Do All Paparazzi Think the Same? | Spectrum

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Paparazzi should be a crime

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DrCrow1350 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2022 🗫︎ replies
good humans welcome to another episode of spectrum we do this series to humanize people that's right and this episode is about paparazzi absolutely nothing but we're about to find out enjoy the episode in my first couple of weeks working Adam Sandler spit on me oh and just two years before that I was caddying for him at a golf tournament and we were best friends I know the kid cudi version I know Gaga's version version I damned that song B I know that song yeah and if any if any paparazzi says they don't know the lyrics at least as much as I do where I could sing along if I hear it and if they say they don't know it that's a lie too because it's a song made for us none of those guys know the lyrics to Pavarotti Rossi I don't mind photos being taken to me obviously if I was in celebrity shoes and I was cashing big checks and I was a public figure I would probably have to get used to it a little bit more but as just a civilian you know I don't mind I love being photographed only for the fact that it's a it's memorable it's a part of history you know you you you can relate to something of the past by looking at it or even nowadays you can remember a moment so I loved I loved that I like that answer [Music] I'm not gonna strongly agree with it but nine out of ten times you know if you take a picture of their celebrity and they don't want you to take a picture of them you know there'll be some sort of rude comment that they'll that they'll throw out there you know get a real job something like that no I always rebut with well you chose your job and this is what comes with your job so we're in this together but I won't strongly agree with it just because you know they don't always treat me bad I think it depends on what you picture them and they see you what you're picturing for example I photographed the Hemsworth brothers surfing they don't mind it because they look good surfing but if they couldn't surf like Liev Schreiber he can't surf at all he didn't like it when I photographed him trying to learn how to surf he wanted me to delete the images he didn't like it overall I disagree for sure in general I've had way more positive experiences with celebrities that I've had negative it depends on you really I'm trying to be nice at the end of the day I'm trying like I got attacked by Woody Harrelson at the airport you know in my first couple of weeks working Adam Sandler spit on me and just two years before that I was caddying for him at a golf tournament and we were best friends I strongly disagree only because I knew what I was getting into when I chose to become a paparazzo the way I imagined it at one point in my head that I was gonna be guy I meet celebrities I take their phone I make some money I don't take it personal I don't think at home I do what I do whether they woke up on the right or wrong side of the bed that's up to them that's their reaction I'm there to work with them as much as they allow me to work with them but after that it's on them you know whatever they do and you know you just follow the laws you follow the rules and you work with it you never work against it and I sleep good at night they seem really good at night [Music] kind of having a pin you gotta have an opinion I like to say that of course I agree I would never go into a celebrity's bathroom or inside of someone's house or inside of a restaurant outside on the street walking on the beach those are where I sell or get my photos and video outside it's all open there's there's two points with the whole privacy thing number one they're a public figure okay and if you put it on your Instagram here a public figure there's a meaning there and there's there's a point oh there's a reason why they're a public figure they're a public figure because they're out in the public they've given up their privacy somewhat to be a public figure I've never shot a funeral and I never will I think a funeral is pretty very very private no matter what status of a celebrity so I've been offered a lot of money to work on funerals and I and I will not work on a funeral shooting to a pool and a resort from the hilltop yeah I'll do that people went crazy for the last shot of Michael Jackson the guy that ran up to Michael Jackson's gamble and shot inside and all those guys that pushed to get that shot you got lucky you got a lot of money my conversation steers towards I'm gonna take a clean photo nice fashioned have an exchange keep it moving B I strongly disagree that they everyone deserves privacy now I know the laws so I don't have to justify what I can or cannot do because I already know better I don't have to speak about things that are gone off of this because I don't do that because it's common sense you're not even justifying it's not even in my realm because it's public figure public domain no privacy there [Music] the way I always see it the way we talked about on our podcast is that you know there's a lot of guys that are that I consider I call them savages they're just the aggressive photographers that are always out there to to exploit whatever they're trying to do everybody's different some guys make us look bad some guys make us look a little bit better but there is a bad and a good side to this business what's that old saying you can't have your state into you yeah you're making a lot of money you're in the public figure you're out and about you're gonna get notice if not by a fan you're gonna get noticed by one of us and you're gonna get your picture taken if I was an a-list celebrity and I was out and about I would make sure that I don't take big bites on my burrito and I would make sure that I don't pick my nose you know after sip of my coffee I would just try to be proper in every which way let me make sure I got this question down right you're saying that my job exploits I disagree that it exploits I'm here to capture a moment for a mass audience if it wasn't for the mass audience it wouldn't sell so there would be no point to even having me on the streets or having let me find some kind of a newsworthy story journalism whether you like it or not it's journalism yeah and I've always felt like do celebrities day they want us to pay to go see them on movies they want us to pay and buy their album or you know go see them in concert when it comes with the millions of dollars in fame is kind of like you were saying is people are gonna take your photo people click constantly to see these people walking out of a burrito stead or I don't know going to see a movie because that's the life they chose and so they chose that life so I'm just trying to feed the demand [Music] - Rick if you go that way it's like I'm run over here of course they do of course they benefit from us they benefit from my photos they benefit you know they got into the game for publicity they wanted that feel when they were going in acting school when they were thinking about the thought when they were dreaming when they're 12 years old 9 years old 8 years who whatever age they dreamt about that stardom that's what hooks you into Hollywood that's probably what I know that's why I'm in it I love Hollywood so yes our photographs give them a little more publicity good better ugly it doesn't matter they stay in the spotlight they stay there they're relevant that's why it works I agree completely with Rick and I'm sure everybody agrees the same thing that our pictures benefit them by far since the advent of Instagram I've seen more celebrity steal my pictures to put on their instagrams to promote their products for free and they make tons of money on Instagram for their products when they post our pictures they definitely benefit from us I'll take good I'll take it to a different level of that celebrities come up to me and do setups yeah and say hey I'll be at the park riding my bike or I'll be surfing or I'll be between all the time I'll be here why don't you come get an exclusive put it out there so my name is out there so I could get more work and it's all about I yeah there's also that aspect where they want to do the cleanup the Kardashian stories get that start to die down all of a sudden you see them come out in groups and they start hitting all little trendy areas one day after the other it's all coincidence Kate Beckinsale well like circle Craig's until there's enough paparazzi the governor did she gets out in her dress stops me then it's like oh no you got it you got it [Music] it's adventurous it's fun it's exciting dangerous I'm very proud of it because I touch people and I bring out emotion in people I I create something out of nothing I'm I consider I'd never did before but I guess I consider myself an artist I've touched someone in life as long as I do my best work you do my due diligence I'm not gonna get hurt and I'm not trying to hurt nobody I just want to make sure that everything I put forward in the world looks clean it looks proper I agree I'm not on the strongly agree part just because there are aspects of the job that I'm not proud of doing I feel like many pictures I've taken have been viewed by more people than the biggest photographers in the world there's a way of doing this job proudly and there's a way of not doing this job proudly and I'm sure you contacted a lot of people and they didn't show up here today those are the people that don't do the job proudly the people that would actually stand here and get on camera and tell you that this the way this job really is that's a proud way of doing the job [Applause] [Music] good job we should take some kind of grouping I never met up paparazzi before but this is interesting because it shows that there's like obviously good people and like different perspectives and I'm sure we can't just judge right away we have a lot more of these coming for you so comment below collaborate with us we love hearing from you as always make sure you subscribe follow us on Instagram like comment and we'll see you next time
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,058,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, life of paparazzi, how do paparazzi get paid, paparazzi, do all paparazzi think the same?, jubilee spectrum, jubilee paparazzi, spectrum paparazzi, paparazzo, celebrities, tmz, hollywood life, celebrity photos, the insane lives of paparazzi
Id: OW86lyBnbCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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