I Survived 100 Days as a DOG in Minecraft

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today i am spending 100 days as a dog in minecraft and behind me are two dog catchers using my powers as a dog i have to avoid getting caught in the dog catcher's net for a full hundred days now luckily dogs are naturally faster than people but that will not be enough to avoid these dog catchers i am going to have to learn how to become the uber dog if i'm going to withstand a chance at surviving so without further ado let the dog hunt begin so as you can see i'm a doll and i am on the starting platform those are the two hunters with their nets if they catch me with those nets i am doomed but luckily i got speed two so i only start with six hp but we're gonna go ahead the second i leave this platform they know the game begins here we're ready and i'm going there we go i made it into this get over this block i don't think they realized i left yet here we go climb up here there we go we're good go go so my goal is to avoid them for a hundred days now they have the ability to ask for my coordinates once a day that way they can keep track of me we had compass trackers but they were apparently broken so i'm gonna make my way down here real quick oh i almost i could have died i only have six hp so i'm gonna be really careful here i seem to have lost them already that's good news so let's quickly check out this village oh hold on oh we can teleport between the villagers with that if we find another village that'll help a lot for getting around quickly especially if i can get a village that they don't have then it would be safe to stay in villages i don't see them here yet take a bed just to be safe oh i think they see me i see them over there i saw them over there i'm gonna break this really fast yeah they're coming they're coming they're coming oh god i saw them in the distance i don't know if they see me they probably do it's probably why they're coming over here where are they where'd they go i lost them oh no no they're coming i see them over there they're way out there they must not have seen me in the village okay well i'm gonna take what i got and get out of here we only have six hearts so i don't wanna risk anything because they don't even have to kill me all they have to do is hit me with the nets they had in their hand and i'm captured so i really got to avoid getting caught at any cost so we're back oh i almost fell we're gonna bail this way oh my goodness okay so let's just go this way we got another teleport stone over here actually okay this looks like it was supposed to be a village and like it just didn't generate hold on we're back to the other village are they here we go the other right there watch this i'm going to toy with them we're going to toy with them ready here we ready you found stan okay with the phone yeah wait what he just he just teleported away with the wasteland that's what that was he teleported with the waystone rung the bell taught to me and ran away wow yeah okay buddy keep running we'll we'll get you okay and we're gone just like that we are out of here hello raccoon okay so let's go find a place where we can start doing some of the basics like getting tools together getting iron getting supplies and whatnot because i have a crazy plan to survive these hundred days so if you watched our past video where we played a game like this you'll know we played hundred days as a snail and in that video i went and got elytra so that i would have a better chance of capturing unicorn as a snail now this time i'm going to do the exact same thing in reverse to avoid them i need to get a lytra so i can just constantly fly to avoid them apparently the trees can crush you noted i just almost got crushed by that tree oh we got a structure up ahead okay there's three barrels but they don't really contain anything oh god they're following me they see me they see me they see me to see me i see a structure over there there's some sheep how are they still on me they don't even have tracking compasses okay they're checking out that structure that gives me a chance here let me quickly make a boat boat okay as you can see we're already level four which is good which means we can actually level up our dog stats already so i'll show you what i mean by that in just a moment here we're gonna go over this way let's go into this planks we might be able to find another village here and teleport back to the old one that would definitely throw them for a loop i think okay let's go into our inventory real quick what is that is that a village oh hey hey yeah it's a village here we go now we're talking okay now we got a bunch of hay oh my god a chance cube do i risk a chance cube i don't know if i risked that because those can kill you i believe they can also drop incredibly rare stuff i don't know if i want to do that though okay it's now night hello how are you are you guys dancing they're dancing that's cute okay anyway it's night time now so i'm gonna avoid dying by going in here and i'm gonna go ahead and open my inventory and click this button up here it's gonna bring up my stat menu now you'll see i'm already level 12 and i have nine skill points i can upgrade so we can actually start upgrading stuff like our hp our strength our dexterity our intelligence and our luckiness this is how we upgrade our dog abilities over time and eventually once we have a lot more skill points we're gonna be able to craft ourselves into the uber wolf but that's gonna be way later for now we just need to focus on the skill points which i think the first thing i should be doing is raising my hp i want to get to at least 10 heart then on top of that i don't really think i care no i probably do care about strength with dexterity increase my speed yeah it does increase my movement speed okay then i'm increasing that by a lot for now because that should give me a massive speed boost yeah i'm really fast and then these raccoons are just dancing towards me do you want oh you want my bread there you go there you go oh that's so cute okay so we we got a few ideas so far one build yeah try and get a minute uh two get a car yeah get a car not really sure how we're gonna pull that one off but we'll figure it out definitely gonna need uh some iron for it so let's try to get ourselves some iron that was extraordinarily fast okay now we're going to go ahead and we're going to make ourselves the armor there we go we get the chest plate boom pull iron now we're going to go ahead and make a shield and i always need an iron sword and an iron pickaxe okay cool with that i think we're in a good spot start making our way deeper into this cave to see what we can find whether it be diamonds or whatever that would be the goal in the early days just to get some basic upgraded gear so they cannot fight me now fighting isn't that useful to me let's be real their objective is not to kill me it is to capture me with their nets it's not as easy as just having good armor so they can't kill me because that's not really gonna help me oh my god what is that okay so let's go back up here we're doing pretty good we have decent armor but i think we can take our risk with our chance cube this could be our death here could also be our life we're about to find out here we go oh it spawned a book up there what did it spawn let's build up to it i got it what is it did you know okay it was just a book with information about the mod that could have ended terribly and it ended up not being worth it but that's fine go back across our bridge let's make our way back to the service where's this chance cube i've got an inventory i'm just i think we should place it a little far away from the village just in case you know we don't want to destroy them it's like do it over here it's dumb dungeon yeah it's blow the dumb dungeon i placed it okay wish me luck it's not gonna spawn like a foster oh my god get out of here let's get out of here why would you say that why would you say that and we are out now is it night time or day time a quick look around i don't see them here so that's good battle towers dude that gave me a literal heart attack no same here honestly i cannot believe zach just said it's not gonna spawn a boss is it and then it's one of us we're doing good i like where we are we just need to find a little bit better stuff maybe another village or so we should be getting going because i'm really spending these first 10 days grinding out as much good gear as i can the goal would be to get full iron and all that jazz but if i could get a little diamond in there as well that would be really cool not that it makes a big difference but it can be the difference between like me surviving a fall as an example or something like that so we're in a mushroom forest these don't tend to have anything so let's go this way oh here we go we got a tower here okay it looks like this is the entrance here okay we got an enderman i'm gonna ignore him okay unicorn just died hell yeah oh my god i'm so dead okay let's go down here you're not gonna bug me i don't really have to worry about them in fact they work tomorrow as guards for me at this point i don't have to worry about mob now modded mobs i think will still murder me but grab the gold we got another chance cube oh i bet you that's how they're dying because they have infinite lies they can just open chance cubes i don't like that don't like that oh is that just for the door i'm freaking out thinking it's a booby trap oh minecart with tnt that could come in handy in fact i can think of several ways that could come in handy this is going really well mobs not attacking me is the best thing because they got to deal with them and i don't let's go even lower i think we're going to get better loot the lower we go this gets deep oh my god it gets even lower oh yeah and everything's getting stronger too wait wait brief invulnerability when jumping or dodging what hold on powerful pushback and leeches helps health from mobs it does it 12 attack damage oh my god this stuff is p and i can go lower oh my god it turns red there's so dude we already got diamonds baby let's go we got a diamond pickaxe too wanna be very very careful here they have diamond armor on apparently please tell me you don't attack me nope they don't uh i'm gonna go with this one because i know what it does on breaking three this is the same thing but better than what we had bef of this one the sword is way better than my sword we'll swap that out oh my goodness we are so op right now we are getting loot for days there's a god apple so i think that's it i think that's pretty much the end yeah that's the end of our looting exhibition that was awesome and boom we're back at the service look at that we just got such good loot look at that we have half diamond half uh iron oh this is incredible what what an incredible change of fate i think i'm just gonna focus on getting as much xp as i can to level up as much as i can i think that's really gonna be my play here okay now let's do some upgrading we have six we can throw into stuff so let's throw four into strength two in the constitution until we can get to the full 20 hearts we're always going to put a little bit in the constitution so we want to get back to a normal minecraft heart base because obviously that's what i'm used to playing at and fall damage and stuff could be different if it is reduced especially because if i ever want to do anything crazy like any sort of hay bale jumps hence why i have hay bales you know like i i got to be very weary of that so just getting my health up is gonna be really really important and maybe getting feather falling would also help with that so we'll keep looking around for now though and see what we can find okay these plants give a boatload of xp i just may have discovered something these plants drop a lot how many levels did i just gain i got two more points let's see we can get our constitution to 20 right now just using these blue flowers look how much xp's around me look at this look at all this xp is that an alligator yes yes it is either way that was a boatload of xp how many levels do we have now two more okay we're at 17 hp hold up now there's still some blue flowers over here but i see a big field of pink and blue flowers over this way we're gonna go check those out here we go do you drop xp oh my god you do yes i heard an alligator oh yeah he's in the plants he's in the plants careful he'll kill me i think check my levels we got two more we are almost at full hp hold up we got to get this but we're almost back at full hp that's good news we just need to get a little bit more xp and i'm looking for more of those water plants because those water plants give xp so fast so let's see if we can find more of that after maxing out my hp i then went ahead and continued adventuring through different dungeons and getting whatever loot i could and i found a ton of cool loot anyway i still haven't run into the dog hunters but i have a funny feeling they are getting really close okay so we are doing phenomenally they haven't found me yet i still haven't seen them okay yep no no one's asked for cords yet we're good looking around i want to get out of these foresty areas best i can i'm not worried about those those are just the underground villages there's a bunch of xp actually right here these are xp farms like look at that you should get so much xp oh wait regular grass does do it oh wait does bamboo do it oh my god i can break them all individually for xp how much xp do i have that's got to get me level right two they give me two full levels let's throw them both into dexterity it just makes us even faster now we still got to do a bunch of leveling up but we still got to make our way to the nether and we still got to get that build another portal and start doing some like nether exploration and stuff i'm doing good on food cover me with diamonds what is that so they have some diamond armor now 100 i see a horse over here let's go with you you look good there we go so that way we can outrun them if they're on foot there we go best friends forever pop that on them pop the armor on them there we go how fast are you oh you're pretty quick actually oh yay oh they just quoted me they just quoted me they quoted me they get a 505 66 negative 1500. i don't know if i'm gonna keep this horse the entire game i'll probably get rid of it when i start going into the nether okay it's turning night now now they're probably going to those coordinates that were over that way we could honestly probably spy on them hold up here we go so we can sit up here and i don't think they'll see us they might they might see us but i don't think they will oh oh i see them coming oh i see them coming unicorn had something in his hands yeah on his head that's an atv they have an atv yeah he's getting on that hill so let's get over here get over here get over here oh my god he's right up there does he see me no he doesn't know he doesn't oh this is terrifying look at him did i pop up did he see me they don't see me what no way i just got away with that no way i just got away with that what that is baloney there's no way they didn't see me right ew i'm not seeing them i don't see neither maybe it's just a fluke i'm so nervous oh yeah you see me now huh oh yeah they're coming we're going oh that's him gone is he coming after me on the atv yo he's gone in a sec where are they at oh oh yeah they're riding the atv i think their atv slower than me though their atv can't jump yes what is the power of the sun receive a great and noble blessing from the sun bird hold the phone what is the sunbird's blessing oh i think i ditched them yeah i see them i see all the spiders on them see if i can juke him here oh god think i ditched them they don't see me they don't see me yes and there's zach yes they don't see me they walked right by yes okay we juked them okay let's go this way don't want to see me hold up hold up i want to try something if i could i pull like a dream manhunt move and like trick them down this mountain maybe hold up that could be a good trap for them let's find them out and let's set that up let's see if we can we need to hire a mountain though when they call chords again on the next day which is gonna be in a few seconds here hey so i could be quick about finding this oh yeah here we go we just gotta find a good cliff oh give me chords yeah that's what i was waiting for yeah this is the spot to jump right here five one one one negative thirteen twenty let's quickly build this way okay get up here come here don't you dare they're gonna be on their way soon so i'm gonna put my horse here so they can't ride their atv across do any of them come for me they can't see what's in my hand so they have no idea what i have on me i feel bad for the horse i'm just gonna be ditching the horse here but i think that should be fine oh he's coming he's coming oh are they coming oh he's thinking his atv fell he lost it here we go ready oh i gotta hit this ready going yes we hit it break it losers okay they didn't jump we didn't get him to jump see if we can regroup to get my uh my horse back we're gonna pretend we're running this way they've definitely lost sight of me at this point okay well we survived i didn't get the kill i wanted to get but that's fine we still were able to dodge them and ditch them again oh wait i see a name up here they could be waiting for me to come get my horse oh is he on my horse oh they have the atv on his head riding my horse what can i do wait the next three melee causes mobs to explode i got an idea if i can hit him with this okay we got it we got to follow him okay i can get the horse i get those i have an idea i gotta be so quick about this i don't know how this works so let me let me right click the power shaker i guess and see if i get the ability okay i have the ability let's go let's go let's go causing it to explode run i got the horse i got i didn't get the armor i threw it on the floor see gravity you're grabbing it they're chasing they're chasing that didn't blow up the horse like i thought it was oh blow up like a creeper let's go down here nothing down here will attack me it'll attack them oh yeah their names are right up top oh no but they gotta come down here and fight some mobs i don't both their names are here they lost me they might think i'm they might not realize i'm down here yeah they're dead they're right here yeah they're fighting hey while they're distracted throw that down oh my god yes there's my escape hole he recognized that he recognized that he recognized that as being off god gravel could get me killed here gotta go where's the horse oh my god i took the i took the atv let's check it down this one i threw their atv down in the pit he realized i took the atp i think thanks for the atv oh we gotta go you could see me there go go go go we gotta ditch him here we gotta jump here now that luke's coming back into play we gotta go okay seems like i lost them for the minute hot stuff lava pit right there okay let me see what i can do here let me see what i can do here over the next 10 days luke and zach tried to catch me about five different times and each time they got closer and closer it was time to change up my strategy instead of running around at high speeds it was time to work our way up to getting elytra okay the nether portal's complete i got all of my things i need for the nether officially ready to go so let me explain how this is gonna oh god that is very glitchy as a dog it just takes up your whole screen anyway we are officially in the nether so now we can start moving towards getting our elytra and starting to actually you know try and avoid them chords but like one sec i need to give them the nether chords hold up okay i'm giving them the chords because i've gotten the materials together with the rails and the tnt minecart i got way earlier i'm gonna go ahead and actually blast through this portal on my way out so we're gonna go ahead and take a screenshot of these chords to be safe but we actually have the ability to blast our way out of there in case they booby trap it which i think they might i think they will trap it so especially now that i gave my cord so we're gonna go and look around here so let's just take a look around now i have uh i wish there was a way to turn wait i've optifine can i turn nether fog off with optifine i think i can hold up let me see if i can turn this off okay boom another fog gone thank goodness okay let's take a peek around we got a war forest that way we got one of the soul sand biomes that way it goes straight but wait a minute that's another portal right there that's not far why is there another portal near me oh my god and there's a oh my god hold up hold up there's a fortress that is a yeah that is literally another nether portal that must be theirs they must have gone to another at some point i didn't even notice okay here's a blaze here's a blaze spawner i think are you gonna attack okay they don't attack perfect okay kill this one kill this one here we go go away for the next one spawn here we go please ah we got four we got four i want to get eight i want to get eight please drop it yes i heard it i heard it i heard it we got it we got it we got it okay we got what we need let's now we just need to find a bastion just need to find i mean i guess i could technically trade i don't need the bastion because i have enough i have a lot of gold as is i could just trade with a piglet to see what happens here okay let's start making our way back i guess in the direction of the portal and hopefully we find some of those uh hogland piglet people on the way so let's just go this way yeah i don't know if this is where i was or if i was i might have been like over there something almost makes me feel like i'm getting farther from my portal though probably have to i'm not wearing gold am i i got an idea i got an idea there we go he's trapped oh you're trapped oh now you gotta trade me now you gotta trade me dummy take that get to work give me ender pearls i already got eight i don't even need that many to be honest yes two ender pearls right off the bat are you kidding me keep it coming keep it coming maybe i can bait some more over here come on there we go they're both in keep trading my friends give me all the ender pearls there we go there we go that's 12 that should be enough that is the minimum we needed right there but that's that's if no eyes break right i'll get more than that even if i get over a stack that'd be honestly preferred i got him i got him i got him we got 15 we get 15. okay we got extras we got extras oh he's done oh god i didn't mean to follow him with them okay we killed him fast we killed him fast nice nice i just want to grab all the spectrals i could grab there we go let's go okay where's our portal out yeah yeah yeah look at this there's their nether portal right there meaning ours is right around this corner it's right there i see it i literally see it oh my god okay now just to make sure why was there xp out of it they had to have set up a trap i knew it there's no other way there would be xp there i didn't do anything this works out though i literally did this just in case this would happen is that an activator i made the right type okay it is so this should if i power it on give enough speed i should be able to push it all the way into this portal and break the portal on the other side here we go let's give it a shot god i hope this works it went through it went through we went through a please blow up please blow up i really hope that worked i'm gonna wait ten seconds now we're gonna go through let's get a golden apple on just to be safe just in case we don't know what's gonna happen here so it made a new portal oh it worked it literally worked it blew it up look at it oh yeah no zack saw me we're going go go go go go go the side here i'm going to try something ready he's starting to dig he didn't realize there was a cave and i'm going to see you later oh no they're on me they're on me they're using their mini maps i forgot oh we gotta go we're gonna get to a high point we're gonna hail jump we're gonna do exactly what we did last time he's right on my tail okay they can't do this as easy as i can so i'm just gonna run to the top oh they're below me oh they're literally blowing hold up we're gonna have to i definitely saw him yeah we're going we're going here we go ready yes and we're gone oh he's on my tail i see him i see him i literally see him on my mini-map chasing he made him jump down he may have enough dexterity to live the fall there's something up here oh my god we're at spawn we're at spawn where it spawn i can teleport to a random spot oh my god we can get out of this oh he's coming he's coming he's coming pick a random one go gone i broke it can't tp to something that's broken enter waystone name lol now they don't have this one side to reset it and we are gone so fast just like that we had to tp out of there dude now we can actually focus on what matters so let's focus on getting to the end here because oh my god was that insanely close oh i don't see them here okay i just got courted okay i gave him my cords they know where i am and i had to wait point oh run no i didn't think they had this teleport but they did we need to get back to another village i think there was a village if i run in this direction i won't lie zack is really fast he must have leveled up his dexterity a ton he's still there dude what am i gonna do am i gonna hay bale trick him again i don't even know if that'll work oh my god i have a genius idea 200 iq i'm swimming up look did you not notice did he not notice me swim up the water did he not notice no way i just got away with that i don't think he sees me up here i have an ender pearl too i can use that to get away did you lose me yeah whoa no we're just letting you get a head start well thanks for letting me play skyblock i'm going to tell him where i am this looks like a skyblock island i think it is okay we're going to go all the way up skyblock dude i could remove the water source too on their way up oh that would be genius god it's so hard to say wait i've opted fine zoom oh that makes it so much better look at this tiny little ant body okay if he starts coming up that's when we'll be good yep he's coming up here we go ready and no look at the water source fall fast i'm such a jerk this might work out in my favor what are you going to do huh nothing okay let's throw it on a crafting table what what herobrine just join the game into the watch okay hold up they have to find a way to get up here i think if i break this ice i should get another water i could just end a pro like what if they think i'm up here but i'm really like over on that mountain hold up hold on i got a good idea i kind of just want to chuck this into the forest and see if they see it watch them goof i'm gonna watch them goof please okay we're in a tree i don't think they saw yeah they're building up oh my god he's building up just to find out i'm not there he has no idea did he see me okay he didn't see me he didn't see me oh okay zack's just grinding xp it sounds like i should probably do the same with my efficiency three eventually but he's so scared because he thinks i'm up there oh this is great too bad i already left he jumped off he jumped up he built all that way honestly he should have broke down that would have been so much xp okay well let's warp out of here and let's work on getting some xp for ourselves for a little bit because oh my god was that hilarious after barely escaping the doghunters clutches once again i decided it was time to stop messing around and it was time to prepare to defeat the dragon so i spent the next 15 days simply just looking for better gear to fight this dragon and while i didn't find much i did find a really cool bow that freezes enemies and i also found a hammer that shoots out lightning with those items and more i think it is finally time to take on the dragon okay goodbye all you stuff this is all the stuff i don't need anymore so this is all gone we're ditching it here we're moving on and now it's time to make our way to the end please don't blow up my first eye cause i can only screw up three of these let me just see which direction it's in okay it's straight this way god i'm so look how fast i am as a dog now my dog powers have gone insane i'm not even the uber dog yet who gets even crazier powers once we have the elytra i'm gonna start fighting for the uber dog and to turn into the uber dog i basically need to put together in a crafting recipe three diamond blocks i also need to put together in a crafting recipe two emerald blocks and then one iron block so that's a lot of diamonds emeralds and what not that i have to find but i'm gonna worry about that after i get the elytra so that way i have an easy and quick escape as a flying dog how far have i gone i don't remember where i said i was going to pop it last time i for i've kind of forgotten enchant oh they're enchanting it it's literally below us hold up hold it hold up oh it's huge though it's the modded stronghold it's gonna take me a bit to get through this we found it oh we found it oh he called cords the second i did it i'll give it to him they're gonna come through this too oh i should also probably make it a one-high gap that way they can't follow my staircase okay let's do this a water bucket would have been really useful here oh god here we oh we got it we got it we got it we got it nice the only two left are caged hold up i have an idea i have an idea thanks we got it we got it and we're going down nice so we can hit him here nice oh there we go we're doing good we're doing really good oh we can't him with them already yes yes there we go there should be a thing that lets me get farther around the end somewhere in the end now i just got to find it i see it i see it i see it it's over here oh i fit i can just walk in nice now they ca they're going to be able to get here fast too we and we still got our ender pro let's build a bridge up now so we can easily get back in okay they don't have to deal with the dragon like i did so we just need to get out there and find elytra fast now i don't have any blocks but i'll be able to break them with my mandate mending the amending pickaxe when we just need to find an end their tower with a ship and we got a light trap remote getaway what's that escape the okay they're coming they're coming they're coming what is this an enderman spawner okay so i can get back i can get enterprise here for right now i need to keep finding these towers and looking for ones that might have a light truck because that one definitely didn't have elytra definitely didn't pass the vibe check so we're gonna have to find another one that has elytra or or keep looking until we do i don't know how long that's gonna take though okay another island still nothing here i love it island after island after island nothing after nothing after nothing more like it oh my god this is annoying let's go to the next one we gonna find anything on this one probably not let's go i kept looking around the end for any end cities i could find and in that time i've only found one and it had no attachments no boat no extra cool gear nothing so i'm gonna have to keep looking until i'm able to find some elytra oh we got one is there a ship i think there's ship i literally think that's an item frame oh it is a ship oh we got one this is the longest amount of time i think it's ever taken me to go through and do like f or find a light right in the end that was ridiculous what do we got oh a doom crossbow i'm definitely gonna take that i don't know how good it is there we go skye's limit we got it they know i'm on my way back though i didn't think that was gonna announce in chat but it did so we're gonna go back uh god let me see what let me check my screenshot i don't remember where in the heck that original portal is i have no idea we're gonna go in this direction to get back let me do i got the electron i do let's jump down oh my god wait i see i see it i see it is that the end thing oh my god i see cobblestone wait did they put that there they are blocking it off they're building they don't see me coming in oh my god he didn't see me sneak right by oh he's acting exactly exacted and gone yes go hey what's that you what oh he's here he's here where oh oh dude i sorry there we go i don't care about the half damage oh i went back through almost could have gone caught there yeah there he's crowned through we're going through we're going through and we are gone hit escape i don't know if they know they can fast forward through that but we're gone we're hitting escape and we're gone we got the electron now we can avoid them like no other so i'm gonna go ahead and give myself all six levels in dexterity max like popping that off as high as we can our hearts are currently at eight uh that's glitched oh there we go i was let's say i think that's gonna reset in a sec we have command blocks that should give me my speed and health back uh i can't tell how close they are i see someone behind me a nameplate we just got to avoid them at this point so we're going to pick high ground so we can always keep flying away so let's just keep avoiding him with the elytra as long as we possibly can i think that should be enough to win this game how's my lights we're doing still good still good on durability because i got to make it last another like 40 days i don't think it's gonna last that long i probably should have tried to find a second pair but it was just taking too long to find the first oh they're here they're here they're here what was my plan i don't even think i have time to do it no let's go back well two there we're gone they showed up and i was out of there i was like no thank you hold up i want to take my boots put it with frostwalker two oh my god what happens if i land on them what else if i like come off a high spot and land on them let me try this real quick i still i hit the water second i get above it though i can freeze it okay noted let's quickly get a bunch of dirt real fast i have a i have a new plan well this is gonna work so good oh i really hope this works we don't even need the water bucket anymore we need to jump in the water and then make it solid when they jump after me okay we're back on top we actually got even higher because that he tried to knock me over with the double rainbow but double rainbow didn't do it i'm also not even an uber wolf yet i should probably try and become an uber wolf after this okay we're gonna bait him ready here we go bait swap those on oh my god who died something died i think it was a sheep though we escaped for now we got out of that pinch uh i was trying to kill him didn't kill him again so we're gonna go ahead and escape here and we're gonna actually try and upgrade ourselves to the final form of the wolf called the uber wolf we just need to get ourselves a bunch of diamonds emeralds and iron which shouldn't be too hard i'd probably just go through a few dungeons collect some stuff and uh do that and uh so i'm gonna start doing that now and uh it's probably gonna be pretty boring so you probably won't even see me do it but i'm about to do it i spent the next eight days finding as many diamonds emeralds and iron as i could so i would be able to transform into the uber wolf now this wolf has insane powers on top of speed 4 it also gains strength too weather falling too and night vision with this wolf at my disposal i should have no issues completing this challenge i'm really close to getting the amount i need don't you dare where is he where'd he go where'd he go lily pads i just literally need 48 more lily pads and i will have this done i thought i had enough but i came up too short so i need to go get more lily pads but then we can go ahead and trade this man's get ourselves the emeralds we need and we'll be good from there let me double check there's not an easier trade i've been doing lilly pads i should probably double check that there's no easier trade maybe we got 10 11 12 13 14 8 that should be enough now i should be able to craft the uber wolf though now we have to find the villager who will trade i think it's you yeah it is put the blocks together so we need there we go now we put them together in the crafting table and i'll be able to turn into the uber wool so we can now turn it to the uber wolf let's see how it works oh my god i look awful actually let me show you what buffs i got look how fast i am this is insane this is the uber wolf i don't know how they can catch me i also have night vision speed strength like this is insane so anyway now that we have the uber wolf let's make our way back and let's just i mean honestly we gotta have fun from here i could hide out the rest of the world they could ask me for chords but i think i'm gonna make it nice and fun and i'm gonna go to them yeah let's grab as much dirt as we can from this because we're gonna need all this we're gonna pull off this feather falling trick we gotta go up fast oh yeah they're coming in they're coming in so what i'm gonna have to do to really make this work cuz i'm gonna land on the edge pop on the boots once i hit the water quickly get on land and then just freeze everything below as fast as possible are they coming oh yeah zack's blowing him he's exploming me he's gonna water bucket up i think how many errors i got left i'll be careful here i got six i'm gonna save him okay here we go we gotta get prepared second he digs through this dirt he's coming here we're ready and go come on go surround it he worked he literally followed it yes go go go run is that a plane oh my god it's a plane he's flying after me okay so i think i've ditched his plane at this point i think the plane's gone so i think we're okay for the minute but we're gonna have to come up with some game plan because with it being day 75 right now we still got to survive 25 days my elytra have seen better day and i'm actually doing pretty good that plane he might be able to get me with that net i didn't think he'd have a plane i won't lie that's pretty impressive and it doesn't matter what speed i have because i can outrun it but like all it takes is me to hit like fall in water or do something dumb and i'm caught i'm gonna have to bow him down we're gonna blow that that plane out of the air i don't even know if i can do that oh my god land up there yes land up there oh my god he's good we're going we're going oh he tried to get me oh he tried to get me let's see if we can get back to the village real quick i i have a really a really dumb plan oh he's right on my tail weave through through the forest just sweep through the foreskin we gotta keep going this way oh do not fall in the water do not fall in the water oh i almost wish i had an auto step right now i have an idea i mean he's right on my tail he's end up prowling he's under probably he's not a problem go there's no way he's up here i really hope i'm not just dying here if he's up here i'm dead i got my crossbow ready though i gotta break it they can teleport back up there you're up there the whole time oh my god you know what's even dumber i even said you might be up there and the worst thing is i didn't did you hit me uh-huh oh on my screen you didn't hit me i whacked you with my net and so with that i'm trapped in the dog cage i loose i got too greedy and now i've lost the challenge and they are victorious and now i am stuck in the dog cage with all the other bad doggos so uh thank you so much for watching i can't believe i lost that even with speed like infinity but i did so thanks again for watching uh make sure you tell your mom hello and goodbye
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 3,846,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, 100 days, minecraft 100, 100 day dog, minecraft roleplays, roleplays, roleplay, ryguyrocky 100 days, ryguyrocky dog, moose, morph mod, minecraft custom, minecraft survival, minecraft mods, farmer unicorn, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school, minecraft update
Id: c-oVJARSdkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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