I Spent The Night Alone In An Abandoned Mine (With No Way Out)

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i do not recommend staying in mine overnight there's a variety of factors that went into this all this to say don't try this at home please don't try this at all so this idea i want to spend tonight in an abandoned mine and not just any event in mind i want to have to take the cage down and stay in an abandoned mine so there's absolutely no way i can leave [Music] i'm not really longer having a good time later today some guys are coming up and we have to go down to the 700 level to check on the water because the water stopped pumping and so to get to the water you have to take the original union cage from 1865 and have it lower you down to each level and only one person can operate it and he'll be here today so if i wanted to do this i need to do it today but it's like three now they're supposed to be up here in an hour i need to convince them that it's an okay idea and then get supplies ready to spend the night down there it seems ridiculous probably is ridiculous probably not a good idea but the idea of staying overnight in an abandoned potentially haunted mine is intriguing i am going down in the union mine here at saragodo and the union mine is accessible by a cage so a cage that goes 900 feet straight down with levels every 100 feet and the only way to get those levels is through the cage and the cage is in this hole that goes 900 feet straight down so i'm gonna take the cage tonight down to a level and then tell the hoist operator the guy cody who will be operating the hoist to come back and bring me up at a certain time tomorrow morning probably seven or eight so i'll be down there for at least 12 hours there's no way of me getting out of this mind until the hoist brings you back up i'm just i'm literally just thinking this at the spot so from a little bit spinning that's why they'd be super dangerous because there'd be no communication up if anything were to go wrong i'd be stuck down there for the 12 hours batteries go out anything else whoa yes yes yes hello i wouldn't be able to take the kittens so that would be a huge problem but it'd be cool i mean it'd be something the cage can only go down when we have a qualified hoist operator here and so one was going to be up for two days and all the work was gonna be done on the second day the first night we were just coming up to essentially hang out and get prepped and so i had to convince the guys to send me down the cage first and they're like hey you're mine your show do what you want to do tonight's a go the guys agreed to send me down the hole and pick me up in the morning so i will be sleeping tonight in an abandoned mine shaft i'm just getting stuff together now it's kind of last minute but i need obviously sleeping bags these are mres some meals i eat i got sweet and sour chicken and southwest style beans extra memory cards because i want to be able to get this head lamp some coffee so i can stay up late i don't really want to sleep that much down there uh my headlamp other lamp charging but i mean i only have like an hour to get stuff together so it's not gonna be too much but i'm hustling this will be fun or it'll be something at the very least oh yeah other thing so in this mind it's not like there's electricity it's not like there's cell phone reception so i'm gonna have to bring down my lights not that big a deal but there'll be no way for me to communicate with outside world or the outside of new york to communicate with me so that's the biggest hang-up that we're having as far as communication once i'm down there i'm down there and theoretically i could yell and maybe somebody on the top of hear me but nobody's gonna stay up there all night they're going home they're going back they're going to sleep and so tonight i'm truly there i'm stuck there's no getting in there's no getting out i'm just having to deal with whatever happens down there and hey we'll see all right with almost no time to spare i have finished packing and this is kind of what the final rundown looking like i got headlamp regular light it's memory cards hard hat with a lamp meal is ready to eat got the rice and beans the sweet and sour rice and beans coffees protein bars hand gel a little pad to write down thoughts hopefully maybe who knows a great idea will strike me another lamp some whiskey because i'm gonna be in an abandoned mine that's potentially haunted i would not have whiskey this make some tea i think it'd be hilarious ft down there that pretty self-explanatory batteries bandana another light another blanket and a little beanie and a pack up and get into this mine one final thing it's like the coldest day yet so remembering a temperature or a temperature gauge i'm gonna bring a thermometer down let's see how cold it gets tonight i'm thinking maybe 30 or 40 which is gonna be pretty pretty chilly one of the grim facts about this mine is a number of miners died within it it's a fairly famous incident referred to as the china stope incident where 20 to 30 miners were trapped in a cave in around the 200 level and never made it out they're still down there i say this not to celebrate it or make light of it but as a fact the fact is mining was dangerous people died it's still dangerous to go down into these mines and for me thinking to those miners or all the guys that did lose their lives in this hole below me is a form of mental maury memento mori means remember your death in latin and to me it's not depressing it's invigorating we're all going to die you're going to die i'm going to die so what are you going to get do with this time given for me that means bringing more attention to sarah gordo to the history here that i think is very important and a living interesting life how do you take that cage 900 feet straight down well it's all supported by the hoist over there and this is the original hoist at cerro gordo which originally established in 1865. so that bunch of cable right there so it lowers me down into the mine and it's all controlled by an operator who sits here and puts his hands on this break and you are literally putting your life in his hands that thing right there controls how quickly that cable right there goes down and he knows how far you are by this obviously very sophisticated dial and so there's a radio you rady up you say hey i'm about at this level and they stop but this hoist this cable lets down that cage and that's how you get into the mines all right before we go any further i want to say thank you guys so much for checking out this video my name is brent i live here at cerro gordo this is a former mining town from 1865. i make videos like this once a week if you haven't already please subscribe to this channel if you're already subscribed thank you so much your support means everything and i will let you get back to the video so we're going up it's just about seven o'clock i'm not getting out of there till eight so at least 12 hours it is so windy out here this is the hoist building so this is the building inside which is the mine i'll be going down into let me show you as you can see it's really rocking and rolling in this wind i've never seen this windy already dark but this this is the cage i'm about to go down and spend the night [Music] i'll see you guys at uh 8 am right 8 am 8 am call time you have your phone i don't i left it down [Applause] good yep nice knowing you adios well take care of your catch buddy thank you take care of the cats i'll take care of the combination bye guys where did you hide all that money in that suitcase oh man you know if you want to come back up you're going to have to tell us yeah that's true i didn't think about that you guys can make some demands push off a little bit here okay all right the ladders are the rope is correct when you want we'll pay you some more out all right also a few feet ahead of [Music] time [Music] it's 7 18 friday september 18th i will not be leaving here until 8 00 tomorrow morning so 13 hours down an abandoned mine [Music] yep i think i'm here i just gotta take a second to unload you you won't work uh anywhere outside of the skip so you're stuck right there time four i will uh talk to you guys tomorrow [Music] her morning all right so i'm here i am down in the union my cerro gordo where i'll be spending the night and as soon as that cage leaves there's no way for me to get out of this there it goes i am officially here goodbye anyway out of this mine you guys ready for an interesting night i don't know about this idea anymore let's take a minute and just get situated it is 7 28 friday september 18th and i am down in the main union mine at cerro gordo already there's bats see it i'm definitely not sleeping over there oh no oh boy all right all right so i just got down here i have no idea even where i'm looking at the camera is it over there this light is blinding me off this lighting is going to work but am i having regrets maybe a little i think the first 30 seconds down here i saw a bunch of bats around that corner i'm gonna sleep on a cot around bats and ghost and who else knows what but i'm gonna try to get like i think the important thing i think step one i'm gonna go explore first that's what i love doing out here but then step two is like create a comfortable area right is that what you guys would do create a lot of lights in one area i'm like strategizing with the camera as if you guys know what to do and sleeping in an abandoned mine that might be haunted i don't know i want to create an area that's comfortable that has some lighting that i know to go back to but then my fear is that the bats will get attracted to the light because they seem to be at least disturbed by when i was over there and so it's it's not even 7 30 so a long time till 8 a.m tomorrow morning all right let's do a little inventory of what i remembered and maybe what i forgot so first off i got lights not as many as i would like but hey what are you gonna do i got a couple mres so meal is ready to eat heats itself up somebody gave that to me this winter when they heard i was snowed in so somebody just randomly sent a box of mres just a keeler no address just brent underwood keeler and luckily i got him but i got those i brought some books which i think would be interesting to read down here so first i got the silver seekers this book is about them finding silver in this part of california there's my remy who is a descendant of the remy nadu that hauled all the mule i'm tripping up um i looked over there that there was somebody and i realized after i started talking it doesn't matter so redmi nadu hauled mules up to sara gordo this is his book it's about silver death in yellowstone and this book is about accidents that killed people in a national park accidents and full hardiness in the first national park who would do something like that so that's here i got a bunch of water i have chips i got white claw i got coors my friend craig set me down with some amazing bourbon so i have bell mead which i will sample i got some fray ranch which i will definitely be sampling down here got some other food i got tea i got a a jet pack to make some tea oh so so gross they had chips i got disgusting hands i actually did bring hand sanitizer i got toilet paper you know just because i got this speaker because you know let's have a dance party down here solo dance party oh i have this black light or uv light to go explore some of the walls apparently i've never done this but apparently if you hit the certain type of minerals it glows these crazy colors so i'm pretty excited to do that that's kind of the summary of it what do you guys think i should do it's amazing when i just ask what do you think i should do first off you're not here second by the time this airs i've already done whatever i'm gonna do so that's cool third right behind the camera is this weird hanging rope from the ceiling which is creepy um i mean essentially everything about this is creepy i'm in it's weird because like even i'm not even making this up i do hear like noises which is really strange because they're so dark and like i don't know if it's like a mind play trick something or maybe the bats shuffling around in the background but we're here now and we're gonna make the best of it let's start with the chorus let's just dude i hear something all right i'm kind of afraid you know i've laddered down really long stretches before i've roped down i've been everywhere i sleep in cerro gordo which is known to have lots of paranormal activity but i keep hearing like kids whispering or something it's tripping me out i haven't even had a beer yet maybe that's a problem maybe it's problems i haven't had a period maybe after a couple of beers i won't hear these things but drink some beer have some whiskey go for an adventure uh yes um so [Music] if you really pause and take a step back and like appreciate where you are it's nuts it doesn't make sense it's like so crazy they they made this shaft and they made levels and they were down there blowing it up and pulling it out and supporting it with wood and there i am sleeping at it 150 years later you know it's just like it's awesome and i think is this that goes back to like you know perceptive you know if you slow down and take in things like that life's better [Music] some collapse we didn't come down here and stop whoa look at that is that new crystal or something it was real collapsed so much of this crystal looking stuff [Music] it's real claps though i don't like this probably have to go down a different route but that ends there no one's been done this in 100 years probably [ __ ] real collapsed damn it so that was sketchy hmm so look at this all timbering they're just following the vein wherever it went this is timbering everywhere i wonder if i could like scurry my way up there to see if they left anything up there seems more likely you would find something cool to go where they wouldn't go i think i'm gonna try that i'm gonna try to walk up there there there there and walk all the way up unless there's a ladder what's that nothing dynamite whoa all right box what we got there tied off old t-shirt maybe pants nice pants look at that take that back and explore more it's cool but for now to get up there bunch of old dynamite wick see how long that is oh where are we going i did there oh i guess i want to squeeze in there jeans it's tonight the night i finally find the levi's i hope so that's a fabric i was looking at definitely not denim but something it just keeps going up so i might go up there see if there's anything else to check out but i just don't want this to slippery slide down back where i came from i was down there i'm up here nothing too interesting that i found so far but let me keep poking around a little bit maybe over there we'll see all right 37. [Music] [Music] all right time checks just after 10. i did the first exploration around the place i love exploring minds it's one of those things where i was a little nervous when i first got down here sitting here i was hearing things but the moment i started exploring and finding things it's like the rest of the world just disappears and like i figured out where i am what i'm doing what time it is everything is this like i guess if you have sports they're called a flow state but i'm just like locked in you know like literal tunnel vision i guess but it's something i love to do that i did have this passion even a year ago and so exploring mines i'm sure is something i'll be doing until i die and i have sarah to thank for that i've sarah go to the thing for a lot of things but it's been one of my favorite things to do so i'm heating up my dinner my meal ready to eat down there steaming and everything eating the protein bar in it and i realized i made a catastrophic mistake i didn't bring the sleeping bag and the blanket that i needed you know that mine is freezing the mine's in the 30s and two of the possibly most essential things i don't have i could have done without you know four bottles of whiskey but a blanket and a sleeping bag are pretty big deal i had my sleeping bag in my blanket my backpack that i removed to put more stuff in and then the blanket and the sleeping bag never made it into the hoist so i am here no blanket no sleeping bag so you know what i'm have to drink a lot of whiskey get warm and crash on a cot around a bunch of weird stuff but it could be worse could have got some other stuff but it's kind of cold down here so hopefully it doesn't dip down too much more maybe there's a part of the mind too that i could find it's a little warmer and take it from there but not like i'm going back up to get it i'm here for the next 12 hours cheers to this terrible protein bar bon appetit oh dude oh my god can you see that it's like cat food it's smelly cat food does it taste like cat food's question it's not good it's so gross oh what the [ __ ] i feel like i'm gonna get sick eating this what do i have those white claws it's hot at least yes steam oh it's so so gross [Music] so well time to brush my teeth but uh i'd be lying if i said i brought enough water because i brought five bottles which i thought sounded plenty for 12 hours but no more water in sight but my teeth are gross after eating this mre and other random stuff so make do with what you have it's not so bad ruby red who would have thought i'm not doing this again so we're going for it tonight you know we're gonna get after it it's only 10 30. i'm not gonna go to bed i think i'm gonna drink a coffee and just explore that part of the mind that i didn't so so time to find somewhere to sleep [Music] here's the problem with that sleeping spot it's right by that collapse which could have been the collapse that costs a lot of people that are alive so that's a little too creepy that's the easiest shaft to go down but i'm going to find another place to sleep that's not going to work so might just work you know not too bad back here so i get the bed all ready you know i'm ready to lay down try to get some sleep i i look up here on the shelf now what do we have a bunch of old dynamite so i'm not gonna move my bed i don't think there is dynamite right there the problem is oda has nitroglycerin in it and nitroglycerin over time can sweat sweat out of it and crystallize and the crystals can be very sensitive to friction temperature impact anything and if you touch it just the right way boom last video that i make and so i don't love having dynamite five feet from my place but the reality is dynamite's everywhere in this mine it's how they mined it's a rare day when i go into mine and i don't find dynamite let's put it that way so it doesn't necessarily bother me up there i'm not gonna be jumping up there and touching it i give dynamite the most amount of space that i can and so i think i'm gonna try to catch a little shut-eye read some books the time we're looking at about 11 30 so it's not too late but i don't think i'm gonna sleep through the night so we'll see if i can catch a couple hours i might not go sleep at all but for now isn't going to try if the dynamite bothers me enough i might move but for now let's try to get some shut eye all right now i'm a little more spooked i couldn't sleep so i decided to just go on a walk without the cameras or anything just because it's kind of cumbersome sometimes to carry on the camera big old bat hit me in the back of the head basically and i don't like that particularly it's just past midnight now i don't want to get hit by any bats in my sleep my two favorite things about cerro gordo are the history and the people i've met through the town and so for the history i mean it's crazy to think about like a guy was standing in this at it or tunnel that i'm that i'm laying in right now and he was working 12 hours a day in 1865 150 years ago a guy was back here blowing up this rock to extract it hopefully to get silver to create a better life you know and he was working 12 hours a day underground i'm up here you know i'm making a video kind of having fun but for him it was real life you know it was it was hard work and i don't know there's just like a weird who are his great-great-grandchildren did he have kids was he able to ever get a wife did he die young you know there's just things that anytime i find something back in my mind whether it's that dynamite right there like i'm wondering who put that there who forgot it there did they ever want to go back or to them dynamite was an everyday thing so they didn't think about it and so i don't know being back here thinks about stuff like that as well just the weird kind of like web of people like i bet if we go far enough out one of his relatives once upon a time knew somebody that knew somebody that knew somebody that knew my relatives right there's like that weird web of humans and just i don't know i don't think any of this is making sense anymore i think it's past midnight and i'm in an abandoned mine that might be haunted but definitely has bats and i have no way to get out for another eight hours at least so i apologize if my rhetoric isn't perfect but i don't know i'm trying oh boy here we go i'm not really longer having a good time uh i don't know if you could if we can rewind and see my face when i just sit back there but there's a light behind the camera when i was talking and i have light set up but it was a different light and i don't like that anymore [Music] [Music] so all right it's officially sunday eight hours to go all right only eight hours to go sleep is not really working out too well keep exploring more it's funny like the closer you look obviously the more you find but i always like to put myself in the mentality of a minor is where would i put something and forget about it that other people aren't looking so on ledges is good back in the infill like i was talking about um just anywhere you put something in absolutely leave it there so that's what i'm up to so i'll probably do for the next couple hours maybe go two or three um and then maybe try to go sleep again then but until then i don't think i'm sleeping back here it's it's a bit eerie if you believe me oh i moved my bed because i thought wasn't doing and i'm not sleeping so i'm trying to lay down it's not working so we'll see all right it's just past two it's about 2 15. i must have changed my bed locations at least three or four times now it's impossible to get comfort comfortable it's cold that freaking blanket was not not the best so i'm using this one other beanie as kind of mittens i'll switch more like this um also i have heartburn or what i think is heartburn i've never had heartburn in my life but i have like uh paint like just like yeah it feels like i guess what the height burn would feel like let's see from that mre that i ate because that thing was gross so overall comfort level is about two out of ten not the best uh i don't think i'm gonna sleep so i'm just gonna probably try to go more explore a little bit more batteries running really low my final battery so i'm only like 20 percent left which i don't know how these batteries just getting fried through but first comes the worst i use my phone to record the rest um but yeah that's it for now still cold still down here i'll be down here i'm just past the halfway point though that's good you know it's 2 15 so i have about less than six hours left so i've been down here for more than seven hours so that's a good thing and i'm still here you know i'm going to be here and i think that's what i want to make this video for i wanted to show actually being down here because i'm not going to be one of the guys that is faking things or clickbaity just to be that way i think it's not authentic and it's not what i'm trying to do and sometimes you don't find anything and that's life four o'clock only uh four hours left oh less than four hours left and i am free i'll tell you what not bringing that blanket was a big big mistake it's getting very cold there are a lot of bats there's probably 100 bats or 10 bats just on crack or something just going back and forth because they fly over all the time i don't know if they're attracted to the lights i'd google stuff like that but the reception obviously so uh kind of coming to the final stretch i'm gonna try to nap another hour and then go explore for the last three napping has not gone well it's too cold there's my bats other [ __ ] but final stretch four more hours of living the dream good morning oh 6 25 final final stretch less than two hours [Music] that's not bad that seems doable so i think [Music] crack myself on these coffees i brought down get my last two hours worth out of this you know let's go explore some mine right cheers cheers to doing some saying you're gonna do something and doing it a moment i hope you never come drink my coffee i gotta go find part of this mine this morning i can leave that off camera just for you all right it's just about seven so that means that about one hour from now cage is gonna be coming back taking me up final hour of exploring that camera's at about five percent but wasn't wasn't the best night's sleep but you know surprisingly i've stayed in worst places all packed up about 40 minutes to go time to go explore a little bit more this camera's about dead but i'm taking the gopro let's get it so so 7 46 carts here early [Music] good morning [Music] yup think i'll stay another 12 or 14 hours or so [Music] i'm just kidding get me the [ __ ] out of here i'm headed up and then coming up it was funny because like the guys you know just seeing them again was interesting because they already think i'm a little crazy and i think that just cemented it for them so you know the riff cage finally coming up and seeing all them and smiling and joking around about what happened was was pretty fun and uh i don't know you know it's not something i'm gonna do anytime again soon i think this is a one and done type situation but glad i did it you know it's part of the history here now and uh the only way maybe you know maybe i would do a different level you know i did one level this time if i do a further deep level and maybe a different experience and hey maybe that time i'd remember my blanket and sleeping bag but no promises [Music] you
Channel: Ghost Town Living
Views: 1,335,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0JXfIryrv6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 54sec (2994 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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