I Paid Fiverr to Create a Dropshipping Business

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in this video I'm gonna pay different people on Harvard to create different parts of a drop shipping business I'm then gonna put it all together launch it and see what happens I'm gonna be paying somebody to create an advertisement at the web site a logo the whole shebang I'm really excited about this I'm personally curious to see what happens when I actually launch the store so let's just get right into this one [Music] yo what's good guys it's your boy be heads up back with another video now the first thing I want to address is let's go ahead and get the elephant out of the room here what's going on with my lips I was out in the cold last weekend it was windy and I ended up with this I hope it's not gonna be too noticeable distracting on camera I guess we'll just see but as you've read in title and in the little intro just did you already know we're gonna be doing in this video but for the two people watching this video who are not sure what Fiverr is it's basically a website where people can put up freelance services and charge anywhere from five dollars to a couple thousand dollars for them and the variety of different services you can purchase on this website is pretty crazy I mean you can get anything from website design to somebody managing your tinder profile to this guy saying that he's gonna say anything you want a thousand times for five dollars or this guy from a previous video that I did on Fiverr is saying this for $7.00 I mean this website has everything on it and in this video we're gonna try to use it to build a full on aliexpress drop shipping business with it and by the way that's when you take a product from China and that cost like four dollars you build a website around it sell it on there for $15 and someone purchased it from you you keep the difference in the middle and just ship this product directly to the end customer almost forgot but I have a really good meme to explain this I just saw this online the other day I had to share with you guys I mean you guys get the point it's a fairly easy to understand business model however it is a lot more challenging and difficult in practice so I'm very curious to see what the people are fiber are gonna come up with for me here that said let's go ahead and dive into the computer here and I'll explain what product I chose for this video and that is this posture correction brace right here views Facebook or Instagram chances are you've probably already been advertising this product before there are multiple stores that use this product to hit six even seven figures earlier in 2019 I mean this product was selling like hotcakes when it was new however at this point it is pretty saturated but I mean depending on how the advertisement that we get made turns out and how the website looks I think it's possible that we can still get some sales out of this it's three dollars and sixty nine cents and then it's another three dollars forty eight cents for shipping and the cool thing is this actually ships from the US so shipped from the US it's gonna be around $7 and if you're confused as to what this product actually is the seller provides a video for it so as you can see it's a little thing that you put around your shoulders that pulls them back and it's supposed to correct your posture now that we have a product in mind let's go ahead and hop it's a fiber and first up find somebody who can design a website for it so I'm gonna go ahead and search up drop shipping here see what we can find okay so it looks like there's quite a few people designing website and the prices range anywhere from $35 to this guy says that he's starting at 385 I know let's go ahead and try this first one starting at $55 here five-star rating which looks promising I will build six-figure Shopify drop shipping store that's what we're looking for here and he got the basic package for 55 up to the $400 premium one and he's got some reviews here all 5 stars for $55 I think I think I'm gonna go ahead and just go with this guy see what happens let's go ahead and go with a basic plan since we are only getting one product drop shipping stores so I feel like the basic is gonna be just fine but I am gonna go ahead and dish out an extra $30 to get the website delivered in one day rather than four because I need this video up by Friday if I choose four days I'm not gonna have time to test it so that's gonna cost an extra $30 bringing our total to 85 but remember if I wouldn't have a time constraint this would only cost 55 so let's go ahead and continue with 85 though I mean it's a tax write-off so it's fine after checking out at to answer a couple of questions for the seller such as what the name of the store is gonna be I didn't think this far ahead but I figured I wanted to do something with posture I thought about posture fix I don't really like it and I figured that was taken so I put fixed inserts thesaurus foundry map and got posture revamp felt like that sounded pretty good and it was available so went with it and now asked for how the person was gonna build the website I first had to go out and create a shout buy count once I did that the person gave me his email I then went into the Shopify count and created a new staff account and invited that purged the fiber seller through that email he got the invitation accepted it and then he had access to go ahead and design my website now that we have a website being done and on the way let's go ahead and try to find somebody to create a drop shipping out for us because that's what we need Nags to drop shipping ad ok so there's a ton of options for that as well let's see what we can find here found this guy right here $25 for the basic package he's got 70 reviews a five-star rating so it's pretty promising and based on the slow price so what I'm guessing he's gonna do is go ahead and compile a ton of different videos from around the web put it into like a 30 second video and then send that back to me so we'll see what he comes up with but again I'm gonna have to dish out another extra $20 to get the one-day delivery because I want to have enough time to go ahead and test out this little project this week so that's gonna bring our price to $45 let's go ahead and hit select so now we got a website and an advertisement in progress now as you can see here I'm actually on a logo listing I don't think we really need to do it for the purpose of this video but I think I'm going to go ahead and purchase it as it makes for a good example because fiber is actually a pretty good website for buying logos if you're getting into drop shipping and you're not experienced with Photoshop or illustrator it might be a good idea to buy a logo a fiver because it's very affordable so this thing has over a thousand reviews and it's 4.6 stars only costs $15 for their pages a package I'm gonna go ahead and upgrade to the $25 option just so I can get the one-day delivery because again I needed ASAP and I'll just go ahead and buy this to show you guys that what kind of logos you can get on Fiverr actually now that I think about it I'm gonna have a use for this logo since I'm gonna create a company Facebook page since I'm gonna be advertising this website through Facebook so I'm gonna probably use this logo as the little icon that the profile picture for the Facebook page okay so we chose a product where you have a website in progress we have an advertisement in progress the last missing part is the marketing which people do provide on Fiverr but here's the thing somebody creating a website on Fiverr I can understand because I mean maybe this person is really good at designing websites but they're not good at marketing they're not good at finding products and creating advertisement so they just sell their website designing purposes on this platform turn money same thing applies for logo design and advertisement maybe they're not good with other aspects of dropshipping so they stick to this part and try to earn money by selling that to other people but what I struggle to understand is that if somebody's really good at Facebook Ads then over the right strategies they don't they can do everything in the proficient at it why would they be selling their services for a super cheap price on Fiverr why wouldn't they just hire people to create an advertisement a logo do the marketing themselves and earn hundreds of thousands of dollars because I mean the Facebook and Instagram marketing part of drop shipping is basically the thing that ties everything together if you know that then I mean you can outsource the rest of the work if somebody truly knows what they're doing when it comes to Facebook ads and Instagram marketing it makes a lot more sense for them to start their own drops business as they'll earn a lot more since again they can outsource everything else or if they are gonna advertise for other people there would usually have to be a huge salary involved that's why I won't hire anybody on Fiverr for this part I'm gonna do that myself that way we get a true test of whether the product the advertisement and the website will all work together I wouldn't want to hire somebody I fire it surround the Facebook ass for me for five dollars and then ruin this whole video that said everything I just ordered should be delivered in about 24 hours so then I'll sit down go through it tell you guys if I believe it was worth it or not and then we'll actually get into launching the store that we had created it is now almost exactly 24 hours later and I got three emails from Fiverr saying that we got three orders that were finished and deliver so it's time we dive into fiber and see what we got okay so log back into the shop I store that I created yesterday and it's time that we check out what this guy created for us let's see what theme Hughes okay so here's the most basic default shop by themes I debut theme I'm not gonna make any judgments yet because maybe he did some custom coding on it and made it look really nice but this this this kind of off regular debut theme I don't know first impression it's not looking too hot this just looks like their bait the most basic debut theme oh man okay I gotta remember that I paid $100 for this which for website design isn't damaged but still it's $100 $400 I was expecting something a little bit better maybe we can check out the desktop you see how that looks I mean that looks a little bit better but the thing is if you know drop shipping you know that about 98 percent of the traffic that comes on to your store they're coming on it from a mobile device since you're advertising on Facebook and Instagram which people mostly use on their mobile device so the desktop view really doesn't matter it's all about the mobile view for dropshipping I mean sure this can be a starting point I guess but the guy titled his listing I will make a 6 for your drop shipping store and this is definitely not that if I was a customer and I went on this homepage I would assume this website is still under construction and is only like 30% done and he did not do any custom coding this is all the basic debut theme as you can see on the side here I will say I do like what he did with like a logo here the posture revamp I think that looks very clean but other than that this homepage not too hot but let's go ahead and see the product page since the product page is a lot more important it's what really counts since most people won't even see the homepage since you're gonna use the product page as your landing page ok well this doesn't look too hot either it just I'm sorry to say this is too if the person who made this is watching this but it looks like somebody took the basic most default debut theme and made it worse I mean as you can see here think that guy try to mess with the margin so you got the right side is a lot more indented than the left it's not in the center font is ridiculous it's huge and it's redundant you got the title on the top and the bottom here and top that he introduced to brand new super bright colors out of nowhere the bright red price tag and then the blue button over here I mean that does not flow with the rest of the website it's kind of out of nowhere the vibe it's definitely off on that ok one more test this is kind of like the ultimate way to find out if somebody knows what they're doing when it comes to shop buy website design and that's if you go on the checkout page and you check if they have a logo on the checkout page since you got to add that in separately or here I think I like to have to add this to card but yeah you have to add the logo on the checkout page separately which a lot of people who are brand new to drop shipping don't do so let's say check out here sure enough no log on the checkout page that would definitely lower the conversion rate and that's a rookie mistake there ok so honestly I'm a little disappointed I realize that only paid $100 which isn't a lot for a website but this this isn't even worth the hundred dollars I mean even if I wouldn't pay the extra I think 50 or 30 or whatever to get in one day even if I just chose the base package for $55 and had this delivered in a couple of days it still would not be worth the $55 which really sucks because one now I'm not as confident and launching this store and two I'm gonna have to do a ton of work and luring out his name when I show his fiber listing earlier on in the video as I'm sure you guys saw by now final verdict on the website it was not worth it I think if you took a regular technologically sound human of the street gave him the Shopify platform asked them to create a website I think they can definitely do something like this on their first go or even something better you know what that's okay I'm still gonna go ahead and try to go through this let's go ahead and move on to the advertisement that we had created hopefully that's better than the website we got here so here we are in the ad delivery page the guy said your advertisement is complete it took three hours was worth it and he's happy about the end result so I'm excited to see what he came up with he's really hyping it up here tip play okay so right off the bat I can see that I was right about what I said earlier he just compiled a ton of different with videos from around the web and compiled it into one video so that is what he did okay Wow dad that actually looks pretty good what he did was compiled a ton of different videos and put it into one but the editing on this the way looks those looks very professional which looks very clean how much did I pay for it I paid 47 but I think that's because I wanted to be wanted it to get done in one day I think regular it was only 25 dollars so for 25 dollars this would definitely be worth it I mean you wouldn't really be able to scale this compilation type of ad extremely high you would have to get joan custom concen but for starting out this could definitely be a viable option at only $25 especially if you're a beginner and you're not very good at video editing and you don't know how to create ads this I'm surprised with this guy thumbs up to him now here's the logo we had made let's scroll down over here and this is what they made us with that load real quick that looks good I like it I really like what they did with a circle here I think that would work perfectly for a company Instagram page use that as your profile picture it looks very professional kind of matches the whole medical fitness thing we got going this looks really good I mean what they did with the dots there that's pretty genius and it kind of really goes with what we're selling here this this is a really good logo for only $15 this is a steal I'm kind of stressing out here not sure but this video is gonna work out with a website that looks like this but I don't want to go in and edit the website just because that wouldn't be make true to the title of this whole video so I don't know what to do I mean again I could go in and revamp the whole website but then that wouldn't be starting a drop shipping business on Fiverr video that would just be me starting a drop serving business so I don't think I want to do that but maybe with the right Facebook ad targeting we can pull off a few sales so I'm still gonna go ahead and launch this store I'm just gonna hop into the website real quick do a few back end things nothing to do with the design I'm just gonna structure the shipping pages the disclaimers the legal pages bio domain and that's it again I'm not gonna mess with a design at all I want to keep it true to its original form that we got from fiber okay so connected the websites of Facebook pixel I created some ads I have ten assets here and there each using the one ad that we had created from Fiverr the ad sets are targeting ten different interests some of the audiences are narrowed some of them having some inclusions but they're all running at ten dollars per day they're all currently under review so I think I'm gonna go ahead and check in in about two days by then they should all get approved and have had at least 24 hours to run so I mean I'll see you guys then I'm not really expecting anything crazy to happen we're definitely not gonna be profitable with a website like this but I mean we'll see what happens welcome back it's been about a day and a half and cheers to an early morning in the stew here not gonna waste any time here let's go ahead and jump into the Facebook Ads and I'll go over how our store did as you can see on this ads manager we were obviously not profitable but we did get some sales one of the one of the ad sets was actually profitable it got to sales however I think if I kept running this ad site it wouldn't be profitable in the long run and then we got another ad set this one wouldn't be profitable at this cost per purchase but we did get a sale from it and that's for the rest of that set so we did not get any sauce on them but now let's go ahead and jump into the shop five back-end analytics and I want to show you guys some things on there so I'll switch to Chrome here as you can see fifty dollars ninety-four cents but I will refresh the page here not that these results are unbelievable but I still want to make sure I do that so you can see it's not inspect element as you can see still says 50 94 so Facebook did track all the orders correctly we only got three sales on here the average order value was 16 98 because that's how much I was charging per one pusher correct your strap thing the big thing that these analytics tell us though is this online store sessions number compared to the conversion rate as you can see we got a total of 820 online store sessions the conversion rate here is 0.37 percent which means that the facebook ad itself the ad we paid for did pretty well I mean 820 sessions that means people as saw the ad they liked it they were interested in the product they swiped up they were on the website but we can sell by the conversion rate that they didn't like the website they didn't really trusted because they didn't want to checkout out of the 820 people that visited the website only three bought the product so that's a point three seven percent conversion rate again with that website I didn't think that it would be this high but $50 ninety four cents those are our final sales and now I actually want to quickly go over a few key takeaways that we can get from this whole little experiment we did here this first law shop fight is very easy to use I would recommend you go ahead and design your websites and also that way whenever you want to edit something you won't have to reach out to anybody you can just do it on your own time whenever you want and whenever you need so and I also feel like unless you pay around five hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars for your website design you're not gonna get anything good and you're better off designing it on your own especially if you're a beginner as for the ad it was a pretty good example the guy knew what he was doing as you saw the brought traffic to our store same opinion about the logo it looked very nice very professional and it's that's something I would recommend you guys do if you ever need a logo just go on Fiverr and get it for like 10-15 dollars now I am a little disappointed with how the results turned out but that's just the way things work if you want to succeed with dropshipping persistence is one of the most important things you can have it's all about optimizing everything testing new things and eventually it is still definitely possible to succeed with dropshipping today I'm still gonna go ahead and upload this challenge video even though it was somewhat of a failure in my opinion it wasn't a complete fail because we did get some sales but when you compare those sales to the amount of expenses we had you can obviously tell that we are in the hole here but I think there's a lot you can learn from your failures and I think this video might even be more beneficial being the way it turned out rather than if we would have succeeded with the store and it would have been profitable just because I mean if we there weren't any hiccups with this video there would be nothing to learn from this video and it wouldn't really be beneficial either way though I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope that you have a great rest of your day [Music]
Channel: Biaheza
Views: 1,141,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shopify dropshipping, dropshipping, aliexpress dropshipping, fiverr, i paid fiverr, make money online, starting a business, online business, shopify website, shopify tutorial for beginners, facebook ads, create a facebook ad, winning products
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.