The Dirtiest Job in America

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dirty a lot of things are dirty like fish and poop and fish poop I want to clean fish poop why when I was 11 I wanted to be like Mike not that mic that mic on his Show Dirty Jobs Mike is cool now I'm 24 claustrophobic and never tried to be like Mike Ryan is not cool let's change that our Journey Begins here at one of the world's largest aquariums at 5 PM Oh No 5 5 a.m 5 a.m good morning sleepyheads I haven't said that in a while well I've successfully traveled all the way to Connecticut behind me is one of the world's largest aquariums I'm afraid of many things in life dirt is not one of them I know this is Gary I am I'm scared of swimming in closed spaces and that Rock Bottom episode of Spongebob Squarepants today I feel like I'm gonna have to conquer all three I don't know why I started walking inside and yes that's scuba gear I've spent the past month dozens of hours and many Dives getting scuba certified my job today at the aquarium includes five tasks with varying levels of dirtiness good thing I'm not afraid of animals fecal matter or germs or urine my middle name is urine no it's not it's Michael but today is gonna get pretty gnarly and I'm gonna have to face some fears and hopefully make some new friends along the way huh this is for you Mike first things first the beluga whale habitat I actually came here and did a tour yesterday met Juno Juno's my best friend in the entire whole wide world he puts his head on the glass he's cute sounds like my first task is actually window cleaning seems like that's been a common theme in my life recently I'm looking forward to it I think I'm gonna do a great job let's hit it hey I'm Ryan hi I'm Kyle this is Kyle he loves aquatic animals he loves beluga whales and he knows there are a few beluga whales in this habitat but Juno is the real star this aquarium is a non-profit and helps rescue aquatic Animals in Danger so this beluga whale habitat is very important okay looks like we have three Windows to clean let's get it real nice and wet nice this is not sped up Kyle is that fast I think it's pretty obvious this is not that bad Kyle is proud so he let me do the next one on my own it was so cute to watch these Beluga swim by I didn't really know what a beluga whale was I'm from Texas so here's a few fun facts about Juno beluga whales generally live in the Arctic they can swim backwards and they're the closest thing we have to actual Pokemon am I right with that being said task complete good job Ryan that was so dirty [Music] next up we're feeding seals that's crazy I'm here with Allison so you are actually going to be meeting one of my all-time favorite animals here at the aquarium she is a spotted seal named Nuna so she was actually found on a beach looking dehydrated and malnourished by a couple of beachgoers so we stepped up and said we'd love to have her they brought her in they did an evaluation and she was deemed non-releasable by the government because she was so dehydrated and malnourished after that they needed a permanent home for her and she made her way back down in 2019. oh my gosh you're insane on camera by the way dude I was like that was one take you guys don't understand how long it takes for me to say like yo guys we love you Nuna let's go okay but first preparing nuna's lunch I'll have you prepped this one about to feed Nuna yes first Allison taught me that we have to defrost and clean nuna's food which is fish it's restaurant great fish only the best for Nuna I'm gonna blur the fish to spare you it's I mean you can literally imagine it's what seals eat all in one bucket my task is to sort out any fish that don't look absolutely impeccable this is all sustainably hot wow okay restaurant grade quality so they eat a lot better than we do I did some food quality control for news and it had me thinking about micro I watched the show all the time and always thought I could be tough enough to do something like that you know what Now's the Time I put nuna's yummy lunch aside beautiful went back in and sorted some more fish for the other seals and had a good little chat with Allison I was so inspired by how passionate Allison is about her seals and how much she cares for them an entire Squad pulled up when we were ready to feed noon okay each seal gets a person to feed him that's adorable okay so apparently nuna's gonna see this letter and and come up to us no no yummy oh that's a nice belly rub that's nice alert although Nuna can't be released other seals that are rescued here can and after meeting Nuna videos like this one of her release are so emotional oh my goodness okay the amount of people and effort it takes to take care of these heels adorable I can't believe how smart they are I thought Spock was smart he doesn't even know sit yet seven next up we're feeding piranhas sorry piranhas razor sharp teeth ferocious appetites 72 pounds of force per bite you put anything into this tank it's gonna get obliterated in moments this is Darion the piranha princess that's her legal title you have to call her that this is the scariest thing I have ever done here we go they didn't even eat it they're like so chill I threw one more in and one of them booped a piece that was pretty much all the action I got from the piranhas so Darion told me that piranha is being ferocious is actually a myth and they're really Scaredy Cats you learn something new every day that's complete you did great all right I've got like 15 minutes until my next task you think what I'm thinking I have six dollars will you hold this real quick good sir that was insane this is Bailey and this is Sharon my dive buddies preparing me for my greatest fear swimming in closed spaces and a rock bottom with a scuba certification at least the one I got you have to dive with a buddy it's many things but it's a safety precaution above all else for me today I dived one time for a video going to the world's oldest underwater hotel it was only like 10 feet deep and it was terrifying it took me like 30 minutes to get down there and I was panicking the entire way and now I'm gonna be diving with African penguins who poop eight to ten times an hour scuba dude hey Evan there's no more running from it I stood around like an absolute amateur chair looked a little concerned but I'm in good hands and then I hopped into the habitat African penguin fun facts they can't fly they poop every 20 minutes they typically have a mate for life that's adorable and they're always wearing their best tuxedos it looks like they're wearing suits I don't know it's not actually a suit and frankly this is the dirtiest task of them all clearly I'm ready for this I've been training for this that penguin habitat we're gonna be doing some please these bad boys can barely talk that's rock and roll I'm following Bailey's lead this is my first time diving since training and I'm scared I'll be honest not sure if you can see the panic in my eyes but it's there even though I was panicking I gave Bailey the okay yeah that little signal right there makes me feel cool and professional underwater so then I did it again I started the cleaning the windows which was super fun I'm actually feeling okay In This Moment until I started absolutely panicking because my weight belt started sliding off I felt like I was in a movie where you have to escape handcuffs underwater except all I had to do was successfully pull strap that was extremely easy to access regardless I fixed it and then clean penguin poo off the windows I never thought in my life I would see a penguin this close-up look how cute they are oh my gosh stop it oh my goodness I'm an absolute Menace with that scrubber I cleaned the windows several times over and gave Bailey the okay someone needs to stop me from doing that again I successfully cleaned some other windows gave Bailey a high five and next was the real fun I did this up top already by the way which was pretty straightforward some spraying some scrubbing some cute Nibbles from the penguin named Boris I am in love with these animals this is my buddy right here are you a penguin you're the cutest but back to the real drama Bailey explained this tool the Poo scrubber 5000 I don't know made that up that being said we took another dive down although this might be the dirtiest task it's also the most visually satisfying there's absolute fecal matter flying everywhere something they don't tell you in scuba school is that it's actually really hard to maneuver underwater especially without fans I don't have fins on right now so not getting manhandled by this scrubber is actually a challenge I continued scrubbing every surface I could find and thank goodness all this poo gets filtered out at the end yeah no that's poo yeah that's that's cute I got every nook and cranny of that habitat and then I emerged with Bailey that was awesome call me The Scrub Daddy don't do that please [Music] Hey Ocean dwellers it's kind of cold out here guys I'm getting ready to go into another dive they're calling this one t7 I don't want to know what either of those stand for first dive was cute penguins are adorable there weren't any threats whatsoever other than Boris Boris is a menace I love him but the next habitat has some serious drama Queenie the alpha she actually has teeth Poncho the Moray eel mildly terrifying and then a lionfish as well that's scary I've got on a new suit so let's hit it this time I'm diving with Sharon that's Sharon an absolute dive expert and lover of aquatic animals I gave Sharon the classic okay she reciprocated which made me feel valid so thank you Sharon and now on my second and final dive I gotta say I'm not scared in here it's actually quite beautiful wow goodness Queenie okay her teeth are kind of cute effing clean to rock I don't know Poncho has not moved this entire time by the way spending the day here at the aquarium has been a blessing I have fallen in love with so many of these animals and everyone that works here is incredibly passionate about marine life as I was cleaning this last habitat I was just thinking 11 year old me would be proud and that feels good [Music] That Rock Bottom episode of SpongeBob is playing behind me isn't it I'm not scared of you anymore I don't know what I'm doing for the outro I think this is it I think this is watch another video no seriously hope you have a good day
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 6,895,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, dirty job, dirtiest job, the worlds dirtiest job, ryan trahan
Id: DKWI9IhR4ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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