I Stacked Buildings For MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY in Stellar Settlers

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so you know how this works we land on an alien planet and we have our beautiful little habitat Welcome to our first settlement now the game's like hey click the button and put down your mining Factory which I totally want to do we also need to connect that with a tunnel right like so and now up in here we can assign one of our settlers to this pod do we want Olivia double production that sounds good I mean everyone gives double production so let's just put Olivia In Here Also we can create a mining pot so that little is going to drive off and start collecting resources we're going to create a hauler that's going to pick up the resources that that guy picks or that drops off look at that little drill he's so adorable all right let's create another minor or three I don't know I'm just going to spend all my money and make all of the Bots that we can there we go all right little Bots you collect us things oh we need a storage facility entrance we should probably build one of those too let's click down here storage facility oh that's a double decker nice it wants me to rotate I don't want to I just want to connect it and now my little robot should drive it inside drop off the resources and we can get self-sufficiency pods like a greenhouse we could also get teram miners solar panels silicon Factory I don't know might as well get a greenhouse here ooh it's not connected can I connect to anything else it can let's do this and then we'll tunnel them together like so cool uh-oh that fell is not having power right now yeah yeah it totally needs to be connected oh you know what I might not have connected it properly there we go now it's connected nice kind of want to put some solar panels up too we can put that up top but they have to be connected to down below so I'll make a vertical tunnel that connects those two together and we'll make a long tunnel on the top that connects both the solar panels that looks good look at this go all right green houses let's assign a settler do we want mat here sure we can also put in Harper 50% production ooh top and bottom levels H you know what I could put you in here instead so we'll gain more power now let's put in a silicon Factory we'll do that right here uh-oh that has no power too good we have power now look at that little silicon going back and forth that's awesome is that what this thing is uh that's just conductive materials sure so let's build a quarters down here we'll attach that I think all four sides are good they are and on on top of that we're going to place down a lounge okay perfect so we'll contack the lounge like that and the quarters to the lounge perfect ooh upward and downward tunnels nice so you can make a little bit different that looks good we're stacking things nicely now game wants me to build two Terra Miner pods those are kind of weird looking I don't know if I like them but where could I even put that h i could put one my goodness right here and we're going to rotate this lounge around so I can tunnel to it on the vertical side beautiful okay that one's going and then we'll do the same thing right here pop in another tear mining pod beautiful we have 45 49 energy do we need solar panels on top of that I mean we could I don't think we're going to really need that right now but I do kind of want to put another Quarters on top of this and we will connect those two with that vertical tunnel again and now we have another walkway out beautiful so the game wants me to increase the green which is storage capacity we can definitely do that over here with more storage pods but we need to get the uh research station which takes more silicon and electricity we'll hold on to those for a second oh we're going to get blasted by a meteor in 6 seconds too it's going to crashing right here please don't die oh is that oh wow hey that's easier thank you for mining that for me very nice the research station is ready to go we can put the research over here I like that idea right like so oh that's not quite good let's rotate it that'll work better put the tunnel in nice research is online and I think I'm going to build a second one too as soon as I can should probably get some more power going too we put one up here oh here here's an idea we'll do one there and oh one here we're going to see if we can get this to work I'm guessing I can we just need to do some convenient angle twisting or I can find another spot like this one right here to make it work beautiful now we're going to use the energy material to get our research going and our base is looking very nice I think to speed this up a little bit we should probably get another mining Factory I can place that right over here too and add a tunnel like so cool all right so you want it requires a settler we'll put Liam here we're getting more mining going on even though that's really expensive the silicone takes forever maybe I should force these guys to mine it hey dangus come back here get that conductive material you too I just want to keep building more of these just so I can get more silicone I know it's using up my other resources but I don't really care right now I just like a giant Tower of silicone factories that looks good hey new settlers arrived decrease by ooh yes we want decrease gives five no the Drone the Droid this is good it gives us five research nice that's one thing I was really looking for because we can unlock more and get that mission right here I think that's what it's wanting me to do is just getting that one done all right more storage time and that added up the storage pot we can just put that on top is that all we need to do beautiful I'm really good with these vertical tunnels too oh these are really nice there's a lot of uh connections onto them here's another idea what happens if I just rotate this around like that and we can remove that pipe meaning we can connect it here that looks good we need two more lounges or one more Lounge should we have like a high-end Lounge up here sure that's fine we'll connect it like that does that connect that didn't connect why didn't you connect that's annoying uh-oh a Settler's Fallen ill take him to the Sick Bay and kind of need that oh I see what happens there uh turn tunnel H do I have sick Bay I do we need more power though okay power is one thing I'm really good at getting cuz we can get the solar panels probably can get uh upgraded ones too but let's put these in quick we're going to connect those like so let's see is there another place I can connect we have to connect it to the main area we can do that right H I think we found a puzzle my friends rotate I have a better idea let's demolish that we're going to remove this then we're going to put in a riser right here oh shoot I can't well I can put that there that could work better there's a stupid rock in my way and I can totally solar panel on top of here okay rotate this one around like that and we'll jump in with that vertical tunnel cool and cool very good the puzzle is coming together very nicely now the game wants me to put all of the settlers in pods but I've been forgetting to make more of these thankfully we do have 198 of the Silicon now so we can build up a bunch of bots to get resources even faster there we go that's what I like to see okay let's find the ones that need people in them H settler assigned Isabella you can work in the solar panels I feel like that's a demotion this is also interesting we have gp81 here um he's not assigned anything and I can't unassign him to anything because he's sick that makes total sense all right how did a robot get sick that's what I want to know I'll put it up I can't put it on top of the solar panels I want to Stack continuously going higher and higher but I'm also very concerned about making my base uh too far out so let's get a riser we're going to put a riser here and then we're going to put the Sick Bay on top of that sick Bay in there beautiful okay that should work it's kind of close to where people live too in the quarter and now we can assign GPT 81 right here good treat six settlers assigned in 10 minutes my goodness fella build new Pods at the sixth floor or higher okay then we can do that I like the idea of adding more silicone Towers yay look at that I did it 1 2 3 4 5 6 counting with blitz oh we need two of those um okay I could remove the solar panels from here here we'll demolish that and then we can build up on this one what do I want to build up with uh we could just do regular quarters that'd be fine right okay I think all four corners are good okay one two then should we do a lounge on the top yes I like that that looks cool we'll add in a few more of the vertical tunnels to make this work right cool we got ourselves a skyscraper ooh when now we need to research a trade satellite that should be fun let's see if I can find it here tall Riser Hub settlers Hydroponics Bay I kind of want that how many research do I have 17 dibs wonder if it's an economy no we're in the researches uh nuke reactor every game needs nukes robotics lab xenobiology where in the dumb is a research what am I supposed to get a trade satellite trade satellite that's 10 good thing I didn't waste all of my stuff okay what do we get trade satellite that's stupidly expensive but I've almost have enough but I need a nucle reactor pod that's even better it's a little cooling tower on that that's adorable we'll put that over here connect that with the long tunnel H how much power does that give me two it uses silicone every second that's fine I've got a lot and that is a dead end as well huh uh-oh just an immediate dust storm popping in this is interesting um storage capacity Max limit if I do math properly that's over the max limit I think we need more storage thankfully I'm an expert at building things ooh new settlers uh tunnel are free of cost yes thank you I don't even know who you are but I'm going to put you in you can't even go in there can I put you in the nukes yes I can Landon directly connected okay uh probably don't put you in that one you don't need to be in the nuke station we'll put you in here instead all right whatever I can move move landing around okay storage is up to 1,500 now that storm is going on for no oh a settler I like how you can predict like oh a settler is going to get sick in a little while oh what's this uh salvage or learn um Salvage thank you yeah we got to be careful now we need this tra oh I can actually afford it hot dang can I put it up here oh that's even better rotate trade satellite and vertical tunnel oh wow it didn't need power it just was like I'm out of here see you okay we rotate that to there I'm going to put the power in anyway there it is that's cool we just lost a trade satellite okay a repair station is next that takes 10 nuggets of points we'll get that in a little bit I forgot that I also built a hydroponic station now that I have the nukes I think I can get rid of these solar panels and then we can start using this area better can totally put a Hydroponics Bay on top of this Oh I thought that'd be powered really I need a rotate one more okay n oh stop you not rotate okay good and that should be fine if I put in a vertical tunnel here that's going to start producing lots of blue things at the cost of one red thing there's another alien structure here that will give me another research point I will take that cool now that should give me enough research to get the repair station that we need very nice and let's see how much that costs to build Repair Station okay oh Storm's over got to chill for just a little bit I'm also concerned that we're going to run out of resources how much is left here oh never mind we have plenty of resources left all right looks like Matt is the sick one now I didn't realize that all of these people have a mission too we completed that one mats is not done he needs me to use additional half turn tunnels okay Liam two new green houses I don't have that researched yet I don't think Harper Quest is done Isabella is done Landon's done and GPT is done all right so we need to build more green houses there we do have Matt in the sick room now we're just waiting on more building materials which they're mining right now and a few more of the yellow not sure if there's a building that gives us re um gives us the building materials do we need that all right the terapod miner gives more we can build more of these we have the technology they just take a while I will do that one and that one and that one aha that's what we really need I know that uses a lot of our building materials but it'll be better for us in the long run plus we can expand out other buildings here so we're good to go mine Little Creatures do your mining it'll be perfect kind of want to build some more research stations they're kind of expensive but might need to also a little difficult to hook up all we should need to do is connect here and we have some long tunnels that we can just Branch around beautiful AI Uprising no I don't want my trucks and drones to stop working that means I get less resources 5 minutes of AI Uprising really you know I didn't recognize we have the trade satellite I can totally buy things like we don't need this let's trade that did it do it automatically oh it did oh that's so much easier wow hot EG now I can buy a repair station in a minute ah and every time you do it it makes it a little harder that's fine okay we're going to trade that one now and then one more time I think that's fine nice Repair Station where can we put this anywhere it looks like we can I mean the game is all about stacking things up so sure I'm not sure what it's repairing okay malfunctioning pots sure and a Launchpad Yes except that takes 30 research my goodness ooh another new settler arrived okay pod generation bot movement speed I kind of like that Bots can move faster I also did Matt's Quest by just slapping things in here he's almost healed up now I undid Matt's Quest I wonder if he cares nope I'm going to make sure all these research pods are using energy yeah we don't want to be wasting our building materials okay I'm going to take these people out of here we do not need you on just a a vehicle maker it doesn't make sense well un assign you we're going to put you guys in here because you give double production which gives us more silicone and that should be nice but we're going to get a solar flare and hopefully that doesn't mess everything up too badly uh-oh are we good oh the repair bot's going good that's actually not too bad uh looks like one of our storage facilities went down I'm fine with that good job little repair bot look at him go that wasn't so bad at all all right Matt just got off of his whatever sickness he has we're going to put him in the nuclear reactor here oh I can un assign you to the Pod there it is let's unassign that and we're to put you over in the nuke station which should give you double production which is huge because this thing makes so much production anyway and we're using a ton of energy for our research so that's going well Liam also has really bad settler morale he wants two new green houses and I don't have those right now especially when our next Quest is to build a Launchpad which is 30 research we only have 25 now okay I really don't need these guys mining energy why don't you guys go mine Building Material instead we have solar panels and nuclear reactors that should be uh your high priority also looks like they aren't keeping up very well oh well I mean I guess I could always build up another mining Factory it's super cheap we will have to put a person into it for a minute or two here Liam I'm sorry I know you don't like that you're not very happy right now but come over here I'm going to assign you to this and then we're going to build four of these there you go friend un assign you you can go back in your pod now nice we got it we got the research so we're going to unlock that Launchpad there it is research oh boy this thing's going to be stupidly expensive isn't it spaceship parts my goodness we have to build the whole thing that's cool okay we need a Thruster oh my goodness I can't read your goal is to design a spaceship which will escape the gravity of the planet by reaching a certain height if you fail and the spaceship touches the ground it blows up and disappears falls on the base and makes an explosion might demolish some uh-oh that module stops giving its okay ah successful liftoff gives 200 XP Thruster requires a fuel tank four thrusters need four fuel tanks every spaceship has weight you can see by clicking on it wow all right game all right oh all right it's telling me what we need so we need like four thrusters interesting how do I I just put them down they're relatively cheap does it not I mean I'm used to building in Kerbal here okay we need a fuel tank where's the fuel tank we need four fuel tanks wow why is it all wonky and weird life support modules hold up what is going on here why aren't they all right we might need to delete these oh balls oh absolute not right what was that noise oh no we have broken down things please fix them fastly we have a heat wave going on and it's burning our buildings I'm really trying to figure out how to do this though it's so weird like we don't want the thrusters to be all together but it doesn't lock all right so this thing is not SN napping together and it really bothers me I'm just going to go with it we're going to do whatever we can to make this you know what let's try I I don't want it to collapse on my base that's the biggest thing I've got going on and every time I delete something it's totally fine so let's build up a a main structure can I just build a wow wow you see my problem I don't know if it's working and like are you attached Thruster man oh well hello there that works so much better look at me being all big smart brain and stuff also is this build mode all right that's not what I was thinking it was can I also delete this one underneath yeah why not of course game all right that makes me way happier we can build the fuel tanks now slap a life support module in the middle that's good do we need we need a habitat module so we'll put that on next very nice do we need two more life supports I wouldn't mind adding a gyroscope too because I'm kind of scared of it and we'll do a small structure just to even it out put in an additional habitat and a nose cone okay I can't launch it yet because it's uh we don't have enough build materials but we should shortly if I just go ahead and sell some of these now I probably don't have enough water materials look at me being all dumb yeah we need 440 now that's going quick and I can always buy those using power okay all right should we try it should we launch the rocket it's got everything it needs on the checklist so why not right 3 2 1 liftoff oh not quite LIF off yet really please don't blow up it's something blew up please make it to orbit no no no no no no no I need more small oh it's the structures oh balls yes see you with the Stars your launch was successful barely you've gained experience new planet settlers and modes are available to play Oh neat we can go to Planet AE 23m is that Elon musk's kid name must be anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video hope you enjoyed if you did let me know keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I like to thank all my patrons and channel members including autod da Ben Dicky J Teddy hippius General Harris Trent M Cordo Keegan H Louis C zarof maxer Ralph BC Engineers carmx whiskey YH gun Jam Doug rules red d c scander d Payton plays fussy badge rip the warrior link hu Kyler J Nitro nitrox w k Grim Reaper kitu Rob rugby terel and Abram gep
Channel: Blitz
Views: 94,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, stellar settlers space base builder, stellar settlers, colony sim, city builder, space game
Id: zZuoQQRf5Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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