I Survived 10,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

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I just completed 10 000 days in Hardcore Minecraft but before I show you any more of that we need to go all the way back to the beginning in 2019 when I created my world this was during the covid-19 lockdown when everyone had to stay home and I figured I would start a brand new hardcore world as a way to pass the time as the months passed the world became something special to me more than just a war it became my own personal project that I valued greatly over the years that I've played this world I started my YouTube channel made content and had a ton of fun with my hobby so over the next few hours you're not only going to experience the tale of my world but also see how I've changed as a person and progressed along the way so sit back and relax while I show you the story of how I survived 10 000 days in Hardcore Minecraft here we are everyone oh man I'm so excited to start this world hold on pause pause I said pause geez editing one but go back so something you should know about this world is that I didn't actually record anything until day 5000. the reason for that is that when I started the world it was just for myself I had no plans on making a YouTube channel however as I built more things my friend suggested that I post post my Builds on social media as more and more people began to see what I had created I realized that this world was something bigger than just my own personal project the world has become something that has brought literally millions of people from all around the globe together through the form of videos I've decided that in this video I will recap the first 5 000 days of my world then put all of my content into one Mega video so that you can have the Ultimate Experience learning about everything I've done in over 3 000 hours of gameplay so back when I created my world it was 2019 and I began it in the 1.14 update this was my first ever hardcore World season one or as I like to call it aikenwood I picked that name because I'm a big fan of The Lord of the Rings and I feel that it has the same sort of vibe as some of the names from the books as I spawned in I made it my primary goal to get geared up as quickly as possible I got myself some tools iron armor and a shield I always say a shield is the most important thing at the beginning of a hardcore world because you can block attacks from mobs after that I made a massive wheat farm so I could have a reliable source of food I then created the starter house and I wanted to go all out with it I decided to make it look pretty fancy on the exterior and interior I knew I would probably be staying here for the foreseeable future so I wanted to have a nice place from there I created a mine on the side of the mountain and I built a staircase to travel quickly from top to bottom I even found a spider spawner early on which I then turned into a mini farm and from there I spent hours mining for diamonds and XP at which point I created an enchantment table and Enchanted my tools and maxed my armor after getting armor I decided I would build a better sugarcane farm than the one I had around my base so I gathered materials and then quickly built a flying machine based design next to the sugarcane farm I also built a quick creeper Farm by following a tutorial I had plans to get elytra soon and I wanted to have all the Farms necessary to make unlimited fireworks next to the two Farms I created a simple chunk based slime farm and a double skeleton spawner XP farm from there I went to the Nether and used an ender pearl to get on top of the nether ceiling to create the first of my gold farms at this point I had played about 250 days on my world and now had all the required Farms to begin construction of the first of my many mega bases over the span of about 500 days I created a massive white concrete wall a glass Dome on top and then filled it in completely with a mixture of snow and cobwebs from there I created a villager trading Hall with every enchantment book selling for only one Emerald also a super smelter more farms and a ton of little houses the idea for this base was to make it almost like a snow globe with the medieval village inside of it after the Dome base was completed I went back to the spawn of the world where I made a cool Library there is a tutorial for this build online and it just seemed perfect for that plot of land while building the library I was also attacked by some pillagers and I decided I would try to fight my first ever raid where I got my first ever totem of undying now that I had a totem I decided to travel deep into The Nether to find a fortress alright here we go [Music] after obtaining three Wither Skeleton skulls I fought the Wither and made a beacon this was a big milestone for me because it was here that I realized I had the necessary skills to finally take on the Ender Dragon after almost 1 000 days of playing I made some Eyes of Ender found the stronghold and then entered the end where I very nearly died and almost lost all of my progress however that first totem came in clutch and saved the day after nearly dying I took the rest of the fight very carefully and ended up beating the Ender Dragon from there I went and busting and then got my first ever elytra I played one thousand days built many farms a mega base some buildings that spawned beat the Wither the Ender Dragon and got perfect armor and tools by all standards I was doing well and now that I had gotten past the early stage of the game it was time to begin work on my more ambitious plans for the world just before we continue I want to tell you about my plans for 2023. I want to make it the craziest year we've ever had on YouTube and to do that I'll make a deal with you at the end of the year I'm gonna blow up one TNT for every subscriber this channel has if you want to see millions of TNT explode and you want to try to crash my PC go ahead and reserve your TNT by clicking the button below alright let's get right back to it I started by building almost every Farm imaginable a gravity block farm for concrete a little iron farm Guardian Farm a Wither Rose farm a tunnel bore a trident Farm an automatic wither killing machine another Fortress Farm a raid Farm a gas Farm a Magma Cube farm hogland farm a new gold Farm a new iron farm a blaze farm a wood Farm a new gunpowder Farm an Enderman farm and absolutely enormous slime farm an ice farm and finally an XP gold Farm now you might think all of this is a little Overkill and you'd be right but when I started this world I had the goal to make best world I had ever played on and to make the builds I had planned I needed to have the Farms to collect all the blocks with my new Farms I first went South a few hundred blocks where I created a medieval Japanese themed Village I made sure to put walls beacons floating lights and lots of houses in the area and once I had decorated the Interiors of all of them I was very happy with what I created [Music] from there I went back to the spawn area where a massive tree was added I built many houses with full Interiors as well as some totem poles surrounding the area the idea is that the poles give energy to the city and keep it running at this point I had long since passed 2 500 Days and keep in mind that I'm speeding past most of the things I did there were loads of times that I very nearly died I also placed many Easter eggs around the world for future me to find there were lots of little things I had done like breeding a massive wolf Army made an elytra flying course made a full netherite Beacon collected enchanted golden apples and upgraded the farm area into the industrial district I was a busy busy man to say the least and the next 700 days I made my first ever storage system that I called the Alexa storage system the idea behind the name is that because the Amazon Alexa Echo dot can do pretty much anything and the storage system can sort pretty much anything I figured why not call it the Alexa storage system okay for real now that I look back at that I got no clue what I was thinking from there I thought it would be cool to make a humongous map of my entire world I mined out a massive underground room and then decorated that room by putting a table in the middle lava surrounding that and then a mine shaft surrounding that after which I spent a couple hundred days testing my mental capacity by building a map over 800 Maps large this build was one of my favorites though because it allowed me to see everything I had previously done from a single place my world was just over 3 600 days old this was the point where I showed some of my friends what I had built so far and they were completely amazed now this was surprising to me because I never really thought my world was anything special but when they told me what I had done was amazing I decided I would do two things first of which was to start recording whatever I thought was important in the hopes that someday I might create a video secondly I stopped sleeping in my world and the idea behind never sleeping again is that when you sleep you skip the night and the day count goes up quicker I know not sleeping you play longer for each day meaning if I ever hit a massive Milestone like 10 000 days I would have actually played something like 20 000 days and would have an even more insane World by day 3600 I felt like I had completed quite a bit my spawn area was full of builds I was proud of however the nether was quite the opposite so I decided to create a nether Hub a place that I could be proud of I was inspired by what Cub fan had created on the hermitcraft server so I first decided I would make a massive concrete cylinder I then decorated it with a 13 000 block pixel art that I had to create by hand keep in mind I didn't have lightmatica at this point so this required me going through in placing each block by looking at a separate picture once the nether Hub was finished it looked super sweet around a 4400 I decided I would take a quick break from the build and start trying to complete the rest of the achievements I had never gotten like 2x2 all mobs killed and how did we get here once I had gotten all the achievements I realized something about my world I valued it greatly I realized that because this was hardcore mode I could at any point lose it to the smallest of things like a creeper attack I heard about a device that I could create that would make my world essentially peaceful mode it would turn off all mob spawning and ensure that I would have much better odds at surviving this device was called a mob switch I very quickly built it and once it was complete I was amazed to see that even at night time no mobs would spawn once the mob switch was in I created a massive wave machine using 1500 Minecarts and honestly dude this thing is so satisfying from there I used a machine designed by my friend Nam to make a 100 000 block long Cobblestone pad I put a railway on it and then had what I believe to be the longest railway anyone has ever made in a single player hardcore world I also spent about 200 days creating a huge transformation of the jungle temple on top of which I put my nether I Beacon and inside of which I put in upgraded villager trading haul the last thing I did before 5 000 days was create a huge Monument for the rest of my beacons finally with day 5000 nearing I decided to clean up around my world clearing all the chest monsters adding touch-ups to my houses and really just making the world Feel Complete once the day came around I sat down and celebrated hitting 5 000 days in hardcore the only way I knew how at this point I had played on my world for about 1200 hours and had a ton that I was proud of I decided to spend about a month editing a recap video to upload to my channel this was the first ever video I had ever made and I was amazed when it completely blew up new people were finding the channel and the subscriber count skyrocketed my friends and I were blown away as nerve-wracking as it was now having an audience to watch my content I had probably the best couple months of my life working on the ocean Monument base with viewers streaming it almost every day and learning more about YouTube along the way it was nearly 300 hours later on day 6 000 that I finished the ocean base at which point I decided that in addition to streaming I would start posting videos of my projects which Catches Us up to when I first created my Castle Island video so without further Ado let's get into that one I previously transformed this entire Island into the shape of a massive skull now I'm going to be building a humongous Castle on top and call it Hogwarts this is by far the largest project I've ever done it took me over 100 hours so please stick around to the end of the video and I promise you won't regret it alright let's start with the first build it's gonna be really complex so I think we should begin with the framework I'm gonna get all of my gross mushroom blogs because they're really easy to use and remove when we're finished I'm sorry little Mooshroom your home is about to become a concrete jungle we're going to start by making a basic layout of the lowest layer and then dividing the parts within the Zone into sections so this is what I got now it looks kind of weird at the moment but I promise when we build a bit more it's gonna be really something things spectacular next I need to work with the height of the castle we're going to start with the base portion and then add some pillars and boom I would just like to add a few extra Towers dotted around because come on it's a castle they have a lot of towers now I need to get the walls in and I think I'm going to be using a mixture of blocks mostly stone stone bricks and then crack stone bricks this is definitely not gonna be enough I have this insane Farm I built a couple of hundred days ago that produces 120 000 Cobblestone per hour that's so much that I might explode just thinking about it okay if we flick this yes there we go it's producing Cobblestone let's just sit and wait for a few minutes to get enough here we are as you can see there's quite a bit of cobblestone but now I need to cook it and turn all of it into normal Stone as you can imagine that's not going to be easy to cook a hundred thousand Stone but fortunately I have a super smelter inside of the ocean Monument base boom I got a load of stone let's turn these bricks into stone brakes and then cook those here we are we got a ton of stone and Bricks I just started working on the first couple blocks and as you can see these blocks are pretty randomized that's because I'm placing the blocks while spinning my mouse really fast these Phantoms won't leave me alone and before you guys tell me to sleep in the comments I refuse to sleep because I want my Phantom statistics to be extremely high I've spent the past six hours building just the walls up and I've already gone through thirty thousand blocks what have I gotten myself into we just need to do the higher part of the castle and add some walls blocks here and done sweet the first step with the castle is done it's pretty basic so now we're gonna work on the detailing after traveling to my villagers and robbing them for cheap trades I Enchanted myself with a couple of pickaxes and went to the nether yes there's the Fortress I need I just love that beacons can go through bedrock okay here we go yeah so I decided to use Nether brakes for the castle there isn't a great way farming them so we got a bunch of breaks now we need some andesite ladies and gentlemen diorite officially has a purpose I just found out that you can craft two Cobblestone and two diorite to craft four and sight now I wish I hadn't thrown all my diorite out before goodbye filthy die right well now after several hours of collecting these blocks I kind of wasted even more time to figure out some designs for the root of the castle here we are we're now 15 hours into this project and got a fancy roof there's just one more thing I need and those are dragon eggs you heard me right I want hundreds of dragon eggs just trust me on this one they'll look really cool but the bigger problem is how we're going to even get them so after doing some research I saw that I needed a stronghold there we go let's power this thing okay now we need to apparently break these guys so this is day one hour zero of mining this block bruh I'm just kidding we need some mushrooms please don't ruin anything yes only three more times okay now let's build the farm itself I just finished I only have one dragon egg so if this fails then it's lost forever [Music] we got a bunch of these eggs I placed some of the eggs on the highest points of the roof that I had made only to realize that the edges were kind of plain let's try adding some nether brick fences and iron bars the big reveal wow that looks so sick just imagine when we copy this design over the entire Castle although if I'm gonna be using these bricks I think I need a better way to farm them let's create a quarry right here looks fine I have a couple of shulker boxes and this pickaxe is gonna be destroyed but I just need a butt load of Netherrack all that's left to do is to cook all of these blocks not all these blocks are done but let's go ahead and use what we got it turns out that I needed around 8 000 Nether Bricks that's kind of a lot to place well there's a problem my super smelter doesn't seem to be working oh I ran out of fuel I think that means I'm gonna have to run to my Wither Skeleton farm and gather some fuel [Music] [Music] okay now if we load this into the smelter everything should be good I got back to work on the roofs and foreign so this is taking a while longer than I expected I'm getting kind of bored so I think I'm going to change things up and we're going to start working on the towers as well I'm using Spruce logs for the pillars of the roofs and all in all it's looking pretty good now I want to pause here and do one thing but first let's grab some Hoppers and some anvils and in three two one we got ourselves a cool little uh big gate perfect now let's get the lower parts of the roofs done and we should start coming up with a plan for the upper sections yeah this whole area is kind of plain I think we should copy the tower designs like so and maybe add a sort of ring like roof around these two towers how's that I'm also going to quickly add some railings around the whole castle to make sure we don't well slip foreign clear for now because in the future I plan on building a massive Dragon attacking the castle so guys we have a little dilemma the front looks maybe if we add some Cobblestone and then some iron bars yes also how about a platform above the entrance speak the entrance let's get some big doors in okay now around this area I think we should use some Spruce logs and stone to create an elevated walkway guys I ran out of logs no no I forgot my tree farm exploded how about instead we create a mega tree like this [Music] and then I can get some TNT right here and yeah this isn't the best obviously but it's not bad there we got quite a few Stacks now it's time to get back working on those platforms again yeah so I may have gotten a little carried away and I made this area look really cool along the way somehow a phantom got stuck in this boat so I guess he's gonna stay there forever next I plan to divide this whole area into two sections by building a big wall foreign scaffolding dude this is looking so sick but not so much this area let's begin by changing the floor to something a little better I want to keep it pretty gray to match the castle what if we use Stone andesite Cobble and dead coral okay so to get Coral I need to find a reef a beacon [Music] okay now I should be able to mine this stuff pretty quickly we just boat around nice we definitely got enough now okay I also think maybe we should add some Pathways in this area to make it look better these Pathways definitely don't work yes okay great this area is looking pretty fancy I think now we should fill it out I'm gonna start with a fountain oh that looks so good now these three buildings I hope make this empty area feel better I think we should build a Barracks over here for the army of this Empire maybe over here we can put a stables for the horses that the king might own and yeah over here how about a house for the guests who come to the kingdom the barracks we're definitely gonna keep it simple and match it to the rest of the castle but I think we should use a different block for the roof how about red nether brick what do we need for red Nether Bricks ah why are these so expensive okay so I got pooper scooper Jr here and on it there's Fortune three now I think if I mine this netherwort field I made here yes I got quite a bit of warts that is not a sentence I want used out of context okay next we'll use our Nether Bricks to create red bricks all right I feel like it's time to start placing the roof okay there's definitely nothing quick about this nice this place looks awesome just one more thing I want to try to make a sword on the front uh that kind of looks like a sword yeah that's should work fine now I'd like to make a stable for the horses that I definitely have all right for the inside Area I want to put a place to keep the horses and then maybe over here we can do something where they have like rodeos okay then finally I'm gonna build a house over here this looks somewhat okay let me just get some details wow this area is really coming along we just have two more things that I want to do to finish this Castle I want to First make this area full of life I had this cool thought of making it almost like a market how about we start by building a couple of Market stands out here I realized I need some wool fortunately we got this crazy wool Farm now let's build these things foreign I think those definitely work next I'm going to build a couple of carts and wagons full of barrels and food this whole area looks pretty great except for over there so a little backstory you know how villagers are kind of horrible and you know how old kingdoms had a place to well like eliminate horrible people well how's this if you're wondering what his crime was he uh well uh didn't say good morning that now concludes the entire front part of the castle and I gotta admit this is probably my best build ever but there's a problem I said the front part this back looks kind of poop and I'm not gonna pull a green on you guys so give me just a minute to fix this and with this block we are officially finished with the entire castle [Music] [Music] with all of my hard work put into the castle I felt like I deserved a break from the island so I put the project on hold and began work on a much more massive project I'm going to build a beacon larger than anyone has ever done this is by far the biggest and most insane project I've ever done taking hours of planning scouting and dedication make sure to stick around for the whole video it took me over 100 hours to make and I promise you'll enjoy it this project is going to require a lot of planning so let's begin with the first step planning the beacon the current world record is held by shulker Craft they built a beacon in their Survival series that has a base of 384 by 384 blocks consisting of exactly 148 225 blocks of emeralds that is not going to be an easy record to beat well guys here we are I have literally no clue how to begin this project I suppose we should do some research I spent a few minutes looking up how to get large amounts of emeralds when I landed on a stacking raid Farm by cow king apparently it can make about 60 000 emeralds in 1.18 Minecraft guys this Farm looks really good the only issue is to build it I need a huge list of items so the first item on the list is glass the nice thing is that I have a villager trading Hall with lots of villagers that sell glass for really cheap next up I need some Hoppers approximately 344 of them each Hopper uses five pieces of iron so that means I need 1 720 iron ingens iron will be really easy to get because I have an iron farm made by nembong that produces 9000 iron per hour [Music] with just a few minutes of work everyone we now have all the Hoppers the rest of the Farm's materials are going to be pretty easy to collect here is everything needed to build the farm the next step is well to build the farm I did some research and arrived at a problem look at the amount of redstone in this machine there is just no way I can build this without a tutorial and make matters worse there literally isn't a single tutorial on the internet for this Farm that didn't set me back however I quickly found that by using a mod called lightmatica I could easily build the farm light madika works almost like a Lego set if you've ever built a Lego set you'll know that you build it layer by layer with the instructions telling you exactly where to place the Legos and that's pretty much how lightmatica works you build it layer by layer following the instructions this is literally the exact thing I needed here we are guys I just lined up the Hologram of the farm to the correct location and all I need to do from here is to build it by using light matica the farm took about five hours to create however I did run into some issues okay apparently there are some blocks that are placed incorrectly somewhere in the storage system I need to find a way to fix them now if I break this block hopefully nothing goes wrong all right good now what about this one no no what did I do after clearly having a lot of fun building the farm I had placed all of the blocks and had to do one more thing to get it working I needed to collect four villagers and to put them into pods as well as to find evokers name tag them and then put them into their correct locations well I'm not too worried about the villagers as long as we can get them into boats and then move them to the ocean the rest should be pretty easy I have four villagers here all we need to do is to get them into the correct locations I'm going to build a water tower that will lift the villagers upwards here goes the first one please don't die oh gosh get in all right great only three more to go here you go two more one more Oh shoot what did I do no no no no no my villager died after getting another villager and making sure everything was correct I only needed to get the evokers so guys my plan is to fly to this Pillager Outpost and get a level 5 bat Omen effect here we are now that I have the effect I need to find the village to start a raid I'm pretty sure the same Villages before will work yes we got the first wave spawning in perfect do you guys see that over there that's an evoker we need to get him into a boat Ayo buddy get in get in I have candy hey yo what the all right good make sure that we have our chest plate on and let's move to the water my goodness these bexes hurt after I'd gotten the evoker to an island I created a huge Railway okay now let's just move this guy onto the rail and we should be all good just to make one thing clear I was not good I found out the hard way that when there are a lot of vexes things can go downhill very quickly [Music] oh my gosh my heart is racing that could have been the end of our world after learning my lesson I decided to be very cautious yes that's the first one let me go ahead and get the next three in after just a few hours of moving tovokers and fighting raids I was almost ready to test the farm we just need some shulker boxes to put into this system if I'm not deceived yes we have a ton of shulker shells this will definitely make enough boxes it didn't and now I think for real it's time to test our farm I have less than 100 levels and it's 8 P.M on Friday night I'm gonna watch this Farm run and if it goes well then I'm gonna let it go overnight let's just hope that nothing goes wrong [Music] fortunately everything went well or so I thought well it appears that from just that one night I made over 400 000 emeralds the issue is is that I'm almost out of shulker boxes I'm going to stock this machine with so many shulker boxes that there is no way I can run out I ran out it's now the next day and what do you know I have about 700 shulkers of emeralds I also ran out of boxes again let me just make sure that we will definitely have enough yes we did this time perfect everyone after another day of waiting I now have all the emeralds I'll need I collected just over 1300 shulker boxes full of emeralds it took just over 40 hours of afkane to collect but once we finish this Beacon it will be 100 worth it I have been dreading this part I gotta craft over 2.2 million emeralds into blocks what better way than to start than to start this time lapse you're watching took me over four and a half hours that's how long it took me to craft all of these blocks I figured out a fast method of crafting where I would throw a bunch of emeralds onto the ground and then craft them all up at once once I was finished I was left with nearly three double chests full of shulker boxes full of blocks of emeralds or just over a quarter million blocks now that I had just over 250 000 emeralds it was time for the hardest part to actually build it but this wasn't as simple as just starting this Beacon is gonna be a big boy and it's gonna need the perfect location guys I did some planning I think it would be cool to make the beacon 501 by 501 blocks wide on the lowest layer I think the ocean will be the perfect place to build this because of how open it is this area actually looks perfect it's completely open which means I shouldn't have to remove any land well here comes the fun part we just gotta begin as I had previously mentioned the base of the beacon was 501 by 501 this means that just for the lowest layer I have to use 2002 blocks of emeralds it's official the first layer is done now before I move on I want to run back to my iron farm and get tons of iron blocks I'll tell you why in just a moment now I need about 32 nether Stars I may or may not have fought 11 Withers at once three times in a row okay now I need to turn all these into beacons just like that back to the build the reason I need all these beacons is that by placing them around the edge I can power them with the speed effect this means that when I'm walking backwards placing the blocks I will be moving much quicker I think the only thing to do from here is to Begin work on the first side [Music] here we are after about four hours of placing blocks that is actually unbelievable can you believe that that is only 10 of the entire build it's day two everyone I plan to finish this whole side by the end of the day building the beacon was pretty repetitive but the worst part about it was that I was constantly being attacked by Phantoms oh my gosh it's another round of phantoms however after another three hours of work I was on the last couple of rows oh my goodness everyone I'm nearly done I feel like my finger is gonna die yes I can go to bed now day three I began very eagerly the first couple of rows were the exact same and after much work and time I was finally at the point of 100 000 blocks placed remember the previous record by shulker Craft is 148 225 block we're not even halfway finished and we're about to beat that foreign I'll admit I'm beginning to get a bit tired of this build and I was thinking about something look at this the beacon starts at sea level or y equals 63. if we fly to the top you can see that it ends at y equals 313. the new build limit in 1.18 is 320. so what if I just add a couple extra layers so that it ends at Max build height this way if I ever decide to make the beacon larger the only possible way to do it is to make it go into the ground I added a couple more layers onto each side and by the end of day four I had the first two sides finished spanning 515 by 515 blocks in each Direction what I didn't realize is that by expanding the beacon I created a huge problem for later on it's day five of building the beacon guys I think I'm gonna just listen to my audiobook and grind out a bunch of layers I ended up placing a total of 200 000 blocks by the end of the third side but now the issue from before was really arising guys look at my day count we're getting kind of close to 6 500 days and I plan on making a video to celebrate it the issue is I need to put this beacon in the video and if I don't finish I can't to make matters worse because I expanded the beacon base before I no longer will have enough Emerald blocks to finish this means I need to spend a couple of hours at the raid Farm to get the required materials okay it's been a few hours I definitely have enough emeralds to finish but I won't bother crafting them until I had run out of the ones I already have so let's get back to the building the fourth side of the beacon took the longest but it was also the most satisfying I couldn't help but look at the work periodically the insane thing was now that I was on day 6499 and I had run out of emeralds if I wanted to finish the beacon in time it would be a close call I am really stressing now out I just need to craft these blocks but it's taking a long time because I'm literally shaking this needs to get done in the next 20 minutes okay calm down and just place the blocks there it is the sun is rising we have just until the end of the day to finish and guys this is it the final Row the sun has still a few minutes the last block it's done yeah well after 100 hours of work I had set the new world record for the largest Beacon with exactly 265 299 blocks of emeralds in it I did it all in hardcore which made things even more insane but all in all I'm proud that with lots of hard work and determination the largest ever Beacon was set foreign [Music] well the beacon is done however I sort of want to go for another world record so how about we collect some diamonds today I'm going to tell you the entire story of how I spent over two years of my life attempting to set a world record Watch How I created a 40 million block perimeter collected over 15 000 diamonds and found myself several enchanted golden apples all while doing it in Hardcore Minecraft just before we get into the video I want to tell you about a goal of mine I really want to be sponsored by raid Shadow Legends just for the memes I don't even care about the money I just need this sponsorship however I got a comment saying that they won't allow me a sponsorship until I reach 500 000 subscribers please help me complete this really weird goal of mine by clicking the Subscribe button and let's make this sponsorship happen so I tried finding who had the current world record for the most diamonds in a single world the most I could find were a few people who had each built a couple Diamond beacons with over 1400 diamonds with a little more research I found a server called scicraft that had over 100 000 diamonds however scicraft is a survival world with many players contributing to that record so I plan on doing this by myself in a single player world while also in hardcore so I suppose let's just collect as many diamonds as we can and hopefully we can beat the record I did some calculations in the old 1.16 Minecraft update diamonds could spawn anywhere from y equals zero to y equals 16. and in the new 1.18 update they Spawn from y15 to Y negative 63. this means that if I find somewhere older in my world to mine all of my diamonds I will get extra diamonds because the two updates of diamonds overlap I also heard somewhere that diamond spawn more often in a desert by I don't think that's quite true however let's just do our mining in the desert just in case now everyone here is the desert I found I don't really know how to do it but I'd like to clear this land in maybe a 400 by 400 block Square to bedrock let me just do some math on that real quick oh my goodness that would be over 20 million blocks to understand the true scale of how much that is let's say I mined one block a second without sleeping until I finished that would take just over 33 weeks of real life time to complete that shouldn't be too bad because I already spend that much time watching Peppa Pig okay well in all seriousness if I decide to mine this area I would probably have to drop out of school to do it to make matters worse I need to finish this project in three weeks I have a vacation coming up and if it's not done by then the video has to be scrapped well if mining this area isn't an option what else can we try perhaps Withers no no no no no these guys are way too dangerous okay TNT is gonna be the next best thing rather than literally placing millions of blocks of TNT we can use TNT machines that literally drop an infinite amount of TNT I quickly found this machine here it's a design by rayworks that moves back and forth dropping TNT each way by using this machine we can drop over 10 000 TNT on the land per hour now there is another problem with this I used this machine once before to clear out my slime farm and the big problem I was running into was the lava in the water the slime farm took me roughly 40 hours to create and this area here is over five times as large which means that even using TNT would take 200 hours now let's be honest this is much better on time but I still don't want to spend 800 in-game days clearing a hole what if there's a machine that could clear all of the water in lava automatically and now you're all caught up to the present where I currently am I just found this crazy machine called A World eater this absolute gargantuan piece of Machinery can blow up an area 33 by 33 chunks wide which is just over 35 million blocks in total the best part about this machine is that it can also clear liquids away as well oh and did I mention that it can get all of this done in about 60 hours seriously that is an insane increase in time from the original 33 weeks of mining down to just 60 hours but oh what I didn't realize is that this machine has one fatal flaw making it so so much harder to build than I expected now how do we build this machine well look at that insane amount of slime blocks I am so happy that we have this epic slime farm honestly we dodged a bullet there this one is going to be a little harder we basically need an entire shulker box of Pistons as well as observers okay Pistons need Redstone wood iron finely Cobble a lot of Cobble okay now we just need The Observers these require some quartz Redstone and more cop perfect looking at the rest of these items I don't think we should have too much trouble Gathering them up here we are we got all the materials now and we simply have to build the machine let's be honest building this machine without a tutorial would take weeks from what I could find there isn't a great tutorial for this machine so I think we need to turn to plan B light matica lightmatica is basically a mod that tells you exactly how to place the blocks in the machine layer by layer I call it the Lego set mod because of how similar it is to building a Lego set by following the steps I spent the next few hours setting up the machine and this was actually really satisfying because what should have taken days was condensed into just a matter of hours here we are everyone I just finished and now it's time to begin running it wait pause remember how I mentioned that this machine has a huge problem with it well I need to clear trenches around the machine all the way to bedrock we're going to call this big machine Dwayne Johnson okay for Dwayne Johnson to work there can't be blocks underneath the actual Redstone and to make these trenches for Dwayne Johnson we need to build a smaller flying machine that we can call I don't know Tom Cruise okay seriously out of anyone I could have picked why did I go with them so I guess we need to get all the materials for this smaller machine actually this was not that hard to collect because most of the items were repeats from the earlier machine this is the first machine let's go if I just break this block it all begins I'm going to just let this machine run and see how far it goes okay so the machine had a bit of trouble I just need to clear all the floating blocks away I also want to try to collect all the oars I can yo we're at Diamond level I'm gonna collect all the diamonds I find and I'll let you know what I get Golden Apple haha that is well anyways I'll keep going and let you know what happens as the hours passed the machine got lower and lower I also started to get a rather large Diamond collection after the first trench was done we literally have this many diamonds the second trench was the same as the first as I ran into lava pools I also used a trick discovered by sb737 to clear them away by placing scaffolding on the ground it's really easy to clear large amounts of lava away well now that's the second trench done so I guess we can begin on the third side okay these final two sides need to be much larger hopefully this machine will work fine as the hours passed my collection of oars grew however I ran into a massive issue holy piglet in a car on a semi truck that is a lot of obsidian oh I have to remove all of it I also need to get rid of all this water bro why is there all of this lava no joke I spent about 12 hours clearing this one area of land there were about 5 000 water sources one thousand obsidian pieces and 25 000 lava sources but once I had finished it was time to continue literally that third side took me about 40 hours it was one of the most horrible list things I had ever done but now it was time for the fourth side as I started the fourth side I was legitimately worried that it would be the same as the third however I simply put in the hours to get it done seriously I watched the movie Interstellar like 10 times while doing this project by day seven the four trenches were done I felt so darn good with myself and in all the time I managed to collect over 500 Diamond doors imagine what we are gonna get when we mine all of those with Fortune 3. I had wasted my life in a block game for over 50 hours now it was time to run the machine this was the climax of my journey to this point this machine needs to work if it doesn't I'll probably just give up here we go in three two one oh oh my gosh wait why is it going up again why are we lagging so much yes it's working all of my time had paid off now the time to mine all of the diamonds was arriving imagine if we found over 500 diamonds in just the trenches what would we find in an area this large as the machine worked and lowered down layers and layers all they had to do was make sure to pause it whenever it ran into obsidian another God Apple number 35. the machine continued and then the diamonds began to appear I also decided to download a texture pack that would change the diamond textures into a solid blue to make the diamonds a little easier to find oh my goodness look at all the diamonds on this one layer I just mined all of them from this one layer and got over four Stacks as I worked I stacked all my diamonds into a tower with cubes made of 1 000 oars each it was at the point that I had hit 3 000 ores when I found yet another enchanted golden apple ha ha 36 the days and hours ticked by when I finally finished clearing the land we just need to manually clear all this lava and then let the machine run a few more times and then tear it all down and after a few more hours I had finished to this point we had spent 90 hours on the project and in all of that time had collected exactly 5 694 Diamond doors it was officially time to mine them all with a fortune 3 pickaxe to see what we would get wait just a second in the past I mined a lot of diamonds in fact just over 3 000 of them we're gonna add these to the collection all right and without further Ado let's do this I decided to mine all these diamonds while streaming [Music] you won't believe this but with an efficiency 5 netherite pickaxe and a haste 2 Beacon mining all 5 694 Diamond doors took me about an hour and a half now the moment had arrived over two years ago I started my hardcore world and in all of that time managed to collect exactly fifteen thousand six hundred and eight diamonds now it was just time to turn all of the diamonds into blocks thank you and now it's time to build the beacon setting the record wait what I don't have enough how well anyways as you watch me collect an additional 324 diamonds let me tell you about the sponsor of the video this video is sponsored by me me gives you plenty of weekly content from all over the Internet me has an Instagram and even a Discord me also doesn't have a real sponsorship so I have to do weird things like this should now be enough diamonds and with this block the new world record has been set [Music] well now that I have two World Records in this world I have big plans for a future project and the funny thing is it requires me to go for another world record this is Aitkin wood my 7 000 day hardcore World in all of that time I've done some pretty insane things and recently I decided that I would travel to the world border over 30 million blocks away that is going to require a bunch of items most importantly paper gunpowder elytres and iron So today we're going to try to get the first of those items the paper I'm going to attempt to set a world record for the largest ever sugarcane farm that can produce over 54 000 sugarcane per hour [Applause] [Music] well first off we need a design for the farm there are several types of sugarcane Farms some use flying machines While others use pistons flying machine Farms might seem like the better option because they can be expanded infinitely but when you unload the chunks they can break and then you need to fix them plus the storage would require hundreds of Hopper Minecarts and that would just be a nightmare because of those reasons I decided to build a piston-based farm because these will never break and they work very well after searching the internet for a little while I found a really compact design by Tango Tech it's cheap to build looks really cool and most importantly it's expandable here is one module and here is 1 000 modules this Farm here has 16 000 pieces of sugar cane growing and makes about 54 000 sugarcane per hour now all we need to do is collect the items and build it except there are over 127 000 blocks to collect let's begin with the storage [Music] the eye storage six tileable shulker box loading modules the latest technology provides the solution to the problems you didn't have with the nearly infinite capacity and lava based overflow protection the eye storage is the perfectly efficient device reserved only for the elite this storage is not for the faint of heart today was today by calling 718 two side effects of calling this number may include sweating increased blood pressure mood changes anxiety feeling nervous or irritable trouble sleeping headache dizziness after collecting the items for the basic storage we came to our first real problem the 23 000 concrete I needed all right and here we are oh oh wait a minute we have a little I checked around my world and was able to find a few shulker boxes full of concrete looks like we gotta go to the end to get some concrete powder if you didn't know I have a concrete duper in the end that makes collecting the powder really easy and after getting all 23 000 powder I took a trip to my concrete converter now that the largest item was taked off of our list it was time for the next two items at first 17 850 Redstone might seem impossible to collect but when you remember that I have a raid farm that produces thousands of redstone an hour collecting that much shouldn't be an issue while we're here let's talk about raid no no no not this one but raid Shadow Legends I am currently not sponsored by them but you see for my whole life I have really wanted to get a sponsorship just for the memes the issue is they said that I can't get the sponsorship until we reach 500 000 subscribers so it would mean so much if you went down below and clicked the subscribe to help us out now that we got the Redstone let's work on the grass Phantoms and we're gonna see how much we get in total mining all of the grass took about one and a half hours cool now time for the next item the glass I need two separate types of glass 9900 glass panes and five thousand four hundred and forty three glass blocks how much does that mean in total yes I quickly went around and collected all of the glass I already had [Music] after realizing I didn't have enough I gathered some sand and took a trip to my ocean base where I have an insane super smelter now that we got all the glass we gotta go to the end Dimension again to go to our wither Rose farm great this can be crafted in to die and then we gotta turn all of this glass into black stained glass after collecting items for literally hours I knew I was almost there first of all I need some ice I remembered that once in a stream I had found a frozen ocean where I had mined a ton of ice but for the life of me I could not remember where that ocean was so I vigorously re-watched the Stream and then found the location well now if you remember from earlier there were two more massive items that I needed to collect that were seriously difficult the first was 18 000 sugarcane which like what the heck I need a farm to get the sugar cane to make this Farm putting that aside the absolute worst item I needed was 17 600 Pistons at first glance you might not realize why that is so bad well look at the recipe for crafting a single piston Three Wood one Redstone one iron and four Cobble multiply each of those by seventeen thousand six hundred and you get 52 800 wooden planks 17 600 Redstone seventeen thousand six hundred iron and seventy thousand four hundred Cobblestone well World Records aren't supposed to be easy I took a trip to my iron farm to see how much iron I had please say we have extra iron while I was there I also saw that I had a lot of wood stored up that checked off the wood required but I noticed I still didn't have enough iron I checked my old iron farm and saw that there was a bit more then I traveled to the nuclear base and I found some more iron and that might just be enough moving on to the 70 000 Cobblestone needed I made this Farm a long time ago good thing because I seem to use it in every single video this Farm produces 120 000 Cobble per hour which means it only needs to run for a few minutes to get enough after over 10 hours of collecting items I knew I was almost there it was just time to craft the Pistons [Music] and then we had all of the items except I didn't tell you there was one final item I left out 1.3 million honey blocks just just kidding I only need 266. getting that many honey blocks is still pretty challenging because it requires 1064 honey bottles I know just what we need a honey farm [Music] I went over to the nuclear Mega base where I previously moved some bees after getting everything ready I spent a few days breeding bees and crafting new hives until I had exactly 64 beehives full of three bees each jeez that is a lot of beehives from there I found a bee farm on the internet and quickly built it all angry with me no oh oh oh dear that could have been a lot worse okay well anyways it's time to collect a bunch of Honey blocks now I was ready I had spent around 15 hours collecting a hundred and twenty seven thousand items now it was time to build the farm I found a nice area of land in the middle of the desert and then quickly terraformed it into the correct shape that is the storage completed now we gotta build a massive glass wall now it's time to move on to the first layer that took just a couple of seconds for you but a few hours for me I can't believe we have to build this nine more times actually wow look at how much this is making already as I build more and more layers I got better at building each of them and the time went down [Music] I was able to build the fifth layer in an hour and 45 minutes while building this Farm I questioned my life decisions we can just say that I had a mini midlife crisis as I got to the final few layers I decided to live stream the process [Music] and then after over 15 hours of building I was down to the final layer final few blocks and then we don't need to go that high here it is and I'm dying no oh man I was too tired to be excited it was official I had set the new world record for the largest ever sugarcane farm the place produces 54 000 sugarcane per hour and then it all goes down into this amazing wall of Honey which makes it incredibly satisfying after that it's collected and then put into shulker boxes what did this all cost about 35 hours of my life some of my sanity and one Apple commercial well now that I've lost my sanity on the sugar cane project and I have way more than I can deal with we need a better place to store all of this than the Alexa storage system where did my water go oh gosh is that a dirt block in the wrong section well I guess I need to make a new storage because this one is broken to understand how long this project took we need to go all the way back to day one where it all began well guys this storage has been awesome to me but I built it into spawn chunks and it's really laggy so I think it's time for us to build a new one the idea is to have one Central chest to put any item in the game into and then for it to be perfectly sorted this means I will need to sort over 1 000 different items have shulker box orders as well as unloaders and non-stackable item sorters that's kind of a lot to ask for okay I'm thinking the best way to do this is to go on a separate creative world and design the system now I know there are a lot of designs on the internet for storage systems but the reason I don't just use one of those is that none of them do exactly what I need sure I could probably use parts from some of them but that's not fun I gotta create it myself well anyways everyone it has been one week I spent about 30 to 40 hours designing this system but I'll only give you a 20 second Montage of all the pain I went through creating this which way does the hopper go dude why are there items coming no these are not supposed to come this way where are these coming from post oh crap no no wait a minute no they're getting stuck well here's the Hologram for the storage and just wow look at the size of this thing I bet it shouldn't be that hard to build what I didn't know was that I had about 100 hours of pain coming okay so look at all the blocks we need first up we need 27 079 black concrete that's 423 stacks of concrete or about 16 shulkers full and I have four Stacks hmm I think my best bet to get that much concrete is to be to use my concrete Farm if I put some concrete powder here and then flick these perfect uh let's just jump through to see that it's working properly now I'm going to wait here for a few days until I have enough now that I have enough concrete powder it's got to be converted into normal concrete let's just go back to the industrial district where I have my concrete converter oh wait a minute is this thing broken I think the TNT blew up okay I pretty much have two options I can try to fix this or build a newer faster design obviously fixing this old one is not even an option so I decided to build a new concrete converter by ill mango and it's actually pretty crazy but first we gotta get a whole list of items to build it concrete glass sea lanterns obsidian a bunch of redstone stuff slabs TNT fence gates okay now we just gotta build it cool now hopefully it works and now I have all the concrete required let's move on to the next item oh man this is gonna be tricky I'm gonna basically need ten thousand Hoppers if each Hopper is five iron in one chest and each chest is eight wooden planks then I need 50 000 iron ingots and 80 000 wooden planks let's check how much wood we have stored up okay then this is probably going to be enough wood but as for the iron it looks like we don't have any I guess I'm gonna need to AFK at my iron farm it's been a couple of hours and I think we should have enough fire now this Farm makes about 9 000 iron per hour so it really wasn't too bad I guess we should go ahead and craft all the Hoppers next up we have a bunch of redstone we need to collect so I'm hoping we already have some from when I worked on the massive Beacon oh my I have been saved this is gonna be enough to check everything Redstone related off of my list now we need some chests this should be enough I'm also gonna need 3 500 pieces of blue ice and for that I'm gonna need to find a frozen ocean biome because there's usually a lot of blue ice there finally I found one let me mine a bunch of this stuff I also need to craft 2200 sea lanterns 2200 Emerald blocks some smooth Court stairs smooth stone slabs Soul soil Black stained glass and honey and for the honey I'm gonna need to make a honey farm because I don't have any that means I'm gonna need some beehives now I'm gonna go ahead and just follow this tutorial and build the farm perfect let's just wait here to get some honey next I need some obsidian slime composters and a ton of other blocks that we won't really go into oh did I mention 54 beacons now that everything is collected I think we should create an area to begin sorting all of these items and it's time to stop putting it off I need to get building now if you're also wanting to build this storage there will be a light matica download in the description but you need to watch the rest of the video to know how to put the items into the storage or else it won't work I have been working for a couple of hours now and I noticed a few problems this storage is creating a massive Shadow over the land beneath and if any mobs spawn down there then there's a chance they can pick up some of the items as they Flow by in the water streams the easiest fix to this is to place a bunch of extra sea lanterns on top of the water streams to prevent the mobs from spawning while we're on the topic of Shadows let's talk about this type of Shadow let me make it clear that I am not being sponsored by raid Shadow Legends but if you didn't know for years now I have wanted to be sponsored by them just for the memes this person who claims to be raid Shadow Legends says that they won't sponsor me until the channel reaches 500 000 subscribers so let's make this stream of Reality by clicking the Subscribe below anyways now that the shadow problem is fixed we need to address the fact that all of The Hoppers are incorrect look at this these Hoppers aren't even connected that means I'm gonna need to break all of these Hoppers and replace them the correct way well now this part will be satisfying because it's only glass okay now I just bumped up the schematic a row and we have arrived at our next issue each of these Hoppers need to be full of filler items if I don't put those items in now then I won't be able to access them later and it's going to be a huge disaster let's see so if there are 2100 different item filters and each filter requires 10 filler items then that's 21 000 items what the heck do I even use okay I'm thinking actually slime and my reasoning for that is that I have this crazy slime farm over here that produces thousands of slime and I already have all of it that I would need now the next thing is I can't just put these slime balls into the storage because they will soar into the wrong places if they're just normal slime balls but I'm gonna actually rename all of these things and a bit of advice if you're gonna build this is name the Slime balls number one or number two the reason for this is that having the short names makes renaming them in an anvil much faster well now I'm done making the Slime balls for the first layer my calculations are correct I will be spending about 330 XP levels just renaming all of this line now I need to put all of the Slime Into The Hoppers I have finished the first of the item sorters and now it's time to move on it looks like a lot of water needs to go on this layer I basically just followed the layers on the schematic as they told me it wasn't too difficult until I noticed that a block was missing I was right up here and I looked over there and there's a missing slime plot now that's not too big of a deal but I'm more worried that I might have forgotten something else somewhere else the only thing I can do is just hope that I did everything perfectly spoiler alert I didn't time for the second round of slime balls but just when I thought I was almost done I realized something horrible okay so when I was creating the storage on a creative world I thought it would be really cool to put water traveling tubes to get around quickly these require dolphins and if you didn't know I am currently here the Dolphins are here that is a gap of over 500 blocks I did see a trick let's play some scaffolding over here in the water now I can use this lead to grab a dolphin nice let's bring him to the scaffolding now splash the dolphin with some water breathing so he doesn't die I oh my gosh I actually didn't expect this to work as long as we don't use any fireworks he shouldn't die okay now the tricky part is landing the dolphin in the water attempt two perfect let me repeat this a few more times I probably should have tested this before but how fast do we go my oh my that is actually insane all right I am on the final couple of layers time to place all of the beacons on top foreign now that I was finished with building the storage I thought that I had done the hardest part except now I needed to collect two of every single item in the game that includes the most difficult one such as blocks of netherite enchanted golden apples tall grass and large ferns I found that the best way to collect all of the items was to First create a creative world with every single item in the game placed on the ground then as you collect the items you break the ones you have already done and you repeat until you've done everything alright blocks of netherrite this should be fun now I'm going to need some tall grass and large ferns if you didn't know you can't just Shear the grass it will only give you the normal versions to get the actual item you need to go to Spruce and Savannah Villages and check every single chest every village has a very small chance of actually having the items inside of them oh my gosh finally I spent hours looking for those next up we need deep slight Emerald orers I've heard that these are really rare although I think I have a method of finding these that should make it a bit easier first I'm gonna need some TNT okay next we need to go to some 1.17 chunks because I started my world on 1.16 and updated through the versions The chunks from each update should still be there okay I think these are 1.17 chunks now look at the biome this is the only biome that emeralds spawn in and because we're in the 1.17 chunks emeraldors spawn much more commonly meaning all I should do is play some TNT and hope for the best there's our first that wasn't even that hard there's the second hey and why not get a third for good luck I now need all of the types of dies now all types of glass variants all the walls all the candles all the banners the terracottas glazed terracottas geez you tired yet time for all of the plants time for everything Redstone all the mob drops every type of wood okay I think I got everything oh wait I still need dirt that took me about 15 hours now that everything's here I need to make a decision these diagonal sorters are amazing and all but they're slow I think I would like to start sorting the items on the normal hallways and then anything extra I'll put onto the diagonals afterwards so what would be the best way of sorting 1000 items perfectly what if I take all of the woods and just place them in the spots first and then worry about the item filters after okay that wasn't actually too bad I also put the items we've already done into separate shulker boxes to make sure that they stay sorted I guess I need to do this uh 847 more times and done uh not quite actually now I need to put all of these items into the filters or else they won't actually sort properly I think the best way to do this will be to do one row at a time here let's get this full row of items now I think they're also sorted into the proper order perfect now I'm gonna just go outside and place these into the backs of the filters of The Hoppers [Music] well that's one side done I I gotta do this 17 more times [Music] I guess if I were to put any of these items into the system they should Now sort properly I just have to sort the other two sides as well I have all of the items in the correct order I honestly thought this would take a lot longer you know this is true dedication I collected every potion tip arrow that exists this required Brewing hundreds of potions and combining the right ingredients to make all of these oh my gosh let's go after 150 hours of Planning and Building the storage system I had finished just like that but now there was one more thing to do I needed to test it I have all of the extra items from building the storage if everything works correctly I should be able to put these items into the center and it should all get perfectly sorted the moment of truths flake this lever I'm gonna let this run for a half an hour and see if everything sorts it has been half an hour I really hope it worked okay everything went correct there should be only shulker boxes in this chest there are any other items in here then it's broken three two one are you kidding me geez that storage is quite something how about we take a break from this and begin work on my mega plans for the end Dimension I'm gonna be building a huge project in the end stronghold is absolutely disgusting I'm gonna give it a little makeover first off the plan I'm gonna create a massive crater around the end portal after that I'm gonna build 16 custom biomes surrounding it and on top of all of it there will be a main feature of the entire build but I'm gonna leave that part of a surprise for now to start things off I'm at the stronghold I'd like to transform at one point I wanted to turn this into a massive map room but that's way too laggy so first of all all of these Maps gotta go I could just break these by hand but I think I have a better idea this is gonna include some TNT and let's just light this up [Applause] quite satisfying now that the maps are gone we should go up here and begin with the outline of the crater that's the center point so I'm going to count out 34 blocks on every single side I can now connect all of these sides making a circle now it's correct and we got the first Circle so next up this water here it's gotta go I think the best way to do this it's gonna be sponges rather than just spamming them everywhere we should create rows of sand to stay more organized and then if I just go here Place sponges on the walls that's our first row fully drained now I'm going to go ahead and do the rest of them I just ran out of sponges but I think if I go to the Nether and place them nice they actually get dried so okay then so all of the water is gone it's time to clear all the blocks around the portal I want to clear about 64 blocks below the portal and 34 around the math for that adds up to about 350 000 blocks that have to go um I think instead of mining the blocks I should use TNT let's check the raid Farm to see if there's any gun powder there's definitely enough gunpowder here now what about the sand I don't know if this is gonna be enough sand but how about we just craft it up anyways I know if over 4 000 pieces of TNT but before we explode it I gotta mine this Stone down to make room for all of it just before we place the TNT I want to cover the portal in obsidian I'm worried that when the TNT explodes some of it will go to the end and if I were to ever enter then there would be immediate deaths so great I think I'm ready to start placing the TNT well then I suppose I just need a light a single piece and wow this hole is pretty massive however there are still some parts sticking out so let me just mine these away and then we'll be all good now that the lower part is mostly cleared I want to start mining this mountain down let me just grab a beacon oh this is gonna take a while I got it to this first checkpoint I think from here it would be cool if we moved the hole in five blocks all around [Music] I've gone through like 15 pickaxes now but this should be it for the second section this was what the hole looked like before and this is it now the crazy thing is we're just getting started I have so much more planned and it all begins with the glowing magma at the bottom to make this magma we first need to turn this hole into a bowl this is eight blocks deep hopefully that's enough the lowest layer needs to be completely full with lava that's about half and done that looks cool by itself but now I want to get the glass in do I have any stored already no then I guess we're gonna go to my villager trading Hall I'll use these emeralds here to buy a bunch of glass from all of these villagers this should be enough now we're gonna need to get a bunch of purple and magenta dye lapis poppies blue dye red dye purple dye bones bone meal white dye and magenta dye now I can go ahead and craft a bunch of this glass then it's just got to be placed by placing the glass in layers we're starting to get this really cool glowing effect but I gotta give credit where it's due so thanks to sandiction for this idea holy moly that looks sick next up I'd like to divide this pit into 16 sections we can go ahead and use this black concrete to create eight dividers now that those are in we should go ahead and do the middle sections and for this they won't just be by layers but instead we're going to create larger and smaller areas like this the plan will be to put a custom biome into each of these areas I guess it's time to start I think the first biome is going to be a jungle we need to first get some jungle saplings it appears that I only have two okay then let's get some bone meal and try to multiply these I'll chop the wood and hope to get extra saplings to begin building the biome I'd like to first get grass down here now I would like to build a custom jungle temple I'm gonna need some Cobblestone Vines and then mossy cobblestone finally I'm gonna just follow a picture of what the jungle temple looks like there we go that looks pretty cool next the trees gotta go in why won't this one grow oh I gotta break the blocks around it first perfect okay now how about some leaves maybe a waterfall that back looks pretty flat let's get some dirt in stone Cobblestone yeah that looks good next some Vines and lanterns maybe Moss honestly this bomb looks pretty cool I think we can move on to the next the next biome is going to be ice spikes I'm gonna need to first get some ice some snow and drip Stone spikes first of all let's cover the ground in snow layers now it's time to create the first ice Spike they seem to be like a plus shape now we have this pointy shape at the top finally I can fly with the elytra while placing the ice to get these gaps and that looks pretty cool I suppose we got to get a few more now now that the ice spikes are done I kind of want to come in here and get some extra snow to touch up the area finally I think we should use some drip Stone spikes around here cool then that's two biomes finished and now we can move on to the mega Tiger Biome for this one I will need pogzal and Spruce saplings to replace the floor saplings if you've ever seen one of these biomes they usually have some Mossy Cobble on the ground as well as this background is kind of gross that corner feels kind of bland maybe we should add some sort of Floating House thingy I'm gonna need a lot of different Spruce Wood types okay then how about we start making the house I think we'll bring some pillars here then a roof finally a floor and a door you ready for more this one's gonna be a mini end City we're gonna need a lot of materials for this well that's convenient I can just use the portal here to get into the end I'm gonna need a lot of this end Stone so that should be enough now I want to go through one of these portals here and try to find an End City okay that was pretty fast if I land here then I can just mine this wait I forgot a beacon okay now I'm gonna mine this entire city down definitely didn't need to mind the entire thing but it looked so much cooler anyways now we can get building first off I want to replace the entire background with endstone now that this is done I'm going to once again look at another photo of an end City wait that's not right there we go and the city is done now I want to go in and place some of these coarse flowers and now that our four biggest biomes are done let's actually move on to some of the smaller ones first up we have the mushroom biome this is going to require some mycelium mushrooms and bone meal let's Place some mushrooms down yeah I like those then we just need to change the walls finally it would be cool to add some wall mushrooms this one is gonna be another Fortress biome wait does that count as a biome I'm gonna need a lot of nether breaks to make this one go away Wither Skeleton oh he dropped a skull now we gotta look at how a fortress looks I think if I place some blocks here yeah that looks good how about adding a back room that's pretty good and because this is a Soul Sand Valley as well let's add some skeletons in here okay that's pretty cool man last I want to light up this Netherrack on fire and make it look nethery before we leave the nether let's do the Warped forest for this one I'll need some warped mushrooms and this warped block here I think if I use bone meal this should spread right oh yeah that's pretty sweet now I want to grow some of these mushrooms to make trees here I'm gonna mine a tunnel here to make something really cool all of this Stone needs to become Netherrack now there's a secret Pathway to the top wait what about adding ores what is that I think this is from a really long time ago but hey it works all right this should be enough I'll place these on the other Nether biome as well that looks so much better I was not really sure if these biomes would look cool but they definitely do for the next bomb I want to try to remake a desert I think it'd be really cool to make a desert temple inside of it let's start with some sand then how does this front side go that looks really cool now I'm gonna play some dead bushes and cacti in front how about a waterfall as well if this is the eighth biome finish then we're halfway done oh man I cannot wait for the top part that will be so epic this one is going to be a snowy Forest I think it needs a ledge here now some trees and snow maybe some coal in the wall to make it look like a mountain the next one is going to be a Mesa and I'm gonna need to get some terracotta [Music] okay and through this portal there should be a Mesa so then let's use this Beacon to mine a ton of different terracotta Colors oh what if I made a mine shaft into Mesa that would actually be really cool let's begin with some basic layers Now find mine into the mountain we can actually Place some wood to make a mine shaft every mine shaft has a chest and inside of the chest I'm gonna put something really cursed let me know in the comments if you know how to get this double book because it's not supposed to be possible moving into the next biome we're gonna build a Basalt Deltas that means I'm gonna need some basalt so these biomes are usually kind of pointy and they have lots of magma and lava yeah that looks pretty cool over here I want to make a planes biome but I'm actually going to try to put a Pillager Outpost inside of it [Music] I think that looks pretty good for the background now I want to get the blocks for The Outpost structures are kind of complicated so I'm gonna have to be careful to not mess anything up okay that looks pretty good wait something's not right perfect now I want to add some trees and grass on top what if I add some logs in this mountain I thought it would be pretty cool to have a moving Minecart forever here honestly I'm pretty satisfied with what we got this biome is going to be a red Nether biome it's exactly like the blue one but red so here are some of the trees let's bone meal this whole area add some oars how about a lava waterfall wait I just realized that doesn't make any sense these are beginning to look really good over here I want to do something unique I was thinking an ocean Monument except it's going to be mini we're gonna need a lot of prismarine now this wall needs to be pushed back and then I'm gonna follow this image I found for a mini ocean Monument I wasn't actually gonna make this underwater so I can't do the typical sea grass and coral unless what if I place water here in waterlock will this Coral dry out I think we're good now I want to play some really tall sugar cane to make it look like it's seagrass finally adding some pickles should finish the biome this one over here is going to be a massive geode so I'll collect all the items for it I'm pretty sure the easiest way to find a geode is to go over the ocean and look for them that was like three minutes [Music] okay now let's play some of the smooth Basalt around the edges of this block geodes usually have calcite next oh wait this needs to go and then let me just fill in all of this with amethyst finally there's only one more biome and I wanted to save this one for last because it's gonna be the best biome the pizza biome I'm not even kidding so for the crust of this biome let's get some brown mushroom blocks then yellow wool honey yellow glazed terracotta and red glazed terracotta now it's time to get building time for the pepperonis oh yes we need some of this yellow gooey stuff finally pineapple yes it does belong on pizza if you remember before the biomes we had this but now all 16 biomes are finished however I'm only done with part one of the build now it's time to transform the actual end portal to start things off I want to place blocks around the portal itself to make it look a bit cooler okay this looks cool now I want to make a drop platform above so you fall into the portal yeah this should work for this next part I want to create a double spiral so first we are going to need a lot more sea lanterns yeah that might be enough at this point I've learned to stop saying I'll have enough because I never do now I can follow this pattern all the way up to our nether portals okay now if we go back to using the purple and magenta glass we can cover these Spirals and make them look a lot cooler wow I'm really starting to like the vibe from this however what I'm about to do is either gonna look really cool or terrible first of all let's see how much obsidian I have this might actually be enough okay then I want to start by creating an obsidian line and now let's fill in these sides to make a spike pointing into The Nether Portals um I can't tell if this is gonna look good the problem is that if these don't work then removing them will be horrible I spent about two hours placing several of these spikes until I felt I was happy these spikes are still looking kind of weird but how about we get the top part of this done I'm gonna go ahead and count out some glass es in I want to expand this out with concrete what about an extra ring of sea lanterns now I would like to bring these walls up to make this platform look like a massive donut that doesn't look perfect but I'm gonna move on for now the idea is that these are lightning bolts and that the lightning will be coming from a Tesla coil and that's what's keeping all these obsidian spikes floating so then this lightning needs to connect up I think that's a good rough design for the lightning but now I gotta go ahead and cover it in glass there we go this build is nearly done I was thinking that I want to add some concrete rings around the donut to make it look a little cooler yep that looks pretty good well then there's only one more thing to do I want to add one final massive floating ring around this base while I build this would you be able to take the quick second to go down and subscribe it would mean so much to me as that we're getting really close to 200 000 subscribers now I would like to break this and replace it with obsidian okay then for the spikes of this ring I'm gonna need more obsidian I guess we'll just create an outline and then gotta fill this all in there is one Spike finished three to go two to go one more done with the top part and now the bottom spikes oh man these are kind of tricky to place this water and dirt is really helping I know I said we were done but I quickly want to get some beacons around this entire build this is the final block I am done with the entire end portal transformation we've all 16 biomes below and then the spikes lightning and rings and then if we go into the end all we have to do is drop through here and no okay I'm gonna be honest that TNT was a joke I didn't die there but now that we're in the end how about we begin working on making this place look better my end Dimension is sickening I literally have no clue how I got this bad but today we're gonna transform it into the entire universe okay you're probably wondering what the plan is so first I want to remove all 40 000 obsidian by hand then I'd like to remove the entire end Island by using TNT bombing machines after that I plan on collecting over 400 000 blocks to build a massive pixel art of the entire Milky Way galaxy this is not going to be easy and if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing so you don't miss out on any new content first of all if we're going to be in the end for who knows how long Enderman are definitely going to be an issue if I just get some pumpkins and then carve them out okay I forgot that it's impossible to see I just downloaded a texture pack that should fix it all yep that looks pretty good now if this entire island is going to go I'm going to need some haste to mine it faster I just realized that once this island is gone I will never be able to respawn the Ender Dragon again we should probably collect as much dragon's breath as possible because it's gonna become impossible after this project so then I need some end crystals next a bunch of bottles for dragon's breath then some Redstone stuff I'd like to collect something called an immortal Crystal time to respawn the dragon well this is one of the last times you'll ever see this the dragon just launched its fire here models I'd like to get a full shulker of dragon's breaths so we might be here for a while oh my gosh this is so much better that is almost enough wait no that almost killed me okay no we are killing the dragon now now that we evolved the dragon's breath we should get the immortal crystals basically when the entered dragon is respawning if you use pistons to push these crystals then they become immortal and keep the laser beams we're going to be using this simple flying machine to push the crystals um why is that not working that's better now the entire machine needs to be built so then if I just place the crystals again and respawn it let's quickly run over here and flick this lever is is it working nice great it is moving the first Crystal now before the dragon respawns bow that and boom we got the first Crystal and look at this if I punch it it will never explode and it's just gonna stay there forever I would now like to get three more of these foreign that is everything I wanted from the dragon so I guess we can move on to the second part which is removing all of the obsidian oh man this is going to be a grind I just did a couple of layers and I want to try another tactic if we sit here in mine straight down then I can just hold my auto clicker I'm a little afraid to try this because it's definitely more risky if I forget about the mining then I could fall right into the void I spent about four and a half hours mining this pillar and now we are on the final row the final block oh man that was definitely a little bit scary but after mining one of the 10 pillars I collect about 9 000 obsidian I think it would be best to save it honestly because we'll probably use it later the second pillar done third done fourth done this is interesting I didn't finish mining off the pillars but that's because I actually want to begin removing the island at the same time so when I mined the final pillars everything disappears at once so first of all that means we're gonna need to get rid of all of the Bedrock around the island there's a little trick I saw if we play some blocks and then light this up perfect it still works so then we need to repeat this foreign this setup should be able to break the bottom pieces of Bedrock oh so I went through the portal attempt to yes that actually worked then all of these need to go and that should be it for the center end portal that means we can move on to the removal of the end Island and for this we're going to use TNT bombing machines which require a bunch of red stuff slime redstone blocks Pistons glass mine carts and TNT let's go ahead and build the machine I break this redstone block it should all start up so when we're finishing everything else up on the island it's gonna slowly start to remove all of this end Stone wait I just realized when the machine passes over these portals won't the TNT explode back into the machine I might have a solution if we place some water on top of these portals okay now what about all the water on the ground now the team TV will go into the water and not explode the machine this has got to be repeated 19 more times [Music] foreign [Music] that's the Portal Part finished now these machines are starting to get close so let's get rid of the final pillars here is the ninth pillar done and finally the tenth pillar this is the last block of obsidian unbelievable I am so glad to be done look at my statistics now over 80 000 total mind obsidian that means there was over 40 000 obsidian in all of the pillars combined this is really great as well the machines have already cleared most of the island away however when it's finishing up I want to try to remove all of the Bedrock around these gateways [Music] it only took the machines a couple of hours to remove most of the island now I think it's time to get rid of this Enderman Farm honestly mining this is gonna take ages because for some reason I decided to use iron to build it how much TNT do we have left that should be enough for now I think we should just fill this place to the brim [Music] how did that even happen I literally could have died there I'm gonna be much more careful next time let's just light this up amazing now the Enderman Farm is entirely gone I think I'll just AFK the rest of this and I'll let you know once it's all finished [Music] the machine has gotten to the final couple of rounds and look at all of the Enderman I guess they have nowhere else to live I'm gonna just remove the final couple of blocks by hand this is the last block of the entire end Island I definitely want to save that for the future Museum we're going to build the entire island is gone that took over 30 hours to remove if you remember before the island looked like this but now with everything gone it's time to build the universe below it now the tricky thing about this universe is that it has over 390 000 total blocks some of which like this 24 000 coal were 67 000 black wool are gonna be insanely difficult to collect kind of want to be lazy and start on the easy items so rooted dirt polished Granite cyan terracotta Woods calcite mushroom blocks quartz strangely note blocks and jukeboxes iron more terracotta these next two are going to be kind of tricky I'm gonna need 596 tough blocks and 740 clay as long as we go into a portal with the 1.18 generation it should be easy enough to find a lush cave where both of these blocks will be yes this is just what I needed now we need to get some more terracotta polished deep slate stone bricks and Cobble this is going to be a pain I need to collect 985 dead coral blocks this coral reef might not be large enough but let's try to see how many we can get here I literally mind every yellow coral block here let's hope there are enough of them here and now these just need to become dried this should be satisfying [Music] let me just pick these up again and we can move on next up I need 1042 acacia wood blocks how many saplings do we have yeah this should work let's get some bones and now these got to be chopped okay that's enough these next ones shouldn't be too difficult more deep slate smooth Basalt chisel deep slight andesite deep slate bricks gray wool light gray wool warp stems cracked stone bricks smooth Stone and cold ore as much as we've already collected this isn't even a tenth of all the required blocks I next need 3 323 obsidian do you think we have enough obsidian probably not gosh 3 400 polish Basalt I guess it's time to run the basalt Farm again I literally left the room for five minutes to make some food when this happened no I just came back and saw a break I was starting to experience boredom from collecting the thousands of items but at least it was time to take a break and build a few Farms I need an absolutely stupendous amount of black wool 67 472 to be exact I don't think this sheep farm is gonna be fast enough I might have a solution though there is a really fast Farm design by ill mango that should make over 20 000 wool per hour once it's done the issue is that to make this Farm we are going to need to collect another massive list of items foreign this should be all of the required Redstone now we're going to need over 1200 glass for this Farm I think the best way to get this will be to trade with villagers for it okay now 1400 white concrete 1520 powered rails I built this Farm over here that makes an absolutely insane amount of rails I was not kidding when I said insane finally to finish up this Farm we're gonna need 4962 grass blocks okay we are ready to build the farm oh wait a minute I literally forgot the most important part sheep this Farm I want to build is going to include 512 sheep that sounds insane but I really don't know any other way to get that much wool well the baby also have black wool okay that's good I just realized this is gonna require a huge amount of wheat okay then it's time to build the farm I want to make sure to breed the Sheep every five minutes to make sure they're enough isn't this how another hardcore YouTuber Lost His World this block should finish the farm now we just need to get the sheep in okay how can this be done 512 times as easily as possible come here sheep okay good rails yes okay get in no yes time for the second sheep this is taking way too long I have a better idea what if we use these rails here to create a loop and if we use this activator rail to bump the Sheep off then they should fall right into their pen here comes the next sheep okay yes get in yes great perfect nice this is working really well I suppose it still needs to be repeated 500 more times [Music] that is the entire first row done it did take about an hour [Music] saying how many shears need to go into this system this Farm made like 10 000 wool in just the time it took to build it I'm thinking that because of this I should only put half of the sheep into the farm to save time I'm gonna just AFK overnight and hopefully in the morning there should be enough wool stored up it was a successful AFK session everyone there is way more than enough wool in here so let's move on to the next item we need about 27 000 Blackstone there are two main methods of collecting Blackstone method one we mine it in small quantities I think that's better but for such a huge amount I think option two bartering with piglets will be much better I have just the farm to make foreign this Farm is by enxo4 I'll just have to AFK up here for a little while and wait for 256 piglets to spawn down below let me just get a bunch of gold while I'm here now let's check on the farm oh my gosh that's loud okay I don't quite know how this works but I think if I throw the gold in there wow that's a lot of items then I'm pretty sure we just need to load the items into the shulkers and repeat until there's enough Blackstone foreign oh my gosh this is becoming a very risky episode and it's been a few hours but this should be all of the Blackstone needed there are only two more items required the first is 21 000 black concrete fortunately from the last project I already have more than enough black concrete powder so let's just convert it [Music] and that should be all the concrete we need now for the easiest part of collecting 195 741 black stained glass that was sarcasm I literally have no clue where to even begin I spent a few hours researching and I know what we're gonna do I want to build the ultimate sand farm and then we're gonna cook all of it the sand Farm is gonna produce 144 000 per hour but once again it requires a massive list of items to build yeah more Redstone stuff concrete slime you've seen this before let's just build it perfect the farm should work um the farm did not work I fixed it now if we jump through the end portal yes it works oh wait I need a way to collect all of the blocks now as we wait for the sand to be made Let's actually take a trip to the Wither Rose farm we're gonna need a ton of black dye to stain off the glass so and that should be enough of everything now all of this sand needs to be cooked into glass finally all of this needs to be crafted into black stained glass this is it I've collected 400 000 different items this took days to get everything now all that has to be done is to build the entire galaxy now that we're in the end I'd like to First make a platform to store all of our shulker boxes I suppose it's time to begin [Music] we need some blocks here more here some here and after several hours of placing blocks I was done with day one of building the Galaxy it's the next day and I came up with a strategy that if we first do the outside blocks and move to the inside it might be faster honestly this isn't too bad it's just taken a long time it's day three of building and I think we're gonna finish today I mean this is seriously coming along I cannot wait to see the end result these are the final couple of blocks I wish I could celebrate but before I get too tired all of the glass needs to go on top of the entire thing to keep the Enderman from spawning so halfway done that took about four hours to do that much so just another four and this entire project should be finished I cannot believe all of my work is almost done only a few more blocks and the entire galaxy 400 000 blocks it's so huge you can literally see the outer Islands from here [Music] I have a plan to put a massive ship up there somewhere and mark my words it will be the coolest thing okay so we just finished this galaxy but right now it looks super plain so I know I'm going to build the ultimate end Mega base this is definitely one of the biggest and most insane projects I've ever done requiring hundreds of thousands of blocks and over 120 hours of work if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing so you don't miss out on any future content I also just opened up a brand new shop with some limited time merch link is in the description if you're interested I think the best way to build this project will be to break it down into smaller steps I'd like to first begin with finding the shape of this build and I think we're going to use Stone because it's gonna match the color palette that I'm gonna want so let's begin with building a stone farm this Stone Farm by ill mango is super Overkill but it makes 72 000 Stone per hour let's get started with collecting all the items required we're gonna need over 13 000 obsidian but fortunately because we removed all the obsidian pillars in the last episode I'm pretty sure we have enough next some glass [Music] observers powered rails concrete Pistons sticky pistons as well as a bunch of other random items we're gonna need some iron for a beacon yeah we're all out of iron this is my iron farm that let's just say is a little Opie now I could just AFK here but I heard that by building chunk loaders at the farm it's going to produce iron even when we're not here I'd like to at least try it out so that means we're gonna need to get some more items and then we need to just build these loaders now the tricky thing is that these portals have to be spaced the perfect distance apart so that they link properly moment of truth that didn't work okay what about now I'm actually kind of surprised I was able to get these to work let's just block these portals off to make sure the iron stays in the portals I'm curious if this is actually producing iron with us not being there I'm gonna need to wait a few minutes and see in the meanwhile we can actually begin with building the stone Farm oh geez 13 000 obsidian [Music] I don't think I've ever had to light this many portals before wait a minute I don't want to go through okay now we need to build the main part of the farm [Music] I think I missed a couple of portals wait a minute this is really bad oh my gosh I just logged out I think because I went through the portals they linked to the iron farm portals and I blocked those off Zombie Pigmen are coming through the portals and I'm pretty sure I'm taking entity cramming damage what the heck do I do I'm gonna take a break and try to figure something out alright I might have a solution there's a feature that whenever you log into your world you get about two seconds of invincibility I'm hoping that I can log in hit the zombie pigman once and then log out again we'll keep repeating that until all of them are dead well then time to try it for real logging in all right hit them log out okay good good again come on yes they're all dead okay that's probably the closest I've ever come to dine in this world well then now that this Farm is done let's AFK here for a couple of hours to get all the stone we'll need it's been a while but I think the farm partially broke because there should definitely be a lot more Stone than there is I'm gonna ignore that for now and just get building all right so we have the Epic Galaxy down there I'd like to put the ship somewhere up top so let's first find the correct height of this now I want to build out to each of these end portal gateways sorry to the people who are OCD that these portals aren't perfect why is this one lined up correctly I guess it doesn't really matter because you won't see these portals once we're done okay now that we have a basic plus shape I'm gonna use a Minecraft circle generator to connect these edges seven five four four four three five twos that's one Circle done three to go and just like that they're all done the idea is that there will be a couple of rings around the center part of the megabase next I want to add some arches and walkways we'll make two walkways connecting to the rings on each of the sides next I want to create some simple circles to show the height of each part of the build I think we have a good basic idea of the height although I thought it would be really cool to add some spike shapes around each of the sides I want to first get a slope of the spike so I don't really like that what if we make the sides flat okay that certainly looks better although I am now completely out of stone so it's time to AFK at the stone Farm I think something's broken here oh wait looks like we're missing water no no no everything's fine now that we have a ton of stone I think we should start filling each of these rings in this is literally going to require tens of thousands of stone blocks foreign I've spent a while building up this first ring and a problem I've noticed is these guys they just keep getting in my way and are overall just annoying I already did some research on ways to get rid of them I found that I could mob proof everything with carpets or string but honestly that would just take way too long the other thing I found is that I could build a mob switch here in the end and honestly I think a mob switch is our best bet because it's a lot easier I think what we can do is create a chamber slash pit right here in the middle okay now to make a mob switch we need to get 70 villagers in here although as crazy as that sounds I don't think it's going to be too difficult mainly due to the fact that over here at our iron farm we already have most of the villagers required now we're gonna need to find the closest end portal to here it seems like the closest portal is about 700 blocks away so now we're gonna need to set up a railway for moving all of the villagers [Music] that's the frame of the Railway we can't just move the villagers until we have somewhere for them to stay once they arrive so and this should work because of the activator rails the villagers should get bumped into the water holding cell then I guess we just need to move all the villagers here first mine car two three four five six seven eight here they come Perfect all of the villagers just got here now I just need to individually take these villagers out and then once it becomes a Fletcher I just need to trade once and then push the Villager into the portal now you need to get on the rail there he goes and now get into the water please this is quite tragic but it's for the greater good okay I'm just gonna need to repeat this 70 more times until all of the villagers are in here [Music] and I ran out of villagers I'm gonna have to AFK overnight and wait for some more [Music] this should be it for all of the villagers now look around there are no Endermen this mob switch is kind of Overkill but hey it's definitely pretty cool now that we don't have any Endermen getting in our way I guess we gotta get back to finishing this ring [Music] and that should be it for the second ring uh finally we just need to fill out these tunnels now I'd like to get back to these spikes and add some depth so I'm thinking what we do is add some diagonal lines to the top and I really have to pay attention here because this pattern is not easy to follow well that kind of works but I think I have a better idea what if instead of doing diagonal lines we make them flat I think this is definitely going to look better but the only way to really tell is to finish this Spike completely okay yeah that looks really good that means it's now got to be repeated three more times on the top and a couple on the bottom [Music] and there we are the final spike is completed I now want to do something that relates to these guys here if you remember from the last video we got four Immortal crystals before removing the entire end aisle basically these crystals will stay here forever while also keeping their laser beams oh yeah the cool part is that these don't explode when you hit them so what I'd like to do is build a rectangular tower on each of these Corners to basically hold the immortal crystals so there's one final thing I want to do and that's to make the center part I think we should first extend these Rings upwards a little now if we move this circle inwards a tiny bit and do the same now we just need to do the lower part and that should be it for the entire shape of the build I just want to take a second to admire how epic this looks already I mean this is just the shape imagine what it will look like once all the detailing is finished to begin the detailing I want to add a basic outline to the entire ship and to make this outline we're going to use a ton of black concrete foreign [Music] that should work fine for now it's nothing crazy but by just adding the concrete it's definitely looking much cooler before we do any more detailing I want to deal with these Immortal crystals basically we need to get them to each of the four corners I think if we use flying machines it shouldn't be too difficult let's quickly collect the materials for the flying machines if we build the first one of these machines and then set up the area to stop the machine then we just need to activate the machine and hope it works there it goes and is it gonna stop no then let's just use some pistons and do the last couple of blocks that should be the first one I guess it needs to be repeated three more times this is the second one in position there's the third and finally the fourth I wanted to leave this part a surprise but don't you think those laser beams are a little basic I spent a while creating a custom texture pack and what do you think of it honestly this looks awesome oh my gosh that's kind of sickening now because these laser beams can go through blocks I thought it'd be cool to put an orb surrounding them made out of lapis and glass let's just start with coming up with the shape happening that looks pretty good right now these lasers are kind of just pointing to nothing what I'm going to do is quickly build up an energy bar in the middle [Music] let's also Place some glass panes around this to make it feel more random and that should be everything we need for the center and honestly I think we're in a pretty good spot to begin decorating the rest of this I was thinking that it would first be really cool to add some massive lights on all four of these sides using a bunch of concrete sea lanterns and glass I guess that means I need to actually collect those GC lanterns are expensive what would I do without this concrete converter [Music] to begin with these lights we're gonna first need to mine a lot of stone away and then I suppose we need to build it [Music] actually looks really good so we're gonna need to repeat it seven more times [Music] those are all looking really cool the unfortunate part is that because of how cool these are I need to do it to the rest of the ship I've spent over 10 hours on these lights and I definitely need a break I had a cool idea what if we add cannons to this end Hub spaceship if you've ever seen a space movie that's one thing that's pretty common on spaceships is that they have these like epic Canon looking weapons so let's build them on our ship I have an interesting block palette for this but the only way to know if it's gonna look good will be to build it yeah that looks pretty nice while we're working on the second Cannon I want to mention that I'm only designing a quarter of this at once and then after it's finished we'll copy it to the other three sides I'm looking at this outer wall right now and I'm thinking how plain it is first of all I think we should remove it completely [Music] next I'd like to replace it with a mixture of concrete wool concrete powder and iron blocks we are going to need several thousand of each block okay that should be enough white concrete white wool and this powder as for the iron I really hope that the iron farm has been running this entire time oh my gosh we have way more than enough if those are all the blocks we have then I just need to get building my Mouse has a feature on it that allows me to scroll it really fast so I'm going to be using that to randomize off the blocks this is looking quite random I mean that was the goal it's definitely getting there maybe if I add some concrete bumps around this side that seriously made it look a thousand times better that was definitely the hardest part of this entire build so I am so glad that we're done with it oh boy was I wrong just wait to see how I literally wasted 15 hours of my life to build something that didn't even work so I was wondering what sort of thing we could do to make this top part look better and I think adding smooth quartz blocks around this entire area would look really good now unfortunately these are some of the hardest blocks in the game to collect and we would literally need thousands of them I'm pretty sure that villagers actually sell quartz blocks right they only sell 12 at a time that means we'll be getting 540 quotes every day yeah that's not gonna cut it I guess our next option would be to try something called void trading to do void trading we're gonna need to get another villager into the engine which shouldn't be too hard assuming we have extra villagers From the Mob switch there is one extra villager that's actually so perfect [Music] that should be everything now we just need to use the void Trader the way this works is actually really cool if you open up a villagers trading as you go through the portal we can then buy the quartz and when we return the Villager still has his trades without them being sold out if we just use this void trading a few hundred times then we should have enough courts pretty quickly hold up I think I can make this slightly faster if I move the Villager closer no why did he go through okay buddy please just go back now please just land in the water no so the void trading is not going to work the third way we can get a bunch of Courts is by trading with piglens the chords can then be crafted into blocks now the only issue with this method is that to get enough quartz it would require a stupendous amount of gold me being the logical person I am I decided to build an OP gold farm so then we just need a disgusting amount of items to make it I literally thought that I'd have enough obsidian to last me forever but we're already out now we need 5 000 glass why one block of lime stained glass the weird thing about this Farm is that we can't just build it the location of it has to be perfect in order for it to work so I'll have to build the farm perfectly on four chunks now this next part is not going to be fun it's time to place all of the obsidian as we build these portals up I need to make sure to light them I feel like I'm getting Deja Vu or something that is the first half of the farm before we do that side I want to first place all of the glass up top [Music] I'd like to also make sure that the Overworld part is finished and that should be it for all of the Overworld to finish this off we need to just place the obsidian in the nether let's go the farm is complete if everything is working properly then there should already be zombie pigment coming through the portals what the heck this has got to be a joke that is so many zombie pigmen okay then I think to AFK here we just need to use our sword on this armor stand so then I'm gonna AFK here for an hour and see how much gold I can get it's been an hour and just looking at everything that's actually ridiculous in the last episode I built a pretty crazy Piglet and bartering farm so we just need to go through all of the gold and collect all of the Courts [Music] is that seriously all of the gold this is nowhere near fast enough I think we're gonna go back to the first method of trading with villagers yes I really did just spend 15 hours building a farm only not to use it now we only have about 15 Mason villagers in here so I think to get the courts a lot faster we'll just have to get a lot more of these villagers now I know a while back I built a villager breeder up here is it still working looks like it is that's good then let's just move all these villagers into the trading Hall I've been doing this for about an hour and we already have about 45 Mason villagers that's probably good enough for now next up these guys need to be traded with so that I can unlock the courts trade so and then I'm just gonna need to spend a couple of days trading with these guys until we can get enough of the blocks even though I literally have millions of emeralds it's still annoying when these guys mark up their prices now that we have all the courts we'll need to use this super smelter to make it all smooth that should be all of it cooked up now to actually build this I first want to remove all of the Stone now to just replace it with the quartz oh my that actually looks so good I'm gonna quickly repeat this pattern and at the same time I'm gonna just try to finish this first quarter of the shape and that should be all of it I've officially finished the first quarter of the ship it's honestly kind of surreal anyways now I have to repeat this three more times to the rest of the ship foreign [Music] and here we are the last blocks this was one of the most insane projects I've ever done in total there were just over 200 000 blocks in this ship as for what I'm gonna put on the inside of this it's gonna be something that you've never seen before and it's going to be ridiculous if you've enjoyed this video please consider subscribing so you don't miss out on any future content these portals not being lined up is seriously starting to bother me I think I need to destroy the entire ship and rebuild it one block over last time we built this spaceship right now it's kind of empty in here has anyone ever trapped all the mobs in the end I'm going to attempt to be the first person to ever do it not only am I going to collect the basic mobs but also all of the rarest mobs in Minecraft such as the jockey mobs the Ender Dragon wither and the warden future one by here this video took over 100 hours to record and it was definitely one of the most crazy projects I've ever done so don't forget to subscribe if you enjoy it first of all I'm thinking we'll do the Mob Museum inside of the ship probably in this ring here all of this Stone needs to be cleared out and now that we have this space opened up I want to create a floor the idea is that I want this to look like the interior of a Star Wars Grand Inquisitor Supreme Lord's ship whatever that is to do this I'm going to start with a black concrete outline so then for the floors of this we're going to copy the outside design of white concrete sea lanterns and glass okay this is looking pretty good for the floor so time for the cages there are 86 different mobs in the game however 16 of them can't go through portals which means we only need 70 cages in here and here we are I've planned out each of the spaces and put signs in front of them which means we can now put the roof in I'm gonna quickly Place walls using white concrete iron wool and white concrete powder [Music] I just can't express how excited I am to begin this project I was thinking that I might actually start on the ghast in case it shoots Fireballs I wouldn't want it to kill the other mobs I've seen people bring the gas to the Overworld but now I need to do that through two Dimensions first of all let's make a cage for it no ghast spawn in the Soul Sand Valley if we set up a platform here on the ceiling then through this portal we actually have an End Portal that I've used before although it's gonna need a bit of a transformation perfect here in the end let's set up some rails that go to the cage okay crossing my fingers let's hope aghast spawns come on get in the minecart no okay that was actually really easy where did he go I forgot the name tag okay there's another dude I forgot the name tag again they say third time's the charm yes no it got out this is the ninth try name tag there we go it went through the portal that's a good sign it should be in the end now yes all right get in the minecart there it goes get in the cage and block it off that's the first one done that was definitely one of the hardest mobs but what about the warden let's save that one for later just in case I die honestly I'd like to do some of the easier mobs so first up we have the Cod let's get the bucket and the name tag yeah I think that name is fitting the tropical fish foreign the salmon and the final fish the puffer fish now I actually want to check on something yes it's still here so a while back on Halloween I trapped some of these extremely rare jack-o-lantern mobs let's actually get this baby one here and try to move it to the end this is going to take a while now go through and now get in the mine cart there he goes there he goes don't ask me why I want to try to get an Enderman now you might think this one would be easy but because of the mob switch I built in the last episode Enderman no longer spawn although I think if we Bridge all the way out here and then with the render distance really low the mob switch shouldn't be loaded well somehow they spawned inside of the ship and here we go that's the enderman's cage he actually does need to stay in the boat or he'll teleport away Dwayne Johnson quickly let's get the wolf enclosure set up go through the portal nice that was easy I think I'm ready to move on to the harder mobs call me crazy but I want to try to get the creeper let's quickly make a creeper-themed cage okay that looks pretty cool although the creepers can be tricky because it explodes when we both go through the end portal we spawn in the exact same spot and then so to fix this I want to try something I've seen a few times I lower my render distance and then throw an ender pearl it's gonna stay unloaded now let's leave the end and then put the render distance back up get a creeper come on follow me there he goes okay please don't explode one more try there it is now follow me and walk on in that's the creeper trapped in the end now for the skeleton I believe I also have one of the Halloween ones there he is then let's just get the boat over to the portal no follow me up perfect and now to the end all right then Minecart and there it is the rare Halloween skeleton that's the zombie enclosure there you are wait I almost forgot to mention that I'm gonna be naming all of the mobs after every one of the United States presidents so now the rare Huss what about an easier one I'm gonna need some End Stone and these flowers do I have any ender pearls great and now we need to throw a bunch of Ender Pearls until I get an Ender mic now the cow pig sheep and llama wait I actually want to get that slime I was kind of worried about getting one of these okay then this is going to take a while nope get in the portal this is gonna be fun ouch there it goes and now get into the cage that was pretty tough let's quickly get some of the easier ones the lone goat don't fall now that's the goat and now the chicken we've gotten 20 mobs captured now I'd like to move on to all of the four-legged horse things so you might not know but a few thousand days ago I actually made this crazy Island here I'm pretty sure that behind the island there is a skeleton horse in the water what you doing down here buddy I wish all of the mobs were this easy the horse is next this horse is from the very first day in the world which makes about 22 years old in Minecraft days alright old man careful now let's just take him to the shulker room for a moment next up we need a donkey I have no clue where one is so finally okay you're coming with me the reason I didn't put the horse away is because by using golden apples we will get a mule which is the next mob collected now time for all of their cages [Music] and that's gonna be it for all of the horses I think we should now move on to the mooshrooms we're back at the Castle Island and the cool thing is that when I was building all of this I managed to trap a few Brown and red mushrooms lead and follow me through the portal there we go that's the Brown mushroom now just the red one is it just me or is it weird that mushrooms make cow sounds I feel like they should sound more mushroomy what does a mushroom even sound like we're actually making really good progress although I'm really concerned about the bat so let's try to get that one out of the way so I noticed that at the storage room bat spawn quite often if I just use a lead wait did they not work okay new plan I'm thinking we're gonna trap one in a minecart and then move it to the portal room okay that one's sleeping come on can they not go in mine carts um what if we try to move this one did it just go through that block so as it flies I'm gonna try to place blocks behind it so the only way it can go is forward go through nice now we just need to connect these two portals with a tunnel so that I can move the bat foreign and now it's time to just sit here and block up behind wait how the heck did it even get out future one by here apparently bats can glitch through blocks please just get back into the area what is a gasp I'm back at the portal room and I think I'm gonna just try to find a bat near here hey there are actually three back here all right let's make a tunnel and this time I'm gonna put glass on top so they can't suffocate I have spent hours trying to get this back please just work come on buddy okay move up now oh my gosh please go into the tunnel oh my the bat just needs to go upwards let's go come on yes yes that was the absolute worst mob yet I just realized that this has probably seen more Dimensions than any other bat in the history of Minecraft sticking with the flying mobs I want to get my pet parrot cookie what a Chad making this easy and there you go near my parrot I remembered that there was also a rare pumpkin drown go through the portal portal portal great follow me and quickly we need to build a cage [Music] there we are I kind of wanted it to look like a ruined Monument maybe next we could do the cat I saw somewhere online a really cool cat tree design that actually looks really good now to move the cat here if you didn't know I have a Cat in real life called Caiaphas I got a custom textured pack that makes cats look like Caiaphas this one's easy it's the turtle this one is not easy it's the Charged Creeper but with the normal creeper I actually failed several times trying to do the ender pearl teleporting although I might have a better idea that will work really well what if we set up a chunk loader here foreign [Music] now Charged Creeper you need to follow me because the chunk loader is running this place is always going to be loaded now if we go through the portal first completely safe now there he goes and what you think pretty cool right I thought the glass looked like electricity while we're in this area I actually want to get a zombie villager and then this normal villager if we use the Trident nice it's a witch there is the witch done finally the normal villager and that's going to conclude phase one of this project phase two is going to be much much much worse to start things off we need to think up a plan for the mobs that can't leave the nether because this portal leads to where the rest of the mobs are I think putting the nether mobs here would be really cool what if we make a smaller version of the end portal in the Bedrock that means all of this Bedrock needs to go this machine here should break a single piece of Bedrock but that's slow which is why I built this machine which breaks an entire row of bedrock foreign [Applause] [Music] how crazy this looks the next day I streamed building the tower above this hole and dang this looks beautiful well now before we get too off subject it's time to get all of the mobs in piglin poglin now the piglet brute that's so convenient there's one down there it's only like 500 blocks from Spawn as well first of all I want to make a platform to the cage now please don't die or kill me come on up please that's the piglet brute done this next mob is gonna be the first of the worst the pigment jockey I don't know why I made that so dramatic but anyways these guys can't go through portals which forces us to trap it in the nether now the unfortunate part about these mobs is that they are extremely rare however if we first build a platform up here Now by using hundreds of eggs we're going to get a lot of chickens and then by using steroids I mean seeds these chickens will grow up instantly the reason we need chickens is that when Minecraft tries to spawn zombie pigmen it searches the surrounding area for chickens for the pigment to be riding and there it is this is gonna be super risky but please follow there the pigment jockey is done aren't these supposed to be really rare oh my buddy please just follow me back and that's the next jockey mob finished finally we just have the double jockey [Music] and there it is every single nether mob which means phase two is finished now this is where the video is going to get fun because every mob from here on out will be more and more difficult until we get to the warden okay Strider let's go I think I actually have a Halloween Wither Skeleton here yes I do okay now we only have one shot at this because if he dies I don't have any more come on and there we are cool fact the Wither Skeleton is actually my favorite mob alright now we have to get a panda I believe that somewhere over here there is a jungle yes and there is a panda okay let's go through the portal while we're in the jungle I want to find an ocelot there we go through the portal and into the end but no no no water water water we're good now that is the 47th mob collected that means I'm over halfway done this should be pretty easy as long as nothing goes wrong now we have the fan favorite yo it's a whole family of them alright everyone it's time to leave I mean it's definitely a home for the Axolotl I'll make it better later quickly I want to do an easy mob that I forgot about and that's the B now we have to get a lead and then attach it to the B and we have a balloon there it is we could just stick to the passive mobs and get the rabbit near the end portal I definitely remember seeing a few rabbits come on stop running now we just need to walk it back okay down the stairs nice now let's go dude yeah so I got two more rabbits Each of which died and finally on the fourth attempt I managed to get the rabbit in the fox is going to be the 50th mob I think to make this even cooler I think we should find one of the arctic ones so okay there's one get on the lead yes and through the portal my dude that rug burn looks terribly painful and this one we're gonna call daxin we've done basically every land mobs I think we can move on to the three water mobs the squid glow squid and dolphin these are challenging because they need water to survive so first of all I want to make this area underwater and then we need water channels now we just need to begin with the squid okay that's actually pretty close to the portal let's go buddy there's no time to die I need to get this video out I think the squid is in the end now okay yes and now the lead let's go come to your prison coming home nice that's the squid glow squid you're up next I actually thought those ones were gonna be much worse than they really were quickly let's lead this dolphin in holy what is going on again through the water tubes there we are I actually really like the Dolphin's home the crazy thing is that this room is pretty much filled out this spot right here is for the cave spider and I think this one shouldn't be too hard because we have a mine shaft very close to the portal foreign now I have to wait for a spider to spawn all right yep that spider's poison does indeed work now buddy follow me what attempt to Bro attempt three I thought this would be easy don't die please there it is the cave spider I nearly cried for the spider when I realized they could go into Minecarts if my calculations are correct we're 65 done with collecting mobs but there's something I haven't been telling you it's that I'm seriously afraid of raids I've nearly died on several occasions but now it's time so first of all we have the Pillager God why is that ravenger chasing me I'm gonna have a nightmare after seeing that wow that actually wasn't too hard to get into the end quickly let's make the cage [Music] I can go in mine carts but bats can't next Let's Get The Vindicator and finally the evoker geez here goes nothing now let's make a portal and Link it to the nether hold on how did another wave spawn and if the evoker was still there anyways now let's move the evoker with a minecart and now please just go through the portal now he's going to the cage nice that is everything I need from The Raid actually no it's not remember how I said I would collect every jockey mob well as it turns out these raid mobs spawn on ravengers which means I now need to collect three additional ravengers [Music] holy moly that was close so for now I've just trapped the ravagers and pits because we need to build the houses for them later that's actually a huge weight off of my shoulders I feel like we can now move on to the extra mobs before the next phase that's totally a Wither now the polar bear [Music] gotta get a zoglin that's the cage what are you doing here well that's the mob guardian come on there he goes on a rail that should be it for the guardian the Magma Cube Blaze okay ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch stray come on through the portal and this is fast no they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine that was my only one here's a new one and there you are then the silverfish and then the Phantom now there's a trick for the shulker that not many people know about if you place a shulker box and then throw a weakness potion in a golden apple it turns into a normal shoulder I'm just kidding to get the chulker I had to build a bridge to the void and then by making a railway I was able to bring a real shulker in anyways those mobs complete phase three everything you've seen until this point was easy I'm about to attempt to collect the Villager jockey and the warden spoiler alert that one does not go well first of all we need to build an area for our jockey mobs so boom I earlier got some skeleton Horsemen to spawn and I want to put one in this far cage There It Is Well now it's time for those ravengers I was putting off from earlier okay as soon as I break this dirt the fun begins all right this isn't as bad as long as I keep my distance follow me okay don't fall and come on down nice and we just need to block this off time for The Vindicator ravager goodness that hurts let's go buddy and here we are one more to go but unfortunately this is the most dangerous of them all and he's out he's out now across the water and drop on in why isn't he dropping nope no stop it faxes please come on to the block good and breaking it all right block it off that was tiring okay let's pause here on these jockey mobs and we're gonna move on to the end Dimension now obviously we have our normal mobs here but then we also have the dangerous mobs because they're dangerous we need a different spot for them far from the ship I was thinking that we could build some sort of place through one of these gateways so [Music] here we go so each one of these three rooms is for a separate mob so let's actually get them now for the Ender Dragon I've decided that I'm just gonna build it out of blocks because there's no way I could trap the real one and still be able to leave the end Dimension so I saw this design on the internet and I actually thought it was pretty cool now for The Elder Guardian and wait is that a spider jockey I actually need one of these we should try to trap it right now please bro don't die [Music] there we go that's another one checked off while we're here let's actually try to get the zombie jockey mob this has a 1 in 400 chance of spawning whenever a random zombie comes in to increase those odds I have actually set up some chickens down below and then we just need to wait [Music] nice and there it is for the husk jockey it's the exact same idea just in the desert I have spent like 30 minutes waiting for one great there it is the next mob is a drowned jockey and I didn't even know that these existed until about 20 minutes ago anyways these are very challenging because the only way to get one is by creating a farm like this one and then waiting for the jockey to spawn guys I've been AFK in here for about an hour just waiting but look at the day count I thought I'd show you the moment it changes to 8 000. wow it's about two hours later and one finally spawned follow me here we go he's in wow I got distracted by those jockey mobs now we need to do the Elder Guardian and I'm a little worried about this one because of the mining fatigue and how much damage it does I think first of all we should set up a railway that connects to this portal and now I want to open up the top of this monument and drain everything with sponges perfect now you need to get in the minecart no no there he goes into the portal now through the nether he's in the end now go through the Gateway please finally into the cage we made wow this feels so weird seeing it in the outer end Islands okay I think that completes every mob I can currently do [Music] I'm about to attempt something very risky I'm gonna update the world to the snapshot version 22w14a now as we get the new alley and frog I'm gonna explain why we're in this snapshot basically the warden has an attack called the sonic boom this thing is basically pure death but this snapshot was released before the warden got the sonic boom my idea is that we can trap the warden in this update and then afterwards update to 119. and there it is the new alley and frog are trapped oh God here's the deep dark I think that's a Shrieker those are what spawned the warden [Music] oh my gosh what is happening let's go through the portal now break that [Music] there it is okay block up quickly this is terrifying that instantly popped my totem yep I literally had no idea how dangerous the warden actually was because this was my first time seeing it okay now all I have to do is not fall off of this bridge [Music] then you can go through this portal please sir and remember that chunk loader we used before I'm doing the same thing this time so I don't get smacked perfect he is in the end now let's take it up the stairs and you go through the Gateway there he is I am not totally terrified of that okay flick this lever here he comes and mind these now my goodness that is the warden now I can update to 119. geez the game looks so much better wow wow wow that's the warden trapped in the end but as you see there's still two missing mobs what are they you might ask they're the Villager jockey and the adult zombie villager jockey you've probably never seen either of these because of how rare they are let me explain whenever a zombie spawns it has a 1 in 20 chance of becoming a zombie villager from there it has another 1 in 20 chance of being a baby and then another one in 20 to be on a chicken essentially you are more likely to be struck by lightning in Minecraft before one of these spawn I might have an idea on how to obtain these I have this all mob farm here and I'm thinking if we just put portals at the bottom any jockey mob that spawns will not go through the portals and then we just watch for the mobs to spawn well I am going to AFK here until I see one spot I spent over 10 hours watching the farm until one finally spawned in name tag name tag and then another 12 hours before the next one spawned [Music] yes yes oh my gosh now to get the villager on a chicken we actually need to cure this zombie there you go what the heck that looks so weird well now it's time to move these guys 4 000 blocks to the cages thank you I also replaced the normal chicken jockey with this super rare one I found at the mob farm I'm not sure how rare this one is but if you could let me know in the comments that would be awesome the final thing to do is to convert this upside down villager jockey into a zombie what is that wait a minute that's all 86 mobs foreign [Music] well I think before we do any more work in the end we should take a break and do something else the 1.19 update just came out so how about we raid some ancient cities it's another day in Minecraft except something extraordinary is happening the migration of the cows one cow deviates from the rest and finds itself in a ruined City from the past how unfortunate hey everyone it's womba here and today we're going to raid 100 ancient cities to try to get as much loot as possible and the reason we're doing this is so that we can answer the question of just how much loot is in the average city well here we are so if we go through this portal [Music] that's right so in the last video we found an ancient city now the problem is that if I make any sound these shriekers will spawn awarded although using wool to walk on apparently doesn't make any sound oh I just got an advancement wait does that count as a sound okay no no I think we're good let's just cover this thing up to prevent it from shrieking quickly we're also going to search this area for any other shriekers and try to break them all right so I should probably explain why we're here so there's this absolute genius named El mango anyways he made this machine that makes it so no wardens can ever spawn I'm hoping that if the Machine Works we can loot all 100 ancient cities without any wardens attacking to make this machine we first need to place a row of wool here oh gosh no okay that's only the first streak I believe we get three strikes before a warden spawns now I gotta clear five blocks out from the Shrieker on each side and then this deep slate needs to be removed seven blocks down so then some more wool and on top of this we need carpet so that a warden doesn't just spawn up here piston wool poppers piston Redstone and there's a redstone clock that moves every five seconds quickly we also need to build a chunk loader here [Music] and I'm waiting for this trap door to move great it works now to run this machine we need to shoot some arrows in here and as soon as I place this sensor it's gonna start running wait wait why is it getting darker in here why do I hear a warden please maybe it's supposed to give you Darkness I am terrified of this but I think it's working I'm gonna stay shifting just in case okay good the darkness went away that sound is not helping my anxiety oh wow yeah I think we're good now what's in this chest hey not too shabby some disc fragments Echo shards whoa that diamond hoe has a lot of enchantments Swift snake and Amethyst well if this machine is working I'm gonna loot the rest of this city wow more Swift sneak yeah for now I kind of just want to collect everything whoa whoa enchanted golden apple apparently these are pretty common in cities yo two other side discs I kind of want to see what happens if we mine one of these reinforced deep slate blocks nothing oh well then well here we are this is the loot from just one city and before we leave for the other 99 I want to prepare a little bit I'm pretty sure we'll be doing a lot of flying to find all of the cities and I'd like to craft a bunch of fireworks I believe we've got at our sugar cane Farm yes there is a lot of sugarcane being produced let's just collect three shulkers and now at the storage do we have any gunpowder one stack of gunpowder and paper makes three stacks of fireworks now I'm just going to make a butt load of these foreign [Music] should definitely be enough I also want to grab a bunch of obsidian that should be good let's also grab a flint and steel a bow and then some empty shulker boxes hopefully all of this should be enough to raid the 100 cities finally I also want to repair my elytra at the XP farm and goodness that part is always stressful [Music] now to make sure we don't get attacked by mobs we need to turn the mob switch on and then the warden switch now nothing should be able to spawn hold on just checking are you subscribed these videos take a ton of time and energy to create and if you're enjoying watching don't forget to click that button so you don't miss out on any future content so let's just go really far out into The Nether and make a portal oh we're actually in a cave already I'm pretty sure that deep darks only spawn under mountains and we're in an ocean so whoa I did not expect to find one that quickly oh my gosh two in a single chest already if you're wondering how I already have so many apples I collected most of these from desert temples in the past it's one of my personal goals for the world to eventually get 1 000 enchanted golden apples and with them being so common now I might actually be able to make that happen now let's finish looting this city [Music] foreign skulls could generate in here yeah why not let's collect those two [Music] and that's the second City done I actually streamed the next couple of cities and got a ton of loot from them until the warden switch turned off randomly oh looks like there's another chest there why did that shriek that's not supposed to happen wait maybe it's because I broke the chest that's a Ward and that's awarded leave leave I've seen too many videos of people dying to the warden did the machine break like what happened the warden wasn't supposed to spawn well this side seems to be working oh it's because I logged out of the world and that unloaded the machine okay then while we continue I gotta remember not to leave the world so that doesn't happen again so back to it then [Music] geez this city had six Enchanted apples inside of it and as the cities got checked off I approached the first major milestone oh yes that's the 64th apple and now I have an entire stack that is so beautiful I also thought it'd be interesting to try and collect all of the diamond tools we find to see how many we can get by the end so I've been looting cities for about five hours now and we just finished the 25th City so yay but I think it's time to play a little game because I'm getting bored I want to see how many Enchanted apples I can find in one hour according to this website these are all of the mountain biomes and under most of the mountains is a city to maximize the amount of apples I get in one hour we can simply fly to these mountains and then mine down and hope to get lucky timer starts in three two one there's our first second yo two in one chest oh four someone please tell me the odds of that geez that's 30 minutes that is beautiful landscape I'm gonna just Mark these coordinates in case I ever want to build here five four three two one and that's time can I please count that one well anyways in a single hour we got 21 22 if you count that last one and that averages to one every three minutes that is really fast just keep in mind I'm only showing you the enchanted apples I find but at the end of the video you're gonna see all of the loot assuming I survive of course come on be honest did you think it was real for even one second and that is the 50th City rated exactly halfway oh look it's a savannah village now you may or may not know this but sometimes inside of these chests you can find Tall Grass yes and these are special because this is the only way you can obtain this item while we're exploring let's just make sure to check these Villages for the chests the spruce Villages are the same as well except they have the tall Fern item well then I'm gonna keep doing this and I'll see you guys in a little bit as I continued raiding cities I streamed the whole process on the Discord server if you'd like to come hang out and chat with me there's a link in the description holy wow this is a beautiful area I gotta say the caves and clips update has got to be one of my favorites when I wasn't getting distracted by the mountains I also managed to watch two movies and listen to half of The Hobbit audiobook that book is 11 hours long so that's saying something all of this city rating really made me think to myself these cities were supposed to be the most dangerous place in the world but instead they're actually the safest I wonder when Mojang is gonna fix this method until then yes I really did buy a That Was Easy Button just for this video we only got 25 more cities to raid and I think to keep myself interested I'm gonna press that button every time I complete one then it's time to stop putting it off and let's do this that's 80 done 85 done 95 cities done owl okay I just found eight enchanted golden apples in one city that has got to be rare wow that's really cool I've never seen a woodland mansion inside of a mountain before and this is the final City geez that's a lot of apples No Way the final City I just cut seven Enchanted apples oh it feels good to be done now let's just head back and see all of the loot wait I'm over 70 000 blocks from Spawn to get back I'm gonna quickly make a Nether Portal by using ladders and an ender pearl we can glitch on top of the ceiling and now because it's the nether we actually need to crouch all the way back for 8 000 blocks I'm kidding that would take forever okay then here we are these are all of the shoulder boxes full of loot from 100 ancient cities let's quickly sort everything out first of all the thing that everyone was wondering I got over five and a half double chests of diamond hoes that's roughly Three diamond hoes per City on average what am I gonna use all of these for next up we have over three double chests of other side discs yeah that's not obsessive at all we also have over a double chest of amethyst shards and then about 19 stacks of disc shards and all of these Swift sneak 3 books this chest over here is the valuable one so over three stacks of skeleton skulls enchanted golden apples keep in mind that I originally had 37 so that means in all of the ancient cities I found a total of 243 apples or roughly 2.4 per City finally we also got all of these diamonds plants and other things that's really not bad at all and saying it only took me about 20 hours I'd call that a decent haul just before we put these catalysts into the storage I want to try something okay I'm so sorry sheep but nice I still can't believe how many enchanted golden apples we have what what's that oh my remaining Mega projects require a ton of new blocks we should put everything on hold and build some more Farms I'm gonna transform this entire Mushroom Island into a full medieval Kingdom with over 100 houses a castle a massive dragon boats and a ton of other crazy Secrets this video contains over 300 hours of work and is by far my most ambitious project ever make sure to stick around to the end and I promise you won't regret it so about eight months ago when I was exploring I happened across this Mushroom Island I thought it'd be pretty cool to make a base here but the thing is to build anything here these mushrooms first need to go okay now that the mushrooms are gone I'd like to begin with terraforming the shape of this island wait oh my gosh I got a sick idea you see that pool there doesn't it kind of look like an eye of a skull oh I could put another eye there and maybe a mouth below yeah I'm gonna quickly try to shape this out because it would be so cool to make this island into a skull to get the correct shape I did use a few photos to trace it but then I had to keep flying up and down to make sure everything was correct well here we are it's looking pretty fancy except I lied it looks horrible we need to get rid of all of this mycelium I think I just have a natural hatred towards all mushrooms or something so there are pretty much two ways to do this the first is to cover it all in water that will convert the mycelium into dirt where we could then Place grass and it would spread however that method is pretty slow so then we could try the second approach of covering all of the blocks in Netherrack afterwards we could remove the Netherrack and should only have dirt oh man there are over 100 000 blocks to cover here is the first block all right it has been 15 hours and I have turned the entire Place into a grassy Oasis next up it's time to terraform this entire Island I'm gonna first fill in all of these open spots and then I'm gonna make a platform for the future Castle [Music] it looks like the inner parts also need to be terraformed I first cleared all of the water away and then mined them down from there I've replaced the floors and the walls to make them look much more rough and random after I finished that I spent several hours mining all of this flat land around the island down so it would look more natural now that we've finished that I kind of want to connect these floating parts to the ground I think we could use Cobblestone and a sight and stone to do this this required building an additional Cobblestone Farm as well as a super smelter to cook all of it into normal Stone and now I gotta mine a whole bunch of andesite perfect we got all of our materials and now it's time to terraform because I was underwater for such a long time I also needed a conduit but to make the conduit I needed a drowned farm so that I could get the Nautilus shells to make the conduit well our island is fully terraformed and it only took 150 hours and countless YouTube streams I do however think this is a good time to begin planning the city I'd first like to put a castle up there somewhere and maybe leading up to it we can have a bridge just kidding I lied actually two Bridges next I think we should begin working on the castle I actually made a full separate video on building this Castle so I highly recommend checking that out first but basically I had to shape the castle and then using over 80 000 blocks I built up walls a roof Towers Courtyards houses and this thing let's not talk about that all of this required building an additional drip Stone farm netherwort farm a villager breeder villager trading Hall an iron farm a dragon egg duper sand duper and a concrete converter yup all in all I spent about 200 hours making this entire Island into what it is but now this is where the video is going to get even more insane because today I'm going to subscribe I mean collect over 400 000 blocks to prepare for the surrounding City I've made a full list of all the items I will need for this project but the thing is some of these are really difficult to get large quantities of So the plan for today is to build all those farms for these items first of all we're gonna need a bunch of wood but to store the wood we're gonna need shulker boxes My Old shulker Farm kind of broke so the first Farm we're going to be building is a shulker farm it looks like there's a big list of items required first up scaffolding smooth stone slabs Soul Sand buttons trapdoors glass and all right that should be everything now to build this Farm I was thinking that in the industrial district with all the other Farms would be best well then it's time to begin [Music] I'm putting a bunch of snowmen in here I guess these attack the shulker make it work I also needed to make this super easy snow farm for all of the gorbs [Music] okay now we need to spawn an endermite in here and get into the mine cart and that should be the last block of the farm now we actually need to get a shulker into the farm and if I recall yes a while back I actually managed to get a few shulkers into the Overworld at spawn so let's quickly make a path to the place if I could please stop getting hit Minecart yes there he goes move it buddy drop in please and it should be working yes we are getting shells however once these shulkers spawn on these spots I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a lot faster I think if I quickly build a chunk loader above the farm now we work on our other projects the farmwal AFK and should get these shulkers although these shulkers are just half of the problem to make a shulker box you need two shells and a chest to make a chest that's eight wooden planks say I wanted to make several thousand shulker boxes I would need a ton of wood so I think our next Farm will be a wood Farm I had a really cool idea for a wood Farm area basically there are nine different types of wood in game now I've researched high and I've researched low and I've found really good farms for each of these woods now something that needs to be taken into account is that each of these Farms require a ton of bone meal to fuel them so what if we built all nine farms in one area and then make a crazy bone meal Farm on top of that after that we could create tubes that link all of them to the bone meal Farms I actually think this is a really cool idea but first I need to find where I'm going to build these Farms possibly out here on the ocean because I do have a bunch of other Farms out here it might be a good spot [Music] the first wood Farm we're going to be building is going to be a mangrove farm this new wood came with everyone's favorite update 1.19 The Mangrove color is really nice and I'm sure that on the Castle Island I'll use a lot of it so let's follow the tutorial and build this thing this one requires some stone bricks and for some reason a bunch of stripped oak logs this is gonna be satisfying perfect now a ton of redstone stuff let's also grab some chests for storage and I think that should be everything I'm gonna quickly go ahead and build the farm foreign that was actually really easy to follow to test it we need some propagules and then to place them here while it's running holy cow that's all of the wood from like 30 seconds of running it although to let that farm AFK I do need to make a propagule farm but I'm gonna make that one later next up we have another relatively simple Farm the nether trees Farm the cool thing about this is that it doesn't actually need a player to run that essentially means it can be chunk loaded and will be producing infinite wood foreign [Music] there we are to run this we're gonna need a ton of bone meal which I do not have so before we test that one I want to build up the bone meal Farm geez that's a lot of items for some reason this Farm requires 400 Target blocks Each of which require a hay bale do we have any hay not much well I have seen people go to Villages and get the hay bales why are there so many Iron Golems and that should be all that we need I suppose also a ton of redstone things some glass and concrete and now that everything is in shulker boxes we can go ahead and build it up [Music] this Farm design is by ill mango it's a simple bone meal Farm but I built the largest version that makes over 26 000 bone meal in an hour and there we are if everything is working as intended I should only have to put a bit of bone meal in this first section and then flick the lever I think we can quickly connect the output of this Farm to the nether trees and test if it works or not okay here comes the first bone meal I'm gonna need to let it run for a little while because it's got to be completely full before the tree farm can work the extra bone meal is starting to get burnt I think if we flick this lever okay the TNT oh man the trees are growing oh my gosh look at how much wood is just floating there actually it's perfect because I was wanting to build the storage for all of these Farms down here and I'm gonna need a bunch of chests and shulker boxes inside of it wait I wonder if the shulker farm is still running we'll check back in later so first of all to make the storage for the Farms I'm gonna need to collect even more items keep in mind that I'm leaving out the crafting of most items for example I needed several hundred observers those require Cobblestone quartz and Redstone I had to first use my Cobble Farm then I went to my gold Farm where I then used all of the gold to trade at my pigland bartering farm for courts after that I collected Redstone at the cow king raid Farm oh yeah I also needed a lot of slime a ton of honey I used this farm and pistons and more quartz and wood and glass and trapdoors and Hoppers and item frames let's just say that collecting the materials for this storage in the next Farm was not easy and took me several hours oh at least now I just need to build the farm it shouldn't be too bad I hope what the heck this is gonna take hours and hours it did take what I didn't realize is that if I messed up even one part the entire farm would break it's time to test it why is it not working oh my gosh you're not gonna believe this this one rail here needs to be at a slant okay so yeah the next Farm is done the really cool part about this Farm is that you can do five different types of woods you just press the button and you get whichever wood you want I guess that means there's just one more Farm to do but before that I do want to build a super tiny prop at Google farm right here hopefully it should allow me to AFK The Mangrove farm and not run out of propagules next up I'd like to connect all of the Farms to the bone meal farm and test if each one works foreign there we go I also made some super quick glass tubes and later we're gonna make it so you can change whichever Farm they go to but first let's get the dark oak tree farm finished [Music] I didn't even think it was possible to farm dark oak before okay I seem to have run out of Target blocks again I seriously need a wheat farm [Music] and there it is now I actually want to test this one I think what we do is we get a bunch of saplings in our hand and then turn it on get in the mine cart now I need to point this direction hold down my right click yes dude it's been like five minutes what the heck I am thoroughly mind blown the best part is though that was the last wood Farm I had to make I do however want to quickly set up some Redstone to control the bone meal tubes so if you notice we have glass blocks here to stop the bone meal from falling but when I removed the glass it just falls through the water to the next tube I was thinking if we set up some Pistons here I could control it with a lever so all right and that completes the Wood Farms if you know your Redstone you can probably recognize that I'm going to be using shulker box loaders here now that we have a ton of wood from the farms and the shells from the shulker farm we got to fill all of these chests Up Wait has the shulker farm been working this whole time there it is oh my yes it's been working okay then with all the shells and all of this wood I'm about to craft over 1 700 shoulder boxes to put in here crafting them up like this is amazing because you can just do 64 at a time what's crazy is that 1700 shulker boxes still isn't enough to fully stock this system however before we do any more let's finish this half of the storage over here I'd like to sort some of the more rare items like the mangrove Roots nether leaves and apples why the apples um um I don't know after over 30 hours of collecting items building farms and AFK net them these final shulker boxes should finish the word District yes now to basically make sure everything's working but to also get the items I'm gonna spend a few hours AFK net every Farm [Music] it's been a little while but before I show you how much wood I collected I'm legally inclined to say sorry to team trees no for real though like first the mushroom trees that I basically destroyed the mushroom's home and now I'm literally using TNT to bomb thousands of mass-produced trees goodness gracious when you put it that way it it was absolutely worth it because I mean look at all of this wood this was from four hours of afkane we are going to be more than prepared for this future city on the island except what I didn't tell you was that the shulker boxes and wood for the city was only half of the equation you see this house looks good but it's all wood this house also looks good but it's all Stone I'm pretty sure you see where I'm going yup this Stone and wood house looks extra Splendid next up we need to collect like 200 000 stone blocks I was wondering how we might actually get these blocks first of all the basic stuff like Stone I can simply get from the stone farm from there I could craft stone bricks as well as cook those in the super smelter to get cracked stone bricks but then getting something like 31 000 deep slate will be much more challenging I'm going to quickly do some research and see if there's a way to farm the block okay I did a bit of research and I think we're gonna build a tunnel bore to build this machine we first gotta find the perfect spot and I think right here in the Mesa works and now I got a mine all the way down to Y minus 55. [Music] okay and now I'd like to set up a beacon here so now this is either going to be awesome and save a ton of time or awesome and kill me and run run this is not quite large enough I'm gonna repeat this until it's finished [Music] that should be it now I just need to build up the machine and I already have all the materials except for these weird dead coral fans so it looks like I'm gonna take a little trip to the coral reef [Music] not that I have enough let's build up the machine [Music] and that should be the final part think to use the machine we hit this note block please work please work please work okay that was loud then I think we just come in here and make sure to pick up the items [Music] yup that's from just one round I guess we just need to repeat this until I have enough I'm also gonna collect all of the tough and Diamond doors that I find because they'll become more useful later now that all the Deep slate and tough blocks can be checked off I want to gather a bunch of dirt for paths and terraforming on the island total I think about 12 shulkers will be enough I've never really collected that much dirt before in the past whenever I had to collect dirt I usually would get a bunch of shovels and just mine it but I think there might be a faster and more explosively interesting way of obtaining it TNT TNT that's what it is okay here goes nothing roughly a stack and a half from just one TNT so then if we get a bunch of these and just keep exploding them [Music] there's our first inventory this method is actually really good [Music] and here we are the last shulker completely full not too shabby that only took like 30 minutes to get that much dirt but uh let's not talk about this area also now that we got all the dirt let's use some gravel to make coaster and four shulkers should definitely be enough so I was looking at the new 1.19 blocks and I absolutely love the mud blocks and I even more love the packed mud blocks I'd like to collect about 10 shulkers of mud in total or just over 17 000 blocks that's kind of a lot there are mud Farms that I've seen But the issue with those is that they're slow and they use dirt which doesn't really make sense because then I'd have to go out again and mine more dirt so then I guess that leaves the option of finding a mangrove biome and Mining the dirt thank you finally that took like 30 minutes I was considering doing the TNT method again but honestly in this case I think just digging it up is faster [Music] we definitely got enough mud but I also want to get the packed mud block except this block is challenging to get because it requires wheat like a lot of wheat if I want to make four shulkers of packed mud that requires 6912 wheat just mining hay bales isn't going to cut it this time I think instead I'm gonna make a quick Wheat Farm let's just get the materials really fast concrete hoppers dirt pistons and Redstone Dust all right now to build it I went ahead and built it in the wood Farm District because that allowed me to connect it to the bone meal Farm to use the machine we just have to come down here and isn't that pretty cool that's nearly two wheat every second I'm gonna run this machine until there's enough wheat to make all the packed mud blocks [Music] that should be all of it but I was noticing that as I made some tools my levels got pretty low time to AFK at the Gold Farm [Music] all of that gold is from one hour of AFK this is actually really convenient because if we take the gold to the pigment Farm and yup they got some more blocks we need Soul Sand and Blackstone but also a ton of quartz and string oh yeah I'm also now level 10 15 so that's pretty cool I was hoping that with all this quartz I could craft diorite which I could then turn into andesite but to get 10 full shulkers of these blocks that would require an insane amount of quartz so I think it might just be better to go out and mine the blocks and as for where we can mine the blocks I think in the wall of this perimeter will work perfectly oh yeah to make this perimeter where we're mining the blocks I used a world eater it could be argued that it's another Farm but I'll leave that to you to decide in the comments it has been a while I finished collecting exactly four shulkers of diorite 4 of andesite and two of granite I got so many of each because I just love using these blocks in houses you know we've been collecting blocks for so long that I think I'll do the final couple ones in a montage [Applause] lots of bricks and chisel bricks [Music] there we go sandstone and smooth sandstone [Music] there we go that's everything I'm going to now move everything to the island and we can see the grand total geez about 250 shulkers completely full of items that we're going to be using to build this city doing the math on that that's a grand total of 432 000 items well I guess that's it for today's video nope now it's time to plan the entire city out don't worry this will be quick anyways I wanted the island to be split into 10 different Districts The Castle District the poor area religious area Rich The Farms industrial the mine the courtyard the market the ships and the surrounding Islands as well as finally the Dragon one small thing I think we should cover the entire Island and beacons to make the work here easier how about we quickly craft up 100 beacons oh wait I don't have enough nether Stars that's the 100 nether star that's 100 beacons [Music] and that's 72 beacons on an island [Music] so this project is probably going to take me over half a year to finish if you're interested in seeing the progress please remember to subscribe and turn notifications on so that whenever I post the next part you don't miss out wait a minute no way someone just told me that if I get a Charged Creeper to blow up my shulker boxes they duplicate here goes nothing well I did a ton of work on the Castle Island and built many farms in the last episode so let's take a little break and start working on a world record this is a single map and did you know that you can expand it so this map is now the max level and look at how large that area is wait a minute I wonder what the largest map you can make is so I found that by placing item frames on a wall and then by getting two maps next to each other you can make a mega map now the cool thing about this is that there's no limit okay okay okay yup so today we're gonna make a humongous map of my entire world if you didn't know maps are kind of laggy and have sort of been known to corrupt worlds oh man I hope nothing bad happens the thing about this map room is that I can't just make it I also want the surrounding area to look good and that's going to require a lot of preparation I have an idea on where to start this project but first we're gonna need to collect some items whoa so I just downloaded this texture pack that makes item frames invisible part of me kind of wanted to surprise you with floating items and stuff but I got too excited this looks so cool so first of all we need some black concrete iron blocks some beacons Bobby and then a flind steel then we need to find a location to build this map room well this area already has a lot of builds and from the tests I did on the creative world I don't really want to make the map room near any of these because I'm pretty sure it's gonna lag how about this place yeah it does seem to be out of the way for the most part the surface please be surface ever since the caves and cliffs update whenever I make a new portal I always end up like 40 000 miles underground anyways this place is kind of cool first of all I do want to Mark out a concrete Circle for the map room I definitely didn't mess that up several times from edge to edge that should be 101 wide and by doing the math that means there are going to be over 8021 maps for an entire layer this is certainly a pretty massive place but even though it's marked out it's not quite ready for the maps you're gonna need a little backstory Ryan this guy yes this mix he recently challenged me to dig a big hole in my world at first I said no then he told me again and I still said no but then this itching thought grew within my mind what if I dug a big hole so I got back to my employee Ryan and said I'm gonna blow up a massive hole thank you for the idea oh man was that a mistake to say last I checked the game was still called Minecraft and they had not re-labeled it to TNT craft all right so think about what you're doing just dig the hole with your hands okay you're an adult I I think I don't know if you are so yup I guess we're gonna get started with digging this 350 000 block Hole by and okay to at least make this as fast as possible let's set up a full Beacon here and hey on a quick side note have you checked if you're subscribed these videos take a really long time to create and if you enjoy them it would mean so much if you clicked that button so you don't miss out on any future content cool next I want to set up a temporary storage that way when we're mining the hole we can save all the blocks which should come in handy later well anyways this shovel is about to break so let's go do what I do best and over prepare first of all I want to hit up the main storage yes I knew we had just a few tools here now at the Gold Farm we can quickly repair all of them [Music] so now that we're severely over prepared I'm going to quickly mine this entire layer of dirt out have you ever stayed up to 2 A.M finding thousands of dirt blocks and listening to Lo-Fi girl no just me hello Mr donkey what I just blinked and it's gone that's so weird Minecraft can be so laggy sometimes there's their first chest second third I will definitely find a use for that in the future but you know what's next all of the stone and I think the way we're gonna do this is by mining a single quarter of the whole at a time maybe we should create a trench on these first two sides why does this look so cool if we start on this first quarter will I still get the haste effect the whole time hello there Mr Pillager oh man that's tragic look at all the resources in these chests the funny thing is that I'm completely full on Stones so and that is the final block of the entire first quarter yeah it's definitely kind of boring so I think I'm gonna change things up rather than mining this next quarter we're actually going to do the opposite side so that means two more trenches okay that's kind of cool sometimes these Minecarts will have enchanted golden apples will I be lucky nope I've concluded there are three ways to mine first of all we can do the fun way which is one layer at a time this way is perfect for when you get bored and you want to change second we got the um the two layers at a time I know it's creative this is faster than the one layer but for whatever reason it really makes you bored finally we got the third method that I like to call the efficient method here we mine five or six layers wide and then we take it all the way to the ground Hey look it's a Wandering Trader got anything good um the game keeps despawning these mobs okay for real though that joke is probably getting old oh look at this we got two mine carts next to each other not totally sure if that's rare or not as I finished up the second half I made sure to collect all the items for the upcoming phase of this map room yes sir that's halfway look at my stone mind stats well I'm kind of in a dilemma right now I either do the small side and be lazy or the large side and not be lazy I mean it's all gotta go eventually might as well do this half yo is that a spider spawner no no no no oh gosh okay okay okay please ignore that overreaction I was literally still full health as I continued to mine the hours flew by until I found something amazing yo it's a pig this thing can absolutely not die let's quickly mine you down buddy careful now great good perfect if this Pig dies then I will literally delete my hardcore world so the stakes you could say are pretty high or the pork chops I had to there we go the pig is at the bottom now we need to just block all the places he can die now that the pig is safe I'm gonna finish mining this third quarter [Music] and finally just block the mine shaft off one more side let's do this oh we also just got this sheep that fell into the hole I'm gonna quickly get a name tag on him and then Jeb is your new name perfect so it's the same deal we need to keep him alive and this is the final block here I think I'm gonna mind this one by hand to celebrate and there it is 350 000 blocks all dug by hand before we move on to decorating this pit I want to get all these items out of here so foreign about what I got from this entire place about 20 000 dirt and grass ten thousand Granite diorite and andesite and like two shulkers full of iron and Cold War plus 200 000 stone blocks now we're gonna start with beautifying this mess wait is beautify even a word oh it is first of all this concrete ring can go now I need to explain the plan to you if we were to just place the maps right now it would look pretty bad because there wouldn't be any light I might have a solution to fix this but it's going to require about five shulker boxes full of Glowstone hopefully please please please back when I afk'd for 30 hours to get the emeralds for the emerald Beacon I also made sure to save all the glowstone from the witches and that should be all we need then we can just come into the pit and start filling the floor in I just had an idea if we play some beacons around the pit I should get the speed effect which would make placing the glowstone on the bottom a lot quicker now we got four max power beacons surrounding the pit and I should be able to finish placing the glowstone oh oh gosh I just had a thought and now I can't unthink it why does this glowstone kind of look like a bunch of Beams I told you and now you're never gonna unsee it we're gonna quickly take a little break from the pit and start the fun part for this mysterious fun part we're gonna need a bunch of iron redstone dust and then compasses that is a weird word now to the sugarcane farm let's grab a few shulkers of this finally we can use these materials to make some maps however these aren't for what you think these are planning Maps well actually they're just normal Maps but you you get what I mean these maps are gonna help plan where the rest of the world is going to go you see the size of this pit is very intentional it's completely perfect so that it will fit my end portal transformation as well as the Castle Island over 10 000 blocks away well then we better get started okay I think we need to start here and go in that direction oh my wait how do I even keep these organized how about I put them in my inventory okay oh no the inventory is full let's quickly land and try to empty these into a shulker that's not too bad I guess we just keep repeating this for another 100 Maps or so this should be as far as we need to go now I believe we need to turn left and then keep going yo it's the Skull Island let's go I cannot wait to see this on the final map but for now because we got our planning Maps let's get back to the beans I mean glowstone pit and place these on the floor wait which way do they go oh here we are all right now I just need to keep these organized [Music] and these should be the last ones wow that looks insane just imagine what the end result will be speaking of the end looks this place with all the walls and everything is kind of just ugly so what we're gonna do is leave the hardcore world and go on to a creative world now I'd like to design a building that can go on top of the pit I just got a really cool idea I need to run it by you you know how Maps allow you to quote unquote observe the world what if on top of the pit we make a massive Observatory so instead of making you watch me build this you're just gonna watch the time lapse I had to learn how to use world edit and once I did making this only took about four hours this is just the first half though because now we need the walls for the pitch so anyways now we can hop back onto the hardcore world no wait a minute so I just checked and this lower part isn't gonna fit I'm gonna need to remove an additional layer around this entire circle here we go then water hello oh no no no no no lock it off come on okay dream where are you at that was actually a pretty cool clutch [Music] that should be it for mining the entire hole to actually make these walls look good we're gonna need to collect a huge list of items fortunately I think we actually have all of these some great concrete deep slate tiles all the andesite we collected from mining smooth stone that we can quickly cook at the super smelter foreign terracotta polished andesite stairs stone brick walls andesite slabs finally a bunch of obsidian now that we have all the materials I want to start by making an andesite and Avi ring down here and now let's go ahead and build the walls up with the cool time lapse [Music] ladies and gentlemen whoa that's kind of an illusion do you see it too Alright though now we need to build the observatory on top which is also going to require about 76 000 items the first of which is about 8 000 black stained glass how much do we actually have okay then yeah we're gonna need some more don't villagers sell glass yes they do and not too shabby but okay the villagers can't trade anymore because it's night so actually let's take a trip to the end really quick and now we can take this sand and then cook it into glass then the glass turned into black stained glass and now that that's settled let's go ahead and get five shulkers of deep slate tiles and then by using the stone cutter we actually save on materials now some polished andesite oh no it seems like we need some Stone do you think we have enough Stone there we go stone bricks and then black concrete next we need some black stone so first let's AFK at the Gold farm for a bit [Music] I'm pretty sure that's enough now to the pigland farm nice that checks off the Blackstone now this one's kind of tricky we're gonna need a bunch of obsidian and I sort of used the rest of what I had for the lower walls okay I'm gonna try to do this in one breath um obsidian [Music] thanks to enxo4 for the obsidian Farm design now he should start attacking and then instead of us getting hurt he breaks the obsidian doesn't seem to be working oh no no we got out destroying the Galaxy please follow me get away get away get away anyways now you need to die okay it seems to be working great I'm gonna AFK this for about an hour and hopefully we have enough obsidian once it's done oh my goodness yup I think our obsidian crisis is solved I still need to collect a bunch more items so [Music] and finally we just need a few deep slate brick walls okay then let's move all 76 000 items to the pit so before we get building we need to clear even more trees around this pit so the observatory fits there we go now it's time to get building and that's the base just wow I was thinking that we could use the black stained glass as a floor for the room that way we could just look down onto the maps once it's finished here is the first glass and wait what in the heck is even that somehow a bush is poking through the wall okay Mojang I see how it is that's it for the glass and now we can begin with the actual Observatory [Music] there are the first four walls the days kept passing as I continued to build this Dome on top is going to be very satisfying they're the first two petals finished [Music] and there it is that looks so good now it's time for the long dreaded part mapping the entire world to do this we're actually going to need about 8 000 item frames I decided to leave this part a secret until now but every time I had the chance I would AFK at my hogland farm for leather yeah that's probably enough leather now the other ingredient in item frames are sticks approximately 64 000 sticks wait I actually think the stick farm has a whole bunch of sticks yo I just keep lucking out with all these farms and then we just need to craft the item frames and with all of these we should go ahead and start placing them on the entire floor dude I just had an ingenious idea have you ever seen a map of the world and you know how they have those like little mini circles or something what if in the middle of this map we do that same thing and inside of it we have the end Dimension I am 100 doing this so we need our first Circle okay there we go now the tricky thing about the end is that because everything looks the same we need it to be mathematically accurate I'm sorry I had to make that pun eventually before we begin mapping the end we need to craft all the maps back to the sugarcane farm this thing produces about 50 000 sugarcane per hour so honestly I think we're pretty much set then all of the iron in Redstone to make more compasses [Music] well the time has come I've done the math and from here on the end chip we need to go 32 Maps per row before we start I want to organize my inventory so we don't get lost now for the moment I've been fearing it's time to fly over the void and do this okay keep mapping wait what's my y level can't get too low wow these maps are completely gray there's land that was low-key stressful anyways let me get the rest of these quickly here comes the second row no it's the void again this is editing one by here I just want to say how incredibly difficult this was I had to watch my y level so I wouldn't go too low into the void but also my elytra how many fireworks I had plus keeping in the correct direction making sure to map every time keeping the maps in order and finally making sure I didn't have a full inventory at any point I'm pretty sure you can see why I wasn't talking to the camera during this part goodness I think that's it for the first two rows let's quickly get back and see if it worked that looks insane okay then I'm Gonna Keep mapping this end until the entire place is full [Music] that's the 2000th map I've made in this world and there it is the final map for the end Dimension I can't say I've ever seen someone make a map in the end and I'm seriously surprised because this looks so cool can you believe that this is only about 20 of the entire world map yeah speaking about that let's just not because I really don't want to do this literally every map will need to be perfect this is essentially an 8 000 piece jigsaw puzzle well after recuperating for approximately 6 minutes and 14 seconds I decided to start so each row from here over is 97 maps Long I think if I pack enough shulkers and make sure not to mess up I could do four rows at once okay then here we go whoa that's my old gas Farm I completely forgot about that oh here's spawn that's pretty cool there that should be the fourth row finished I'm crossing my fingers that I didn't mess up anywhere here goes nothing I actually did it perfectly I won't bother explaining my sorting process in this video but I will put it in the description in case you're curious because it was the only thing that made this possible as I continued to map the world I hit some pretty crazy Milestones like three thousand and four thousand total Maps there was even a random time when I found some old chunks when I first started my world almost 9 000 days ago what these items are basically artifacts I feel like I need to save these or something and after a few more hours the middle section was totally finished um remember when I said Maps could corrupt worlds well I'm not even halfway finished placing maps and I'm already lagging really hard I don't want to lose my hardcore world so unfortunately we're gonna end the video here thanks for watching absolutely not I will not stop even if it means my world might be destroyed let's finish this map wow look at this cave I'm gonna Mark these coordinates down what is wrong with this Village whoa that Beacon looks really cool on the map can someone please explain what's going on here why is a desert village in the plains biome and also why does this island look like a Gummy Bear [Music] here are the final few maps for the first half wow what's that wait have you been watching me this entire time clearly mapping for hours was making me a little delirious but I was getting closer and closer to my goal the time was almost there and then finally after hitting the 8 000th map I was done here we are the final few maps and this is it [Music] [Applause] [Music] this looks pure amazing but yeah I am kind of getting like six frames a second still though at least my world didn't corrupt well after that little incident let's go ahead and take a break and work on some little houses well I just finished this little house and I think I'll take a break and go play some Parkour spiral you know I'll instead spend 150 hours building the entirety of Parkour spiral in my hardcore world that way I don't need to spend five seconds logging into a different one what did you just say no totem I'm not crazy all right for real though I've wanted to build this in my world for like a year now and I am so stoked to finally do it so thank you heliki for Designing the map this is gonna take a lot of planning to make we have all these steps which begin with the placement of where it's gonna go the issue however is that this map is about 300 blocks tall from top to bottom if I were to just place it right on the ground the top would be cut off because it would reach World height so that means I need to create a 2.2 million block hole beneath it these concrete blocks are going to be the outline of the hole we're gonna dig okay now that we have an outline to do anything here all of this water needs to go now we just need to place some gravel beneath this concrete and make a wall [Music] and now I gotta come in here and make some trenches and I found that making the trenches five blocks wide was perfect for the next step of placing sponges [Music] and then every time I would run out of sponges I would quickly dry them in the nether foreign I have cleared the water anyways now this entire Mountain needs to be cleared because the TNT machines we're going to be using in a moment have to have flat land to work let's go get some beacons to get the haste effect beacons perfect now I'm at my RAID Farm to craft some Emerald blocks somewhere on stream told me to try using a mod called item scroller it's crafting the blocks so fast uh yeah that's definitely enough blocks for all the beacons okay want to see a cool trick watch this beacons beacons beacons foreign [Music] whoa how did that Beacon magically appear there first I think we should start with the dirt actually I have a better idea I'm gonna need some TNT okay now I need a bow to shoot the TNT and bruh how did I manage to grab literally the one mending bow instead of any of these Infinity bows now the boom booms and that's all the dirt now I'm gonna mine the stuff foreign [Music] that should be all the land flattened and now it's time to remove the main portion all 2.2 million blocks obviously the best way to remove this is to use TNT however when the TNT explodes it leaves the walls looking pretty ugly so to fix that we're going to use a special trick that involves water but to fully explain it I need to travel to the right spot [Music] thank you what's this camera doing down here it does nothing Minecraft is the same and by lining the walls of her Square trench with water we can keep the TNT doing nothing and make sure this place stays awesome why did I have to come all the way out here to explain that so to make the water trenches we're gonna need to mine all of the sides down to y equals minus 40. that's gonna take a while so to speed up the process I want to get some more beacons in and so I mind and I mind and I mind until finally something really weird happened I wish deep slate would instantly mine wait why am I falling so slowly yeah I definitely didn't spend 10 minutes leaving the hole going to the storage finding ingredients and then Brewing slow falling potions just for one joke no no way would I ever do that and after an hour and a half I had finished the first of the four trenches dude this looks so cool ouch the second side is pretty much the same deal but as you can see my pick is kind of low so let's go and quickly repair it foreign the next several hours mining out the second third and fourth trenches [Music] and there we go that's the first step of this project done and while working I ended up collecting quite a bit of deep sight and diamonds both of which are going to be needed later in this project I guess now the next step to make these walls completely flat is to flood water down the trenches probably something like this oh wait the water can't be doing that um what about every other block okay yeah that somehow fixed the flooding great so I think this is actually a good place to take a break from working on the whole the reason being is I'm about to hit 9 000 days on the world and I think I'd like to blow up the hole on the 9000 days stream so in the meantime before we get there let's actually start collecting the items for the entire parkour spiral oh my gosh what the heck is this list of items 170 000 blocks like are you kidding me that's kind of crazy but I guess we gotta just start so first up 40 schulkers of stone and wait a minute remember from the last Maps video I literally mined 350 000 blocks by hand and saved all of the stone next up we have 22 000 deep slate and I actually did save like 10 shulkers of deep slate From The Trenches I just hand mind but that's still not anywhere near enough wait a minute does Cobble deep slate cook into normal deep flight how did I not know this this is good you know why well two episodes ago I coincidentally made a massive tunnel board that blows up Cobble deep sleep which I can then collect quickly [Music] oh baby we got our diamonds too someone recently beat the overall most diamonds ever collected in hardcore and I think it might be kinda cool to get that record back someday [Music] ouch ouch ouch there we go that should be all of the deep slate we need now we can take this deep slate to the super smelter [Music] and the Deep slate is checked off I'm looking at this next one and we are gonna need about 11 shulkers of skulk blocks future one by here this man in the past was an idiot he literally made a new diamond hoe using two diamonds and precious levels from there this doofus went to an ancient city and realized Fortune doesn't even pick up skulk huh why isn't it working that's not even the worst of it remember how I literally made a video of raiding a hundred ancient cities well as it turns out I collected over 400 Diamond hoes which means I didn't even need to make that new one I sometimes wonder how past me can be so unintelligent foreign on the list is pretty easy yep it's some sand then some ice now about four shulkers of jungle leaves [Music] why are these parrots here oh my God oh my gosh I remember taming these parrots like 8 000 days ago when I first started my world you guys know you're like 22 years old then we need some grass and some dirt finally some terracotta from the Badlands biome and there we go these are the main items collected and I'm actually looking at the day counts and we're gonna pause here with collecting the items because I'm about to stream to 9 000 days that means it's time to get back to work on blowing up the hole I know it doesn't look like much but these are all the items we need to make the TNT machines so let's quickly build then [Music] um and then by breaking this block the machine should start okay yeah and with my type of luck I think it's best if I just watch these machines work from far away how about we build two more of these machines to help speed up the process there we are hold up this is not good this TNT is not gonna work if any of these liquids are here so okay the problem has worsened that's a lot of lava someone did suggest that I could use scaffolding to fill in the lava but honestly I think gravel will be overall quicker because I already have a lot foreign this project is so fire oh man the magnitude of this lava pool I'm sorry it's been a long day as I cleared the lava I found some diamonds fell in a few times and ate like 5 000 pork chops anyways while I was working someone on stream suggested a method of removing lava that seemed too good to be true okay so for this trick we need to go to the iron farm and then with all of this iron I would like to make a bucket load of um buckets [Music] Now by using these buckets what the heck why have I never used this method before with my new method of removing lava in place I spent the next couple of hours bombing the entire perimeter out well that's pretty much it although it looks like not all of the blocks were quite removed so [Music] perfect that is one side done second side cleared third and this fourth side I'm gonna manually use TNT to explode [Music] Pew this place looks pretty cool even though that's only halfway we now need to set up TNT bombing machines once more but just lower down to finish clearing the hole [Music] hey look first diamonds on the lower part [Music] so as the hours flew by the machines cleared more and more land until finally the entire area was down to y equals minus 40. so yeah I technically don't need to clear any of this stuff away because it is beneath where we actually need to clear but I kind of feel like it would look a lot cooler if I did so this is n't risky at all I just need to clear the blocks around the edge and then I am done wait actually I would kind of like to put a floor in here let me quickly do that 13 000 blocks later the floor is in holy the hole is Holy complete that was cringe just like that I had finished the phase of building parkour spiral what I didn't know was that the next phase was going to be much much worse because now I needed to collect over 500 different types of items which totaled to over 170 000 blocks well we already collected a few items earlier so instead of doing the large amount of items why don't I start on the smallest amount and work my way up foreign ever made a dark oak fence before same with beds if you didn't know I refused to sleep in my world so crafting these feels kind of weird next up we have tall grass and large ferns I hate to use these because they're so dang hard to find you can only ever get them in Village chests and even that isn't guaranteed it looks like we now need some Dead brain coral fans which means I need to take a trip to the reef [Music] and yeah that should be enough skull catalysts conveniently we can just get these from the ancient city from earlier all right care yes annoying totem that's cause to get views on YouTube you have to fight wardens oh there it is all right you aren't so scary are you nice well I'm gonna keep collecting the items on the list [Music] just that I need some Ferns and it wouldn't be a one butt video if I didn't build a farm thanks rayworks for this Fern Farm design yup I made a fern Farm literally a farm for ferns [Music] I cannot express how many items I had to collect [Music] even along the way I found some super strange things what the heck first of all these two monuments are within range of each other to make a double Guardian Farm but secondly why are they in the land like this now I need some sponges and wet sponges that's super weird now some lily pads [Music] three stacks of diamond blocks wait that's 27 stacks of diamonds are you kidding me what about the diamonds we collected from earlier is that gonna be enough I guess the only way to find out is to mine them [Music] diamonds and slime slimes and diamonds diamonds and slimes oh shoot that was not enough diamonds do I have more in the storage yes let's go and now for all of these items foreign I do have a farm for this what if I convert the snow layers into blocks by placing them oh my gosh why is that so satisfying finally I have been collecting items for three days now and I'm about 90 finished first of all we do have to get a bunch of jungle logs editing oneba you're gonna hate me but could you please do that fast editing thingy now I need a bunch of grass [Music] and then about 40 shulkers of lava [Music] and this final item you will never be able to guess two verdant frog lights verdant am I saying that right so to get these frog lights we're gonna need to build a farm I decided to stream this process because I have literally never done anything with frogs on 1.19 and I heavily relied on chat to help me okay we have all the items for the farm to actually build it we need to find a Basalt Delta's biome on the nether ceiling [Music] oh this place isn't gonna work because there are other blocks near so let's go find a different one this Basalt Delta should work now to build the farm and I think the Iron Golems nope he got out once more that should be it for the farm however now we need to get a bunch of frogs into here so let's first go to a mangrove swamp and find some essentially there are three different types of frogs the white the green and the pink one to get all of these types of frogs you first need to breed frogs and then once the tadpole eggs hatch pick them up in a bucket and move them to specific biomes foreign now that we got some tadpoles and frogs let's go back through the portal no zombie no you don't follow me guys okay don't go back through please come on and there you go oh yes look we're already getting a few frog lights we got two of the colors and now to get the green one we gotta go back to a snowy biome and then place the tadpoles here I think feeding the tadpoles slime like this is the equivalent of force-feeding steroids goodness Minecraft where are your ethics let's go new achievement frogs through the portal and into the farm okay here we are and look at them eating the slimes and yeah I think it's working there we go our two verdant frog lights hold up these are the final items on the list I'm done collecting yep just like that I had successfully finished phase three of the project now I would have to move on to the hardest part of the entire process building it so first of all guys I think we should move all of these shulkers to the hole we done hopefully while we're building having these sorted will make the process a little easier I suppose it's time ladies and gentlemen boys and girls men and women grandpas and grandmas great grandpas and so let's begin with the first couple of blocks looks like we have some fire that goes on the Soul Sand [Music] and honestly this is good just get pretty simple overall but just time consuming because I need to keep going back to get more blocks time for the two verdant frog lights I spent like two hours getting those but honestly so worth it [Music] yo man do you know what that is that is a Skeleton Trap I think if I get close to it yup okay come on you guys need to die oops I killed one but yeah that's fine I guess now we have three skeleton horses in here if you guys have any names for these comment them down below and I'll make sure to name them back to it then [Music] [Applause] I've just realized how cool it is to fly down here like if I spawned in this cave I would not realize all of this is man-made and now this is really the best part because it's only deep slate which means it's going to be faster wait a minute though this absolute Giga Chad of a person named J Hill suggested that I use a speed Beacon that is Gonna Save Me So Much Time and just like that we are finished with the entire lower part of Parkour spiral I'm not gonna lie to you guys this took three days to do I can only imagine how much time the upper section is going to take but it's gonna be so worth it imagine just playing parkour spiral whenever you want on your hardcore world time for the first ring of blocks oh man look at how much lava needs to go here actually that's something I never thought of what if I mess up and fall into the lava and we got some wheat here does this count as making a farm because then I can say I made three farms in this video we're now at the point where it's kind of absurd to keep flying all the way down there to get the shulkers and go back up so to fix this let's make a platform up top and move the shulkers there holy freak why are there so many Phantoms yeah this was pretty much my life for the next 50 hours placing blocks getting more blocks and killing Phantoms oh shoot cause it's raining here right now and I'm pretty high up snow is actually covering the map and no no no no why are you freezing I mean we could place torches to melt all the snow or okay I got it how about a massive glass roof above the build and actually that's perfect if it's glass then we shouldn't really see it which means the spiral still looks good but to get all the glass for the roof we're first gonna need some sand so [Music] and then I gotta cook all the sand [Music] then just like that we have about 13 000 blocks of glass the way I'm going to place these is actually really clever so I made a blueprint for the glass layer just like this then I can come up top and yeah so then I'll just have to come in here and fill all of these in [Music] and I am done I would not know that was even there if I wasn't looking for it well then I should come in here and continue building wait what is this so I guess on the real parkour spiral Map There's a secret room with this sign in it I'll tell you how I found it I'm literally building this entire thing on my hardcore world I bet no one has ever said that before building the first half of Parkour spiral wasn't too difficult until I got to the coral level so guys I seem to have a bit of a dilemma basically I need to place Coral but the issue is I can't place the coral until I have water because otherwise it will dry out and the tricky thing is I can't place water until I have Coral because it needs support hmm maybe I could place the coral and then quickly switch over to the water and yeah the coral doesn't dry out I guess I'm gonna have to repeat this even though it's gonna take a really long time [Music] well there we are I have finished the coral that was pretty painful but the worst of it is over so now let's finish this build in total I spent about 50 hours building all the way to the top as tough and as draining as it was my goal for this world is to prove to anyone watching that you should never let something hard be the reason you quit the last thing we need to do are place the trees on top so without further Ado let's finish this [Music] I almost forgot the most important part the Diamonds oh man this kind of hurts the place but no cheating I must build all of Parkour spiral or none of it at all oh that's right we also need an elytra at the top perfect with the placement of the elytra I had proved to myself that I could put in the hard work the time and the dedication to finish phase four there was just one final part and then the project would be done first of all we do need to get rid of this platform here thank you also this Beacon and you've probably been wondering what I'm gonna do here to make this hole look better well it starts with terraforming some dirt on top [Music] okay this looks pretty cool but the thing is those Corners are still kind of bad how about I smooth them out now to flood the water in I have to place a Netherrack platform here to make the water flow properly [Music] every single stinking episode I destroy an entire ecosystem in my world but finally with these trees I break that streak and I contribute my share to hashtag team trees [Music] oh also two final things for the spiral on the real map whenever you hit a pressure plate there's a sound that plays so what I want to do is I want to put some note blocks underneath the pressure plates to make the same sound how does that sound actually not gonna lie that's pretty cool the other thing is that this level on the real map you float up by standing on the diamond block obviously I can't do that on the real world because that would be cheating so instead if I were to get a shulker right here he would give me the levitation effect and that would be the next best thing I think getting a shulker over here might be easier than you'd think so first if I place a dirt path foreign yeah right over there we have a shulker farm so we could probably just play some rails and then get one into a minecart to move it back now buddy please take my region so you don't die and then a furnace mine cart and there he goes let's go what the heck I've never had an experience that easy with moving a shulker seriously that took me like 20 minutes now the big question is does it work um yes I'm floating wait I'm floating a little too long okay but honestly that's all right it's just cool that it works that was the last thing let's go actually won by you're not you guys see parkour spiral is known for two major things the parkour and how fast you can do the parkour whenever you play a game of Parkour spiral there's a timer on the right hand side of the screen this timer is always nice to have because you can see your improvements as you get faster and faster times now the tricky thing is I can't just add a timer into the game because that would require commands I kind of spent the next five hours researching collecting items and building a fully functioning stopwatch timer on my hardcore world this stopwatch even works to the 20th of a second if you press this pressure plate at the bottom of the Spiral the timer starts and then it ends when you hit the top pressure plate of course we also have two reset buttons one at the top and the other at the bottom I must give credit where it's due so thank you crafty masterman and purples for the design of this stopwatch I've included a link to each of their channels in the description there is one one final final thing I want to do you know the entire ancient city we built earlier I figured that it would be the perfect place to store all of my enchanted golden apples and with these apples being put here I have officially finished all of Parkour spiral [Music] foreign [Music] for our final project in this video I wanted to make something Mega to celebrate a new movie coming out very soon Avatar was the biggest movie ever what if it was in Minecraft I'm gonna be spending the next 200 hours and half a million blocks recreating the Epic Hallelujah Mountains from the movie futuristic warships and many more interesting things if you end up enjoying the video please consider subscribing to help support the channel and make this content possible this build is not going to be easy there are countless individual smaller parts which means it's going to be essential that I come up with a game plan to make sure it says authentic to the movie as possible here we are on day one of the Avatar project no stress or anything but I only have 48 days to finish this entire video before the new movie comes out that's gonna be cutting it pretty close with everything I gotta do the best way to begin this project is to break it down into smaller parts which means we're going to start with designing the floating islands as you can see these are pretty complex there are loads of different different shapes and sizes and not to mention all of these little floating rocks with vines connecting them is going to be incredibly difficult to make I'm going to do some quick research to figure out how we can make this [Music] but here's what I found the quickest way to build these islands is to First make them on a separate creative world once I finish there we'll collect all the blocks on the hardcore world and then use the creative build as a template to follow however I'm still gonna need to find some help with designing it in Creative I think I know just the person to contact shovel241 he's an insane Instagram Builder who's made countless remarkable builds and he generously offered to give me a lesson on world edit techniques to make these islands yo hey shovel hey how's it going pretty good I'm trying to build some floating islands do you by chance have any tips for me yeah um I could give you a lesson on the world at it really quick so the shape of the island seems pretty important so let's start there you see that Flint that's what we're going to use to make the shape oh wow so I can hold right click and it's making a miniature mountain and you see how it's a little choppy we're gonna use the smoothing tool to make the island shape more natural as I got an introductory lesson to world edit Shuffle mentioned to me that to build this the best way possible instead of just building one eye Island I should make 16. this way I can break the islands into four groups of basic shapes and each of those groups have different sizes that way the islands don't all look the same shovel explained the basic world edit stuff to me and now I'm gonna attempt to explain it as easily as possible to you here are the shapes we have there's like a normal cone-shaped one a tall cone shape The Wider one and the Double Island as you can see we also have smaller versions of each of them the next step is to come in here with the painting tool and we're going to cover the tops of all of these in Moss if you look back at the photo from the movie it seems like there's a lot more green on top like trees and bushes and stuff and because of that I think we should only put the moss on top and not the sides [Music] foreign next up we need to cover the islands with trees shovel was kind enough to allow me to use a bunch of pre-made trees he had already built so all I have to do now is use a wooden shovel to paste the trees all over [Music] those trees actually look pretty cool I'm gonna go ahead and put the rest of the Shrubbery on hold for now because I would like to actually blend the islands you got to imagine the sun is in the sky and it's pointing downwards at an angle the side the sun is on is going to be lit up and bright and the back side of the islands where the sun isn't facing is going to be shadowed and dark because Minecraft doesn't have great lighting mechanics the best way to simulate this light in dark is to use light blocks like diorite On the Sunny Side and dark blocks like Blackstone on the dark side so now I need to come in here manually and replace every block one at a time nah I'm just kidding of course there's a tool to do this automatically okay I hope I did that right let's let's go this tool here is blending the blocks and it's basically merging the two colors to create a nice gradient on the islands keep in mind that I can replace these blocks with easier to collect ones later on I don't know about you but the idea of collecting 50 000 deep slight iron ore doesn't sound like much fun [Music] even though I had learned world at it only a few hours earlier shovel did an awesome job at teaching me the basics so that it was really easy to understand and before I knew it I had properly shaded the islands yeah it's probably a good time to use the leaf painting tool now we can make the vines that sort of surround the islands like so yeah not too shabby let me just copy this to the rest of them real quick and voila the islands are starting to look so sick the last thing I want to do is put the little vines that we can see hanging from the islands underneath all of these rather than using the normal Vines I want to try pasting some glowberries in because they look really cool from a distance yo I actually just learned that you can stop these from growing by shearing the bottom one I'm totally gonna use these wow those actually look so cool although I just realized how the heck am I gonna place these in hardcore I guess that'll be a problem for future me to worry about but cool I think we're good here with our Islands we got 16 in total and I can kind of just come in here and go shopping like oh I want that one oh I want that one this will be pretty fun to make what we can do is kind of make like a prototype of the build if we take these one at a time and I think just paste them randomly in the sky like so yeah cool this one next nice this one that one this works yeah great big one small one [Music] foreign oh I got a sick idea what if I merge like five of these islands together and make a mega Island holy cow that's pretty crazy wait wait wait how many blocks is this that's already 280 000 Blocks game plan let's finish these up and then reevaluate the blocks once it's done so the way I'd like to make all these individual Islands feel like one massive build is by connecting them with more Vines and to do that we can use this slash catenary command to draw points where we can then get these diamond blocks seriously I will change these blocks don't worry before that though we do need to make some miniature rocks I used the previous world edit tools I learned to quickly make some nice and detailed mini rocks of three different sizes now we'll take these and scatter them throughout the vines to get a basic outline of the shape we want foreign cool those should be all the basic rocks and now we can go ahead and just delete all of the vines and then I'm gonna come in here and paste some more mini rocks [Music] finally we can once again use the slash catenary tool to create some Diamond lines and the reason we needed to do all those steps is to make the vines look like they're natural and they're actually hanging from the floating islands for the moment I've been waiting for this command changes all of the diamonds to azalea leaves [Music] foreign days left till the deadline and I feel like we're making pretty good progress one last thing though it seems like in the movie we have a waterfall coming off of one of the islands there now if someone can give me a logical answer to how the water actually got there I seriously will name one of these islands after you run the hardcore World anyways shovel once more came on and helped me design some really quick waterfalls using lots of ice and glass blocks I wanted to use blocks to simulate the waterfalls rather than actual water because you can make it feel more immersive and realistic there it is that should be everything we need to do to design the islands [Music] foreign [Music] I should probably check how many blocks this actually is 357 000 blocks so I may have bit off a little more than I can chew because this isn't even including the dragons and ships I want to make but at least we're done with part one of the build it's time to start collecting the gargantuous amount of blocks I don't even know if that's a word but I'll just go with it looking at the list at least the lower blocks seem pretty easy we can start with the cyan terracotta some polished Blackstone polished deep slate cobbled deep slate published diorite some concrete deep slate breaks and yeah we don't have any packed ice imagine not having ice in your storage system okay so over here through this portal we arrive at the raid farm and I'm pretty sure that past all these trees there should be a frozen ocean you know what's funny is this entire Forest is gonna be deleted later on so I guess enjoy the view while it's still here there it is please say it's instamind please please yes [Music] Ayo why are you attacking me bro oh my gosh there was a baby I feel so bad dude you didn't see anything while I'm here I also want to get some of this blue ice I think we need like 900 in total so I might be here for a little while [Music] whoa I almost got hit by that trident nah oh well that's all of the ice now for some Blackstone easy enough blue glass panes and yeah I have absolutely no glass so we gotta stop by the trading Hall where those are all we need oh good thing I got some extra glass because we also need some light gray glass these Lush caves are really wonderful so those are all the little items collected and as you can see we now need over 1 000 of each of the remaining items and I'm already out of the first one literally more glass this time though the villager trading Hall just isn't gonna cut it so let's try the sand Farm portal lever portal sand and shulkers of sand now at the ocean base let's go ahead and cook all of this up into glass [Music] cool now we need some bricks and smooth Basalt okay for the basalta I want to use my farm okay then we can just go ahead and cook all of this and check off the smooth Basalt okay deep slate tiles let's just steal some from The Castle Island next up we have are you kidding me more glass and wow okay that's a lot of calcite as far as I know I think the best way to get calcite is from a Stony Peaks biome so I guess we need to go find one [Music] well no luck so far but maybe we just get some calcite from geodes [Music] these are actually loaded perfect one geode mind oh that's so sick I was looking for another geode in this portal along the way had a god Apple holy cow another Apple that was like five minutes in between there we go another geode I think we need like two more geodes what is that wait what the heck is an igloo doing in literally the middle of the ocean it's one of the rare ones with the lower part as well anyways we definitely got enough calcite okay stop it what are the odds give me a moment to go buy a lottery ticket I'm gonna quickly grab some saplings from the tree farm and then some bones for bone meal now we just need to place a ton of these and harvest the leaves hold up why am I using cheers so a few months ago I rated 100 ancient cities and got a laughable amount of diamond hoes and I'm pretty sure these mine leaves as fast as shears do yes and the reason these are gonna be better is because the durability is higher than on Cheers [Music] hear me out all of these dead trees stay here and every time I tell a bad pun or joke on a video I have to add a tree there's no way for me to prove it so I guess you'll just have to believe me okay I'm sorry for that please don't leave the video um so next up I need 5112 light gray wool and honestly I'm perplexed on how to even get that much hmm so back when I made the Galaxy video I built a massive sheep farm for black wool the problem is though because these sheep are Auto sheared we can never dye them light gray although over here we do still have several hundred sheep and then we just need to dye them all light gray so if I just sheer these sheep how much wool will I get well then that's not nearly enough oh shoot and these sheep are never gonna get their wool back because there isn't any grass what we're gonna do is create a different enclosure and I'm gonna bring all of them inside of it okay this spot is actually kind of perfect if I just raise the walls a little bit [Music] all right sheeps we're going on a little trip follow me come on perfect here they come oh and good they're already starting to eat and get their wool back I'll just have to stay here for a few days shearing them until I have all the wool [Music] do we still have any shulkers for what oh that scared me geez creepers are the bane of my existence so I just finished all the wool but I think we have a small problem the problem is that at this rate it's gonna take me another 27 days to get the rest of the items so we're gonna pick up the pace by starting on some of the bigger items and I sort of need 84 000 Spruce leaves then here goes nothing I'm gonna have to sit here for hours and mine all of these leaves from this Forest [Applause] and that is the first tool almost fully used but now we need to talk about the game plan we're going to clear some trenches of leaves and then everything to the ocean we're gonna mine so that there's like a huge clearing [Applause] [Music] and there we are that is the final tree mind and wow just look at how crazy this is nah I'm not that mean I'll remove it all seriousness this place looks super weird I ended up collecting like 53 shulkers of these leaves wow I can't express how good that feels to check these off now I need 47 000 Moss blocks but I might actually have a good method of collecting these that's going to require converting this bone meal Farm into a moss farm so the idea is we can set these shulkers down and then go down below and turn the farm on okay perfect so now thousands of moss blocks are being produced [Music] how about we block off the collection system and yeah look at this so I can kind of just run through here and collect all of the Moss needed I've gotten like eight shulkers so far and I also started collecting the azalea bushes because we'll be needing them later on and there we go 50 000 Moss blocks that's actually crazy that only took like 20 minutes we're getting closer 50 of the items collected now I need a bunch of different types of leaves with their only been 32 days left to finish I might be tempted to be lazy and just use one type of leaf for the whole build but I already tested that and it just doesn't look as good my goal for this world is to prove to everyone that putting in hard work is always worthwhile even if it's not fun in the moment even though I don't want to let's get those 8 000 Birch leaves yeah this biome will work these are pretty much gonna be the same as before oh goodness I now need 13 000 dark oak leaves same thing I guess collecting all of the leaves was extremely tiring I was forced to just sit kill Phantoms and repeat man they really need to add a way to remove Phantoms here we are with all of the dark oak leaves next item 8 000 glowberries please please I need a farmer I can't find when I'm in trouble there's a glow Berry Farm looks like the list of items is super easy that should be everything for the farm I think we should build it in the industrial district continue with the farm theme we have going on there so let me quickly follow the tutorial and build it up there it is it's a super tiny Farm but apparently this should get like 11 000 berries in an hour so I think the way we run it is we come in here and then close the trap door and then hold down right click let's go all right then I'll AFK here for the next hour and hopefully we have enough once I'm done it's been an hour and we have more than enough berries this Farm is actually so crazy for the size these berries along with the 19800 stone I already had and the 18 000 Acacia logs from the wood Farm gets us super close to finished with all of the item collecting we just need light gray concrete and deep slate for the stone gradients and then oak and azalea leaves for the greenery so for all this concrete we're going to use the concrete powder farm and then I think just sitting in this water stream should be fine for collecting all the blocks perfect that's 15 shulkers full of concrete powder but now we got to take these to the concrete converter load it up and now I just sit here while concrete powder is dispensed to me at which point I automatically place it and then TNT explodes it it's a really Nifty design if you ask me also see that sign I would really appreciate if you do that or else whoa was that karma for me asking you to like the video foreign there we go that should be all of the concrete we need all right now for the item I've been dreading I gotta get 22 000 azalea leaves but actually this won't be too bad because I already collected a bunch of the bushes from the Moss Farm if I just get some bone meal wow that was smooth [Music] then we can just place a bunch of these and instantly grow them oh foreign 's probably good I'll just have to come in here again and we will mine all of the leaves by hand [Music] it's 1am but I've done it those are all the azalea leaves we need the final day of collecting items came I spent about an hour getting all of the required oak leaves at this point I had been collecting items for over a week and I was just about going crazy what's up with this doggo I didn't mean it I didn't mean it once the oak leaves were checked off I officially had one more item 24 000 deep slate we're gonna need a bunch of shulker boxes to pack all of this up okay then we're going to go to my deep slate mining machine that I basically use every episode click the machine and boom oh yeah I almost forgot that we're gonna be finding a lot of diamonds while using this and that is the final shulker of deep sleep we'll take all these to the super smelter and cook them up here comes all the deep sleep and it's going into the storage oh yes that's all of it which means I'm done with collecting all 357 134 items it had taken me a total of 13 days to collect but now would come the best part of the entire project getting to build this kind of feels unreal we're actually starting the build I guess first of all I should find a good spot one thing to take into account is that when it rains in the world because this build is so tall I do need to find a biome where it won't snow on top let's build in the ocean because it is nice and open and from the research I did it also doesn't snow here right over here past the ocean base is kind of nice because I am super close to the super smelter and the storage system is like 500 blocks in that direction okay so let's get going basically these islands are floating way up in the sky so we should probably place a platform for all of our items somewhere up there as well cool now I'm going to just use this Stone to quickly make a 30 by 30 platform [Music] great now I want to also link a portal to that platform so we can quickly travel then the shulkers of our items we should just place down although I do want to make sure they're sorted by block type when I deal with this many blocks I usually tend to do this it kind of just makes the building process quicker when you know where everything is foreign and that should be all of them let's start this call me OCD call me what you like but I just cannot have all these islands beneath this project so first of all I'm going to remove them and for that we're gonna need some beacons that will not be enough okay so a few days ago I set up some beacons in the end that we can quickly just grab however just mining these is gonna be boring which is why we're gonna use TNT cool so that should definitely be enough and what I'm gonna do is basically just scatter a ton of these around this area so we can have all of the beacon effects no matter where I am [Music] oh nice a treasure map you know I'll take it a diamond in a heart of the sea I think I'll just go to all the islands and first remove the trees oh hey hello doggos let's quickly put you guys into some boats also if you guys have any names for these dogs just leave it in the comments and I'll make sure to pick four [Music] all of the islands are removed I guess I should start on the lowest part of the build and that would be the glass waterfalls okay this is not going to work I just spent 10 minutes placing like 20 blocks because I have to constantly check back and forth between worlds and scaffold up and this just isn't practical for 357 000 blocks I did however find a mod called lightmatica that will basically show me where to place the blocks so that I'm 100 sure I get them all correct and don't be fooled these are not real these are just Holograms that I still have to manually place but at least this way the process will be much quicker that's it the first waterfall is completely finished that looks super weird just floating there but wow using the shaders makes it so beautiful what I'll go ahead and do is also finish up the other three waterfalls because they're kind of tricky and I just want to get them out of the way that's the second waterfall done so far each of these are taking about an hour which isn't too bad oh yeah I also forgot to mention that the Phantoms will not leave me alone I'm actually going crazy killing these things we're gonna play a little game we're gonna save all the Phantom membrane from this project and at the end I'm gonna tally up all of the Phantoms I've killed [Music] there we go that is the final waterfall done I'm pretty sure I also won't be using any more glass for this project so we can just put all of these shulkers away and then move on to the first of our Islands how about we just do one of the little islands like that one okay we got our first block and now I'm gonna just follow the lightmatic all the way to the top all right so I just ran out of blocks here and every time that happens I guess I'll just restock three more stacks of that item and we should be all set [Music] there it is the first of our islands is totally done geez that looks amazing just imagine this place when everything is finished and the dragons and the ships are here it's gonna really be something spectacular [Music] wow that is a giga tree I gotta say this island so far is definitely my favorite one there was one thing with it I noticed that some of the beacons down below weren't giving me the speed effect and speed for a project of this scale is hugely crucial because it makes you 20 faster on something like 50 hours of building having the speed effect would save 10 hours and as you can see I sort of used all the beacons we had from earlier so let's take a little break and have some fun yeah I think 12 stacks of Soul Sand should be enough and nine stacks of Wither Skelly skulls bow arrow and now to the nether roof where we are gonna try something can I just spawn the withers inside of Bobby [Music] no no we got out let's try something else what if I go under the ceiling and spawn one here that's not too bad I think we can even do two at once yeah okay so what I'm gonna do is sit here for the next hour and try to use up all of this Soul Sand [Music] and there we are 192 wither Stars let's get nine stacks of Bobby and 15 stacks of glass oh yes this is what I call satisfying that'll definitely be enough beacons to last me a while so we'll just set up a whole bunch more beacons down here and should be all set for the rest of the build so I've been building for a while now and we have 22 days till the movie comes out I double and triple checked the math and at the current rate there's just no way I'm going to finish in time I'm gonna pick up the pace by working on one of the big Islands so here we go this island basically has two parts to it that eventually merge the higher it goes so looks like there's a Vine that merges into the island here I'm gonna actually skip that for now and at the end we'll do all of the vines at once looks like we are out of blocks okay more blocks seriously I'm out again bro I have to keep getting literally one more item each time by no means is this project easy but that's not what I signed up for when I decided I'd recreate an entire scene from Avatar I've made it my mission to prove that hard work is worthwhile in the end and I'm not about to give up when it gets tough and there we are that's another Island finished foreign we're really starting to get quite a few up here and it looks pretty awesome however I think it's time we do one of the mega Islands I decided to stream this island and it was super fun I found that talking to chat and playing stream games made the whole process much more enjoyable even during the stream we found some skeleton horses that spawned on the island that is a Skeleton Trap literally every time one of the horses die although I do find it funny that we now just have three random skeleton horses on the island what are they doing on the waterfall this shouldn't even be possible anyways I am super close to finishing off the island this block checks It Off the overall percentage of the project increased and as I checked off the smaller Islands some super random things happened what a Wandering Trader spawned inside of one of the islands oh my gosh small drip leaves those are super rare let me just buy these quickly after 35 hours of building something pretty crazy happened I noticed my day count was 9970. holy cow guys I never really thought I'd get this close to 10 000 days what I'd like to do before 10 000 days though is finish the mega island in the middle of this entire thing I calculated it in this one island is something like 70k blocks but what better way to get something done than to start to begin we're gonna build each of these lower parts of the island up like a cone shape or something okay that's the first one done foreign there we go the three cones have pretty much merged and now we can start increasing the height of the entire build and there we are the last block of the whole island also remember how I said I'd be saving all of the Phantom membrane well that's the first shulker completely full and before you call me crazy I will actually be using this Phantom membrane for something extremely important later in the video it was around a 10 000 that I hit well day 10 000 which even though it's unrelated to this video it was still a huge accomplishment and it gave me even more motivation to finish the project so we have eight Islands left and I'm gonna continue working on them non-stop until I'm done foreign [Music] and there it is the last island of course it's also one of the biggest ones but this one is different from the others because there's a massive patch of clay instead of trees and that's because there's a scene from the movie where we can see all of the dragons or as the movie calls them banshees sitting on this patch of rock on one of the islands so essentially this island is going to be their home foreign [Music] and there it is the final Island finished after 50 hours of building however the light Matic still says there's 12 missing which is basically just the massive Vines and the 8 000 glowberries that go under all of the islands so um let's think about this how badly do I really want the berries hanging from the islands because I'm thinking like I'm gonna have to scaffold all the way up to the islands with dirt or something and it's gonna be a nightmare time wise actually wait wait there might be a better way to place the berries so I was wondering if slow falling potions might make it so I fall slow enough to place the berries great so I'm at the storage and quickly got these two slow falling potions now at the iron farm we're gonna need to make some shears to stop all of the berries from growing after we place them and back at the islands okay here goes nothing is it gonna work it works it works really well okay okay okay I just finished up the vines on that little island but we gotta quickly stop and go Brew some more slow falling potions so to brew slow falling potions we need a few ingredients bottles which I seem to have quite a few of phantom membrane which I definitely have enough of from killing all the Phantoms during this project blaze rods which we don't have so let's go to the blaze farm quickly this Farm is super simple there's basically a blaze spawner and then a bunch of lava which funnels the blazes into the middle so I can kill them with looting three for the blaze rods finally we need Nether Warts for the potions let me check something is it still here yeah baby I mean I don't know why it wouldn't it still be here anyways we're gonna Harvest this field with a fortune 3 hoe to get all of the nether wards [Music] perfect three shulkers full let's take these back and get ruined [Music] so I just made four shulkers full of slow falling potions which will probably be enough for the time being let's take things to the islands and start placing Vines okay yes come on come on I just got like six vines with one firework jeez this method works really well thank you Mr phantom for the Boost [Music] okay just the Big Island left if you can't tell I'm getting pretty tired of placing these Vines but don't worry I'm hanging in there Vine I'll add a tree those are all of the glowberries placed and all being said and done that only took me about four hours to do with the slow falling potions and it was 100 worth it these islands are looking so much better finally to finish up all these islands we just need to place the mega vines in so first we need some azalea leaves and then like all of these Stone variants and stuff honestly this is gonna be the best part of the project because it's easy to place and this is really what's going to make the build feel like it's from the movie and they're the first connected Islands it's looking so much better than I even imagined [Music] oh my I can't believe it that's it for all of the islands 357 000 blocks placed for this video [Music] foreign [Music] so guys the good news is that we're finished with the islands and that officially marks off the third part the bad news is the movie comes out in three days and I still need to make the Banshees the ships collect the items and then build them I'm not gonna lie the project at this point was starting to stress me out we're gonna start with designing the Banshees I've made stuff like this before and usually the best way to go about it is to create an outline like out of stone or something I went ahead and began to Mark out the outline of the weeks which from the photos look normal but in the movie we can see that the Banshee is almost an X shape after getting a rough outline I filled in the majority of the body which at that point I textured and colored it to match the distinctive blue color it was kind of funny couldn't figure out the face so I asked some of the other Bakery members if they had any ideas which at that point about five people rushed over and we tried like 20 different things until landing on using glowing item frames and Blackstone buttons which honestly look pretty good once I'd solidified the design of the basic Banshee I used world edit to make some more designs that included some which were smaller rotated slightly rotated downwards and Diving completely downwards in total I made five different designs so that will have a lot of variety from the movie we also see a massive red Banshee called The Last Shadow which is basically like three times as large as the normal ones for this one I once again created an outline out of stone just much larger I used stone slabs so that I could get a lot more shape and detailing from there I used a few commands to color the stone red I also added some trap doors fences and carpets with some Blackstone slabs to get the stripes and the claws in the back once one side was finished I just copied it to the other side and completed the design so yeah guys here are our Banshee designs and these are gonna work perfectly in the islands before we build them I also want to make the helicopter in the drop ship I decided I wanted to build this scorpion helicopter first the only issue is these designs are rather complex as I'm pretty new to all this designing and world edit stuff shovel offered to help teach me the build process shovel explained how because the shape of the helicopter was so complex we should first make sure to get that correct and then worry about the detailing so we first followed the model photo to create almost a tadpole-like shape from there we created blocks as points to connect them to the tadpole part with the command just trying to keep everything looking smooth and natural after that we added the lower legs to the helicopter kinda looks like a flying shark and then we created some circles up top which we rotated slightly and shrunk down to the proper size for the helicopter fans after a few other touch-ups we had the main shape however right now this helicopter is super massive shovel explained now that we have our main shape we can use a command to shrink it down it sort of messed up this shape but we soon fixed it and then had the final shape and size [Music] from there shovel taught me how to shade the blocks back to what we did at the beginning if the sun is shining downwards the underside of the helicopter is going to be darker from the Shadows using this concept we were able to quickly shade and texture the entire model to the point where it was looking really good we also added some weapons to the side using literally Wither Skeleton skulls also there's a winch on the front side for towing things and a nice little interior next up we have the massive Dropship and it's super important that I get this right because of how big a roll it had in the movie shovel had shown me all the commands and tricks necessary to build the big ship by myself so now I'm gonna try to do this solo and see if I remember everything first of all we need to determine the length of this ship I started here by creating a line that was 100 blocks long now I'm looking at the overall shape in this photo and I think by creating points in the air I can then use this command called slash Loft to fill in an overall outline after a few hours we have the outline of the ship which pretty closely resembles the one from the movie I once more used the sun lighting logic to paint the entire ship with light and dark blocks I also made sure to follow the color palette the best I could from the model and then added some slabs and stairs to a few places for added detail after all of that I added a window to the front and made a quick interior for the people who would control the ship all being said and done for making this ship 100 by myself I'm pretty proud of it and I think I did a good job just like that I had finished the Banshees and the ship designs which completed part 4. the movie comes out tomorrow and it's currently 8 am so I'm gonna spend the whole day working on this here we go as you can see I now need a whole new list of items pretty much all of these slabs we already have these slabs and stairs are checked off down here it looks like I need something like 600 copper blocks and breaking each of those down means I need 5400 copper ingots how am I gonna get that in time um okay so what's the easiest Farm okay what is this enxo4 design let me get the World download uh okay um it's not working why isn't it working yeah this is bad I think we gotta just mine for the copper ah so let me get a fortune 3 pickaxe great and let's go ahead and try to find a cave to mine the Copper from oh cool here's some copper how much will this actually give me no way what the heck that's op I got like 300 from that one vein why the heck would I ever want to make a copper farm when I can just do this let me just go ahead and get the rest of the copper we need [Music] and there we go I've gathered about five shulkers of this stuff which did not even take that long it's currently 1pm so I have about 11 hours to get this video ready okay let's cook this up as soon as possible while this is cooking I'm gonna take a super quick lunch break okay okay yes it looks like it's all cooked so let's craft this copper into blocks that's not the copper we need it has to be oxidized how can I do this quickly if I place these on the nuclear base roof four blocks apart apparently they oxidize in about an hour foreign yes that one changed instantly great all of these are placed and while they change I'm gonna multitask and get the other blocks oh you need waxed copper something cool I learned a little while back was that instead of placing the blocks to wax them you can actually just craft them okay next we need gold let's go to the gold farm and quickly craft all of these up [Music] the final thing we need are these and I'm gonna just steal these from The Castle Island I literally don't have enough time anymore okay Moment of Truth yes let's hope I have enough of these oxidized yes there we go all of the blocks are checked off and I just have to build everything it's literally 5 p.m though I have seven hours so I have all of the items moved over here to the platform and we're just gonna take a little bit of everything in the inventory okay so let's start with the helicopter here are the legs of the copter this is the winch yeah that's the first one done I feel like this is straight out of the movie I can't pause for too long though I gotta keep going the second one is finished actually I think I can build these quicker if I make all of them at the same time and there it is the final helicopter is finished it's 7 36 p.m right now time for the drop ship let's say um geode please yes yes let's pray I have enough of the items yes I'm done with the ship it just turned 9pm I got three hours all right time for the Banshees wait wait no I don't have any of the glowing item frames ah squids that's good good let's go come on and yes that's the first one done dude I'll have to admire this later those are all of the Banshees coming in from the left I gotta do a whole bunch of them coming from every single Direction there we go all of the blue ones are done time for the last one yes dude this feels unreal and these are the final trap doors oh my gosh I need to clean up first of all this platform needs to go okay now to get rid of these beacons let's just use TNT it's the quickest method final thing then we're done this portal needs to be relocated to a permanent spy and there it is the final thing is finished [Music] [Music] I gotta be honest with you guys about this video I lied to you I didn't actually survive 10 000 days I actually survived ten thousand seven hundred days please don't be upset with me anyways I hope you enjoyed the complete recap of my story from day one to ten thousand seven hundred don't forget to subscribe goodbye ing [Music]
Channel: Wunba
Views: 1,808,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, hardcore, survival, days, challenge, wunba, 100, 1000, 10000, day, build, building, achievement, gaming, game, castle, beacon, emerald, netherite, diamond, diamonds, sugarcane, world, record, storage, system, ultimate, end, portal, transform, transformation, galaxy, universe, island, hub, mob, mobs, rare, rarest, ancient, cities, farm, farms, automatic, auto, map, largest, large, full, movie, parkour, spiral, tour, avatar, recreate, nuclear, mega, base, megabase, jungle, temple, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, survive, totem, die, dungeons
Id: wtm_Dab8qxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 281min 49sec (16909 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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