I Survived 100 Days in VR Hardcore Minecraft!

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Minecraft is a game full of Endless Possibilities you can make anything and everything you want when you want your worlds are what you make them but what if Minecraft could be more what if you could teleport yourself into the game and immerse yourself in a true survival experience well today that's exactly what I am going to do today I spent 100 days in VR Hardcore Minecraft and let me tell you this video ended up being so much more work than I originally thought it was going to be it turns out VR Minecraft is not that easy and when you play it for as long as I did it can make you sick also before we do get into this video I'd like to give a little bit of a warning to those who experience motion sickness easily to be careful watching this because it might not end up being the best for you anyways let's get right into VR on the very first day okay so for the first day I logged into Minecraft and was um acclimating to VR let's just let's just call it that for some strange reason the game thought that I wasn't the six foot eleven gaming Giga Chad that I am and uh I may have had to stand on a chair for the game to make me two blocks tall I don't want to talk about it but after getting that situation settled I did the typical Minecraft things but much slower because of how VR controls were I gathered some wood struggled to make wooden tools and I went on to destroy these cows in a quick 1v5 match of Search and Destroy after collecting their meat winky face I stumbled upon this dark little cave I mean I say it's little but just look at this place oh oh oh this iron there's definitely iron down there um yeah no we're not we're not doing that yet that's okay that's right I risked my life for a measly to iron ore after leaving that cave I tortured a whole lot of sheep with my newly acquired sword skills Who Wants to Be Who Wants to be slept in yeah oh I'm getting the hang of it now yeah yeah you you want you yeah yeah cool yeah and before the sun began going down I saw this quaint little abandoned portal across the ocean so I made a boat and began traveling which was honestly a pretty big mistake how do I get to the boat what uh I I literally don't want to get out of the boat and right clicking doesn't work I just want to see the chest man after getting out of the boat and joinking the pretty tame contents of that chest I honestly didn't want to deal with the boat anymore so I just swam the rest of the way there the hard way VR controls for Minecraft terrible actually terrible awful controls this is how I spend my first night who needs beds when you could just be in the ocean if I find a trident guy I'm dead after finally reaching the other Shore I fought for my dear life against creepers and spooters to loot the second portal chest and once again the loot was pretty tame at this point the sun was starting to rise so I couldn't sleep but I did want to get some nice food cooking so I wouldn't starve and after stepping away from my crafting bench for one second literally one measly second a witch spawned near it a freaking witch that's kind of cool oh that's witch that's a witch yo why did a witch spawn right near my crafting bench that's cool that's daijovu that is daijubu we did just get some golden no no no traditional Minecraft controls don't work hey hey all right that's day one hey there epic Gamers do you like games well I sure hope you do because you're watching this video today I'd like to tell you about our sponsor Apex gaming PCs I partnered with these beautiful people to create three different gaming PCs for you all to experience games in all of their Glory with these PCS are ready to play the latest games and even make content with just check out this amazing PC that they sent me personally if you want to check out how to get your PC today or help support the channel the link will be in the description down below and if you do decide to pick one up don't forget to use code paint at checkout for an additional five percent thank you Apex gaming and thank you all for all of the support as the sun came up on day two I waited around for the rest of my mutton to cook before picking up my things and finessing my way past that sussy witch Baka I even waved goodbye to her while I swam away after getting back on and I gathered a bit more wood for backup and I began my search for more iron to give me even the slightest chance of survival well over here I noticed a nice shipwreck just barely off of the coast I swam over to it and this ship was haunted why is this taking so much time it breaks twice break sometimes can I just four whole potatoes that's incredible after finally getting to that chest with more bread than a Subway get it because Subway's bread is fake anyways after getting back on land I hunted some more easy food and I pet this chicken before violently obliterating it which I kind of felt bad about but it's times like this that I have to remind myself it's just a video game none of this is real or is it after collecting my yummy snacks why did I say that that's when I found this really cool cave Ray um I almost lost everything I'm to find a nice little quaints okay oh no it's a good idea not really oh God oh God oh God get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here move faster move faster go go go nope bad idea bad idea okay we're gonna stick to Safe area so yeah after I get another near-death experience on only the second day I decided just to move on and take much less risk with my iron hunting I smacked around some more animals and that's when I saw this little cave which you guessed it probably hopefully if not I don't know what's wrong with you but there is no iron you get the point there's no iron inside of this cave but hey I didn't collect a fair amount of coal while in here so technically I still give it zero stars on Yelp after leaving the cave I noticed the sun was beginning to set and I was not gonna die in day two so I placed my bed out and I slept in the field which was a pretty strange experience in VR when I woke up the next day I had been teleported to the other side of the bed even when I sleep alone I still get kicked out of the bed day three after waking up I continued my search for more iron while also scoping out possible places to live and let me tell you this world seed sucked I began heading towards a nearby Savannah in the hopes of finding a Donald Trump Village get it because it's orange and along the way I stumbled upon this shipwreck that was a lifesaver yo look at all this iron yo we got all this iron we got how many we got eight oh let's go yeah boom and we're gonna do big boy things here chest piece boy look at us now full of our drip now with my drip factor increased and my extra defense I began heading through the Savannah after passing through this group of turtles a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after leaving my turtle friends behind I was glad to be greeted with more ocean ocean and VR was um no bueno ended up changing my path and instead finding a couple deposits of iron in this vast Stone beach cliff area that was still surrounded by you guessed it even more ocean ended up fighting this little cave where I did strike iron and this cave was kind of disappointing but after Gathering almost all of the coal I made myself a helmet and some boots to even further evolve my jerk Factor before sleeping away my fears for the next two days I was on a mission I left my humble abode for the night only to be ambushed by this creep just hanging out blending in with the trees after slaying that foul Beast I kept moving along this Stone Beach area that just seem to keep on going I kept moving along the edge of the beach around this gross looking jungle that I did not want to deal with that is until I had no choice I had to make another boat and continue my fear of getting stuck in it I hopped inside of the boat and well just let the footage speak for itself what I have to actually row and the more that I'd move one side than the other it like turns the boat almost instantly okay we're gonna do this first I'm gonna do this first if I can figure out how to get out of this boat no let's just try out the buttons oh it's this button I say this button like you can see what button it is we got here hey we got carrots sweet bamboo I'll take the bamboo because it's good for sticks now honestly I don't have enough inventory space and I'm gonna drown I don't think there's any more chests in this bad boy so we're just gonna go we're gonna keep moving on me this is the best and the worst at the same time cool I know how to get out of it now as well so now that I had conquered my fear of boats as weird of a fear that is I now found myself stuck wandering this Baron Wasteland of deserts and Mesa Biomes with literally no structures and you know what yeah I was complaining about it oh man what is this this is the worst this is actually the worst can't do anything with any of this it's just keep going I guess that was becoming more desperate for a non-ocean place to go by the second until the next day day five oh name tag okay lapis is cool um melon seeds is cool I don't have a ton of inventory melon seeds are something that I can't get otherwise so that's cool it should really not be doing this I should most certainly not be doing this I need to place down one of these we're going to cook our iron conveniently enough for a pickaxe and while that's cooking I can collect this iron iron pickaxe evolving the first of its kind we're gonna come out of here with so much gold we're gonna have apples Galore golden apples yes please oh I hear the spiders should I just leave oh I should totally leave I should leave yeah let's get out of there I'm pushing my luck I got a good amount of gold okay let's just keep moving I'm made out of those mine shafts like a king I found free real estate gold and two golden apples that you know were getting used on villager Traders if I've ever found a village that is and after looting all of that I ran out of places to go besides more ocean so I turned the other way to explore more of the desert in the hopes of finding some good places to loot I rode a boat across more water I'm getting used to the boats and I spent until sundown collecting stacks of this sugar cane for future enchantment table bookshelves before placing out my bed and sleeping and honestly I cannot make up what happened next I'm kind of disappointed in myself I stopped playing for a bit to write down some notes somehow the game didn't pause right and instead I had my inventory open I did not pause the game I opened my inventory I was staying ending in a desert at night in hardcore with barely any armor and for some reason I lived there were mobs everywhere not okay not okay I paused the game no I paused the game I totally paused the game oh no no no no no no no no no please nothing else spawn nothing else spawn come close please no no no no no spider oh no no no no no no no no no no sleep sleep sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep what the hell is that oh no oh my God I could not believe that I was standing in a desert in hardcore at night surrounded by mobs oh geez dude I need to make sure I pause the game next time oh my God on day six after that super close call I began making my way through the now Minefield that had once been this desert biome and I'm not going to lie to you this world had been super disappointing so far I spent this entire day in the next one moving from biome to biome while being forced to use the boat in between with no luck of finding anything worth honestly even mentioning as I continued on my path I did get to mine a few iron here and there but nothing too substantial in the distance I saw another abandoned portal which were the only structure I could apparently find in this world so once I got to it I stole all of the gold nuggies in the chest before building up while having the crisis in my mind that was imagining how I was going to get around places like the nether or the end if it was this difficult but hey while having that panic attack I also grabbed this block of gold up here and I was quickly on my way let's go to what we were gonna wait the joystick works I don't have to row the boat if I keep my hands in the middle it doesn't roll the boat I don't have to row the boat and yeah apparently I didn't have to row this entire time but I just kept hitting each ore by accident this was going to make traversing the oceans that much easier by the time the sun was beginning to set on day seven I was debating staying in the new area that I had found you've got access to a lot of resources you had access to all of this bamboo over here let's go back over here the Sun is going down again which is not POG champ but honestly I'm kind of thinking about right here right here could be a cool place to live if you like build a house like a base like right here I'd have to do a lot of like terraforming to land right here for like the sand though let's just let's let's sleep it off let's sleep the night away and kind of go from here for day eight after waking up I had a change of mind you know honestly this place is kind of cozy but it's not like home it's not very homey like I dig it but it would take a lot of work to to like work with the landscape here and I kind of don't have a village nearby all right I'm not gonna row oh wow wait is it based on where I'm looking what the no I I don't understand how this works the joystick works but it's so hard to let's put my hands here wherever I look seems to like affect it somehow it's terrifying after my boat issues were over I decided that while moving through the Dark Forest I might as well Harvest a quick tree for saplings that I could plant in the future and wow does Br Minecraft make everything so much more work it's an interesting it's it's interesting breaking down trees like this in VR what I say easy no br's like Minecraft with extra steps hitting the saplings to drop ended up taking a lot longer than I wanted so I placed down a crafting bench after fighting with my inventory so I could make a hoe and while at it I also used one of my iron to make a shield oh shield first off very important don't actually know how to use it but it's important all right how many saplings do I have three just barely not enough just give me one more just give me one more why is it so complicated ah okay cool four of them let's get out of here for a creeper blows my load wait no don't after getting enough saplings to begin my own forest I kept on moving in the hopes of finding a nice planes biome with a village or something but instead the game had some other ideas that's a Mossy cave I think I kind of just want some easy Iron though you know what I mean I would totally go down there if I uh wasn't gonna die I passed those normally super tempting caves and I left the Birch Forest once a plane's biome was finally in sight crazy how I've only found like two of these so far in this world I know 1.18 doobie wild anyways though this plane's biome ended up looking more like a small field biome and somehow the sun was already low enough for mobs to spawn so I found a safe little corner that didn't have a pile of boys trying to kill me and I placed out my bed and went to sleep for the night after waking up in that useless field I spent the next three days straight constantly exploring more biomes while quickly descending into Insanity along the way though I did make a couple of nice stops and stonks were definitely made ooh ruin portal let's go free gold block my favorite I love free just okay let's go I like to see it 10 more golden carrots I just got those out of my inventory i that's unfortunate um listening melon can honestly go uh let's make this into gold for inventory space oh we already got a lot of gold fire aspect two sword I mean ah it's my two golden ax yeah this golden axle is broken so I'll just take it okay cool nice how I feel the cable's already wrapping my legs they want to kill me okay cool nice gold block Golden Apple number three another oh my God it's so hard to pick up things okay let's make a another crafting bench we're gonna make iron see if I kept the other nuggets from before then I could just make more but I don't have the inventory space so I'm kind of just stuck wasting golden iron which sucks why is it so hard to pick up things in this in VR man oh that's not okay wow cool let's get out of here that's below this place after stuffing as much loot from both of these stops into my inventory as I humanly could I just kept moving looking for the perfect place to call home that ideally had a village but this world was holding out on me don't do this to me you can't do this to me it's all the same is this the back rooms in Minecraft okay this is cozy looking but I'm I feel like I'm going in a circle it looks a like similar to where I've been before wait that looks like a plane's biome that looks like a planes biome oh no oh oh god oh hurry place a bed things are gonna start spawning any second now all right get the bed let's go I see a planes by him please please be a village I will call this my home I would like there to be Spruce somewhere nearby too because I love Spruce Wood it's the it's the best wood okay this is a pretty big planes biome this is actually really promising all right this looks like an actual spot pretty good size for planes biome this is this is good okay no signs of anything so far okay it's there's something over there I think that's a another ruined portal we got cool Cliff sides in the distance this would be a nice place to call home if there's a village there needs to be a village though please I'm starting to feel like there's just no villages in this version of Minecraft man whoa okay that's really pretty that's really pretty but that's really pretty that looks so cool however it's not what I'm looking for this is a nice spot though like real talk right here could be like a really good spot for a home if there was a village nearby no there aren't even any structures all these all these jungles and there's no there's no jungle temple yes yes planes by yome without a village yet again it is night time now this is a certified bra moment all right third day in a row straight there's some plain biome that way and there's some this way there's a swamp over there I might just have to call it without a village I want a village in VR because it would give me an extra curve because I can you know trade for stuff if I could trade for stuff that would be really beneficial this has tons of livestock too so there's that I've I just I haven't had a world like this without a village this consistently in a long time to the point where it feels like when I do find worlds like this without Villages that it's a glitch it feels like an actual glitch this is such a nice place I want to live here please be a village this is a nice place I really do like this area this has got to be rigged there's no villages I've legit traveled thousands of blocks in this world and not found a single Village what gives this feels like a joke like a bad joke I had fully explored this plane's biome and it was pretty huge and once again no Village this place was beautiful and I could make it a nice place to live but a village was where my heart was set without those sweet trades how could I get better gear to actually stand a chance in this world in a reasonable amount of time I looked down to the ocean where I did see a new shipwreck in a ruined portal and I thought about whether or not I should keep on going or if I should just settle here for the 12th day I had made my decision and I wanted to keep moving because finding a home with a village nearby was crucial for my survival especially with how hard it was going to be to do anything else in VR I made myself a boat and I panicked my way across what felt like infinite ocean because fun fact in VR the ocean was so much more real and slightly terrifying maybe I am like Markiplier maybe I am scared of the ocean anyways after finally seeing land in the distance things were looking good oh this is a nice planes biome I'm getting a good vibe about right here right here could be a really cool base so I kind of want there to be a village nearby that would be very daijovu right there would be a really cool base I can make like a center house there dude while here I even found an abandoned portal nearby while I desperately searched for the village I needed oh this is an almost made nether portal too was it oh it's got one block only one block of crying obsidian and we got all the obsidian we need for it ooh silk touch can I use that for anything important right now maybe for now I'll just put the wood in there maybe the furnace so I can always come back to this if I'm gonna make a base right here I have never had this oh I have to build over this I can't make this wow that's a cool looking cave you got going on down there I'm just gonna nope my way around that if this was regular Minecraft I would just jump it easy but in VR it's not it's not easy I see something up there that looks like maybe Netherrack from another like another abandoned portal oh there's another abandoned portal with gold I didn't quite find a village but I did have another portal with a free block of gold to loot the next day in the distance so here I was day 13 and the very first thing I did after waking up in the field was go hunt down that portal ooh don't mind if I uh if I do thank you inventory full as always oh look at all this gold that's actually cracked let's go after joinking the loot from the second abandoned portal I made my way up and over the nearby Hill only to find yet another perfect candidate biome for a village and possibly a place to call home at this point I really needed it because I was descending into Insanity like I had said at this point I was pretty much begging for a village Village Envision it Village Village Village Village Village gonna happen no when I come over this Horizon it'll be a big old thick Village full of villagers right here there's some arson I'm cool with arson but I'd like a village to go with the arson all right this is not a village but alas it apparently wasn't meant to be I continued exploring until sundown and all the way to the next day until finally finally I spotted something peculiar in the distance Village I finally found a village all right you found a village we got lots of villagers here iron ax you guys got any stuff for me to what 10 iron and three diamonds in Diamond horse armor bruh I spent so long getting here and I don't want to live here though I'm not gonna lie it took me this long to find a village Iron Golem and this Village sucks so there I was I had finally found a village and it was stacked with some Diamond loot but was I happy honestly no because this place would suck to build a base set it's in the middle of a forest and it's at the bottom of a bunch of Hills if I was gonna live here everything would just come falling down and exploding on me and you know what yeah I'm gonna say it I am a very picky gamer so after sleeping through the next night on day 15 I had made the choice to keep on moving and I am so so sorry that I always do this why can't I find a good place to live in like the first few days what is wrong with me I'm out here at like day 15 homeless with an inventory that is more thick than a Pixar mom this thing had more loot than underneath your seat at an Oprah show but still I pushed on and on and the more I traveled the more I lost my patience for finding a village it was starting to feel like this entire world was just Birch Forest Oak Forest dark oak forest in that order I kept traveling for the next three days until the end of day 18 and while continuing my struggle I did find a few things here and there I kept finding abandoned portals which were seeming like the only structures this world had to offer and I explored this pretty underwhelming single chest shipwreck where I almost drowned chill uh Cole cool jump go up up up up up up up up up no drown no drown no drown drown bad oh overall for these days I was pretty bummed out by how underwhelming this world had been especially for me traveling for thousands of blocks in VR may I add which was also more effort because you can't efficiently run in VR but things were about to change here towards the end of day 18 I had stumbled upon another plane's biome and finally after all this time the prophecy had been fulfilled no no let's go let's go village Village you guys have a blacksmith that I can abuse okay this Village kind of sucks but it's in like the optimal location to live in that's right I had finally found the village of my dreams and it was actually in a great place to build a base so as the sun began to set I looked around for the perfect spot to call home and I placed out some chests to finally dump my very overburdened inventory I had found the perfect home as it began to grow dark out I placed out my domino'si brand bed and I slept the night away and if you're wondering why it sounded like I was asking myself a question there because I was wondering why I wrote that in the notes what is wrong with me on day 19 now that I had a place to call home it was time to move up in this world I began the day by digging a small hole yog cast style into the side of this hill to gather some stone for furnaces and I was greeted by some bonus coal that I quickly stole it Rhymes so it must be true now that I had the stone and coal I crafted three furnaces that I placed out to begin smelting the extra gold golden iron that I had so I could prepare myself to go to the nether but first it was time for an upgrade I made myself an iron sword because for some awful reason I've been using Stone this entire time I don't know I guess it's just harder in VR to know what's in your inventory because you don't always see the hot bar there it's like by your arm and typically when you're walking you don't have your arms like up at like eye level to see what they look like you know what I mean it's just I don't know I don't I can't explain it but don't blame me after upgrading My Sword I also made a stone hoe so I could begin my reign of terror over these villagers by stealing all of their hay that is until um this happened beautiful Iron Golem Iron Golem sorry I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I didn't mean it whoa I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I'm sorry to be fair he walked in front of me are you mad at me okay wait do I not have pants I've been that's why my bar is so low I don't have pants on oh my God I I know I make jokes about not wearing pants but like that could actually get me killed I thought I had pants this entire time that is a big yikes okay we're gonna put the pants on let's go pants Squad that's that's better I can't believe I didn't even notice I was wondering why my armor looked so low yeah apparently not only did I have a stone stored this entire time but I was also going commando even though I had enough iron I I again can't explain this anyways I spent the rest this day looking around my new home where I found this shipwreck in the distance that I wanted to explore it's one of those shipwrecks oh lag lag lag lag lag what the hell what the hell whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa my arm lost connectivity oh what is going on why is it doing that now go go down oh God oh God oh God oh God try me yeah yeah yeah that's what I thought coward oh buried treasure whoo very treasure I'm Gonna Leave the paper for now this is it's it's getting it's Sun's going down there's a trident there's a trident there's a trident I hear him where is he oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God I heard him I heard the Trident for the best we do not fight him uh okay so before the sun goes down there's one more thing we have to do oh God skeleton oh boy should I just go to sleep should I just go to sleep yeah I'm just gonna go to sleep there's like creepers and stuff yeah we're going to sleep come on come on come on sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep it's not it's not good not good not good day 20. today was a day I was going to the nether switching block sucks ready watch this you have to crouch I want to place this I have to sit here and Crouch place I am not looking forward to the nether if I have to crouch to build across something all right Flynn steal time well that is huge that is way bigger than I thought it was that's what she said all right boom all right it is time to go to the nether this is gonna be probably the hardest part of VR Minecraft luckily I figured out how to Shield works if you right click and right like in the game you use your Shield right so all you gotta do is you have to do the right click in VR which is the button which goes like this then you just block I need that because I'm gonna go to the nether I don't want to get killed all right let's go oh there's a lot of guys here hey oh this gold okay I will always take free gold I love me some free gold Alex is a Magma Cube yo we got magma slime let's go I'll take it don't get too close please oh how many we get we got two magma slime we can make a fire resistance potion and I'm gonna take this quartz I'm not gonna mine all the courts that I see I just want some easy XP that rhymed I swear I'm not Dr Seuss I'm not gonna mine everything because our first priority is to find another Fortress that is why we're here ideally I'm in here as short amount of time as possible because I do not have that good armor no way dude you're lying dude is another Fortress I have to see the step gas real quick though oh god oh he dropped a guest here dude this is great is another Fortress we got a ghast here let's freaking go man oh I hear no no no no no hold up hold up hold up let's get like a lot of blocks in my hot bar oh I hear Blaze oh no no no no oh no no no no no oh god oh oh scared the crap out of me um uh yo come here come on attack bro what am I supposed to do here this is not okay okay we got the first Wither Skeleton this is the worst this is actually the worst thing ever oh God oh my God we got a blaze rod oh my God especially not being able to switch to items fast wait a second there's a lot of blazes am I near a spawner oh I found oh no no no no no no no I found another word this is going adequately oh God but there's I hear there's 100 where the skeletons down there this is so much worse than VR okay it's a regular skeleton that doesn't make it much better it's like okay so we're gonna isolate okay your friend your friend no don't go up there and be in the way don't be in the way man no no no come on okay okay that went well it was a chest oh okay we got some good loot we're gonna go for this one more chest we're gonna go back and get the nether warts and oh a diamond let's go okay saddle very useful nope there are where the skeletons in there we are retreating we are retreating we will go back we will go back we're done we're done don't get greedy I I need more blaze rods but if I can just get by with this much we're good because we only need this we're not going to the end yet anyways we just need this for villagers in fact I'm even blaze rods I just I just need the blaze rods I don't even need the we have three blaze rods I can't hit them oh God we're on this side now we got his Blaze Rod all right tactical Retreat tactical Retreat peace losers oh God one of them's dying oh let's go to sleep before mob starts spawning I got 23 Gold from that that's pretty great let's go to sleep the next day day 21 now that I was back at Camp I began dumping my inventory into my chests before I had the biggest of big brain thoughts I was now the proud owner of saddles in Diamond horse armor so I went over to the nearby horse to befriend my new guy hey man how's it going what's what's going on no no no we friends are you slower fast what are you you have okay health yeah horse friend horse friend this is so cool not gonna lie this is really cool okay give him a saddle oh he's actually moderately fast wow yo let's go we have a horse friend now that I had a brand new shining Friend by my side I thought it was time to Journey over to the nearby forest for some wood for sticks because I now had the supplies to begin curing villagers and I was in desperate need of diamond armor so I didn't unalive Captain Sparkle's style well over here I broke my gold ax nope surprise there so I made a brand new iron one that I used for as much wood as I could get before the sun went down Gathering wouldn't be our Minecraft is like Gathering wood in Minecraft except considerably more work because I'm in VR I just feel a lot less like in control like when I'm playing regular Minecraft I could see almost everything you know because I'm like looking around me I'm very aware of my surroundings like how there's a lava pull over there it's about to start a forest fire I just need enough to max out a Fletcher or two hey hey whoa in celebration of your existence we're gonna go get those cows come on man how much daylight do I have uh I have a little bit oh there's all kinds of iron down there what is that what is that guy oh it's the skeleton and the zombie nerds I'm gonna come back here that's a cool looking cave you got down there I see lots of iron and stuff wait what do my arms control which way the horse what what oh because I'm holding the leads this is blowing my mind what I control yo dude that's so cool we have returned home sorry this is so different in first person get yeah cool I I'm sorry love you after arriving home I was going to make torches to light the area by the village up but the sun was rapidly setting and honestly I was not ready to fight a horde of mobs while losing villagers so I just slept for the night instead for the next two days straight now that I had enough wood a winky face I begin day 22 by harvesting my gravel until I got enough Flint to make two Fletching tables and I decided to get a bit quirky and relatable and turn the old fenced-in area into a Fletcher arm I love this first man inside and I began training with him while slowly having a breakdown all right I need to figure out the way to like quick craft things how do you do it so on PC you like hold shift right I wonder if you hold it like this no this takes too long this takes so long I need to figure this out I spent most of this day trading with this guy until he was almost maxed out and then the worst possible Thing Happened on the next day day 23 none of my footage recorded yep all I have is the still frame with this chicken just hanging out because apparently if you don't have your VR Minecraft's window selected while you're recording it just freezes like this and this really sucks too because today was great I figured out how to use the controllers better so I could now craft more items easier I figured out how to switch between the Hop bar easier and I could Crouch without manually doing it with this new found information I maxed out my Fletcher I put him in the boat and I build a roof over him to protect them from the golems and I also had a terrifying night with so many mobs I was ambushed by two baby zombies what is happening and I lured another zombie into the boat before sleeping this horrifying night away and yeah that's right I got none of of that on recording so you're probably just seeing some awful reenactment right now on day 24 with my new zombie Fletcher villager it was time to begin Brewing I grabbed items from my chest and I made a brewing stand before realizing that I was missing two key ingredients for the potions of weakness one I needed spider eyes and two brown mushrooms so I headed over to the hill of the village where I saw these two Iron Golems I ain't down my boy like he just stuck some candy in his pocket at a local candy shop anyways I was hoping that the nearby Forest might have some brown mushrooms but it turned out to be a flower Forest instead so I went back to the nether since my spawn was a nether waste biome after getting through the portal I made my way up one of the hills only to be greeted by this wonderful fellow all right oh no oh God get away get away get away get away get away oh my God oh I barely escaped this fight with my life because sword piglets can basically three shot you in hardcore in full iron armor at least there was a silver lining because it crossed the way on this very dangerous looking Cliff I spotted a bunch of brown mushrooms so after healing I built my way up and began heading over to them and honestly this is probably the most horrifying experience I've had so far what's up idiot idiot idiot dummy okay there is a sword boy over there going ham but I have enough of these guys guarding me that should be good oh oh this is so not okay I'm low-key shaking right now okay okay we got I don't know how many we got but we got enough let's get out of here no no no no no no no no no come on man a ghast and a sword boy I'm not scared of the ghast as much I'm scared of the sword boy and if the guy sees me defending against the sword boy I'm gonna get killed shoot me no no no no no no I was kidding I was kidding I was kidding come on hit him hit him hit him hit him hit him oh God oh God what if he sees me am I safe am I actually safe I don't know if I'm actually safe in here can you get up this anyway I don't think if I run for it I'm not gonna make it oh I don't like how close he looks yay no no no no no no no no there's more down there now come on let natural selection take its course come on stop being scared all right we got rid of them now we just got the sword boy dummy loser nerd okay get me out of this hellhole my time all these dangers were neutralized I was beyond done with the nether so I left and just in time too it was now night so I could go out on a spider hunt I very carefully made my way around the Minefield of creepers or slicing and dicing each spider I could with not much luck for eyes at least until this guy the love of my life this beautiful man actually cut that don't use that I killed this man and he dropped me one spider eye and right in time too because the sun had come home with the milk unlike dad on day 25 I started off the day by getting together my supplies so I could begin Brewing after dumping my inventory of that stick boys annoying crossbows I crafted myself the spider eye and I linked it into the brewing stand along with some blaze powder and now I just needed some sand for glass but not before making fun of this nerd for falling in my horse hole which I wish I'd never said why'd I say that you oh my God hi hey idiot you are a natural selection you know I've got some emeralds I might as well lock in your trade there you go congratulations man good job you're an alchemist you're my Alchemist now after having a good laugh at another man's pain and Misfortune I found myself down at the beach collecting some sand for the glass bottles and then returned back to what I technically called a base to craft and fill the bottles and begin brewing potions and while doing this I figured I might as well plant the tree saplings that I brought along so while the villagers were curing I could start my house but apparently I didn't bring any Spruce Wood whatsoever I wanted to start harvesting Spruce Wood while this guy was carrying but obviously that's going to be problematic I don't know if there's even a spruce biome near here I haven't seen one in ages I headed over to the Villager for the very first cure and this dude had been building an audience while I was gone apparently don't mind me now we just kind of wait for this dude to kind of vibe I know what the comments are going to say right now oh man he's punching grass you know you can use a water bucket right if you have torches placed why would you use the water bucket plus arguably it takes longer to place and pick up the water source and you just punch them this way well my villager cured I continued doing this throughout the night and while I was at it I decided to go above and beyond for that gold noodle star I crafted torches to continue lighting up my area I dug out this top layer so I could begin building my house and I even got into this intense 1v1 on Nuketown with a trident boy who was lurking in the nearby ocean who didn't drop his Trident may I add while doing all of this I had realized how much time had already passed so I went back to my villager for cure number two oh he's still a villager okay you guys got a lot of iron golems chilling out right there they can make an iron golem trap and murder them at this point the night was almost over and my base was a lot safer so I harvested and replanted my bamboo before going to bed but then next two days straight I was feeling productive my villager had cared for the fifth time and it was obvious that I would need two more cures so I went back to my stash to use my remaining spider eye to craft a fermented one that I could Brew except I was once again out of gunpowder so as the night set I went out on a terrifying grind oh there's two Endermen over there how do I look at them like that oh um sirs okay well now I've made them mad and I don't know where they are I have made a critical error where do they go dude I know they're just gonna like out of nowhere one of them's gonna appear and attack me this is terrifying this is actually really terrifying come on come on man oh okay you didn't drop anything that's significantly less okay than in when you're just playing the game after heading back to the brewing stand and making three more potions of weakness I continue my work around the area I kept punching any unwanted grass especially out of spite of those comments for using a water bucket I harvested my bamboo and replanted a ton of it for future stick production oh I'm how did I wait how did I miss this one hopefully I will get back enough to replant the tree otherwise I lost all of my access to dark oak wood so yeah it turns out I had now lost access to the dark oak wood that I was planning on building with I now needed to find both Spruce and dark oak even though I had passed through so many of each of the forests so while pouting about my terrible l i cured my villager for his final time before killing his zombie and trapping all of these Golems into a pit so I could lava them for some easy eye iron because I was also running out of that after this I set off in a New Direction before the sun began to set hoping and begging for either of the two forests I needed oh also yeah I fell in this hole and there were no forests in sight so before all the mobs started to gang up on me I headed back home all bummed out before going to sleep I wanted to harvest my bamboo but I couldn't because I was almost out of the little iron that I would need for the Villager trades so instead I began Excavating some dirt for my new home before also breaking the shovel and going to sleep sad today was not a great day on day 28 I woke up and today was the day that my villager would have one for one stick trades I quickly hurried over and um just play the clip just just play the clip he broke he broke he broke again you're you're actually kidding me right now you're actually lying right now what gives is it because I trapped the Golems fine I let the Golems be free here look look they're free they can escape now there you go they're free I let them out of the hole 26 that's not okay how am I gonna get armor this way man you were at seven what happened did they mess up villager trading in 1.18 what if I give you guys beds you guys want beds huh I don't want to get armored the other way that sucks if this wasn't VR Minecraft I wouldn't really mind but VR Minecraft did so much more work to do everything in I have never wanted to punch you in the face more in all of my Minecraft career so I'm gonna take the job so I can at least try to get Fortune three somebody please I get Fortune three I could at least start Gathering yeah yeah you oh we got one knock back you're sleeping so you should be happy right you got a bed all right day 29 we're gonna go back over here and see if this guy's trades are actually fixed 26. I want to punch you in the face so bad oh but he's got a discount of one wow I hate all of you I actually hate all of you who wants this job you want this job yeah come get it there's not even any job blocks in this Village why are you guys stubborn I kept re-rolling and re-rolling these villagers who are still not cooperating until one of them gave me something absolutely cracked protection for protection or for 50. oh my God how am I gonna get that protection four let's go if I trade a few will you no you still reject what about you 31 all right he's trapped cool protection four yeah if only I could actually get it now did you refresh your trades nope still 26 still hate you I guess for the meantime we could at least we can plant as much sugar cane as we can humanly fit on this beach I know sugarcane grows faster on Sand but it's okay there we go look at this unnatural amount of sugar cane the whole Beach is just coated in sugarcane we have torches to at least like light this area up a little bit just so that way they grow at nighttime as well yeah look at this there's no way I'm going to be able to get enough paper from this to trade with the Librarians for 50 emeralds it costs 24 paper per trade so I'm just gonna go to sleep and I'm gonna hope that the next day I wake up the stick boy is gonna be like wow man I'm just fixed now I work now I'm just like a regular villager that actually does his job is that gonna happen probably not on the next day day 30 I woke up feeling defeated but I was not done yet I may not have been doing so well with the trades or resources or even my house because I didn't have anyone to build with it but I was not gonna let VR Minecraft defeat me so easily I went back to check up on my stick boy one more time in the hopes that he actually wanted to fix his trades and no no he did not kidding me man you're actually kidding me right now you are screwing me you were screwing me why a lot of villagers too bad I can't trade with them because the trading's broken I don't know why the trading is broken is it just this version of Minecraft 1.18.2 should I upgrade vibraph to 1.19 I'm gonna look this up I'm curious I'm genuinely curious all right villagers I have no clue honestly I think I'm just gonna let you guys go free let you guys roam around have the freedom that you want maybe you'll actually maybe it's because something about how you're like in here is bugging out when I come back you better get your trades together now that my Fletchers were free men I went back to my chest to clear out my inventory because I was about to go on a grand Journey after sorting my inventory and grabbing a bed I set out in the direction that I thought was a desert and at first there wasn't really much here just gross looking jungle wood trees and a small Beach area but that is when everything changed after climbing over a small hill I had discovered Heaven oh is that a Mesa oh wait a second we have a Mesa over is that a what is that it's like a it's a badlands right like a badlands forest or whatever ooh they have mine shafts too yo we could find some what is that is that a village it's a village I come from my Village full of traders that don't want to trade because they're poopy stinky doo-doo heads I do like beds mind if I take that green bed cyan bed I won't bread okay you guys have lots of hay but like besides the hay you guys kind of suck oh you have leads okay so your trades suck but you have leads I need those leads I need this for my horse oh God I thought it was the Golem ah you guys are fine you spend me all you want the village may have not had much loot but I did walk out of there with some free leads and a lot of hay bales that I could go back and borrow and more importantly I was now surrounded by two endless Badlands in desert biomes that were hopefully full of loot oh let's go we got two diamonds you have a name tag for our horse I know the perfect name for a horse I'm gonna name it Umbreon I might as well take these because I'm kind of desperate for loot at this point that's a cave spider I'm not a fan of that hey yo you guys I heard that this stuff is free it's like stop signs and stuff right it's free you just take them so much faster all of your stuff is mine now yeah that's like the best you guys you got like a little bit of wheat it's like one emerald in fact why not just trade it now okay mending pants a fortune one ax I don't even that's not let's go up here and get this and then we're gonna keep heading that way come on mine cart let's go please no mobs ooh skeletons hey how's it going oh okay I'll take iron iron is cool I'll take those and those and those pumpkin seeds I don't need those okay good so far it's so much more difficult to actually move around in here come on come on man yeah yeah yeah yeah who's the boss now oh we got some coal I think we're gonna play it safe and actually just leave that cave let's get these mine carts oh I hear spider we got torches nothing too impressive there a little bit of lapis luzuli I feel like I'm inviting that spider to come attack me oh okay we're out of there out of there that's poison oh okay we got Golden Apple we got diamonds we got some gold now that is what I'm talking about or take all of these rails because why not and I did see more like over here we got any more another Minecart beautiful anything down here just in case okay no really need lapis or Redstone because those are really easy to get okay we got a lot of rails in this one we got more gold we got another name tag come on got apple Infinity hey I'll take that Infinity book we got a bow now that's cool that'll be good for the dragon since apparently we're gonna struggle to get anything else all right what do we got here okay we got a gold block that's cool last one didn't have a gold block it jipped me yo look at this trip Stone cave there's so much I I have to take the iron I can't I have to take the iron oh no my gold I got a golden apple ah dude I got shipped that was nine gold that I just lost well let's go down here and get some of this iron though I wish I had Fortune this is what I need I need these good these good veins and if I can fix my villagers back home then we can come back so stacked no iron shall Escape me yes yes easy caves my favorite I saw some gold over there this cave just keeps going dude look at this okay do I have space for the gold yeah let's go we getting gold we get an iron yo just look at all this gold I'm scared to go into this little like area all right get it get it and go get it and go let's get out of here okay we're not gonna sleep by the lava I kind of want to go to this mine shaft that I saw over here we're gonna sleep over here first though was it over here I think we should sleep though cause mom's gonna start spawning the last three days were full of Loot and on day 34 the stonks would continue at the beginning of day 34 I looked over at the edge of this Cliff to see what kind of Minecarts I could borrow from and I found something I'd never seen in Minecraft before I just found the ultimate spawner look at this I have never seen a mine shaft do this before this spawner is just like out and about look at it it's just you could just make a farm out of it you could literally just make a farm I've never seen anything like this before I'm not gonna break that I'm not gonna come back and do anything with it but it's just it's too cool to break honestly this is gonna get broken though yo actually they're both close enough that you could technically I mean I just broke it but you could technically make a double spawner after freaking out about the spawners I finished combing over the area for any mine cards I could find and overall the loot wasn't anything too crazy I continued on moving towards a desert with another set of exposed mine shafts and I found this Acacia Village behind it hey there's an acacia Village okay oh it's gonna take so long to get back home I don't even know if I'm gonna have enough inventory space for all this stuff I'm stuffing into my inventory oh gold block let's go we got cold torches let's go take all of that we're gonna get rid of arrows since I have Infinity I don't need that beautiful another Minecart let's go Unbreaking three dude I will happily take that I don't need that I also want the Torches so let's get rid of oh man let's try this you know what we're just gonna I'm just gonna borrow your food guys don't mind if I just just borrow a lot of this food you got any more food there's a skeleton guarding this over here I saw him red is gonna be one of those items I get rid of I don't need it it's not a very efficient food we're gonna go I don't see any like big important things over here so we're gonna go this way and we're gonna get that shipwreck after looting The Village if you could even call it that I headed over to the abandoned shipwreck where I only found one of the two chests that could be there and the loot was dog water after triple checking that I didn't miss an actually good chest I placed out my bed and slept the night away for day 35 I sat back out in Exploration for more things to loot and the first thing I saw was this shipwreck across the way after heading over there I found two different chests that didn't really have much but there was a buried treasure map and I kid you not this thing led me like 10 feet away like here I don't have a shovel a shovel would make this a lot easier where is it should be like right here it can't be like under this can it oh my God it is let's freaking go we got two more diamonds we got four gold five we have seven more iron we have potions of water breathing I'm gonna take the heart of the sea we've got TNT which I really want to take you know I'm gonna take it I should take sand nah I want the power drill am I kidding at this point my inventory was beyond full but I was going full loot Goblin mode I placed down the boat I had with me and after rowing across the water I found myself back in the desert biome where I just kept finding more Villages it was like my lug had finally turned around what's up Village how's it going guys oh you shouldn't have you got all this hay for me wow you guys are just so nice I should honestly also be killing your your iron golems now let's oh it's a blacksmith we're gonna build up right here and we're gonna punch a child come on I punched the hey hey hey look I'll do it again look I'm doing it again what gives come on man this is really scary oh that was so scary after leaving the village the sun was starting to set so I placed out my bed to sleep before I continued on for the next day day 36 my looting spree was far from over because I stumbled upon another Village and my first desert temple moving up in the world I quickly ran past that Village to do the more important thing first and after breaking in I very carefully began checking Corners let's go oh God I need to be like oh I need to be extra careful here because if I set this off there's no way I'm getting out of here in time we got spider eyes that's something I mean it's not like iron horse armor I can live without that a lot of 18 gunpowder okay uh scared of those you have five iron not bad oh we have more gunpowder we got bones some gold some iron cool you're wondering why I'm taking bones it's because I want to get wolves at least I get some free TNT let's go 12 TNT now I need to get out of here we have 27 gunpowder from that that's really good not the best desert temple but you know what I will take it no the Temple's loot was mine I was about to become this Village's problem I began still borrowing all of their hay and I even gave one of their Farmers the honor of trading with me for some sweet capitalism that totally was not to save my inventory after looting the bottom area I climbed up to see what the top house was and it turned out to be nothing however right underneath was a blacksmith I quickly hopped down and this guy ended up being pretty disappointing but that still didn't stop me from robbing him like the good guy that I was I ended off this day by finding this crazy looking rock formation that kind of looked like saitama from one punch man had gone absolute Ham on it and this place also just so happened to be a literal gold mine there's so much gold here three 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 exposed gold ore there's some right there as well and right there I have to I have to mine this I can't not mind it being underwater mining sucks in VR there's so much iron too oh it's night time all right I need to sleep though so here I was on day 37 with this entire crazy cave system to loot and I took no time to get started mining piece by piece I spent the next two and a half days straight mining out every single piece of iron in gold ore that I could and this place was stacked while mining ended up breaking through almost three pickaxes and at that point my inventory was becoming more and more thick with loot with as many C's as I've probably been through in this game on day 39 I had finally ran out of ores to mine so I began making my way up to the side of the cliff to get a good vantage point of where I was going to go next ah it's starting to get a little spooky scary because Heights you know Infinity again we got more gold and not much else really but not much to work with there we're gonna keep moving that way to see if I can find a spruce biome or some other thing to loot hey is in the village six and we've got two stacks plus fifth three Stacks in 15 raw gold a stack and 8 iron 35 actual gold dude we came out of this with so much loot oh we got another desert temple let's go so we have a village and a desert temple dude that's awesome at this point I was starting to get tired of this trip and I was hoping to find a spruce Forest to get some saplings at before heading back home so I figured why not go and loot the desert village in Temple before I began making my way back I started borrowing as much of their hay as I could fit into my grubby inventory before going to sleep before this place became a living hell also known as Walmart it was now day 40 and being the great Samaritan I am I finished borrowing all of these poor nerds only source of food before checking out the temple I don't have any blocks anymore no thanks come on don't trigger the don't trigger the pressure point there we go pressure Plate's gone that's scary every time let's light it up in here what do we got Diamond horse armor I have to take this I'm sorry gold horse armor you've been forsaken we got an extra piece of gold cool even more gunpowder another Diamond horse armor okay goodbye heart of the sea sorry yo we got a god Apple let's go oh man I don't know what to get rid of though let's go Freedom get me out of this hellhole after I was done taking everything those villagers had worked so hard for I kept moving on in this direction towards more desert in the hopes that I would maybe stumble upon a spruce Forest that I needed but instead I found something much more interesting oh that's not what I wait is it one point no 1.19's the alloy not 1.18 I mean they're not that useful anyways but that's still kind of cool you guys got any iron golems over here wait they have do they sometimes have uh saplings in their chests there's another Village oh there's a banner boy though I do see the Iron Golem I'm just casually coming over here don't mind me come here friend come on shoot me bye idiot there's a guy right there we're going for it we're going for it oh God oh God there's a lot of them oh I hear a lot of them I hear a lot of them uh no saplings no saplings at all oh man okay let's just let's just leave you guys suck you guys are the worst you can't even shoot right who taught you how to shoot a bunch of nerds I'm out of here peace losers you have this nice nearby Village that may have another blacksmith guys go away leave me alone at this point the sun was starting to set and I didn't really have anything to loot in this Village especially with my stuffed inventory so I went to sleep for the day day 41 at this point it was starting to look like this massive loot Journey was beginning to come to an end after leaving the last spillage I found myself only stumbling upon more Badland biomes in deserts full of villages and other things to loot so I made the executive decision that from here on out I was going to head back in the direction towards home but of course knowing me that did not stop me in the slightest from finding structure after structure after structure that I had to keep looting this trip even now did not want to end oh glorious chest in the desert drop me all of the loot crosswalker too I mean four golden carrots is really good but I don't have the inventory space for that I'm not gonna take the one iron or the Nuggets because I don't feel like messing with crafting oh let's go we found in the desert temple and there's another there's a big Village over there okay and there's something right there it looks like it could be a ruined portal but we'll check that out one thing at a time I'm terrified that one of the blocks is gonna like fall down there okay more gunpowder we almost have a stack of gunpowder we also got bones more spider eyes I mean I want the saddle but I don't have the inventory space so we should take all of this TNT let's go that's the scrawniest looking portal I have ever seen oh okay the obsidian is like buried this is weird 41 nuggies okay that's too much to that's too much to ignore four more iron ingots I will take it I have torches I'm placing torches go like this sword pretty cool all right the only thing you guys look like you could even have here is probably wow you guys have nothing this Village is garbage you guys don't even have a blacksmith you have cactus in a chest you know what man this is a lot scarier in first person I'm sorry okay 41 iron 45 let's go nobody else is Gonna Leave Nobody Else Is Gonna Leave nobody else nobody else nobody else nobody else nobody else no Village allowed this is for your other guy messing with my trades see what happens there better be a gold block up here because I'm going way out of my way to go check this out if there's not a gold Block in here I'll cry I'll do it you ever see a grown Minecraft or cry before probably Yes actually don't answer that question okay we found the gold block we found the gold block oh and the chest's right there okay cool just very carefully all right what's in the chest oh four six seven gold along with garbage and now we are back in a badlands biome and I'm going the wrong way again there's just too much there's too much Badlands I'm not we're not exploring all that I need to head home eventually it's gonna be like day 50 I don't even have a house yet so that means that if I take the ocean that way I should hit like the beach by my house right there's another portal over there and it's in like this weird little one of those what do they call them plain jungles like planes jungle sparse jungle that's it which could lead me to Spruce probably won't but I'm still gonna risk it imagine ocean only World in VR I would never do that you could not pay me enough to do that okay actually if someone's like yo ten thousand dollars I don't know ten thousand is that enough you'd have to pay me a lot to do it okay is all I'm saying that's a lot okay we got a chest with more obsidian POG and crap tools and what appears to be no gold block so it's almost night time again and I'm stuck in the ocean after this massive trip had come to its conclusion it was now day 45 and since I was home it was time to check on my Fletcher to see if his trades got better and huge surprise they did not I tried trading some of the final item in his trades to make him more happy but for some reason this guy was just broken what a true gamer and I know what you're gonna say in the comments oh you gotta do this you gotta do that you gotta do these no this guy was actually just broken they're not supposed to do this yes there is inflation for villagers if you trade too much their trades will go up but they go up by like three or four they don't immediately jump back up to full price something here was wrong anyways though I figured since he wouldn't budge I would begin to level up a farmer with the copious amounts of grain that I had obtained and this was also a horrible pain in my butt the villagers refused to become a farmer until I basically shoved the composter in his base and upon doing this he had become exactly the type of farmer that I need did he traded both wheat and carrots so before going to bed I leveled him up as much as I could until my inventory was full of subpar foods with no saturation so I went to bed for day 46 I went back to my new farmer friend who for some reason was all the way over in this nearby field and I wasted more of my very limited emeralds to finish leveling him up after he maxed his trades he began heading back towards the village so when I got here I trapped him in the boat and put him in the perfect spot complete with a nice Iron Golem proof roof for me to begin curing him but um while doing this things got a little complicated I accidentally hit him oh God I'm so sorry Iron Golem I didn't do it did you see me did you see me oh okay he didn't see me I'm guessing your trades are bad now but pretty soon after wasting more emeralds leveling up farmer number two Hindi a lot of struggling with the boats I had gotten both of the villagers exactly where I needed them and now all that was left was to get zombies what's up Iron Golem I'm gonna get some zombies up in here I need you to not kill them for me is that cool with you no no Fletcher Fletcher do not go in the boat Fletcher oh God I hit the keyboard I had a little bit extra defense from Golems let's go get some zombies guys you guys excited to become zombified only thing is the Iron Golem Squad needs to go away if that's gonna become a thing come on friends let's go on a trip okay that Iron Golem is eating that zombies that's cool come on guys we're gonna go over here where the Golems don't see oh there's a lot of Golems I might have to murder some Golems before I get you guys in here come on come on over come on right in here yeah yeah right in here bite my juicy cheeks oh God this Iron Golem's gonna see him come on come on come on go go go go come on come on come on hurry he's coming okay that's one oh no oh no I wasn't gonna go he's gonna die yes yes yes yes yes yes let's go now I just wait for them to both get infected and they're gonna trap every Iron Golem nearby let's go get a splash potion let them get infected and we're gonna start healing them we're in 1.19 now I updated but let's just hope 1.19 works better I kind of want to start lava bucketing the Golems is they're making me nervous over there I'm not gonna lie attack him the zombie wants nothing to do with him what is he doing maybe there's too much fear going on maybe that screwed up my first villagers trades maybe the fear oh oh he's attacking him nice nice all right now he's swooping for the first cure yeah you got a care in there see you and feed me okay now my shield is like moved where it is on my arm and I can't see half my inventory it wasn't like that before look at this it's like in the middle of my Hotbar I can't I don't even know what item that is what that's like I can't even see the wheat at least when it was over here before I could see it's like a 1.19 fix they moved where the man on day 47 since I was stuck waiting for the villagers to cure once again I decided to set back out and search for another Spruce biome so I could finally really start building my camp and once again I headed back over to the flower Forest North of my house except this time I was prepared to keep on going and the very first thing I saw after heading past the forest was we're gonna go check out this ship over here I gotta be careful not to get too close to those Guardians though it's kind of close these are some of the coolest oh look Spruce Wood that's oh okay we got paper we have a buried treasure map very very good nothing too great but we got a treasure map all right I'm not gonna need this boat but I might as well take it just in case all right we're gonna head this way ideally oh wait the treasure map uh oh wait it's like right over here it's like the other side it's pretty much like right by our base dude that's sick it's like right about here I need to shovel for that oh that was the easiest oh okay so we got three diamonds we have 28 now and now we have to 44 dude and on top of that we have four free Iron but dude free treasure let's go I need Spruce what's all I need if you find dark oak while we're over here too that'd be super cool but I'm not holding my breath for that one after cleaning out the treasure chest I continued on my mission to explore new areas in search of the spruce Forest this time things were different I climbed over several mini mountains with more birch trees and more oak trees until I saw it in the distance I saw oh there's Spruce there's Spruce yo I saw it me Spruce give me Spruce let's go let's go why is it gonna be is that a village it's okay I kind of don't care we're not going up there yes I just made the cardinal sin I broke the bottom block first I just need saplings is what I need I need enough saplings to actually like come home and not have to worry about losing spruce trees that is the goal this so different between this in first person with my mission complete and the sun Now setting I hurried my way back home where I found another ocean monument that there was no way of me exploring in VR unless I maybe want to throw up in VR I think I'm good though I kept rowing my boat until finally in the Horizon I Saw the Light of the place that I called home and somehow I had also gone all the way around my Island area while doing this weird after getting home I checked on one of my cured villagers who was already showing signs of being better at his job hopefully he won't break like the other guy anyways I spent the rest of this night dumping my inventory checking out my smelted resources and making more potions of weakness before curing both villagers for a second time for the next two days straight I was back on my grind I crafted a blast furnace that I used to turn a new villager into the armorer who would be responsible for giving me that sweet diamond armor except I had a problem I needed emeralds so throughout these two days I cured my Farmers for their third time and they were almost perfect and while waiting I Mass harvested all of my bamboo crafted all of them into sticks and unfortunately traded with my broken stick guy that not so low-key screwed me out of progress like seriously VR had done enough to make this video like it is now the traitors like I have no clue what happened to this guy but his trades were actually more broken than my Hardcore Season 2 world Traders were go watch that video If you haven't by the way it's a really good video but anyways plug aside by desperately Gathering any emeralds I could I slowly upgraded my armor until he was about to get diamond gear conveniently during this time both of my Farmers had just finished cure number four so they were ready to provide me with mad stunks I used their emeralds to unlock my first half of the diamond gear which both ended up being pretty mediocre with their enchantments but that didn't matter because I had protection for for only 200 emeralds things were going well as the sun began going down I freed the farmers from their boats and I made them their own little definitely not prison it's a house definitely a house now that things were all set up for me to profit I was doing just that for the next three days straight I spent my time trading with the farmers for mad stunks and I was making crazy progress if you two could just work that'd be great let's go check on the stick boy let's go see what stick boys are doing you're still broken and useless yep cool and I didn't level you up and I'm not going to waste resources doing so okay these are yours there we go there we go come on is it rocket science all right I need you oh that's not a terrible sword do I want the armor first no we're gonna level this guy up I want diamond tools I want to shovel yes yes you guys are great let's go now this is what I'm talking about these guys aren't broken I'm thinking it's 1.18.2 that broke them I think it's a bug in 1.18.2 no where are you going okay iron this is where I waste iron this sucks oh this sucks look at that we've already got a stack we can get protection four productive day let's go pants yes please boots yes I'm not buying more yet sorry man keep working keep working and I'll give you these you want these these no never mind you guys go to work and wait for you because I need you yes all right let's waste some more iron good we leveled that up I'm gonna waste more of that I don't want to waste the emeralds I'd rather waste the iron than the emeralds not gonna lie unless these guys want to work again oh I'm not gonna use too much iron I just don't I want to mitigate how much I waste look at this I'm burning some more iron you like that okay you level up you guys upgrade your trades no all right what do you have diamond sword sweeping Edge one that is actually garbage also this is a weapon Smith this is even a tool Smith the item I needed is a shovel projectile protection four that's actually garbage but I will take it okay we got that and we got that let's go full set of diamond armor you guys I now need 200 emeralds yes fuel my capitalistic Rampage let's go get my books oh wait I don't have any books yet boom you got the books we need hopefully we get back there both the farmers will be like Yo dude I want to trade I love trading oh look at you protection four I can only afford one cause I'm broke boy did you guys trade did you guys work yet no and no I think they're done for the day which kind of sucks all right time to waste a lucrative amount of iron for an anvil boom Anvil and pop this boy over here bing bong and we're gonna give this boy protection four and I'm gonna name it I don't know I guess Diamond play button that's the first thing that came to mind bam and now I have protection for Diamond play button pop these boys in here protection for pants and we're gonna name them Boom the diamond diaper I don't know why I named him that but that's what they're named either there was a bug in Minecraft 1.18.2 that broke the traders in this world and my main hardcore world or it could have been something else but either way I was now beginning to bury myself in beautiful emeralds through some totally fair capitalism at this point I only needed 100 more emeralds for two more protection for books and some extra to buy myself a pickaxe however by the end of day 53 my farmers were going on a temporary strike so it was time to begin sprucing things up and turning this place into a real base camp I spent this night cleaning out a lot more of the grass by my bed with my new shovel and filling in dirt to somewhat level out this area my plans for this place were going to be huge on day 54 after waking up from my last minute nap I went back to the boys for some classic capitalism and today today was a bad day guys what's up your trades haven't fixed your trades are not refreshed you guys are emotional terrorists you know that I'll put up with your bad trades for now you're lucky I'm desperate bro all right where's the other guy because I need a pickaxe hey yo one of you guys who wants to give me a pickaxe you okay these cost two now which is a scam bro I don't have enough I don't even where'd all my emeralds go oh the small brain ah fine fine thanks for scamming me you better have the best pickaxe I'm breaking two efficiency two it's not terrible it's not great it's a pickaxe I can mine things with it alright man 21 11. no don't tell me they're breaking again or maybe I just flooded their Market this is what happened last time though I may have gotten the final Diamond Tool I needed for now but at what cost my Villages were both trading for more than their normal prices I know supply and demand affects their trades but I swear it never used to be this bad anyways now that I had a pickaxe I could begin Gathering stone for stone bricks and begin transforming the area I harvested my bamboo at the last of my old iron sword and I used those sticks to make ladders for a brand new strip mine that I began digging near my nether portal to get the stone I needed along with maybe some more bonus resources I began digging straight down and placing ladders until I realized something important I still need fortune 3 to make this trip even better and this is where things got interesting because my Farmers also didn't want to work so I was on to plan B I gathered all of the leather and some paper from my chest to begin making books for bookshelves I crafted six of them before I ended up running out of paper which is a good thing I may have planted that obnoxious amount of sugarcane from before so after harvesting my entire Coastline I crafted the remaining shelves in the enchantment table and I placed them out where I wanted them to be in my brand new house except I still needed more shelves which meant I was going to need more cows hey guys hey yo wheat wheat yeah yeah it's the good stuff man you want to obtain this grain come on come on stupid we look we yeah we wow hey look we wow come on dudes please Becky let me Smash wow you guys are stupid in VR huh look wheat come on I don't know where to put you guys yet uh so come on dude come on Who Wants to be in a cow pit yeah cow pit help it yeah carpet oh oh make babies okay now that we have two cows secured we can kill any cows that we see I'm in the mood for violence right now well it's so many skeletons why let's go I'm a beast whoa what's going on over here they're guarding the cow they're guarding the cow I just want the cow why I just want the cow dudes come on John no thanks there nerd nerd okay uh I just want the cow I just want the couch give me the cow after the literal war that just took place was over I could finally claim my spoils this singular cow honestly today was quite the trip day 55 today I continue fruit ninjaing as many cows as I could now that I had the ones back on my base all safe submissive and Bri never mind actually anyways let's just say that while hunting cows I got a bit um too into it that that doesn't sound okay I see a whole gaggle of cows cows cows cows oh crunchy damn cows you crunchy all right so every three makes a bookshelf if I need six I need 18 but I probably want to get more than six just to be safe actually no I probably don't need more than six I don't want to take too long hunting for cows I'll get 20. i'll get 20 leather like I said cows is that a shipwreck wait I'm gonna get these cows and I'm gonna get that shipwreck I think it's a shipwreck I don't think I've done that shipwreck yet kind of cool having a diamond sword in your hand like this it's not one of those foam ones it's like a real diamond sword it's got the like the glow and everything oh critical kill Slayer finisher fatality there's a shipwreck over here isn't there oh I definitely have not done this yet where would the chest actually be this is a this is like a super mangled ship so I just don't know there's one chest we got some wheat where did my inventory spot go oh I don't have any wait I already had wheat on me what oh carrots we got carrots let's go I need those okay and we got more paper I'll take it okay if this is the first one and we can't go further that way the next chest should be like over here it feels like I got scammed out of a second chest wow after being scammed out of finding the ship I started heading back home while taking down the final few cows that I needed to make my bookshelves and after getting home I put everything together I added the remaining bookshelves that I needed and things could honestly not have gone better it's got efficiency for it it's got efficiency for what efficiency four again what is this okay no multi-shot power I'm gonna do a basic enchant let me go back I mean fortune 2 is never mind oh I need the one lapis uh I don't have enough come on man come on man no lapis no lapis one more no no I'm in the pit ah come on okay wow okay oh my God the horse betrayed me I'm gonna get out of the pit without releasing you no not you yeah you one lapis exactly what I needed suckers Fortune three efficiency four why are they all efficiency four let's go dude this is gonna be okay I don't have much much xp left but this is gonna be fire let's get our Unbreaking three book and why not make a god pickaxe almost literally an efficiency five pickaxe efficiency five it's just missing mending it's almost a god pickaxe I wasn't even trying all right so we got Fortune three efficiency four lost seven that's not even that much and we're gonna name it diamonds plus Ultra not a very good name but when you're in VR it is and I'm breaking three only costs four diamonds plus Ultra let's freaking go dude and I have 46 raw beef oh today was a good day we got her a fortune three pickaxe that is now a almost God pickaxe just needs mending literally that's crazy and we've got more meat I'm gonna cook the meat for the night because uh I need food while I'm in the while I'm down in the mines while waiting for my food to cook I spent the rest of this day laying out the perimeter of what would be my brand new house on the next day day 56 I cleaned out my inventory grabbed the food that was already cooked and I headed straight down into the mines to begin digging straight down after about 10 blocks or so I hit a super convenient coal vein that I desperately needed so I could finally make more torches while doing this I heard a very specific noise come from the surface so I climbed back up and orange dye is pretty nice magenta light blue gun powder yeah foreign ER friend left like Dad to get milk I was back on my mission to dig down and now I had a system whenever digging straight down you can stand on one of the two blocks and dig the other one down before digging the one you're standing on as long as I did it this way I could never fall into any of the new massive caves while doing this I continued placing ladders as I went and I lit up the other side with torches including random blocks in between just in case I ever fell straight down I kept doing this until my worst nightmare happened I hit a cave oh no okay wow the game was like yo you you said massive cave I got you fan oh there's an amethyst let's go I was thinking you know I want to try a building with like amethyst maybe I can do that in this world oh this is not what I wanted to deal with wow okay not at all what I wanted to do oh my God this is a mine shaft too um oh dude oh oh no okay what was that what was that oh God oh God oh God oh God no no no oh okay I'm glad I didn't stand here and just mine that creeper would have killed me oh you know I'm taking as much amethyst as I can right now I am hyped to have this amethyst let's go dude I don't have silk touch that's okay oh we dog trained the diamonds yeah let's go dude I think it's almost night time now yeah it's night time now let's go how many diamonds we gonna get oh this is a big vein dude we got 11 diamonds from that that is hype now that the cave was out of my way I kept pushing further down until I hit you guessed it another one and this one didn't end up being so bad just a mini cave system with no mobs but it did have several tiny veins of diamond inside at this point it was now day 57 and I had finally hit Bedrock I dug myself out this wide open area and in the process I found myself some free gold which was so much better now that fortune works on it after this I crafted some chests dumped my inventory and I pretty much spent this whole day strip mining okay we got lucky it's it's a baby cave system and I'm at 17 diamonds dude let's go I kept mining in a straight line while finding more diamonds and a couple bits of redstone and after I had enough deep slate to build with I gathered all of my Loot and this trip ended up being mad profitable for diamonds after getting to the surface I spent the rest of the night finishing the outline of my house and I began adding different pillars for each Corner before running out of spruce wood as the sun began to rise I mined my way up the nearby spruce wood tree while also enjoying the view as much as I do complain about it VR Minecraft really is special for day 58 now that I was home for my trip it was time to really start working on my house I spent this entire day digging out the dirt level and replacing it with a gorgeous deep slate stone bricks in between doing this I also made a few stops at my Farmer villagers and I was low-key starting to make Bank by the time the sun was about to come up for the next day I ran out of blocks for the floor but I was able to make myself one new piece of armor okay Anvil we're gonna take this Bob actually what kind of a cheap enchantment can I get with this breaking three that's for three and uh we'll just give a prop four that's okay we're gonna name this I'm I have a great name for it right head it's such a stupid joke but you know what that's the name of the helmet here we go boom three pieces of protection four unfortunately I ran out of these blocks so we have to go mining again day 59 after running out of deep slate stone bricks for the floor I headed back down into my Minds to get some more and not gonna lie up until now I had taken a break from this world because sometimes VR can be super disorienting and going back down this ladder definitely was not helping I haven't played VR in like a week I'm not gonna lie because for a while there I did not feel good playing it I really don't want to play it I want to work on other videos but I must finish this a lot of stuff in this one let's go there's so much Redstone in here this pick has Fortune doesn't it yeah let's go we got Diamonds oh just two how many that end up being four nice more diamonds let's go how many is that seven I'll take it oh okay oh dude let's go this is a big vein with one of the scariest noises I have heard in a cave okay 18 diamonds dude let's go that is POG Champy's not only did I get the stone that I need I also got a free 18 DM one days delicious more Redstone also good for XP oh found a lot of source found a lot of source okay and you know what our inventory is pretty much full so I say we head back to the surface and see if we can finish this floor after my long trip through the cave sag the next two days straight I was essentially doing the exact same thing after running out of blocks again I spent all of day 60 down in the mines Mining and while down here I found some pretty dank loot there's so much Redstone oh we got more diamonds let's go it is a single Diamond but it dropped four what four diamonds from one single holy dude what are any others nearby that's crazy I don't think I've ever seen that at least if I have it's been very rare that is absolutely correct after filling my inventory yet again I spent the rest of the night into the next day placing out as much stone brick as I could while for some strange reason reminiscing back to different versions of Minecraft normally I would not have Auto jump on because it sucks but in VR it makes your life slightly easier because you jump using the joystick so actually controlling where you're going it's not easy it kind of makes me miss how like coordinated you could really be in Minecraft on PC like I played Xbox 360 Minecraft and Xbox One Minecraft like a while ago back when they first came out and I mean like actual Xbox One Minecraft not like Bedrock Edition but they added there afterwards in those games were so different than Java at the time oh man those were the days back when Minecraft first came to consoles sometimes it was possible to get another because the worlds were so small they weren't infinite back then sometimes it was possible to get another that had no Fortress so you just didn't have any Nether wart and they actually included an option in the game to go through and reset your nether so that way you could try it again to get something crazy Minecraft has evolved so much over the years man no matter what version you used to play if you played like beta version if you played Alpha if you played like 1.2.4 I remember that back in like the beginning of high school in 1.2.4 that's when I got back into Minecraft I taken a break from it beforehand and stuff had changed so much and just look at Minecraft now completely different game than it used to be for the better hey make more of these make more of those is that all I can make oh I totally do not have enough all right let's light this up before I regretty my spaghetti there's no way I have enough blocks for this man we're so close to finishing the floor please no no oh no I need more okay so we need this we need we need more of this so now that I was out of blocks yet again I went back down to the mines and honestly I'm starting to feel Deja Vu here but hey I once again found some absolutely dank loot while mining now we go back down again there's just so much Redstone down here dude let's go let's go more diamonds dude one two three four five six vein let's freaking go that's six Fane gave me 13 diamonds that is crazy dude I'm out here stacking diamonds I'm not even going for diamonds I'm just down here for stupid wood man I said wood I meant stupid Stone but you know what I've got wood all right got more gold beautiful oh look at this super chunk of gold dude how much gold is that I'm up to 44 gold already this is cracked after running out of torches and nearly filling my inventory for I don't even know how many times at this point I was back to the surface where I spent the rest of day 61 filling in more floor and clearing out the remaining glass and now here I was on day 62 finally about to finish my floor but first I had to free my random pit full of mobs that originally started out as judge just my horse let's go we finished the floor kind of we have one last spot to go I will let you guys be free be free go chickens there's a pile of chickens down there come on guys out of the hole cool look at this finished floor the villagers can go wherever they want don't touch my bed I don't care you guys can go away the pig pig can go wherever he wants he's he's a proud independent pig that doesn't need no man but my horse I need to make a spot for you the last block boom floor is done oh okay the last block boom floor is done you trade yes beautiful you trade yes beautiful hey yo my guy best friend you don't sell bookshelves why are you so like this okay come back I have the perfect name for you too come back come back okay I'm gonna pop you here boom we have our lead boom boom beautiful and I know I have name tags I'm gonna give you the perfect name we're gonna name this man boom Umbreon oh my God I missed the r it's so hard typing like this um free on beautiful Umbreon it's your chosen name my trusty Steed boom Umbreon worship worship worship now that my armor was complete and my horse was no longer being held prisoner in that sticky pit it was time to begin the foundation of my house we'll do like five high I think since yeah that looks about right and we're gonna make like a front door like right kind of here I'm thinking front door is gonna be like a thing and then two and then a thing so like that maybe I didn't measure any of this by the way I just kind of built this house like why'd I make it this big what is wrong with me so I'm thinking about putting like a porch maybe like Ray like porch entrance like here maybe oh I need to put some torches in here this place is not that bright and now we're gonna put like a center over here I'm thinking what if we do like a door right here as well did I do a door over here we'll do a door over here let's do like a center door by the end of the day I had kind of gotten a good idea for how I was going to build my base walls and I was going to need a lot more wood to do so it was fair to say that for VR Minecraft this build was way too overly ambitious but honestly at this point I cannot back down so before the sun went up I began Gathering a few more of my spruce trees so now to continue working on my house I was going to need a bunch more resources so for the next two days straight while working on the base more one by one I began Crossing off my checklist of each additional resource okay so I need Stone which means I need a silk touch pick but more importantly I need buckets of lava I'm gonna need actually I just need one source of lava we're gonna okay do I have any sand I know I had sand we're gonna grab a lot of sources of lava ooh my iron's really it's okay we're gonna make four buckets and we're gonna go down and get four sources of lava and bring one back to make a stone farm and I can bring the other three back to use as fuel to smelt sand because I'm going to need so much glass all right boom boom nice we got four sources of lava now I gotta run all the way back up to the surface I just realized I need to make hoppers to make my auto Farm ooh that's problematic how much iron does Hoppers do Hoppers cost okay so I'm gonna need four Hoppers right I can only make two all right there's only one thing to do about that Iron Golems you guys are gonna be my iron I've been meaning to do this for a long time now it is finally time be my iron suffer for my capitalistic needs yes yes burn burn oh no I lost the iron oh come on I got greedy and I placed another bucket should just waited I got greedy burn burn melt smell nope Smeg oh no it burned the drops again oh man well now I have no protectors in my Village I mean more more will spawn they'll spawn they'll be okay and we're gonna make ourselves a nice little place where we can we can farm for some stuff so okay doing this in VR is so much different so we got Hopper hopper Hopper oh my God why why why must you do this to me why am I forsaken Opera cool oh man the water the water's all the way down there though that's so much work we're gonna do this the smart way instead one water source we're gonna make an infinite water source all right we got our water now and we can start one by one placing water in here so we got one we got two we have three and number four and this is the perfect little like farm for for stone or for Cobblestone and now we just take one source of lava and do I put it at the back or the front it doesn't matter actually I'll put it in the back and bada bing bada boom once it actually fully moves we have ourselves a stone Farm now we just sit here and go like this and it will infinitely generate us Stone although this is Cobblestone instead of actual Stones I don't have silk touch but this thing's really fast you get efficiency five you have a beacon you just sit there and just obviously I'm in VR right now so it's a lot harder to do this since I sit here and actually pay attention but when you're not in VR you could just totally get a macro on your keyboard and just have your character sit there while you watch like YouTube or something while you watch more of my videos what and now we got a little Stone Farm going on in the meantime while that's cooking we now need sand for glass and I need a lot of sand so we're gonna go over that nearby Beach and just collect us some sand but first I need to dump all this random crap out of my inventory oh look at this this is so satisfying I love collecting sand and it's really satisfying in VR it's so satisfying in VR oh my God and the noise when you that it makes when you pick up the sand too dude maybe if I'm lucky I'll find like a beach treasure too let's see how this counts as a beach technically beautiful I just gotta watch the duration of my shovel okay I should probably stop now before my shovel breaks okay so each of these furnaces is gonna have a stack of sand and then a lava bucket all right which one of you wants to sell me a pickaxe not you efficiency two it's not great efficiency 2 on breaking too is that identical that's identical you know what this kind of works out okay efficiency two and breaking two Mission T2 and breaking two efficiency three I'm breaking three so touch I've got no good name for it so we'll name it silky boy silky boy get out of my face villager silky boy I don't know now that we've got silky boy we can start collecting ourselves as much Stone as we need which I kind of actually a lot okay so each of these little areas are going to have stone in between I'm not sure how high up I want the stone to go so for now we'll just do two this house is gonna look pretty good I wanted to have a lot of windows so that way I could see out of a lot of the sides since I am in VR I want this to be as cozy of a house as possible for VR and I always like these kind of like houses that just have like really good views like look at that that is a crazy good view also also thinking what if we did kind of like something like this or like maybe where's the glass I've still touched now so I have to worry about the glass what if we had like this ooh that's kind of a Vibe yeah and then we have like this up here yeah that looks pretty good okay what if I just did like that and then put a little glass like square up here does that look I dig it okay how's it look from the outside oh and then I was thinking of having like a porch going around the house and then having like a wall that comes down the porch I love having porches for houses and so I spent a good portion of this day chopping down all of my newly planted tree friends for the extra resources I was going to need to continue working on my house and while doing this I may have drifted into madness just a bit what are you gonna do the odd stacked against you back against the wall Gotta Give it your all the power's in your hands Two Worlds Collide there is another creeper in here oh yeah okay I just actually screamed I actually just screamed there that actually happened okay oh that God dude that startled me so much what is this area I hate it all right let's finish up our glass for our walls this is beautiful absolutely beautiful stunning some may even say like the Gordon Ramsay of adjectives absolutely delicate this food this crab is so raw it tried to sell me a Krabby Patty this chicken is so raw it tried to call his friend cow to the dinner table for the next two days Days 68 and 69 nice it was time to finally start Furnishing my base and very quickly was I realizing just how much space I had built that I definitely did not need yet okay I'm thinking this could be like a chest area right this could be like a cool storage area maybe something kind of like that maybe I was thinking like we can go in you know big storage area lots of chests don't know why I need a storage area that size but you know you'd sometimes just be like that you know and then maybe like right here to here it can be like a cool kitchen like what if we like this is gonna look pretty cool actually Overkill yes cool yes this is gonna be our storage room this is kind of like a homage to like really old builds that I've made a long time ago on like Minecraft 1.2.4 this is how I used to do like I just hit my microphone this is how I used to do like chest rooms have them be like this and have like a spot in the middle for like the item frames for them although we're probably gonna just put item frames on these obviously but this is kind of like a nice simple storage room and it's still got plenty of space at this point I was very much out of wood and glass and I was nowhere near done with my base so after the sun had set upon my world I got to work by first cleaning out my inventory going to get more lava from my mind for furnaces so I could smelt more sand and non-stop planting more Super spruce trees before the sun began to rise on Day 70 after a lot of my trees started to grow it was time to start chopping them down in their Prime but not before once again stopping by my boys for some more beautiful capitalism since I was almost at level 30 again and my diamond ax was kind of mid and half broken I hatched the genius idea to get an upgrade efficiency two let's go actually just to see what else I get efficiency three even better dude let's go how many levels do I have left okay now we're gonna take efficiency where'd it go this one's on breaking so we got efficiency three and efficiency three or efficiency four we're gonna give it I'm breaking and Fortune apparently and we're gonna name it oh I got a good name I got a great name count chopula we're gonna name it count chopula that's a good name let me know in the comments what you think about that beautiful name for our new boy now we can viciously destroy nature as God intended sorry as Herobrine intended after chopping down most of the trees that I didn't want to keep and deciding I had enough wood for now since it was already becoming night I figured I would make myself a bunch more torches and go around lighting up more area to keep those vile mob peasants back away from my camp and while out here I may have also picked a few fights you know nothing really new that's a lot of creepers dude why is the game punishing me with creepers look at this two over there there's two down there there's like 18 over there look at them all one two three four five six seven what is this all right you're annoying bye nope nope nope your pathetic little boots have saved you this time that's right kill each other fools not today oh stop it stop it shoot the creeper not me I want a music disc jerk that's over now all right let's finish loading up this place and be done with it for tonight no more dangers in my land after lighting up the area around my base for safety it got me to thinking about how I was going to start building the wall I had mentioned around the area that I called my base and honestly my response to thinking about this was to begin cleaning out this High Hill area that was over on the back side of my Camp because it was in the way and boy did I underestimate this project like crazy I already had this overly ambitious camp that was way too big and then I decided to do this I started out by blitzing through all of the dirt with my efficiency for shovel but once I got to the stone I quickly realized I had gotten myself in way over my head so Midway through the project I decided to minimize the amount of land that I was going to flatten and instead I settled for just the Hill area that I could also incorporate inside of my walls after removing all of the dirt I began and bashing away the stone with my silk touch pickaxe so I can also gather stone for the wall during this process because you know I'm such a massive five head gamer and everything however my silk touch pick only had efficiency 3 so this process ended up taking forever even after me cutting the project down in size I kept working on this project day after day after day while also sleeping through the nights because there was no torches up here so it was super dark and dangerous which wasn't exactly my best move but anyways while I was mindlessly digging staring off into space in my VR headset I had the new most horrifying moment which I know I say that like all the time but actually this time in all of Minecraft in my entire career of playing Minecraft since I was a baby since I was a toddler since I was an embryo I have not had anything this scary happened to me in Minecraft this clip struck fear to my core what the oh my God ah oh my God it's like real life oh man that gave me a literal heart attack it's it kind of sounded like a creeper but also like it's like being struck by lightning in real life I don't think I've ever seen a Pig turn into a pigment from lightning in person like that I mean obviously not in VR person but like I've I've seen it happen in game just not that close in nine VR oh my God I wonder if if lightning hitting me would have killed me like I said I have never experienced that in VR before and I was not okay with it but I kept moving on with the stone removal process with my brand new pigment Friend by my side until finally on day 77 that's right you heard me without a beacon this took six entire days to clear that's a full hour of digging unincluding because I you know I slept each day that's crazy it would take me three whole days just to do this without a beacon or efficiency five crazy but with all that aside I was now finished the top area was flat enough to become my new Farm area and I smoothed out most of the hills so they would work perfectly in my camp and to top all of it off I now had a chest full of stone and almost a stack of coal ore which with fortune 3 was going to last me probably the rest of this video I was now ready to begin my wall so on day 78 I gathered what I would need in my inventory and I began planning out my wall and let me tell you I had no clue how this was going to work out I began building next to my house and the original idea was to have the towers in between parts of the wall that were like entrances but things just weren't working out and I was beginning to go crazy because building in VR was like 20 times more difficult than regular building just to show you how bad it was enjoy these clips of me suffering as I tried to figure out what I was going to do oh my God I I hate VR Minecraft dude I'm at a point I no longer like beer Minecraft I think it's a gimmick it's too gimmicky it's like Minecraft with considerably extra steps obviously I want the wood towers to be like about the height of the house kind of maybe I don't know man it's harder to build in VR because you can't stop and think in vrs they're stuck standing in VR also when I'm relaxed in like a nice comfortable situation it's easier to build it's not like that in VR I'm standing up in my room hot so I can't turn the AC on because it'll ruin audio 100 days of me complaining I think we're on to something but it doesn't look good I've spent an entire day working on this it looks bad I don't like it I don't like it uh building in VR is so much more difficult oh my God going through your inventory sucks everything in VR sucks I do not like VR anymore I don't like it anymore it's just too much work so at this point I still wasn't very happy with where my walls were going and my recording literally stopped because I filled up an entire one terabyte drive with files for this video so please don't forget to you know hit that uh that like button and maybe maybe subscribe fingers touching Emoji but anyways today was basically a massive failure alright so my recording stopped for a second there because I ran out of space but throughout that night I suffered in toil that you could sell by my my crappy parkour wall there just ignored ignore this this doesn't exist but I made my first fence area right so I kind of I kept messing around with it to see what would kind of stick I decided to put these out a bit so it had a bit of like layering to it and then I thought this cool idea it's like a heart look it's like a it's like a heart and it's got the Amethyst in the center I would make it entirely out of amethyst possibly if I had enough amethyst but I've only found one geode Underground so this will do but this is nice this is like look at this imagine this obviously you won't see that part but imagine this little section all the way around this like whole area and all it is is technically what this included it's one two three four five six seven eight eight wide entirely now we have the fun of laying out the fence wow that's a lot of dirt that I'm gonna need it's like day 80ish and I need to finish up the walls we're gonna work on the Villager houses we need to finish up our base including a roof which will be fun and go kill the Ender Dragon honestly I don't even need to go kill the Ender Dragon but I think it's the ultimate test of VR Minecraft because I'm gonna be honest with you after spending 100 days in VR Minecraft I think I never want to spend 100 days in here again I was tempted to do other VR videos for like 100 days but this video has to get like 500 000 million likes for me to do that because this is this is rough man VR Minecraft is rough I've probably said that a lot you probably haven't heard it as many times as my editor has okay okay so we got this little area all kind of good I'm thinking I could either leave this like this and raise it a bit or we could flatten it so obviously I would like to get rid of just this little bit this little bit right here would make it kind of difficult to mess with but besides that I mean it is kinda it's kind of rough I'm gonna be honest okay so maybe I can like flatten the area around where I want to like make my wall this place is gonna take a hot minute to spruce up I'm gonna tell you that and that's the beginning of our wall area we're gonna make it I don't remember how many I said hi uh one two three four five so five tall for each of these wood pillars we're hungry again probably this is gonna be a really expensive wall this is gonna be so expensive this is gonna be so expensive dude oh man wow that's a lot of wood already that's just for one little corner so we got block one two three four five so one two three four between each of them dude just by so that's ten per slice so every six is a stack of wood how do I fix this part more specifically how do I make these four out again how did I screw it up I must have screwed it up because if it's there's no way at this point now that my spruce posts were laid out and I kind of figured out the corner issue I began adding each part of the center of these walls piece by piece I started by adding the stairs the bottom of each post I started filling in the Deep slate bricks and I was going to start placing the Deep slate stairs until I realized that once again I was out of deep slate at this point I was beginning to panic building in VR takes longer than normal and if I was going to fully finish this wall around my base and then also build the rest of my house I was going to need a lot more resources not to mention I still had other things to build inside like touching up the Villager houses and making the place look nice things were not going the best at this point in the video something had to change for me to continue I've been inside this VR world for what I had felt like forever now and the more I played the more I just I didn't feel right I started getting headaches and even nauseous as I was playing and on and off I started to get this Twitch in my eye because I was nervous and anxious to finish this video but every time I tried to do that I started to loathe it VR did not make me feel good and that made the video recording so much harder so at this point on day 83 I made this really hard decision to continue this world outside of VR I'm sorry it's technically not a full 100 days of VR because I just couldn't handle it but I hope you all understand and still enjoy the rest and of course just for continuity when I get to the End Dragon I will be fighting her back in VR because that would probably be a pretty whack experience and I think I can handle it also if I beat her in VR technically I beat the whole world in VR anyways thank you all for understanding back to the video so for the next day day 83 for the first time in this world I stepped out of VR and honestly I've been doing VR for so long at this point that everything looked kind of weird to me in comparison but anyway ways it was time to get back to work at building wall Maria to protect me from those Titans outside so after checking out how much more crisp everything looked outside of VR I began making my way back down to my mine to begin Mass Gathering more deep slate stone for more stone bricks to build my walls after getting down here I dug out more of the area and I got straight to making a brand new tunnel and let me just tell you how much faster this was outside of VR like it's so much faster and it doesn't even make sense why I kept pushing throughout this day and stacking up those bricks in Minecraft of course and here and there I was hitting chunks of redstone in lapis you know no big deal until I hit this absolutely busted Diamond vein with fortune 3 this bad boy gave me 13 brand new diamonds but did it stop there did your mom stop last night I'm not going to answer the question but I'm also sorry and I'm also sorry for the answer because it was no I did answer the question I struck another four vein of those juicy morsels that got me up to a whopping 21 diamonds after striking more riches I continued on until I used up my very last torch and I was out of there except since I could actually Run and Jump efficiently now it took so much less time to even like leave so since I had some time to spare I thought why not revisit that original cave that I left a door to you know right maybe I could find some iron or something I opened the door step my big toe through only to see a bunch of mobs and darkness and that's when I realized how how was I supposed to explore this with no torches literally what was I even thinking small brain so instead I left to the surface and overall I scored a not so great 10 Stacks plus 15 of what I came here for on day 84 now that I had more resources I began speedrun turning each portion of the wall to build it as fast as possible things were going well in each individual heart was looking pretty good until I finally noticed why the corner didn't line up right somehow I screwed up the other wall by leaving only three blocks in the middle of each instead of four and because of that I had to go back and quickly adjust everything I added another layer of dirt to the edge and after extending it I spent the rest of the night finishing each remaining section of all of the walls until the sun came up when I finished the last one day 85 with most of the section of the wall finished it was time to add the final few touches so I could continue extending it around my base I filled in the corner which even in the end didn't look exactly right and I finished the path up top complete with Spruce fence and torches at the top of each wood pillar for some extra lighting also side note if I had enough iron in this world instead of those being torches they'd probably probably be lanterns which would probably look a lot better but since I don't have a ton of iron instead just pretend like they are just like how you should also pretend that I'm still in VR winky face anyways after completing 100 of this part of the wall I was quickly getting the hang of building sections as fast as possible so I began laying out more of the wood posts throughout the night and as I was building them I heard a sounding sound that sounded like loot I was being targeted by a trident boy and apparently this time I meant boy literally because this dude was a baby drowned with a trident which I think is super rare because I've never seen this at all in my entire Minecraft life so as much as I would love to have captured him instead one two buckle my shoe he was dead on day 86 I ran out of spruce wood while building the foundation of this part of the fence so I figured why not begin my day with some wonderful deforestation I mean who needs trees anyways right right oxygen is pretty cringe after putting nature in its place I finished up the remaining pillars and I decided to take a short detour from building my wall so I could begin growing my population of animals I eviscerated all of my bamboo Farm since I mean it's not like my stick Traders were doing their jobs anyways you know what I mean and I covered the area and dirt to level it out and now this corner was clean I started building two long and narrow pens for my cows in future sheep population I spent most of my night adding small touches like a quick path in the middle of stone brick and Spruce Wood and I added a few lamp posts still with no lanterns which didn't end up looking too great because of it and as a Finishing Touch I added some glowstone under bits of the fence for light and I freed my submissive and breedable cows lured them into the pen closer to my house and I made them all make babies after this as the sun began to rise I made my way over to that Hill that I low key wasted a lot of my time clearing so I could start luring some sheep home as well at this point it was now day 87 and I led my two sheep Gamers into their brand new home and had them make a baby at this point I figured I might as well get some chickens as well since they're kind of everywhere so I waste the last of the wood that I had again to make a small fenced-in area and I beat this grass into submission for seeds that I then used to lure chicken number one in chicken number B into their home where I also had them make a baby side note also for me to probably neglect now that all of my new animals were taken care of I dumped out my inventory and began planting and chopping down more spruce wood trees for a ton more much needed wood during this process the entire world wanted to get in my way armies of zombies begin attacking with armor and tools and the sky demons decided to make their once a video Cameo by dropping me some of their goo yes it's basically just goo after I cleared out all the nuisances I started laying out even more of the foundation for the wall all the way up to the mini Mountain area that I had cleared earlier and after laying out a decent amount I went back to start filling it in just in case I screwed anything up and what do you know I did screw things up I screwed up more of the spacing in between the entire new portion of posts that I had just placed honestly at this point things were not looking good the error Minecraft made projects like this take so much longer and at this point I'm pretty sure I bit off way more than I was going to chew between finishing this wall and my house alone I might not get everything done before day 100 but I still had to push on so for the next four days straight after fixing the mistake I made with the spacing I was on a roll after laying out each new portion of the wall I added Blocks part by part to make the whole process move Lightning McQueen fast by the time it was the end of of day 92 I had gotten quite a bit finished since my original plan was way too ambitious I decided to cut out the entire new Hill portion of the wall and instead I had it run right behind the Villager houses near my useless Fletchers yes I also realized that I wasted all of my time almost 10 days clearing out that hill just to then not even use it VR makes you do wild things okay anyways along with all these new portions of the wall I also added an entrance area on the side with a little Archway for extra detail that I planned on mirroring on the other side overall this wall was looking gorgeous so if I didn't have my house complete at least I had this really pretty wall to go with the lack of house what is wrong with me on day 93 I continued working on my wall until I hit the area where I had to build the original towers for what would have been my original wall and wow do they still look so terrible but no problem because whole area was about to get a makeover I filled my inventory with dirt and began leveling out most of the area while also lighting it up in poof those hideous Towers were also gone now that I had a better area to work with I finished up the positioning for the rest of the pillars including the entrance all the way until they touched my still ruthless house and then he showed up a Wandering Trader Who Sold dark oak saplings that's right as I literally work on finishing up the remaining walls in parts of my house I finally get access to the other wood that I was originally scammed out of by a tree well I bought eight of them and the trader magically disappeared but hey I also got a Bonus two leads from um somewhere anyways moving on after this I continued pushing on with more and more wall progress throughout the next two days straight and everything was going perfectly except I ended up running out of amethyst so I took a quick trip back down to the mine and through that door where I fought for my life against this spawn camping creeper after deleting him from existence I gathered about a stack and a half and I went back up to the surface day 96. today was the day I was going to finish my wall after getting back to the surface I finished piecing together the corner part of the wall the little archway entrance for the side in the final piece that connected to my house I spent the entire day working on this and finally it was complete so I figured I'd take a bit of a walk around to take it all in and boy did this place look amazing I know what you're thinking there is no way I can build a roof in this whole place make it look all nice before the end of day 100 and honestly you're probably right so here and now I decided not so casually to turn this into 105 days so that way I can get everything done and still fight the dragon in one final B ER fight I also figured you probably wouldn't mind because this could technically make up for leaving VR especially since now I can build things much much faster to start off day 96 now that my wall was complete it was time to tear down the original tester wall piece by piece after cleaning up the small mess I noticed this new strange looking cow inside of my pen and I was really getting back to the Barnyard Vibes with this one let me know in the comments if you remember that movie it's kind of terrible now looking back on it but you know what it was good back then anyways after leaving that poor man in his new forever prison it was time to begin adding paths to my base I started off by clearing out some dirt in the new entrance closer to my house and yes if you're wondering it is all just a single layer of dirt built over the old lit up terrain because I was not going to go and place every single block of dirt plus like what do you think I'm just made of dirt I used it on making all of my walls man come on anyways for these paths I wanted to keep with the spruce wood and stone brick in the center Vibe I already had going on with the base I continued bringing the path further into my base with a plan on creating some kind of like Central Point with a huge tree similar to the one Villages sometimes spawn with as the sun went down I took a break from making this path to create a small or at least my version of small Wheat Farm since this entire time I literally have gone without one I began by laying out some deep slate stone bricks in a large rectangle with just enough space for two Central water sources After figuring out the spots for each water source I filled the whole thing in with what little dirt I had left and I went back to my base for more supplies since I had quite a few diamonds I also borrowed two of them from myself to make a brand new hoe that I Enchanted for the funsies Unbreaking one now Charming I also named him beaches and hoes very cool Kanye I know after this I grabbed three buckets for water stole some from the ocean for myself and I added the finishing touches including seeds light sources and fencing and voila my super simple yet decadent Farm was mostly complete all I needed now was a chest and I connected it to my brand new pathing because I mean why not you know what I mean day 98 today I began my day by dumping my inventory and checking through my chest for Spruce saplings and bonemail because I was in desperate need for more wood and while here I stumbled upon this godsend stack of hay bales that for some reason I thought I was completely out of so in celebration I did some more beautiful capitalism with the boys honestly these guys were pretty neglected throughout this video because I didn't have any farms until now anyways though while waiting for their traits to refresh I began planting spruce trees like mad and speedrunning my way up them in spirals the right way to mine Spruce may I add and while I was at it I was making absolute wood Bank why did I say that for the rest of this day I basically repeated the process except for some trees I decided to let them stay to add an extra natural look to the place towards the end of the night I also decided to add a nice carrot Farm next to the wheat one but I ran out of deep slate so it was back down to the mines where the very first two blocks I mined had a singular hidden Diamond behind them that with fortune 3 became three nice for day 99 after making my way back to the surface I finished up the small carrot Farm including some more lighting and some fences around it I didn't quite have enough carrots to fill this one in but I did use a lot of my bone meal to at least fill it up halfway before adding a small path leading over to it after this I spent the next two days straight working on spreading this path all throughout the inside of my walls I did a path starting from the second entrance that connected at the center point with a tree that I fenced in after that I connected my path from the first entrance and my animal farms so the whole area would be intertwined during these days I was also annoyed relentlessly by more sky demons but luckily my iron golem guards took care of them for me when they weren't being completely useless that is oh and while I think about it I also forgot to mention that I may have dug this hole underneath the two sleeping Fletchers that wrongfully scammed me and I sentenced them both to their Doom forever trapped in this dark tomb that was beautiful it was like a Dr Seuss rhyme perhaps they will be found one day by Future Minecraft's Generations after me but hopefully not anyways this place was really starting to come together day 102. today I decided to give my house a front deck before adding the roof I grabbed my eight dark oak saplings that I got from the trader that oddly went missing and I began harvesting for wood to use on the deck after harvesting the first tree I built out the area and added stair errors on two different sides so I can have different exits and I fenced it all in and after going back to check on the tree this thing had saplings for days RN Jesus had gifted me The Spoils of Victory this singular tree produced enough for four more trees all on its own it's like the game was mocking me at this point but I still took those saplings and I planted all the trees and continued working on my deck by adding fences up top for a little more substance before noticing both of my fields of crops being ready to harvest I soaked up all those carrots like big chungus and I replanted the whole field before harshing just enough wheat to fill everything in there as well I then used my newfound crops to get new found stonks from my Farmer friends and finally and unfortunately it was time to add the roof to my house my very overly sized house why did I make it this big honestly it's gonna be empty there's nothing in it what is wrong with me so yeah I spent until day 104 doing this and all I had left to do was add glass to the sky roofs because Pro Gamer tip skyroofs get you out of having to build more roof and honestly they add an extra light level to the inside as well and speaking of inside this place it was actually looking pretty good minus being pretty much empty during this day ended up running out of glass so I threw as much sand as I had into the furnaces to cook while I begin filling in the glass above tonight was my last night before fighting the dragon so I found myself out in a nearby Beach to get the remaining sand I was going to need in this literal Army would not leave me alone just look at all these guys after cleaning them up or at least letting the creepers clean them up and then killing the remainders ended up running into this Alchemist zombie that come to think of it I'm pretty sure was one of my missing villagers I was debating on taking them back home to cure him but you know what who am I to fight natural selection after this I spent the rest of the night smelting more sand and refilling the remaining glass from my roof until my house was technically complete if you don't count the inside don't look at the inside day 105 the final day today all I had to do was prepare myself for one last VR fight I began by crafting myself a brand new bow because this entire time I literally have not had one I grabbed some lapis from my chest and took a gamble with a tier 3 Unbreaking 3 enchantment and honestly this thing turned out pretty good I got on breaking three power three and Flame however that was not good enough for my Exquisite tastes so since I still had more than 30 levels I made a second bow and Enchanted it again for both infinity and another Power Three I combined them both on an anvil to make myself a power 4 Infinity bow that was pretty close to perfect for the minimal effort that I put into making it while crafting this bad boy I also gave it the name DSR R50 from the best sniper in Black Ops 2. boy do I miss the good old days of Call of Duty before the Battle Royale and micro transaction hell that it has become today anyways though with my new bow acquired I set out for two more things before I was ready to go I began trading with the boys for some easy XP so I could enchant this brand new diamond sword that I made and all I ended up getting from it was sharpness too I guess it was technically better than nothing but you know what let's not talk about it after getting my sword I went to trade my Alchemist for pearls that I needed and apparently this Alchemist was the one that didn't sell any ender pearls whatsoever and you remember that zombie that I thought about saving but left for natural selection to take care of uh yeah I I think he was I think he was the one that I needed to trade ender pearls with nice so in the meantime I just went into the nether to maybe find my other Alchemist by some weird chance that he walked through the portal but with still no luck well here the though I went back into the Fortress to get the next thing that I needed blaze rods because VR me didn't do that either apparently and I remember it too the nether is scary in VR so honestly I kind of don't blame him I began exploring this place with absolutely terrible luck there didn't seem to be a blaze Spawner in sight but I did end up getting ambushed by the power puffed Withers here and one of them dropped me their skull nice I continued looking around this place while revoking every Blaze I could of their license to exist that is until I found a new portion of the Fortress that had this terrible spawner out in the open where I could barely collect any of the rods because these guys didn't want to fly in the right places also while out here my shield broke and on top of that I got this sick kill on this gas at least some things were going well fast forward until after I had about 21 blaze powder which was more than enough and after getting back to the portal and going through it I was greeted by apparently my second Alchemist being off in The Distance by the Villager houses I guess apparently this guy was cheating on me by sleeping in another house what a guy I began leveling up his trades until I bought all 12 ender pearls and because it was night and he was not refreshing his trades anymore it looked like that's all I had to work with was the 13 Eyes of Ender that I could create at this point I was pretty much ready to go except after all of those trades I had ended up getting enough levels for one more tier 3 enchantment I made a third sword in boom this boy had sharpness for Unbreaking three in fire aspect two now that I was fully prepared I set out on my journey and even though the few eyes that I did make lasted forever this stronghold ended up being what seemed like infinitely far away let's just say that by the time I found the stronghold it may have ended up being day 106 I'm so sorry after the eyes began to Circle I found the exact location and began digging straight down only for my game to bug out and have all of the blocks turn invisible and for a second I could see everything throughout the map underground which conveniently showed me all of the stronghold locations nice I dug straight down even further and this place ended up being a massive mess after wandering around for what felt like forever I stumbled upon a hallway with the portal at the end and a free chest in the middle that had a extra ender pearl inside I walked in broke the spawner and this thing had zero eyes inside not a single Eye of Ender which fun fact is insane because three of these chests so far inside of this place have had ender pearls inside of them meaning that without two of those chests containing an ender pearl I literally would not have enough to go to the end and fight the dragon this seed really did not want me to suck seed see what I did there I I'm so sorry you know just cue the VR fight all right here I am in VR this room looks uh wow wait why is that going my left oh yeah the okay good thing you have Infinity I'm gonna miss a lot of these shots all right got power we gotta gotta amp myself out we could do this we could do this oh I'm pretty nervous about this though I'm not gonna lie all right let's go why would I have to be spawned okay let's not playing around with this yeah okay I can't look at Enderman because they uh they're pretty hard to look at in VR so yeah we're good I could just walk around and just I guess I don't oh there's no there's no way oh I hit it I hit it let's go okay I'm cracked oh oh out okay I gotta keep gotta keep an idea on my my health here secretly cracked though I don't know why I'm trying to shoot one of the hardest ways to shoot in VR come on that was that was pretty good actually it's the bow is like bugging and stuff Let's uh use water we're gonna use water the classic way oh even this is harder even this is harder no dragon please don't okay just a little casual boom all right I don't know this is a good idea being up here because I don't have come on come on okay these fast you got that one no we're leaving we're going down we're going down I am playing that am I really gonna have to do it this way right I water pillar up in regular Minecraft it's so much easier to vote water pillar up in VR it's it's not it's just not what kind of like a oh what whoa oh why that did no damage but she's a jerk for that you're a jerk go away dragon go away oh wait no one asked you go away dude just just let me do my my crap man come on all right let's let's get the cage one I guess since I have to get all of them like this apparently I will forever go on to say how VR Minecraft is Just Minecraft with extra steps that's fear of Minecraft oh I can't climb on top of this one that easily oh yeah I can so it'll break the cage I don't like being up here I don't like being up here no no stop stop stop stop stop stop come on switch to the boat uh okay I'm gonna shoot come on come on oh just hit come on hit it why does it do that what is the point VR bows suck okay okay we're good no no no no no no no no no no okay she didn't she didn't we're still gonna bail though I think this is the last one now okay she's perching good time good time once the pillars are gone and then it's go time we're gonna crush this Dragon oh nope nope nope we're not can I go under all right can I go on why is it doing that I'm not trying to pick up the water bro the controls in VR Minecraft they suck okay they suck I'm gonna be honest here it's time it's time die heathen die Heathen all these shots are a hundred percent perfectly aimed and definitely on purpose and I don't ever Miss Enderman will kill me faster than she will my only concern with her is her eating me off the map she needs to perch she needs to perch what is she doing look at her she's spinning in a pillar oh God is she broken okay she got out of it I think this dragon's a little uh let's just say the IQ is not the highest okay it's not the most high IQ Ender Dragon you know there's many generations and oh oh you guys aren't mad at me are you I don't like that oh okay oh God oh God oh God okay the Enderman need to go that gave me that was horrifying okay die look at her health bar man if I can't get if I need the Enderman need to go oh oh she's perching she's perching no no no what is happening I just can't hit her in VR I knew this fight was gonna suck in VR I was right I was right I can't even hit her she's stuck in a pillar again I'm gonna be here for like an hour this can take like an hour day 106 more like day 108. hey I hit her hey hey all right she's perching okay we got damage we got damage that time we were good damage I couldn't see her head because of that bug oh vanderman's mad at me okay she's approaching all right where's her head that way just in case she eats me let's get uh pearls in our hot bar Pro tip don't stand in her spot when she's spinning in circles because then she'll shoot magic and if she perches you're kind of screwed what is she doing bro how much what am I supposed to do about that what am I supposed to do about that okay she's perching you perching right in time yeah yeah okay almost dead cool after the shots like go out of render and that and then like don't actually okay she's perching it's time get heated nerd die die die die what what what was that no no no no no it doesn't end like that you're gonna get shot by my bow how is she not dead she's wait she's got no health huh actually though her health bar is empty I can't get a final hit to find out if she perching she's perching perching I that's my microphone okay theoretically she should die in one hit right nice let's go suck it I just hit my ceiling fan and my microphone die let's go yum yum yum yum yum yum yum all of this XP is mine all this is mine all for me you guys can't have any unless you want to deal with the blade let's go beat Minecraft in VR mostly yeah okay here we go we're back home yeah look at her base look at it it's really nice actually I really like this base I wish I could have put more stuff in it but you know what this was good we beat the Ender Dragon and survived 100 days and just like that I survived 100 days or technically 105. in VR Hardcore Minecraft if you did make it this far in the video you are amazing and I love you this video took a lot of time and work to get done and I really appreciate you all being here I also wanted to give an extra large thank you to all of my patreon supporters you all go the extra mile for me which helps me out a ton thank you all so much if you two would like to help support me on patreon the link is down below with my other socials like Twitter and for supporting you get exclusive access to some of my world downloads and new entirely custom mods that I have for each video and um since you're here at the end of the video I'm gonna give you guys a little bit of a a sample of what's to come there may be a new mod pack coming out for a new video pretty soon that may or may not not feature spiders which is perfect for Halloween anyways thank you all and I will see you all in the next video that may just be on your screen right now ooh I'm sorry it's last thing you had to hear [Music]
Channel: PainDomination
Views: 1,474,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paindomination, paindomination minecraft, paindomination 100 days, minecraft infinite village world, minecraft hardcore, 100 days villager minecraft, 100 days full movie, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft 1.19 hardcore, minecraft 1.19 lets play episode 1, vr minecraft 100 days, 100 days vr minecraft, vr minecraft full movie, 100 days vr, 100 days vr in minecraft, vr minecraft, vr hardcore minecraft, vr minecraft technoblade
Id: _A8EUeIDaQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 56sec (9176 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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