This abandoned mine footage will make your SKIN CRAWL

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today i'm going to share the story behind one of the creepiest videos on the internet but before we get into today's story if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload two or three times every week so if that's of interest to you please go to the like button's house and as soon as the like button sits down to watch their favorite tv show start violently vacuuming right in front of the tv also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads alright let's get into today's story [Music] in the summer of 2013 a middle-aged man named frank pulled into a tiny town in nevada called kingston kingston which is home to less than 100 people year round is so small and desolate and cut off from the rest of the state and really the rest of the country that they don't even have stoplights it's basically just a collection of a handful of buildings like a laundromat and a saloon that are surrounded on one side by this huge mountain range and on the other just open desert at the time there were really only two reasons you would find yourself in kingston nevada one if you lived there or were visiting someone that lived there or two if you were going to visit the abandoned mines up in the mountain that are right near kingston frank was in kingston for the latter for the last five years frank had been traveling all over nevada and california and just the west coast in general exploring abandoned mines and he would film himself while he was in there and then when he got back to his house he would upload the footage to his youtube channel when he arrived in kingston frank had already uploaded 302 videos to his channel but despite the very high number of videos on his channel his channel was still very very small and it wasn't growing really at all so for him to be dedicating that much time and energy into making these videos indicated that he wasn't really doing it for youtube fame he was doing it because he had a passion for exploring these minds and he wanted to share it with the few people that subscribed to his channel and when you look through the first 302 videos on his channel that passion of his really comes through he always knows the history of the mind he's about to go into and when he goes inside if he finds machinery or pieces of equipment that have been left behind he immediately knows what they are and he speaks about them with relative sophistication he has this lingo that sounds like he understands minds on a really granular level so when frank arrived in kingston in 2013 as far as we know the only reason he was there was just to do what he always did which is go explore a couple of cool minds film it and then put it on his channel except this time frank's adventure into these mines right outside of kingston would be cut short by something he just could not explain however he captured it on film and it's terrifying the two minds that frank was intending to visit were the victorine mine and the horton mine the horton mine was constructed first in the late 1970s early 1980s and when they built it they expected it to be a gold mine but there was no gold inside so they constructed another mine about 900 feet above where the entrance to the horton mine was they built this other mine and inside of that mine there was gold this second mine they built was called the victory mine when they built the victory mine they board this massive hole right outside the entrance to the victory mine that went straight down 900 feet directly into the mountain and this big hole they drilled went right into the horton mine this was on purpose they were basically building the equivalent of a laundry chute except instead of tossing laundry down it they would toss the ore they drilled from inside the victory mine they would drop it down the chute it would fall 900 feet all the way to the horton mine and that would save them from needing to carry all of this ore all the way down the mountain basically it was a shortcut for the ore and in the horton mine they built this huge conveyor belt system so that anything that came off of the chute would land at the beginning of this conveyor belt and it would get brought all the way outside outside of the mine where workers could process it and bring it to town finally in 1989 the victory in mine ran out of gold so they permanently shut down that mine as well as the horton mine these two mines were located about four miles to the west of kingston's town center and so when frank pulled into town he moved to the western side of town and then found the access road that would bring him out to these mines and so he just drove on this road that basically shot straight towards this huge mountain range and after traveling about four miles he reached this very sharp right turn that basically went straight up a mountain and at this point there's no more pavement on the road it's a very narrow trail it's hard to see and so frank would have parked his car grabbed his camera and his equipment and begun walking up this mountain after quite a while frank would have passed a couple of run-down old cabins that were kind of overgrown these cabins were used when these mines were in operation they helped service the workers while they were out there but since the mines were abandoned so too were the cabins and so when frank got to these cabins that would have meant he was very close to the entrance to both of these mines frank first went to the victorine mine which would have been very easy to spot because right outside of its small entrance was this huge piece of what looked like scaffolding and that was actually the opening to this huge shoot that shot down 900 feet to the horton mine below so frank goes to the victorine mine and he has a look around but either frank didn't film his time inside of the victory in mine or he just didn't upload it because there's no video of him actually going into the victory in mine his camera is turned on this particular day when he's left the victory in mind and he's walked all the way down to the entrance of the horton mine and so we see this video it opens up with the camera pointing at the entrance to the horton mine and the entrance to the horton mine is very bizarre looking the entrance which is 20 feet tall has all these long strips of metal plating that have been kind of anchored up all around the entrance to prevent the entrance from caving in on itself but despite whatever functional value these copper plates might have had the aesthetic result is very creepy and makes you not want to go in the entrance also because this mine had been shut down there's a big gate right in front of this already very foreboding entrance that warns people to not go inside but frank seems totally unaffected by this and just strolls right up to the entrance of horton mine and he kind of talks about its history and then he calmly steps over this warning gate telling people to stay back and he begins walking into this mine right away frank notices there's quite a bit of water on the ground and that's cause for concern okay we can go in and just take a quick look i don't think i'm gonna explore this particular mine there's a little bit too much water in here and uh i know this mine is really old but uh i just don't think it's wise to go in here when there's water try to avoid this if i can frank's not concerned that there is water it's that the water might be stagnant water in these abandoned mines there can be poisonous gases that accumulate and when there is stagnant water those gases get absorbed into the stagnant water and so if frank were to step into one of those puddles of water he would release those gases from the water the so-called bad air and that can actually be deadly but as frank is standing there wondering if he should proceed he looks down off to the left side right inside the entrance way and he notices there's some footprints so somebody must have come in here recently and so frank decides you know what i'll go a little bit further in i'll just be really careful of the water frank makes it about 10 feet inside of the entranceway when he lifts his camera up and he looks straight down into the mine and you get your first look at really what the inside of this mine looks like and right away you notice there's this yellow kind of collapsed looking tubing that's hanging down from the ceiling and that's the old air filtration system and then when frank moves maybe another five or ten feet farther into the mine you see in addition to this air filtration system there's also all these metal chains that are just kind of dangling from the ceiling and they're all over the place and both the tubing and the chains seem to extend all the way into the tunnel out of view those chains were previously used to hold up the conveyor belt that stretched the entire distance of this mine which is 600 feet long they held that conveyor belt up which carried all of the ore from the chute out of the mine even though frank has seen similar setups in other minds he's been into he would say on camera that there's just something really off about this mind that it was really sketching him out and he wasn't really sure if he should keep going yeah this looks pretty uh sketchy i'll go a few feet further in and check it out but i think i'm going to pass on this one he would later reflect on that feeling he had inside of the mind and he would say you know it felt like there was somebody else in that mind watching him it was just very very uncomfortable and so as frank is debating whether or not he should continue just based on this kind of bad vibe he was getting he looks down and notices there's actually running water now before at the entrance it was stagnant but now he can see the water inside of this mine it's not stagnant it's running and so the risk of breathing in any bad air is pretty much gone meaning this mine is relatively safe but despite this supposedly positive development for someone who wanted to explore a mine frank is still not sure if he should continue this is one of the creepiest mind tunnels i've ever been in just because of how dilapidated it is and all these chains hanging down from the overhead and there's a shot looking down the tunnel even further a bit but despite his apprehension frank ultimately decides you know what he'd come this far i'll just go a little bit farther and so frank makes it to about a hundred feet into this mine when he turns around and he films the opening the entrance to the mine which is all lit up with sunlight and he films it kind of to give the audience a sense of just how far he had come into the mine and so then after filming the entrance he turns the camera and he films back down towards the back of the mind towards the actual end of the mind now at first you don't see anything unusual you just see the chains and it looks kind of like it had for the first couple of minutes of this video but then frank pulls his flashlight out and he shines it down the hall looking down the tunnel here so [Music] i don't know why that one chain is swinging back there [Music] as we saw frank's initial reaction to this swinging chain is speechlessness and then just sort of this weird statement of fact that he's like i don't know how that chain is swinging and then after staring at this chain and even zooming in on it trying to kind of figure out what he's looking at frank eventually would just turn off his camera turn around and leave very quickly and when he got back to his house he uploaded this video to his channel with virtually no context he just said you know this is what i saw inside of the horton mine and nothing happened it didn't go viral it isn't like everybody went crazy when they saw this footage instead i think his audience they saw this video and didn't really know what to make of it and then very quickly his audience and frank just kind of forgot about it and frank got back into making his kind of traditional videos then about a year later the youtube algorithm kind of noticed this horton mine footage that he had uploaded back in 2013 and it went crazy viral and immediately this video was put under the microscope by youtube personalities by tv personalities i mean everybody was just kind of taken aback by this footage and what was determined fairly early on was the actual video itself was authentic frank really did film a swinging chain in the horton mine in nevada the question became who swung the chain there are many people that believe frank swung the chain and this is all just one big hoax and they point to some of his newer videos after this video went viral where it appears that frank is kind of actively going out to find paranormal activity versus just going out and exploring minds and so they point to that and say look he's looking for this stuff this can't be authentic this video has to be fake but others say look frank is just a guy who likes going into mines and he films the inside of these minds he's been doing it for years and years and he just happened to be in one when something unexplainable happened and he happened to catch it on film and the only reason he began kind of actively looking for paranormal activity after it went viral is because kind of overnight his channel exploded and he suddenly had hundreds and hundreds of thousands of subscribers that all came from that swinging chain video and they all wanted the same thing more swinging chain videos more paranormal content and so seeing a great opportunity frank went out and began looking for paranormal content that's why most of his videos after that video where the swinging chain happened are kind of geared towards fishing for that kind of stuff but that first video that swinging chain video there wasn't really a good incentive for frank to fake it at the time he uploaded it obviously now you can say oh well you know he staged it because he wanted it to go viral and he wanted to become famous and then have this great youtube career look it's all it's all in front of us it's so obvious but how could frank have possibly predicted that that video would go viral going viral is so hard and it happens so rarely and it's nearly impossible to predict and so how could frank who had uploaded hundreds and hundreds of videos before and none of them had come anywhere near virality how could he have said this one this is gonna go viral it's just such a long shot it also seems very uncharacteristic for frank to have been diligently uploading on this youtube channel which was basically a passion project for five years he's uploaded 302 videos and all of them are the same he's posting the same type of content very consistently for the same small loyal following and then out of left field he uploads his ghost video with no context even if he was trying to go viral with this video he would have known that the most likely outcome would be that the video did not go viral and instead his small loyal following that was used to a particular type of content would see this video and be like huh why did he upload that or worse they would think is he faking this is this a hoax and if so that would totally tarnish his reputation and he'd lose probably some of his precious few subscribers i mean it just didn't feel like the juice was worth the squeeze but regardless even though lots and lots of people have said you're lying frank you're lying frank you're lying frank he said i'm not lying i was in the horton mine i filmed what i filmed it's up to you what you believe so that's gonna do it guys if you found the secret in today's episode let us know in the comments section what it is and where you found it so give us the time stamp and if you're the first to do that we'll pin you at the top of the comment section if you've got something out of today's episode and you haven't done this already please go to the like buttons house and right as the like button is sitting down to watch their favorite tv show start violently vacuuming right in front of the tv also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly two or three video uploads we are now selling merchandise like flannels and hats and sweatshirts and mugs and all sorts of stuff if you're interested go to if you want to learn about upcoming deals and promotions for our shop go to our shop's instagram page the username is shop mr ballen if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username for both platforms is the same it's johnballin416 i also have a ton of content over on tick tock where my username is mr ballen we also have a second youtube channel called mr ball and shorts where we post random short videos and lost episodes we also have a facebook page just called mr ballen where we post condensed versions of the long episodes you see on youtube if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballen it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock reddit youtube facebook or some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 4,736,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, dark, mysterious, true, story, scary, scary story, horror story, disturbing, narration, narrator, storyteller, storytime, storytelling, unsolved mystery, mine, Horton Mine, abandoned, abandoned mine, victorine mine, Kingston nevada, nevada, ghost, paranormal, unexplained, unexplained phenomena, chain, metal chain, chains, entity, horrifying, footage, mine footage, unexplained footage, disturbing footage, disturbing video, debunked, spooky, cave, abandoned cave, gold, gold mine, illegal
Id: dxq2m8bE690
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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