I Built the HARDEST Maze in Minecraft Hardcore!

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this is Minecraft's most impossible Maze and if my friends reach the inside of it they win $11,000 however all of this is going to happen in 7 days and as of right now we haven't even built the maze so first things first let's lay down the outline of the maze oh my God this is absolutely massive it might be the biggest build I've ever done anyways this right here is going to be the entrance and now in the rest of this space we can add so many tricks dead ends and traps to make make this the most impossible maze in all of Minecraft so first up right as they go in I want them to have as many choices as possible and hopefully they make the wrong one so they can go left they can go right and will'll even make it so they can go straight forward I'm literally going to make this maze so impossible now I think it's time we build the first trap of the Maze and for these traps it's very important to remember my friends will be playing this maze in survival mode meaning if they die they'll be reset to the very start of the maze where the bed is placed so they really need to try their best not to die to this first trap which is going to be some TNT Minecart landmines so of course we're going to need some TNT some mine carts and now we'll combine a bunch of them together then we'll need some powered rails and some stained pressure plates okay for these all we do is very carefully dig a hole like that then we place powered rails like that and then very carefully Place TNT mine carts oh my God this is scary I don't like being this close we place grass over the top so it's basically invisible now and then we place a pressure plate on top and if I was to walk into this I would lose my hardcore world so I'll probably test it in a different world yep it works but because I don't want the entire maze to be blown up I'm going to use some obsidian to surround this area of the maze but underneath the maze is of course a giant ocean so we're going to have to replace this dirt with obsidian oh my God see you guys in 10 years and now down here we'll build an obsidian trough where all the TNT mine carts will go and finally we can use sponges to get rid of the water all right now we need to very carefully build a bunch of these traps I'm going to spread them out kind of randomly so hopefully they at least stand on one obsidian there obsidian there obsidian there nice okay now for the scary part I'm going to put my chest plate on and it's time to load up the mine carts oh this is definitely going to kill one of them all right that's all of them placed now we cover up this area with grass and finally the most important part we cover the entire area with stained pressure plates oh my God this is scary and this is only the first of 16 traps that are designed to make this maze basically impossible and save me $1,000 but trap number two is a little bit different it's not going to kill them like trap number one but instead it's going to waste a a bunch of their time which is extremely precious to my friends as they'll only have 10 minutes to complete the maze so the way it's going to work is we'll have one nether portal here in this dead end and then we'll link this nether portal to the nether roof nice now we need to build another dead end over here in the Maze and now we'll build a second nether portal over here this portal is linked up with another portal on the nether roof so now we're going to build another maze in the nether that will literally just waste their time as if they find the other nether portal they'll just be teleported to a dead end okay we want to make this maze fairly small but also still quite difficult I really want to waste as much time as I can because I don't want to lose another $1,000 and there we go we've built a maze inside a maze and speaking of wasting time trap number three is going to do it in a slightly different way but to do it we need a lot more string and that is a stack of string you survive just joking you die and now we're also going to need trip wire hooks which I just found out you craft like that and dispensers all right so now we can set these up in the Maze and now we need to link this up with a dispenser Redstone along here yes yes so you'd run around this corner and bang get red stone thrown in your face but we can definitely replace the Redstone with something a bit more slowing and by that I mean potions of slowness so of course now we'll replace the Redstone with these potions of slowness and let's make a few more of these traps so that's all the easy traps done but before we move on to the medium traps let's make some more progress on the [Music] maze so we've now completed about a third of the maze I added this section that basically leads in one massive Loop and of course added about 20 new Dead ends and finally I started developing the route that will actually lead to the $1,000 prize I also added these diamonds that represent my $11,000 speaking of which we've only got 5 days until my friends do the maze so we should probably get making the medium traps the next trap is going to be parkour that my friends will have to do to get to the next section of the maze so first of all I want to do the par over here and I want to dig out all of this grass now we're going to use black concrete to make the section where they'll fall if they fail the parkour perfect okay now we can use these sponges to drain all of the water let's go okay and now we'll use orange blocks for the actual parkour blocks we want to make this challenging but not too hard as there will be some harder parkour later in the video maybe if we can put one there oh that was a hard jump okay yeah I guess we'll move this block and now for trap number five I want to steal something from my last video where I made a biome for every single color in Minecraft in the white biome I used powdered snow to make these little powdered snow traps but when my friends are doing the maze they won't be able to break any blocks so if they get caught in powdered snow they are going to die so first we're going to need some regular snow to make everything seem normal and when they stand on the powdered snow it's going to be so funny all right now I feel like we've got a fair amount of traps over here so I think I'm going to put the snow trap in this direction so I guess let's first start replacing all of this grass with snow I can't believe this is only the fifth trap and I already feel like our maze is going to save us $11,000 okay now we'll make a bunch of holes in the snow and hopefully they fall into at least one of them and now we fill these in with pwed snow I think as a little twist I want to connect this one up with another part of the maze so that if they fall down this specific hole they have a chance of getting further ahead in the Maze I wonder if that will actually happen but before we can find that out we need to build trap number six which is going to be a little bit different I want to build a giant Treehouse that will take ages to get up and down plus when they look down at the maze from the top they'll realiz they've gone completely the wrong way so I think I want to put this somewhere over here but for it we're going to need a hell of a lot of wood and luckily for this Forest I have an insanely powerful wood farm so we should be able to get all the wood we need need very fast all right we've got the wood but trees also have leaves so it looks like that Forest isn't safe after all all right so we've got all the materials now and I want to build it here in this section of the maze but first I want to separate it from the rest of the maze so that it's a complete dead end perfect but to waste as much time as possible we need to make this tree massive so we'll do some big roots on the ground then we'll make the trunk very thick at the bottom and as it goes higher up the tree should get thinner okay I think that's looking pretty good for the height now we should add some branches and stuff for the leaves so like in my last video where I built that massive pink tree I'm just going to spam loads of blocks all right that's all the branches now we can build the actual Treehouse part so I think we're going to use wooden planks for this we'll use some fences for the windows and of course we're going to need a way up maybe through the center of the tree if we put the entrance to it at the back it'll waste even more time they're going to be so annoyed when they look down and see they're in the complete wrong place ooh and we'll also craft some signs and we'll leave one here saying you're lost lol okay that is the Treehouse finished so that trap should waste a lot of time but this next trap is going to be a lot more deadly and because of that I want to make sure it's on the route that actually leads to the $1,000 price all right so for this trap we're going to make use of trip wires again and we're going to use them to activate a piston door that drops down to a pit of lava and I've purposely put it on a corner so when they run around it they won't really have enough time to avoid it the only problem is I've never really made one of these doors before so we're going to have to like figure it out as we go along okay so I'm pretty sure we need to put Pistons here and we need one more layer down here like that and one more here there then we need Pistons no not facing that way Pistons like this now we can start with the Redstone oh this is the tricky part this needs to be one layer up oh my God wait but for some reason these middle ones aren't being powered so what if we get some red stone from here connect it up like this and that should power both of them I think it actually works now if we connect this Redstone to the trip wire it should work oh my God we've just let water in and it's destroyed everything oh my god what have I even done it's doing a different thing each time I think to fix this the best way is going to be to simplify it into a 2X two door okay I think I've actually finally got it working come on please yes and we'll fall into the lava pit here nice it seems like if you're running fast enough you could Escape it so let's add a little barrier like this and this way I don't think people will be able to react in time and now we can grab the actual lava for the Trap so let's wo this all in like this and we'll fill it up with lava now this trap is completely invisible and impossible to survive meaning they'll almost certainly get reset to the very start of the maze which should waste loads of their time and speaking of wasting their time trap number eight should do just that and for it we're going to need a bunch of shears then we're going to murder this innocent dolphin and now you have to subscribe to this channel so we can hit 1.5 million subscribers by the end of the year yeah that's probably not going to happen but seriously we need to use these shears to collect a bunch of cobwebs would be good if I actually picked them up I'm not sure exactly how many we need of these I just know we need a lot and we need to hurry up because tomorrow I've asked one of my other YouTuber friends to test out the maze so that I can make sure it's hard enough and I don't lose $1,000 but obviously before we do that we need to finish all the medium traps and finish building the actual maze it would be really cool to have these cobwebs in a dead end so I think we'll have some in a dead end and then some on the path that actually leads to the $1,000 all right this section over here is all one big dead end so I'm going to fill it with lots of cobwebs this way people might think it's the way they need to go and waste loads of time in the cobwebs let me out I've got so much work to do okay and now we'll develop the path that leads to the $1,000 a little a little bit more so in this new section over here that leads to the center we're going to make a maze out of cobwebs literally another maze inside of a maze we're also just going to spread out cobwebs so they just waste time all right and now that this is complete it's time for the last medium trap which is going to be a much deadlier parkour and for it we're going to need some orange stained glass so there's going to be Lava underneath so if they fall they will immediately die and the only thing they'll be able to stand on is orange glass paines which as you can see are very hard to stand on all right this is where the Trap is going so first things first let's dig out a pit for the lava okay and now before we place the lava in let's build the actual parkour so we'll start it off with something like that then we'll have another one here then we'll have just a one block jump because sometimes the small jumps are the hardest ones all right let's see how hard this actually is okay there's one oh no I am dead yeah that is definitely hard enough I died like three times anyways now let's add the lava in and as you can see with the lava these things just become a lot harder to see making the parkour even harder ow yo and there we go that is the last medium trap complete but as you can see the maze is still very incomplete and in about 10 hours one of my YouTube Friends is going to come and test the maze so it's time to complete this [Music] maze oh this has taking so long and so with the maze complete it was time to see how it would Fair without the hardest traps added so I duplicated my hardcore world and converted that duplicate into a regular survival world then I uploaded it to my wise hosting server oh and if you want to get your own server you can use my link in the descript description for 25% off then all I had to do was send chazza the log on details and he was ready to test the maze all right hello chazza hello lockdown you'll have 10 minutes to complete this massive Maze and the rules are that you can't use third person and also you have to set your spawn to this bed which you've just done I think done and because we're now in survival if you die you'll respawn at the bed so try not to die to any of the traps traps 10 minutes starts now let's go how big is this like blockwise it's like 500 by 500 I'm pretty sure it's like I think it's 100 by 100 or it's like 150 by 150 ah no I'm not taking slowness oh I think my strategy is just to get to the uh the tree I think that's over there get the wrong way then oh we got some snow where is quartz snow that's snow problem wait what why do I leave a hole there is that part of it or yeah it is it is yeah let's go there's no way he's me oh no I thought I thought I could just run to another portal and i' be through no that's a maze in the nether why am I back at the beginning you know I'm about to climb that ladder you just watch me you just watch me yeah come kill me how oh no yeah made yeah stck on that let's go there is 6 minutes and 15 seconds left check the back of the tree all right your L luck just wasted so much time coming up for you oh there's the dead end nice little dead end there thanks captain [Music] obvious there's another one thanks man got any more I do I probably got like 100 more you actually are on the right track there I'll give you that I'll give you that you've got 2 minutes 15 seconds so you need all the help you can get oh parkour ni little easy parkour for you you got 30 seconds left I can't even see these ones I mean I can I'm not that blind but like if you mess up you're going back to the start hell no no let me out no no not like this he's done it yes I did it he's done it take that in 27 minutes he's done it let's go oh I feel like I've achieved so much I wouldn't like to than clock down because that was torture but I need to pickaxe so with the result of that test in mind I'm going to change the time limit I'm now going to give them 30 minutes to complete the maze but remember there is two of them meaning there is a very high chance one of them could complete it so to make sure that doesn't happen let's build the hardest traps of the Maze and first up is the deadliest land mine in the entire game there is literally no way to survive it okay I'm going to show you how to build it in a creative world because I don't fancy accidentally losing my hardcore world we need a tunnel that leads away from it so we can escape it without setting it off now we're going to use 13 TNT mine carts 12 13 okay now we cover that up we go down the hole all right now for the important bit we place a skull sensor and very careful not to make any noise we need to crouch away from it and now for the best part about this trap it is completely invisible but if we go into survival you can see even with neite armor it's 100% deadly all right now I think I want to build one of these traps here but as we saw in the creative world these traps make a massive explosion and I don't want the entire maze to be destroyed so I think we should use some obsidian and make this part of the maze out of it it will give away the location of it but there's really nothing they can do to avoid it okay now the area is protected time to build the actual trap this is probably the most dangerous thing I've done in my hardcore world if we place the skull Senter there it is armed all right make sure I'm shifting place it okay shift away very quietly did a fish just swim near it and blow it up that is really annoying well we definitely didn't protect the area enough so we can extend this with obsidian but how are we going to fix the actual explosion we can't have fish just blowing it up randomly H I guess let's move on to the next trap for now and whilst we're doing it we might be able to think of a solution and we definitely need to get building the rest of the traps because Gamers and guil are going to be doing the maze in less than 2 days time so for the next trap the main thing we need is a lot of stone now we're going to craft all of these into buttons then we can place these buttons all along this wall so there is literally so many different buttons that someone could press So the plan is they'll waste loads of time clicking each button to see if anything happens and when they finally click the right button a door will open up here and immediately close behind them and only then will they realize that they've gone backwards in the Maze and it will take them ages to get back to the same point but of course to make it fully functional we need a piston door maybe if we do something like this and then we put a button there yep that worked now we need to link it up to one of these random buttons they'll probably start on this side so we should probably have it over here somewhere I'm thinking this one all right so this should work all right perfect go through it's closed and we have lost so much progress that last trap was very evil but this one should make up for it so I'm going to dig one hole here and one hole over here then we're going to make this one that deep and this one a bit deeper this hole is going to be completely filled with lava but the second hole is going to have water underneath and a layer of lava on top so if they jump into it they could sink and quite easily survive but why would they do that well they do that for what's going to be in this chest which of course is a potion of speed and to be honest we should probably also give them a fire resistance potion otherwise they'll die to the lava on the way out there we go and just so they understand all right one is good one is bad oh it's been ages and I still can't figure out a way to make this trap work it's just really complicated but you know what isn't complicated on next trap in fact it's going to be very simple but very effective and for it we only need one ingredient and that is sugar cane but lots of it now we are going to quite literally plant this sugar cane in this area so all of these pathways are really hard to see and maybe they'll even get confused and go back the way they came let's just make some lines for the water and now we'll fill them up and now we can finally plant our sugar cane and we're out of sugar cane but I'm going to go to sleep in real life anyways so I might as well leave my PC on and let the sugar cane grow let's go the sugar canan's grown now let's Harvest it and replant it all there we go that is trap 13 complete and speaking of completing traps when I was trying to get to sleep last night I was thinking about a solution to the land mine trap and I think I've got it but to make sure I'm right we need some sheep and more importantly we need them to die okay so the problem before was there were loads of fish that were swimming to the side of the skull sensor and underneath the skull sensor that we setting off the TNT which in this example is represented by the Piston but in reality we only want it activated when we walk on top of it so what if we use wool to create a sort of of like nest for the skull sensor now if we connect it up with redstone like we did before it shouldn't detect us when we're down here making noise or when we're to the side of it making noise only when we're on top of it all right let's give this a go so first we'll put a layer of wool we should also probably change this side to wool I think this is about as good as it can be okay now let's cover up the rest of the area with grass all right and now let's place the TNT mine carts there's 2 11 12 12 13 TT mine carts we'll just have to hope that it's good so with that trap finally complete we only have three hard traps left to build but Gamers and Gil are due to take the maze in one day's time we need to hurry up and build these final traps okay so the 14th trap is going to be similar to that lava trap we did where there's two options but this time it's with roller coasters I'm going to build it out of black and white rings to give like a hypnotic effect and it will drop po into a big pit filled full of lava they we'll drain it with some sponges place the lava down and we'll set up a bunch of rails so that's the bad choice now for the good one I want it to give them a slight advantage and progress them in the Maze and I think I'm going to join it up with this part of the maze just before the lava trap so it's time to build a big underwater tunnel all right the tunnel is built let's test it out to see if this will actually work first things first we need to put mine cots in here then they'll take one one and make their choice I am of course not going to choose that one so I'm going to go this way and let's see if it works wow okay well it doesn't work this works we can go through glass on a straight so we'll break this glass and have entrances like this now it should work let's go it's working yeah I really hope they choose this option so I don't lose my $1,000 but anyways the second last trap is a bit of a different one it's a mental trap first I asked chat GPT to summarize the Art of War I then use these learnings to write signs all across the maze to get into my friend's heads and ultimately make them go the wrong way so with all the Mind Game signs in place there is only one trap left and I think it's the Trap that will secure me the $1,000 because for trap number 16 I'm going to trap a ravager in the Maze so first things first this guy needs to die now we need to get ourselves a ravager let's name him trap 16 there we go and now follow me Mr ravager all right there it is I see the Maze We just have a massive massive swim to get to it during this 5 minute swim to Minecraft's hardest maze I began to wonder if I'd done enough to keep my $1,000 or if my tens of hours of preparation and building had been for nothing well I was about to find out once again I duplicated my world and changed it to a survival world and then uploaded it to my wise hosting server don't forget if you want to get your own server you can use my link in the description for 25% off but then finally the maze was ready all right guys so you'll have 30 minutes to get to the diamonds in the center of the maze whoever gets the first wins the $1,000 is this going to be me then 3 2 one go okay I'm off 30 minutes starts now I am muting so Gamers is going right which is interesting oh he's found a nether portal he's going through it oh that's fits in the nether Gil is coming back around going back to the start I'm already lost I literally took one turn oh Gil's g into The Nether as well I bet he's uh in his little perspective going they don't even need to go to the nether oh what a do that I gave I went through a trap and gave myself slain itz I thought it' be good how did you go the worst possible way what the hell game has just found one of my mindset signs oh no game going the wrong way that's the worst way you could possibly go you us found some snow no I'm stuck how do I get out yes Die game is is about to reach the end oh my god oh that was the wrong way he wasted so much time they've already had 5 minutes literally they're all just staying around the left side they've had literally 9 minutes and they're not getting to the next section of the maze oh he's going back is he going to go the right way yes he is ah what happened I blew up to what to some blow up thing to mine carts there like pressure plates if Gil is fast enough he might be able to catch up with Gamers and then realize the right where to go oh Gamers is find the tree okay there's like a little clue at the top to where to get what is it I'm not telling you you have to go and get it do I do I need to go up well if you want the clue go would just tell me what it is no I'm not telling you what it is Gil is going up the tree even though Gamers just came down how dare you I knew it was going to be a trick all right right he is on the right path Gil is probably not far behind one is good one is bad I hope this works no die yeah all right where is Gil oh Gil chose the right one this time oh my God he's just skipped so much of the maze oh no what is it what yes what just happened the mine actually worked where his game is though he should be able to make it to the the mine carts and they'll both skip a big section of the Maze and they need it because they've got 13 minutes left oh no you can do it oh he's making it nice no they've got 8 minutes and 47 seconds it's not looking good dead ends I didn't think there'd be this many like really long dead ends mhm it's quite a good maze yeah thinking about who it is he likes trolling people doesn't he so if there's a way to make someone waste their time he'll find it he likes making fun of us too as well oh oh he's found he's going to find some glass in a second this is going to really annoy Gil he can see the diamonds he's going to test all the buttons time is running out but he's going to test them all he's testing them he found one oh he's gone through and he's gone backwards in the M ah I can see the diamonds can you yeah but there's a glass wall so you can't get it how's it going guys wait you went backwards oh i' got to do the parkour again Gil Gil is now the furthest ahead in the Maze anyone's everever been oh no good to know oh God welcome to [Music] hell all right guys listen to this I can't hear anything don't hear anything either it's the Apple alarm oh no all right but I will give $500 to whoever's first oh what yeah oh my God that is interesting they've both gone the right way they could actually complete this maze soon get go down there G no you get down there you get I'm going okay I'll go down wait wait wait I'll go down okay go down it's just powdered snow you could have fell through the snow and got a massive Advantage but you had to pick the right snow I think I can tell what direction the diamond thing is but I don't know if we have to like loop around which direction is it from you I think it's just like right in front of me oh I'll give you a clue you were right about that yeah I thought you went right about again this way no yes he was just won the $500 oh no and Gil was watching it through the window it took game as nearly 40 minutes to complete the Maze and if you want to watch the full version with all the funny moments of them completing the maze you can watch that here on my second Channel a huge thanks to chazza Gamers and G for being in the video and of course thank you to you guys for watching [Music] a
Channel: LockDownLife
Views: 3,588,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, lockdownlife, lockdown life, minecarft, minecratf, minecraft maze, impossible maze in minecraft, maze minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore maze, lockdownlife maze, minecarft hardcore maze, the most impossible maze in minecraft hardcore, minecarft hardcore impossible maze, minecraft hardcore hardest maze, hardest maze minecarft hardcore, $1, 000 challenge, impossible maze, building a maze, maze tricks, maze traps, massive build
Id: ZHof1PEJzgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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