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Oh my god, the funeral worker's work sounds horrifying. Power to her and all the essential workers.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
just last week I sat down with essential workers to learn what it's like to risk everything ensuring people have sustenance during this pandemic but this week we're gonna focus on other essential industries that have been severely impacted by coronavirus and the insurmountable threat imposes on all of humanity these individuals run the risk of not only getting infected themselves through constant interaction with the general public but also risk unknowingly passing it to their families and loved ones my name is Anthony Padilla and today I'm gonna be remotely sitting down with essential airline delivery and funeral workers to learn what it's like to risk everything working in public during this pandemic do essential workers feel safe and appropriately compensated for their efforts in insuring people and society as a whole are able to continue functioning or are they left feeling suffocated by the anxiety associated with every moment on the clock hello Noah leo hey how's it going Megan hi thank you so much for coming out and teaching me about the wondrous world of essential workers anytime it's literally what I do so what do you consider yourself an essential worker an unsung hero definitely an essential worker I do consider myself an essential worker every other day I'm just a driver according to the Department of Homeland Security I am a critical infrastructure person well that's like beyond eccentric no I couldn't even pronounce it correctly but what specific line of work that you do I myself am or whatever I'm an Amazon delivery driver I work two jobs at a funeral home in Las Vegas one of them is an office job and another is I'm on call a couple days a week to do body removals body removals and what specifically does that mean it means that I could get a phone call at any point and I have to report to any house in the Las Vegas Valley and carefully and gracefully remove someone's deceased loved one from the house and transport them carefully to our care center Wow so you could spend that night just hanging out at home or you could be directly dealing with someone's loved one who is deceased absolutely what thoughts first went through your head when you found out there was a mandatory quarantine that was being enforced especially in this business I've worked in a lot of customer service places before and you know human contact is avoidable in that case but with mine there's no avoiding that especially since I knew that my business being that in the death management this virus is known for unfortunately taking a lot of lives and by my business deals directly with that did any part of you fear that you would lose your job definitely just before actually hopping on this meeting with you I checked my company emails and he actually did get clarification stating that come September to November a lot of us will be are you confident that you're gonna lose your job or are you holding on to a little hope that maybe things will be okay by then the reality of the matter is most US airlines are bleeding about 50 million u.s. dollars a day a day a day that must be terrifying right now yeah it definitely is especially with everything going on the last thing you want to lose is your job security what extra safety precautions have you had to adopt since this whole pandemic started when I get to the yard which is where all the vans are they hand me the bag I sprayed before crap I grabbed the bag and then I go to my van I spray all the door handles go inside open the van and then spray everything in there too when I pick up the packages I spray all the packages down that little spray bottle in your hand potentially could be the reason that you stay healthy it could save your life just doing that extra step every single day I'm helping people avoid getting contaminated when somebody passes away in a hospital or anywhere we get a letter from the nurse saying this is information about this person and what they died of if there's anything even relating to the lungs it gets put on COBIT 19 watch even if they did not test they have nothing else we have to take those precautions right so you could be dealing with people who have died of health complications relating to Coba 19 everyday everyday that you show up to work it's it's wearing gowns in the whole suit every single thing that that possibly could have come in contact with that body had to be bleached 50 times over including the transport van itself Wow yeah in terms of protection we have gloves we have mass we don't have the correct amount of masks as supplies are slim and scattered out we just don't have everything you need but again the option to have it and use it if you do actually have it on your aircraft it has been voluntary there is no mandatory you need to be wearing a mask you need to be wearing gloves it's your choice do you feel that essential workers have the rights and the protection needed to feel safe going into work I took a Japanese airline bag home and they had I mean face mask face shields goggles I mean like you name it the only thing that it have was a full-blown hazmat suit that CDC recommends and then you go to work at your airline and then what are you feeling seeing the way that it's being handled they're my airline and I know quite a few other airlines they just started telling flight attendants that you can wear the mask now if you'd like because before we were only allowed to wear gloves so all we have right now in terms of protection is gloves and masks there's nothing else do you feel fear when going to work during this pandemic I'm scared every time I go on call what if I go into a home with someone that was in contact with someone that was in contact and it's terrifying I'm putting my family at risk because of it it's really concerning because you know we're going to work and we're still hearing about our co-workers that have passed away and we've lost quite a few people already to this virus I'm sorry if I ant I take your time excuse me when you hear that you have co-workers that are passing away from this and constant positive updates for the friends who are telling you I just got a positive positive test back and they're they've been positive for a while now they're going on weeks being positive some of them are doing okay some of them are doing not so well but you know there's a lot of fear attached with going on especially in aviation yeah and it's not just a statistic that you're seeing it's not just a number who've had that you're hearing about like that's the the extent that many people are are experiencing the actual severity of this outbreak but you your your your friends are being affected your co-workers who you have become close friends with are being affected as well yeah and that's that's the the reality of things do you think your job should be considered essential yes I almost didn't even need to ask you that question so specific I work in the office of a direct Crematory and especially with the pandemic that's seen a lot of increase you know with the whole ten person count you can't exactly have a funeral with eight people they're so direct cremation is has gotten a lot more popular and that's seen a huge increase and I know that my job it's a discounted way people can't financially plan for someone to die my specific job again I'm so fortunate that it is so incredibly essential yes if I'm not delivering to people what they need because right now you can only deliver essentials those same people are gonna leave their house and expose themselves or expose others to something the more people we have in doors and the less people that are outside you know getting in each other's area with it too close to each other and spreading this the better so yeah I consider myself essential to keep things running and avoid even more people suffering and at first I thought we shouldn't I said you know they comes don't have pilots and they can fly the plane around and and take cargo but the reality of the matter is flight attendants do you know a lot more than just you know stand there small serve you drink you know we're there for safety right yeah you're basically a first responder if someone gets sick or shows symptoms or has any kind of problem on the flight right I'm glad you said that because a lot of people fail to realize that flight attendants are first responders we are trained we are trained in the event of an emergency whether it be something with the plane or with you we are the first to respond and make sure that we can potentially save your life before we learn more about the wondrous world of essential workers I just want to take a quick moment to say that just like last week's video 100% of profits from this video will be donated to feeding America donations made to feeding America go toward their efforts in building an inventory of emergency food boxes to distribute to food banks across the country and safely continuing their distribution of essential household items like cleaning supplies diapers and personal care products I'll include a link to feeding America's website in the description below for more information and to everyone staying home practicing social distancing and taking this quarantine seriously thank you so much for doing your part and ensuring we make it through this as painlessly as possible for your health and for everyone around you that's all I wanted to say now back to learning about the wondrous world of essential workers do you feel like you're being appropriately recognized and compensated for your essential work it took them a while to put any sort of measures for us to stay safe and for any sort of compensation to come out of it I just recently got a an extra $2.00 on my paycheck per hour but that was as a bonus after the fact of I don't know if you've seen it but someone for Amazon actually protests it and and executed a really big protest and when I saw that I knew I was like that's the turning point and almost within a week they decided okay now we're gonna be more safe we're gonna give you guys hazard pay I think a lot of people choose not to think about the funeral industry you know whether it's they lost someone and it's it's such a touching moment or people just they don't want to think about death but we're still here whether or not people choose not to think about it we're still here you know working late hours I easily work 50 hours in a row 60 hours and we're still here dealing with the virus firsthand what are your thoughts on the proposed heroes fund ik waiting to about $25,000 in bonus salary I have mixed feelings about that I feel like it is good to recognize those that are literally putting their lives on the line for those because they didn't ask for this pandemic they didn't ask for such increasingly scary circumstances at work but also the other half is I knew what I was getting into in this business I knew when I asked to go on these body removals that I would be seeing that every day I know nurses and in doctors they take that oath to protect the public so there's a fine line between you know you asked to be in this business and you did not ask for this pandemic is there anything else you wish the government would do to help essential workers like yourself yeah definitely if airlines can't do it I ask that the government do it in terms of providing us at the airlines with more PPE which is the personal protective equipment you know whatever the CDC is recommending with a w8 show those should be items that we are provided on the plane if they recommend it why don't we harvest you would prefer to just wear a full hazmat suit if if you could right yeah I mean again I feel like this business is so forgotten about asking something from the government with aiding us is something like I'm kind of talking to a wall and asking it for help like a good way to put it yeah you can't ask for help if you're not being seen or heard how do you feel knowing that people are just starting to realize that your job is essential when in reality it was probably always essential I'm glad the recognition is coming now more so than it was before because the biggest opinion that the public had was they wanted the airlines to shut down that was all over you know the media all over Facebook they just wanted to Airlines to shut down and the fact of the matter is we can't we can kind of cut back service but in the grand scheme of things we transport medical personnel doctors nurses we transport medical equipment those ventilators you know I know many airlines that have actually chartered flights to China to take ventilators from China that they are being given to take them to New York things of that nature where we we do much more than just transport somebody to a vacation destination how do you feel about some of the more cynical people stating that we shouldn't be sympathetic or essential workers because they signed up for the job they knew what they're getting themselves into and they don't have to go into work if they really don't want to if they're too afraid this was not in the job description did not say that you would have to come to work during a pandemic you would still be forced to work without proper protective gear proper protective equipment and be required to do more than your job actually until before that's I'm sorry I mean if everybody decided you know forget this I didn't sign up for this the world would stop running all I want is just kind of kudos of like thank you and because we don't receive that in the funeral industry too much I'm just giving a little round of applause for the essential workers out there all the essential workers does any part of you fear that talking about all this stuff and mentioning the company that you work for and putting your face in your name out there in front of the world could have any consequences from your employer yeah hence why I have the the kinda you know everything yeah you're trying to protect your identity you you you specifically requested a way for us to help ensure that you can remain anonymous the essential worker episode was something great to highlight and I really wanted to be able to be a part of it I actually got a lot of comments from people saying I would love to talk about these experiences that I'm having because while some are good there are many bad as well and I fear for my job security and I can't afford to lose my job right and that's the reality of things this is a way for me to kind of get everyone who's been feeling like I have and getting to feel like hey this guy freakin gets it like you know like I'm not crazy then yeah I'll voice my opinions off I'll take it I'll take one for the team man I'll take with my team a true hero kerah wants to know if the public has changed the way that they treat you since all of this has gone down yes they have treated me differently but it also depends on who it is this guy had his kids out there and a bunch of other kids and they're all playing basketball and I come out of my van you know cuz I have a prime van I'm in my uniform I've got my mask on the full kid you know oh gear yeah and I go to deliver a package and as I what the second I step outside all these kids start sneezing coughing and one of them is kind of laughing and they're all just I got you like making all these noises and next thing I look over to my right there's a freaking adult standing there looking me right in the eye smiling smiling dude this happened after my aunt passed away so it's everything in my power not to take it out on them I can understand why you're so heated they were making a joke about coronavirus yeah and you just lost someone to being infected it was the fact that the adult was perfectly okay and smiling back on me thinking it's all a big joke Diana and daddu wants to know if your job has become more stressful since the beginning of this pandemic and if it's taken any kind of toll on your mental health you know I have become so uncomfortable at work that I had to opt for a leave of absence I fear for my co-workers and my safety when I'm on board that plane I don't know if potentially doing one thing on that plane might cause me to become infected or bring it home and spread it to someone else in my family and I have high-risk members in my household I would not be able to live with myself if somebody called that in my house and died because of it IVA arts wants to know if there's anything else we can do to help essential workers aside from just staying at home be nice to people that are essential workers and that's whether you work in fast food whether you work you know at a hospital be nice because they're quite literally risking their lives so that things have a little level of normalcy not that hard try one try it someday stay away from us our distance know that if you put us at risk that puts other people a lot more people at risk because we're directly going to your neighbors what would you say to anyone who is not taking this quarantine seriously as someone who stares death in the face every single day stay the home and take this seriously because those numbers are rising every single day people are dying that should not be dying damn well said no what's been the most heartwarming thing you've experienced while working during this pandemic a group of little kids and they're outside just playing and I go and deliver a package and they run up to me and I told them no no no wait wait don't come up to me and they turn around again and they're like thank you I love you and let me walk they run away you're like Santa Claus to these kids you're bringing you bringing their their gifts I do need to think about that what's been the most bizarre experience that you've had while working during this outbreak you would be surprised with the fit people are putting up over having to get their temperature taken you would think everyone would be ok for the most part people walking through or fine but most people are concerned am I gonna make my connection am I gonna be ok they're worried about making their connection meanwhile they may have a temperature that kind of shows that they are infected you know I have global entries so imma let you know you know a check do you not understand that means I'm writing right you don't get what's going on right now I mean like you know you think people would be more understanding but you know it's it's strange I had a woman ask us if because she's like well you know we want to split up the ashes for the family we want to split up the remains and they're like well they're pretty old and I don't want them to catch it from the ashes can you put beach sand in an urn and I'll give it to the grandma and that's illegal we said no that is super illegal yeah what's the first thing that you're going to do the moment that this is no longer considered a pandemic the quarantine is lifted and you feel 100% safe leaving your house again I just want to go see a hockey game again it's such a big part of Las Vegas and I feel like people have really lost part of their like spark and Happiness because a team has stopped I'm going to the beach man I got I gotta hit that I live in the desert they're out here I gotta hit some water no but yeah the first thing we do is to see my grandma I gave her hug Anika's you know I I miss her I'm like you know it kills me that you know she's trapped in that house and we can't you know go and see her so that's gonna be my first thing because I know yeah I know she would really appreciate it and I know I am gonna be really thankful what do you think the biggest misconception about essential workers is you know a lot of people think that we have a choice whether we want to go to work or not but we don't want to go to work we're gonna choose to stay home the fact of the matter is this may be the only source of income some not everyone qualifies for unemployment depending on what state you're in so it's it really comes down to not even our personal choice just more so you know what circumstances you're dealt with in life and if you need to work during this crisis you need to work during this crisis if you're able to stay home you're able to stay home for some people that it's just not feasible you know I actually have a parting gift for you the best interviewer shirt which you could get at padilha shop calm but for you I will ship this to you for free here I'm gonna throw this on here it looks beautiful on you Wow oh thank you so much your eyes are popping right now I'm not gonna lie like you're you just went from a 10 to an 11 all right you got five seconds a shout-out or promote anything you want direct me to camera go follow me on youtube at trans leo and follow the supersonic turtles on youtube as well for a sweet gaming community to all the morticians and funeral directors that deal with death every single day thank you for showing up for the living I'd like to shout out all of Aviation's first responders flight attendants a special thank you to everyone who's still working and of course our first responders on the ground thank you so much for working through this crisis and making sure we get the attention and care that we need so dealing with people that are literally cold-hearted and stiff and not happy in the slightest Anthony is not one of those people you should subscribe to him oh you said I had a heart that wasn't cool don't you tell that's my seventh grade girlfriend will not believe you thank you so much Megan I feel like I understand the wondrous world of essential workers working during the pandemic a little bit more thank you that I could do that for you after spending the day with these essential airline delivery and funeral workers I've learned just how much they put their safety on the line in order to ensure society continues to function we should definitely recognize and show these workers the utmost respect for stepping up to a challenge not many would feel comfortable taking on themselves please for the safety of yourself and everyone around you practice social distancing and stay home during this pandemic unless absolutely necessary see you later bye guys like make sure to spray first this is no offense to you yeah to you oh I do not think my employers would see this I am so offended the girl employers are fans I mean it's so sad I think if I said Padilla they think there's like a Y in it or something but oh they're those types of people yeah I mean look at all you people on there that's passports here with a why I do not man
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 478,469
Rating: 4.9755235 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, amazon, amazon delivery, funeral services, airlines, flight attendant, essential workers
Id: C3gqdr7TvRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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