I Survived 500 Days in Minecraft Hardcore!

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greetings citizens welcome back to the fifth installment of my very first hardcore world for this video I tried something a bit different rather than setting myself three main goals I decided to pick one huge build to focus on the entire video creating a Roman arena is far past due in this world in 500 Days is when we'll finally take it on many of my designs and choices in this video are based on your comments so thanks for the help if you enjoy watching a legionary scramble through Hardcore Minecraft and somehow come out alive be sure to subscribe to be informed of future videos will I be able to complete my goal of being an arena owner slash Champion let's get started so you can find out goodness gracious that is quite the sight now ow ow the problem is this thing is going to have to have layers like ogres yes all right bees make sure you look after everything while I'm gone don't let the Iron Golems get in any trouble or anything oh creepy were you all just watching me sleep if it's not a parent yet I have no idea what I'm doing you ever look at something and just say I have no idea how I want to build this citizen come here I gotta I gotta tell you something a little bit closer I have no idea what I'm doing we are back for 500 days I can hardly believe it and for this video we do have some lofty goals up until now we've always had three goals per video and we've kind of break those out throughout the hundred days and that is a little bit different now because this time we're changing it around I'm not gonna do three specific goals but instead one humongous goal the idea for what I want to build for this video came a little bit from the comments so some from you but then also a bit from me just looking around I mean if you were looking at this base is it immediately identifiable as a Roman Colony I'm sure you're all saying well yeah I see the spqr back there that's pretty obvious but if we look at it from another angle no so that's the plan we need to make something very Roman and what could be better than having our very own Coliseum excuse me big guy I also have aspirations to make it a functional Coliseum so actually in Arena where we can fight mobs and all of that which means unfortunately for this incredible probably you know aesthetic and beautiful build we had back here the first mob grinder that's probably gonna have to go to be perfectly honest I never got a ton of use out of that thing anyway and it doesn't really fit in with the vibe of the rest of the base so I'm not too heartbroken that we're going to be tearing it down another reason I want to get rid of it is because it's kind of taking up well potentially some of the space that I'll be using for the Coliseum because this will be no ordinary Coliseum it's going to be a sky Coliseum part of that is because that's awesome and the other part is because if we're making it into kind of a mob grinder that's going to make these spawns better if we're up in the sky and away from where any other mobs could be spawning I think once we started off and start building it up there in the sky somewhere we may use the other two spots that you see down there that are still bare to make water elevators leading up you can't really see it from here but these two let's just go down there these two water elevators lead down into my mind and back up so on the other side I figured we could have a couple going up and down that lead up into the sky and then a pathway that leads over the ocean to the new Coliseum area as you can imagine that's going to be very daunting there's a lot I have to do to prep for that so we need to think about what that's going to look like and how we can get our start I'm not too worried The Lunchbox Believes In Me So I think we can do this first we should probably just fill a box or two with Building Material because we are going to have to make a platform first before we start building anything in the sky and it is going to need to be huge doing a little collecting and strangely enough I know we just talked about getting rid of that mob grinder I'm kind of out of string or just about and I need to make more scaffolding so hey at least we get a chance to use it one last time okay I did have a bit in here I'll probably need more if you want to send any spiders down exactly what I had in mind out of curiosity I don't see how this thing or how well it's working and I know I used slabs up top here and that's not great that could be causing us some trouble didn't realize that was as much of an issue as it's yes I mean it works but I think the Coliseum is going to be 10 times better yeah this isn't really helping they are falling down but I'm not getting any spiders if there are any they're probably stuck up there got a ton of armor though so we got some extra anyway if we do end up adding more legionaries over on this side I think if we need cobweb we or not cobweb string that might be an easier way is going down into the mines and just grabbing some cobweb I can make 48 more that's not terrible yeah I say we could always come back and grab more if we need it but the time being let's at least get this thing started trying to plan ahead for when I build those water elevators and I'm kind of just hoping I'm thinking of this the right way start by just placing some of these and seeing how high off the ground this is going to get us we're definitely up there we're higher than the old mob spawner but I think I do want to be higher up especially when you look back there at the top of this hill I'm not that far off the ground it doesn't need to be scaffolding I could just start placing other blocks on top of this but I'm kind of picky yeah I mean we're probably gonna need it for the build anyway so why don't we grab some uh some string from cobwebs and then go back up and get started if I'm not mistaken there was an abandoned mine shaft in that Lush cave that we visited before and there it is right there's a lot of friends down here wonderful no problem hey hear who I need you are not what I need this wasn't where I thought I was I think I came in the wrong entrance because I thought it was pretty close to where we came into the cave I think we need to head back out and try this one more time here we go this is what I was looking for I just looked at an Enderman by accident didn't mean it didn't mean it wow he just came right into the water not bothering you huh oh no no babies no babies so this area should have some tasty yummy string for us which it does form of cobwebs probably getting more from the spiders that are popping out than actual cobweb hey future Legion here so I had gone through and recorded live narration on my Wacky Adventures through these caves on my search for more string but when I listen to the playback I realized I was getting some audio issues I got a new recording set up for this video and I'm still working out the Kinks so anyway I decided to come back and record new narration so you didn't have to hear all the screw-ups I was hoping to find a spider spawner near the abandoned mine shaft down here because usually they'll be completely surrounded by spiderwebs and that could be turned into tasty string but no such luck I ran around like a crazy person searching but really only found a few spiderwebs and a few spiders who were kind enough to lend me their string in the end I was able to find a golden apple in a chest so that's something and enough string to make the scaffolding that I needed and now back to regularly scheduled old programming oh actually that made a lot more than I was expecting it to so we're in good shape never mind so let's add one more stack to this that'll make it two stacks total and we'll see where that gets us I don't really want to climb this whole thing so let's take the short way and there we go that's pretty good I mean we're a decent distance up now for reference this is why level 215 I believe you can build all the way up to like 320 y320 so that'll give us about a hundred blocks of building space and I don't see it being taller than that but I like uh I like having a bit of a buffer there so I think that should work for us and I do want this to basically what we have here is the beginning point of where we would get out of the water elevators and I want a path going out towards the ocean so we can have it be over that I don't necessarily want the shadow of this thing overcast on the bass and you know it would block the Sun for my crops and all that type of thing so we're just gonna build out that way and uh start and an absolute enormous platform that we use to start to build the Colosseum this is why I need a temporary Landing platform up there because I keep falling you know what I'm thinking because I could build this out right now and make a nice platform a nice pathway leading out over the ocean but I don't know what the rest of it's going to look like exactly yet so why don't we just make this kind of temporary build a platform out that direction and it may be something that we tear down and replace but right now I'm kind of just looking for an easy way to get over to the area where I'm going to be building that's what we're gonna do I want it to be far enough away so like I said it doesn't have a shadow over the top of my base but also close enough so that if I'm standing at my base I can probably see it up in the sky I guess if you think of it the opposite way as long as I can still see my base from where I'm at that means I'll be able to see what's up here from my base I think this might be good enough because the platform is going to still go out quite some distance we are pretty far from the base look you can see our Shadow right on top of the mob grinder that's pretty awesome and we'll still be able to see it from here as well I mean if I can see that Iron Golem drop into his lava bath and I think we'll be able to see it this should be good I think we start building here oh which means I get to build the largest Minecraft circle I have ever tried building my entire time playing this game it'd be fun time to consult the circle generator all right I was just looking at the Circle generator strong one and I'm kind of thinking we just go bigger than what I'm assuming I might need and that's just gonna be a 100 by 100 Circle for the platform it's saying it'll take me a little over six stacks of 64 so that's no problem but I don't know if this is going to be enough to fill it in once the circle is complete I'm also really hoping 100 by 100 is going to look the way I think it's going to look in my head but there's only one way to find out also really hope I end up doing it's right and actually before I go and start start wrapping this all the way around I should triple double quadruple check that this is in the right spot and it's uh aligned with where I think these water elevators are going to be because that would be the most heartbreaking thing I can think of as if we made this whole platform and then realized it's not lined up with the base let's do that actually the easiest way is probably just to grab the coordinates of the block where the water elevator will be and then go check them up top got the coordinates let's go check okay so these are the spots where the water elevators will be so essentially just replace these columns with water which means I will either step out of one into this spot here or into one from this spot here which does mean I got the platform right what I was thinking was this two blocks would be all the way down and we'll just complete that to make sure it matches up with circle platform nearly there that is the first part of the circle by the way first length of it and it looks even but we essentially should have seven on each side of the platform if we split it right down the middle because the first bit of this needs to be 14 blocks so X7 567 yep so we're in good shape this lines up appropriately with the base and where it's going to come out of the uh I guess on top of the B Dome that's something else to think about we're going to have to put glass columns all the way up here so that's going to be fun lots of trades for the Nerds on that but this is gonna be a big one it's going to take a lot of time to make this circle but I think the way we handle this is kind of similar to how we've done this in the past I'm gonna switch to cinematic for a bit I might pop in and out of that if I've uh if I run into anything crazy but for the most part I say we take a look at the Cinematic build of the circle because that should be pretty cool [Music] good [Music] foreign about halfway done I think I really hope I didn't mess that up maybe we go to sleep and then tomorrow we build a cross just a straight line across and see if it lines up at least that way we only have to rebuild half a circle and uh not the full thing ooh cool too look at that building smaller circles it never really looks like a circle but at that distance and at that size it actually does look a lot more like a circle this is going to be so cool but either way let's go up check to make sure that we built this thing right so far that was a little too close so if I just build from here out I should hit the very end of that side and it might seem like taking too much precaution but honestly we're gonna have to fill in this whole area anyway so it's not like we're wasting the uh the blocks or anything we're getting close please match up I don't like that quick glance I took it almost seemed like we were a block off if you're listening Jupiter just give me this one I don't want to rebuild it oh look at that perfect effect but really now we just need to do that again do the other half and not screw up we'll be in good shape foreign [Music] there we go that matched up perfectly I cannot believe that I got that on my first shot without one screw up really doesn't bode well though because that just means something's going to screw up later on across that bridge when we get to it now let's see what about 12 stacks of stone does for the center of this it sounds like a lot but part of me thinks that it's not even going to fill up the whole thing actually everything looks right but why don't we do the same thing divide it down the other Center of this just a triple check but also because that's going to make it a bit easier on us basically dividing it into four sections to fill yep there we go that matches up properly and now we have four handy dandy areas to fill in after I get a good nice rest that is oh man that's looking so good though actually before I go to bed you know what that reminds me of looks like the Super Smash Bros logo not really but kind of and actually before we get started on this day I think it's that time it's actually past that time that I've changed sneak from hold to toggle I should have done that earlier there we go I started to notice just my pinky getting a little sore so ah we do not have to worry about that oh no that was all of that stone what did I say how many stacks did I have it was a ton and we didn't even do half of one quarter of this I knew I wasn't gonna make it the whole way but I thought it would be more than this oh man okay well we are going to get a ton of use out of that stone generator that we built last video actually did I take it all up here or did I have any left over yeah I mean that that was pretty much all of my stone that whole chest oh wait a minute wait a minute okay so there is a bit in here but not a ton that's not gonna do much for us oh boy yeah so I'm really glad that we built this thing pretty unassuming and you know it doesn't look like much but if you want to see how this was built pretty simple but you could check it out in the last video really all it is is just these four blocks of stone that continue to regenerate from water off to the left lava on top and Hoppers been Neath it all just goes into these four chests here no just thinking about that we're gonna need close to like 80 stacks of this stuff just to finish that Circle so I'm gonna be here for a bit I will see you in I don't know like an hour or something hopefully it doesn't take that long by the way I already know I'll be getting a comment saying why didn't I just build this platform out of slabs because that would give me a lot more and I don't have a great answer for you aside from the fact that I've already started using blocks maybe next time we make a 100 by 100 platform I will go the slab route but this time I've already committed don't make fun of me too much I thought about changing my beacon around so I can mine faster while I'm doing this but as you can see it's not reaching me over here so fortunately that plan's not gonna work well hey there citizens it's been a while gonna convert the stone I got into stone brick then I'll show you what we got will what I have be enough to fill that in I highly doubt it so I was able to collect quite a bit but knowing that 12 Stacks didn't even fill in one of these quarter areas I don't know we might be able to get to maybe half but only one way to find out so close with an inventory full but we need to go back to the shulker and yes it's turning into night time this is going to turn into one big spawn platform but I need to finish this at one quarter at least trying to speed place to beat the Sun and my time ran out watch my back citizen I don't need a creeper coming up behind me and blowing up a bunch of my work yep speaking of don't even try it oh my gosh okay yep I turned around and this is what was waiting for me so maybe we do come back and finish in the morning wow yeah we are back to uh the Legolas Villa on Saturday night levels of mobs here I I did not think it would be this many this is actually insane this is way more than I thought it would be and they just keep coming actually though this is good news because the whole point of building it up here was to have a mob grinder aspect to the uh the Coliseum Arena so this is just proving that it works wow okay and the Creeper's coming at me that's my cue to leave we'll come back tomorrow alrighty now that daylight has saved us I can finish up one quarter or roughly roughly one quarter of this platform oh boy there we go and that's what we have left I wasn't counting but that is what is complete of the platform so far and this is what still needs to be done whatever it is it's a it's an astronomical amount of blocks to fill in a 100 by 100 Circle but I stand by my decision I'd rather have a larger Circle and space to play with rather than having to add to it later on so like the exemplary legionary we are we're going to continue working on this and fill it all in with I'm sure frequent trips back to the stone generator to get more [Music] foreign and that is it that's what about a day of AFK at the stone generator gets me we knocked out a good amount but there's still so much left to go in any event there's nothing for it we have to head back to that stone generator get some more and keep it on keeping on is what else are we gonna do we gotta move forward right so let's do it Oh no I got too sure of myself I just slammed right into the ground I was gonna say that was the first time I popped a totem but it wasn't we did it a couple times doing a raid well luckily I come prepared still that scared me oh man it took me way longer than I'd like to admit to figure out how to weigh down my mouse so that it does this by itself my hands are totally off right now doing it on its own but it did take a few tries I'm gonna leave it be let this go for a bit just try to stock up because you don't necessarily want to keep coming back here let's see if we can finish the platform without having to go back and forth quite so much so I'll leave this for a bit and then check back in with you this will absolutely shock you citizen today we are still working on the platform I also feel like I should clarify something and this is something that's quite interesting this will not be a historically accurate Coliseum the real Coliseum in fact was not suspended in the sky on a stone brick platform form I know that's probably a surprise to many of you but I did want to clarify that as we're going around and building all of this oh I think we're going to make it before the sun sets this is going to be right at the whistle look at that we are one half of the way done it actually looks like it's the larger half so we are more than halfway done now it might be time to get out of here before this turns into I don't know a Monster Mash can't think of anything creative to say sue me yep here they come I kind of want those spiders there's a lot of them and I'm out of string that's like all that's spawning we gotta go get those I don't want those though this is perhaps more dangerous than it's worth oh yeah I'm surrounded it's time to get out of here give me the string let's Beat It couple more for good luck on the way down yep oh look at that we followed the spider down totally worth it back home to bed as a side note I totally forgot that you could do this if you press F3 and H it will display additional information about your tools so I can actually see the durability level exactly how much I have left and I completely forgot about that and I haven't been doing it this whole series very helpful thing though if you do want to know exactly how much durability you have left and you don't want to break your tools and speaking of I haven't been taking very good care of Cleopatra so we may want to keep on top of that also very pleased with our transportation system that's another one from last video if you didn't see it but we have an automated beetroot Farm over there what are those Iron Golems doing okay hold on this needs to be dealt with and then I'll get back to explaining okay this was supposed to be my way up to check on the farm but clearly e-brain number one and number two have used it as their way up probably gonna have to change that we'll figure that out but first can you hang on to this for me yeah you too buddy that's working down there it was just spitting out some stuff for me barely even damaged these too I'm gonna do this so I don't damage the farm oh oh no but I do damage them and I failed there's one of them you are not making this easy it can be burn all my crops okay problem solved for now uh okay I need to go get some more seeds may as well explain while we're on the way this is collecting all of the things from the farm both beetroot and seeds going into a dispenser she's gonna get down the pathway oh including the iron and the poppies shooting it down that pathway there's ice and water kind of leading it along this path and then it all lands in this easy to collect box I have to take those so it doesn't break grab some seeds just so we can fix your problems actually now that I have that jump boost I don't think I'll need these anymore so that should solve the problem no more dingai gigantis jumping up here Landing in the farm we'll find all those spots planted back up you keep up with that good work and we should be all set anyway though the point of all that was we do want to keep the pickaxe mended up so we can continue to use it without breaking oh we'll try to do that every time we come by just gather all this experience mend up the pickaxe make sure we're in good shape so it's night time up here and as you can see we've got the same sort of predicament as usual but I'm wondering what would happen if I went to bed up here turned it to daytime and just kind of let the sun do what it does but let's give that a shot Oh What a Beautiful Morning smell of literally everything burning goodness gracious that is quite the sight and that was good but it didn't clear everything there's still a ton left up there I mean we kind of Gotta Go full legionary on them right why don't we hit the creepers from a distance and then we'll take on the rest a very good thing that I never miss going on there we go actually they're starting to despawn the lucky boys with helmets on the submissive spiders that really don't want to fight but I do ow ow ow well I think it's all cleared off and we're ready for another day [Music] foreign we're getting pretty close to finishing that thing will today be the day we finish up stick around to find out you know I wouldn't mind a time-lapsed version of this myself I very much hope you're getting a compressed version of this because it's taking quite a long time to place out all of the blocks to make up this circle what you might not be seeing is that you know typically I'll just go to bed at night uh in Minecraft but because I am blowing through this stone brick so quickly I spend the daytime placing these down and every night I've just been standing at that stone generator just plowing away filling my inventory back up for the next day so I very highly doubt I'll be showing that in the Final Cut but just know I'm putting the work in yeah we're we're not gonna be able to finish this today I know it doesn't look like much but it's taking me a while to get from side to side and that's the sun going down but I very much think we can accomplish this tomorrow okay I did not notice this but you got to check this out just saw it look at the ominous Shadow this is casting over that Island there's a little island with sand oh no way there's the the platform there's the island if we fly over look what's happening still daytime look at all the mobs spawning on this thing because of the shadow cast by that uh platform that is pretty cool I am not really interested in taking that on right now so back to getting more Stone I suppose yep I think this is it I think we can do it today assuming I brought enough stone brick oh man this is it by the golden nose hairs of Apollo we're finally done that was a Monumental effort and look at this thing there is so much space if this can't fit what I have in mind that I don't know what will the problem now is figuring out where we want to start and making sure we get it right the problem is this thing is gonna have to have layers like ogres yes essentially it will be built up a lot obviously there's walls all around the Coliseum but I do want to build a collection system into the bottom of this with a minecart or a couple Minecarts that are going around and picking up any mob drops and storing them because I don't want to do that manually and then all of the sides are going to have spawn platforms that are in the dark that will release the mobs into the central Arena area another thing to note is that I don't think I have the materials that I'll need to build this because a lot of it is probably going to be sand or concrete or clay I have some but I'm actually wondering that Island we just obscured down there see it's right in the middle of this big circle shadow that we made it's basically a mob spawner at this point but I'm wondering if we keep this here and turn it into part of the decoration maybe there's something like water falling from the top that leads up here or down here I should say or I could use Scoopy Doo to remove all of this because I think I'm gonna need a lot of the sand and potentially Sandstone because I assume there's some underneath there as well yeah there's a lot to think about it honestly might not be a bad idea to just spend a couple days collecting materials because the last thing I want is to get up there get into the groove of building something and then just realize oh I don't have enough I need to go back I need to find more materials I also need to get around to removing that because it's kind of pointless now and like I said it doesn't fit in with the vibe of everything else now that we have that I can't see us really ever using the mob grinder again what do you think huh you wouldn't happen to have an architectural background would you yeah it was a long shot but worth asking fully healed up Cleopatra silk by the way not too shabby yeah so I say let's do that we'll head out on a collecting Journey just get a ton of blocks that I think I may need for up there and once again no idea how many I'll actually need so this is just going to be a guess I think I'm going to empty this uh shulker out though I want to bring more with me there we go so now we should be all set all right bees make sure you look after everything while I'm gone don't don't let the Iron Golems get in any trouble or anything and we're off on an adventure I think mainly what I'm going to be looking for is a desert like an actual desert we found plenty of these types of things where there's just a little bit of sand but I'd like to find a full-fledged desert because even this we passed this before that's a decent amount might be able to do some damage there but it's really wow look at all those Turtles I had to stop to say hi hey boys and girls you having fun yeah see I couldn't destroy your natural habitat this is this is a decent amount of sand this might not be bad but it's close to the base so I'd rather save this stuff for later on when we realize oh we're actually about to run out we need more I can come back here and you know get what I need so we'll go a bit further out see if we could find a larger uh desert biome or Beach or whatever you want to call it I think we've been here before I think we checked in on those villagers nothing too interesting I am passing over a lot of cool biomes though and yeah I know this is just plains biome but I think it looks nice and it looks like we also found another ocean and I'm very glad that I brought uh oh there we go are those two oh no never mind don't want to get too close I brought back up Rockets because this wouldn't be the best if we're just over an enormous ocean and I ran out like using this last one here but going oh look at that got some extras thinking ahead well that's a good sign Oh weird it's just an island I was hoping this would be attached to something it's having some trouble keeping up rendering things ahead of me because I'm moving so quickly this is looking a little bit better all right it's just about night time and I just started oh yeah that's what I'm looking for so this is where we're gonna set down and start doing some collecting of course I am probably going to make it morning because I don't think this looks like the friendliest place and I'm not interested in seeing what it's like at night so good night I will see you tomorrow oh creepy were you all just watching me sleep very weird also not interested in starting a raid so I think we'll leave them be I don't think we have Cactus yet while we're here we should grab some of that I know you can use it for some Farms or at least I think you can so we shouldn't squander the opportunity and yes it did take us a full day of flying to get here so I say we fill up pretty much all the shulkers that I have so we don't have to take too many trips back because it was a nice trip but I don't necessarily want to do it twice also not the reason we're here but I did just see something over my shoulder that I do want oh there's Coral too got some sea pickles those can come in handy oh man these areas are so cool it makes me want to do a uh an ocean only world or something which honestly that very well could be my my next series is an ocean only world I should decide that pretty quickly because that's uh that's gonna be the next video this is 500 Days and that's when I said I would you know take a pause from this world and try a new one so maybe that's the plan it's got me thinking about it I think that's what I might do okay I got almost a full stack I need to stop distracting myself and just do what we're here for all right Scooby-Doo are you up for the task actually I'm sure Scooby-Doo is but I wonder can you use lanterns to do the same trick as uh you can with torches you can and that's essentially just uh holding it in your off hand and as soon as you dig the bottom block you place yeah if you do it right oh because I don't want the sand in my hand that's what's the problem you place the torch and then everything above it just breaks or in this case a lantern so saves durability On Tools I think it makes it a little bit faster so pretty cool pretty cool way to do it when it works anyway but let's save that for when the durability actually gets low because I'm in a hurry we'll obviously get a lot of sand but I'm I'm thinking Sandstone might be more useful for us in the long run honestly we'll just get a bunch of each and hope for the best and maybe it'll be one of each we'll do sand and one sandstone and the other if this doesn't scratch Scooby-Doo's itch I don't know what will yeah this is definitely more efficient than the Torches it also did not take as long as I thought it was going to I'm already full yeah to fill one of these so maybe we switched to Sandstone now didn't even pick it all up either oh you're here to tell me it's bedtime huh okay ooh your noise is much creepier than a regular zombie I just thought of a way to save space I wonder if I brought a crafting table with me I don't usually build with Sandstone so I'm not a hundred percent sure on this but I think you can craft for sand into a stack of sandstone which means we'll be able to bring a lot more home because we can condense everything that's already in the shulkers into sandstone I might give that a try oh that's satisfying it's not just the insta breaking it's the sound that this makes too I do have a crafting table so let's uh test my theory sand can be turned into sandstone all right so it's time to start condensing all of this you're going to turn into sandstone yeah that's not too bad so I condensed a good amount I mean I took all of that sand out of the first one and this one and I still don't have a full shulker box so I'm glad we did that let's let's keep going for that I don't think I mentioned but the reason I'm doing this is mainly because I am trying to find a building block for the Coliseum that is light colored but still has some texture to it so I'm thinking maybe like cut Sandstone or something and that's going to be the bulk of it like the exterior walls and maybe even the grounds because I could use something like stone brick but it would just be the wrong color it's supposed to be more of a you know a beige or a yellowish beige type of color not so much gray so that is my purpose in doing this this probably isn't too far distant from when they built the actual Coliseum they sent one over achieving legionary out basically created a quarry out in the desert cut all of this uh sandstone and then carted it all back to Rome all in magical boxes that can you know fit this much stuff in it and I can still carry it all right we're just about there I've got some Sandstone here the rest is going to be sand one full of sandstone and just general stuff so I think maybe tomorrow we do one more I'll fill my inventory as well and then we'll take the I think it's right around 5 000 block journey home so it should be fun yep just another day at the beach okay both shulkers are officially full so we'll just grab a little bit more for the inventory and then we're gonna head on home all right I think that's about it and I mean if nothing else we took an impressive chunk out of this desert this was a big Sand Dune before and we flattened it all out and have a ton of spoils to show for it but with that I say we call it a day and head on back home and I really hope I'm not forgetting anything because I do not want to fly back here oh boy I didn't realize as well we should definitely repair this up when we get home yeah I mean it's not Halfway Gone so I think we'll be in good shape thanks desert thanks for the donation appreciate it it's very hard to tell that I'm even moving when it's like this there we go thank you Island now I could tell I'm moving I do not think we're gonna be home in time for dinner this does make for a gorgeous shot though I love this type of scenery okay that's a good sign I recognize the home Village which means we should be seeing yep the beacon pretty soon it's a little bit foreign though seeing this uh pathway leading up to that in the sky I'm not used to that yet that is really cool man it's also very good to be home why don't we drop off what we have up here and then have a think I'm just gonna bring some regular chests up there I'm sure we're gonna use it all right so for when we're building this I'm just gonna have these and it can hold all of the temporary stuff that we might be using oh boy time to use that big Roman brain Legion I kinda know what I want to do how I want to start building this but right now it's all in my head and very much a concept and I don't know how it's going to play out in reality at a high level the first step I want to take is the interior of what will be beneath the arena or essentially the area where I'll be fighting mobs and just to illustrate it I think it'll be something like this there will be an empty space because I'm going to need to put levers underneath this block to power powered rails and that's because this level is going to have rails and powered rails on top of it with hopper mine carts running back and forth and the top level will be what I will be standing on when I'm fighting mobs that way as I'm fighting and things drop they will be collected at this level by the hopper mine carts they will be powered from the level below and off to one side I'll have some kind of collection system for all of those Hopper mine carts and both of these levels will need to be the same size as another note this section will be smaller because it'll be the inside of the Arena walls there will be space between this platform where I'm fighting mobs and the exterior walls of this Coliseum Arena whatever you want to call it so maybe we start there bigger Circle maybe like an 80 block circle with a smaller 60 block circle inside of it you know what I'm rambling let's just start doing stuff I've marked out the uh the four sides of what will be this Circle encompassing the outer wall of the Coliseum or the arena yeah I haven't decided I keep calling it Coliseum but I'm a little worried it's not going to look like the Coliseum so I'm also calling it The Arena anyway we'll start by making this wall but one thing I did think of I only have Sandstone now I also want cut Sandstone so let's go grab some of that or the ability to make it and then we'll use today to fill out this circle and see where we land at that point there we go so a couple extra things here and now if we need to we can make cut Sandstone with some of the stuff that we have so we should be good there I think I'm kind of starting to get the hang of these circles I've been able to do a few now without messing up and now that I see that I'm sure I'm going to screw this one up but no I think I'm good yeah look at that so that is the exterior wall let's take a look from the sky so platform exterior wall and then there's going to be an interior platform or battle area I'm actually wondering for the next one because the next one is going to be what I showed earlier the one block above the ground with another block above that with a space in between I'm wondering if the lower platform could that just be dirt because nobody's ever going to see that it's just a part of the collection area I don't know I would know it's dirt you'd know it's dirt I could just spend the night at the stone generator instead make it out of something slightly nicer yeah I don't know I just don't want it to be made of dirt something about that throws me off I also do worry that this is essentially going to be a hundred days of you just watching me build platforms and gather materials so I might start speeding things up a bit in the edit it's not that I want you to miss out I just don't want you to be too bored of watching me do the same thing over and over again so we'll see if anything comes up I might show it I might just try to complete a little bit and then give you a progress report kind of a new video style for me doing it in a mega Builder I don't know if it qualifies as that but something larger so I'll see we'll see how it looks I'm just standing here staring at it and thinking because I want to make sure if I'm about to build the interior the bowels of this did I get it right and I'm not gonna have to rebuild anything I think I'm good I think I'm gonna go for it and then I'll show you once we're you know a decent amount of the way there foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign let me tell you what I've been working on citizens I finished the platform that's a bit raised off the initial platform and I'm trying to figure out the uh the mine cart rails I want to know how many powered rails it will take to uh yeah see this is what I'm running into constantly I want to know how many it'll take to get one to run from this side all the way over to the other side can I get away with just three or am I gonna need more and I forgot a hopper Minecart so we will need to get one of those but first the fun part this is only a one block gap between the top platform and the base which means we can't walk under it we can't Crouch under it luckily I am wearing an elytra so if I need to I can just start flying from here and move forward and that'll allow me to go under I just realized I have no idea how many blocks it is to the first powered rail in the middle oh boy this is gonna be fun exactly 30 blocks which makes sense because I think this is a 60 block Wide Circle so that seems right but I want to go and put levers underneath because that will power all of the powered rails without having to use any Redstone or anything so let's give that a shot and start counting that is hopefully it we'll find out when we get back up there okay so that's one powered looks like we hit it that looks good and yeah all set so let's go grab a mine cart and just see if this thing will go the full distance and not slow down not stop that type of thing and yes I'm just grabbing one because I don't really feel like finishing the whole thing right now we'll just do a proof of concept make sure it works and then probably build the platform above it actually all right cross your fingers there it goes it's off it's not the fastest thing in the world but we really just want to make oh I forgot that thing's gonna fall off oop never mind we do need to block the edges in some capacity okay test number two let's give that another shot all right come on Big Money big money big money hey look at that it's coming back so yeah it's not the fastest thing in the world but I don't think it needs to be I think this is gonna work just fine yep yep yep yep let's see how much we can fill in with the uh inventory that I brought I I don't know I don't think it's probably gonna be enough I've found that it's easier if I just do every other row so they stop connecting with each other and then at the end I can go and fill in the rows that I haven't done yet and that should give us an incident free day which is what we're looking for oh boy I think I'm starting to go a little stir crazy there citizen all these rails all the patterns trying to get this whole thing right look at how much I've placed already and this is with spaces between just about all of these starting to think after we have all the rails down maybe we take a little detour or work on something else because I like I said I'm starting to lose my mind a little bit here let's at least try to get all the rails down get this section complete or at least as complete as it can be for the rain cleared up and I think we're getting close definitely over halfway that is for sure just an honest working Legion area on the railroad I'm sure a lot of you are probably thinking what I'm thinking right now and yes I had this thought before I started this whole project of laying down all the mine carts for a collection system there are not going to be that many drops it is not difficult to just you know battle whatever mobs show up in this thing and run around collecting everything that they happen to drop but you really shouldn't underestimate my laziness I'd rather do this now and have it automate all of the drops or the drop pickups rather just so I don't have to worry about it but also it's just this is really cool being able to have this built in from the the beginning and not having to go back later and try to build it in it's more of a no regrets type of situation I'm also very very glad that we built an iron farm early on because that you know saved me I am just blowing through so much iron to make all of these rails and powered rails and it's gonna be another insane amount to make all of the hopper mine carts iron for Hoppers iron for mine carts I didn't even count how many we're gonna need but it's gonna be a ton are we done is it over oh I only had a little bit left I think we might be done let's look please when I turn around let there be no empty spots I think that's it we're totally done man look at all those rails okay the last bit is we need to use the levers to power the the center uh row of rails but that that should be it and once again I do not know if I have enough yeah I had to make more but this should do the trick and then the last step is going to be making all of those Hopper mine carts and once we have those we will officially be done with this section of the build and we can move on to the next part okay so the way I see it we essentially have two options option A continue working on the collecting mechanism which would include replacing all of these blocks with um with hoppers because I kind of forgot about that when I was in the Mad Russia building the end of each one of these rails on one side does need to be a hopper so that we can collect every time it comes for essentially a drop off it would also include adding all of the the blocks up here that we would need to along with all of the Redstone apparatus that is required for that process option b is build the platform above this one that will essentially be the ground for the arena area and thinking about those two options I think I'm going to opt for option C which is get organized get prepared for the next couple steps and actually maybe just head to the nether real quick I want to see if I can get any uh any wither skulls I would love to throw a Wither fight into this uh into this video add to the beacon get a triple Beacon instead of a double like you can see back there but I'm gonna be careful I don't want to spend a lot of time doing that I know we're not like real close to finishing this so this is going to take up most of the work honestly that bottom platform probably took the most time I think it'll probably speed up a little bit but just in case it doesn't let's only do short detours in this video I want to make sure we can have something working by the end of uh this hundred days so a couple things to drop off in the storage room and then we'll head to the nether that scares me every time now do not want to pop another totem all right let's do this I am very cognizant that I don't want to show Too Much another footage of me just running around hunting wither skeletons I did get a comment saying that was a bit boring to watch you know not the most enthralling thing in the world so you know I want to take that in it you know it's no big deal it broke my heart I cried myself to sleep that night but that's all right so bearing that in mind we are going to try to keep these days short oh wonderful did I just hit his like projectile with another one of his projectiles ow trying to keep the days short and these guests are not helping why okay he's making this very difficult would be nice if our luck could be a little bit better this time because it does seem like I shouldn't have to kill a hundred of these things just to get three skulls oh there we go first day and we already found one it's much better than the last couple trunks we tried this oh I didn't even notice this was here probably some decent loot in there but it's not really a priority for me right now good to know that it's here though this is a waste of time oh finally you probably didn't see I missed about 20 before that oh yeah wow I really thought I was gonna hit one of you that was smooth though oh I really wasn't interested in any of you but you are in the way you didn't see the last video I discovered that flying between uh the two areas of the uh another Fortress and essentially forcing all of the mobs to spawn back in seemed to improve my chances a little bit but I every time I move I've got a new guest or a uh okay it's still down there I say we go get it new gas or a blaze or something spawning in and just ruining my day but I'm getting a decent amount of stuff that's two gas tiers one wither skeleton skull I had some luck I think we call it there I spent two days down there and got one skull so we could keep to that ratio that wouldn't be too bad I do think I want to make some of the the Redstone stuff that we're gonna need and just bring it up there but looking at this I am going to run out of redstone 100 so that will be a side project when need to do to catch up yeah currently I can make 20 of each Redstone comparator and repeater so I am going to need more Redstone let's at least go place these just so I can get my head around what it's going to look like we'll start right here and now after looking at it I'm fairly certain this will not be a block should be a hopper leading out even that I'm not totally sure about depending on what this uh Redstone stuff is going to look like or anyone that didn't see the last 100 day video I'm stealing this design from the beetroot Farm because that's where I first saw it and it's just a comparator and a repeater with a redstone torch here so that every time the hopper Minecart comes down it essentially checks if it has anything in it if it does it'll unload it and then once it's empty it'll send it back on its merry way the only problem I see with this is that it's blocking the hopper The Hoppers could just be pointing down and then maybe another row of Hoppers that are all leading in One Direction off to the side and do to a chest that might work all right just for the time being let's take this out and place it facing down if it's not apparent yet I have no idea what I'm doing essentially just flying by the seat of my pants hoping it all works out yeah I think this will work it's just you know we are completely out of redstone so I will need to go and gather some of that and then I think we can come back and start working on this again and the Sun is going down so that means a night in the mines for me I mean it's been a while since we've actually gone down and done any mining so can't hurt also what is this Enderman have no respect sorry bees I can't stop I'm not here for any of you as much as I'd love to spend time with you I actually have to take the fun trip down the water elevator into the mine I'm hoping there's a lot like this that I just left exposed because I didn't think I would need it oh boy I was at that all night I got a little over two stacks close to two and a half but that's that's not going to be enough maybe we just do what we can and then move on start working on whatever the next part of the build is let's see what this does for us given the time we have and how much I have left to do here I'm kind of thinking we just do this initial row of collecting area I can go back and do the rest later that's easy enough it shouldn't be too bad but I at least want to prove out one part of it so maybe we just do the 14 block sort of top of the circle here and then we move on and I forgot more Hoppers luckily once I did this once or in my case four times makes it a bit easier because I just copy it all over there you are somebody stole my last powered rail comparator's done onto the repeaters which I believe that's the correct way yeah looks right Redstone torches and blocks so there we go this portion of it should be fully functional I don't technically even really need to do the uh the additional area down here where I'd have another row of Hoppers leading off to the side because I can just check in the hopper it's itself to make sure it's working so there's that bit down you can always come back and do the rest of it but let's move on to the next platform get that built out and then start thinking about the structure of this one thing in particular is how we're going to build the walls the platform the decorations and essentially hide some mob grinder elements inside the walls I don't really want them to be too visible so the next step is we will start building the platform above this one and we should only need a one block space between this and the next platform come to think of it this should be pretty easy because all I have to do is place on top of the rail it'll give me that block space no more guesswork when it comes to the the circle all I have to do is follow the platform I already made and as you can see this will nicely cover up the collection area as well when we're done you won't even see any of this which is a shame because I spent a lot of time working on it you're playing a dangerous game Legion it's night time the mobs are going to be here soon okay yep there they are oh and you're all right by my bed where I need to go wonderful oh I see you down there no no no no no no no no do not destroy all of my hard work oh yeah they've definitely noticed me but I really kind of just wanted to finish this one little part leave me alone what what is hitting me the zombies don't bother me but I really don't want that creeper there okay maybe this isn't such a great idea I can't take them out fast enough they just keep respawning I guess we're going home to go to bed you're probably all just wondering why don't I just light up that platform while I'm working on it because I don't wanna that's why I'm just gonna have to take it all down redecorate all that sort of thing uh bright and beautiful morning we should be able to return in relative safety but that is not guaranteed uh looks like they mostly despawned or all of them did really back to it here's the outline done now we just have to fill in this entire area no big deal right I like the whole dividing it into quarters uh strategy that we used before so we're going to continue by doing that here and giving us four distinct spaces to work in I was kind of zoning out just doing this and I think I missed one so I jumped up to look look at that that is blinding if we're fighting on that platform during the day well it'll be it'll be difficult to see because the sun will be on our eyes but it will at least outline the mobs pretty easily oh good news bad news we're done with one quarter of this and bad news it took just just about the whole inventory of sandstone I I really don't want to head back to that beach and do that again we'll have to see what is left in the chest and if there's more sand we might just craft it into more Sandstone that is bad news though we still have to make all of the walls out of this and that is all of it let's go take a look at the chests I know I have more I just don't know how much more well that is not even enough to fill up my inventory so we are going to craft some of the sand and just convert it into sandstone it's really not going to do a whole lot but at least it's something so we're about to run out I am going to need more to finish this platform and I don't really want to waste time flying all the way back to that larger beach that we found so we're probably just gonna pick one of the local beaches and entirely clear it out just to make sure we have enough and actually that might not even be enough in total I mean it'll be enough to complete this platform maybe not enough to do the the walls all right that was all of it we made a pretty good dent there's only that one section left so let's head out do some collecting come back and finish it up it's actually one right here and I don't think that's the uh I actually don't remember where the Michelangelo Beach was but let's check this one see if there's any Sandstone under here it should be I don't know why there wouldn't be yeah this Sand Dune does not stand a chance against Scooby-Doo I think that is just about all of the sand so in case you're curious this is what it looks like with all the sand gone and just the Sandstone left underneath so now we can go around grabbing all of that no no I kind of thought it would be more than just a single inventory's worth over here I mean we didn't get it all because it's about to turn night but that was the bulk of it I think I guess it was a tiny one and it will have to do you know come to think of it I may end up wanting to use bricks at some point on the wall just to give it something a little bit different a different look I won't be able to make a lot but why don't we get to smell melting this just in case I do need it I don't want to have to wait later on I'm hoping what we got will finish this portion I don't see why it wouldn't but then again I am very bad at estimating these things ooh are we gonna make it yes we are look at that with a stack left over so now it is completely covered and as I said absolutely blinding white at least when I get the walls built up there will be some shadows in here and it won't just be a reflective surface to burn out my retinas oh that's kind of disconcerting I can't look at that one thing I can do I did get some cut Sandstone just it looks a little bit nicer because that'll be what the majority of what you see will be so the walls mainly but I can make some slabs and at least make a Stairway up from that area up to here if nothing else that means we don't have to fly up there anymore but mainly because it's part of the design thinking something like this it's matching up pretty nicely actually there we go so now we at least have a way up there every time every time it starts raining when I'm talking it does make it easier for this to look at at least but there you have it my rainy Arena platform I just know notice that part shot only has 10 shots left in it I was gonna go for some creepers I thought I saw around here but they might have despawned I don't know anyway before I start working too much on the outer walls I do want to build in the mob spawn platforms because I want to make sure it fits I want to know where they'll be and that way I can build the walls to ensure that it covers up that area and luckily since it will be covered and it won't be seen by your typical Observer that means we don't have to stick to the Sandstone or sand or anything like that the idea I had for this was maybe on the sides the three corners why do I hear a zombie hey come on out bud there you go anyway I was thinking on each of these ends of the circle of the platform we would build kind of a miniature one of these the typical mob Grinders and not the whole thing like the Four Corners just one of the platforms with a single channel of water that's going to be pushing them down into the platform area and it's kind of hard to describe probably easier if I just kind of build it out a little bit and talk you through it so for example if I wanted the mobs to drop from here and land on the platform that way there's two blocks they can't get back up they can't try to run away they have to go forward and then because water will be pushing it or pushing the mobs that is and I believe it can only go eight blocks we'll want this Pathway to be eight blocks long yeah this is gonna be butting up right against the wall so at least my math was right and then similar to a mob grinder we're basically just going to build up a platform that fits into the interior here so that mobs have a place to spawn and then we'll do the typical water trap doors so on and so forth so they could fall onto this spot and get pushed down into the arena are you serious you had to invade my privacy all the way up here too I cannot Escape I wish they were closer to the stairs I could sort of lead them up to the platform and offer them as a ritualistic sacrifice I think that about is how much room I can get so that we're not going outside of the wall border that I put up here but you get the idea this is going to be enclosed within the wall it'll all be dark in here there's going to be trap doors and water that'll push the mobs out onto the platform the trick is just going to be figuring out how many of these we can fit all the way around so that there's different areas where mobs can fall down and there we go there's one almost done wow that noise was terrifying was that him drinking a potion down there you know what hot shot only has a couple shots left anyway and we do need a way to commemorate the grand opening so I think you're right about there hey gotcha no thank you is it raining again really yeah just talking about the weather slaughtering some trespassers it is indeed raining again but before I bravely run away that's a look at it from the the outside so once again we're just gonna build up as many of those as we can and then close it in the wall sorry boys can't play today there's going to be plenty of time when this thing is complete don't you worry why does it seem like that area for this part of the mob spawner is smaller than a typical mob spawner is that just my imagination maybe it's just the shape that's throwing me off I think it's fine I was thinking we wouldn't need a roof for this but and the reason for that was because it was going to be inside the wall anyway it's probably going to be dark but I think it makes sense to enclose this and light up all the area outside of it why is that Legion I hear you ask good question citizen it's because I don't want my mobs spawning just in the general empty area inside all of these walls because that is going to take up some of the mob cap and I only want mobs spawning in here and now as I'm putting on this roof I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have done this yet because I don't need mobs spawning yet but we could always light this up or cover up the opening so they can't come out and be sneaky sneaky and attack us it didn't even test this but I'm not sure that I got the water right we should check that real quick look at that perfect we'll just need to bring another bucket up when we get a chance I need trap doors too we need to get some of those we're actually running low on a lot that's about all the Sandstone I have that's about all the stone brick that I have and I'm going to need a lot more to build more of those in a lot more Sandstone to build all of these into walls okay so we might we might do like a collecting break and just once again bring stuff up here put it in the chests I feel like I'm wasting a lot of time going up and down from this plat platform we should just bring everything up load up on these then we could spend more time building for trap doors why don't we just bring some logs up there we can make it there wonder where we're gonna find any logs oh look at me I thought ahead it's all here for me I think one Uber spruce tree ought to do it that should be plenty but obviously correct me if I'm wrong Garfield no he said I was right don't necessarily want to sit at the uh the stone generator for a long time I think I've got a little bit less than a stack I do have some in here and we could use deep slate like I said nobody's gonna see the interior so it's not a huge deal what that's built out of it's a big enough deal that I at least want to make the blocks pretty we'll refill the water while we're here and grab a second because we might just make an Infinite Source up there make it a little bit easier okay that should at least last us for the rest of the day there we go Infinite Source of water so that we don't have to keep going back down and however many trap doors will end up needing my guess is about 64 that's probably close man this day went by fast yep let's go to sleeps before uh the creepers start visiting us and then we'll we'll be productive tomorrow I mean I was productive today but I could be more productive tomorrow okay so now we need to recreate that on two of the other points of the circle can't do it on that side because that's the entrance and they don't need to be entirely uniform you can tell that one's a bit messy I didn't do it the right way all the way around they just need to be functional I think this is about the size that we made it but we are not looking for Perfection alrighty that's one nearly done just gotta add the water looks good to me I did not mean to fall down there actually it doesn't matter because I just need to do the trap doors there we go so now any mobs that spawn in here should pretty easily fall into this channel get pushed out and enter the battle dome and I can see it's already working I also did you see that he ran away I see you down there hey oh I think I just saw a Creeper following me leave me alone how did two with full golden armor spawn back to back get out of here yeah I'm thinking I should light these up while I'm working on this just want to go in there to place trap doors and water I should be happy though that it's working fairly well hello hello okay we're safe for the moment there we go all done don't know if we'll be able to finish it but at least we can start on the next one yep mobs are starting to spawn that is my cue to go to bed and start again tomorrow I was thinking about taking out all of the uh the enemies over here that have still just kind of remained even though it's daytime and potshot has four durability what if we rather than letting it break what if we save it and put it up in a place of honor somewhere at the base or maybe even here when we're done with the arena but you know what that means it's time to break out spicy potshot let's take it for a spin hey buddy phew look at that nice oh I'm gonna like this bow aha contestants in my battle arena never stood a chance oh you're already on fire I see you in there little creepy creeper another golden skeleton these things are spawning in like crazy okay can't get distracted let's get back to work I think we're about to run out of stone yep that was it but I did bring some deep sleep so this last one's gonna be a bit of a hybrid but that is okay I don't know if I mentioned yet but I think I am just gonna stick with three of these to start because we'll have the three on the corners or whatever you want to call them that's going to be the entrance I want to see what the output or the yield of mobs is for this because I imagine it should be a decent amount but if we try it and it's not then you know there's additional area within the walls where I could just build up a couple extra maybe in between each one of these we put another one but that could always be a later Edition there we go now it's just for the trap doors oopsie Daisy and the water buckets and boom there we go or technically no not four three learn to count Legion three technically functioning mob grain finder spawner thingies that will eventually be inside the wall and speaking of the wall I do want to get started on that essentially the the overall frame and foundation and shape and all that type of thing I just want to start building and be able to do that with minimal Interruption and I've already mentioned it a couple times but we're pretty low on Sandstone this is just a drop in the ocean of how much we're going to need for this thing and because of that I think it's time to start facing unfortunate realities we are going to need to head back to that desert biome it's not the worst thing in the world we'll get it figured out there's a couple things I want to do first to prepare and you too will be coming with me I'm gonna head back to the base and basically just grab a couple things that we're going to need for our next journey and actually we still have shulker shells we have a ton that we've never used that we brought back from the end this seems like as good a time as any to make additional shulker boxes and that gives us seven if we fill all all of this was Sandstone I don't know is that gonna be enough I'm starting to lose any and all confidence in estimating how many blocks I need for things I can't have them be basic purple and I have plenty of yellow dyes so that's the route we're taking here I also just noticed last thing we should probably repair up all of the uh the tools we don't want to go over there with partially drained Scooby-Doo and Cleopatra silicone reliable all that sort of thing they should be full durability if we're going to be mining over there a ton I also have this backup diamond shovel that we found at the end that basically has perfect enchantments on it nearly may as well bring that I think I'll be good on pickaxes I've already got two of those so with all of that we should be in good shape it is night time but rather than sleeping why don't we head over to the XP farm we don't really have to waste the night we could just go to the end and do a little farming at the Enderman Farm or XP farm depending on what you want to call it get everything healed back up and there we go our very fancy entrance to the uh the stronghold old and our Expressway down kind of have to time it though so you land on the ladder and don't just completely obliterate your knees on that platform and in we go right over to the XP play oh I didn't mean to look at you I'm sorry please go away thank you anyway there's the XP farm man look at that background it looks so awesome you could already see this thing working like crazy and the way we'll handle this is just anything we want to repair we'll put in our offhand and then start swinging away with Razzle Dazzle there you go look at that that is one healed up Scooby-Doo I mean it's also pretty satisfying so that's nice as well I think that does it everything is fully healed up and I think we should be good to go now and now we just get rid of the Ender Pearls because I think I've already got enough and then we're off on our merry way yeah woke up in a convenient location but in any event I think we're ready I've got the beach ball I've got the umbrella I've got the sunscreen SPF 500 let's head to the beach there it is finally and in case you're wondering yes I did time it it took me about three and a half minutes of just spamming Rockets with the elytra to get here hence my hesitation to continue coming back also hence the abundance of shulker boxes so that we can completely fill up and not have to come back for a while all right let's not dally let's get to it and you're first row or no didn't we decide that Sans says jinkies dirt says retro my strategy here is just to take out all the sand so we can get to the sandstone and get it directly but we'll collect all the sand use the crafting table to convert it into sandstone and then store it so double whammy there everything is going to be Sandstone before we leave and that way we should be able to fill up more in the shulker boxes than taking up all that space with just sand I think I got all the sand so let's go back and then we'll come back for the Sandstone convert convert convert and now for act two this is one of those instances where I think we have a bit of of time I don't have anything incredibly clever to say and it's not like this is a a very thought intensive task so I'm going to throw a question out there for everybody and hopefully you can leave me some comments I have been on a Sci-Fi book reading kick recently and this might be a strange platform to ask but send me your recommendations what's your favorite sci-fi book if I see any in the comments I'll respond and I'll let you know I've hey I've read that one I loved it or I'll say okay I haven't heard of that one I'll give it a shot so if you would be so kind citizen give me those sci-fi book recommendations I'd appreciate it I think that's it for the day time for bed foreign I think we've cleared out an impressive amount and we filled maybe a shulker and a half not going as fast as I had hoped it would but now there's two things I'm curious about we've got this big area with no sand on top it's all Sandstone how deep could I go if I just carve into this whole thing but also number two how long has this been here and why didn't I notice that's all Sandstone I could just go down this Ravine and essentially clear it out so I say we start there let's actually carve down almost like a Stairway here then we could start attacking that and essentially just avoid having to do the sand anymore yeah this kind of seems like it's going to be faster so let's do that let's avoid sand altogether and just go straight for the Sandstone probably should have done that earlier to be honest all right so at least now I can confirm that the Sandstone is not endless which you know is pretty obvious I didn't expect that it was but we are starting to hit Stone so that means we head back over in this direction I know just why everybody is tuning in right now and watching this video I've obviously you all said I really want to see somebody just mind sand and Sandstone preferably for like an hour if I can and I hope this is doing a bit for you but unfortunately I think we're almost done so there's not going to be much more of this and I'm you know I know you're all enjoying it but I'm really sorry about that yeah see we're getting pretty close this is the last yellow box that needs to be filled all the rest are full then we just got the red and the blue so nearly there foreign thought it would be simple to come up here and drop off what I had gathered I was wrong seems pretty innocuous just collecting some Sandstone but no that's a good way to get a totem popped apparently you didn't need to follow me down here all right I guess we are waiting for morning before we go back up well I guess that's why you always carry one for instances when I'm dumb and I just wear my elytra when I'm taking on a horde of desert enemies I think that's a good cue to leave anyway because all of these are entirely full and I've got a little bit in my inventory and if that's not a good enough visual for you this is what that looks like aside from what we already did up top taking out a few of those sand dunes I also mined out all of that and all of this so that is what that many shulker boxes looks like so we'll grab this last little bit grab the shulker boxes that are full and head on back I'll definitely need to hit the XP farm again as well because these tools are decimated we also have some visitors but I'm not really interested in interacting with them just grab all of these and head on out just double checking yeah we had five of these they're red and blue and the white so I think we're good yeah you know I I'd love to stay and chat but I've got an appointment with my Arena back at the base so maybe next time we'll we'll hang out we'll watch some movies I don't know I also can't wait to get back because I feel naked without my totem of undying in my off hand I am completely too exposed right now oh okay we made it now all we need to do is not mess up this Landing because I've definitely popped a totem doing that already and I don't need to do it right now but I don't have one land safely okay we did it yes sweet sweet totems much better okay so the plan now is drop off all this stuff up here and then head back one more time to the XP farm to heal up all these tools then we can get back to building the Behemoth okay so it didn't organize anything yet but at least it's all here we're good to go with that off to repair the tools and you already saw this one so I'll just do it come back and then we'll start the build I'm not I'm not gonna make you sit through this again in such a short uh short time period and there you go easy as that all healed up oh it just looks so cool coming back to the base at night look at that okay so we're back we're healed up we got a ton of materials it's time to actually start working on this thing um you ever look at something and just say I have no idea how I want to build this because I do well there are some things that we can do that are no-brainers for one this Arena platform is going to need a barrier on the side going up at least enough to cover up these so that's one place we can start another one is that this outer wall is going to need to be built up high enough to cover up those it's just I don't know if I want to work a design into that if it's going to go straight up I imagine it's going to have some kind of design but part of me thinks we just build it straight up and then add a bunch to it and cut out any areas for Windows that type of thing after we do that let's start with the interior Arena wall because that should be straightforward and I I want to practice the Arches too there's got to have to be doorways or arches in the wall and I want to see what that will look like most of it'll be cut Sandstone but I want to make a little bit of it into stairs and walls because we might use that for bits of this okay this should give us a decent start let's start by looking over here are we going to need to build this yeah so we can't build the walls starting here and going up because it would run into these unless we moved it back but I don't want to do that so we'll probably just fill it in on the edge and just build up let's see how high we need to go to cover this yeah I heard you I heard you before I saw you you're not getting me with that again okay so that is eight tall so we'll have to make an eight tall wall all the way around yeah this is a good example of having to make it a little bit more detailed or where did you come from a little ankle biter anyway yeah I don't like how it is now we need to figure out a way to add detail to this okay that's an improvement yeah you see what I'm thinking just putting stairs and walls all the way around to make it a little bit more detailed also an overhang might not be a bad idea yeah I like that let's remove these and bring it out just a little bit more I feel like that's appropriate it almost makes it look more like a den where the evil monsters are going to merge that's starting to look pretty good yeah so this might be the play maybe I leave this here for now as a reference we'll finish the rest of the wall and then I will come back to basically do this exact same thing to the other two I also think let's just make our lives easier and block this off so that we don't get any surprises while we're working same thing for these two yeah I think that's the play let's go back to the wall we'll wrap it all the way around I think that'll probably take a decent amount of time as well as a lot of cut sandstones so I'd rather just get it out of the way also before I do that yeah I'm just looking at it I think that's a good height because it's gonna go up and then there's gonna be kind of stairs and stands and seats and that type of thing like there would be in an arena and the outer wall is going to be much higher anyway so I think that's a good height in any event yeah let's do it this is another one of those easy yet cathartic kind of hypnotic things to do just placing three blocks building the wall all the way around and then once we have it all the the way around we're going to go back and continue to do more until the entire thing is done I'm Gonna Leave This bare for now because I'm not sure what kind of entrance I want to have it's got to be pretty Grand and awesome so similar to that we're just going to do something with a bit more detail but for now I'm going to leave it blank yeah look at them all in there they're like Legion when does The Arena open we're ready to go now patience mobs patience there we go so that's what one layer of the wall looks like now we just need to go back and do it two more times trying to go fast and finish this before night so close all right it's night but I made it at least we're all done with the interior walls and that that looks pretty good I hadn't looked up this entire time once we get more of those in and the details around here this is going to look pretty nice also a really good guess on the inventory guess I just filled my inventory but it worked out well all right so it's officially day 451 about halfway through the video I will continue working on this that's gonna be the bulk of the rest of the video but I was looking through the comments as well and on some of the previous videos I got a couple comments that I wanted to try out today some good ideas some tips that sort of thing so I think I'll use today at the halfway point to knock out some of those and then we can get back to the arena yep so I just verified the first comment that I saw come in not sure how I missed this but for some reason look at that I can zoom I missed that log all the rest have a quartz slab on top that one I missed for whatever reason I don't know why that was from uh rogerio I hope I'm pronouncing your name correctly but thanks for noticing that I'm not sure why I missed that but anyway let's go grab a slab and put it on top got my slab I'm coming for you and bingo there we go you thought you could get away but the legion is watching you by the way if you missed the last video the point of this platform is we're going to add one of these little legionary armor stands every time we hit the next 1 000 subscribers so last video we were at four some exciting news we've actually passed 5 000 since then so thanks to all of our new subscribers I'm gonna hold off until the end of this video to add any more I'm really hoping we can hit six by then and I'm confident that we can but by the end of this video we'll update the platform and add any more legionaries that we might need to another note people were saying that I can add uh weapons to these as well like swords and that type of thing I did try that I think that's only in Bedrock I'm currently playing in Java so I'm you know trying to add this sword to him right now so thanks for the suggestion on that but I don't think it works in Java without like a command or something like that so unfortunately they're gonna have to just stay with the uh the Armor All right on to the next tip and I'm excited about this one I actually probably saw about four or five different people tell me this same thing I don't know why I didn't think of it but essentially everybody said why didn't you just add trapdoors right here to block the campfires because my bees were all just flying right in there and perishing as baby bees and we don't want that so thanks to everybody that suggested this I think it's a great solution and I'm gonna go around covering all of these the only thing I might need to change is back here because I believe if I try to place a trapdoor yeah that's just gonna go up there so I'll probably grab some more of these slabs cover up the backs and then we should be totally good to go on all of this you all knew I would like this solution simple and elegant that's what we're all about here there we go so trapdoors in yeah I might make this a single chest because I don't like how it's covering it up right there there we go Bingo now we just need some slabs yep got some left over so we're good there and if we place behind all of these they should be entirely covered yeah I see you you're even trying to get in there now like I must have the fire and need to fly into the light it's our job to protect these bees from themselves okay now I think the entire area is mostly safe so yeah let's while we're here let's grab all the honey and make some newbies that can no longer fly directly into the fire yeah everybody to the center got some tasty goodies for you all right that's a decent amount let's go with that and now these adorable little buddies won't be able to fly right into the fire once again thank you so much for those comments it's really helped me out making this world a better place well I meant specifically this Minecraft world but it I think it also makes the real world a better place okay back to the build starting to look a little bit more impressive first up I say we duplicate this in the other two spots before we well I kind of already forgot how I built this shouldn't be too bad though three out and four tall on each side okay I already screwed up that is too narrow needs to be wider citizen come here I gotta I gotta tell you something a little bit closer I have no idea what I'm doing all right so now that we have that out of the way I kind of think that's everybody though nobody really knows what what they're doing you just do the best you can right okay I think that is all we need for these type of blocks now we got walls on the inside and the outside trying to put these stairs without upsetting these two I think we can manage please don't blow up I think this is gonna be it so there's the original one and if we look over there's the duplicate I think they look the same so we should be good with that okay uh on to the next I think that's it let's take a look so now we should have duplicates on each side and I think I do they look good yep I'm happy with that let's move on to maybe before the exterior walls maybe let's let's make the archway here and here and then we can connect it and that'll give us an indication of what we need to do with the exterior walls that's my thought thinking we use these as the pillars but I don't actually know if I want these to be pillars or if I want them this should just be a wall basically no I'm thinking we build back in the spaces between here to add a little bit of depth and I'm also probably going to want lanterns in there or glowstone so maybe we just put arches over the top of this or a roof so mobs are definitely spawning I don't think that's ever going to be an issue but it does make me think we should stop building for the night and maybe sleep until morning you know this really wouldn't bug me so much because they'd all burn up but all the creepers stay and I'm sure you know like creepers do one of them's gonna creep up on me and just make a big mess so I try to clear them out when I first come back as I just leave one over there hoping it do spawns most part though trying something like this to see what looks good and this is where the depth comes in I want you know some elements on this level and then other elements are going to be one layer back and then I'm gonna have to come back after I figure this out and put in Lighting in some capacity this is actually extremely difficult to get um to get uniform when you're just kind of winging it but I think I might have got it and in case you're wondering you won't see any of this crazy mess that'll be inside the walls so not overly worried about that I did kind of lose the column look though I might add some of those on the outside eventually and it's getting late in the day so I don't know if I'll be able to do all of this but what I had thought for this exterior wall is some of it will build right on top of the border that I have and some will do one block in because I want it to almost have some of this type of Archway as a relief around the wall I just have no idea how that's going to work when I get into areas like this where it just kind of goes nuts can I help you too pew pew oh yeah you know what I just thought I'm gonna have to go around here and light up this whole area before we even start on the exterior wall otherwise things are going to be spawning in here like crazy before night let's go get all the glowstone that I have probably some extra lanterns too come to think of it oh wow I think I have no extra lanterns well it's been a while let's visit the plebs oh I'm sorry are you taking a day off it's like 6 30 p.m it's not bedtime okay A bit over a stack of lanterns that's probably good for now but I also want glowstone wakey wakey hello good sir yeah that's right this is the guy that likes to rip me off or emeralds for a glowstone what are you doing no you know that's how I like to sleep too just kind of hanging off the bed with my legs completely locked weirdo okay so you'll never necessarily see any of the stuff inside here so let's go around and just place um lanterns throughout technically could use torches for this in a way though coal is actually more precious right now than these lanterns because I can just get infinite number of these from the villagers we just want to make sure anything that could spawn in here is mitigated by these lanterns I think we should be good with that I just ran around and placed them randomly but I think that'll be enough light so when we enclose this it's not going to become a big old Monster Mash and speaking of that we need to replace some of this with Glowstone to make sure this doesn't become a spawn area that should do the trick I'm just doing a test to see how high I think these exterior walls need to be there will be a slight decline from the exterior to the interior because that's kind of you know where the stands would be or the seats so this needs to be pretty up there that seems about right to me and yes once again it started raining while I was trying to explain something kind of par for the course anyway I think this will be yeah I mean that's good for now we could always make it taller so let's go around round figure out the pattern that we want for this and start building it up I also just realized stuff will probably spawn on top of here we should play some stuff here as well whoa I don't know if I've ever seen it do a rainbow before has that always happened pretty cool I'm guessing that has to be a part of the Shader pack complementary Shader pack by the way or complimentary reimagine get that question all the time so if you're curious I use complementary shaders so I worked through all that rain and I made a little bit of progress this is what I'm thinking as a general build that will go all the way around it won't be the finished product we're still going to have to add some detail after this and I'm thinking you can see the first floor isn't the same size as that second area I'm thinking we're probably going to have to divide that top area into two but that kind of thing all the way around and also let me show you a secret you see this entrance here this little hallway it doesn't actually lead anywhere I'm just hoping from a distance if I have it lead back a certain amount it's going to look like those are all entrances because there's no purpose to them really I just want it to from a distance look uh more interesting more depth so at this point the difficult part is going to be replicating anything I do on one side onto the other I do want it uniform at least to first glance so I've laid out the foundation here I'm going to build it up do the same thing here and then start working my way around I may not talk a ton as I'm working on this because it's not going to be super interesting but I'll be sure to check in every once in a while and let you know how the progress is going I'm pausing because I'm working on this next section but looking down at the base it is just so beautiful oh I'm in love with it I did such an awesome job I'm also the most modest person in the world number one most modest there's nobody more modest than me alright I completed a little bit more we're gonna fly out and see how it looks so far and okay I guess we could have just walked down that path but that's not too bad bad from a distance what am I feeling with this why am I feeling like uh I'm getting like a menace tirith vibe from this for whatever reason and I'm not against that that's pretty awesome I think it's gonna change though when we add the second layer of doors to this that's going to be a little bit different why don't we do that why don't we add the second layer see what it looks like okay I think that should be a good pulse check so let's go back and look again okay this wasn't intended but I just did a test with a couple on the side in the middle do I carry that through the whole way or do I like how it's uh I don't know it's making like an archway shape like I don't know how to explain it the doors start low get higher get higher almost like a triangle do I want it to do that instead of being uniform all the way throughout let's keep building up the wall and then we can make those decisions after by the way if you're curious I could not figure out what to do with the the circle shape and how to make these indentations without screwing things up so I decided to make them all Face Forward rather than trying to face on the angle if that makes any sense and then when we get to the halfway point all we're going to do is shift it to make this way forward instead of this way forward that probably makes zero sense but you know I don't have the words to describe what I'm trying to do here uh you know it is what it is oh nope nope I think I have the formula down for how I want to go around the entire area and do this but it's impossible to tell until I've gone around the entire area to do this I'm realizing a new problem whoa I didn't mean to do that anyway new problem that I'm gonna have to work out somehow every time I make a new one of these facing in this direction it has to go back further to compensate for the fact that this is a sharper turn what that means is every time I do this it's getting closer to this interior wall and because of that it means that each one of these is going to give me less space in the middle of this between the interior and the exterior wall that's where the stands are supposed to go so we're going to have to perhaps make the stands variable I'm not sure that that's too much for my brain right now so I I'm kind of just going to move back to the wall and just keep on working on it we can figure that out when the wall is complete so let's do that so that's how it's looking so far I wanted to do a progress check-in because the sun's going down and it's looking really good I like this I'm just having a hard time deciding how do I want to deal with these interior doorways I'm not 100 down we still need to go around the entire wall so we still have some stuff to work on there but yeah I'm not 100 sure although future note I did think it would be cool if one of the middle doorways led to like a a balcony seat within the interior of this thing I have no idea how you're supposed to actually get up there to go to that but that might not be a bad idea so this is a problem on the front entrance let's call it I started building one Block in from the border and that is already intersecting with the the mob spawner so we might have to get creative maybe we say we planned it all along and we just go inverted because if we did that it would work I just need to replace some of these blocks with Sandstone let's give that a shot thinking on the Fly that's what this is all about okay this is the fun part we get to break one at a time and essentially hope no creepy creepers notice us I mean I hear a ton of mobs there has to be some in here where's all that noise oh they're all in there [Laughter] it's a skeleton skeletons are all shooting starting a riot oh that is perfect I was wondering why I heard so many but I okay I did not intend for that to happen but it didn't break anything did they not break anything if they're not near a like a player I did not know that okay well that was fun that was interesting oh man okay uh what was I even doing Honestly though let me know I'm confused why that uh why that creeper blew up I honestly thought they would only blow up if I was nearby like closer than I was to me though that seemed like it was from uh are you joking once again talking rain it's like I plan this I don't know what's going on but yeah if anybody knows like can creepers explode just from other mobs like a zombie hitting them or a skeleton shooting them I did not think that was possible okay so with this I've at least got each of the corners done and the front wall figured out so I kind of just have have to replicate it all around now which means I should ow I should have a working template that it can go all the way around it we just have to test that I'm not 100 sure about that but we are making progress so that is good why do I keep falling oh no you don't so much running back and forth just to check to make sure I'm making this the same at every I don't know one of the four corners but not really corners but I can't think of anything else to call them I think I'm just about done with the outline all the way around mostly you can see it there's some gaps there but that's a good Baseline so now let's build it all up and see what that looks like oh I did not think about this it's intersecting again I don't want to jinx it but this isn't taking quite as long as I thought it would I figured I'd be building these outer walls like close to the end of the hundred days but now that the outline is there I think we can do it pretty quickly and then what's going to take more time is adding all the details and finalizing everything testing the mob spawners all that type of thing okay we got a little bit of sun left let's fly out because now it's got a bit of a turn on it and I'm curious what that looks like so from the front going around that looks pretty good I think this thing's going to be grand when it's done I need to fix that though that's a bit weird and I waited too long to go to bed so now I gotta deal with this mess me alone you definitely leave me alone oh hey there bud no no babies oh I'm glad I saw you just trying to go to bed here please leave me alone oh boy uh okay yeah let's see if we can risk it nope we cannot of course we cannot eh whatever let's get out of here we'll come back in the morning see ya goodbye ready let's keep things moving or rolling on this exterior wall the only part where I didn't lay down a foundation like a pattern like that is where these two will join because I don't know exactly how much space I'll need so I'm gonna build all of these up and then I might have room to add one more of those over there then there's probably going to be a short area connecting the two where it doesn't get all fancy like this it might just be more of a wall that follows along the original path I still think we're gonna have quite a lot of detail on this so it's still gonna look good I'm pretty sure I hear free leads somewhere must be inside there though I don't see it anywhere yep there you are I could smell you a mile away unfortunately for you though you are trespassing this place isn't even open yet and unfortunately for you too it's going to be much too difficult to get you back down to the base so [Music] such senseless violence bit of an update I keep coming back for more cut Sandstone I have gone through a bit so one two three shulker boxes and we just started on the fourth so I mean we're about halfway and we've done a lot so I I think we're gonna be good I really hope so anyway all right so this is what I was talking about I just finished this section here with the design that I had in mind and it's close to where the other wall should meet it so I think what we do is just go through and create a straight wall between these two rather than trying to make it complex and add any sort of design here come to think of it I must have done something like that over on that side and just not remember let's fly over there and see what I did yeah so something like this on this side we have the design going in and then if we come over here it changes and it's going in in that direction so between the two just a wall connecting it up so yep that should be easy enough and there we go so we only have like one one kind of subsection left what is that like 30 percent we're getting pretty close then we get to try to figure out how to do the last part which is the the stands or the seating area between these two I'm not really looking forward to that part I'm being ambitious and trying to do this entire section all on one inventory of cut sandstone and I don't know if I'm gonna make it which wouldn't be great because I don't really want to take a trip back but it is what it is I should be able to make it because this is the last time I have to go buy placing three each time after that it's just one more replacing two each time so I think we should be all right but time will tell oh yeah we're gonna make it with some despair all right there we go that was the larger section that we needed to complete the only part left is right there and there you go we'll be done with the first part of the outer wall and then we get to work on the fun detailing I think this is the day we finish the initial outline of the wall we really only have that section left right here still plenty of details to add that in after we finish with this but we'll see if we go right into that or if I'd prefer to take a break and work on something else believe me this is enough to uh drive a legionary out of his mind and there you go all finished an interesting thing I'm noticing on a build this size which by the way very unique for me I I don't think I've built anything this size since I've started playing Minecraft which is probably the past 10 years or so is that it's very difficult to get an overall look at how the thing is going I'm so used to just being able to look at something I build and just move side to side a little bit and get a good sort of outline now I need to either head back to the end of that bridge or fly up in the air try to get a look at it it's making things a little bit more difficult but let's try it anyway see if we can fly back a bit and then fly towards it to get a decent view I do think it's turning out the way I expected the way I wanted it to but the next step will obviously be to go and add more of this type of design that we see right here error into other parts of the wall and if you remember we talked about should it be the same the whole way throughout so that it's just one of these doorways or arches the entire way around or should we just do it all the way around on the bottom maybe with a one space in between and then make this triangle shape so that it looks a little bit more like this actually easy way to do this let's add the uh the spot up there so we've got a full triangle if I really like it then we'll do that we'll repeat that all the way around if not we can add it in the whole way but I I honestly think I'm probably going to like it that way I also finally thought to grab some scaffolding because I'm smart like that so now we can use this to climb up okay so what we want is to replicate this which is pretty easy it's really just some stairs that's that's about it there we go and then does it make sense to add additional detail because we can do more we could add things like walls in here pew there we go I don't use scaffolding as much as I should oh man some drop right up there that's gonna bug me come here you ow okay let's have a look okay I've decided I like that I prefer it in the triangle shape so we will continue that but I also decided it ends too abruptly I think we need to make a hallway back into each one of these and that is also going to include some glowstone because I don't want mobs spawning and then falling down on my head when I'm working on stuff down here but how do we sneak these in because I don't want to be looking from far back and just see this back wall made of glowstones I don't think I'll like that maybe off to the sides like that would do the trick yeah let's try that let's see how that is oh man I cannot get to this top level I definitely have a love-hate relationship with scaffolding there we go so before it gets too dark let's go take a look see how that looks oh okay so even now that it's getting dark that is kind of cool it almost looks like there's light around the corners like that does lead in somewhere and there's rooms on either side oh no now am I going to want to do that in every one of these I think that I am why do I keep making more work for myself well hey boys what you got going on a little Civil War yeah so while I would love to continue working on this and putting in more of these designs all the way around working on the stands in between the exterior and the interior walls I think it's time for a little break and that will be in the form of heading to the nether for two reasons but first i'm dangerously low on golden carrots so we need to stock up on those then we'll be ready there we go thank you good sir we just stocked up a little bit on those has this been working the whole time no no I think we were too far away for this to actually be working while we're all the way up there I don't think I've really looked how does this look from just standing down at the base so you can see a little bit of it from here I'm kind of second guessing this pathway I don't know if that's going to be something we improve and keep there with the water elevators or if it's the kind of thing that you have to fly up there to get to it those are decisions for a future Legion but anyway the uh the two re reasons that we're going to be going to the nether reason one I'm tired of being ripped off for glowstone by the the pontifex Maximus over in the house over there four emeralds for one so we're just gonna grab some here make it a little bit easier and reason two we're gonna try our luck just clear out any wither skeletons that we happen to see and if Lady Fortuna is on our side we can bring one home with us I honestly don't know if we'll be able to get enough this video to fight the Wither again but if we can I'd love to because it means we can get another Beacon and kind of keep it at a one Beacon per video rate of acquisition first up I found a decent collection right here the only problem is it's pretty high up but I don't think we're yeah we're not directly above lava so anything that drops we can just go down and collect all right I think that does it there's a ton down there yes still wearing the elytra so we should be all right look at that so 50 from that one not too bad bad maybe it'll cause the pleb back at the base to uh rethink his prices gotcha before you could do anything really don't want any trouble I'm just trying to get Glowstone oh that was a good shot all right after this one let's see what we've got I think I'll probably be happy with the the amount yeah stacking a half I think that's gonna last us a decent amount we're working on those little hallways at the the arena and it's not like that's difficult anytime we need to we can come back but now we get to move on to wither skeletons uh what what what did I do what did I do why are you coming at me okay yep they're attacking me I don't know what I did I did literally nothing hello come here often didn't bring his skull though I see you and nothing wonderful if I had the energy I would go back and count how many wither skeletons I actually slayed through the last few videos and how many skulls that equated to because I I imagine the ratios are just awful at least they're spawning though because that's the worst which is just not not existing in this realm in any capacity because then what are you supposed to do I just saw one where did you go there you are or Skeletron battles happening please please please please please nope why are these spawning in so often I'm growing to hate Blaze what did I ever do to you oh I see three or ready for harvesting wow yes please oh did I just yep one of them was quite the gentleman and dropped his skull for me I do appreciate it now if only one more would be so kind oh I think one just despawned over here wow five I love it when they spawn in clusters like this it makes my work so much easier oh are you wearing he's wearing a wither skeleton skull as a wither skeleton I mean I'd rather hold on to it thank you but what a weirdo I mean that's it we got what we need maybe we can fit a Wither fight into this video it creeps me out that dude just like watched his cousin get slain dropped his skull and he's like I think I'll wear this that seems like a great idea don't be ridiculous what are you gonna do yeah that's what I thought I am heading home a happy legionary there you go just like that three Wither Skeleton skulls I was about to head back up but I just thought of something and no it's not to check on the prisoners though I'm glad they're all still in here and not escaped never trust a chicken anyway it was for the sheep and that's because I plan to make a lot of banners that are gonna go on top I don't know why I'm looking up you can't see it here on top of the arena and we're gonna need lots of wool for that and I think I blew through most of mine so let's uh get more sheep get all that working out right now and then I'll probably go get the shears and start collecting it I don't want to be rushing right at the end trying to get what I can thought I had shears in here I guess not all right who wants to be Nike that's right all of you do yeah something about that seems a little off but we'll go with it there we go starting the collection so we should be ready to go don't let me forget citizen we need to keep heading back here and getting more wool because we're gonna need a by the end of the video it's also been absolutely forever since we've done this we may as well go through and collect real quick all right then we'll do a little trading just for good measure heal up the tools okay back to business first thing we need to do is I'm just going to make it really easy we're gonna get that row right there and we're gonna follow it all the way around and it is six blocks up so anywhere that there's an indentation like this we're gonna add that row just like this no not like that you uh like this and we won't even worry about the other little bits that we have to add we're just going to do that all the way around make it nice and simple all right there we go we just went all the way around we've got that all set and then the next part should be quicker because all we need to do is add the stairs and we should be good I say that but the sun is going down so this might turn ugly quick and you might just think just go to bed finish it in the morning and while that makes logical sense I've already started do doing it it bugs me to go to bed and just try to figure out where I left off I don't know nearly there and nothing's spawning which is creeping me out there should be mobs all over the place by now well that did it anyway I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth real quick look then we'll go to bed oh yeah now they're spawning I think it's because I was too close but yeah I like that I think we just need to start maybe we just build one actually one there and one right there that way it's like oh you know what I mean just trying to go to bed please leave me alone how do they see me when they're in there they come around the corner knowing I'm here already yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to go to bed they just keep coming around the corners okay we'll heal up the pickaxe then we'll go downstairs to sleep downstairs can you imagine if downstairs meant doing this every time I'm just gonna fly downstairs I'll be right back before I head back up there and before I forget I saw a comment for the name of this cat the one that I mentioned had a yellow and a blue eye and I did get a couple suggestions but there was one that I thought was as I always say simple and elegant and kind of clever so I liked it we're gonna name the cat so we already have Garfield the cat we have Machiavelli and now because we have a cat with one yellow eye and one blue eye IW green that comment came from runic turnip which yes that's hard to say but appreciate the comment good name for the cat with all the cats officially named we can head on back and continue the work and looking from a distance no I'm not talking to you do you have a he has a helmet on he's not gonna burn okay I can help you with that don't worry phew anyway looking from a distance I don't think I want them all lit up with the glowstone but I do it at least want these two right here so those two maybe the two at the bottom but then as it goes off to the side we're gonna let them be dark that way it draws your eye or your attention toward the central entrance so let's do that and then we'll also work on this entrance a bit that needs to be just a tad bit grander but first off we'll do these parts and there we go that should be all we need for the lighting yep that's looking better I like that a lot more and now for the entrance I really don't want to overdo it with stuff like this I don't want much other than Sandstone to be visible on the front-facing area of it but I think a little bit for the entrance makes sense and I just want to add various bits and Bobs around it because I think that'll add to the overall effect I like that but I want to make one change there we go so more of an overhang to it I think that works better also doubles as a balcony if you happen to be standing up there okay I like it from this angle let's take a fly around see how it looks from further away and the reveal there she is yep yep yep yep yep yep man this thing is really coming along oh man I did not mean to fall in here so I guess next we really just have to start focusing on the uh the space between the interior and exterior walls I do think I have an idea for this so it's getting late in the day the sun's about to go down we'll start that tomorrow I do think I know what I'd like to do here all right day 469 don't you dare laugh remember what I said about the glory of Rome in the first 100 days anyway for this I think we're gonna need some slabs so let's just make a decent amount because I obviously I'm gonna need them it's going to fill that whole area all right let's bring them up and do a just a test area because I'm not gonna I don't think it makes sense to do the whole thing only to find out I don't like it also this makes it a bit awkward as does the rain that starts every single time yep it'll have to be a bit different here since we have more area blocking uh the chasm between here higher up oh that's a thunderstorm wonderful oh wow okay hey a witch all right we gotta take this opportunity can I do it while I'm zooming phew nope I cannot pew pew gotcha well I don't know what to do now this is gonna be very difficult to do during a thunderstorm I'm also not super interested in getting struck by lightning okay so I mean that's how you waste a day in Minecraft in case you were curious because I'm just gonna have to go to bed I cannot work in these conditions I'm what can I say I'm a delicate desert flower sue me this is kind of what I'm thinking we just build off of whatever happens to be there using slabs to descend from the exterior to the interior and I already can tell this is going to vary wildly depending on where we are on the wall but I am okay with that honestly mainly I'm just thinking about what would be visually interesting that none of this is functional there's there's nobody going to be sitting up here that may come as a shock but we don't have spectators when I'm going to be fighting in this Arena but I just want to be able to look out at it and see that it looks nice okay so that's a thought Let's uh let's look at that from further away if we are down in the arena looks natural enough I think and from up in the air that kind of thing we're still going to have to add details maybe some stairs and seats and that type of thing but at least to cover up the great Chasm between the walls I think that makes sense so what do we got it goes two three one one and in theory I could just follow that all the way around or no not okay so two three two let's call it two three two all the way around and that should do the trick all right I think I'm making progress but it's also turning to night and that is dangerous so we are going to go to bed this bugs me yeah I'll I'll finish it tomorrow we'll we'll be all right Retreat let's at least see how much of this I can complete in one day because it's really not that you know labor intensive so I think we might just be able to go around and hopefully fill it all in I imagine the detailing of this is going to take more time so I want to save enough time for that and we also have the Wither fight to consider I also just thought of something as I'm kind of covering this whole area up I'm gonna need to get back in there to complete some of the collection system down there so either somewhere in here at this level we're gonna need to build in a Stairway that leads down or maybe I can make some sort of secret entrance somewhere it's like the area where the uh the stage attendance would go in far away from the public eye it almost sounds like there are mobs nearby I wonder where that could be coming from I think it's easiest to do this one level at a time so I'm just going to go around the whole thing putting down two or two out from the the wall that is then we can do the same thing at the next level rather than trying to build our way up at every point I find that making it a little more systematic makes it easier and it's probably going to end up being more accurate that way too starting to think my idea about finishing this in one day was a bit optimistic that's the strange thing building on this scale which once again I'm I'm not used to there's less of the little decisions and it's more just picking a pattern and then spending an entire day doing the same thing which I'm I'm gonna be happy with the end result I'm already happy with how it's looking it's just it's a lot to be fair it's probably not the most interesting thing in the world to watch so I'm trying to mix it up a little bit and make sure it's not just too samey the whole time we're uh we're going through this build on that note I'll be curious for feedback on this one compared to my previous 100 day videos what are your thoughts on this one being a bit different doing one large build or one large goal throughout the whole thing rather than three smaller ones where we jump around a little bit more hoping to see comments on that one because it'll probably determine you know how I think about or how I handle some of these future 100 day videos oh boy jumped right into a fire party and I didn't bring my fire I'm so embarrassed oh wait I did bring my fire that went right through him a little cheater and there's the usual cleanup every morning get all these wandering vagabonds out of my Coliseum there we go that actually doesn't look too bad with the layering effect there I probably should stop sounding so surprised when things that I'm doing here turn out looking good oh yeah I know I knew all along I was planning for it to look like that what do you expect it's always Flawless yeah I'm totally confident so that is two layers done this next one should be pretty easy because I don't have to count I'm just going to fill fill into the wall and then we might build up at a couple spots just like I did there unfortunately slabs are not going to drown out the sound of the mobs and you know what I'm gonna say rain again I'm so tempted to just find a mod that like turns all weather off like this alrighty so that's most of it done we just have a couple parts where we want to make it a little bit higher really any of these I think I want something like that coming out and then once I've done that I think we'll need some stairs and walls just because I I do like the foundation of this and the way it looks how it covers up the great Chasm but it's also very plain you know not very visually interesting so we're gonna have to add some detail here I also just realized with one of these accidentally broke but I think I missed some lights down here of course it's not showing on this one but the other two when I broke it there were a bunch of mobs on top of this thing so just to be safe we're gonna go around round and add a couple of these just so happens I have a little bit of stairs and walls so why don't we experiment a bit with this so nothing too crazy but if we added some of this type of thing all of the way around I'm thinking that's gonna be pretty nice you can imagine these are you know some of the nicer seats because they're I mean look at all the leg room and then maybe around some of this area you're just sitting on more of a bench there's not anything quite so nice as this I'm not going to have enough walls but we can at least put these stairs here let's grab some walls and then we should be able to go finish a decent amount of that all right there we go just in time we got night time so I can fly up and let's see how this looks all right liking it liking it so far because of the size of this place these are great just in the three spots but we are gonna need some more in between something else throughout the middle of all of these why don't we go around and at least light up some of the areas that need it and I think eventually we're going to come back because I want some once we make more of the banners I think that's what we'll do along these edges here the top of the wall we're going to put up some fence posts and then banners on top of it all facing inward but for now at least we'll go around and light up some of these middle areas it's just honestly it's kind of just bugging me that the lighting is very inconsistent and actually speaking of that you haven't been reminding me citizen to go and Shear all of the sheep to make sure that we're not going to run out of wool near the end of this thing when we're gonna need a ton of it ah I can't believe I trusted you to remind me to do that live and learn also why did I bring a full inventory of sandstone down here I'm going to need that space let's try that again also we're going to be collecting all of those so that when we fight the Wither we can do the whole chicken trick again bring a bunch of eggs make a bunch of chickens get a ton of Wither roses all right gonna clear all this out can you dye wool if it is not white wool it doesn't look like it so like if I just yep okay that does not work so mainly we're gonna need the white wool in order to make this work also while I'm thinking about it since I just mentioned it let's grab some of these eggs just so it'll obviously we've got plenty so we can fill up the shulker and this will just refill with everything that's in the The Hoppers and on the ground and this we can just easily bring down to the mine for our next weather fight I think we got a decent amount but come to think of it yeah so not too bad to start off at least you know 48 for the white wool but don't banners take six yeah I mean that's a ton of wool for a single banner so we're probably gonna have to work on this a little bit more so I don't think I want to do another wither fight just yet but I do kind of want a break from being up there so why don't we just do a little bit of prep work for that and by prep work I just mean getting a ton of eggs and bringing them down to the mine hardest part is just going to be throwing all of these things and yes I'm sorry no time to stop and talk bees but I'm sure you're all having a wonderful time out here all right so here's the plan down here I made two holes this time in the last video I just made one but I'm gonna try to fill both of these holes till they're just basically overflowing with chicken so that when we fight the Wither it's gonna pretty much blow you all up immediately and they will all magically turn into wither roses and I think we can actually start taking some of those to the nether because if we start putting them in some of the areas that you know typically zombified piglets would spawn in for example it should not necessarily spawn proof but it should stop any mobs except for a wither skeleton from spawning in so that's why I'm going to you know a decent length to get all of these guys in here because then at least we have a good amount of roses to use for that purpose I don't know why I didn't make these closer together or why I even made them in the ground they don't have to be I could have just made a little box above the ground and made things easier in case you're wondering yes all of these chicken noises are making me lose my mind at what point does this start to lag my computer because I mean there's a lot in there and there's a lot in there oh you didn't want to go in with the rest of your friends huh interesting that's the little chicken that could he's thinking he'll take on the Wither all by himself best of luck to you buddy oh the little chickens that could well maybe with two of you there's a chance I'm not gonna doubt you but with that we're all done for now we're gonna leave our friends down here head back up and when we're ready got tons of future wither roses right here for us since we're mainly just gonna need wool from you I think it might be a good idea to get rid of a couple of those just kind of taking up space Oh no this is harder than it looks can everybody clear a path thank you please get out of the way got a shot yeah all right I think we have to come back to this because it is not regrowing as quickly as I would like while we're here there's a couple things I want to grab and I think I know what I want to do with these I I guess we're gonna find out I have an idea but it's something I've never tried so we're basically just gonna give it a shot see if it works one of the things that I mentioned was the stands or whatever we want to call them now that they're covered up there's no way to get to the interior of these walls and we will need a way because somewhere over there behind my shoulder is where the collection area is going to be for our carts and that's for anything that these mobs happen to drop it should all get picked up in the future and because there's no way in there I do want to build some kind of secret passage way to get down there and where would make the most sense where can I actually do that I thought it would be cool at the entrance something where you can't really see it and then these uh Pistons would open up the wall but I could also do that over here in one of the entrances or the side entrances that don't actually go anywhere this might make a bit more sense so if we clear this out I'm honestly probably just going to place some pistons and hope that it works because I I don't know that I've ever tried using pistons on anything before definitely not in this capacity yeah so I need these placed facing up and then my assumption was that I would need the sticky pistons because how else would they kind of pick some blocks and put them up I have no idea if that's actually how these work but we're gonna find out little inconspicuous lever off to the side nobody will suspect a thing I'm sure yeah I'm probably showing how I know nothing about Redstone here but does this do anything no it does not okay so it has to be like that how how would I cover this up then I know I've seen it where it's covered oh maybe I have to put it on the the wall let's try that like that maybe ooh okay half of it worked oh can I actually put no I don't think that's gonna work put it on top of it that's not right oh maybe it is but that breaks it I don't know what I'm doing okay interesting interesting I'm like 100 sure it doesn't need to be this intricate but I can't figure out how to do it another way why is it automatically it looks like it's going into that one but it doesn't seem to be doing it here I don't know maybe that'll work no why won't you work oh okay that seemed to do something I don't know why I need it all actually can I yeah I can get rid of these okay it looks different now let's try that hey there we go and looking at that I just realized a flaw in my design before we even get into that does this do anything okay yeah and I yep yep yep yep I unintentionally just grabbed those and they're gonna need to be higher this isn't gonna work let me toy with this for a little bit and then I'll get back to you okay I think I got it working first though have a look does anything look weird to you anything look off no pretty normal right wrong let me show you the secrets so I still have no idea what I'm doing and I ran out of sticky pistons so that's why you see sand right here instead of Stan Sandstone but inconspicuous little lever over here when you switch that we get an opening and we can come right on in and yeah I know it's not the prettiest thing in the world that can use some work in the future but the whole reason for that is so we can get over to this side and get at the collection system when we need to still haven't placed anything down we might need to do that soon but we know it works at least so that's the first step for now now we're going to close this back up and we will come back when we need it but check this out oh that's so cool I don't think I've ever made a secret room before that's the first one all right let's take another look at the stands and see if we can add a bit more detail and the intention by the way was always to make it as one material because that's what I think of when I think of an arena or the Coliseum but it has been getting to me this whole time so maybe we add a couple other things around here the first thing that came to mind was bricks so in areas like this just a couple things here and there I'm just kind of going random with this making it look a little bit different all the way around there we go so a little bit of color off at the back I also forgot when we get the banners that'll add some color as well why don't we go grab a few of those just to see what it's initially gonna look like I'll do a little more collecting while we're here I think we got all of it all the stuff we can die anyway and I think just like our Beacon will go with red and yellow we may as well use some of this as well just you know not in the same pattern maybe it can stand out somewhere else and I'm not gonna have enough red dye but I know where we can get some look at all that future red dye thank you okay so now if we do half of it into red the other half into yellow and then see how many we can get okay so we'll be able to get seven each of red and yellow four gray and four light gray so what is that 22 or so total that should be a good start [Music] that's Arena Fanfare by the way okay knowing we have a very limited capacity for right now what do we want to do with these I forgot fence posts and there's none up here wait a minute but we do have wood I really don't want to go all the way back down we actually probably shouldn't need that much of this but let's I don't know let's get a stack to be safe all right let's try that again starting over on this end maybe we'll do either side of this are those the same height looks like they are yeah yeah I think we're good so that's what I'm thinking something like that and it looks really I don't know really simple I'm also confused on why they're not attached to the actual fence but I don't really want them to be too elaborate because there's going to be a lot of them all the way around and I don't want it to get too busy we can always add more let's put them on the other spots and see how I feel about it okay and there we go so that's starting to be what I want obviously there's too few right now I'm gonna need more of those and come to think of it we'll need more around this uh inner area kind of want to mount some outside as well actually maybe we do some of that on the front and we use these gray ones as well um how do I want to do this I'm kind of guessing because I can't actually see what I'm doing here but maybe that'll look nice let's try it on both sides I'm intentionally making these not match I want it to be a little bit uneven has nothing to do with the fact that I have very few banners there we go so a little bit more going on outside now taking a look from up here it's not bad it's starting to look a little bit more a little bit more visually interesting just with the one color that was starting to throw me off this is starting to approach more of what I'm looking for did I not bring any Hopper mine carts with me I thought I did there's one I know we tested that part of it I just can't remember come on I can't remember if we tested the the pickup or the drops from hey did I not light it up enough in here for you okay we gotta fix that and there we go that should do it I hope be careful not to dig one too many because then we just plummet anyway I was thinking we should test this and why don't we just put it as far down as we can how many is this actually by the way this is 10 so I don't know that we can reach the fifth one along actually can I do this I can so right here that's the fifth off it goes so if we leave that one running and what we'll need to do is get another line of Hoppers because right now these are all just leading down I want them to have another line running this way so that we could have a chest at the end for uh the collection so why don't we head down grab nine Hopper mine carts and maybe 12 Hoppers got a couple here all right I got the stuff we need so first we'll place down the remaining Hopper mine carts while being careful to avoid getting hit by that one yep on you go so one two three and four then we can skip this one because that's where it's already running and then we just fill in the rest there we go so even if we don't get to the whole thing this time we'll have some collecting happening in the center and that's where I'm going to test it but first we need to have all of The Hoppers let's see where's this chest going to be of course I didn't bring a chest so for now this will be temporary we're going to put it right there so imagine that's our chest we're gonna Place Hoppers all the way down so that anything that gets collected by the mine carts in theory should collect down at the chest speaking of chest you're not going to work for me you get that a sea of Hopper mine carts when the emperor comes and takes his two or I bet he's gonna be so impressed it's almost night time I want to see if I can put this here and run a test before we have to go to bed so let's head back up actually you know what maybe did we wait for night time and do a test with Mobs no let's let's make it easy for now they should oh yeah I hear them they should be running down there so if we just throw a couple things on the ground in theory they should dis like that they should disappear and then when we go down down to check in the chest we should find three cut Sandstone blocks why aren't you disappearing this one might be too far off to the side what if I put you right there bingo all right let's see if it worked hey look at that so there you have it the hopper mine cart system is functional it works the only thing we may need to do well not may we will eventually need to fill this up entirely with hopper mine carts but that is something for future Legion actually since it's night why don't we go around and just Place random uh glowstone because I'm tired of things spawning out here every single day every single night and I think the glowstone is going to look better than lanterns unless we made a design for it but for now I just want it generally lit up hey creepy yeah and it's because of things like this no no no no free hugs whoa okay that was a little too close okay so now it should have light all the way around the edges I don't know if it's going completely spawn proofed but it's certainly a lot better than it was more importantly how does it look yeah I mean from this distance you can't even tell what it is you can't really tell that it is glowstone but I like the ambient light effect that looks so cool at night so we are going to need more banners and I think because of that we should go back down and tend to the Sheep uh once more the other problem is I'm pretty sure it's not really updating down here when we're working on stuff up there so for example the Sheep are not regrowing their wool yeah because there shouldn't really be any left that haven't regrown it unless they're just out of grass that could be a possibility so maybe we'll do that today we'll just work on the sheep and make sure everything's all set down here and also looking at these little deviants maybe we could take another trip down to the mine and drop off some eggs not bad though just from the one you know trip in there I got almost 30 wool yeah let's do that we'll take all of this stuff down because even though I've emptied this several times it just keeps immediately filling back up with eggs I almost need to add another chest or just start straight up incinerating all of these hello bees goodbye bees although come to think of it now that we're going to ow now that we're going down here we're going to have the same problem as up by the uh the arena I doubt anything's going to update by the Sheep so they're not going to regroup regrow their wool what are you doing down here oh you see that he went around the corner why are there so many things right what is why is there like a mob spawner in here now oh is it because of the chickens singles will spawn around there or just because I I don't have any lanterns or anything maybe that's why I don't know but the sound is deafening down here having fun boys I bet you are I'm freaked out that there might be more creepers around I just put my armor back on because I'm terrified of that ooh I think they're starting to die down there they're starting to get entity cramming deaths so I guess that means this one is full how about you and this one I just made a bit more space so you should have plenty of room right all these chickens I think are messing with my audio because it's not only the chicken noises which I'm I'm definitely gonna quiet this down in post because I'm I'm basically Deaf from this by now my ears are bleeding but it's also making some kind of crackling noise like it's screwing with the Minecraft audio this is why you all deserve this you're messing with my game all right this is the last stack so there we go and I think we're done I don't think we're gonna need to bring any more eggs down here plus there's always going to be more wither fights in the future so this is definitely going to be enough have fun I'll be back in a bit and I will bring a friend although what's what's this one going to be because we had the Wither and the last one we said it was his clone or his brother the bither I don't know the the tether how about we think of a name when he spawns in that sounds good to me oh you know what I completely forgot about we've been so focused on this and it's not immediately apparent from here but as soon as you move forward one can remember her that this still exists and our glorious arena in the sky is actually essentially a mob grinder which means this is derelict derelict I don't know how to say that but anyway yeah that has to go and I think it makes sense to just go and take care of that it's not like it's hurting anything but it does look a bit medieval compared to everything else I actually spent a decent amount of time making this place look nice and that is your basic everyday non-decorated mop grinder so it doesn't fit with the whole vibe so we're gonna tear it down we should pay respects though this was our vantage point I looked down over the base to check on progress many a time from up here so we'll pay our respects thank you for your service mop grinder I shall look off from your high vantage point one last time all right time to get to work in my head this shouldn't take that long because we have maxed out tools but I could be wrong should be gone in a day I don't see why not and I was wrong as you'll see I got to work from the top of the top grinder starting with removing the roof I think I was so used to insta mining Sandstone that this seemed incredibly slow to me either way I chipped away working my way down from the top by the end of the first day I had removed the roof all the walls and the first layer of the floor this part would have been easier if I hadn't screwed up when I built it by making the floor two layers of blocks instead of one on the next day I wrapped up removing all the trap doors ensuring that there were no pesky water sources left and demolished the floor this will shock you I know but while I was working on it it started to rain it didn't stop Julius Caesar on campaign so it wasn't going to stop me I finished the last main portion which was the mob shoot leading down to my chests after a couple trips back to drop off materials back at my house I was finished deconstructing the mop grinder the old gal was helpful in the early days of this hardcore world but now she was just a fond memory of 100 days past and there you have it nice new clean view of the Arena honestly pretty subtle change I almost don't even notice that it's gone and I think it's because this took its place but overall I'm happy cleaner base before we head back up there we should take care of all the usual stuff Shear the Sheep keep up okay let's try that again cheers anyway yeah keep up with this so we can make more banners maybe do a couple other chores and then we'll head back up almost two stacks let's see what that does for us in the way of banners well this isn't good we are just about out of yellow dye and out of dandelions could use the sunflowers but I don't have a lot of those this is gonna be a pain I'm not really aware of a quicker way to get dandelions so we might just be doing this for a bit oh boy this is not going nearly as fast as I would like all right that's gonna have to do for now I think that should give me about a stack well at least we did a little bit better this time it looks like we're going to be able to get 10 each yep 10 each slow but steady oh yeah I forgot I was gonna do one other thing I need to bring some bottles over to the bees because I'm pretty sure this entire time I've only be getting honeycomb I actually haven't got any honey I think uh yeah doesn't look like it so we'll go yeah see I didn't even new advancement at least Be Our Guest so let's fill up on honey just in case we ever need that might want to try to make more bees now that they can't get directly into those campfires look at them they're doing it again I want to burn but I'm noticing that they're still not all full as I go around so I may as well do this again now that you little deviants can't burn yourselves up is that everybody think I got you all whoops did not mean to do that I think that's everybody are you stuck or what's going on what are you trying to do you need a bush okay you just do your thing whatever that happens to be back up to the Behemoth I'm just gonna do that every time I'm up here now get used to it citizen nah you love it okay so we still have to finish around here which I believe oh wait that's weird or maybe I removed them I for whatever reason I've got little lamp posts everywhere except for where I place down those fences I don't remember removing it but maybe I did um and get some walls and lanterns and we'll make this uniform why don't we just oh I was gonna say why don't we move the walls there but we can't because of these slabs can I put them just outside if that might work so just need to move them over one unless I replace this what do I like better do I want the banners on the inside or the lanterns on the inside I think this is better because it'll spread the light out a little bit more so that's gonna that's to be a better long-term solution which means all of these need to move by one okay so those should all be uniform now but this is the part I'm worried about because I want to keep up that pattern of red yellow red yellow but because these are on the curve of the circle I'm not sure which way I want the banners facing maybe red there and yellow there so they're kind of facing outward toward the other ones I just think it would look a little bit awkward if they were facing inward toward each other let's try that all the way around oh yeah I think that looks a lot better now it looks more like they're surrounding the place and not so much kind of just a four corner approach this looks a lot more complete I have some left and I do want some down here so let's do yellow and then maybe the red with a bit of an overhang for the entrance and then we can't forget our mob friends we should give them a couple as well while I'm here too I had a thought when obviously the the reason for all of these is that the mobs can spun in the dark and come out and fight but just in case that's not enough danger I was thinking we should attempt to do this at night at some point once we open this all up but I don't want them spawning right on top of me so maybe we put some glowstone in the ground right in the center but leave opportunities over here for things to spawn but I'll need to find the center first and I think these four right here are the center so temporarily because it lines up with that lines up with that lines up with that and with that whoa okay remember when this happened before what are you doing all right it's time for some justice all right thank you for volunteering for the opening games get on in there let's go yep you two head on in oh no going invisible isn't going to help you I declare the arena nearly open thank you thank you your sacrifice will be remembered bird anyway back to what we were doing let's do something like this four corners and fill those in and take these back so now it's already working you can see things spawning along the edges but they shouldn't spawn in the Middle where I'll be fighting most of the time probably I just don't want to creep respawning right on top of me where these little goobers spawning at my kneecaps this is however getting a bit dangerous so we're gonna head out because I'm not ready to do this yet up part of me thinks the interior wouldn't be so uniform for example maybe there's just kind of random things like this all the way around the interior and that could be whatever you think you know bits of construction coming out maybe weapons or something used to hang on those there we go so a little bit more to the uh the interior or the yeah the interior wall and then maybe it's some of the points because I have a little bit of brick left we'll just replace it like they were trying to do repairs but got a little bit lazy and didn't use the same kind of material I say they like it wasn't me that built this whole thing and there we go found a use for all the brick now that we did that and this is looking a bit more a bit more interesting I did just remember one other thing we intended to tackle and that is this down here kind of difficult to see but we'll fly down yeah that was intentional I didn't just fall off anyway the shadow cast by this thing is right over an island and as you can see even in the daytime it is spawning a ton of mobs and taking up all the mop or the uh yeah the mob cap so we need to find a way first of all just to get some lights out here so that they stop spawning I guess we just run right down the center and hope for the best oh I tripped I tripped I tripped don't blow me up that was my war cry that was intentional all right we just have to keep doing that running through placing down glowstone until it's lit up enough leave me alone I didn't do anything to you anyway just to stop the spawns because I want to decide what to do with this but it's impossible when we've got all this happening that should be pretty good now if we just either who's shooting at me it sounds like something's close oh there you are hey buddy anyway yeah Gotta Wait For Those mobs to go away then we'll come back and I had I had a couple ideas actually one would be just make that into some kind of Grotto beneath it just in case you happen to glance down I thought that would look pretty cool and by the way doesn't this look nice look at all the the water refractions down there that looks so good anyway I'm getting distracted though by the the lovely underwater scenery my other idea was what if we have some mini waterfalls cascading off the side of this and then I don't know if they just fall right into the water or maybe they collect into some kind of Fountain underneath here I don't know that I'll get to all of that this 100 days because we're kind of nearing the end honestly but I do want to do something I'm going to Noodle on it and try a couple things out and then I'll I'll check in with you okay so I think this is lit up enough now at least the the Land part is I did have an idea though and this is from our adventures over at that uh desert or Beach biome I did pick up some sea pickles and Cactus so that's something we can do to make it look a little more interesting plus it'll be nice to have a regrowing supply of the cactus closer to home because I did only grab like nine so if we ever do need it at least we'll have some growing over here and then the sea pickles should Light It Up underwater just in case any sneaky drown decide that they want to spawn down here instead of mobs up on the land all right there we go so now we've got light on the land light under the water I think I want to head up there and start some of those little waterfalls I want something pretty simple but I really the reason I'm doing it is because right now looking up at this thing from down there it's exactly what it is it's a big platform in the sky I think it would look a lot cooler if there was water cascading down over the edges as well but not the whole way around so for example if we were to just do something like this oh is this not gonna work because of the slabs oh no it does so now if we go out fly out a bit and take a look pew very cool maybe we sit on top of the the nether portal Tower and watch this there you go so we've got one falling down from the edge right now and it takes forever because that thing is so high up also nothing spawning down there now luckily and there we go now it's touching not to mention that's an emergency way up now if we ever uh lose the elytra or something like that happens so let's do a couple more of those although this looks off we need to do something with this there we go pretty easy to make it look just you know a little bit more natural it's not just a line but it looks more like a structure now actually though we should light this up a bit as well because I think that will look pretty cool at night and what do I want to do let's do maybe one off to the side so right here and right there so now especially as it gets dark when we look up to that part of it we should see oh wow it actually masks that light pretty well I thought it'd be brighter than that yeah you can barely see anything there maybe I don't know maybe we just use a ton more or something okay I did three for now let's see how that looks yeah that's pretty good I don't I don't want to overdo it I don't want this falling all the way around I think it just gives the impression like you know more like a Sky City water flowing down to us Mortals here on the land and this looks better but I do think we need a little something more there and this is just gonna be a little like a monument almost or it's not going to be anything in particular it's just gonna draw the eye as you look over here something like this maybe some glowstone on top as well all you know it's not like I said it's not anything really it's not anything in particular but I'm guessing now if we look over here it's gonna look better it's not a bear Island anymore oh wow yeah plus that's super reflective also strangely enough I really like how you can't make out what it is that could almost just be another Sand Dune if at first glance but then when you get a little closer you're like oh there's actually something there it's like a shrine ooh the mystery the Enigma yep I'm a fan I like this whole setup now that we have that I did think of one more thing we need to do up here to prepare and very shortly we will be fighting the Wither you thought you weren't gonna have to hear it but anyway yeah right after we do something here we'll be fighting the Wither and I didn't necessarily want to add a new Beacon down by the base I thought we could have one up here and it could just be some kind of buff that could help us fighting all the mobs in the arena so my thought was is this a good place to put the beacon and I'm thinking looks here not necessarily function because I know the best place would be right in the center maybe raised up a bit and actually I probably could make that work I I liked how open everything was but I bet we could make something that looked decent because my only other thought was right up here almost like uh like the box seats where the emperor would be I'd just build this out a bit but honestly it needs to be nine by nine and this is only eight it would be kind of spilling over a little bit too so maybe it's not even gonna fit let's plan for something here let's get some materials and we'll we'll build something up next problem though this the the ground of the Arena it doesn't Center on a single block it centers on four which means the beacon would be it would be a bit uneven but actually not necessarily we could make it into a four by four or a two by two beacon beacon pyramid and then just assume in the future we'll get more so what would that be a 10 by 10 then so and it would just be something like this with the beacon on top of it yeah let's go with that I I no longer like the idea of having it up there I'd rather know that wherever I am in this Arena the beacon will reach me and we'll start with one but just like the one down at the base we can expand in the future and add more beacons to it with that in mind let's start filling this in you must be joking how are you things still showing up and yeah you're a thing and where are your llamas all right no need for pomp for this one oh yeah wow goodbye just making this a little fancier thinking something like that I didn't attend this but when we have the pyramid on top the bottom almost looks like a reverse or an upside down pyramid so that worked out pretty well a couple more details I hear something shooting at me behind me how did you get out I probably didn't get out that was the intentional dark areas to allow them to spawn not really interested in doing this right now so we'll just come back and finish that up in the morning made it all the way back up there and forgot the uh the blocks for the pyramid as much as I love to mix it up I don't want our Iron Golems to feel like their work and their efforts are unappreciated so I do want to use iron really quick presence for the bees because I was actually overflowing on the flowers over there all right hope you enjoyed whoa that's a lot of baby bees our bee Community is growing very quickly but that's what we want that's a good thing as for the iron I have no idea how much I'm going to need but one would hope nearly three stacks of blocks of iron would do the trick yeah maybe one day we'll have one made out of gold or I'm not gonna go nuts and say diamond but for now it is iron kind of fitting for an arena I think blood and iron oh man maybe three stacks was not enough yeah that was uh all but one stack basically on the first uh the first layer I have a feeling we're going to be going back uh okay we got to the start of the third layer I I am just terrible at estimating how much I'm gonna need for things oh it actually stopped filling usually when I take stuff out it just fills right back up you're finally to a point when we've caught up to the Iron Golem sacrifices appreciate what you do yep thanks buddy and there we go additional two stacks and 21 if that doesn't do it I don't know I give up I'm gonna go to bed and cry don't yeah and I didn't need nearly as much still got a stack and a half left so now like I said we've got places for four beacons eventually we are gonna just start with the one but let's take another look now that it's done see how we feel kind of unassuming and you know not really intimidating or anything like that when it doesn't have the beacon on top also there there is one more thing we can do to this I have a few leftover banners maybe we do something like that we are not going to have enough to have it go all the way around don't tell anybody I'm just gonna put it on the front and the sides nobody's ever gonna look at the back and there we go Bingo do these need something more on the sides I don't really like that but no I think we stick with simple again don't really think we'll need any more than that I say that and then I walk around it staring at it nah let's leave it let's leave it as is I just realized we haven't been up here in forever but you'll be happy to know all of the Axolotl are still happy they're healthy and they have a beautiful full open concept now the next time we're back in this world and we're not doing a mega build like the uh the Behemoth up there that might be an idea expanding this because looking at them honestly they're pretty cramped in there so it might not be a bad idea to have a almost like a glass tunnel leading out one of these sides going out into the base or going up out the top down through the floor whatever it might be I think there's options here to expand it but anyway we're getting pretty close to the end honestly this is day 490 we've only got 10 left and my plan for those 10 days is essentially to wrap up by biting the Wither once again getting our third Beacon but it's actually not going to be with these two we're gonna put it up at the arena we'll probably spend at least a couple days fighting in the arena because I gotta train up I gotta keep those muscles strong I'm also curious to see how much it will pick up in the collection area that I have up there because we did not finish it in this video or won't I should say I'm not gonna have enough time to do that and then finally the last thing that will probably take a look at before we wrap up is our legionary platform that we built when we had about 4 000 subscribers which is why we have the four legionaries on there now and stick around to the end you'll be able to see what we're at as I'm recording this because I will be adding some legionaries to that platform you know actually do I have any more of those I do okay I'm not gonna go nuts but I think this would look pretty nice the flowers themselves I don't think fit anywhere within the design but I do think it'd be nice walking into the arena and getting showered with you know whatever you want to call this rose petals I know it's spores but let's pretend that it's rose petals oh yeah look at that so now as you walk in this is from all the fans they're throwing this down on me yes thank you thank you I kind of forgot that we technically have a huge mess up here before this opens we got to clear all this off it it doesn't make it look nice oh it's gonna be be a pain to get all this stuff back down there oh wait no it doesn't have to be I'll just put it all on shulker boxes that's using the old Noggin Legion I'm a bit spooked by the fact that by taking away all of this stuff we're basically calling it done this has been a solid 100 days of just non-stop working on this thing I am glad we made it though when I started this video I was not sure if I'd be able to complete this in 100 days so many shulker boxes and I know early on I talked about the fact that we might have a walkway here with water elevators coming up from the B dome but honestly I think that would slow us down it's been very fast just flying up here and back down and it's something we could always add in the future but I just don't see a need for it right now so I think what we do is just remove this walkway maybe we'll leave some markers up there so we know where it would be in the future but for now we're gonna get rid of most of this and yeah I think it makes the most sense to start from this side also if that was the only thing holding this whole thing up you know what I'm I mean it's like in the cartoons when somebody saws like a plank they're standing on and the big thing Falls luckily Minecraft does not care about physics and that's the way we like it that is looking really nice without anything attached to it oh I'm so happy 100 the largest thing I've ever built and not a bad first attempt all right got the got the pathway removed and these I think is where we expected the water elevators to come out if I'm not mistaken because I remember measuring it so future Legion if you're watching this I'm gonna leave these two pillars here that's where the water elevator should come out if we do end up doing that so note to self everything else is gonna go uh you know what I was just about to start taking this down from the top we should just go down to the bottom and do the Avalanche approach all right so that is one tall bit of scaffolding but all we need to do is hit this one bottom one and phew look at that nice wow it's still going okay I think that was it it's raining scaffolding all right we need to do a bit of cleanup now this junk is all over the base now I think I got everything that fell every time I'm down here I can't get over it this just looks so nice hey bud how you doing and there you have it about 99.9 done you'll notice there's no Beacon what would you even call that Beacon Light Beacon Ray anyway nothing coming out the top so we need to do that we still need to fight the Wither we're running out of time am I forgetting anything yes I am probably don't need it but I do want to use potions again bring some golden apples because I like to play it safe and we should still have all of our chicken buddies down there so that way once the Wither spawns in we're gonna get a ton more wither roses alrighty I'm Coming For You wither the thread I noticed it was a bit easier last time too because the chickens tend to distract to the weather a little bit I hadn't really thought about that but it works out well for us what's the optimal place for these loud jerks to get destroyed I'm thinking right about here that way when it spawns in it should break some of these blocks and hopefully release them and then mercilessly chase them down all right am I forgetting anything before we do this still have my Escape tunnel so once it spawns in we have a place to hide back there there's another one over on this side actually why don't we I'm gonna grab a couple blocks and just put up one more barricade just close this in a little bit more I don't like how entirely open it is there we go so now once we spawn it we get in here we have a lot of space he's probably gonna break through that top wall anyway but I feel a bit safer and that's what matters are you ready citizens are you ready with the Roses all right then let's do this not as intimidating as the first time we did this I was really spooked the first Time Boom oh man look at all those chickens no no don't come by me it's probably gonna take him quite a bit of time to take out all these chickens whoa is he right above me whoa how'd you get up there um this is my emergency tunnel yeah that's what I thought I'm kind of just waiting over here because it's taking him a while to get all those chickens yep keep at it keep at it all right I might have to lead him back over there oh maybe not I was hoping the explosion at the beginning would take out more of these because now he's just sniping him you know you have the ability to get closer to them right you don't have to stay right up there there we go get a little closer come on whoa okay he saw me I think that's the bulk of the chickens I'm a little bit I'm just tired of waiting he just pelted one whoo yeah I'll give it like I don't know 60 more seconds and then we're just going out there all right here's the plan I'm pretty sure it's right above me right now so I'm gonna make a Mad Dash for the other side get in the other Escape tunnel and then try to shoot at him from over there all right here oh there we go no no no no don't hit me all right yep stuck up there what a Ponce take that and that let's do a golden apple we got plenty all right I think that was the shield right yep okay potion of strength another Golden Apple Razzle Dazzle oh man he's angry he's very angry I would be too distracted me with all these chickens and then you come and hit me with a little Razzle Dazzle all right let's see how we did on wither roses I don't know why I feel like that could have gone better am I missing something there's like no wither roses did they all just run away I did so much prep with those chickens and I'm only finding 29 wither roses what is the deal can he destroy wither roses after they're created maybe I waited too long and it just like destroyed everything oh man I'm bummed out I just collected everything I saw 29 wither roses there's I got more raw chicken than I did with the Roses I don't know what went wrong there but I am sad that was so much wasted effort let me know in the comments if you know what happened there I was expecting tons and tons of Wither roses and got 29 so if you know you know what I did wrong there let me know let's try to stay positive at least we got the nether star all right I got pretty much organized you know the drill from here obsidian and glass and nether star gives us our Beacon and let's grab an emerald to activate once we get up there and then we get faced with the difficult choice of what Boon to choose yeah I called it a boon not a buff I'm not sure why nope okay let's say we want it it doesn't really matter let's put it there please work yes okay does it matter what you put in Emerald versus Iron I don't know that it makes any difference so we don't want speed we don't want haste don't need jump boost it's gonna be resistance or strength do I want to do more damage or do I want to not take damage well really all we need to do is not get hit which no problem right so let's try for strength I don't know that I've ever used that one and we could go strength two but I like the idea of having regeneration just in case we do take any hits so why don't we do that so we'll do strength and regeneration and there we go Bingo strength and regeneration anytime we are fighting in the arena I wasn't sure I would like something in the center like that but now I do just having especially with the light going up I think that's a pretty cool centerpiece I'm not going to officially fight yet but I do want to open all of these up mainly because I want to see what the spawn rate is like so please don't hurt me I am going to give you your freedom yep leave me alone leave me alone oh and you have a cap so you're not going to burn I guess we have to do some mini fighting ooh one hit with strength nice okay please don't hurt me leave me alone yes fight each other that's right and finally there we go no no no no baby zombies not a fan why aren't you burning there we go ugh gross gross gross gross gross I hate those things all right how's the spawn looking oh I'm missing a trap oh no I'm not never mind thought I was missing a trapdoor whoa okay yep so they're I mean they're definitely spawning Lots in that one for whatever reason something I didn't think about even though the entire pickup system isn't complete we could always stand in the middle and just drop things because then it's going to get picked up the next time a minecart comes by Like That by The Beard of Zeus look at all these and it's happening on every side yeah I think this will be quite the active Arena oh didn't think about that spiders can escape that's all right that's a challenge with the bow one thing I didn't think too much about and it worries me just a little bit is the creepers could potentially blow up the floor and the mine carts beneath and destroy my whole collection system so that's kind of fun but you know not super excited about that kind of unfair in the daytime too because I could just walk around and have them all burn you have got to be kidding me do you not see what's happening right now you are surrounded by mobs hey skeletons I got some fresh meat for you see what you made me do yes yes human shield I don't know you keep standing between me and the skeletons yeah sucker why are they oh they're fighting they're hitting each other civil war okay with everything except for the creepers are you stood in the way wow this is uh yeah that's getting hairy real quick creeper almost blew up on me the llamas are still fighting this is truly the arena they're really getting into the spirit of it though I like this oh battle to the death white llama wins a new Challenger enters the stadium Victory all right let's get out of here that's that's getting pretty hairy in there but I'm pleased to say it works I mean very clearly it works anytime that we want to do any fighting uh we can come up here and we will still do that I do want to have a bit of a more of a real go at this but you know let's take care of some of the other things first before we uh before we get to that one thing is the boring stuff so I probably won't show you a lot of that but I never cleared out all of these shulker boxes so it's our favorite thing in the world we're gonna get organized and then we can move on I even have to make a new chest just for all of the mob drop stuff that isn't you know an item like a spider eye because this was getting quite full okay I think that's all I'm doing I empty out all of these this one is more of my travel chest so I'm going to leave that the rest are just sandstone and I don't have a dedicated Stan Sandstone chest it's just the glass one so for now we're gonna leave those but most of them have cleared out I think we'll do one last cleanup around the base uh before we head up and fully take on the arena and by cleanup I mean you know going through all these boys again we'll probably do some trades and make sure all the equipment is healed up making sure that Caesar is still here and he doesn't have any knives in his back that's right Brutus we're watching you but seeing as all is well there plus I know how warm you all get so I'm here to take off your sweaters because I'm just considerate like that oh this isn't good you see that all this stuff is collecting and it's not getting picked up I need to figure out what's happening surprise surprise it's raining why did you stop hopefully that's the only issue let's maybe give it a push if I can give it a push or at least collect it man I'm making a bigger mess here you go there hopefully that fixes it and then restart okay I I don't know what was going on or why that stopped but looks like that's picking it all up so hopefully easy fix and at least this is still working and that's the part I was hoping was not broken because I'd have no idea how to fix it there we go yeah so it appears to be all well I just I don't know why it stopped it's one of the great Mysteries of the world meanwhile we got Dingus McGee over here dancing in the rain of course you're gonna stop as soon as I call you to attention oh there we go no he's unashamed not ashamed but you should be don't like being called out huh all right citizens it's time oh no I don't think I can make it with only two rockets Bonk wow this is it it's time to take on the arena and test our medal first of all the move plate has to go back on and I immediately forgot I didn't have my elytra oh well very nice having the Regeneration though I don't have to eat every time here's what I'm thinking this is probably going to be easy mode during the day specifically because they're going to come out and most of them are just going to burn right up so in order to truly test ourselves we'll want to wait for uh for night time we'll get a little bit though some of them with caps and magic gear on that should do well not exactly a challenge yeah we also need to keep an eye on this I'm not seeing anything spawn out of here and I'm not sure why that is did I accidentally leave a light somewhere doesn't matter got the bloodlust okay this is the part that worries me can I take out these creepers without them blowing up okay two hits I need to be very precise and quick with the creepers because I really don't want to have them destroy anything around here and then I have to go and rebuild so just keep watching my back keep looking around if I get a pause I think we'd hit the creepers with the bow so that we can be a little bit safer and I'm just thinking out loud trying to think how I want to take all this on the part I don't like about not wearing the CH or I should say wearing the chest plate is that I can't make any quick escapes I always like knowing I can just grab a rocket and fly out of here if I need to now that won't be a possibility yeah definitely easy mode because not only can I lure them out and they just start on fire but they're not spawning incredibly fast maybe there's not enough area in there for them to spawn so note to self if we want to make improvements in the future we could always turn the entire interior of these walls into a spawn platform and of course as I say that they do pick up the spawn rate a bit oh look at this is this some sort of performance art I don't get it okay Creeper Creeper Creeper don't want to get wow they are just taking each other out those skeletons are nuts I don't like this though one creeper I can handle when it's multiple like this I'm worried that I'm gonna hit one miss another and it's gonna blow up right next to me like that oh that was too close so reserve the bows for creepers sword for everything else I wonder if there's a way to make these spawn platforms creeper proof because obviously for the creeper Farm I know we can make it everything else proof so it only spawns creepers I don't know about the other way around because part of me I'd like to just have tons of zombies and skeletons and witches come out of this but no creepers let me know in the comments if you know any way to do that I'd be interested in trying it out out had the bow out smacked him in the head with the bow and that was enough to take him out ooh there's a little skeleton army over there let's see if we can start some infighting I knew we could skeletons do not like each other who will win man this one is really popular with skeletons all you have to do is get him shooting and then run away they do the rest oh no oh no they also blow up on their own apparently no okay we need to light this up not good not good not good oh boy yeah so this isn't great this is uh yeah I'm not 100 certain how we're gonna fix this to be honest with you I don't like that the creepers can blow up from skeletons and uh and zombies okay let's grab all of this then run and of course we took all of the uh oh man I forgot the secret door was closed I was gonna say we took all of the materials back down so now I don't think there's enough to fix what the creeper blew up so we'll probably have to go gather those and come back okay so apparently this isn't gonna work tonight we'll have to repair that come back tomorrow when it's not gonna just spawn a ton more creepers in there and make it even worse than it already is so I will be back don't you worry at least I did pretty well I don't think any of the skeletons hit me the entire day so that's good okay I got what I think I'll need to do the repairs up there oh boy I almost freaked out I thought I accidentally threw my my bow into the incinerator but I accidentally just put it into the mob the mob chest so don't worry spicy pot shot is safe okay so man with the plan here we're gonna break in through the top and light it up so nothing sneaks up on us just in case I'm getting the bow out or the at the bow the sword please don't let there be creepers down here oh okay so we shouldn't get any spawns we should have time to fix this now still a leftover down there now we look good first off they screwed up my tracks and uh I didn't bring enough of those I didn't think a lot of this got taken out yeah there's one one missing okay I'm making a mental note so I know where it is we can come back and add it from down here but first off we need to fill this back in okay I think that looks right almost there we go there's that come to think of it these lanterns here is probably not the best idea we want to increase spawn I don't know why I did that oh they're not on the other ones okay I must have just put them there temporarily and completely forgot about it anyway okay I'm a mess these are attacking me and apparently I didn't bring enough cut Sandstone either I thought that I did so let's head back at the cut Sandstone the rail really quick trip back to fix my miscalculations okay got the goods heading back up into the secret entrance cause now we can put that rail down okay and there we go all right so we're solid in here and actually we can ride this back up just need to get those and then I think I need um I need stairs and walls on the sides bricks to there and I think it's just bricks down here now of course I can't reach there we go okay I think that's it we just need to remove the lanterns inside now so that's an a very important note to self for the future if there are a bunch of skeletons feel free to mess with them and make them fight each other is that an invisible spider why is there an invisible spider can you see that hey look over here let me see your eyes what is this I've never seen that before is that a glitch or is this a thing I had no idea this was a thing check this out look at that that is so weird okay apparently we spawn invisible spiders too that's a lot of fun okay very weird anyway uh what I was saying let's just if there's a ton of skeletons around a creeper let's not provoke them let's just try to take out the creeper and or even at least just get them to come out further so they don't do that next time okay so get rid of these then we just need to repair the top can I reach it all from here yes I can there we go good as new it's not like it took an entire day to fix everything or anything like that and it is night I'm feeling just brave enough to maybe well first of all shoot at some creepers from up here and then run down there and give it another shot Bingo okay be brave Legion we can do this this time I'm staying close to the center and I'll let's let them come to me unless it's a creeper then they're not gonna come to me of course these little goobers are they're too excited fire attack now that it's tonight I definitely am more freaked out because first of all they're not gonna burn second they could spawn a lot closer to me without me knowing and that includes creepers so now they can blow me up out here so I'm just gonna take out as many as I can and be ready to run oh look at all these boys are you not entertained sorry I had to say it this is definitely a lot busier zombies I can handle the skeletons are hitting me from afar got these two fighting in the corner over here this is madness Okay creeper coming oh I'm not retreating from my own Arena what are you talking about that was a tactical move this is madness look at this up here wow slowly pushing them back it's all about tactics the old set him on fire and run away routine no don't shoot that creeper I'll be honest with you this was a bit more than I anticipated I didn't think we'd have this many mobs like that is just nuts if it wasn't for the I want to like run into that and just start taking them all on but the creepers are holding me back I really don't want them to blow everything up guard in the entryway let me in I'd say I definitely conquered my fear to some extent feeling pretty brave that I was able to manage this come on bring it ooh chicken writing goober a Golden Chicken riding goober and a golden Skeletron going over the edge goodbye why are you slower when you're riding a chicken shouldn't you be faster if you have a mount all right well it's been fun chicken Napoleon but time to go bye-bye all right let's uh put on the elytra and go up above because I want to take a look at this from a higher Vantage man just look at that that is insanity I think we can officially say that the arena works and it's quite dangerous in fact I'm thinking we might want to add just a little bit more light because this kind of becomes untenable at night time and the creepers too I wish actually I wonder what if we um we could even put some traps down I could use some of those wither roses and try to lead them into some of that stuff hmm maybe we try that tomorrow for now I'm getting out of here but once again this is this is madness yeah I mean these were kind of reserved for um for spawn proofing the nether for wither skeletons but now that I have the idea I really do want to try it don't look at me like that Garfield the cat Machiavelli and green there's always going to be more I can always get more and we'll put them in spots that creepers are likely to hide a couple leftovers from last night huh that was a mess there we go yeah let's pick up all of this stuff and while I could just take all this with me I think it would be more fun if we throw it here for the uh the mine carts to pick up and come on come on come on come on where's the mine cart there we go got some of it anyway okay so I've noticed they do go back in that corner quite a bit so that's where we'll put some of these roses in fact we could they keep spawning it I just saw another one please leave me alone when I'm trying to find inventive ways to destroy you so if they go back in this oh no I can't place them on Sandstone I did not think that would be a problem um maybe let's go figure out what I can place these on then maybe we just replace a few blocks okay so Grass Works obviously can't go on wood or anything like that stone so maybe just dirt is the answer yeah okay let's see how that looks if it like really throws me off then we're not gonna do it but back in those Corners I really don't think it's going to be a problem for example we do something like this yeah that's not too suspect you could probably barely notice that a couple more on this side I wouldn't want to come step in some of these wither roses would you come on come on there we go oh come on leave me alone it's doing good work on those skeletons I think it took one out over there leave me alone oh Creeper's gonna creep I did two of them I just need to do one more so please just leave me alone a little bit longer okay so now at each each one of the exits for the mob uh spawners we've got some wither roses on each side so now hopefully if creepers continue doing what they do and coming out and going over to one of these sides they'll at least take a bit of damage before they get to me let's just watch for a minute they do tend to just stick around there maybe it's not a bad idea to put some right at the entrance like that because then they won't hover they'll at least come out oh there you go one over there is doing it oh hey buddy what happened to you falling with the wrong crowd or something stay in school Jerk come on go into them so it kind of works some of them aren't going that way they're just coming straight out but at least for the ones that do it's just an extra little trap wrap a little extra bit of action that we can lend to the arena okay no yeah no creepers over here let's start a fight oh come on none of you hit each other there we go I kind of forgot I was gonna Place extra lights around here too and I didn't bring any glowstone I probably just put them like out here a bit because they were starting to spawn pretty close to me I wanted them to more just stick to right around the edges and not anywhere close by can I help you spooky boys with something how about you just take each other out that works for me okay he's not being baited in come on come on there we go if you stand by the entrance it kind of turns into a shooting gallery just gotta take them out before they reach you doesn't seem like many of them are going into the Wither roses though that's why I'm back here I'm trying to check how many do and I was hoping for more no thank you all right let's grab this stuff and then I I want to figure out what's going on with the carts because I put some stuff right there and it's not getting picked up so something's up oh wow that scared me something's getting hit by the Wither rose up there thought it was right next to me should be one of those carts but it's not picking up the stuff for some reason all the parts appear to be here and activated um also looks like I don't know if it's been getting dropped off yeah I don't know I'm not sure what's going on there I need a trouble whoa it's gonna say I might need to troubleshoot later because there's battle to be done but I don't want to walk into a bunch of creepers oh that is it's just a mess up there okay no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you who says you can't be polite all right I think that's it for uh for tonight overall I'm very happy with how this thing turned out there are some improvements that I still think we have room for obviously we need to finish the collection system beneath and maybe it's starting to work because I had more there in the center maybe it just takes time to pick it all up there are other things I think we can do like adding more traps like we did with the Wither roses to the uh the fighting area here so yeah I'm very pleased but there's still some work I can do on this so if you have any thoughts or any ideas about how we can make this even better let me know in the comments I'd be happy to add those when we get back to this world just trying to light it up a little bit more so that it's not so crazy at night and I'm using my pause to do this because when I use the pickaxe I keep breaking through two or 3 accidentally there we go that's what we're looking for thank you for proving that these at least work in some capacity I do appreciate that I'm imagining other things we can do like those traps in the walls that you see in jungle temples where it just shoots out arrows when somebody hits a tripwire or steps on a pressure plate something like that I'm sure there's things we can do there trap doors that open and fall into uh into drip stone or something like that I don't know you get the idea just a little additions that we can have around here that make the fighting more interesting but also make it cooler to look at and just little secret things hidden around doesn't have to only be that so you know any other ideas would be helpful as well yeah I think this is working I just saw some more get picked up and now they're not stopping and I checked a few of the carts they don't seem to have anything in them so yeah it does seem to be working I don't know I don't know what was going on earlier I still think this is so cool I'm so proud of myself for making that I'm sure that's probably one of the first things that most people do when they play Minecraft is make a secret hidden entrance store but that's actually a first for me and I am proud nearly at the end of the video and I realize I'm just about out of rockets I also realized we haven't touched the uh the sugar cane Farm in I don't know could be a couple hundred days haven't really needed to but I do need some paper for some more Rockets this is as good an occasion as any it also bugs me that that isn't grass I'm pretty sure grass can grow under there so I doubt it's actually going to work in the time we have left but I'm gonna see if I can get grass to grow down into those this should keep us going for quite a while oh yeah geez that was a ton there we go 49 plus a whole row full Stacks in the chest I think we're solid I was just thinking when I start my next video it's not going to be in this world it'll be a new one I am really gonna miss all the maxed out gear all the tools the Buffs I get from the beacons it's going to be very difficult to start without all of that but I'm a legionary and I'll be able to handle it so no worries hey it did work look at that so it looks like it can and I can now get rid of these or put them back I should say but not you you're being difficult I was just looking out here and decided there's one thing we have to do with the arena before we can call it an end to this hundred days oh okay hey man I did not need that I bet you didn't need this either jerk anyway I was thinking we've got to be able to say we swam all the way up there right just made all those Rockets I don't actually need any of those I can just swim my way up and watch the base on the way up because it is looking good nearly there and there we go proof of concept proved we can get up here without Rockets also another good question what should we call this because I've been saying the Coliseum the arena could just be the legion Arena the legion V Arena if you have any interesting names let me know I can even get a couple signs to put out front if we wanted to call it something a bit more unique there we go now we can get rid of this one also found a random boat lying over there so not sure why you're not in the dock but now you are this is it citizens it's day 500 of this hardcore World in some ways it feels like I just started this world and others it definitely feels like a very long time in any event I promised we would take a look at the legionary platform for our final day and that's what we're going to do and here are the original four that we set up for the 4 000 subscribers when I was first recording this the Centurion here and I are both very happy to report that as of right now when I'm recording we've hit 6202 subscribers big welcome to all of you new citizens in the legion and because of that we get to add two new legionary armor stands very fortunately that works out well because we can keep this nice and even so if we place one on each side we're gonna have five in the center with the leader up front also very fortunately for us we got a ton of random armor when we were in the arena so for Lefty over here we'll go Enchanted leather boots they're both gonna get a golden chest piece I'm gonna caught with your pants down hey buddy speaking of I forgot pants so they're both going to be pantsless until we make a run back but until then he got the enchanted boots you are getting the enchanted cap chest plate and golden boots and you get chainmail very sorry I forgot your pants I will be right back they're both saying I had a dream like this once uh what do we want we got enchanted golden leggings let's go that route and then some leather pants whoever gets the leather pants is because they like to go out clubbing who says a legionary can't have fun all right I'm back with your emergency pants and you've already got the leather boots I don't want this one to be all gold so we'll give you the leather pants and you the golden leggings and bingo looking good I'm very excited that we got to 6 000 by the time this video ended because I knew we we hit 5 000 a little bit ago and I knew we'd be able to do that but I was worried that we wouldn't have six we wouldn't be able to do even here and we were getting close anyway so I was just again I'm glad we hit it I did bring other random stuff over here because I thought we could judge the place up just a little bit so why don't we nothing in particular just kind of a surrounding for the Centurion or whatever we want to call the guy up front then maybe we alternate between them a little bit more color then off to the sides because this is the legionary platform imagine it's a camp or something they're probably going to need some fires to cook their lamb shanks or whatever it is legionaries eat get one over here just kind of place them around at random intervals and one up by you and then of course they need a place to hold all of their gear so we'll say they've got some random stuff lying around here and there we go you're all ready for battle I mean you would be if you could hold weapons but I did try that I think if I try to give them Razzle Dazzle doesn't work Works in Bedrock but for whatever reason Java doesn't want you you do that as you can see though the Shadows are lengthening and we're nearly done with this 500 Days typically at the end I'll sit on top of the uh the Villager house so we can watch the the sunset but take a look at this if I get up here now it's a bit awkward because not only does the B Dome pretty much block everything and you can't see the the Farms the iron farm the barn any of that stuff but you can't see the Coliseum at all from this vantage point so that has been the tradition we liked to stand here but that was when the base was much smaller and we didn't have as much going on so I think as the sun begins to set we're gonna have to find a new spot to stand because I do want to be able to include pretty much everything that we built in that one Viewpoint and first glance that might be too far away maybe one of the trees over here would do so let's check that out yeah I think that should do and that's actually really cool look up there it's starting to fade away from the render distance and it makes it look more ethereal so that's really cool tradition dictates that we all watch the sunset over the base on the final day and today is no exception I hope you all enjoyed watching 500 Days in my hardcore world and if you've been here since the first 100 days video and you've been watching the whole way through leave me a comment let me know you are truly a legend and I appreciate you thanks for watching and we'll see you next time things [Music] [Music]
Channel: LegionVee
Views: 204,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, minecraft longplay, minecraft, 100 days in Minecraft, relaxing Minecraft, hardcore Minecraft
Id: Lj1xDC3tjlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 13sec (11773 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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