I Stay In A 5-Star Luxury Hotel In London - I Was SHOCKED!

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hey everyone welcome back today I'm in London to go and stay in a five-star luxury hotel located in The Shard I'm about to stay one night in the shanga at The Shard in London I'm going to experience everything the hotel has to [Music] offer including the food the restaurant drinks the pool what a great way to start your day and so much [Music] more so reception is on the 30 something floor makes your ears pop can't say I've been into many lifts that have frames around the photos there's some there and there's some over there all nice depicting London Sky open 4:40 5 so I've already checked in I'm in room number 45501 which is down here come on and here is my room I tell you what one thing I've noticed that all these doors feel like the leather and then when I look a little bit closely at all of the doors they all look the same look at the state of the doors at the bottom and considering this is a fstar hotel probably class is one of the top hotels in London very surprised about seeing that aren't you anyway let's go [Applause] [Music] in well beside the door the room is amazing and the view is spectacular I decided to book an iconic City View room which definitely delivers the only thing I'm a little bit guttered about on the photos I saw a photo of the bath looking out over the city and I believe this room is not that room in the photo don't you hate that when you see a photo you think you booking that and then you get something a little bit different I mean I'm not moaning cuz it's still an amazing room but that's what I really wanted anyway I'll show you the bar from in a second but first let me show you around this amazing Suite but wow this is why this room costs a lot because of the 180 view you have over the London Skyline now obviously I arrived at the hotel at Sunset it's just got dark so it looks totally amazing but I don't know how much you can actually see because of the lamps and all that but I will turn the lights off and show you a little bit later the whole skyline looks incredible I don't know whether you can see it there but uh but there is a tower bridge yeah the view is just incredible and it is so high up so these are I guess the wardrobes yeah there's a safe look at that uplighting in a wardrobe it's pretty nice got the Posh hangers in here as well is that for ties I think it might be look at that you know I like to collect these by the way if you watch my um Channel live on Christmas Eve you might be lucky enough to win some of these shanga slippers got a trusty iron and an ironing board that looks like it's actually never been used look at this they' even got little umbrellas ready to go if you want to step outside turn some extra lights on so we've got little TV stroke sitting area a nice couch a couple of lamps and we've got a lot of Welcome goodies all right let's see what we've got so it looks like this is some kind of hummus yeah big fan of hummus myself some prunes I believe yeah more hummus and uh a couple of chunky cookies there I've never seen water bottles quite like it a proper thick glass water bottle Shangrila water wow that'll be interesting to taste later what are these some little snacks there to dip into the hummus and we've got a little chocolate milkshake let's try one of the cookies that is a very nice cookie a huge TV but you know it's a shame that this TV doesn't kind of sink down so you can see more of the London Skyline when you're laying in bed but there you go nice Little Flower looks like we've got a Tassimo machine going on with all the nice Italian inspired capsules this must be the mini bar right is it a double mini bar not overly that expensive drinks oh there's the milk at least this isn't pressured sensored at least I hope not anyway one lonely little Kit Kat I just realized that there's plenty more here check this out I just love how they're all laid out like that there's some Pringles I'm still scared to touch yet I know they're not precious well I don't know if they're precious sented actually I'll try and find the price list for some of these nuts in glass jars very nice some Pringles and a selection of spirits wait we have more this is your glasses so you can have a drink in the room look how polished that is it's amazing they do all this polishing and all this attention to detail but the doors on the rooms it's the first thing you notice it's just not great is it noodles in the room and loads of different tea shortbread Little Teapot there branding on point even with the sugar there's a kettle again look at that for a five-star hotel you would expect a bit more of I don't know a bit more of an elegant Kettle looks like a premier in Kettle to me nothing in these drawers just storage I guess and over here is a lovely workstation if you want to do a little bit of uh work whilst you're staying here I do love these desks with the leather insert I'd love one of these at home what's in the drawers nothing in the draw I thought might be a little bit of pen and paper although that is here I've got a diary and this little leather case and in here is some binoculars so you can wow check out the London Skyline first time I've been in a hotel room where you get binoculars in a very nice leather case so I've got a little iPad here so I can book dinner on this what else can I do hotel information can check out the forecast I can even play some games bit of sadoku now what I love about this hotel is because of the way it's designed the room that I am currently in is actually well it almost feels like it's sticking out the side of the hotel you can see the rest of the Shard going up and it's got so many different odd little areas that have nothing in them like around here I thought o there's another room around here but no just a an extra little space that doesn't go anywhere I thought the bathroom was going to go there cuz in the photo that I saw online there was a bathroom that way but to get to the bathroom we have to go around the corner but I can actually walk around here if I want to cuz there's so much space you can walk all the way around here and all the way down and walk here to the sofa wow the bed king bed absolutely huge nice and firm now when I made the booking I actually requested to have firm pillows which they have not delivered cuz once again they feel like they feel like feather yeah so it's like what was the point of putting that on the website giving you the option to do it and then they give you feather one just so I check the mattress and this is actually really surprising me this actually feels damp and it looks really grotty and the mattress itself looks really old and I'm just kind of doing my uh my checks cuz I don't know whether you've seen all the stories about bed bugs in London at the moment and yeah it's um going to take a lot of checking cuz there's all these folds but don't really you can see that but there stains all on the mattress down there really surprised for a hotel of this standard I tell you what you're paying this much for room and then you look at the mattress and is actually really shockingly dirty this mattress it does not look like a new mattress whatsoever it's been here some time you can tell you still get stains on the mattress what's this oh it's a book Lost Horizon over this side we've got a couple more books this is where I can control the blinds and turn off all the lights as well so behind this mirror is the bathroom check it out now compared to the photos this looks a lot different but what is great is the toilet because this is one of these toilets that I think it's self cleaning or cleans yourself it's also heated as well so I'll be trying that out later this is uh how you can control it I have no idea what I'm going to be doing with any of that so that'll be rather interesting I've got a phone in here a heated toil Rail and some nice robes something you don't see very often often in hotels though weighing scales nice comfy mat when you look closely at all these they all look a little bit grubby don't they like very old hair dryer in there what else have we got just a little bit of extra storage that's for the shower here's all the goodies razor cream cotton buds toothpaste love how they pointed the toilet tissue couple of glasses and Joe loves never seen that brand before soap couple of flannels and I believe this is a TV but I don't know where the remote is cuz I haven't seen it anywhere but there's a TV does it turn on under here where's the remote for this then but there is a TV in there I'll try and find where the remote is for that and then you've got a shower stroke bath in here interesting design though how they've made it all in one room but kind of separated it with this glass door so it's like a a wet room in the first part with the shower two shower heads another shower head here more Joe loves somewhere to put the soap old fashioned soap and then you've got a a pretty simple bath not a whirlpool bath or anything like that oh fancy look at that little salt crystals as well it's a pretty big bathroom I mean you can easily get one two three you can get about five people in here two people in the bath and about three people standing in there if you wanted a bathroom party I'm going to say it again and you only go by the photos and what you see online the photos I saw online was this bath was supposed to be overlooking the city View and it was supposed to be really romantic so I've got reservations for the highest bar in Western Europe we've got reservations for dinner as well so I about get ready all right so it's time for dinner and I can't come to The Shard for dinner alone or the Shang I keep calling it The Shard it's the shangala is inside The Shard not to get confused and you look amazing and you look amazing oh thank you very much I decided to well if we're in a fine establishment like this I thought I might as well dress up for the occasion yeah I thought so too we're going to go down to the bar which is apparently the highest bar in Western Europe we had to make reservations and then we've got dinner we've been delayed so we don't have very long at the bar before dinner reservations at 8:30 so we better go hurry up so we're off to the gongar which is on level 52 can you imagine having a few Beverages and being in this lift because you really feel the yeah it's got to do so many flaws hi we got reservations yeah you name please thank you very much five star alert not even a real candle oh yeah health and safety and all that so to get the drinks we scan the QR code we've just been told they don't do a Carver here they only do champagne which is around about 24 a glass white wine is £15 a glass red wine is £ 17 so what would you like Dar red or white look at you chowing down on the nuts is it because they're free I'm staring they're complimentary I'm absolutely starving yeah are have an olive I'll feed it to you be romantic no no way I will not eat one of them amazing view of Tower Bridge London Bridge Tower Bridge Tower Bridge isn't it yeah okay lovely thank you you try it first yeah yeah try it you try it first kabby work it around the palette you just try that in it no that was not thank you just try a little bit more try a little bit more eventually you'd have a full glass we thought we might as well try the how much was this 20£ 25 £5 glass a glass I can't tell the difference between champagne and Cara to be honest I really car I know there there some people out there that will totally I've actually never tried that kind of champagne before so still prefer car I don't know but you know what I feel really bad about my nails need doing I'm overdue getting my nails done and you would bring me here when my nails are looking terrible so I'm holding a glass of champagne and I'm like oh lovely and then I look at my nails and I'm like thank you thank you so much a good night wow a £7 service charge just on two glasses of um champagne what's that for it's not to wash your hands is it no it's I think it's then you wouldn't stick your mouth on to drink and you wouldn't get your water bottle underneath it so oh no no no it's hand sanitizer is it it's very Posh hand San makes sense now oh yeah we've got reservations thank you very much my pleasure thank you wow what a great table look at the view there's the rest of the restaurant and we're kind of snug in this corner I can see all the train track oh wow yeah look at that see people walking look at all the trains going in and out crazy oh my God from up here it's like you're looking at a Miniature Railway you know like model Village was thinking to myself there's something underneath my feet right and I haven't knocked this I've literally just sat down look at this right so I haven't knocked anything literally I've just sat down and there is nothing covering that this thing is covering some plugs but there's nothing covering that wow that's meant to be over it wow I didn't move that the menu is now on a QR code what I really do miss a menu when I'm in a restaurant like this it feels great to open up a nice Posh menu and have a little browse rather than get your mobile phone out and what happens if you've got no battery you're screwed right I don't know you got no battery screw I have decided to go for the dry age beef fillet with truffle mashed potato beef sauce seasonal greens and short rib onon what have you gone for I don't know I can't remember the name exactly but it is pork cabbage and did they not say a plum sauce of some description not plum sauce but the pork sauce that it was cooked in theyve actually poured it over taste test time firstly I'd like to apologize because I have always at with my knife and fork in the wrong house hand and I know it's not etiquette to do that but I don't feel comfortable doing it the other way um this will all be gone in one mouthful now I've messed it all up that is insanely good though right I'm going to try truffle for the first time here we go just a truffle obviously truffle is like a mushroom it don't really taste of anything anyway let's try the beef so the TR don't taste but that tastes amazing is that one t small portions but the food tastes amazing wow dinner was totally amazing but what I need to show you is the uh what toilets in the Shang The View that they have for the uh the gentleman going to the L I mean even up here the view is crazy but just wait till you check this out can't believe I'm doing a toilet review hopefully no one's in here it shouldn't be but just look at the toilets this is where the guys do their business right the urinals I don't know whether you can see it because of the reflection but look at the view that you get the London ey just over there it is incredible I've never ever stood at a urino and looked at that that is incredible chocolate Mose basically with a mandarin inside see and S Queen to attach everything together wow and this is the b panakot s pudding as you can see see on top you have Violet flour edible you also have sa sa fresh mango and mango wonderful thank you very much have you ever had an edible flower before oo it's going to be as God I wish I have filmed that myself dry ice look at that going all over the table thank you very much super welcome H I still think I'm going to be starving off this but it does look pretty good have you ever eaten an edible flour before should I eat it and see what it's like yeah go and try it you know those buttercups that used to get the garden in the summer does it taste like taste like it could be edible does it taste yeah but it must have been that tastes like a flour I'm sure we said the flour was edible but that don't taste edible that tasted like grass that is lovely so dinner was amazing did you enjoy it I did the bill came to [Music] £240 the alcohol was probably the most expensive thing my beef was about £69 and the view that we have outside of these windows I'll turn the lights off now so you can see This Magnificent view we can see Tower Bridge the Tower of London on the other side all of this whilst laying in bed although the TV does obstruct the view a little bit anyway we're going to get a ni sleep and we'll see you in the morning for breakfast and also a swiming the pool that I've actually pre-booked for 8 in the morning so Gabby's still asleep so I didn't want to wake her but I thought I'll go and check out the sort go wow it's a shame that the uh the weather is cloudy because that is an amazing view should we get in it's not actually that cold I was expecting it to be really cold in here tell you what then I wake you up first in the morning wow this is so nice what a great way to start your day just check out The [Applause] View You' normally see a few sun beds in an indoor pool like this but this is a little bit more civilized there's extra towels there's also extra slippers and there's coffee I take it this is all complimentary which is quite nice we got some fruit tea milk sugar also some water as well once you come out of the pool you can just sit here drink your coffee and take in The View and in case you're wondering this is all included in the price can't believe Gabby would rather sleep than enjoy this mind J pretty tired so time for breakfast what's really strange is that there's a buffet breakfast here where you can get your bacon your sausage and everything apart from eggs we have to order the eggs separately which is a bit strange isn't it the only issue with ordering your eggs separately you have to go to the buffet and then you're like waiting there with your cold food until your eggs arrive and I noticed that our eggs were sitting way over there for some time until they brought them over and then of course you've got a plate with eggs and another plate with your buffet and you're sitting on a small table but we've decided to sit in the lounge rather than the restaurant we sat last night cuz we just wanted to be a little bit different this is really nice have to say that this is um homemade rice pudding and it tastes I mean rice pudding when I was a kid never tasted this good but it's creamy and there's some like citrus thing on it wow if you want to come to London stay in a hotel and see the most amazing views of the London skyline at night while staying in your bed this is probably one of the best places to see London from above what surprises me is how Grand the hotel is but then there's loads of little areas where they definitely need to touch things up like the doors on the rooms when we came in were just absolutely horrendous the mattress this room is amazing but the mattress and the mattress topper felt damp it looked dirty it was dirty so apart from that I was quite surprised those little bits weren't touched upon being a five-star hotel in London the prices are going to be very expensive drinks last night I mean you know the whole meal came up to £240 or something how much did it cost me for one night here at The Shard for this particular room it cost me £ 1,190 which is a lot of money you're definitely paying for the view breakfast was included as was the swimming pool I mean going up there first in the morning sh the weather was a little bit rubbish but I mean just swimming eyee to eye with St Paul's Cathedral is just uh one of those moments that you need to kind of like pinch yourself would I stay here again definitely probably not for that price so if you like the video please make sure you do give it a thumbs up if you would like to see more five-star hotels why not click the video here of the burel Arab in Dubai or maybe a five-star hotel in Las Vegas which is also here I'll see you next time
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 179,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luxury hotel in london, 5 star London hotels, where to stay in london, best place to stay in london, The shard, the shard london, the shard hotel in london, london, england, luxury hotels
Id: evjzizqxClU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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