I Survived 200 days in THAT TIME I GOT REINCARNATED AS A SLIME in Minecraft...

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[Music] yo welcome back to the worlds at that time i got reincarnated as a slime in this video i'll be spending an additional 100 days easter guy here also if you haven't already watched the previous video i definitely recommend you do however the goals of this video that's the one expand upgrade and build upon my village two strengthen my villagers to ensure their safety and finally three crafty yams's eyes play i think i have the ability to expand and keep my village safe because i think i can so without further ado let's begin day 100 now there's a couple things i need to kind of clear up so in the last 100 days i could start flying to kill the caribness which i thought was just part of the demon slayer like race it's not it was a glitch i can no longer fly like that i noticed but i mean i could still fly though it's just not as efficient i did move house so you can see this isn't the same village as before because i didn't realize i'd be doing another 100 days so i ended up moving myself but it's a quite cool place there's a village nearby and a ravine so it has a couple things you can work with here and there which is pretty useful day 100 202 i started brainstorming what i could possibly do with my village but i couldn't really come up with anything at this price nice time if i decided instead i'd go explore the surrounding area so you know the village and the ravine in the village there was nothing too great i mean there was a smith and honestly that was it it was not that great i did not come back very often in the ravine however there was this hypothetically grass i think it's pronounced it's probably pretty wrong but apparently they actually make the um percentage healing potion so i had no idea before but luckily leah told me and now i know and funnily enough i mean leo's right it definitely does make the potions so i was 100 gonna do this like this episode also if you forgot how powerful i am here's some dogs trying to kill me i and even i don't even try to hurt them my presence hurt them and say i'm still very powerful also i was starting to fly around just looking around there's another goblin village so i thought we can bring a couple more goblins here to the village that thought didn't really get you know come true but it's fine and of course as always my naming skills uh is second to none of course instead of an oh i put a zero and i called it an orc it is a goblin as i'm not that great at naming things also i'm very dumb though we were attacked by so many serpents and zurich didn't make it but luckily the rookie did so happy days also i noticed that the body armor thing doesn't just do your arm like i thought it did it does your entire body which i thought was really cool so i ended up just not wearing armor anymore because if i needed armor i just pop on the body on there although i came across a lizardman tree cave or a lizardman settlement i don't really know but it was definitely underground it was definitely very cool there were so many lizardmen too like in my last playthrough i think i only saw one i saw so many here i went through the belongings as a visitor dad and i realized that maybe these guys you know would want to come to the village one day but obviously right now the village is not you know up to scratch so once it was bigger and better i told myself i would come back and i'd ask them to come join me headed home and hit the shoots day 103 there was just a spider on the wall but thankfully according to this you know this overhang everything was fine i didn't start getting some wood just to expand the village because the walls took so much wood and cobblestone i just i just needed it and i did this for a very long time but it definitely came in handy so i have no regrets i then called it a night though i did get berserker though i didn't get the recording so again my band but i killed an outsider for this [Music] i also decided to make subscribing elder you know his heroics in the last 100 days after looking around i decided that i'd expand in this direction here and then began just making the pillars these pellets were pretty easy to make i didn't go that far which i kind of regretted later but again it was easy it wasn't that bad it just took a lot of work so deforestation was bound to happen i didn't start getting some cobble because i need to do the cobble with a couple walls and again this took a while but it's you know needed necessary i then grabbed some more hypothecate grass still can't pronounce it but there you go i was doing a mine shaft but i left quite quickly because i'm trying to be really efficient here so the problem with this wall was that serpents could stick their massive long head straight through the wall which is really annoying and it did end up costing a couple lives not too many because i was kind of quick but it was nonetheless very very annoying using the walls from the wall i just took down i decided that i put like a perimeter outside my village to try and combat this serpent problem it kind of worked but not really but it definitely did improve it to like at some extent i then finished taking down the walls and yeah this spider thing really really worked day 107 to 108 i decided to just take down all the massive wheat tents around the place to slowly replace them with proper houses this took a long time but it solved one problem and sold another honestly it made no problems because with the wheat i could make tons of food and you'll see why this is important laser with the shovel i just enchanted i decided i'd met like a fountain kind of in the middle of the village which is going to work is kind of like the town center kind of though it is a fountain of course and also instead of using like an infinite water source i instead use the water manipulation which allowed me to right click the floor and just place water and noah which is incredibly useful i then added like some depth in between and that made a pretty realistic looking pond so i went to bed and incidentally pissed myself day 108 to 110 i realized that i needed to expand and that i did it was looking pretty good honestly i quite liked it had a quick swim and hit the sheets once again [Music] day 111 i just smelled some stone really and i kind of hopped off for the day [Music] though i woke up to a brand new update which added new customization to goblins and added yams's ice blade which was looked it looked pretty difficult to craft but it seemed doable you needed an infused forging tape which i'd never crafted before but again it looked somewhat simple to make so i told myself i have a new task i grabbed some food and now goblins can heal themselves which was so useful for me because they got hit it was just like counting down to their death so now they'd all be full health and i could give them armor too so of course i had to subscribe i was pimped out with the best armor i could get in using the wheat houses as i said before i made tons of food and gave every single village of food and with this infused fortune table there is so much you can do day 112 to 114 i went straight back into the mines grabbing diamonds and trying to get magic crystals which wouldn't work for some reason but luckily i found out that if you use a normal diamond pickaxe you can get the magic crystals if it's enchanted you count i also found a dungeon with just tons of spiders and it was pretty easy to kill so i just ended up going home day 115 to 116 i just started to craft the infused forging table and it was expensive but it was relatively simple i won't lie [Music] after finishing the craft i decided i'd place it outside i then hit the sheets afterwards and got straight back to getting rid of these tents and after making more food gave it to more villagers so this fountain i tried to go with this like formation right here and i was going to make it like at first just like a thing to walk around then i upped the layer a bit and now it's kind of like just some large fountain type of thing which i thought was kind of cool i then got some leaves for like decoration around the fountain a bit i got you know buttons bone meal and leaves it it looked really good in my opinion and here's the first building i don't know why i made this the first one but i did if you can't tell it's like a like a ramen stand thing which i it look it turned out really well you know get on youtube tutorials am i right i put hud's in there he's the he's the ramen man now 117 to 123. i need a bamboo and it's pretty far away but luckily i can fly so i found it quite quick but not really so i hit it back and called that night they hundred and twenty-four hundred and thirty i placed the bamboo and got started on my new main building i was thinking i was gonna make the village like japanese kind of i'm not very good at it so it didn't look the greatest i do apologize but i i tried my hardest and the effort was there i moved all my stuff into the new building which took a while because all the chests were like filled to the brim but it was done eventually i broke down the wheat for the house and i had so much bread it was incredible but here it was it looked okay and my bed's up here if you didn't realize no one could get to it apart from me the 131 237 the bamboo looked great around the fountain i placed some slime statues by my house and made a path it was looking pretty good minus the house i also got silk touch from one of these villagers and put it onto a pickaxe because i needed ice i thought this was cool too and i was about to set off gunks will stop in front of me just to you know say goodbye which i thought was pretty nice thanks cocktail it took a while but i eventually came across like the ice spikes biome which was pretty perfect for what i needed so i got around like a stack and a bit of eyes not like i needed that much i needed six but you know i've gotten on the list and headed straight back i just found this portal thing which i did find in the last hundred days but i heard it was broken so i didn't explore it but i i tried to and the nether is here along with end stone i don't know what this biome is supposed to be because i don't recognize it whatsoever and i didn't want to get lost either so i decided i'd just leave day 138 239 i made the necessary ice got the ender poles made them eyes of ender and finally the ice blade was made it couldn't shoot ice or anything i i haven't seen much of yams there i went live i'm not sure what the sword does but i mean it looked cool i mean you can't you can't deny that day 140 152 i just went off on just building i wanted to really sell it with this japanese style i also made some of the wood this purple wood from the nether so i guess it came in handy added pallets and lights and also i made this like japanese gate she looked really really cool this time at the beginning to start the village i thought it was quite nice i started making houses for the goblins and whatnot and even these were really really expensive to make the 150 through 261 i'd made a couple more houses and added like this small pond to the corner of the the town it was it was quite nice this village was coming along i'd say day 162 to 164. i installed this mod to uh make like paper lanterns and whatnot and oh my god this added so much to it i thought was amazing i encountered my sword just to add a couple more damage points to it day 165 to 167 i actually found like a sakura tree biome which is again another mod i installed because i pink trees are my favorite trees because i need them for the village and they look amazing oh i just wanted to like grab its nose like it was my dog last hundred days i didn't mean to do this this is no i implied oh okay all right then but don't worry there's more oh doesn't want to oh there's another okay 368 171 i managed to go back to the village and place all the trees and it added so much the village like it's just it started to look like fantasy it was it was so cool places more paper lanterns and i you know i placed some psycho trees around the place just to you know add a couple more color to the to the town and it was looking really good obviously i'm not the greatest builder in the world just you know mediocre build it best i'm sure you know to you guys but to me the village was coming along i'd say it was great the 172 to 174 i am back i said the name all these lizards after people from my discord which you know it's down below in the description you can join if you'd like and we had so many [Music] day 175 280 i changed into a nice little kimono and decided i'd finally named the village which i decided to go with and sumu which um is based off and the goblin who died last hundred days and sumo meaning live because you know and lives on with us day 181 285 i ended up getting another skill which again i don't need skills anymore i'd say but most these skills weren't for me they were for my villagers so i got healer [Music] and finally i said to make some potions these were relatively simple to make well they're not but i luckily had every ingredient i needed because if you remember from the first 100 days that desert temple had a enchanted golden apple in it and i never used it and so it all came around and finally i had the 98 potion i give that the like to elder subscribe of course and to the person who told me how to make it leah thanks leah the 186 plus i'm i'm done i've made the village and i live in prosperity so hopefully you enjoyed today's video if you did it'd be great if you'd like or even subscribe i had a lot of fun making this so hopefully it wasn't too boring to watch there was a lot of building i do apologize but anyway thank you for watching i'll see you in a bit
Channel: Sir Marcus
Views: 91,024
Rating: 4.9541125 out of 5
Keywords: 200 days, minecraft 100 days tensura, TheSirMarcus, 100 days tensura, 100 days in tensura, minecraft tensura mod, minecraft that time i got reincarnated as a slime, that time i got renincarnated as a slime 100 days, 200 days tensura, 100 days as rimuru, brevis, butterjaffa, Forrestbono, 100 days in minecraft that time i got reincarnated as a slime, 200 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft anime, minecraft rimuru, 200 days minecraft, 200 days slime, minecraft rimuru mod, anime
Id: CAZld3TmURs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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