I Survived 100 Days in a Frozen Wasteland

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I'll be attempting to survive 100 days and a frozen Wasteland and my only objective is to find and kill the Beast that cursed this land dropping temperatures to below zero causing everything to freeze from mobs to helpless animals even standing out on the open will make me freeze to death but before I try to save the land I have to do three things I have to be able to withstand the cold become a fire Wizard and even kill lava monsters and it all started on day one on day one I spawned and immediately regretted this challenge what does that sound so like a complete idiot I dug straight down to hide until I realized I can get frostbite oh [ __ ] I'm freezing to death I'm freezing to death so in a hurry I made a campfire so I can place it down as fast as possible so I don't freeze to death please nice now that I'm all nice and toasty I continued to dig straight down until I found a cave where I spent the rest of day one minding up a bunch of iron I get a full set of iron armor in one day and now that I had a little more protection I thought it was the perfect time to go to the surface because I needed a lot more wood but the only thing getting in my way is freezing to death I had a big bright idea so I went back into the cave and I built a giant base so that way I could have a tree farm underground so I never need to go to the surface so to all those people dming me on Discord like oh you don't touch grass or you play Minecraft all day okay I I brought the grass to me as I was trying to develop my base I got sneak attacks by a bunch of baby floral creepers oh is that is that a baby creeper so I ran as fast as possible while blocking off the path so I can think of a strategy to kill all the creepers the plan that I came up with was to break the block above them so I can get as many free hits as possible without taking a single hit of damage needless to say I could have died on day three already but it only got worse because a zombie tried to sneak attack me right after die die then I came across a fully Decked Out good whatsoever like what did I do to you bro and the situation only got worse because this skeleton took over 20 hits to actually kill yeah suck my dick by the time day five started none of the trees have grown yet so I started the days by killing this wall of zombies to then Adventure out to find some sand the reason why I was trying to get the sand is because I realized that trees need sunlight to actually grow torches aren't enough light to make trees grow so I was going to spend the rest of day five and six trying to make a sunroof for my tree room by the time I found all this sand I mined up as much as I could and got back to my base as fast as possible to smelt it all and to end off day five I made a glass roof so my trees can finally grow which took way longer than expected and by the end of the day I went back to my base to see some of the trees finally Blossom so now I can feel a little bit safer now that I have infinite wood and I don't need to go back on the surface from day seven to eight I decided to be a little bit more organized about my base I did things like making more chests because I had way too many materials at this point expanding my glass roof and expanding my tree farm slowly but surely my cave was becoming an actual livable home but on day nine I decided to start on a brand new project so I went caving for the entire day with one goal of mine which is getting Redstone so I first made sure that I had everything that I needed which is full iron armor and full iron gear after I felt like I was 100 ready for this adventure I sought out to find as much Redstone as possible of course I was minding other things other than Redstone like a bunch of iron but eventually I found this giant lava pool where all these precious metals were like diamonds red Stones iron and gold of course I was terrified to check out this giant lava pool because I only had one life so I was mainly focused on getting as much Redstone as possible until I found some diamonds and I simply could not resist risking my life for these diamonds a diamond as I was trying to mine all these materials up without dying I had my first encounter with a lava monster who's shooting Fireballs straight to my face so the only way that I could think of killing this Lava Monster so early in the game was by using my water bucket and if I used enough water on the Lava Monster it would eventually be evaporated finally the Lava Monster died so I was able to actually get all the materials that I needed without any distraction on day 11 it was time to get used out of the Redstone but first I would need to make these super powerful flowers and to make one of the strongest flowers in the game I would need to combine these flower petals which would allow me to make a pure Daisy and what this pure Daisy allows me to do is to make Living Wood and goofy ass Cobblestone and to activate this pure Daisy I need to make a room with a 4x4 platform of dirt and surround the daisy by the material that I want to get if I put wood or Cobblestone around this Daisy it will transform that wood into Living Wood oh I don't know on day 12 it gets a little bit more complicated so I'll do my best to explain it as best and as simple as possible I Surrender the pure Daisy with andesite to make some goofy ass cobblestone I then use the goofy ass Cobblestone to make Mana pools and use the wood from day 12 to make a Mana spreader and a funny stick I then smashed the spreader and the Mana pulled together so they can make funny cool magic sounds I made a poo flower that runs on coal connected to the Mana spreader and the Mana pool and then boom I had a super fancy magical spreader thinking about her this made me really depressed her thing and those and it was fairly simple to the red zone that I that I'm crate and Hopper and all and all you need to do is connect all the Redstone together and boom automatic Mana pool generator and this will finally allow me to make some of the strongest armor in the game so that way whenever I'm going caving I don't need to be scared and I can fight any mob that comes across my way and making the super strong armor is super simple all I needed to do is dip iron in a bunch of mana and after that all I have to do is craft the armor like normal for the next two days I tried to get as much manage steel as possible and even went so far as making a Mana tablet so I have infinite durability but before I get all the Mana armor and the Mana items I need to go caving to get as many resources as possible day 17 I just worked around my base and tried to fill up my Mana tablet to the max but for the next two days after that I went Mining and I found a bunch of diamonds on day 20 I had all the materials I needed to make the full Man of Steel set everything from helmet legs pickaxe shovel a regular ax and a sword okay now I take up all the shitty armor oh [Music] that looks so cool actually and now that I feel stronger I feel more comfortable exploring the outside world I decided to run around as far as possible so I can find four elements which were water fire earth and air every 10 seconds I was outside I pretty much started freezing to death which was a huge problem so much so to the point where I actually needed to use lava so I can heat myself up after days of searching I ended up finding the first element which was water okay this is water element this is okay this is one this is one that I need and it just so happened to be in a river of ice which couldn't be any worse because as I was trying to capture this element I was basically freezing to death for the entire time so I always have to take breaks trying to heat myself back up which made everything so much longer and as I was panicking because I kept freezing to death I accidentally did something so stupid to this water element and now he's just trying to suck this thing in okay and then all we should need is this small Elemental connector and that is that how that works that just that's too high no [Music] no did I no please tell me it just broke no I didn't just no I just broke it oh my God as you can see I became very depressed and very upset that I broke the only water element that I was able to find within two days [Music] but it ended up working out better as I was going down the river I ended up finding two elements at the same spot oh okay this is oh oh yes yes okay no it worked out better it worked out better it worked out better so I decided to make a tunnel from the elements to my base right away all that was left to do is trap these two elements in this giant cage so that way I can come back to it anytime without freezing to death and after all that I was able to harness two elements which is water and Earth which will come in handy really soon and now that I found the water and Earth element the only two elements that I need to find are the air and fire so I spent the rest of day 24 trying to find either of these elements first and luckily enough I was able to find the fire element so I did the usual thing by trapping the element inside a cage but I accidentally misclicked one of my Cobblestone and broke the element again no at this point I was getting furious at myself but I had no time to waste because I kept freezing to death but I couldn't do anything about it so all I had to do was learn from my mistakes and try my best not to break any more elements that I find but thankfully though I was able to find my first air element so I decided to put it in a cage as soon as possible but I got interrupted by a fully Enchanted zombie and the only way to kill it was by using lava and even though I was burning it it was still farting out a bunch of snow that could kill me so I had to run back into my cage and finalize trapping this Air element before I get sneaked attack by another zombie and now that I successfully trapped the air element it was time to suck the soul out of it and now that I got three of the four elements it was time to find the fourth and final one the fire element which was one of the strongest elements in the game because everything is Frozen the fire can melt it and do extra damage so I spent the entirety of Day 26 trying to find the fire limit which I previously broke so I made sure to be extra careful while trapping this fire element so I don't break it a second time even though it was nighttime I was able to build around the element with no problems which gave me all the Time in the World to start sucking the fire element so now I was basically like the Avatar wielding all four elements to my disposal so now I needed to figure a way to harness these elements so I could make spells and become the strongest player in this game and that's exactly what I did so for day 28 and 29 I upgraded all of my Elemental holder and I even placed infusers on top of each of them and what the infusers did was allow me to make stronger equipment so turning iron into water dipped iron which made it 10 times stronger but more importantly it allowed me to dip these crystals into these elements so now I had a bunch of fire crystals that allowed me to make fire spells oh wait I got Inferno okay and now I got Fireball wait fire clear Fire Gem so now I made all the fire spells except for one and the last one that I needed required a Fire Gem which was insanely difficult to achieve so in order to get the fire gems I needed to get a bunch more equipment so I felt like I needed to prepare just a little bit more so I can go into these caves and fight anything that comes my way so on day 29 I made a fire element holder and this acts like a Mana Reserve so I could use my fire abilities no matter where I am as long as it's full so for the rest of the day I decided to go caving for all the materials that I needed for the fire Jet and as I was mining I got sneak attacked by a zombie and I nearly died until I figured out how to use the Scrolls that I just made and after using these Scrolls I felt like I was one of the most powerful people in the world shooting Fireballs out of my hands now that I feel more confident in my strength I decided to keep on adventuring these caves and I even was able to find a small lava pit which I was able to get a bunch of obsidian for to eventually go to the Nether on day 30 I continued my search for precious metals when I found a bunch of structures things like a spider structure another structure and a crazy Temple and as I was searching this nether structure I found some of the best loot of my life oh motherload but while I was taking all this loot I was sneak attacked by some of the strongest zombies I've ever seen in my life with fully Enchanted armor these zombies also had full fire resistance so my lava buckets didn't work and I did zero damage to them so I thought it was the best decision to run away as fast and far as possible but as I was running I found this chest in the middle of the open and what was inside the chest was shocking whoa yeah a living chest is the last thing that I expected but what is even more shocking is the fact that I made a second Channel Channel since you want to see more of me which let's be real who doesn't there will be more of me on TBH dishonest yeah I know clever name and would you look at that there might be already some videos uploaded but while I was making the second Channel I felt like it was the perfect time to go back to my base and make an enchanting table and two Mana pylons these Mana pylons work just like bookcases so in theory I should get 30 level enchants with these two pylons but for some reason when I place them down I couldn't get into work for like 10 minutes so I just pretended like they were just working fine and Enchanted my gear normally on day 33 I decided to make the final fire spell which took multiple days of work it required me to upgrade all of my Elemental stuff so I needed to make Elemental binders as well as making large Elemental containers but while I was going back to my base I found a wizard waiting for me the witch man okay um how do I how do which spawn oh okay hahaha after the wizard disappeared I made everything that I needed for this last Fire Element things like airsil Swift alloy ingots which needed Redstone gold and plenty of other things some more goofy ass Cobblestone and water drenched iron and with all these materials I was able to upgrade all of my elements and make a gem crystallization machine and with that I just needed to use some fire shards and I was able to make a fire gem which was the last ingredient I needed to make the last fire spell now that I got all the spells that I was looking for I made a focus staff so I can put all the spells that I learned into this magical stack and now that I have all the knowledge of fire I decided it was the best time to start building a nether portal which I might have accidentally built in the wrong way so if you tell me something in the comments that I built the Nether Portal wires but eventually I ended up building the portal correctly and it was time to go to the nether for the first time in my Hundred Days on day 40 I finally walked into another but I did not want to overwalk on my stay so the only thing I wanted to do in the nether was to get a bunch of nether quartz because it would come very handy in the future and I did not want to stay for too long because I was worried about getting jumped by a strange nether creature who could probably kill me in one shot after getting a full stack of nether quartz I rushed home immediately and when I got home the first thing I wanted to make was a Watermill to make me even stronger and the whole purpose of this Watermill is to power machines in the future and the first machine I was planning to make was The Crusher and this Crusher allowed me to craft things like wrenches which is a very important tool to make a mob spawner to become the strongest person in this Frozen era so all I had to do was put these water Mills in the wall by just slapping them in there because graphics [Music] and then I need to place tons of buckets of water so they can start spinning and generating power like a Tesla and then I would need to connect this Watermill to the crusher using these pipes so that the crusher sucks the power out of the water mill the first thing I needed to crush was gold which was one of the main materials to make the wrench and the wrench is one of the most important items to make because it was the only item that would allow me to pick up mob spawners so now that I got every tool that I needed it was time to finally go and find a mob spawner and use my wrench to pick it up so I decided to go back to those big structures that I found earlier so that way I can get as many spawners as possible and the first spawner that I was able to find was a zombie spawner so I spent 20 minutes trying to pick up this one spawner and I kept getting the same error which was saying a Mystical Force is biting this cart Contraption to the world you think I give a [ __ ] if the world is being binded to this car I wanted my mob spawner so I realized that I needed to actually go into the game code and change this one little code code that way I'm able to actually pick up this spawner and take it back to my base so now that I fix this coding issues time to go back to those crazy structures and get as much spawners as possible so I got three zombie spawners so after I got those three zombie spawners it was time to get back home as fast as possible but as I was getting back home I found a bunch of moonstone which is one of the rarest materials in this entire mod pack so of course I made a detour and mined up as much Moonstone as possible when I finally got home I took all the Moonstone that I collected and made a full set of moonstone armor which is the strongest armor in the game and all I needed was the enchants from the mob farm that I'll soon be making and then I'll finally be the strongest person in this entire mod pack on day 59 it was finally time to make a mob farm and the best way to do that was having fans these fans will be pushing these mobs down this giant hole where then they will be able to be killed by yours truly and in turn I'll be getting so much xp that I don't even know what to do with it but the only problem was I did not know how to wire these fans at all so I was coming across so many issues of using belts and all these other things to try to to power my fans but nothing worked until eventually I used water powered Mills and lava and these two Powers allowed me to activate my fans perfectly on day 54 I let all the zombies pile up so I can kill as many as possible to get so much xp but I was way too weak to even kill one baby zombie so I had to find a way to enchant my weapons to make it as strong as possible and the only way I could do that was with a soul enchanter so to start collecting Souls I need to put down this witch's plate in two stone hands and in the witch's split I need to put one bone meal and the stone hands have to both have Redstone and as soon as I light this on fire all the zombies that I collected will turn into Souls which will allow me to do many things mainly enchanting my armor and since my mob farm was so efficient I was getting over a hundred Souls per activation on day 56 I finally made a soul enchanter and I didn't realize how overpowered it actually was for each soul and ancient it costs one experience but if I wanted to upgrade the ancient even further it would only double the experience it would cost so if I had shot happiness one and I wanted sharpness too it only cost two experience I saw I spent all of day 56 fully maxing out all my armor and weapons so for the next nine days yes nine days I got really I got really addicted to killing zombies I tried to get as much experience as possible so I can enchant all of my armor completely we're talking about the regular man of steel armor maxed out even the Moonstone armor that I just got fully maxed out until I realized there's a little bit of a problem my mop Barn was a little too efficient to the point where the mobs were spawning outside of the mob farm I heard mobs deep down in the caves and when I went to go check I found like 70 zombies chasing me that I had to kill immediately and even when I came back to my base I looked at the glass roof and I found so many zombies so I had to make sure I took care of this problem as soon as possible on day 66 I thought it was the perfect time to go on an adventure but the only problem was I was still freezing to death every time I went outside while I was using the soul enchanter I found this really cool enchantment called warmth and what warmth does was allow me to become warmer even when I'm outside so I freeze less and the beauty of it is that with the soul enchanter I can max out my warmth to the point where even when I stand next to a furnace I'm overheating so from day 67 through 71 I spent that entire time killing mobs so that way I can get enough experience so I can max out the warmth on all of my armor and now that I maxed out the warmth enchantment all of my armor it was time to finally go outside I ended up walking across the snow for days only barely getting cold and I seem to be getting caught by these skeletons who keep bombarding me with arrows every time I see them and eventually I even came up across this house which looks very normal from the outside but as soon as I walked inside it was a silverfish trap and I almost died these silverfish come from what is going on thankfully I was able to jump out the window and make my Escape without actually dying are you erased right now bro after making my Escape I started running again for another day and eventually even came across a small little farm which hinted to me being in a actual Village which I have yet to see in all of my days in this hundred days after destroying all the Farms so I can get as much food as I can I started to look for as many villages as possible but students realized that there's nothing left and all the villagers have turned into zombies I even decided to check the village houses and yet there's still no sign of life so I took whatever I needed to take I decided to go back home so I can get even stronger because now I was even more determined to break the curse of this land and now that I'm finally back in my base it was time to find out a way to become even stronger and the way I figured to do that was to make a special item called the extendo grip now this item was very special because it allowed me to reach things that are 20 blocks in front of me so I can get into fights and basically have nothing to worry about because I had all the distance in the world but the only problem was this was one of the most complicated items I ever made in Minecraft history to make this item all these things together and even getting a mixer which required me to capture a blaze so I could actually power it so needless to say this was one of the most complicated things I've ever done in my life and it took me so long to get each and every step done but I'll try to make it as simple as possible so the first thing I decided to do was try to capture the blaze but thankfully I found a workaround by making a fell pumpkin and with this felt pumpkin I can try to make a blaze the same way you make an iron golem which would make my life a lot easier so all I would have to do is to craft the Blaze and capture in this cage so all you need to do to make the blazes to put two iron bars down as his body and put the fell pumpkin on top and in a hurry I put this blaze in a cage it was time to power the mixer and the whole reason for the blaze was to actually heat up a cauldron that will mix the metals together and all I have to do is to turn on the Blazers to pour a bucket of lava burning it to all hell and now that I got this all sorted out it was time to actually turn on the power for the mixer but there was a slight problem I am the worst person when it comes to any form of engineering for some reason I did not know how to hook up this water mill to this a mixer so I tried to look at the actual game tutorial but it made no sense so I just tried to figure out myself but of course uh it did of course it didn't work I am the worst person when it comes to this stuff so I had to retry it completely and managed to get it all working on the second try now that it finally started working I started to make a crap ton of brass which was made by mixing zinc and copper and I will say combining these two metals was one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in my life and I might have got a little out of hand combining multiple Stacks together which ended up taking about the whole day um please don't put me on my strange addictions I'm begging you so now that I had all these stacks of brass it was time to flatten all of them which took way longer than I expected but it was very important because it was one of the most crucial materials to make the extendo grip on day 83 it was time to do one of the final steps to make the extender grip so what I needed to have was three smashing machines to smash in materials into these golden sheets but I couldn't figure out how to make it work at all so I spent the entire day trying to figure out how to actually activate it but I got nowhere with that it was to the point where I actually looked at the in-game tutorial and it taught me nothing it was useless so for the next few days I tried to figure out how to make it work in any way possible and it ended up turning out like this but now that I actually ended up making it work it was time to actually power it which was not a simple task at all and after a few times of trial and error I ended up actually figuring it out and as soon as I turned it on it was a beautiful machine to look at and now that everything was working the way I hoped for it was time to actually start making the item for the extendo grip and the way to do that was by placing a gold sheet and having each of these Smashers Smash in different materials into it but for some reason I could not figure out why this was not working and ended up rage quitting it wasn't until I actually logged back on that I realized that I was accidentally using brass sheets like a complete idiot so yes I had a little bit of a dumb dumb moment as you can see by me throwing a million brushes just begging for this thing to work this game it sucks man it's this game is so bad I'm never doing this again after taking a little bit of break to calm my nerves I tried to use the machine again and I actually use the gold instead of the brass and as soon as I did that everything was working perfectly normal and now that I finally got that last item it was time to make the extend over which was the strongest item in the game to do that I would need to make this weird ass crafting table that I barely understood but after some trial and error bruh come on why is it important I was able to make some progress by making it giant because bigger is better like my man now that everything is working as planned it is time to claim this super strong item to become the strongest player in this blizzard oh after finally making the extender grip I didn't want to lose it at all so I decided to enchant it with Unbreaking three so I made sure that it doesn't break no matter what and I even decided to test it out a little bit by breaking my trees with extended range but the only problem was after I broke these trees even with Unbreaking three the durability on my extendo grip was halfway done so I spent the rest of day 92 and 93 just making a [ __ ] ton of extendo grip so that way I always had one now that I feel this power surging through my veins it was time to put myself to the test so I decided to go back to those insane structures that I found way earlier so I can take on every floor of those levels and each level gets harder and harder the deeper I go down so of course now that I have one of the strongest items in this entire mod pack I have to give myself one of the biggest challenges in this game as soon as I got in the first floor was already more difficult than I could ever imagine every mob that I came across was fully Enchanted but thankfully with my extender grip I did not need to get close to anybody so I was able to kill everything from very far away but as soon as I started to get down to the second floor things increased in difficulty dramatically I started seeing like 15 mobs right away it then began to panic trying to destroy the mob spawner so that no more mobs can come but I ended up getting attacked by all of these mobs at the same time so I have to try to protect myself as best as possible and thank God that I had enchanted golden apples because otherwise I think I would have died if it wasn't for those and these happen to be some of the strongest mobs I've ever faced in my life some of these mods taking almost 20 hits with my fully enchanted sword and not dying still but thankfully I was strong enough to overcome all of these mobs at once and now that it proved how strong it was it was time to finally go back since I've overtaken this entire dungeon and claimed it as mine now on these last few days I decided to make a little bit of a farm because I was starting to come really lonely so I just wanted a few companions around so that way this this Lively so all I needed to do was make a giant platform full of dirt and use a silk touch contentment so I can get one grass block and build these cocoons and what these cocoons hatch it can spawn any random friendly mob and just like that the small dirt path transformed into this and now that I was feeling a little bit more confident and having a little bit more friends around it was time to finally find and kill the creature that cursed this land and freeing everything in it so I heard from a little birdie that there is a final boss ready to be attacked within these coordinates okay so I just am I going the right way I'm going the right way now now will I be able to survive or will these hundred days be absolutely useless it's for the bosses oh my God this is like a whole like what is this a statue I I guess I have no choice but to go down what the hell is that is yeah throw the fireball yes okay did some damage now I just gotta keep on doing it until I run out of Mana yeah oh ice ball at me from all the way there oh oh calm down it's not that serious I don't want to get to his level at all look how big and scary he is what are you gonna do Mr Frost Ma you stupid Yeti he's gonna try to slow me down oh he did he slowed me down perfectly fine I need a golden apple I need a golden apple okay now what are you gonna do what are you gonna do yeah you're just gonna stand big and strong oh no don't you dare hit me yeah what are you gonna do about you I'm gonna let you burn to death that's how much I hate you how am I gonna oh no no no wait no he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me okay let's die die freeze to death loser wait did I get him and now that I got the final item after I killed the stupidity it was time to finally take over the world and kill everything cause now I control the snow this is this is the part where I turn evil
Channel: TbhHonest
Views: 1,158,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tbhhonest, tbh honest, tbh honest face reveal, tbhhonest face reveal, tbhdishhonest, tbh dishonest, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, tbhhonest minecraft, tbh honest minecraft, i survived 100 days in a frozen wasteland, i survived 100 days in minecraft, 100 days hardcore minecraft, 100 days in frozen minecraft, minecraft 100 days, hardcore minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore
Id: gRtyPIzGeow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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