I survived 100 days in Medieval RPG Minecraft.. Here's what happened

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imagine being placed in a medieval world filled with mutant creatures and legendary bosses to slay in this world there are custom mobs structures and items that must be made to survive the monsters that are weighed around every corner in this 100 days i have three goals first i want to kill the four mutant beasts second i need to find and stop the sits legendary monsters and finally i want to hunt and kill a level 5 dragon this is 100 days in medieval rpg minecraft i woke up in a forest alone and unsure where i was i noticed a tower in the distance inside i found some food skeletons and a chest where i got two white under eyes and a really neat item that gave me an additional five hearts i spent the rest of the day exploring finding a dungeon tower i was able to get some armor a few dog blocks and wait out the night it was a calm morning clouds overhead the water shimmering and bam i'd like to introduce you to the limergia the most annoying and stupid thing in this whole mod i hate these oh what the hell this bird sucks i made a friend and went into a nice temple the temple was trapped and it blew up before i could loot it but the worst part was what happened to my new friend what a start with the rest of my day i decide to go into a cave here's where it gets interesting i found a chest out in the open and when i opened it oh boy we're set full diamond it was the third day and i just found a chest which had full diamond in it as far as day threes go can't complain running around the cave i found another chest out in the open but this one was slightly different what the hell not cool i found an underground illegitimacy and now seems like a good point to talk about the trust system in this mode villagers and guards won't help you unless you kill illeges progression in this mod patch is basically linked to murdering hundreds and hundreds of villagers i cleared out the base and killed my first ravager near the base there was a village i could check out and little did i know that there was a dungeon that would later become my house i also almost died from getting shot from this giant black building and looking back at it now that's a mutant skeleton i don't know how i didn't die here this thing should have chased after me and killed me what i explored a little bit and found an old jail which had some cool items for me i also found a glove that increased my melee damage but the real treasure was this brick building here this had a giant underground dungeon with three different tiers of difficulty and the items here are insane the entire day i spent going through this and killing mobs getting so many cool items rare boards diamonds gold you name it i caved up until day six when i had 33 levels and decided to go back to do my first enchantments only to be ambushed by an undead army if you've ever played terraria this is exactly like the goblin army the mobs didn't really drop anything cool but there was a treasure badge at the end and that gave me some cool stuff day seven look at this go one weekend i set up my enchanter table but tonight i'm facing my first challenge a mutant zombie found its way into the village and what's worse this was a special zombie with the shielding prefix meaning that arrows just did not work unless i got behind him i got destroyed he hit like a truck i was in full diamond and if he hit me twice i was dead i had to survive i couldn't beat him right now so i left okay after last night's ordeal i needed to get stronger as i went to go explore i found another mutant zombie just outside the village what the hell two had spawned just outside the village on day eight what after running around for a little bit i saw something in the distance an icy nest with a large blue wind sticking out this was an ice dragon i charged it hoping i could get a sneak attack and have the upper hand i expected to have a huge battle however the dragon died in like three hits i i literally just charged it and it fell over it literally just had a heart attack and you know what doesn't matter thank you for the scales i decided to head in another direction one that was a little less snowy in the hopes that i wouldn't find any more dragons but no there was just another one right there at least this one actually put up a fight though like it actually did some damage and scared me a little bit but soon enough we killed it i went home and i made myself an iced dragon sword this is a really really strong weapon as you're gonna see until i could enchant it properly i decided would be best if i just left it alone i also made full dragon armor but again i didn't want to use it until i had enchanted it so i just left it in the chest day nine i went back to the brick dungeon i found a couple days ago ready to take on the final floor mobs in here could literally three shot me and most of them spawned with at least half diamond i need to be extremely careful because anything in here could kill me i fought my way through mobs almost dying a couple of times but eventually i found the central room oh my god diamonds notch apples 20 blots of gold this was the dream i finished the rest of the dungeon got my levels and headed home i had some levels now and decided to enchant my dragon armor as i said the insurance were not very good and most of my dear ended up getting only one or two in chance come on man regardless i was now much much stronger as dragon armor is way beyond diamond from days 11 to 14 i did lots of adventuring i decided to go and explore this giant floating tower thing that i had found days prior as soon as i got into the tower i got ambushed by a group of villagers and evokers i also got a totem of undying which was a really nice safety net this early on i also got this weird looking enchant table that later on i would realize is a soul enchanter and uh spoilers this is the most broken item in the entire modpack have you ever heard of cersei you know the chicken breach mythology that turned people into pigs yeah she was here stabbed her took her stuff life spirit side note watch me get completely clammed on by her guards i don't know what it was i just could not hit these guys they had the largest shields i have ever seen i found my new favorite biome this place was magical it's so pretty i found a cherry blossom bio what's so cool about a cherry blossom biome look at the trees look how pretty that is it's like i'm living in an anime let's go [Music] are you a fan of having creepy words whispered in your boy oh boy do i have the enderman for you in the day i continued to explore and i found a hydra basically a big snake boy that spit poison and whenever you try to kill it it just grows more heads and spits more poison it's a really awful cycle to be honest i tried but eventually i had to give up and just run this thing was not really doing much damage but my armor durability however that night i defeated my first boss the mutant skeleton this thing can see you from a mile away it's quick it hurts and it is very very tanky luckily with my eyes dragging sword i could freeze him and i was able to kill him one down like 10 to go the next few days we just spent on the house making it look a little bit nicer i figured if i was going to live here it should at least be nice right i have 100 days i finished up on day 19 and i was so proud i'm not a builder okay be nice to me stop breaking my house day 20 okay time is moving quickly let's go back to exploring i don't know what happened i was really cool with the moose until today are you moose what the hell we've been cool for so many days bro all the mess in the world had a meeting overnight and just decided you know what now screw this guy and just went for me i don't know what happened i found an orca some penguins and my next challenge frostmoor a giant dangerous yeti type monster that was sleeping in a snowy field this was my time to fight it i feel like i've messed up frostmore roars and the fight starts nice oh okay once again my ice dragon sword is just the mvp it let me freeze the yeti and attack him before he was able to attack me oh this isn't so bad because he's slow it basically means i can just circle straight around him and hit him while he's charging up his attack after a little bit of strafing around him hitting him over and over and over again he finally dies and i take his crystal the next couple days i just spend exploring i find an ice temple and i can actually loot it this time go me however during this time i find one more mutant zombie oh and because my sword slows i can do the exact same thing i did to frost more slowing stunning stabbing i knocked him down three times and eventually he dies two mutants down two to go let's go okay i saw a tower in the distance and after killing some of the mobs i realized that they were equipped with tier five armor holy hell they had protection five what i took a couple of them not sure if i was able to do anything with it and then shortly after i found a bed and why does everything hate me oh my god what [Music] get away from me bro i found another illegal base near a village by the ocean i decided to be a good guy and help them out this base was way cooler than the one at my village it had libraries growing rooms and even a voter that dropped me another totem i went to head far north and try to find an ocean biome so i could find some sea serpents on the way i found another stupid bird that glitched me up and did 10 hearts of all damage how can you light these scenes how is that fair what was that god i hate these things i was boating across the ocean got stuck in a siren trap and a whirlpool at the same like this what why is this game just broken man i finally got out of the whirlpool got onto a boat almost died so like i said pretty chill day i found an island in the middle of the ocean which had some villages on it and i ended up trading with one from monument map also on that island i ended up finding a mini boss the cyclops it'll run towards you and pick you up and i'm pretty sure one shot you if you let it but you can shoot it in the eye and sort of have like a stealth approach to it pretty cool i walked around the island a little bit and found my best friend i would ever make a hippocampus this is basically just a seahorse but not those weird little dragon things i mean like actually a water horse you can tame it by feeding it kelp and this thing moves so quick it's also just adorable on land look at it hop around that is so cute i called him rainbow after the one in percy jackson but as you know percy jackson's life man i love those i want to get rainbow back home but i also wanted to find a sea serpent both of those things happened ah okay that was a little bit terrifying i think i might not be ready for sea serpents yet i found a couple sirens got their shiny scales and decided to get rainbow back home i used the teleporter at a village i had found ended up getting stuck in place at my base when i relod rainbow was there safe and sound and all was good i don't know what that was as soon as i got back home i went to a dungeon got a name tag named it rainbow and gave it to my hippocampus i didn't know but actually naming him rainbow made him change colors no way that's a thing that is unbelievable i am so happy that happened i spent the next couple days working on a home for rainbow i ended up making like a nice little water temple room based off the one from legend of zelda i know this is nothing like the one from legend of zelda leave me alone okay that's what i had in my head and i redid the interior of my house a little bit but i was trying to work more on it in the future after this i went exploring just trying to get levels for better enchants and i ended up finding another eye australian got enough scales to make another set of armor because mine was looking broken i cave up until day 35 and i had 40 levels and felt like that was good enough for now oh my god oh my god oh my god i found the coolest item yet i could craft a golden apple sapling with some gold blots zeppelins and golden apples and the other tree that dropped regular and enchanted golden apples this was insane this was so helpful only farm for a little bit though as there was other things i wanted to get done but this is amazing i need to head underground and find a structure that had some items for the mod eidolon i finally figured out what the soul enchanter was for this scene was about to push me into the stratosphere i was going to get broken very quickly here's how the soul enchanter works i can get these little soul shards from undead mobs by placing the brazier down with a piece of bone meal in it and then having the two stone hands on either side holding redstone i activate the abrasion it then kills anything in a very small radius that is undead and in place drops me soul shards i then use these shards to put an upgrade onto my weapon but i can keep adding the upgrades over time so eventually i get a weapon with every enchant enchantment tables were officially useless it took me a couple days of figuring out how it worked the best way to do it and farming shards but eventually i had enough to start and also discovered how i could strip the protection 5 chest plates we found onto a book no way so good news i had two protection five bullets bad news they cost 35 levels each while caving i ended up killing this really weird mob that dropped an ender pearl sword i didn't pay much attention at the time but this was going to be my new favorite item i could right click and infinitely teleport let's do this i built my portal i had no clue what the nether was going to be like but i assumed it was going to have some very powerful monsters also this black door here holy hell look at my levels it gives me like one whole level per block mind i also saw that there were some pit bosses spawning but i had no clue what these look like or where they were so i just sort of ignored it for now but i will find heaps of these very soon i quickly discovered that i could not regen healthy than ever the only way was with golden apples luckily from farming the drawn apple trees i did have some but my main worry was if it was going to be enough while running around i found these weird floating gold blots and after pearling into one i realized that this was probably the pit boss see it came with this resource patch that i just didn't have on so it looked really weird but yeah this was the boss here it died pretty easily thanks to my eye sword once again i it mvp it's insane oh that wasn't so bad i also drawn enough levels for my prop 5 book however the one i put on my pants just did nothing i still don't know what happened eventually i found this dark biome where only pigment and pig bosses would spawn and i stayed here for about a day farming the pit bosses for a rare potion they dropped yo the potion gave me speed 3 strength 3 and resistance 3 for 20 seconds and that seems pretty overpowered if you ask me soon though i was running low on durability in golden apples and decided it was time to go i was in the nether for a total of five days exploring felt like that was good enough for now stressful day 45 i made it back into the overworld but i was thousands of blots away from home i saw a desert and decided that because i hadn't been in one yet i would have a little run around somehow i was able to start a raid and apparently there was this like underground village that i had no clue was there and when i ran over it with bad omen i just started the raid okay not really what i wanted right now but sure i'll give it a go i tried but i almost died and i did not want to risk that i ran away i found a waystone and i made it home i repaired my tools i got some more golden apples i sorted my chest you know the usual stuff i had also recently unlocked the ghost trinket and when i combined this with the scarf i got on the first day i became completely invisible nothing could see me okay time for our next challenge i wanted to upgrade my weapon to a phantasmal blade super strong super fast attacking the only issue is for the rare ingot i need to upgrade my sword to the phantasmal blade it is a two percent drop from graveyard ghosts so i have no choice but to farm while i was waiting for some ghosts to spawn i found a mimic and it dropped me night vision goggles hey look at that you guys can see now i'm so sorry this is also an interesting part i found a mutant zombie and because i was invisible i decided to do some experiments i performed my ritual and it turns out i can just one shot don't get mad it's okay stay there that's it stay right there go into the light i was exploring a nearby savannah when i found the call of baracko another legend that i must kill in these 100 days i found a couple of his minions and after killing them i realized that barack oh must have left so i would have to give up on this for now and challenge him another day i farm some more dose but no luck sadly this continued for days with my only real priority being to get this drop nothing too major happened during this time besides from me killing a few bosses firstly i finally killed a hydra it had to die on fire otherwise it would just keep growing back heads that night i found a very very rare mutant beast the enderman this guy was massive four arms picking up lots just all around a bad time he would teleport around give you blindness and send clones of him into fight lucky for me though i was starting to get stupid strong a short quick pearl to his side and a swipe and it exploded the fight was over let's go there's only one mutant left and that night i found it yo the mutant creeper two two in one night i saw it ages away i gapped up i pulled into it and it died instantly this wasn't even a challenge one crit did like 40 hearts to him i don't know what happened i just one shot it a few days later i found this giant castle which had the fairest route not in it a giant iron juggernaut that could only have damage dealt to it in a very small spot in its back okay oh after a super long drawn-out fight with the route north i finally got the hit i needed in his back and he just evaporated i just won something what he is not meant to die this tweet i don't know what happened during this time i also made myself a dragonbone bow i enchanted it with all the levels i got from farming my hundred ghosts at this point and this thing was a monster day 56 it has officially been a week since i started farming for this drop at this point i have killed hundreds of ghosts i even found these two rare easter egg ghosts i was getting so unlucky finally on one of the last ghost spawns of the night on day 57 i got it yes finally man i made my dragon bone sword and then it was time to make it a phantasmal blade day 58 today 60 i was just enchanting the sword performing rituals this sword is extremely fast and it does a lot of damage if you've ever played terrari it's a lot like the terrorblade i was using the undead army events to perform my rituals these only spawn zombies and skeletons so it was super easy to get my soul shards i finally finished enchanting the sword and i found a nearby hydra den and it died so quickly this sword is insane here's where i make a big mistake i was showing my girlfriend what gear i had and showing off my sword i jumped down into a dungeon where all these really powerful images were i reacted a little bit slow because one of them was shredding me i tried to get away but i died before i could lucky i had my totem so it wasn't the end of the world but yeah there's a death i found one of the biggest dungeons i've ever seen this thing was 150 blocks tall there were like eight to ten rooms each floor heaps of mobs heaps of items but i found a room where these silverfish were spawning and before i knew it thins got completely out of hand next thing i know i am falling through the floor silverfish everywhere i was here for 40 minutes because my frame rate completely died i'm sorry if this ruins the video for you but i had to slash kill them here my computer was running at literally one frame every couple of minutes turns out six thousand silver fish were in this small room with me who the f i thought that was a good idea eventually i made my way up the tower reaching the top and finding a heap of chess diamonds emeralds gapples it was not too useful at this point in the game but it's still nice to have day 63 i finally found my savannah barracco it was time i ran at him trying to take down his minions first however they just kept coming he didn't do much damage to me but look at my armor durability he is melting it he broke my boots i had no choice but to rush him two more my boots had broken and the rest of my armor was not looking good it was really time to upgrade it now oh boy it's time to boat honestly the ocean in this is horrifying there are so many things lurking down there and i don't want to deal with it but i need these sea serpents let's go oh it's a gold one i one shot at what i briefly stopped along the way to bully a cyclops and i saw it the next boss medusa she is actually really scary because if you look at her without a blindfold on you instantly die i slowly walked around her dungeon listening checking i couldn't tell where i was i couldn't tell where she was finally under the stairwell hiding away i saw her oh that was scary man i was able to get the first hit and she died before she could really do anything to me five legends down we only have one left their nets boss is a flying dragon like thing called the naga it only spawns where mountain biomes meet the ocean and so it's going to take a long time to find this i went home and it was time to make my final armor upgrade tide guardian armor is insane because it gives you strength for in the water don't need to worry about my health if everything just dies instantly right i hung my old dragon armor up in my bedroom and that was that we're on the final stretch now one more legend to kill i knew that finding the niagara was going to take a very long time so i decided to head east as i haven't really been that way yet along the way i found another hydra just vibin i snuck up i stabbed it it died pretty quick but the best thing is it finally gave me the hydra heart this is a legendary item that gives me regeneration based on how many hearts i've lost but now it's time to explore i think rainbow's getting pretty lonely back at home huh let me introduce you to another friend of mine this is peanut butter he's a i think it's called an amphitheater although uh now that i say it i'm pretty sure that was like the ancient greek theater uh maybe not just big bird okay i don't know why i waited 72 days to get a flying mouth this would have been so much quicker but it's done now stop yelling me while traveling around looking for the naga we found so many cool biomes so many cool dungeons and even a village that was under attack i landed to try to help them when we were there one of the stupid guards pit to fight with peanut butter and before i could get to him he was killed it wasn't enough that i just killed this guard i put in a voter down and just let him terrorize the whole village screw them i hope the village burns down i left the village going back to the jungle to find myself another peanut butter while looking i pearled randomly and i found this giant nest of these weird buds and oh it still gives me the heating tvs just looking at them i hate them i found another big bird tamed him and decided to name this one jelly five days later and ten thousand blots of travel i finally found an area where it was mountains meeting the ocean jelly tried to run off on me and leave me stranded but i promise it was all a training exercise i caught him half a day later i finally found a naga two niges but they both immediately flew off and paid me no attention sick that night i found another one and began the fight i'm telling you man me and jelly were a team and a half he bit the nada above me i shot it from below oh my god we had a really close call with a charged creeper but the niger died taking off the last of the legends yo let's go good work you killed it let's get out of here let's go i went back home and decided to build jelly a nice little house on my balcony he made it super difficult because he kept breaking all the blocks and he's a giant bird please stop cool what are you doing my house is haunted stop it but eventually i got it all worked out we've killed the mutants we've killed the legends now we have one last goal a tier 5 dragon okay before i go on my giant journey i'm going to do some last minute preparations there's a charm i can make that gives me permanent resistance too and decided that would be pretty helpful to have this took me about three days of getting the ingredients and exploring i forgot to mention while i was building rainbow's home like 40 days ago i found a wandering villager and he actually sold me three wither heads so to gauge how strong we actually are right now let's have a little fight hey and my frames dropped to zero because of all the explosions ah once my computer had recovered i began the fight with the wither oh my god my boat shreds him he died so quick we shredded through him something also popped up in chat saying impending two and i really thought the moon lord was trying to shop and whoop my ass impending doom huh but apparently that just means that the game has been put into master mode difficulty just extra hard no worries we're fine i also fought this really rare enderman that dropped me full near the right armor stop chasing the bird like what it's not better than what i have but still cool ah i crafted myself some dragon eyes which will hopefully point me in the direction of a tier 5 dragon nest but then it was just up to me running around for ages so i went for a nice stroll i traveled thousands and thousands and thousands of lots please don't tell me that counted as the dragon and after 10 whole days of running i finally found a cave which had a dragon nest this thing is massive it is a giant hole with gold chests and a big sleeping dragon gravity posted how did that happen to start the fight i was shooting the dragon hoping to chip away at his health i had my rage potion on so i had tier three potion effects and i just started stabbing man to me he was dragging me around clawing at me and i could not tell if i was doing anything to this guy it lunged for me and one more stab and it fell wait that was it it's already dead the tier 5 dragon is dead our final goal completed i got over a hundred stales from this bad boy in my very own level five dragon style i arrive home at the dawn of day 99 stop it today was a day of celebration we had done everything i spent time admiring my base spending time with my animals and oh dear god the village ah yeah they're dead they're long dead day 100 i returned home again let's just forget about that mass genocide yeah sweep it under the rug and i enjoyed my last day with jelly and rainbow jelly almost died after picking a fight with a bunch of zombies and skeletons what are you doing and imagine that the final day he just walks around the village and dies no i had done it a hundred days of fantasy medieval minecraft something still felt unfinished though like there was an entire dimension that i hadn't even touched yet more dungeons more bosses more challenges it just felt like something was calling my name i guess that's a story for another time [Music] you
Channel: Cryptic
Views: 496,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft modded, Minecraft RLCraft, RLCraft mod, RLCraft 100 days, Minecraft Manhunt but we start in the AETHER, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft but, Minecraft 100 days, Minecraft 100 days modded, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft story, 100 days, ForrestBono, 100 days Painful, Mineshafts and monsters, I Spent 100 Days in Medieval Times in Minecraft... Here's What Happened, RLCraft Calvin, Calvin 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, 100 days Hardcore
Id: SdZH90M2wew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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