, my 600 lb life, jesse james west fat camp, jesse james west, nutrition, health, healthy, jesse james, surviving fat camp, workout motivaiton, body, body building, fit, fit farm, fat farm, fitness resort, transformation, weightloss, 600 pound life, eat
Id: dGn7V8YpZQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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