I Survived a Shrek Festival

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the definition of a fairy tale is a children's story about imaginary beings what if I told you once per year on a very specific date these imaginary beings come to life where you may ask Milwaukee it's Shrek Fest Shrek Fest is happening today howdy it's happening in like four hours I'm dressed as Lord Farquaad and today is gonna be the craziest day of my life but first let's get through airport security I forgot my luggage sneaking into Shrek Fest is not going to be easy I'm not good at stuff like this I don't like this I'm nervous and it doesn't help that apparently this clip of me went viral on Snapchat which is so embarrassing Shrek Fest happens every single year which is crazy because a Shrek movie hasn't come out in like a decade it's been a while the thing about Shrek Fest is not just a festival there are contests and there is no sane person on this planet that would even compete in one of these contests that's why I'm gonna win all three the roar contest the costume contest and the onion eating contest okay I think the next step will be somewhere else over the last couple weeks I've been training relentlessly for this event for this Festival I've been working on my Roar I've purchased so many costumes I even ate onions the point is I'm not taking this festival or the contests lightly and when I landed in the next city I realized one of Lord farquaad's greatest weaknesses layovers no but seriously I almost missed my flight I had a Sprint to to catch it we made it we're heading to Shrek Fest [Applause] Wisconsin I believe this is where my quest begins quest number one infiltrate Shrek Fest that's right I wasn't invited I did not get an invite to this place so I'm sneaking in first things first I need my humble steed an Uber anyways I'm gonna call an Uber this is it guys I am getting in the zone at least I'm trying to but the Uber has the volume of the radio up like all the way [Music] something I'm going to deeply regret is dressing up as Lord Farquaad which if you don't know the basic plot of Shrek here it is Shreks and ogre and he's happy in his swamp one day he goes outside and he sees all these little fairy tale creatures that were forced to go to a swamp you might be asking by who vote yeah Lord Farquaad aka the dude I dressed up as first recfest anyways Lord Farquaad says Shrek can have his swamp back if he saves a Princess Fiona from a scary castle that way Lord Farquaad can be king Shrek absolutely balls out and saves Fiona and then falls in love with her himself farqua takes Fiona and at the wedding Shrek pulls up donkey's girlfriend eats Farquaad and Shrek and Fiona live happily ever after so basically Lord Farquaad is the king of elves and everyone hates him this place is packed I'm not fully certain how we're gonna get in dude the energy is insane right now this is like a very crazy moment they have Shrek ears we found our people if I can find a way in [Music] hey excuse me guys you guys know how we get in Shrek Fest you guys know how we get in it's free oh yeah awesome Quest complete I've done it again that was easy but I have a feeling that winning all three of these contests is not going to be this place is absolutely insane this is like beyond my wildest expectations in 30 minutes is the roar contest [Music] like I said before my goal is to win all three of these contests unanimously so the record oh gosh looks like I got some competition holy smokes more contest is in 30 minutes I think I'm gonna ask some people around to see what they think about my Roar hey guys can I show you my Roar just see what you think sure all right uh will you hold my microphone all right oh my finger fantastic fantastic huge confidence boost yeah all right guys hi all right there's a nut they're playing Can't Hold Us by Macklemore this is the best day of my life ceiling can't hold us and with minutes left before the roar contest I met a French man named Tomas you came from France for Shrek Fest exactly I think we are the first French people here in Shrek Fest that's when Tomas asked if he could practice his Roar three two one I put in one more rep and there was no more running from it it's time for the roar contest and my first w foreign no matter what please cheer [Music] I'm the Laughing socket okay I get it Lord farquaad's a bad guy in the movie but I'm not actually Lord Farquaad like I'm so shocked everyone was bullying me before I even had a chance except for one guy Tomas so yeah on the roar contest I took and but this story isn't over because there's a new Quest on the horizon and I'm gonna destroy it [Music] so there are 12 participants in this costume contest I somehow managed to get on the list that means I just have to beat 11 people so I just want to give you guys a costume tour real quick it's your boy Lord Farquaad that's right I happen to be built like him IRL this is crazy we got the gloves slight hole for breathability my hat falls off all the time the wig is good the wig stays on look at this [Music] we got the belt from Louie the tops from Gucci shoulder pads from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers boots are from my wife I might have taken that L on the roar contest but you know how you know how this goes at this point my only logical line of action was to go scope out the competition hey excuse me are you uh are you entering the costume contest oh for sure yeah I have competition I like your outfit better thank you cheers good luck good luck to you I'll see you on the other side I ran away because I really didn't feel comfortable talking to another Lord Farquaad it was kind of weird why do I feel like I'm actually supposed to be scared of Shrek oh my goodness all right guys I don't want any trouble I don't want any trouble okay I think the costume contest is starting let's get it I would never tell anyone this but I was extremely nervous to meet gingerbread man he's awesome in person he's great SpongeBob there is definitely more than 12 contestants in the costume contest which kind of threw me for a whirl I had a lot of people tell me that my costume was awesome just in person face to face at the festival and I was really happy to see Tomas he got a great cheer from the crowd but I am extremely nervous all right who are you I'm Lord Fark Genera I'm trying to change the narrative [Applause] I don't even know how they decided the winners data right now and it looks like Far Cry unbelievable [Applause] unreal Kyle I got laughed at in the airport for this there's a certain level of regret that comes with waking up at 4am on a Saturday being filmed in public by strangers because I'm dressed as Lord Farquaad and absolutely sprinting through the airport to catch my connecting flight to Wisconsin all to take two else you know what they say two L's makes a dub s and I lost a costume content yeah definitely we love yeah but there's a there's an onion dating contest the prize money for that I don't know about the prize but the prize is 25 000 ready it's not his I lied I do know a way to win 25 000 did you get a brand new for this video yeah yes I did it's so fine to enter this crazy Sofi giveaway all you have to do is download the sofa app and open a checking and savings account you give me twenty thousand thousand dollars man that's awesome like you're ready my friend you have the chance to win it's incredible this is just give you 25 000 I'm just gonna help you sign up okay if you're the type of person who's like oh I never win giveaways I'm not gonna enter this giveaway I get it I understand but sofa is actually so worth signing up for it so you just downloaded the Sofi app that's very good you can have your checking and savings account there you can get home loans yeah it's great sofa comes with these perks yes you read that right two percent apy that is 66 times the national average damn that's awesome you deserve so much better sign up for sofa using my link I'm excited for you Tomas is so excited and good luck in the giveaway all right awesome potentially that I just want to put emphasis on that you might win it's not a certain ly so far I hyped myself up by dancing to One Last Panic at the Disco cover made an onion Angel and it was time for my final quest [Music] it's onion is mine hey cheers boys Cheers Cheers Cheers there were some people on stage that were clearly in the zone this contest was the biggest turnout by far there had to be a thousand people watching this there had to be let's eat three two one foreign [Applause] [Applause] uh we'll see you next year my onion is in my hat uh how does it feel to be the onion eating champion you know I've never felt better in my life did you train for this or I've eaten five before enjoy the dub I took the L [Music] the end of an era you know what I think that this Festival taught me a few things number one don't dress up as the antagonist of the movie of the festival that you're going to number two start cooking with onions and number three even if you feel like a big old loser you can always put Shrek on the TV and turn it around [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 7,400,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, shrek, I infiltrated
Id: Mm8zpDuOqCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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