I Survived 100 Days as SUPREME DEITY Rimuru In That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Minecraft Mod

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today I'm going to be surviving 100 days as rimaru Tempest and I'm gonna become a Supreme deity weather was known as a God in the hardcore and surama and I'm gonna have to defeat all the bosses mass and army so big that no one can defeat me become a Demon Lord and then even surpass that level of power and become a Supreme deity so this is my story of how I survived 100 days as Supreme deity Tempest being Reema you know what that allows me to have a humongous stomach so I can do things like this I do consume blocks and I can just eat them all up so instead of mining I can just absorb them since I have the Predator skill it's a big work around you because even though you know I have this I'm still very weak I will have to use this to grind and get as many tools as possible you guys don't understand these bosses in this they are crazy I have to get very very prepared and now I just found a village this is very good and one thing I can do is command a goblin army that is gonna be one of my first goals is to find a goblin Village go in name a bunch of goblins and give them big sets of armor swords and make them all powerful just like me I I I'm no no I I think I'm a little too weak for your dog I'm just gonna go over here and uh once I got down here I realized doing my consume blocks is like using silk touch so every time I do slash consume block it gives me well Stone so I still needed a pickaxe to mine them to get cobblestone so that I can advance my tools once more after all that Mining and exploring the village it was already turning night oh hold on I might be removed I might be becoming the Supreme deity but uh I ain't got any skills yet I ain't prepared you know what I can take I think you want I could take you on spider jockey it's okay I got you yeah let's let me suck you oh yeah let me let me get you in there yeah what's in here oh buddy okay villagers just giving me offerings out here for real for real day two I knew my goal here was to get some more iron try and get full iron armor and two well to more iron tools there we go oh yeah oh yeah normal mining YouTubers when they say I'm gonna do some mining off camera borrow these you know mine right so now it's day three I decided I wanted to get some magic I have no magic under my belt other than predator and you know Great Sage so I decided I want to get water manipulation from the show rimaru gets water manipulation as one of the very first things that starts shooting water blade so I knew that was what I wanted to do so I found myself a big water source and well I got in I typed slash consume water and I got the grind to get water manipulation there's three ways to do so one uses a greater water spirit won't be able to do that for a while who you know blundering and three consuming 6400 water source blocks I had been grinding already for a couple minutes and I only had 688 this is gonna take a couple days oh after three days of consuming water I finally finally unlocked water manipulation I got three skills with water manipulation so first we have water current control then we have hydraulic potion which that that one's really fun and then we have water blade so I'm gonna put waterblade as my second ability so boom there we go second skill water blade so what that lets me do is well send a water blade so now I could just I just destroy everything with this crazy ability so it's an infinite ability but it does very very low damage so you know what let's test it out on something really quickly so now I'm coming up on two test subjects I'm just going to hit them once so one water blade does three damage so as you can see it's not really that strong but with the ability to spam it it's pretty overpowered for the current situation yeah let's just destroy these two yep such a hassle oh now oh wait can I do I have the molecule Mount to name you yet you want to do slash name yes it worked I have named this orc orc Sama uh yeah why America rise version of but with having you know now a follower someone that can uh be under my wing I can go into their inventory give them things give them armor for so for example I give him a stone ax and that will allow him to use it and have higher damage but it's best to just put a sword here eventually when I go mining later I will then have the ability to get him some armor but then he'll be as strong as me well not as strong but as close as it gets here we go oh that was anti-climatic oh what time it is doom blocks time no no this can't be this can't be no oh my orc I'm going to I'm not gonna slide no that ain't gonna that ain't gonna go I'm just gonna yeah yeah water blade water blade water blade yeah what are you gonna do about it now huh we're gonna do about now you can't do nothing you know what I'll even come close combat for you you know I'll do it you know what I'll do it I'm ready let's do this boom you're gone no work Sam how could he you were my only friend you'll forever be missed after killing The Temper serpent I realized I gained some new skills once I went into my skill free I realized I unlocked noxious breath eat sense and I had poison resistance so this allowed me to get a step stronger I put noxious breath as one of my skills I was gonna put heat sense as a skill but I realized it's not as worth so I had a new skill so time to test out my new skill oh so now I can poison my enemies this is gonna be a great asset to me my subordinate took a big loss for me to get a big gain now it's time to sleep abortionate lost I will I you know what I'll build you a grave in my house I wasn't gonna let this slide losing my first friend I would I'm I'm dedicated now I'm dedicated now I'm going to become the Supreme deity I'm not even gonna go just for Demon Lord I'm gonna go a step further I'm gonna become the most powerful one no one will be able to withstand me I gotta I gotta pick this stuff up I I just I I can't you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna make a chest and I'm gonna put all this stuff in it to just remind me my dedication why I need to become the Supreme deity I went back to my mind and I found lava this would allow me to consume lava get a step closer to getting fire manipulation now of course this one all area was not enough get me what I needed but this one at least it was me a step closer oh ah hey some diamonds hey I'm not complaining oh yes let's go this is something I was looking for hey get on my way Cobblestone after coming on top of the lava source that I was just previously eating I realized it was much bigger than I thought I thought I only needed 640 blocks to consume who get fire manipulation so I decided I was gonna keep going I was gonna keep trying to consume as much as I could and I realized being one block leveled with the lava would give me such a higher chance to get way more and to not have a chance to die because with my water manipulation and with my being of slime it allows me to auto water myself like passively I don't do it the game does it for me or more of my skills do it for me so I can't catch on fire easily my only main concern is dealing with the Cobblestone that gets placed by the water therefore causing me to suffocate bring most of the whole Cave of lava izen at 640 blocks and I go to extra skills this shows I now have fire manipulation so when input fire manipulation uh and replace it with water blade so now I can shoot fire so now I can uh go in between the two skills when I want use to attack so I have fire I have water and now I have poison after a killing a creeper I unlock Black Lightning what is that you may ask it's another skill so if I go check my skills I can put Black Lightning where fire manipulation is and now I have the ability to shoot Black Lightning so now I had an even more powerful skill after getting a decent amount of minerals I went up back to my base and realized it was day 14 but it was all worth it I had a ton of magic ore I had gold I had copper I had iron and Lapis and even diamond oh what I need to do next was smell all my magic ore to allow me to get some magic kill ingots which I need to get magic still shards which I get from cooking yellow or any of the other magic oars but I needed a blast furnace I I realized that very quickly I ended up looking around the village to see if I can find a blast furnace oh there was none so I ended up having to craft one after smelting all of my oars I was finally able to start making the magic still you can get I'm gonna go for that ax the only reason is it deals high damage or it's level it is crazy strong I mean can attack him just more than a diamond sword and has see I have been increasing my magical amount for my Max magical mount by using my two new types of skills day 16 I decided I wanted to move I didn't want to be in this Village anymore so I went ahead and packed all my stuff up and went out for new land uh you again you know what I I ain't even gonna I gotta let's live this is for my Ally you've slain yeah how's it feel being powerless what you deserve oh another Village let's go I can ransack it I mean I can borrow things like it's time to set off to the water super speed there we go my match kill him out back uh oh now I'm able to go fight or maybe just see what uh this iron wants water propulsion oh oh wait wait no it's pulling me in it's pulling me in water propulsion pull me yes okay okay I can overpower it I can overpower I just don't wanna use too much magic kills that's the only problem with this all right uh Black Lightning Black Lightning all right venomous Venom my breath my stinky breath I mean I got great breath you know what we're going hand to hand yep oh here we go oh oh not again so on day 20 I found two things one was an otherworlder I kill him I get a soul I need over 10 000 souls to become a Demon Lord but I need the Demon Lord seed first because without it I need over a hundred thousand souls and then there was a portal over there that basically replaces the nether that is the underworld and I will be getting to that but now I just need to fight this other order to get me well a soul so let's let's just get into it yep Oh oh I almost one shot and let's just use the magic there and boom I got myself a soul turning night I end up going into the underworld it was many things I could collect in this area most importantly I could get some blaze rods allowing me to make some crazy healing potions for my humming boss fight get this you wait they gave me new new skills I was not expecting that so now I have combustion it's a fire and then I got molecular manipulation I got Black Thunder what day 25 and I needed to get myself some companions I had two boss fights coming up that I really had to do I don't think I would have been able to do it alone so I searched for some companions two fights that I'm about to have to do are first I have to fight she's away and then I gotta fight E3 and not long after having that little speech to myself I realized there was a village not even but a minute away so I ran around to be a nice place to set up camp since well I had no place to go but stumbling around and exploring enough made me find this section of the village not knowing what it was I went and checked it was a goblin Village it was perfect so after entering the village I killed about four villagers getting me six souls and I found five goblins that I have now had under my control that are now my companions who fight with I've distributed them food so they could heal they had Stone swords but I wanted to upgrade their armor so I was planning on mining I also made one named Timmy because it looks exactly like Fusion Timmy like yo look at this side by side yeah oh in 10 days so now we're on Day 36 I got over two stacks of iron 18 diamonds 21 gold bunch of redstone I I was stacked I had magic ore I did a lot of grind so I went and started smelting for the fight and with all this gear I was really ready to fight but I also had some backup plan what is this grass right here I can make uh grades of basically instant Health pots from the mod and from the show where I can make the highest percentage easily with this because I am reimura so that is exactly what I did I went ahead and made a brewing stand and I did that now with having all of my goblins kitted out with a katana a shield and iron armor along with one with their own Goblin bat which does insane damage almost as close to Katana I just want to let him you know let him use his own thing so now my Army is like completely ready so there's one last thing I need to do I want to go get the paralysis skill so then when I do this fight it'll allow me to stun the enemy so I have a higher chance of winning is this a Village I see looks like it's time for some souls and to kill whatever you are oh a dragon okay okay I gotta be very careful this can be a very intense fight very quickly I was not expecting a dragon to be here I was not expecting a dragon to be near but let's go and do this get some Souls up there we go game one does a witch with him okay oh no it's here attacking I I have to fight back it's the only way to win this I I can't let it just attack me like this oh my gosh it's freezing me I can't move oh it is a strong opponent this is probably the strongest we have fault all right I'm gonna have to go around wait wait if it's getting close enough yes there we go yes but it does do a lot of damage to it it's just it slows me so much that it's gonna make it a hard fight all right keep hitting you I'm out of magicals no all right I can still use my my water slicing ah utter blade oh no I'm getting stuck there we go okay I gotta get out of this area all this is gonna get me he's just holding above me I got him halved I got him hacked he's done nothing to me he's just hurting my armor a lot all right I might have to dig down that might be my best shot nope that's not helping that's not helping oh no I thought this was a good idea this is not a good idea okay okay wait wait wait I got a plan I got a plan I can dig out into an area like this and I can escape all right so wait did you go there he is oh all right water blade I will not let something like this take me down not weak but it's not strong enough I have something stronger to fight I have a greater and I have the strongest Fire Spirit to fight I think you can take me out yeah oh there it is the exact thing that I needed I needed to find the evil centipede has the ability to paralyze the enemy so if I can get and uh still his skill by beating him then I'll finally be ready for the first fight all right let's use Black Lightning let's throw some water blades keep a distance keep distance I cannot let the process breath hit me or it will be detrimental to me strike again all right yes here we go oh it's gonna be stuck no I don't know if I can hit him there we go I got hit let's go again there we go I now have paralyzing breath this skill alone shall give me a higher chance to win this next fight so I'm going to replace waterblade with paralyzing breath nope with it be day 39 and with having paralyzing breath having black lightning and water blade and my minion Army time to set off and find the first boss with grabbing three of my Goblin minions I decided it's time to fight she's away then I could fight E3 and then I would finally be through the first boss in the first stage so I'm I'm absolutely terrified I might have five golden apples 13 98 healing potion and a lot of food but I'm gonna be honest I have no idea how strong these bosses are I got my I got my abilities ready I'm just gonna go into it let's go oh I almost one shot her oh my They're All Dead oh no no no Goblin King just stay away I don't want you dying too you know what I can't take this you're immune to Black Lightning okay okay I need to reassess no Goblin King three of my companions down in one attack I gotta reassess okay okay I'm gonna get water blade and switch up Black Lightning there we go okay now I might have a chance where you at there you are let's see how much does this do wait I'm missing I'm missing it keeps moving too much and this even hit him no respawning things all right it's time get up close there we go yes it's hitting him okay so that does damage along with melee that's good to know it's good to know he's using salamanders he's just attacking me with them all right by going for the melee I have the highest chance oh my gosh he just constantly has fire on me because he's to see the Fire Spirit he's just able to constantly flame everything I can keep spamming waterblade and pushing him back it does all it only deals like one damage it might be low but it's something cause he keeps staying so high up in the air I can't get any melee on him oh wait yes he's getting close all right I get some big hits on him big hits oh I'm demolishing with full diamond armor yes no enchantments this is going well this is going well you want to keep going bro no it's over I'm I'm gonna become a demon king and I'm going to become the Supreme deity and nothing stopped me not not one little itty bitty Spirit yeah yeah I called you that you know what when I get him close I'm gonna try there's a second nah nah I'm good I'm good one's enough one's enough I'll stop the talk now I'll stop the talk no I'm good paralyze your breath no it doesn't do anything to him all right I'm just gonna keep spamming my waterblade and constantly try and force him in so I get a close fight because right now ranged he has the advantage wait she's always actually trying to fight oh my gosh that's hilarious look at that look yes do it for me do it for me even yes you know what I'll join in I'll join in we can do the damage together this is oddly working together let's go let's go that was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be um do I have to fight you too I'm just gonna back away and act like um you were never here so with defending effort and she's away I got multiple things first of all I got the anti-demon mask which I will probably be wearing for most of this time it's way stronger than Diamond anyway so definitely gonna have that so I'm gonna have that on I also have gained a lot of skills I have now ranged barrier magic so I I got some barrier magic which is really good I think I got fire breath too so I've gotten two new things from beating Ifrit so now I'm even stronger this is getting me even closer we may have lost most of the village but we still have two of our goblins and most importantly we have and me the goblin after waking up that day I realized something crucial I had a match boost and that my EP which is basically like my power level is insanely high from where I started so I have become a long way but I still had giant leap to go my magic kills were not close to high enough I needed to get I need to get a ton I I'm gonna become a Supreme deity I need to up my stats tenfold 100 fold even and I did not have enough souls to become a Demon Lord for the next step even getting close to being a supreme deity so I knew I had a lot of work to do so I got to it aim and I'm gonna name you Anga there we go I now have my direwolf Rhonda this is going to allow me to go across the world I can ride on his back and use them as a traveling so now I was one step closer to getting to my title of supreme deity I needed to go find the king orc disaster so I was able to get the Demon Lord seed also allowing me to get gluttony which is an overpowered ability so I set off on ranga I went to find him after about a few days I realized something that I didn't get a lot of the skills that's supposed to get from the she's away boss and the E freak fight so I decided to beat the other one and I got some crazy things I end up getting hell burnt resistance I also got a plethora of new skill so I had black flame so I could now put black flame in my skill list and this is what it does does crazy damage just like Black Lightning but it's the flame breath so not only having that I also gained degenerate which is another great ability to have on my side the degenerate skill allows me to combine two Enchanted items and go past the vanilla limit it also lets me fuse with E3 and someone else someone bigger someone that can fly someone you guys may know what are you all right you know what time to show off my new crazy black flame yep all amount of magicals huh well I got an ax is now day 60. I had gained a lot of magicals I gained a lot of souls I have done some grinding there but I found the orc disaster I was finally able to fight the next boss so I went around searching for him now that I've seen his health bar knowing it was very very close I just found him but then this centipede had to attack me all right all right all right now I got you out of the way there he is the orc disaster he is spawning in so many Orcs even Orcs with armor oh okay this is gonna be a rough one it did not bring any of my army with me but it's okay because I am reameroo and I will become the Supreme deity more the other magic kills wait this isn't the word disaster oh no oh no I was wrong it's a lot bigger than I thought what do you mean by that oh no that triggered the fight already well I got one to work I got my match kills up it's time to go in it's now or never oh he's hitting like a truck already all right I'm gonna need to use ranged attacks there we go is that doing nothing to him all right all right so Black Lightning not a usable thing black flame works oh black flame works really well all right I need to try no my subordinate it's okay it's okay he wasn't gonna be much of an asset let's let's be honest all right all right I'm gonna go in for another strike I got to all right like flame he's healing oh my gosh heels he gets like a truck all right I'm gonna have to play this a lot oh a lot more careful all right all right so melee is really really good I gotta find some better magic to use against him oh God he's got a whole army with him too and then all these mobs all around this is not good for me I gotta just keep going in he's already broke through my shield it's already gone oh he one shot my shield basically wow all right I guess we're just gonna have to start using the big guns we're gonna go golden apple we're gonna start black flaming spam it a little get it to do some damage all right all right keep going in I gotta get some hits in because there's no way to win this without melee oh almost half my heart in one foul swoopy all right you know what I gotta go for them too you black Flame the black flame is one of the best abilities I can already tell I'm so happy I got this if I didn't get this before this fight I don't know what I would have done all right if I get some distance I'm gonna go get some more skills I'm gonna switch them out since Black Lightning it does nothing to him like watch nothing what it might even heal him oh okay okay I gotta get way more distance there's so many mobs my Armor's almost my Armor's almost about to break I I have to play this very very careful all right I got I went for the OG water blade since they used no magic kills it doesn't do anything to him all right we're gonna have to just go in there's no other way to win this fight other than to just push oh he's got me low all right healing oh that was really close I I I was not expecting this to be so many levels above E3 I I won't even lie to you I I expected something more tame more calm this guy is crazy I'm just gonna have to spam him keep going if I can get him half I think it's way more manageable all right Golden Apple time I got him really close to half I keep range attacking him with my black flame does waterblade really do nothing well at least I can use it on the small mobs keep them away back flame all right we got him a half we got him a half we're making good progress we're making good progress after not it's still it's something going to half was my first goal no he's breaking through my armor already I have oh this is many levels above my expectations we're gonna have to keep going let's go spam black flame I can't let him heal oh he's hitting like an absolute truck way harder than in any truck [ __ ] oh my gosh he's so strong he's healing already alright maybe if I tactically keep just black flaming don't go in for any more melee as long as my magic kills can hold up I think I'm good this is working this is definitely working he seems to seems to be distracted so as long as I can keep holding him here black flaming and eating I should be okay oh no my magic kills is out all right I can keep him to a distance let my magicals run back up and then I'll strike again can't let him heal too much all right we're looking good we're looking good black flame oh no I miss all right there we go got another hit you can't heal now it seems the best way to deal with the orc disaster is to either have very overpowered armor or you have the ability just fight range oh he's breaking blocks oh he is he's getting himself into a hole this is bad because if he puts me in there I have very little chance of Escape like blame you're my only chance oh you're kidding me oh gosh keep going ax he's distracted keep going oh no he's running I got him on the run this is good I have a chance now put them on the Run they can't go straight through he just healed a ton he can't go straight he's going through my armor now all right all right I got him on the Run gold apple and I should be good this should be my final push I think I have this in the bag now he keeps healing so much he's eating other mobs I'm so happy I brought a second set of diamond armor okay I got him low again but I have to be careful he gets overly aggressive at the end apparently he has multiple phases and this is showing how strong a boss he is all right keeping range no I can't let him hit me he's almost destroyed my mask I barely had enough diamonds to even have a second set of diamond armor I I can't deal with this fight again he is way too strong I definitely did not train enough here we go yes let's go we did it the living disaster defeat the orc disaster starved hunger is a disaster Demon Lord seed I have the Demon Lord seed and I have gluttony now so I can go here and I can look around in my skills I see I'm I'm unlocking a lot I'm getting far I'm getting very far luckily this yes gluttony and starved you want to go now I I am so much stronger than the last dragon of fall you can't even do anything black Flame Black flame you know what I'll keep going I don't care I'm too strong for you you can't do anything to me you're so weak pathetic pathetic for the next nine days all I did was find villagers and kill them to get their souls to get myself one step closer to become a Demon Lord I needed over ten thousand because I had the Demon Lord seed and it made it a lot more possible because without it I would have needed over a hundred thousand Souls now I only needed ten thousand another thing I could kill and did find was other waters they would fight me all the time and I would beat them and get some more souls but overall Villages were the easiest just because you can find them in a mass and well they just don't fight back you know what villager Black Lightning time oh yeah wait what wait if I use a Black Lightning on a villager it makes them a witch what do witches give me Souls yes they do so Black Lightning is still effective okay so I can use witches too I did not know that I'm guessing pillages work too since if witches do okay well good to know information over the next five days I ended up making a Pillager farm so it would make getting my my soul is a lot easier I already had 562 but I needed way more so I made this Pillager farm so now I could easily Farm them getting them all killed at a time just one foul swoop giving me tons just in that one go over in souls and one attack so this will not only allow me to game magic kills but it allowed me to gain a lot of souls so I'm able to farm up to become a Demon Lord a lot faster so then I can fight the next boss 7454 now along with my magical limit has increased a lot I think it's hit a cap now if I'm not mistaken uh until I hit Demon Lord all right I think this is it I'm gonna have enough souls to become a Demon Lord here we go one foul swoop oh my game's lagging there goes it's happening it's happening now I have over ten thousand Souls I'm able to become a Demon Lord now there's only one thing left to do Evolution demon here it is I'm changing I'm getting stronger whoa whoa I screed I can't see anything this is crazy holy crap my ears this is CR what you're kidding me in this generation regeneration wait one two I have three million magic heals my power level my EP holy crap my soul's reset my generation my regeneration went from self regeneration to ultra speed to endless oh oh my gosh this is insane look at my hearts right now I'm like 10 times stronger now this was definitely worth it all the way to day 90. I've been grinding this for a while honestly I I it's probably been a little bit further than day 90. but with all this grinding I I lost I lost track um so let's just agree day 90. probably like day 130 but it's okay because now I got two more bosses to do and then I got to get even stronger to become Supreme deity rimaru after a few days I got myself at eBay's an active core with this I could fight him I could finally go to the next step and then I would only be one boss away from finally beating this and then being able to achieve Supreme deity or godhood but even with my insane amount of magicals and with the ability to have so many hearts which they are compact right now that's why it looks like I'm a normal line they are compact letting you guys know so you don't think that they're just vanished gone but obviously I'm not gonna do it near my Village or or My Goblin you know Camp I do not want to lose all this but I came back for one simple reason I needed better armor with all the armor Source skills that I had I made some armasaurus armor and I ended up enchanting my weapon and my armor after realizing the armor Source armor was not gonna cut it I ended up making a whole set of heart leather now I went ahead and Enchanted it all but I did not get that good of enchants but it's way better than nothing along with most these having Unbreaking so it will hold a lot longer now my chest piece is the only thing I'm scared of but I will go with it if I have to make another I will along with I realized I had she's away sword I did not know that it dropped it on my second fight and it had the ability to be enchanted and get Unbreaking 3 sharpness 4 and knock back two uh the ax got very bad you know in chance but luckily it's still hadn't breaking three so it was able to withstand a lot longer knowing how much it has already broken so now I had a way better sword along with high attack speed I had full armor that was enchanted and I even Decked Out Timmy so he now has full diamond armor and a enchanted Katana so now it was time I needed to find an area to fight the next boss so on the way here I ended up fighting some other worlders giving me a lot of new skills so if I go to my unique skills you guys will see I have Berserker so I'm gonna switch out Black Lightning for burger for now also going to show you guys that in this tab I now have healer I have spearhead I already had great sage and I had analysts but now I got another skill right here belligerent so with all these extra abilities it will make this fight even easier for me and more possible daily so with all my abilities I decided I was going to go ahead and put this core near a villager well I kind of did something dumb I accidentally used gluttony and ate my first core so it gave me the ability to fly so now I have gravity manipulation so I cannot fly so that was not what I meant to do I meant to put this down near a villager and let it blow up so it will spawn in the next boss let's get away oh there we go it took a second but I got it to explode finally and now it is in this villager so when I now kill this villager it will release the next boss let's use she's away sword and let's slay the Villager Magic there we go here it is the next boss oh my gosh it's doing a lot now it oh it's spawning in it's minions I can use gluttony yes I can just eat its minions oh gluttony is so overpowered with this Berserker skill I'm getting so much speed along with some strength and on top of that I have endless regeneration with my armor I I'm I'm unbeatable I'm already a Demon Lord not long and I'm gonna become the Supreme deity you can't do anything I'm already able to fly you have nothing on me I even have an in I even have an iron golem helping me oh y'all think I can do anything all right you know what let's do some attacks you know and then gluttony yep just like that I just defeated your whole Army you know what let's let's do some black flame to you how do you feel about that yep you know I have so much magicals that I could just Spam it what will you do I am spamming it so many times that's what I thought you're weak you can't do anything to me oh we're doing an air battle huh all right you know what there's some gluttony assume them yes all right going in get some strikes in bet you've never seen a flying slime before oh okay okay wait we got more minions all right gluttony there we go consuming the more keep attacking man I love having it over over 7 million magic kills this is way easier than it was earlier on the orc disaster all right keep consuming it's it's underlings all right black flame all right this berserker's giving me a lot more damage on him along with this sword but he he is very tanky he's very unable to hit me oh we know he's been he's hitting me okay so he he's been able to hit me even with my flying it's just I'm just I'm regenerating too fast like he can't even do enough it's over a thousand hearts and I am just decimating it doing over 30 a hit now let's keep spamming on him let's just let's go all out sword and black flame let's go I won't let you beat me oh I I'm gonna get I'm just I'm already too strong like bro you can't defeat it anymore let's be honest oh oh I'm on fire well I have fire resistance can't do nothing to that boom I've defeated the ruler of the skies and also oh what did he just drop oh I get some scales of him and some I get his meat bro wait pause no I get to I get to have his meat and I get his scales so I'm guessing I can make some dope armor with this but I've almost destroyed my chestplate already from you know it having Thorns so that was a very bad in chat so I might honestly see what I can make with this oh I can make dragon Knuckles that's cool all right so it's a weapon can't make armor out of it so I gotta be very careful with my armor now I'll just have to hold a backup chest plate inventory at all times because now it's time to fight the next boss but before I do that I think I'm gonna go ahead and get myself up a little bit further in magicals and I'm gonna go and go over 10 million so that I'm a full blooded Demon Lord and then I can fight the last boss well it is day 99 and I've done it I've become insanely strong my power level is glitching I'm a demon slime my Max magic kills are glitching I have so much magic the game can't even process it I think fair enough to say I've become Supreme deity but there's this isn't it I had to fight one more boss the strongest boss in this game but I don't even think they could do anything they might be able to hit my my hearts a little bit but what is that gonna do when I am a supreme deity so it's time so my absolute full power and to fight the last boss so here is the last boss even though I am all-powerful I'm a Demon Lord I have insane amount of magicals I even got myself even more skills I went through killed some more otherworlders got traveler where I can teleport I now have a couple of these new abilities I even have perceiver but even with all this power she can still hit me seven times and kill me so I'm gonna go back to my house grab one last thing that will give me a chance to win this fight yup that's right totems Odoms were the only way so now I can finally start this fight I can study the target allowing this to be a lot easier for me my perceiver ability but now here we go oh I hit like a truck oh she hits like a truck all right I gotta I gotta keep my distance she is fast she gets very fast I can't use my skill I can't use black flame all right Berserker activated so I can't use magic near her because of the fact she has an anti-magic barrier oh oh what what is this what is that what I I have totems anymore she even started spawning in ephraid this this is insane Odoms don't work nothing I can all my abilities are not working I have to come up with a new strategy even though I'm basically as close as I could get to Supreme deity without gaining every single skill and without wasting any more time I have to do one last thing there's only one more way I know how to beat her what I ended up doing spending days and days studying her I sat there studying just so I would Dodge her attacks I spent over 30 days studying her I know I said I would only last a hundred but can you blame me do you see how powerful she is I can't even hit her she's just taking all the damage I I have an idea I have an idea all right let me get some wood really quickly this is going to Old OG Minecraft oh my computer my computer isn't liking this oh she actually hit me even with all of the studying I did with all of it it still wasn't enough all right I'm gonna I'm gonna bring her out I'm gonna bring her out more all right this this should work okay wait wait okay get in there yes okay I got her in wait I'm not doing any damage oh she got out what I got I gotta take this even more serious like this is getting crazy I'm going Berserker I can't do any damage maybe it's the weapon maybe it's the weapon let me let me try switching no it does nothing no what ow how am I supposed to do this it's so powerful there we go okay wait I'm getting damage in randomly yes I think I went through her defenses oh she's got him back up again no yes okay if I just tank here and keep hitting here it seems to gets through her eventually she just has so much of a barrier it's so hard look at how many Dodges I'm oh I'm dodging so many I I'm getting hit too though she's going right through I don't I don't even know how many attacks it's been she has attacked me so many times I have to get up I have to get so many hits in this is the only way I don't even know how many times I've been hit I could die at any second now she hit me again I I don't have much I I know I don't have much left please I have to get her there's no other way it's now or never even with Berserker this is doing nothing come on yes yes no let's do yes okay it's almost there no she's defend again yes one one shot she's one shot she's literally one shot there we go even though she went through all of my totems my insane amount of magic kills my insane regeneration my insane amount of Health even even through all that I had no way to defeat her had to study her studying her was the only way dodging every attack she sent to me was the only way I either I've become the strongest being I have went past Demon Lord I am now the Supreme Being I am supreme deity if you guys do like this video make sure to hit that like button subscribe put post notifications on if you guys want to see more videos like this if you guys do want me to do a thousand days so I can more accurately go through and show you guys me getting to this level honestly I want to go further than this if I do a thousand days because with a thousand days I'm gonna go through the spirits more I'm gonna do more grinding I'm gonna get way more souls and I'm even gonna get a higher magical and EP amount even though you see it's glitching I know I can go further than even this but that's that's literally all the way up you know time for I I went past 100 days for this video just for you guys so please drop a like it really does support the channel and if you guys do want to see more and or have some suggestions put it down in the comments section but yeah that was 100 days as Supreme deity remember I mean what else do you always say give me Fusion bacon running off I'm Really Gonna Miss This World I put way too much time into this I got all these totem bro I put way too much time and now I gotta delete bro I'm studying you bro I am too powerful you can't do anything bro why you even attacking me [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: FuzionBacon
Views: 584,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft anime, minecraft, minecraft 100 days as rimuru, minecraft anime, minecraft anime mods, minecraft anime mod, i survived 100 days minecraft, i survived 100 days, anime minecraft, anime minecraft mods, supreme deity rimuru minecraft, rimuru tempest, rimuru 100 days, rimuru minecraft mod, rimuru minecraft, tensura mod minecraft, minecraft tensura mod, slime mod mc, 100 days, that time i got reincarnated as a slime
Id: DAVqLgo0rJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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