I Survived 100 Days as a SLIME in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Mod Minecraft...

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today i am going to be trying to survive 100 days in hardcore 10 suramar i'm gonna try and defeat all the bosses and become a demon king this was that time i got reincarnated as a slime i spawned into the world as normal right next to a village and a campfire i had a book in my inventory that allowed me to reincarnate so i did it well game over that's the hardcore series done i then woke up to my new skills predator and perceiver and began testing my new slime body to see what i could do turns out i have a massive stomach so i started gulping down all the water in the river to hopefully get the water manipulation skills but i needed a lot more water for that what's so good about my new body is that i can transform into any animal i absorb and have the same number of hearts as them rather than punching a tree for wood i devoured a villager's house and got all the wooden cobble i would need to craft all my starting tools i then made my way into a labyrinth of caves and began absorbing iron and coal to smelt for some armor as i would need it badly as a slime while mining i found some magical and landed in a very dangerous spot what the heck is that try to consume some lava it didn't work i would need some fire rest skills very soon since i'm kind of a danger to myself at the moment day two i smelted all my iron ore and made a set of iron gear i then made my way into the caves feeling much more confident until i saw this no no stop looking at me stop looking at me while fighting some spiders that thing chased me all the way out of the cavern that was close in the new cave i picked up some herbs that i could turn into some insane healing potions i then mined some magikarps some diamonds and this really cool blaze powder off then i got jumped by a group of zombies thanks to my perceiver skill i didn't take too much damage because i dodged their attacks day three i discovered that i had a stomach so i stored all my precious items into my belly before leaving i found a big lava cave mined some more ore and left to the surface where i consumed a smaller lava pool and not the big one in the cave yeah not my smartest moment a4 i crafted a bunch of diamond tools and armor and made my way back into the cave since i wanted the black lightning skill from creepers and the fire manipulation skill from some lava i spent days five and six mining ores eating lava and finally got the extra skill fire manipulation yes no more fire damage day seven i took down a bunch of creepers and finally got the black lightning skill day eight back at the surface i decided to explore and look for a new base to make my home i came across a black structure which was covered in blocks that were impossible to break but luckily on a slime after seeing how little damage my black lightning did i tried to get a sword hit and got hit into the labyrinth luckily i managed to use my slime jumping power to get back to the top after nearly dying and losing my world nope never again never again day 9 i came across a night spider i tried fighting it nearly died with full diamond and then finally took it down when i saw a pillager tower so i left since that would be safe right what the heck is that skeleton i made my way up into the tower since this skeleton's arrows never missed my skills did nothing this was looking bad i made some windows to try and find the skeleton but he was nowhere to be seen where did this stupid thing go i run away being a slime is just way too hard day 10 i then found another worlder and so i attacked him with my fire to hopefully get a new skill to my surprise i got the severus skill which i couldn't get to work so nevermind day 11 i found a snake bought the snake and became a big chunky boy i managed to defeat earlier day 12 i turned some villagers into witches since i can control lightning and consumed them to start getting some souls after two days of traveling i found a pixie village in a dark forest this could be a really good place to live and luckily right next to these pixies is a goblin village so i became their leader and made this my new home i named the goblins after some members of my discord damn he's got the drip with arcanus being the village chief by the way should join my discord for now we were a very poor village but that would change very soon day 15 while outside trying to get some wood i got attacked by a spider and then it hit me with some sticky threads and stopped me from running away no no no no no no i fought back by building up forgetting that spiders can climb like so i hit him with my fire attacks it then started raining so i couldn't even damage him with my fire i knew my goblin boys would be in danger if i left him alive so i took down the spider with my diamond sword and retreated home b16 i spotted a dragon quickly noped out there and instead started fighting an armosaurus getting the body armor skill day 17 to 18 i found some villagers and kept exploring before heading home and trapping some pixies you guys are now mine you're gonna stay here forever next day a new goblin wandered into the village so i named him and started making some insane potions of healing these potions are great you can upgrade them from 25 regen to 50 all the way to 98 healing so i stuck with 50 for now i returned day 23 and began making a wall around our village i needed to keep my goblins safe so this would do on day 24 the great wall was complete and we now had a defense against dangerous monsters on the night of day 24 i heard a noise above and noticed that an army of phantoms was attacking our base so i went outside to try and lure them away from my boys nice lightning fiends i had protected the village right as day 25 had rolled around i spent today hunting and admiring my wall things were looking good day 26 i jumped into a hole to start my day 27 i went home with some blocks and started upgrading our old straw huts i spent the next six days tearing down and rebuilding the houses until i had a design i was happy with and then built two more day 34 i found a lair containing the core of charybdis but i was not anywhere near being ready yet to fight him so on day 35 i created some upgrades and went out on a mining trip did 36-37 i easily got a stack of obsidian and a bunch of magic crystals to turn into magic steel later on on day 38 while heading back i found a new goblin village to named every single goblin there after remembering my discord so now i had 30 subordinates day 39 to 47 i spent building three more houses for the village and my house which was a much more grand scale build i tried to keep the overall layout of the village from before and i think it turned out quite alright day 48 i made an enchanting room so i could stand a much better chance against the much stronger mobs which turned out to work well as i absorbed a giant bat and got covered a vampirism and an ultrasonic wave skill i then finished building the three other goblin houses using the exact same style as before this finished off my village completely let me know how you think it looks e49 i tried to start a raid to hopefully get a totem but i accidentally burned the only villager alive with my skin wait no he's burning 850 i found a dragon and ran away very fast straight into a cyclops which i also ran away from the life of a slime is still very hardcore 851 i found a massive tree that would let me go fight the spirit protector colossus so i set away point and headed caving for some stuff to prepare day 52 i found a weird structure with a single night spider inside oh a magic steel ingot oh two god apples as well and then all chaos broke loose this was very bad i managed to run away from the ambush of these spiders but some of my goblins subordinates sacrificed themselves for me you guys will be making 54 i found a river and consumed all the water to finally get the water manipulation scale this was going to be so useful for traveling and fighting ifrit day 55-59 i continued caving and found a bunch more magic crystals since i would need a lot more for some better tools day 60 after nearly being kidnapped i headed back home and along the way got the berserker skill from another welder also while heading home i tried to fight a spider and got jumped by a very thick zombie nope no no no i'm off home day 61 i made a spatial blade this thing was fun but it nearly broke in two minutes and then decided to make some armasaurus armor so headed to a mesa to try and find some to loot but i came across an orc lord and his army of orgs so i went home for now little did i know he would build up his army to an insane amount my god i'm gonna have to fight that oh no i crafted the new armor from the armosaurus and it broke after i walked into that then i tried to be gigabrain and lured a dragon over to the orc lord's army he wouldn't stand a chance then the dragon did nothing but attack me and so did the orc lord's army so i decided to head home k62 i made a magic steel pickaxe and an insanely cool sword well in the caves i fought a creeper with an ender pearl and that could have ended very badly day 63 i turned my magic steel into demon steel this would allow me to make an insane sword to help me try and take down some of the op bosses in this mod day 64 i finally got thread manipulation which i then proceeded to never use i then absorbed another welder and a centipede for two new skills a65 i came across a brand new orc lord and decided to try and fight him when that wasn't working i decided to peel her out so i could hopefully get to a safe place after nearly dying i saw that the orc lord had eaten a pillager and become an orc disaster even with my new sword i stood no chance and nearly died multiple times day 66 i ran away and bumped into shizuo if you didn't know she has the greatest spirit ifrit inside of her so if i could beat her and consume ifrits i would get a double boost in my magicals cheezaway was already doing insane damage and when ifrit came out i kept panicking and hitting my morph ability and turned into many weird mobs why am i a rabbit why am i a snake if its damage output was so crazy the only reason i could escape was thanks to my water propulsion skill thanks to my newly made sword which applied a nice effect i could slowly free down and get some good hits i dealt with his clones and had some insanely close calls it was looking bad for the both of us when i finally won it upgraded a bunch of my skills and my magic kills and i was just getting started i tested my evolved black thunder skill on some cows and it was so strong day 67 with my newfound power i challenged another raid and almost died again what's a dragon doing around the corner day 68 to 96 i spent this entire time absorbing the souls of pillagers from a pilger tower and gained my ten thousand souls that i needed to become a demon king but i still needed to beat an orc disaster to get a demon lord seed what's that block doing down here wait why is there another dragon so on day 97 i made some op gear gave it all some insane enchantments thanks to my 30 days of pain and while testing out my new gear i found that i now had a powerful aura that burned anything close to me this is awesome day 98 i began my intense fight with the orc disaster even after firing all my hell flames i knew i was going to lose this fight he had an insane amount of regen and my armor was running low mid fight i noticed something coming towards me on the horizon wait what is that over there no a dragon oh no go away go away i had to then fight both a dragon and the orc disaster this was not looking good so i did the only thing a sane person would do and transformed into ifrit so i had a huge amount of hearts to bring this fight to an end after an intense showdown i managed to win and got my demon lord's seed and the gluttony skill it was time to evolve into a demon king in 99 i became a demon lord and decided it was now time to fight caribbeas i placed the car next to a villager and after getting exploded i waited patiently for something to happen and nothing happened until i slept in the village's bed and he got mad thanks to my endless regeneration i was strong enough to take him head-on and with my powered up magic kills now nearing 150 000 i could spam black thunders hundreds of times before running out this was an easy fight i had an insane strategy for getting rid of his shark minions my new gluttony skill with some good timing allowed me to eat all the sharks in one go after finally taking him down i absorbed his core and gained the ability to manipulate gravity so i could fly now it was time for my final fight the spirit protector day 100 i made it to the big tree and entered a long endless hallway this is it my final fight if i die it's over i entered the fight very nervous since it was a very enclosed space inside this room thanks to my new ability to fly i could zoom around the enemy and deal massive damage thanks to my regen at the end of day 100 i finally beat this boss made it to the top of the tower and made my way out 100 days as a slime completed
Channel: Koopekul
Views: 543,824
Rating: 4.9056458 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but challenge, minecraft manhunt but, beating minecraft, minecraft manhunt, beating minecraft but, minecraft survival, minecraft op, minecraft mod, minecraft challenges, minecraft mods, minecraft craft, dream minecraft, modded mc, mods, modded minecraft, OP MODS, demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, demon slayer mod, how to download, demon slayer mod tutorial, tensura mod, 100 days tensura, that time, slime mod, anime slime minecraft, slime mod mc
Id: -nAweHEyXds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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