I Stay In The DEEPEST Hotel In The World!

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today I'm in North Wales and I'm about to go underground 1,375 ft underground to be exact this is one deep hole we' got 13 floors going up you've got I know how many floors going down goes miles that way and it goes miles that way goes miles miles this is the world's deepest hotel room when I've arrived the weather is rather inclement to say the least um which means there's going to be a lot of water in the mine now the mine is around about I think 100 yards that way or the entrance to it so we've kind of got to go up and then down into the mine looking forward to it apprehensive a little bit scared and a little bit nervous so better go to the base camp which is just further up there where I've got a meet uh everybody else get my gear on and uh hear all the safety information and then go down and sleep in in the mine come on been told to meet by a train station which I think is here but nobody else is here and it's raining the information I got on the email was to meet at this location I wasn't given a point of contact very mysterious I've only seen a couple but there's literally nobody else here there's no signs or anything look at that there is a train actually pulling in are you guys doing the uh the sleep thing are you yeah oh nice to meet you Mar Tim Tim nice to meet H yeah up the train goes so I did just meet the lady up there she's going to get some stuff for us uh it's raining at the minute so I thought i' just give us have a little bit of shelter in the car even though we've got to walk up there in this weather so I can't say I'm looking forward to that uh I'm going to take you through a little journey um into an old abandoned slate mine and you're going to stay down there as well so you're going to stay overnight sleeping underground sound good yeah perfect all right then now um once we go into the mine it'll be about 10° so probably a little bit warmer than it is out here at a moment um when we're moving you'll get warm again but if you've got any waterproofs um I would suggest wearing it because we we've got about half an hour walk up to the kit room where I will kit you all the harnesses and Wellies and helmets and stuff like that so silly question that hole up there is that where we're going into no all right another mine opposite to one that we're going into called uh risam right there's me thinking I was going up there I was like that's quite a Treck it's not as high as that then uh not quite no the one we going into today is uh one of the biggest well is the biggest slate man in the world so we've got to walk up to base camp to get some harnesses on before we go into the mine little bit of a walk thankfully the rain has stopped cuz I was worried that I was going to get soaked it's not really the place you can bring an umbrella walking up the side of a mine well that's the first time of everything it's pretty huge that mine in front of us way not that way so we head up this way to get some harnesses on before we head into the mine and this big pile of slate has become a world heritage site this was actually removed from the mine all those years ago and if you think about it back in those days they had to do all of this by hand wow look at that let's St over this wow an interesting fact about slate is that they grind it down to a powder and a lot of that is used in cosmetics and toothpaste did you know that when you brushing the teeth this morning he was brushing with bits of slate just to discover with that's really difficult to walk on and uh the old little rails for the carts are actually quite handy to walk on wow I could go in there for a dip we're going to get kitted up just in there look at this so beautiful see those little houses up there apparently that's where the miners used to live [Music] trendy as I know right I'm all kissed out we're ready to go into the mine it's just weird knowing that it's getting dark I'm not going to Hotel I'm going to be staying in the mine overnight but what accommodation have I got everybody else in there has got a very simple Lodge I've gone for something a little a bit different I'll show you more when we get down there there's something so nice about that sound of walking on the Slate water so just before we go in I just need to do like a little um safety brief in case of um anything happening along the way um so once we step into the mine please leave your helmets on until we get down to the Deep sleeve um only because you don't know what's above your head the ceilings do come quite low in certain places and I don't want you to crack open your head this mine originally would have had over 100 km of passageway everything looks exactly the same and where you think that might be safe it's probably not so it's safe to say please don't go wandering off or if you see something shiny or something like that don't just go walk towards it because before you know it you'll be a low a level lower want me to go in fast yeah amazing welome to come often let's do this ni that is actually I don't need a coat on so I'm sure you get this question all the time but is it haunted um no no I've never seen seen anything as such but I smelled things oh really so the miners would have lift off really strong tobacco yeah and in certain areas I sometimes get a whiff of tobac and it literally smells like somebody's just smed a p something like that but no not really I don't think um do you get like so cuz I read on the website you can possibly hear strange noises and like you get wind down here as well oh yes you do yeah so either I'm not sure which way we're going to go today um I th today or tomorrow we'll go through a tunnel and you'll feel like a gree but that's just the air through the mountain um that keeps it ventilated I suppose have you seen the movie The Descent I have and the sense to oh no imagine waking up having that nightmare in here oh oh god well luckily and The Descent will Sur fill in the cave yeah we are in a mine that's what I'm keep telling myself yeah um so you are currently stood on the U main holl incline of this mine so this is where they would have brought slate up and out from um to where we just came from um so just to give you an idea of how big this place actually is you've got 13 floors going up you've got I don't know how many floors going down each floor has roughly got 30 m in depth yeah it goes miles that way and it goes miles that way as well goes miles miles yeah wow yeah so originally this would have had over 100 kilm of passageway so you could definitely get lost yes 100% if you don't know what you're doing like what we for example go on on the ultimate extreme trip that's probably an eighth not even an eighth yeah so this place is huge I don't know if I've got a map I must remember to put the map in um but miles might have a map of the place that we have well an eighth of it anyway that's crazy yeah it's it's massive again a lot of it we can't access anymore because it's completely flooded now um and a lot of it is very dodgy as well you have to really watch your head this is super sharp don't if the camera picks this up but this is one deep hole you can barely see the guy just down down there right at the bottom so we're going to go across here so we're going to clip ourselves onto the safety line here going to follow it across I'll be waiting in the center there so you're going to have to go underneath me and carry on please follow the Rope to the very end once you're at the very end walk that way and there will be a little hole on the right hand side kind of waiting that passage way oh my God look at this drop that is a big drop down there so I can I can lean back to help me get around here do I or you if you want but I would hold on to the Rope all right so you can hold on to this as well that yeah that's probably the best bet the camera pick that up but that drop is insane we're not going over there is there other way that we have to go this way I think that's how you do it I'm not sure way you're not funny all right then so what's going to happen is I'm going to attach this to your harness you will then walk forwards holding onto the black rope and then you're going to step forward stand on that bit there turn around face me and then sit down and let go yeah keep your feet on the Rock when you get to the bottom you'll need to unscrew this from your harness yeah so just open it up and then leave the carabina on the red rope yeah I know it's safe but I'm always a bit like tell me now I do I'm and at this point my GoPro footage went a little bit weird but I was dropping into this big cave 50 to 100 ft down oh my God this place you can see just well you probably can't but it's ridiculously high I'm walking on this and holding on not too deep I don't want to fall in cuz that water's real cold so this is called a jumper bar and this would have been the hand drill that the miners would have used to create these Chambers so they would have had chisel on both ends a little bit of a weight and what they would do is pretty much drop twist drop twist drop twist all the way up to here and then they would turn it around and carry on all the way up here so one of these holes would have taken them between 6 and 10 hours depending on how skilled they were one hole but they didn't do that down here they did that up there so they would climb up a chain you can still see the chain hanging down there yeah they would climb up that hand over hand wrap it around the waist once wrap it around the leg once and off they went drilling yeah so there aim was to get a fridge freezer sized block of rock down and which is a very good example here yeah so they would drill a few holes like that at the end of the day they would um fill them with black powder a little bit of clay a fuse they cut the fuses as short as they possibly could and then guess who got to light the fuses the kids correct yeah [Music] yeah this evening um I'm sure you would have all phoned in and let them know that you were here now um usually they will tell you which way to go at a certain place this is it where did they tell you to go that way as as was back where they said follow the guide their and we've made it to the deepest point of the mine 1,375 ft down uh miles was there to welcome us with a hot chocolate and a couple of biscuits before we settled in and then I got to see my room so there's one two three there's four different lodges here they are quite small however I'm going to be staying in The Grotto you have to check this out as I walk over the bridge this what you can't see that is one big drop I'll show that with a bit of light later on but let's just walk through here I've actually bought my own light just because it's so dark down here and your head could get hit on here but this is known as The Grotto let's go in wow I kind of feel guilty everyone else is in a lodge but I'm here in The Grotto I did pay for this and there is a waiting list for this Grotto as well I actually had to book about four months in advance we might been five months but let's show you around looks so cozy though and there is even a little log fire OB obviously fake but look at that that is actually kicking out some heat nice touch for a second I thought that was a fridge but it's not towel which is quite nice little plant somewhere to hang my clothes I do also have my own sink in here as well with more halis and barding very nice just blows my mind there's running water I know there's lots of water down here so obviously running water it is all cold water that's the only problem but you notice look on the walls this actually does look like the Slate but it's slate wallpaper that is crazy right and then then there's the real slate that goes all the way around the room I mean some people who are claustrophobic I guess wouldn't necessarily like this room it does feel though really roomy surprisingly it's very warm as well considering that the cave outside is around about a constant 10° in here I think it's a nice and cozy 23 nice romantic Candles there nice little rug on the floor and then of course you've got the bed do the bed test in a moment couple of side tables even little reading lights which is actually brightening up that clock at the minute so is that the real time yeah qu 9 it actually took us 3 hours to get down here crazy right there's plenty of space either side let's do the bed test it's actually very very comfy oh I can't say I've ever laid in a bed and looked up to something like that before that is kind of nice but also terrifying at the same time that's the other thing I don't need to lock my door anyway should we go and try out dinner because I hear that is special so I have to check out the toilet what's it going to be like now luckily I'm the first one in here so it smells pretty fresh there obvious ly are nine other people here so it probably might not smell as fresh a bit later on so let's give you the tour of the toilet a proper toilet sink look at that even bis and Harding and I believe that's where you go for a number two and what you have to do is you take one of these bags out and then you stick the bag in there you do your business you tie it up and then you put it in a bag out here I don't know why I'm surprised but running water and the chain flushes as well lose so dinner res serves and basically what you'd get on an airline M did you Nick that from British Airways uh somebody certainly did I put it on eBay oh did they so funniest things you find on eBay believe it or not most of the clames on eBay surprise me so dinner is up I've got Smoky tomato paa which is very nice apparently these are quite expensive these cost about £10 each um obviously if you're up a mountain you put some hot water in these and you can have a nice tasty meal on the side with a bread roll and the kind of coke let's give it a try it'll definitely fill you up and it's definitely smokey pretty good dessert is lemon drizzle cake with custard it's quite nice it's like being back at school wow this is cozy so this is what one of these lodges look like same thing as what I've got a little dehumidifier love that little light though but no sink in here yeah that's really cozy and and there it's really old one old fashioned it's from yeah I just saw that really old plug does it actually charge your yeah yeah yeah wow cuz I didn't think they had enough power for all that I think it's uh it's handmade because it's probably operate on different voltage that's something I don't have in my room photos and I couldn't find the thermostat either but I just had all I had was that heater on the floor and the heating under the bed yeah have you noticed these hooks these are yeah these are brilliant well most people have actually gone to bed now and uh I just wanted to stay up just a little bit longer because um the atmosphere changes when it goes a lot quieter it's a really nice dinner and dessert but as you standing here it feels like it's raining just that little bit because obviously water's falling from the ceiling and it's falling on the corrugated roof over there you can also hear the water running from in the cave over there well as far as evening entertainment goes once you've had your dinner you've had a little bit of a chat it's actually about 11:00 right now uh wake up time is I believe at 800 or breakfast is at 8: so wake up time might be a little bit earlier I didn't realize this but they've got um heating underneath the bed as well cuz obviously the floor can get pretty cold love this though where can I get one of these from I can actually lock my door from the inside cuz I was a little bit worried the only thing you need to obviously think about is in the middle of the night if you need to go to the toilet you got to get up put your boots on walk all the way across the bridge obviously don't fall down that massive hole and then head into the toilet one good thing about being in The Grotto rather than in those um well little sheds is that uh I don't need to worry about noise because uh you know it's pretty thick walls in here just turn these lights off right look how cozy that is with the candles I wonder how dark it will actually get just turn the lights off pretty dark I'll see you in the morning well I did sleep but it was sporadic really I kind of kept waking up thank God this bed is heated From Below because it starts to feel really damp on the covers on the top um but yeah with the heating from the underneath wow it was toasty I really did need the toilet in the night but um I couldn't be bothered to get out of the warm bed I'm going to get up have a wash obviously there's no hot water it's just cold and then go and see what's for breakfast cold cold oh that's one way to wake you [Music] up morning good morning coffee I'd love a cup of tea please yeah that would be lovely so I think I must be the only one up actually although I did see a couple of people staring mares in the background making me a cup of tea I was so I'll tell you I was so thankful for the the under bed heating last night it was um was it a heated blanket or was it under floor heating kind of thing um yeah there's a heater under the bed like um tubular heaters yeah and there's some electric blanket as I say cuz it really did make a difference cuz I turned it I thought I'm not going to need that I turned it off and it got cold very quick and almost a little bit damp and as soon as I turned it on yeah it was very cozy something so nice just hearing that little bits of rain dropping onto the ceiling it's not rain is it it's from water from the ceiling same thing yeah the first cup of tea in the morning is always the best isn't it how about you how's the grto The Grotto is um you feel more like you're in a cave yeah than you would be if you using one of these but feel like yeah you're right down in the bottom of this C cuz you the thought goes through your mind of how you got down here and it's but it's almost a bit like a horror movie going for your mind as well where you actually are the fact you're so far you're so far away from everybody and it's so long to get back up to the we've all seen descent and everything else yes we've all seen descent but I was the last actually on some of the trips down so that movie was going for my mind as I was looking and everyone was I think it was when we were going down the the shaft where the water was running and I had to wait quite a while until I went down yes so I was the last one I was just looking around and then the movie was playing in her mind no bacon eggs and sausages um I've gone for a strawberry quason interesting Flapjack and a cup of coffee I guess you need some calories in order to use your energy to get up to the surface which is what we're going to do in about um 10 minutes so can't say I'm overly looking to back up there but apparently there's a quicker way out than there was coming in breakfast was great coffee was better um time to get ready to head up to the surface it sounds weird to say that leaving the uh the warmth of uh my little cave and heading up to the surface what's crazy is they actually have a live stream of what's going on at the surface just uh in their little kitchen which I thought was kind of I thought it was a screen saver at first it's going to take us a little bit quicker to get up to the surface uh I'm probably not going to film that again because you've already seen that so I'll see you up top just got out the sun is shining my eyes are hurting oh it's lovely to smell fresh air when it come out it's got nice weather yeah oh definitely rather if you came out and it was rubbish coming out of the mine to see that Sunshine oh what an experience it was so nice to come up and see blue skies feel the wind in your hair I know I've got hat hair at the moment if you ever wanted to do this experience I definitely recommend you staying in The Grotto you get much more of that cave mine experience through the mine shafts in the caverns I mean it was an amazing experience I mean it was crazy to think that we were going to be sleeping in there we we came past a group that were going in there to do like a an extreme activity and they were like did you stay the night down here wow if you like the video please make sure you do give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button I'll see you next time for
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 227,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wONn4vmY9eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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