I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft...

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i survived 100 days on a singular block with a special ability here's how this is going to work if i can survive through all 10 phases and beat the game while surviving 100 days i've accomplished my goal if i fail or die in the process then i lose the challenge will i survive or will i fail to beat the game and fall into the endless void watch to find out also let's go for ten thousand likes and hit that subscribe button in three two one boom welcome to the squad without further ado this is 100 days one block i spawned into the world for the first time and the only thing keeping me from falling into the abyss below was this one block you may think breaking this block would just lead to me falling into the void but no this block was special because every time you broke it it would regenerate into a new one the block gave me a few wooden logs and then a chest which had a couple of saplings i built around the block so i could now safely mine it without having to worry about falling i made a crafting table and crafted an axe so i could break wood quicker and while i was mining a pig spawned right here it was trying to tell me something so i went up and i listened to it i got another chest which gave me some apples and then i placed down a double chest so i could store my items and keep mining the next chest gave me a water bucket which i used to place dirt under the regenerating block so if i were to get any falling blocks then they wouldn't drop into the void i got another chest but this one had a bunch of hearts coming out of it so i think that meant that there had to be something good like diamonds or golden apples right oh after i broke the chest the one block started to upgrade we have now entered phase one the planes the one block is now able to generate common blocks that you can find in the overworld such as different woods more passive mobs and clay this is just phase one out of ten so make sure to keep watching to see the next phases after getting another pig i decided to make a pen for these two on the side of the island i pushed both of the pigs inside of the fences and got straight back to work i got a cow and since i had nowhere else to put it i just pushed it into the same pan as the pigs and after getting a sheep i realized that i was gonna need a lot more space for these animals so i put some more work into this one block to get enough materials needed to expand my base i used some of the dirt that i had to build a little area that i could plant all the saplings i got and with these saplings i could start farming wood to expand my base instead of relying on the one block another chicken spawned and this one was really cute i think i'm gonna keep him as a friend after trying to push a cow into the pen and having a ton of my animals escape i realized i needed to resize the area a little bit so i built around the place and added fences until i had the resources to build a completely new animal pen then i grinded the one block for the rest of day two on the morning of day three i'd finally mined enough to advance into the next phase of the block i waited out to 20 seconds and the upgrade was finally done we have now entered phase two the underground the one block is now able to generate blocks and mobs found underground such as coal iron diamond stone and obsidian but it now also has the chance to spawn hostile mobs such as zombies spiders creepers or skeletons i crafted up my wooden pickaxe and got to work on the stone i was able to harvest enough cobble to make myself a pickaxe and axe a sword in a furnace while i was mining the block spawned a mushroom cow this was really good because if i crafted wooden bowls and milk to this cow i now had an infinite supply of mushrooms too i got a second one not even a minute later and i decided to keep it just in case something happened to the first one after mining for a little while longer a zombie spawned from the block it was pretty easy to take out but now i have to stay on my toes as to not get hit off my island i expanded my island and this saved me because a little while later a creep respond and i use my platform to keep distance and kill it i was really close to getting my animal pen blown up but since i had a good reaction time i was able to eliminate the last of the creepers after gathering a ton of oak wood i now started on finally building a bigger pen for my farm animals i split it up into three areas and then decided to put two more areas at an elevation behind those for the sheet pen i filled the middle of the area with dirt and placed a block of grass in the center i did this to allow the grass to spread since sheep need to eat it to grow more wool i also sheared enough wool from the sheep to craft a bed which i could use to sleep the nights away finally i crafted fences to outline the edges of these areas when i completely finished getting each fence place down i made a bridge to each of the squares and started pushing the animals into their new homes the sheep were relatively easy because it was a straight path and the chickens weren't so hard either because i had seeds to lead them into their pen but the cows took a bit of time and after a lot of pain and frustration i finally got two cows in i know making the other two pens at a higher elevation would make it harder to push the mobs into but i still stuck with my plan i was able to push the mushroom cows in by building walls around and after i finished that part i planted down a ton of saplings to farm for wood again later on the island was getting pretty full from saplings so it was going to be a priority for me soon to make a dedicated tree farm area anyways i pushed the last two pigs into their pen and i cleared up all the old structures and debris and placed carpet on each fence to allow for me to easily pass through i also had a pretty good idea since a lot of hostile mobs responding i mind a large area behind the one block to hit any mobs into right as they spawn this would throw them into the void preventing me from taking damage or even having a creeper explode my base it was getting really hard to move around my base and i finally decided that i was gonna get rid of all the trees to finally clear up the island so i took some time to chop down all the trees on my base and i gathered all the saplings that fell afterwards i then started construction on my official tree farm i started off only going for oakwood since that was my favorite wood and i didn't really have enough resources to build a farm for other trees yet i built a pathway down the middle with oak slabs to create a passage for me to walk and then i used stairs with dirt in the middle to set an indication for where each sapling would be planted i made sure to space out each marker with enough space to have each tree to grow and since i didn't want them to be cluttered together i made sure to do the math and have each tree exactly one block from each other after that i built up for each block and placed a slab right where a normal tree would end and i did this because it would then prevent any abnormal trees from growing which have branches hidden in the leaves making them really annoying to harvest with this method i should only be growing shorter normal trees since the sapling can't grow through the slab that i placed i also realized that i used too much oak wood here and i didn't really like it so i switched it up by replacing it with spruce stairs lastly i built an archway as an entrance for the farm and finished the base for the tree farm i'm planning on expanding this later on by the morning i spent as much time as possible mining the one block i wanted to get more resources to build with as well as advancing into the next phase i was interrupted by a few zombies and spiders in this process but nothing i couldn't handle after mining for a long time i finally reached the threshold for the next phase of the one block we have now entered phase three winter the icy depths of the one block have now emerged as we are greeted with new blocks such as snow and ice but the main focus of this phase is on the new mobs that it brings such as wolves foxes strays and polar bears the one block was instantly spawning snow blocks off the start and it even gave me a wolf i didn't have any bones to tame it but i didn't want to push it off so i gently moved it out of the way and got back to mining i also realized that with the snow blocks i kept getting i could build snow golems around my base because they look pretty cool and they can help fend off hostile mobs i built a little hovering watchtower above me with a snow golem in it and i have no idea why i did this but i'm putting it in the video because i still think it's kind of funny after mining some more i came across my first set of strays and because my snowman army shifted their focus away i was able to hit them off the edge with no problem my inventory was also overflowing with items so i took the time to gather wood and build a little storage unit on the side of my base i placed a total of 27 double chests and made the area look nice as well so i could come here and store any items needed this should be enough storage for the rest of this play through so i don't think i'm going to need to expand it at least anytime soon i also got some snow foxes but these animals prey on chickens when left unattended so i killed them before they can get to any of my chicken coops also wolves prey on sheep so i unfortunately had to put down the previous one as well i decided to pretty up the area where the one block was but as you'll soon see this was probably not going to be the best design for it i put fences around so that animals couldn't escape and so i couldn't get attacked as easily and it worked for a pretty good amount of time i was able to kill any animals that were spawned and i trapped any strays that were out for my blood unfortunately an army of monster guards exploded the area and i got really scared so i ran back but after realizing that they only had leather armor i went back in the snowman in the watchtower was actually helping so much so i was super glad that i built him up there but i don't think snowmen do any real attack damage so i ended up having to finish off the guard myself when i got back to work on the one block i encountered more strays and zombies but no more guards showed up which was a really good sign i didn't realize how long i actually mined for because in the middle of the grind i actually upgraded again to the next phase we have now entered phase four the ocean this is one of the big phases because not only are we now introduced to colorful blocks such as sponge prismarine and coral but we now also have the chance to spawn dolphins turtles drowned and fish when mining the one block i started off by getting regular ocean type blocks like sand and prismarine and i just wanted to grind the block out for a while so i did this until i stumbled across some turtles i frantically tried saving these guys but before i could do anything i had to watch as one of the turtles performed a sneak attack on the other turtle and killed him i don't think he could live with himself after what he's done so i couldn't have done anything else but to sit back and watch him relinquish his soul back to the heavens after that emotional rollercoaster i finally got my first ever diamond ore from the block and you could just see how excited i was to get one singular diamond here anyways i grinded some more and ran into a squid that just wouldn't die so i had to push it into the void and i got a drowned zombie with a trident i thought having a trident would be really cool so instead of throwing the zombie into the void i carefully tried killing it on my island to hopefully drop the trident unfortunately the odds were not on my side and i just wasted my time i spent too much time just mining this one block and i ran into some pretty weird things like fish and guardians but none of that even compared to the block spawning an elder guardian i tried killing it as fast as i could to not be cursed with mining fatigue 3 but unfortunately i was just too slow it didn't really matter too much though because i ended up killing the elder guardian grabbing a bucket to milk one of my cows and getting rid of the current potion effect a dolphin spawned on the one block and i frantically tried saving it by placing blocks and water around it i didn't know what to do and i was trying to think of a really quick solution to save this animal because it kept suffocating and taking damage but the dolphin decided that it would rather be dead than to live anywhere near me or my island so i watched as it made its leap of faith into the unknown i wanted a better system of collecting the drops from the one block so i decided that it would be a good time to build a hopper focused storage system under my base i started by clearing an area in front of the one block and placing water down and i crafted a good amount of hoppers to use for this project i used the water source to flow under my base and build a little platform for me to work and i used prismarine for the walls and floors of the little storage area because i just thought it would look the best then i placed three hoppers behind the one block with a chain of chests leading down into the newly built room below whenever an item were to be thrown into one of the top hoppers it would make its way down somewhere in this storage system below i then place signs behind where the hoppers were placed and i used water sources to fill the areas around to flow the item drops into the hopper system in theory this should also push any mobs spawned by the one block into the void below i checked to see if the hopper system was working and sure enough it was i was really proud of myself until another team of monster guards showed up and destroyed all my hard work these guards consisted of drowns and guardians which fit the ocean theme pretty nicely but anyways it was pretty easy to take out these mobs the only annoying part was having to rebuild all the work that i just finished a couple of minutes ago it was finally a new day and i had a specific goal in mind here since i had no way of feeding my cows and sheep i decided that i was gonna officially build a section on my island for farming i started off by placing a large amount of dirt on the side of the island and squaring it off to complete a nice area after finishing that i harvested as much wood as i could from the tree farm as i needed to start working on this area i built two block high wooden pillars along the corners of the area and finished off the perimeter by lining it with oak fences i then dug one block holes each all six blocks away from each other and placed water in each one to keep my crops saturated and i waterlogged wooden slabs over top each of these so i could easily walk along my farm without falling into any of the holes lastly i used a hoe to tilt most of the nearby grass into farmland so i can plant my wheat and melon seeds and i planted down every last one when i went to mine the one block i realized that my water was gone and i'm pretty sure this happened because of the sponge that spawned earlier so this time i placed the source at an elevation to hopefully be far enough to not get soaked up by the sponge but instead of this working another sponge spawned and completely got rid of the source again so i built up more grabbed some more water and went to test this again after mining for a while i got another sponge and it soaked up the water again so i built up the wall again grabbed some more water and placed it another block higher this time after getting another sponge and having the source removed one more time i got frustrated and built up twice this time to hopefully finally fix the problem so i did just that and placed the water super high and when i went to test it by getting another sponge it finally stopped removing the source at the top i got another chest from the one block and this one supplied me with my very own trident which i was super excited about this was the last chest until i finally moved on to the next phase we have now entered phase five the jungle this phase brings about just a couple of blocks such as jungle logs and mossy cobblestone but the main focus of this one is the mobs that it brings such as parrots ocelots and pandas i immediately started checking out this phase and got a couple of parrots which got pushed into the void thankfully parrots can fly so when i saw it come back up i ran over to my crops to get some seeds to tame it it took all of my seeds so i had to take another trip back to the farm to get enough to finally tame the parrot i'm gonna name him riley i took riley on my shoulder and put him in a safe spot at my base and as i was fighting some vexes that spawned around my base i realized that the other parrot was still nearby at my farm so i completely demolished my crops to get more seeds and try and tame the other parrot and after making another trip and stripping my farm of seeds i finally tamed the other parrot i'm going to name this one ainsley i finally have a friend for riley so i put ainsley down in the same spot and left the two lovebirds to sit while i continued my journey a few ocelots also spawned but i didn't really even care about them since i didn't have fish to tame them so i let them float into the void and i finally grew enough wheat to breed some of my farm animals and this was going to be the start of expanding my animal farm i also realized that if i was going to expand my farm later on it would probably be wise to make a nicer looking path area for it i used my previous prismarine blocks to outline the outer edges of my animal pens and then i used a different type of prismarine to fill it all in then i connected it to the rest of my island with the same design dark prismarine for the outline and regular prismarine as the fill i put some finishing touches with the stairs and guardrails for the pens and i even filled each pen with grass as the floor because it looked much more natural for the animals at a certain point it felt like i used way too much prismarine in this build so i decided to fix that by adding more grass in the center area to make it look much more natural i also came across mob spawning on the outer edges so i killed each one i saw and placed torches all around the area so that would no longer happen i really wanted to get more xp for future enchants and the best way to do this was to build a mob farm somewhere on my island i built out a few blocks away from my farm and began construction i placed two chests to collect the drops and put hoppers above with slabs on top this is gonna be where the mobs will land so i can hit them take their xp and collect their drops all at the same time i then lowered the floor to a good spot where i could hit the mob after this i built a square tube out of spruce wood around the falling area and built up 22 blocks from the stone slabs at the bottom the reason i'm making this so tall is to hurt the mobs with fall damage bringing them down to one hit i then water bucketed back up and built out on each side to funnel each water stream towards the center next i built a two block high wall around every path and extended a platform on all four sides to create a big enough spawning area once i did that i built a two block high wall again but this time it was around the entire spawning area for the mobs if you remember from my last video placing open trapdoors over a gap will make mobs think that it's a full block but in turn they will just fall through this is the mechanic i'm gonna be using to trick the mobs into falling into a water source that will push them down i placed each water source down on all four sides cleared up the torches so it would be dark place slabs on each spawning platform to reduce the number of spiders spawning and built the roof over top i also made sure to place torches all over the top of this thing so the mobs would spawn inside of it instead of on top of it when i went down to the bottom of the spawner i extended the pathway towards the build and started killing mob this was working way better than i thought it was i was getting about one mob spawn every three seconds which was letting me farm over a stack of bones and gunpowder in only two minutes i also didn't even need a weapon to kill these mobs since the fall damage brings their health down to one hp i'm able to hit every single one of these things with my fist which was super convenient i returned to my base to cook up some chicken for food and slept the night away when i came back in the morning i spent some time grinding some more xp and i don't know why but it's just so addicting for me for some reason a creeper ended up exploding the bottom which was a pain to fix but after i got that done i went back to grinding for a little bit i finished the area by building a perimeter around the bottom with fences lining it so i couldn't fall and for now the mob spawner is finally complete one really good thing about having a mob spawner is that i get tons of bones which allowed me to make a lot of bone meal to grow my crops and expand my wheat farm i then harvested the wheat and used it to read more cows and sheep i've gotten so obsessed with my mob farm that i completely forgot about the one block so instead of paying attention to that i shifted my attention towards grinding out the one block and getting to the next stage i got my very own horse from the one block so i built him his own pen on the side of my farm and tamed him i didn't have a saddle or armor yet so i just kept him there for now it's not like i have much use for a horse on this world anyway i also got a panda and thought it was pretty cute so i captured it on my island as well and after mining for a while longer another monster party had arrived this time with vexes witches and spiders these monster attacks were getting more and more difficult i even had to stop by my mob farm to pick up a bow which i used to shoot down the vexes that were trying to fly away after finishing off the last spider i repaired the blocks around my one block for what seemed like the 20th time and got straight back to mining i mined for a super long time but it was worth it because i finally advanced onto the next stage of the one block we have now entered phase six the swamp this phase introduces new blocks such as coarse dirt and pods but the main focus of this phase is towards the new mobs that it brings such as slimes villagers and evokers i wanted to have more space on my island for a better living area so i spent a lot of time building out a nice area to build on top of i used oak slabs for the base but as you'll soon see i actually add another layer over top of this after i was satisfied with the amount of space that i built out i placed torches across the entire thing and returned to my base i did a lot of things such as grinding out my xp farm mining some of the one block and tending to my wheat farm i also breeded my cows and sheep once again and brought some balance to my island before my next project just so you guys know i haven't forgotten about my pigs okay i took some bones from my xp farm crafted it into bone meal for my carrots and farm these so i could breed my pigs see i haven't forgotten about these guys i promise like i mentioned earlier i made another layer on the platform made from wooden slabs and i made this out of dirt because i was planning on building a foundation for a house on top so i spent time just filling in the entirety of this thing which was like five stacks of dirt and then i used oak wood to start the columns of the house i just want to say that i'm not an amazing builder whatsoever and i tried my best to make this look good but i already know i'm gonna have some pro builders in the comments come after me so i apologize if it looks bad i like planning out the foundation of the walls before i start building because it gives me a good idea of how big the house will be and where everything will go while i'm building this house now would be a good time to remind you to subscribe now if you enjoy 100 days videos then you really won't regret it also i'm really trying to hit 10 000 likes on this video so if you could just take two seconds to go down there and hit it real quick that would really make my day i spend a ton of time on this video and that's all i really ask in return after finishing the spruce floors in the base i outlined the base in oakwood and placed stairs and fences where the entrance would go after that i built out the walls of each side in oakwood and also left some spaces on some walls for putting windows in the future the first floor was now complete and it was now time to build the stairs up to the second floor and begin designing that i did a similar design as to using oak planks for the walls and spruce for the floor and ceiling the house was really starting to come together and i was super happy with it i forgot to add torches overnight so when i returned to my house the next day the house was filled with mobs such as spiders and skeletons and there were three creepers all just waiting by my stairs i managed to kill every single creeper without blowing anything up when i went upstairs there was another creeper waiting for me in the corner so i killed that and another spider that was also waiting and placed torches around the place so it wouldn't happen again now it was time to start construction on my roof so i grabbed spruce planks and lined the top of the foundation with it i built them across each side of the room and once i finished the spruce outline for both the smaller and bigger portion of the roof i moved on to filling it all in with oak stairs this part was pretty self-explanatory so i'm going to skip most of this building process and once i finished the roof i added finishing touches such as windows plants lanterns and bushes the house looks really good now and i was very happy with the finished product i brought riley and ainsley with me to the house and finally gave them a cozy spot to live in instead of on the floor of my island lastly i built planks and fences that led to my house and completed the build i built out one last area out of wooden planks on my island so i could make room for my super smelter if you don't know what a super smelter already is it's a mine cart powered hopper system with 16 furnaces that can smell a stack of any item in under a minute to start it off i placed two chests and 16 hoppers that all connected in a line towards the chest after this i placed furnaces along the top of each of these and then i funneled one hopper into each furnace from the back finally i placed another set of hoppers along each furnace this time on top of the furnaces i built out a little more since i needed some extra space to work on this build and continued by placing blocks on either end of the hoppers with powered rails on each of these blocks i then connected both sides with powered rails the full way through and used a block with an activated lever to power these i also placed levers on one side of the auto smelter and placed two double chests along the other side after placing mine carts with hoppers down on the rails i used two more levers for the front of this that i could use to control when the minecarts should run and when i tested this machine by putting raw iron in it i activated it and it instantly got to work when i checked the chest on the other side it was outputting iron bars at a really fast rate into the double chest i finally finished off by extending the area once again and actually connecting it to the rest of my base and i got back to working on the one block while i was mining i found an ocelot and i spent a ton of time trying to tame it when i finally realized that you actually can't tame ocelots anymore instead i gained the trust of this ocelot and used a lead to keep it in my base for now i then got back on track and continued to mine the one block for the rest of the day and after mining for a super long time i once again advanced onto the next phase of the one block we have now entered phase seven the desert the one block now has the ability to spawn new blocks such as sandstone red sand and mushroom blocks and it also now has the chance to spawn new mobs like husks cats and phantoms like i mentioned before i wanted to expand my tree farm at a certain point in this playthrough so i decided that on this day i was going to expand my oak trees and also build an entirely new section for spruce trees i built out with slabs all five blocks away and set a marker for where each tree would go when i came back to my builds in the morning i forgot to torch up the area and came back to some mobs being spawned on my platform i killed them and continued to work on the farm i didn't want to build too far out so i turned the second part of this farm 90 degrees so it would wrap around my island more i then finished building out for each tree and i started placing dirt on each side like before i used spruce stairs to outline each piece of dirt to make it look nicer and i built around each of these with oak slabs apparently i'm really bad at remembering things because when i came back to work on the farm in the morning again more mobs kept spawning which made it really annoying to have to keep clearing them out anyways after i finished filling in each gap with wooden slabs i then built up for each tree and placed a slab to stop the tree from growing too far i didn't need to do this for the spruce trees however because these types of trees won't grow out of whack like the oak trees i then place saplings for both the oak and spruce finally place torches along the sides of the newly built sections and headed back to my base i also built out another area where i placed sand along the top so i could build my sugar cane farm after the sand was placed i used water to fill in the gaps along the middle and the sides and i placed my sugar cane all along the sand i didn't have enough sugar cane to fill up everything yet so i would have to complete this later then i water logged oak slabs over top the middle water stream so i could walk on it and also place torches to stop mobs from spawning i wanted to keep mining through the one block so i could get to the next stage so i spent a super long time sitting here and holding left click each phase of the one block is about 2 000 blocks until you get to the next one so i skip most of the mining for you guys and just include the good parts so just know i'm spending a lot of time actually mining it i also kind of realized that we were getting pretty far in and my armor and tools were kind of mediocre so i grabbed all the diamonds that were previously collected from mining and i made a full set of diamond tools and armor with these this made mining the one block a lot easier for me this phase kept giving me a ton of colored concrete so for whatever reason i thought it would look cool to make a coil shape on my mob spawner with yellow concrete when i went back to the one block i actually got a siamese cat to spawn and i really wanted to have it as my pet so i grabbed some cod and went up to it and i made it my friend when i took him over to my house i disposed of the wannabe cat near my base and sat the new one down on my bed i'm gonna name him merlin i encountered another monster attack and these guys were becoming stronger and stronger by the minute thankfully since i made a hole behind the one block i was easily able to hit all these guys into the void right as they spawned and repair all the damage after that disaster i kept grinding and finally advanced onto the next stage of the one block we have now entered phase eight the nether this is one of the biggest phases because the one block is now able to spawn blocks such as netherrack ancient debris and obsidian which will allow us to enter the nether and it is now able to spawn mobs from the nether such as striders hoglands and piglen when i went to bed i heard a ton of monsters near me and i didn't understand how that was possible because i had torches placed down everywhere so when i went to check i realized that they were on the ledges on the back of my house so i led them towards me and took all of them out while i was making a pathway towards my sugar cane i almost lost all my stuff by breaking a dirt block in front of me and falling into it thankfully i caught one of the water sources from my farm and made my way back up a lot of my sugar cane had finally grown so i harvested it and planted it down on the remaining sand blocks i then immediately started grinding the stage so i could get enough obsidian to finally enter the nether i got a ton of netherrack basalt and warped blocks and i also started to finally get some obsidian since warped blocks are more efficiently mined with a hoe i now had a use to make an iron hoe and use it to mine them some piglets also spawned but they didn't do much damage and fell straight into the void and then i got my first piece of ancient debris three more of these and i'll be able to make a netherright ingot then after more netherrack soul sand and ancient debris i finally acquired 10 pieces of obsidian which is the exact amount needed to build a nether portal so after i grabbed the blocks i prepared to enter the nether i built a bridge out of nether bricks and made it two blocks wide and then i made an outline for how big i wanted the island to be it wasn't gonna be too big since i was just gonna use it for my nether portal so i made it a small circle and filled it all in with netherrack i then built stairs leading up and a wall made from nether bricks with railing along the sides i also built some broken abandoned looking fences on the sides and corners to give the area a better look then i built the outline for my portal with obsidian in the middle and placed a ton of netherrack around it with a couple of lava sources on the sides to give it a better look after getting caught on fire and having to save myself i prepared all my gear and items to go to the nether i also decided now would be a good time to use the wither skeleton egg for some reason so that happened and then i finally lit the nether portal i made sure to craft a shield so i wouldn't die and when i entered the nether i got a pretty secluded spawn that was safe from most mobs and structures when i was exploring i found a fossil made from bone blocks which i mined a lot of because if you didn't know this bone blocks break down into a ton of bone meal which could be really good for my farm i then went to a really open area in the nether and turned my render distance all the way up to 18 to search for structures around and sure enough i found another fortress peeking out of the wall while i was making my journey there i got attacked by ghasts and skeletons in the soul sand valley but managed to get past them pretty quickly when i tried entering the fortress i was immediately introduced to wither skeletons which really scared me for some reason but after i cleared them all out i started fighting all the blazes in the area it was pretty easy taking out all these things with my sword and when i finished killing about eight of them i already had five blaze rods i then killed more wither skeletons and blazes and found a rune portal on the side of the fortress which ended up giving me a golden apple and some gold tool and i then killed about five more blazes after this which got me up to 10 blaze rods while i was exploring i got into a fight with a couple of hoglands and while i was running from them i somehow stumbled across a bastion so i killed the hoglands and started mining the gold around me i wanted to trade with the piglens to try and get ender pearls and fire resistance potions but when i entered the bastion i instantly started getting chased by piglin brutes these guys do a ton of damage even in my full diamond armor so i kept having to back off and i killed each brute off one by one after that i distracted the piglens by throwing them gold and i looted the bastion chest but didn't really get anything that amazing i then decided to just keep trading with them so i could leave the nether this time i actually got some pretty useful things from the piglens such as spectral arrows fire resistance potions and ender pearls and after trading for a little while longer it was finally time for me to venture back into the overworld while i was heading back i encountered a ghast and really wanted to hit a fireball back at it to get the epic advancement after a ton of failed attempts i got the perfect deflection on the fireball and achieved the return to sender advancement i then mined some courts for some extra xp and finally made my way back to my portal i came home to merlin sitting on my bed and in the morning i got straight back to work on the regenerating one block i really wanted to make it to the end so i could beat the game so i spent a ton of time here i also had 23 pieces of ancient debris so i went over my super smelter and tossed it all in when i went to the output i received my 23 netherright scraps in return then i went digging through all of my chests and ended up finding eight gold ingots and 34 raw gold so i smelted up all the raw gold that i had to come to a total of 42 gold ingots and i went over my base to start crafting netherrite gear i crafted five netherite ingots which was a really good start i then crafted a smithing table out of planks and iron placed it down near my furnace and upgraded my chest plate leggings sword pickaxe and helmet i wanted to also enchant my gear to make me even more overpowered so i grabbed two diamonds from my chest along with four obsidian and a book and crafted an enchantment table to go upstairs in my house i built out a nice spot with bookshelves next to riley and ainsley and started enchanting my netherright gear first off i enchanted my leggings with protection 4 unbreaking 3. my axe with efficiency 4 my helmet with protection 3 my chest plate with unbreaking 3 my boots with unbreaking and depth strider 3 my sword with sharpness four and unbreaking three and my pickaxe with efficiency for unbreaking three i now have extremely good enchants on all of my gear to now survive the rest of these hundred days when i was mining my soul actually left my body when a gas spawned in the structure and started screaming in my ear after i nearly died from that jump scare a couple of blazes spawned and i tried ignoring them at first but i then decided to just kill them and i was completely oblivious to the fact that my island was burning without me noticing since i now had an efficiency for netherrite pickaxe mining all of these blocks became super easy another set of blazes spawned and these guys were being really annoying because their fireballs were burning down my trees and my base so i got rid of them as soon as possible and repaired the areas after that i got really unlucky because another monster party had spawned with more blazes magma cubes and gas when i finally cleared out every single one of them again i repaired all the damages and got back to work i finally mined enough ancient debris to craft two more netherey ingots and with this i upgraded my diamond boots and my diamond axe i then went over to my house to enchant my trident up to level 30 and when i did it i got super lucky with unbreaking 3 loyalty 3 impaling 4 and channeling this was a godly trident i then grinded more xp at my mob farm because i had one last thing that i wanted to enchant i grabbed bows from my mob farm to make a new bow and enchanted it with level 30. i got power 4 unbreaking 3 on the first bow but this wasn't enough so i crafted a new bow grinded more mobs until level 31 and went to enchant another bow the enchantment table wasn't giving me the enchant that i wanted so i reset it with a level 1 stone hoe enchantment and then use my level 30 enchantment on the bow for infinity finally i combine the two bows in an anvil for eight levels to create a power four unbreaking three bow with infinity since i was already so stacked i decided to go all out and what better way to end it off by making a diamond shovel upgrading it to netherright and grinding more xp to finally level 30 enchant it with efficiency 4. i was done fooling around and i just wanted to make it to the end i mentioned so i spent the rest of this day mining the one block until i finally upgraded to the next stage we have now entered phase nine desolation this is the very last stage until the end this phase brings about every block from before while also adding blocks like honeycomb hay and terracotta the one block can now also spawn bees which i guess is pretty cool like i mentioned before i really wanted to make it to the end phase i didn't really care anymore about the blocks from the previous stages since i now have everything i need to fight the ender dragon i got attacked by some bees along this journey but most of it was pretty quick because of the overpowered gear that i had equipped when i was mining i kept hearing a cat meowing so when i peeked over the edge i realized there was a cat barely hanging on the edge for its life i built down to it and then went back up to get some of my remaining fish from the chest when i came back down to feed it it finally became my cat so i brought it over to my house and kept her downstairs this is gonna be merlin's little sister luna when i woke up i spent the entire day mining and after getting attacked by the final monster party which consisted of bees phantoms and slimes i kept mining to finally advance onto the final stage we have now entered phase 10 the end the one block is now at the end of its life cycle and the blocks generated are mostly going to be consisted of end stone and purple block the block will now also generate mobs found in the end such as endermites chokers and endermen i had a ton of name tags in my chest so i grabbed them and went over to the anvil to rename all of them i now had official tags for riley ainsley merlin and luna when i started mining i consistently got enstone and n bricks which i'm gonna skip over and i'm not gonna show too much of the mining because it was pretty repetitive but when the end stage was finally loaded it destroyed all of my chests below and replaced it with an incomplete end portal the one block was also resetting to a stage where it can spawn any block i used my eyes of ender to complete the end portal and after a lot of contemplating and being hit by a shulker i finally jumped in i spawned outside of the end island and built up to the boss fight i started out by shooting all the end crystals and i managed to do this pretty quickly with my bow for the one in the cage i ender pulled up to it and block clutched and then punched it before i water bucketed down i missed my ender pearl on the next one so i decided to just shoot it through the gap in the bottom and all the end crystals were now destroyed the dragon perched and i went in through the bottom with my trident to do a ton of damage i ended up taking about 1 3 of its health and i used my bow to shoot it i accidentally threw my trident and missed and i got really scared because if your trident falls into the void you're never getting it back thankfully it landed on the edge and it came back to me and the dragon started to perch again so i shot it with as many arrows as i could i then used my trident once again to bring the dragon low and when it tried launching me away i water bucketed and kept hitting it with projectiles it finally purged for one last time and when it did i went in for the final hit the ender dragon was now defeated i collected all the xp that dropped from killing the dragon and instead of heading back to the overworld i made my way over to the end islands portal so i could explore some end cities i built up with spruce wood and when i got up to it i ender pulled straight in i spawned on the very edge of a small island and i could have died very easily right here so i got super lucky i then killed some endermen for some ender pearls and since they weren't aggro towards me for some reason it made it really easy to gather them after exploring for a while i found an end city without a ship and decided to explore it i didn't really care much about the shulkers so i did my best to run past them and try to get to the loot as fast as i could i know entity loot didn't really matter for me since i had enchanted netherrite but i still wanted to see what i could get just for fun after i made it to the loo i opened the chest to some pretty garbage items so i ended up just continuing my journey on finding an end city i explored for another day and finally came across an end city again this time with a ship in the air i ran straight up this thing one more time and when i made it to the main tower i let the shulkers hit me with levitation to the top i opened the chest and got a ton of diamonds and diamond gear but nothing better than what i already had on the end ship was right below me so i decided to just ender pearl onto it and loot it i took the instant health potions from the brewing stand killed the shulker and looted the chest finally i retrieved the elytra from its item frame and used it to safely fly down from the end ship i then spent the rest of the day on my journey home and when i ender pearled through the transfer portal i made it back to the main end island from here i crafted a button out of oak planks to place under the dragon egg and finally harvest when i entered the end portal once again i spawned in my house near merlin and went upstairs to place the dragon egg near my window then i built up with spruce wood at the back of my house and used my elytra to fly over top my floating island i didn't really stick the landing though and i ended up almost dying but one of my water sources ended up saving me i then crafted an item frame and placed it in front of my one block where i placed my elytra since i now officially survived 100 days on one block i just wanted to remind you to subscribe now and hit that like button to help me reach my goal of 10 000 likes i looked at my sheep farm and oh wait no [Music]
Channel: Fearful
Views: 562,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, deadfear, 100 Days, Minecraft 100 Days, I spent 100 Days in One block Minecraft, Minecraft one block, Minecraft I survived 100 days, Minecraft one block skyblock, minecraft i survived 100 days on one block, i survived minecraft hardcore, minecraft 100 days hardcore, 100 days hardcore one block, i survived 100 days one block skyblock, 100 days one block survival, 100 days on one block, 100 days but it's one block, a cookie god, fru, kollani, silver, luke thenotable, 100days
Id: gPhTxsnsHhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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