I survived the deadliest enderman in Minecraft...

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I spawned an Enderman on this survival Minecraft server but I decided to use this little potion on it and hey come back here doc what are you doing down there dog oh I think I'm safe right over the past few weeks I've been spawning super Mobs with the strongest effects in the game after my previous experiences I wondered if the chair would be impossible to capture why did I create this what if it's already like on the run right now about to find other players hey we're chill now oh my god oh there's my stuff is there pumpkins oh there is all right now I'm able to look directly at it and it doesn't care now we have to find some way to contain it oh wait I have an idea I need to catch this thing before it teleports away come on booger come on dude you're stepping on the boat stop moving yeah but this thing couldn't stay here for long because any player could easily look into its eyes and suffer a similar fate so I called a friend for his help no way you made another one how did you even make another one did you do the glitch again no I can't do the glitch again no one on the server couldn't nobody had spawn eggs and illegal potions or else the owner would remove all of it so I had to be careful with what I would say oh I see it great how do you keep doing this like I shouldn't keep it's a matter of how I've kept them contained now may pick was pretty suspicious since he was there in the first Super mobs appear however those mobs were eventually contain and one of them was still stuck inside of this maze why are there pressure plates everywhere those give off noise yeah no I got that oh yeah you may need to start running oh I might need to start running go you're right here [Music] as you can see working with these mobs is a nightmare you got The Roots You Got The Roots You Got the oh and originally we were going to use that gear to somehow transport the super Enderman however someone needed to get it out of the Maze Before it d-spawn he knows the layout oh no no oh no no no no no no no no there's no way he's so dead no way no he took the wrong turn but after another failed attempt we retrieved the items and went back to booger the stronghold of Booger is ahead booger who the hell is booger bro okay actually his allergy what what dude this guy's weird yeah I don't think it's anything to do with people weird influenza he should be contained right now right where'd it go hell no no I'm just playing is he a creature too do you want to test um not not really no way actually I want to see something else what would it look like if I did this I don't like how it looks it's just a floating grass block so a break out of the boat real fast no I'm good I want to bring you into the maze that would be funny it would be kind of funny how do we get it to the maze I mean I could break it out I think all right all right good luck what do we do then um yeah so we could like look at him maybe oh I could see his eyes right now so it is a float oh oh oh shoot there's this tell it's just teleported no I told you this wasn't a good idea we need to find particles wait wait I think I heard it is that him no his name is not booger this is just a normal Enderman I see him oh do you that that is a black sheep never mind how did you I legitimately thought we lost it until oh dude I was pretty confident it disappeared so when no one looked I grabbed the spawn eggs but then yeah I can see his particles yeah that is very much him all right Jared look at him use your Enderman skin Oh don't maybe not a great idea if you break eye contact then oh I thought we had a friendship going I have an idea right we first see you get into a boat and then we can execute phase two okay wait let's get him oh all right all right perfect we need to make a staircase up we will have yeah Jared at the top of the staircase yeah Jeremy will look directly in booger's eyes why is he at Jared all right Jared if it's ignorant you go up the staircase and let me know when you're at the top of it all right I don't think this is gonna go well can you give Jared actually a totem's Not Gonna Save Jared how good are you at fast disconnecting oh I'm so freaking good should we break the boat and see what happens back down and he's still pissed he's back down and he's still pissed okay how do we get um here wait let's make an Ender proof Escape in fact after Jared [Music] eventually we transferred booger to spawn however if we wanted to test his abilities he needed a worthy opponent so what if we took the super Warden and put him against booger well before we can move them to the Grand Arena I had seven stacks of Bedrock to place because yesterday as a recording this I got 449 subscribers why is it always raining when I'm doing this and for every time you subscribe I'll add one more so subscribe to claim your Bedrock on life steal so here's the deal booger is lifesteal's first friendly Enderman what will happen then is that booger will actually come give you a hug finally booger was back in containment however we realized how easy it was for him to escape so we made a waterfall around the arena and we were ready to release the warden already just like diving School wait how am I supposed to get in the water without it good luck we just need to get him in the arena who's making the entrance he just killed a fish it's training right now dude okay now let's go yeah there we go we did it okay but we still didn't know how to get them to fight each other and asteroid's plan didn't go too well all right the issue is the water now oh I sure like watch out all right you're gonna oh uh where did he goes that's almost as if a water wall wouldn't stop teleportation and the waterfall had another big issue where is he going yeah we did we didn't think about the bottom area guys we have a little problem he's just in the little taking a bath bro what's he doing is the trench fixed okay oh oh okay guys I have a feeling this part isn't going that great and after isolating them together it seems like this fight would never happen so we release booger from the boat but then where did it go after a few seconds booger just teleported away leaving peepees the winner we tried having them fight in the caves by dropping the warden down this pipe but booger I broke the boat and he teleported into the cave somewhere so I think this was a huge success however a few hours later I was called by one of the spectators who were shown the super mobs earlier the only problem was that clown he came across the third one you don't realize the power of the Anthony's house you told clowns that he got hit by poopies the invisible endermite except he looked through the replays and saw the troops poopies oh I think I found poopies this is an interesting new look for poopies isn't it clown now had the power to show this to the owner and ban us off the server so we scheduled a meeting with him the next day to explain everything so if you don't want to miss that tune in tomorrow because I'm posting content on this every day for this month and each one is going to get crazier and crazier until the 30th day which is when all will be revealed in the Wormhole will finally be opened
Channel: Spoke
Views: 360,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spoke, spokeishere, lifesteal, minecraft, survival, wormhole
Id: 6I0As8zirtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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