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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chickenmaster41 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello Crapo you go inside and go outside I say you go right inside I can wipe you break it up oh you go right inside the red fog something about my eyes and I have the eyes buddy just go what do you mean I'm just the greener buddy just go inside you're greedy what are you greedy for you know that's a sin greed it's one of the seven deadly ones you might want to steer clear that one bud you wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell hi again you see what I did thank you your snowman you're gonna go to hell look as you're greedy no I don't have to curse to me are you getting so angry are you so mad you have a smile on your face you're greedy you're greedy yeah you said this before how are you how's your day it's been fine just the reader oh you're a reader what book have you read my recent I recently finished I read I recently finished I you don't care about bikes you said you were a reader what do you read comics uh your newspaper guy I got you what's the new one the daily paper so what do you read I'm a greater there's my job oh all right you're a greeter well greetings I can't have a conversation I mean you've created Ben I can't talk to you you know no readers do they just say hi too [ __ ] horrible job will you say hi Y twice how much you getting paid for this pretty good actually hello welcome what the Frank hey snowman dude yeah hey I'm going upstairs all right we could continue our conversation at some point later on all right whoa you're a greeter okay we need to have a conversation about a babe that's who our blogger Judy why why would you say that your greater you supposed to be pleasant you're over here [ __ ] telling me to [ __ ] off I want to speak to your manager I want to speak to your [ __ ] man you can't manage [ __ ] you can't even manage the guy in a night Helen come in here Oh what are you doing what are you doing apologize apologize to me no leave I'm sorry I want I want it I want I'm really really sorry I didn't mean to disgrace your honor mr. swagger Souls you are welcome in this establishment any time of the week any time you can have a conversation with whoever you want whenever you want and there'll be no problems or anyone you see there bank to me it's completely reasonable all right just gonna walk away from your post all right it's fine I'll be the greeter all right hey my friend ah mr. whiskers in the plug oh you're here for the performance they'll be upstairs towards the theater please be seated yeah it'll start in about 15 to 30 minutes I ran Boyd dude imagine be imagine imagine to be one of those people that like have a VR avatar that has like Gucci and Chanel and all that [ __ ] you're literally flexing in VR and it's not real the people wearing off-white [ __ ] cuz they can't afford it today they get a free model it has like Gucci and in a PNG like mapped against the globe you have [ __ ] funny that [ __ ] is that [ __ ] makes me actually laugh look at look at this dude this Joker and his [ __ ] Gucci this Joker is Gucci look at him like this [ __ ] guy you're you're Kelly to keep getting that VR puss all right excuse me III work your heart what are you doing here in fact you're just acting over there you're distracted over there so oh what's going on here forever oh who are you are you the manager oh you the manager okay should he be working here or should I be working here you just just look at the person you look at the person look at the person you want to leave alright I'll just give you like two seconds today to look at him oh well oh I'm sorry this you're gonna have to ask hey snow man hey snow man all right this is mr. whiskers of the pug meow I'm sorry please come with me well sort this Andy ah perfect the one-year anniversary u2's performance I'd like to mention that the show also comes with a giveaway I'm giving away three signed you twos to three lucky winners to enter simply click the link in the description to visit the giveaway page from here you can follow u2's on Twitter Instagram and YouTube to increase your chances of getting this very special limited-edition one foot tall anniversary release this large high quality and durable vinyl figure costs eighty nine ninety nine and will ship anywhere in the world this is my best and final u2's collab and it's a must-have for all the pimp chimps out there but you don't have to believe me just listen to what they have to say another wanky little feature with these guys is and do not buy they feel immense physical pain the screaming isn't going to stop until you buy them you're not gonna be they're not gonna not feel pain they're gonna feel pain until their part so what are you waiting for and they're suffering today by marking down June 28th on your calendar and adopting one of these sweet little angels that u2's calm now what do you think is it good is it good alright oh good I'm gonna go back to the front - I'll be there if you have any questions for me please enjoy the show hello how are you welcome to the great pie would you like to be seated all right please please come this way there's an open seat right down that way absolutely okay next I'm waiting for a [ __ ] seat I'm waiting for a seat for like 20 [ __ ] minutes absolutely I am so sorry I the person that was here to organize the seats just why is he good at his job at all i I got you I if you go right down there and to the left there should be a seat right there ready for you okay you're here a complimentary glass of whiskey for you should be good for you my friend thank you yeah I wouldn't have wanted to square up with you Oh Ellen Elon a very nice to see you again I know her last account who went pretty swimmingly I would like to welcome you into the grape ugh I really appreciate you coming here I do the grace us with your presence I'd like to say congratulations on the SpaceX launch very excited the Starling satellites you're going to be incredible you're absolutely killing it I'm gonna buy a Tesla very soon I said where would you like to be seated would you like a booth would you like the bar what would you like this evening sir whichever you would prefer absolutely absolutely I would I would recommend the booth good back support I know you're sleeping on couches a wide it's absolutely in the commendable please take take a load off your bank please be seated over there absolutely but before I could take a seat the reason that I'm actually here is to offer you a position for one of the first people to actually go on a trip to Mars you you are joking you you are joking me know me 100% serious me swagger so you want you want me to go to Mars to be a pioneer you see how cool in the [ __ ] spacesuits or crank I know they look like the amazing sure I made you design them they they look incredible so why would be knocking one specifically customized and tailored just for you bang bang sounds the games who playing please please sit down have dinner we'll discuss it later I'm looking forward to the opportunity sir please please let me just just well I would shake your hand but you know social distancing oh oh yeah it's right I gave you six it's fine so I saw good all right sure I'll catch you around thank you you on guy so [ __ ] cool hide suck his dick what okay what's going on okay what can I do for you I'm doing I'm doing absolutely fine how are you just go ahead grab some beer grab grab a drink grab some oil Hey keep on going keep on going you're good man I'll get to the next person I gave you service right away don't even worry about it alright oh look who it is the guy they can't do his job correctly ah look who's taken up look look who's stolen your job look who's stolen your job look who's doing a better job huh oh that sucks yeah yeah I'm glad you can admit it at least at least you're more honest than I am hey uh happiest year of you now your search me [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: SwaggerSouls
Views: 1,400,886
Rating: 4.9669852 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, fun, game, gaming, gameplay, comedy, hilarious, moments, swag, yeet, swagger, SwaggerSouls, souls, misfits, misfit
Id: 0e45LFfFOqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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