I Spent 8 Hours Using Money Making Apps

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money making apps is a pretty hot topic there's a ton of videos out there talking about how you can make so much money just by simply downloading some apps on your phone and then completing a few simple tasks and the money that's being promised here is fairly significant I mean scrolling through these YouTube videos we're talking five hundred dollars fifty dollars per day earn four hundred sixty dollars doing nothing six hundred dollars nothing I mean it sounds a little too good to be true but there's so many people promoting this whole concept on YouTube that I feel like they're a piece has to be some money to be made there so in this video I want to sit down clock in for eight hours straight and see if I can make more money using these apps than I would if I were to spend the same eight hours working a minimum-wage job I feel like that's a pretty fair comparison and will ultimately tell us if these apps are even worth your time but first let's find out how much money I would make where I'd to spend the same eight hours working a minimum-wage job in the state of California the minimum wage here is thirteen dollars per hour when you're in a smaller tax bracket you're not giving away too much money to the boys over at the IRS so just to make the math easy let's say you're getting around $10 per hour after tax for an eight-hour shift you should be getting around $80 again depending on your tax situation maybe you're getting 70 maybe if you have a child you can use as a tax deduction you're getting $85 it just kind of depends but let's just say you're getting between $70 to $85 for an eight-hour shift now where I - hypothetically speaking is not pay taxes on the money we earn from these apps commit some good old-fashioned tax fraud can we at least make the same $70 and if the IRS is watching this first of all we were up here in 2019 I'm gonna need you guys to take it down a few notches and not take half of my money this year and also that thing I said about tax fraud was a complete joke I would never commit such thing I'm Way too busy committing insurance fraud but real talk makes $70 from these apps on our phone today for the eight hours that basically means that you don't even need to go outside to get a minimum-wage job so it's currently it's about to be 9:00 a.m. I want to clock in at 9:00 a.m. and then clock out at 5:00 p.m. see what I did there it's a classic nine to five work day oh and one more thing I didn't want to sit in this chair for eight hours straight so I actually went out to Ikea to buy a new chair yesterday and if you know how IKEA works I think you can understand how I ended up walking out of there with a whole brand-new stew setup them Swedish folks sure do know how to sell furniture and make scrumptious 75 cent hotdogs but I put all the furniture together and end up with this cool you set up here now back on topic it's already nine ten so we do have to get into this video so let's just dive straight into this and secure that bag so at this point I turned on some heat and began by just searching the term make money on the App Store and downloading a bunch of these apps is now loaded twelve different apps that I want to test out a lot of them seem to be survey apps so I think I'm gonna start off with that try some of these apps see which survey app is the best which one seems to be making the most amount of money and which one is the most legit so the first snap I ended up trying was one called quick thoughts which is an app on which you get paid to take surveys on these types of apps the money is coming from either researchers doing a study or companies who are looking for some consumer market insight in order to improve their operations 40 minutes in and just made our first 40 cents from a survey 40 cents and 40 minutes that's a penny per minute that that's not too hot that would be much better off so far working in a new way job but we'll see maybe this will take a turn I'm just gonna continue grinding on these different apps the next app I tried actually pays you to download different apps from the app store and then you either have to sign up for a free trial on the app reach a certain level in the game get past the tutorial stuff like that I guess the goal behind doing this for the companies behind the apps you're downloading is that they hope that you accidentally forget to cancel the free trial or for apps like the free games I'm assuming that they hope you end up liking and keeping the game so it's a pretty effective way of getting people to try out your app instead of paying for ads they're giving the customer acquisition costs straight to the customer which is kind of interesting two hours in we've officially earned our first redeemable amount of money as I said earlier this make money app you can redeem 5,000 credits for five dollars I've been downloading apps installing apps and they pay for that I'm at 5100 credits let that focus real quick as you can see 5100 credits which means I've officially earned five dollars and ten cents and also the 40 cents from that one survey did so we're at five dollars and 40 cents two hours in so I guess we're still maintaining that two dollars and 50 cents per hour I eventually basically ran out of I could download on the make money app so I proceeded to try one of the paid survey apps I just got done using this app right here it's called Eureka let me focus that and I think this is definitely my favorite app thus far it's a very clean design it's a survey app and the surveys are pretty quick they pay pretty well compared to the other apps I've done the only problem this app is that it only had three surveys but I completed all three and I'm sitting at a dollar and 40 cents at the moment on this app hopefully some more pop up as the day goes on since I actually enjoyed using this app okay so as you can see we're now almost halfway through the day we're about four hours deep into this I haven't gone insane just yet which is pretty dope but I feel like right now is a good time to take a quick break and talk about some of the things I've been noticing with the apps I've been using when it comes to the apps that pay for surveys it's kind of interesting the way they structure them they'll kind of throw in weird random questions like which of these animals walks on land and if you don't choose the right one they'll actually disqualify you from the survey it's their way of making sure you're paying attention so you can't really just sit there and spam random buttons on the survey a lot of the survey apps also pull the same exact finesse scheme where they give you like five dollars for just signing up for their platform then you realize that you need to earn at least twenty dollars to actually redeemed that money and you look at how much they're paying for their surveys and they're paying like 20 cents for 30 minutes surveys so thank you forever to hit that redeemable amount and I think what happens in most of these cases is people get the five dollars they're hyped they want to hit the redeemable amounts so they start doing surveys start grinding and grinding but they never actually hit the redeemable amount because they'll take an insane amount of time the person eventually gives up and the app walks away with a ton of free data that they then sell and they don't have to split that money that they earn with the person who actually took the surveys and gave them the data not gonna lie getting real tired of the surveys but with only three hours left to go I'm just gonna suck it up and continue filling these bad boys out the most consistent app I found thus far is this one right here it's called oh right the one that says zap surveys they don't pay extremely well but there's a ton of surveys available and I've just been filling him out in the beginning I was actually getting frustrated because I wouldn't be getting approved for any of them the way these things work is that lets say a solar company wants to know more about how they can attract customers who own a home and make between seventy five thousand to a hundred thousand per year so they put out the survey but in the beginning they don't tell you what demographic they're looking for because if they did everybody would just say they're this demographic so you get approved for the survey so instead they have you take a little quiz to find out what kind of person you are if you match the demographic that this company is looking for then they'll give you the survey and you can get paid if you don't then you get disapproved then you have to move on so when I mine to do some research and to find out who these companies are looking for the most sure enough I found a reddit post here talking about the most sought after survey demographics the top comment says that these companies are looking for people who buy and buy and buy do more than 50% of the grocery shopping they're always buying new products always looking to buy a new car changes insurance companies for auto and home a salon buys fertilizers drill plants does everything so they're basically looking for the biggest consumers people who spend the most amount of money buy the most products do the most things travel all of that stuff I started putting that down for the surveys and churn up I started getting approved more and more and at this point we are raking in that dough and by that I mean we're getting like 40 cents per survey but nonetheless we are consistently earning money so I'm just gonna continue doing that we have about two hours and 40 minutes left so let's bang this out I'm gonna go ahead and pop the pods back on and get back on the grind yeah one more hour to go before we officially clock out and talk about how much we weighed and if this is worth it or not but I'm still doing the survey's I'm going to continue doing the surveys for this last hour this is because that's been the most consistent form of from all these apps and we are done I'd already like halfway deep in a survey though so I'm going to finish this real quick and we're gonna check it back in but we're basically done 5:03 p.m. that is wrap we are officially finished so after eight hours of straight grinding on these apps I'm kind of starting to feel like I'm about to lose my mind but not really the thing that made it horrible for me is the fact that I got to catch up on a bunch of podcast episodes that I've been meaning to catch up on but isn't it entirely possible I think it's entirely possible Jamie pull up them so that was cool but let's now talk about how much you've actually made and I'm gonna break you down by app first up we got ten cents on Google opinion rewards then we got an app called quick thoughts which was a survey app and I earned 40 cents on there then we got a dollar and 40 cents on an app called Eureka I actually really like this app but I feel like that's just because I was a good design next up we got an app called make money and we have 5195 credits on there which basically translates if we go to the payouts since 5,000 credits is five dollars then that basically means we're sitting at five dollars and like 19 cents and then finally we got an app called zap surveys I really clocked in on this one and we got ten dollars and two cents so that brings our total amount earned after eight hours of grinding to 17 dollars any 11 cents actually a lot better than I thought however the problem is with a lot of these apps you have to reach a certain amount of credits or dollars on the app in order to cash out so we can't actually cash out a lot of this money but realistically I think you could probably earn around $40 for eight hours of work on these apps I just couldn't do that because I was testing out and registering for a bunch of different apps and that kind of wasted time we're in seventeen dollars and eleven cents divide that by eight hours of work and that comes out two to two dollars and 13 cents per hour we definitely made a lot less than minimum wage and from working I think I've had like three or four day jobs in my life total I would much rather do those jobs than be sitting here on my phone running these apps and whatnot not to mention that those jobs would pay more even though they were minimum wage so are these apps worth your time I personally definitely do not think they are if you want to go the route of making money online I feel like you either have to learn a skill that's gonna earn you money such as writing code or graphic design or you have to start an online biz I think the reason that people are attracted to the concept of these apps is because although it's not much they do guarantee instant money whereas with learning a new skill or starting an online business you have to put in a lot of work upfront for free just so you can have a hopefully have a pay off down the line honestly if anyone out there is even considering using these apps I'm gonna stop you right there dog as you guys know I'm partnered with an app called weeble which is an app you download on your phone and you can invest into stocks through it if you open an account with them using the link I put in my description and you put some money into your investment account you get two free stocks worth anywhere from ten dollars up to fourteen hundred dollars so there you go I just saved you eight hours of your life or if you win one of the more valuable stocks maybe even hundreds of hours of your life either way no I feel like this was an interesting and necessary experiment to find out once and for all if these apps are worth it in my personal opinion they are definitely not if you spend like an hour a day instead of using these apps you try to learn a new skill like writing code or graphic design or starting an online business you're gonna be much better off but I hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know how you feel in the comments about this studio setup right here I'm still gonna be using the original Stu but I might use this one as an additional one let me know if you vibe with it if you don't let me know in the comments hope you guys have a great rest of your day peace [Music]
Channel: Biaheza
Views: 2,070,554
Rating: 4.8225808 out of 5
Keywords: make money online, make money, how to make money, how to make money online, make money doing surveys, earn money online, money making apps
Id: nEonUnAPe4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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