I Played Minecraft Dragon Ball Super For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened

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in this video i spent 100 days in dragon ball in this mod you can place a bunch of different races and you can also either be good or evil and neutral too but that's kind of boring for this video though i kept it simple and what was being a good boy half scene but let me know if you want me to play as another race or if you want me to be evil my goals for these hundred days were to defeat all the bosses everyone from frieza to jiren and that brings me to my other goal to obtain all the transformations everything from super saiyan to mastered ultra instinct so i have a lot to do with all that being said let's just get into day one on day one i had to start off by picking my appearance i was a half saiyan so i was able to pick both the colors of my hair and tail but most of them looked kind of weird so i just went with the standard black and chose this as my hairstyle next i had to pick my power type and i went with key because natural is just worse in every way so that wasn't a very hard choice but i had a harder choice ahead of me i had to pick what type of key user i would be and i went with warrior which basically focuses on punches more than ki blasts which is what i prefer because you know key blasts take actual aiming skill and we all know that i don't have any of that after that i'd finished all my setup and so i went exploring i found this saber tooth tiger i think it is and was very careful to hit it from under a tree so it couldn't reach me since i had no clue how much damage it would do to me after that epic 1v1 i got myself some basic tools as you do i didn't know how useful they were going to be but still after that i spotted kami's lookout so i made my way over to it and hey i was able to just climb up it without any special training i reached korin's tower and met the cat himself he gave me a senzu bean and a nimbus and i was able to use the ladder to fly up to kami's lookout itself there were a bunch of different teachers there from piccolo to vegeta and even luiz but i started off with the basics and talked to kami first and good thing i did because i was able to learn how to fly from him which was probably the single most useful skill i had during these hundred days when the sun went down i spent the rest of the day just trading on some vanilla mobs and using the training points i got to upgrade some stats mostly focusing on mine because that's a stat that increases the amount of training points you can get and you also needed to learn new skills on day 2 i found this red ribbon robot in a nearby mountain biome which i've noticed since then is the main biome where they spawn i was still pretty weak in the grand scheme of things but i thought i would try to fight it i went in and absolutely spammed my hits on it even holding a senzu bean at the end in case i needed to use it because as you can see he did a lot of damage per hit so if he got a lot of hits off things wouldn't have ended too well for me later i was looking through the menu and found this a super form upgrade and i realized that if i upgraded this i could turn to a super saiyan so that was going to be my main goal for the time being along with upgrading my other combat abilities i then went exploring to find myself a dirty stone by him which is pretty much the main biome in the overworld in this mod and along the way i found some of this ore and i was able to use it to craft some nice armor i mean it covered up my beautiful gohan costume but sometimes sacrifices have to be made to become a super saiyan except for goten and trunks am i right kids i found another red ribbon robot and with this armor it was a lot less risky to fight him when night came i yet again spent some of it fighting mobs on day 3 i went back up to kami's lookout and spoke to the man himself and then learned potential unlock from him as well as key sensing just a heads up though the key sensing thing makes a weird bar appear above mob's heads which was really annoying for me so i turned it off for most of this video sorry if you like it but yeah anyway i went to talk to piccolo to hopefully learn something from him but his techniques costed a lot of training points that i just didn't have at that point but hey i was just starting out so that was pretty much to be expected i then went exploring again to look for the aforementioned dirty stone biome thing and then actually found it not too far from kami's lookout which was lucky i've heard of people running thousands of blocks and not finding it now if you haven't seen videos on this mod before the reason this biome was really good is because dinosaurs spawn here and they drop the best meat in the game as well as being really good for training they give you a lot of training points compared to most other things so yeah because of that i spent the rest of the day training both on the dinosaurs and more red ribbon robots that also spawn in that biome same thing on day 4 just trained the whole day in preparation for day 5 where i thought i was ready to begin the story mode the story mode in this mod is really what sets it apart from any other anime mod i've seen it lets you experience all the major battles and milestones that goku did in the show for yourself and made me really nostalgic of my time watching dbz on sunday mornings as a kid anyway the first mission i got was to defeat six cybermen i played the fight pretty defensively i know they were strong in the anime so i wasn't trying to take any risks and slowly but surely i defeated every last one of them and with that i'd completed the first mission my next mission though was to fight raditz and i knew that was gonna be a way bigger challenge so i trained for the rest of the day to prepare for it on day six these were my stats the three main ones for combat all being around level 25 which seemed good enough for me and with that i started the raditz fight i started off as per usual by punching him but he quickly took away 20 of my health in one hit so you already know i got the hell away from there after that my game plan was to just rush in get a few hits off then retreat and heal and after doing that a couple times i rushed in for the final exchange and killed him he dropped his scouter which i didn't know how to put on sorry about that and he told me that two stronger saiyans would be coming to earth wow i wonder who they could be but yeah in all seriousness napa and vegeta were going to be way tougher than rabbits and he did a lot of damage to me and would have killed me if i wasn't careful so i had to level up a bunch if i was going to stand a chance in the next fight so with that being said i trained until day 11 and leveled up my stats to this which seemed like they would be enough at least i hope so so with that being said on day 12 i made my way to the dirty stone biome and began the fight both vegeta and napa spawn but only napa attacked me i guess vegeta was letting him fight me first we both flew into the air and as per usual i went in for some melee hits but he wasn't having any of it and spammed keyblast at me which did a massive amount of damage but regardless he didn't have much health so it didn't take long to kill him but next came the fight with vegeta he started things off with the bang literally by shooting a massive ki blast at me and demolishing the nearby landscape as usual though i rushed in for melee as fast as i could but he kept shooting he blasts at me which temporarily blinded me each time he really didn't like me getting close but i persisted even having to use a senzu bean at one point but after keeping at it for a bit more i barely defeated him well that was way closer of a call than i would have liked so i knew i had to level up a bunch more before going for harder opponents so the train more effectively i got in the spaceball vegeta dropped and went to namek the thing about namek is that dinosaur spawn there like the dirty stone biome but like a lot more so it's a lot better for training so that being said i trained in namek all the way till day 15 leveling up a bunch and after that i felt i was ready to get started on dynamic story mode it started off pretty simple by me just having to kill a bunch of frieza soldiers and while they were annoying they didn't really do damage to me so it was pretty easy on day 16 though i had to fight kui and since he was a pretty strong member of the frieza force i thought i'd bust out my secret weapon super saiyan yeah i got it while training so that's a little surprise for you guys too as well as it being legendary super saiyan i didn't even know this but yeah apparently i was a legendary saiyan which was nice i don't know if that actually boosts your power or if it's all looks but either way that's pretty cool so with that i spawned in kui and yeah four shot him i may have over prepared for that one but hey that just means more fights for me so next on day 17 i killed the doria then zarbon then finally came a challenge the ginyu force they all came for me at once except ginyu himself who was kind of just watching everything go down they did do some decent damage to me to their credit but yeah they were really no match for me in the end then i went on to the main man and while he was strong in his team he did about the same amount of damage to all of them combined just by himself he still wasn't a match for a super saiyan and that brings us to the only challenge left on namek frieza himself so i started the mission and he spawned in i rushed in with my fists right away but i was still careful to be cautious backing up the heel if i got low then rushing in again it didn't take me long to get him to blast through all his transformations until finally he was in his final form i ran in again and yeah he did a lot more damage to me and fast so i had to be very careful and keep backing up every couple seconds to heal and after doing this many times i finally defeated frieza luckily he didn't try to pull any planet destroying shenanigans on me so namek could still be my main training location but for now it was time to return to earth for my next mission and so i did on day 18. the first mission i got was to defeat a bunch more frieza soldiers we've been through this before it was light work for me but the next fight was when things would get serious because i had to fight mecha frieza and king cole i spawned them in and mecha frieza rushed right in for me he wanted to get revenge on me bad i could straight away tell that he was a lot stronger since he did a massive amount of damage to me in just a few seconds i backed up the heal then flew back in and got a few hits off but so did he and his hits did a lot more damage to me than i did to him but as per usual after repeating this process a couple times i defeated him that fight really shook me up because of all the close calls so i went to corin to get a senzu bean for the next fight which would be even harder i started that fight on day 19 by spawning in king cold he did about the same amount of damage as frieza but used a lot more ki blasts which did a number on the nearby terrain but in the end just like frieza he did a lot of damage to me but i was able to kill him after my heart rate went down a little bit from all that excitement i checked out my next mission and it told me to talk to kami that was just a tad ominous but i had no choice but to do it he told me another threat even greater than frieza was coming wow wonder what that is and then he told me to go to the dirty stone biome and the next mission was to fight android 19 and 20. and i thought this fight was as good a time as ever to debut my new form super saiyan 3. yeah i'm sorry for not telling you guys but yeah i trained a little bit more plus i got a bunch of training points from all the other bosses so yeah i was able to get it i did almost 500 damage a hit so i took care of android 19 pretty quickly as you might expect so that left giro and it was pretty much the same deal for him although he did do more damage to me than 19 did but yeah super saiyan 3 is just really good what can i say on day 20 my next mission was to go to the time chamber now i'd never been in there before so i was excited to take a look but uh there wasn't much going on so i decided to leave for our next mission which was to go to a plane's biome easy enough but what wasn't that easy was my next mission which was to defeat android 18. so i powered up the super saiyan 3 wasn't trying to take any risks here and began the fight as per usual i went in for a barrage of punches but in just like 5 seconds she took away half my health so i flew away to heal and she came after me so i started punching her again and soon after ran out of key because of all the damage she was doing which made me transform back to my base form so i had to re-transform but she only gave me time to transform into super saiyan so she did a bunch more damage and because of that i had to use my last senzu bean but even then she did insane damage to me so i had to fly away to heal some more and luckily i made enough space between us to get the chance to transform into super saiyan 2 and i rushed in for the final exchange and it only took a few more hits from there to defeat her well that fight shook me so i went to namek and trained there until the end of day 23. on day 24 i was going to use all my fancy new upgrades to fight my next opponent cell only in his first form for now though i played really aggressive during this fight because i thought my upgrades would allow me to but no he attacked really quickly and some of his ki blasts did hundreds of damage to me for hit and again because of that he made me revert to my base form so i had to run away a little bit to transform and yet again he was chasing me so i could only transform once i rushed in trying to quickly finish the fight but he got me really low so i tried to run away to heal and when i did he finished me off and so i was taken to the other world the first thing i noticed was that my legendary super saiyan power was gone i was now just a lame old normal scene i spoke to king yama and it turns out i didn't need to be wish back with the dragon balls or anything i just needed to wait 5 minutes which was about 50 million times easier so i'll take it so from day 25 to 27 i got revived and i had no items so i went to mine that ore to get more armor and went mining in general for the materials to make a new space pod which was very annoying to do since it involved me having to go to the nether for glowstone let's just say that getting it through a mission with vegeta is well worth the fight like even if you don't want to play the story mode just do it up until that part at least but yeah as you can see from that cell fight i needed a lot more training so i went back to namic and trained until day 30 when i found out i could instead use the time chamber so on day 31 that's just what i did and i trained in there you know on and off since i could only use it every other day until day 35 which wasn't too long really the time chamber really increases how many training points you get and you may be wondering why i did all of this well it wasn't just to increase my ability stats although those were increased but it was also to obtain the next form super saiyan god so when i trained enough i learned it from whis and with that i transformed this is easily my favorite looking form in the entire dragon ball franchise like when you picture a super saiyan god this form just looks the part perfectly it has a certain finesse and aura to it which might just be the aura itself because my god does that look gorgeous but yeah overall i was very pleased with how it looked now and of course the power up was unreal as well but that wasn't enough for me i turned until day 39 this time to go further beyond super saiyan god blue i'ma be honest this looks a lot worse than the normal god form i mean the aura and stuff still make it look better than normal super saiyan but yeah the original god form is just a peak of how good a transformation can look in dragon ball but i'm getting sidetracked you know the reason i transformed was to get my revenge on this punk and yeah what can i say i was a super saiyan blue it was a slaughter i mean he did do some damage to his credit but now wasn't even close to killing me that time i didn't even have to heal my next mission though was to fight android 16 and 17 who remember were stronger than cell at this point so i prepared myself for a harder battle this time i spawned them in and this time they both attacked me usually when two opponents spawn one kind of stands there and lets me fight the other first but nah these two just went straight for me so that also made this fight more difficult so much so that i had to use both my sensor beams during the fight and still barely scraped the victory this probably should have been a hint to me for the next fight but for some reason i was stupid enough to think that i could fight semi-perfect cell at my strength level and to be fair to me i did but then he transformed into perfect cell and yeah at that point it was raps boys like i had no senses left there was nothing i could do so i went back to training yep literally more than half of these hundred days was just a training montage so get used to it and i went training not only to boost my stats but also to unlock a new form super saiyan blue evolution just look at that man as i said super saiyan god is the best looking form but like this one looks pretty clean too anyway i spawned in cell once again and this time killing semi-perfect cell was light work and i quickly went on the perfect cell and this was a lot harder like this man's ki blasts were just ungodly i'd heal so many times but after slowly chipping away his health little by little i delivered the final blow cell taught me that i really needed some ki blast if i was gonna stand up to future opponents so i went and learned the big bang from vegeta it was still pretty weak because i didn't level it up yet but i still wanted to test it out so i started the next mission to fight seven cell juniors so i transformed and spawned them in i started off by using my new big bang attack on them and it didn't do too much damage when compared to my punches but it did allow me to hit them all at once which was definitely a nice advantage for the rest of the fight i pretty much just alternated between the big bang attack and just my normal punches until i killed them all or so i thought anyway because apparently one ran away or something so the only register is me killing six so i had to spawn in another seven kill one quickly then run away but after that ordeal it was time for the final fight super perfect sell i spawned him in and he almost killed me right away so i ran and ate a sensu bean to heal i went back in trying to shoot a ki blast but missed so i decided to just punch him in the face instead with that being said he did a lot of damage to me once again and so i flew up the heel but he used instant transmission to follow me and he kept using it throughout the whole fight i backed up and shot a key blast at him and he retaliated with his own which did a lot more damage than mine let's just say anyway after some more cycles of me hitting him him hitting me back and me running away to heal i finally defeated him that was way closer than it should have been i mean i did have super saiyan blue evolution but even with the multiplier that gave me my base skills weren't really leveled up so i needed to do a lot more training in the future but for now on day 45 i had a mission to attend to which was to find bobbidy's ship and the man himself which i did but after that i had to fight his minions the first one being poipui and while he did do some decent damage it wasn't too hard to defeat him next up was yakon and while he did do more damage than tuipui it wasn't nearly enough to kill me but next on day 46 it was time to fight the burra who's supposedly as strong as cell so i had to be careful here i spawned him in and just in the first punch exchange i could already tell he was way stronger than the others so i backed up and shot a keyblast at him but when i went in he fired his own back which did a lot of damage so i had to retreat again the heal i went back in and yeah again he did a bunch of damage to me in that exchange but i kept going and in the end barely defeated him i mean even though i barely scraped the victory i was feeling pretty good after that fight so i thought i'd try the next one which was fat boo i spawned him in and after a few punches i tried to shoot a ki blast but he blocked it i tried another one but he blocked that one too so i just said screw it i'll just use my fist for this one and i did as per usual he did a lot of damage but not nearly fast enough and i was able to top up my health before getting too low each time and eventually i killed him that fight was pretty close so just to be safe from day 47 to 51 i trained for the next one which i began on day 52 and it was against super boo i spawned him in and man was insane some of his hits did over 2 000 damage which is a lot to me since i only had a little over 5000 health but i was also hitting for 2000 so after a lot of attacks and more importantly caution i was able to defeat him pretty easily but my next fights would only get harder case in point blue tanks it was the same deal as super boo he did a ton of damage really quickly but with enough of my hits i was able to eventually kill him but the next fight was the hardest of all i fought super boo piccolo he did even more damage than boot tanks and had even more health so i had plenty of really close calls when fighting him but just when i was running out of food i barely squeezed out a victory on day 54 i started my next fight against super boo ultimate it said he was called i started off the fight range with some kamehamehas then went in with my fists and shocker he did even more damage than the last two his ki blasts especially but at that point i did so much damage each punch that as long as i was careful to keep my health topped up i could win pretty easily but now it was time for the final fight kid buu i spawned him in and he was actually weaker than the last boo which is pretty accurate to the show the only real way he was stronger was in his destructive power like god damn look at that anyways all i really had to do was beat him up a bunch of times and i defeated him and with that the buu arc came to an end but my next mission was to fight beerus and for that i knew i needed something stronger so i trained all the way till day 67 to achieve ultra instinct and 310 points on my most important stats it was only base ultra instinct though and those stats needed to work so i trained all the way until day 83 to go further beyond and with that i had mastered ultra instinct so justifiably i thought i was now ready to take on beerus i now hit for 8 000 damage and my ultra instinct helped me dodge almost all of his attacks so it was pretty easy to just rush in and use a barrage of punches to defeat him he told me i clearly don't have the power of a god alright then you want to say that again my man yeah that's more like it next up on day 85 was whis i'm sorry my man you're my teacher you even taught me ultra instinct but still i gotta do what i gotta do and with that the bsr came to a close and it was time for the golden frieza arc so i started off by killing 30 frieza soldiers the squad wasn't there to help me unfortunately but it was easy enough anyway after that it was time to fight shisamy and he told me not to look down on him but kinda hard not to do when i one shot him anyway next was tagoma and he didn't fare much better finally it was time for frieza himself his final form was light work for me at this point as expected but i was really excited to see how strong his golden form would be i spawned him in and just kind of rushed in with a flurry of punches and he just couldn't handle them apparently well that was kind of overkill but with that the frieza arc was over and on day 86 i went on to the universe 6 tournament my bad i didn't record my fights with cabo but like it's safe to say i won those right but luckily i did start recording when i fought hit which i'm sure you guys are much more interested in but um things didn't end too well for him he didn't even get a chance to use any special abilities or anything next up i had to fight well beerus manoka and it was beerus in the suit you know and things didn't go too well for him the last time he fought me so it's pretty clear what happened to him next on day 87 we're on to the copy vegeta arc and that arc was so trashed and i'm even gonna skip it in minecraft you guys don't deserve to experience that train wreck again but then came the goku black arc and to start it off i had to fight the titular character and yeah in his base form it was pretty easy but onto zamasu and yeah same deal but onto a stronger goku black and he did some damage but nowhere near enough next up was goku black rose and i don't want to be mean here but he was basically a glorified punching bag alright my next fight was a two for one deal of both zamasu and goku black rose i just slapped zamasu away immediately and yeah yet again goku black rose did some alright damage to me but i also just steamrolled through his hp next up was a fusion of the two fuse zamasu and yeah he was pretty much just a fusion of the previous two because i was able to just run through with my punches this time without even taking any damage but next i made quite the stupid mistake i thought i had time left on my ultra instinct for one more fight but i simply didn't and yeah once i reverted to base form i had no chance whatsoever but bright and early on day 88 i fought him once again and this time it was a really good fight the best i'd had in a while i started off by hitting him with a barrage of punches but he shot a key attack which almost killed me in one hit i stupidly didn't bring food to the fight so i couldn't heal so i had no choice but to face him head on so i dodged his ki blast while i went all in and spammed my punches on him and barely squeaked out the win now that was intense i took this as a sign that i need to get stronger so i trained in the time chamber all the way till day 94. when day 95 came around i was just raring to go for the next fight which was fuse zamasu again i was confused but i fought him nonetheless and he was a lot easier this time as expected i mean i didn't train for nothing the story mode then told me they fused with the world then zeno got involved yada yada future trunks arc over next was a rematch with hit it said this was with his full power so i was a bit more skeptical this time going in but as for usual for most bosses at this point a couple punches was all it took ultra instinct mastered is just insane next it was time for the zeno expo tournament my first fight was against bazel and i was stuck in the ground during this for some reason but i was still able to kill him next fight was lavender and this went less well i don't know why but he just did a move that took away all my health and from there he killed me well no matter i'll just go back on day 96 and again he almost killed me but i barely won next fight bergamo yeah didn't end well i ran out of my ultra instinct but i went back on day 97 with my fully charged ultra instinct and dealt with him pretty handily but then i fought toppo and i was doing really good but he shot some crazy keyblast that one shot me luckily i took him down with me but still alright here we go again day 98 but oh wait that was it for the expo so i went back to earth for my next mission which was to fight gohan i killed him but he did some kind of poisoning move there at the end and this time he was the one who took me down with him tell me in the comments if you know what that crazy move was by the way because i have no clue on day 99 i had to fight krillin and i used my ultra instinct on him i'm sorry pal that was overkill but i would never be able to live down the shame of dying to you so i couldn't risk it no offense though next i had to go back to the null dimension and it was time for the finale the tournament of power my first challenge was to kill the three brothers at once this time and yeah that didn't end well on day 100 i went back and yet again didn't end well i wasn't leveled up enough and that's it my time was up i failed to achieve my goal of defeating every boss up until jiren but i did get mastered ultra instinct which is a bit of a consolation thank you guys so much for watching let me know if you enjoyed this video and if you did like and subscribe i already have the 200 days video done so i'll upload it as soon as this video gets 10k likes warning though that video was like 90 training which i didn't even show because it was boring as hell so yeah the video is really short but i'll still upload it if you guys want me to with all that being said i hope you enjoy and i'll see you all next time peace
Channel: Brevis
Views: 2,435,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft, 100 days minecraft challenge, minecraft 100 days challenge, 100 days of minecraft, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft luke thenotable, 100 days in minecraft modded, 100 days minecraft survival, minecraft mods, attack on titan, the true gingershadow, senpirates, kanji, dbz, dragon ball z, dragon ball super
Id: gNet7zefXnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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