POV: SwaggerSouls gives you a House Tour

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so so [Music] so [Music] holy [ __ ] you [ __ ] startled me i was just finishing up one of my frequent streams on twitch tv it's good stuff now i'm gonna have to ask you to get out of my house it's actually kind of [ __ ] up you just walk in unannounced why you think that's funny well you think this is some kind of crack house you can just stumble into and make yourself at home well i do smoke crank but otherwise my house is in perfectly good condition oh okay you don't believe me huh all right then you [ __ ] idiot this is where the magic happens i even have some potions over here this is my computer and no i didn't build it myself i got a notorious to build it for me for the gap tooth freaks that i actually care about the specs of the pc here's a picture of my specs ah right but uh here use these spec specs yeah inspecting specs with the spec specs is [ __ ] spectacular isn't it here i'll show you some other stuff we got a vr setup just chilling here beautiful as well as that uh white board uh with with all the stuff that i have to do this week on it as well as my weekly planner uh for planning out my very busy weeks yeah here i'll show you some other stuff uh walk with me and take off your [ __ ] shoes this is where matt used to live when he stayed at my place after getting back from japan this was around the time the virus started so i reckon it's not safe to go in because it still hasn't been disinfected i do still have some ppe gear if you want to take a closer look uh could you grab from this closet right here uh yeah just go into that bathroom uh right there and get changed okay wow that looks really tight on you and and not like the cool kind of type i made more so like actually physically restrictive anyways let's have a geez inside i'm at torius's old room and see if it's the same as i remember this is matt's mattress which is a matte black matte but that doesn't matter what matters is that he obeyed my orders to stay inside this room and all the piss jugs next to his bed proves it here let's actually uh give it a little bit of a sauce oh yeah this is definitely from when he was drinking a lot of coffee yeah hold on let's uh let's really uh test the vintage here ah oh no yeah that's very strong oh oh [ __ ] look at that check that out oh oh sorry but seriously uh check these out you see i made matt these dolls because quarantine could be pretty lonely but but where's mine i swear i made one for them oh oh well you know that actually makes some sense yeah that that makes sense oh i i also had a speaker uh playing pleasant music for him 24 7 so he was just as comfortable as possible shall we press play [Music] uh [Music] all right let's get out of this infested nest and engage in my patented cleanliness protocol uh all right um i recently installed the bidet in this bathroom which is perfect for a quick cleanup would you like to do the honors now that we're nice and clean let me show you my green screen production room i've had this since i moved in but it hasn't gotten much use maybe i could change that with a couple green screen templates for someone out there to make memes out of yeah i'll just like do a bunch and put like a link in the description hey this is the reason why we're pink chipping you see this you seen this right here that's why i have aids guys look at this oh dude i i crusade uh to hit that from the bank what oh my goodness oh my oh my someone called the pope why are you looking at this what is wrong with you you're [ __ ] sick well what are you too horny what are you too horny you can't [ __ ] you had to open this well you saw the thumbnail and said oh your monkey brain really wanted to [ __ ] see some hot action huh you [ __ ] make me sick you're [ __ ] sick you're going to hell you're [ __ ] going to hell look at their face look at their stupid [ __ ] lying dumb face you're a [ __ ] lion you're a stupid [ __ ] light uh yeah i think i had enough of this green screen nonsense uh let's go let's [ __ ] go downstairs i think it's time maybe i show you a little bit of the uh the old kitchen yep i just saw follow me out here on the left we have my uh bedroom but that's gonna be for later all right now i i'm gonna have to ask you just wait here for a second i have to make sure that the stairs are safe all right just one second give me give me one moment as you can see this is my beautiful kitchen with plenty of plants growing so we could be pimp chipping in the jungle while we do our monkey meal prep i have some wonderful decor such as these spent candles on the counter as well as plenty of cooking utensils now one of the only downsides is that the drawers don't actually open you're just for sure in fact they're actually super glued shut okay here we have a beautiful refrigerator with all of my favorite fan art that was sent to the old misfits po bikes thanks to all the amazing fans and artists they put their time and effort into creating something that i smile every time i look at yeah now i don't actually have any food in my fridge because i can't eat much through the helmet but i do have a cake celebrating 4.20 million subs here i'll grab some forms oh sorry about that uh oh i'll show you how i prepare some of my quick liquid meals yeah so uh yeah we're just gonna use this little nutribullet here and whip up a quick little snack first you start with a little bit of cake then you gotta add a little bit of sriracha for you know a little bit of a kick a little glass of water and of course a bit of gamer subs oh oh [ __ ] you all right it's a little slippery i here you think you can get this off [Music] all right okay it's clear you're weakling all right we have technology for a reason there you go you shake it in there like [ __ ] tate and blend it all together and that is a beautiful gourmet liquid meal for two oh yeah yeah oh that's the consistency we've aimed for oh that is that is top notch there you go all right and don't forget the most important part stries uh how about you join me for a quick romantic meal at the dining room table [Music] if you stand me on any social media platform i just want you to know that i will never hold your hand like this in real life but hopefully this will satisfy you enough not to find out where i live and kill me anyways let's clean up and watch some content in the living room dude dude come on it's starting here i'm event i'm going to turn it on all right okay oh dude gaming videos i'm all about it oh wait oh wait that stressed me the [ __ ] out holy [ __ ] oh man hey you want to smoke some weed oh hell yeah i knew you were a g you knew your [ __ ] g f follow me man come here here i'll show you the place where i run away from all my stress and problems this is my enclosed outdoor smoking area otherwise known as the place where i smoke all my marijuana i don't worry there's just a bunch of cut grass in a like this is my weed i'm just [ __ ] around this this is all oregano that's my weed all right here let's go outside i'll show you the backyard it's a real treat oh dad that's a housewarming gift from schleich it looks over my garden while i'm not home and it keeps the crows away thanks schlapp now whenever toby kills your victim she'll often get me an armored leg for compost which is actually very sweet of her that's why my plants are so happy during the winter and uh the children's toys are just there to keep the ghosts entertained i i actually don't remember how much of my compost is children we actually have a fully grown plant ready to harvest right here oh that's a beautiful little g subs fruit energy right from the earth here you want to try some yeah yeah it's good stuff isn't it the link's in the description let's go check out another room this is my artistic and scientific research room i have some of my biggest inspiration for art on these walls and i also have a painting in progress here i don't reckon it looks too bad now to really get into the artist's mindset i i did a bit of research and and hey check this out this is for you van gogh is a big influence for me the best part about it is that your scream was only half as loud when i'm not painting beautiful creations to hang up in my house i'm researching new ways to fight off the rona here come check out some of my experiments first we have a next generation attempt at creating a hybrid creature that might possess antibodies to fight off the 5g radiation that causes the disease note how he's also smoking a cigarette which gives him a 70 probability of looking cooler we also have another great experiment here we have a a large bowl of soup and some kind of questionable protein now it's time to test my hypothesis this is my harry potter closet under the stairs and this is the reason why i'm nicknamed lager souls whenever i stream telstra has been constantly throttling my internet which is why i kidnapped one of their technicians and keep them in here to fix it if there's any issues hey come out of here what is it mister souls is the internet down watching food so thirsty all right now we just need to uh wait and see if our hypothesis is correct this is the adult movie viewing area um i might i'm gonna have to see some identification okay all right yeah thank you okay did you get a haircut recently oh wait uh of course not uh here yeah yeah you just take that thank you you may have noticed the starchy mess but there's no reason to feel disgusted uh sometimes when i feel creative i throw them up at the wall or the ceiling to see if they stick trust me i'm not the only thing shooting stuff onto walls i have a beautiful little projector that can play any dirty movie that you can think of no no no except for that one man that one isn't done yet okay that one isn't done yet oh jesus christ uh don't mind that zuckers was sleeping over last night those are his those are his uh jesus [ __ ] christ okay let me just show you where where i sleep okay all right so i know you've been [ __ ] itching to figure out what's been behind this door since you crawled into my [ __ ] house unannounced so without further ado i might as well show you what's behind this door so you could finally you know [ __ ] off so here's the master bedroom and here's the master walk-in closet look at all these threads they're gorgeous okay all right buddy you're looking a little bit too much yeah i'm not really comfortable with you knowing what i'm gonna wear out onto the street in public so let me just direct your attention to this beautiful back wall we've got our very first merch release uh the the this [ __ ] top sun cap uh like 100 were made uh yeah it's it's it's [ __ ] but hey man humble beginnings as well as that we have a nice little gamer subs nightlight to keep away the [ __ ] demons and also my spare helmet you know because you never know what's gonna happen to this one you know if i lose it or it breaks or you know if i want to [ __ ] this one up or you know whatever and a chainmail both times you never know when you're gonna have to be dapper need a little debonair where you're gonna go out for like a nice little lunch or a dinner or even a brunch if you're white old and your name is karen ah a nice little camp please be patient thank you thank you and that is not mine that is that is absolutely not mine there was a mix-up i was framed just that's mine yeah yeah this is all mine this is completely mine these are the best [ __ ] threads i have in my collection this is this is scuffed dot store this is our own personal clothing it's it's our own line it's it's it's [ __ ] high quality the designs are always sick i always rep the [ __ ] when i'm outside it's snuggly it's warm it's good it's good quality do i need to sell it any [ __ ] more to you i love it we have everything from all the drops and you know it's just not [ __ ] it's just not [ __ ] at all but speaking of [ __ ] here's the ensuite here come on in this is where i piss [ __ ] and come oh yeah here are all the condom wrappers from last night and here are all the condoms so i recently i started being a little bit more environmentally conscious this is basically uh you know you use a condom you get your use out of it but most people either flush them down the toilet or throw them away why it goes in the sewer it it goes into the ocean a turtle thinks it's a jellyfish it eats it i don't want a turtle eating my [ __ ] i don't wanna i don't wanna turtle munching on my jizz that's that's [ __ ] disgusting so what i've taken up to do is that i wash my condoms after every single use up to one or two times and and that's fine that's that's taking the environmentally friendly approach it is 2020. it is all about going green so remember kids reduce reuse and recycle this is my bedroom we've got a beautiful american flag with some fairy lights because who doesn't want to be in touch with your inner college girl here's my bedside table with an ipad a good book and one of my side chicks [ __ ] isn't the only thing i'm addicted to i also have my jewel on charge and this i don't even sweat that that's just my only fan yeah well um yeah that's pretty much all there is to show you at this point i i'm pretty sure you could just finally get out of my house it was nice having me around and oh that oh yeah it's not what it looks like this is actually my very own prototypical swagger patented choke awake alarm system it used as revolutionary tech here first you just have to sneak yourself into bed then get into an operating position and then simply set an alarm now all you have to do is sleep [Music] uh [Music] you [ __ ] you really thought you could steal for me and get away with it huh i was starting to like you you seemed like you were joke but it turns out that you're just another devious rat that's okay though because the telstra technician did need some help i think you'll find that you'll enjoy living with us because you're not going to be leaving anytime soon oh is that a friend finally finally we can be family we are family [Music] you
Channel: SwaggerSouls
Views: 1,214,918
Rating: 4.9605308 out of 5
Keywords: swag, swagger, swaggersouls, souls, swagger souls, misfits, pov, point of view, pov video, swaggersouls house tour pov, SwaggerSouls Gives You a House Tour, swaggersouls face reveal, moments, 4mil special, helmet, funny house tour, subscriber special, fitz, leak, taking off my helmet, house, house tour, tour, swaggersouls pov, POV: SwaggerSouls gives you a House Tour, reveal, house reveal, face leak, face reveal, face, swaggersouls house, pov house tour, SwaggerSouls House Tour POV, POV
Id: ddNiqut-a1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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