How To Start Shopify Dropshipping With $150 From Scratch (Beginner Strategy)

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in this video I'm gonna go over the exact strategy that I personally used to start up a drop shipping business when I was working a minimum-wage job with under 150 dollars I'm gonna talk about the whole entire strategy step by step and then I'm even gonna reveal a winning product and explain how it market it today with under $150 I mean the stick around for this one guys I think this is gonna be one of my most helpful and useful videos [Music] yo what's good guys it's your be hesitant this week we're gonna talk about a very frequently requested topic slash question which is how much money do you need to start talking and what is the least amount of money you can have to start up and drop shipping business and I can actually very much relate to and understand this exact situation since I was personally in the same exact position a few years ago I was working in a minimum wage department store job so my budget for starting up a drop shipping business was very minimal at the time however I was able to use this exact strategy that I'm about to talk about it's actually start up a store get sales on the first go and even breakeven on that but anyways let's just go ahead and jump straight into this the first expense that people think they're gonna have when they get into dropshipping is the monthly subscription fee for shop fights a host and build their website on there which is $29 but you're not actually gonna get charged the $29 until your two-week free trial is over so even after you put in your card and open your store shop fight isn't gonna charge that $29 until the two-week trial has passed so we're not gonna count that $29 subscription fee as part of $150 since you have two whole weeks to start something up launch a dropshipping store and then if things don't work out you can go ahead and cancel it which I hope you won't have to because you'll already be making sales and it's gonna make sense to continue the store your next potential expense would be the paid Shopify apps that you install on your website however a lot of the paid apps have free alternatives or even if you choose to get a paid app there's usually gonna be a free trial so you can basically build a shop buy website install apps onto it and if you cancel all the subscriptions in time in case you don't get any sales or things don't work out for you you're not gonna get charged for this portion of the business the shopper trial is 14 days and that's more than enough time to build something launch it and test it out so that's definitely gonna be enough time for you to kind of get idea for the product and the store you built is gonna work out or not the only thing in terms of your website that you're actually gonna have to pay for is the domain because you're definitely not gonna get away with a dot my Shopify com domain so you're gonna have to purchase a domain which is a dot-com domain is usually gonna cost you around $14 if you go through Shopify and I know you can get domain cheaper I think through Google but it's really not worth the headache you're gonna have to get the domain and then connected to Shopify you're gonna save like five or seven dollars so I just recommend going directly through Shopify for the domain so really that's gonna be our first real and non-refundable expense which is $14 for the domain now moving on let's talk about the type of product you need to sell when you're working with a small budget the more products you have to test out the more money you have to spend and the more its you have to spend testing them out so it obviously makes a lot more sense and you should strive to find a winning product on one of your first goes or at least what those little tries as possible which is why when you're working on a budget and it's your first go at drop shipping I definitely would not recommend you trying to find a brand new product that nobody has dropship before it and instead find something that's currently a hot winning products that's currently selling there's actually good software out there that you can pay for and it's gonna show you winning products however we're on a budget here it's not that expensive but still we want to maximize the amount of money we can spend on odds so we're not gonna pay for the software instead I'm gonna show you what I did to find winning products when I was starting out job shipping so the first step you're gonna have to take is to decide on a niche that you want to sell a product in so for example let's say I want to sell a product in the gym or Health / fitness space type of vibe going so what I would do is search up gym on Instagram I try to find the gym slash Fitness related Instagram theme pages know once I'd find a theme page I'll then look for any running ads that the page has for example this one doesn't have so I would actually press the little tab next to the fall bun scroll through and look for other pages that might have an ad on them so here's an ad I found running on a fitness theme page for a posture correction brace very kind of old product here basically the wolf mug of 2018 but not the point once I see this ad I would then kind of make a mental note in my head that okay this is the product I'll check out what store is selling it for this store right here this was a vibe okay so kinda remember that viable care advertising a posture correction brace and then I'll just continue scouring these new pages looking for other advertisements and if I would see that this viable care website is advertising this Bosch regression brace on 10 other pages then I would know that it's a winning product because they wouldn't be advertising if they weren't getting money back and I said ten different pages that's an over-exaggeration if I saw that they were advertising on three different pages two different pages then out kind of know that they're there repeat customers they're advertising on multiple pages which means it's working for them which means this product is currently selling through Instagram theme pages and there you go you found a winning product this process for looking for the right product can take a while but make sure you're pretty thorough with it because you don't want to waste time and money advertising a product that's not gonna work and you were gonna fail with it from the start in fact what I did and what I would recommend you do is actually find the product first and once you find the product you can go ahead and start the Shopify trial and build on the shop buy website put some apps on and start those trials now we get the most amount of time out of the Shopify trial and you're not wasting days of the trial looking for products so now that you found a product you filled the website which you can find out how to build a nice solid website that converts well in my but at this point you're now ready to get into the advertising portion when you're starting out with a very small budget such as a hundred and fifty dollars I definitely would not recommend that you get into Facebook ads right out of the gate since that's definitely gonna take some money to learn and actually get a profit through you're gonna have to test out a ton of different ad sets and audiences a lot of those audiences won't be profitable and it's not like a one cent payment you're gonna be paying every single day to test out these different audiences and if you're they're not profitable you're just gonna be seeing this money disappear and it can be very intimidating and I'm not saying that nobody out there should get into Facebook ads this is their first marketing platform I'm just saying that if you're working on a budget it's best to not do that if you have a budget to work with definitely get its Facebook Ads if you don't have that large budget you're better off starting with Instagram theme pages getting the feel of things learning how things work building up some capital from those Instagram theme page shoutouts and then you can go ahead and transfer into Facebook Ads once you already have some money to work with so Instagram theme pages are the things we looked at earlier when looking for a product the same way that the person advertised that posture correction on one of the pages you're gonna be advertising your products on one of those pages and at this point the domain was 14 dollars so 14 minus 150 you have around 136 dollars to spend on these ads when looking for pages advertised on with a hundred thirty dollar budget I would recommend that you split that budget we've seen two to three pages but you definitely do not want to put all of your eggs into one basket and only advertise on a single page because the thing is there's a ton of dead Instagram themed pages out there where the page has a huge following but its followers are inactive they don't care about what the page is posting maybe the post aren't even showing up to the followers it's just a completely inactive dead themed page and I think that's the biggest trap when it comes to Instagram theme page marketing since a lot of these dead pages have a ton of followers so they're gonna charge you a lot of money for a promo but you're not gonna get any sales from them since their folders don't care about what the pager is posting or they're just simply inactive the price is kind of vary from niche to niche so I'm gonna say a broad statement here but the pages that I look for would be between 50 to around 500 thousand followers that are willing to sell you a 24-hour feed post for around 40 to 80 dollars and you're gonna want to be very selective with the Instagram themed pages you choose especially when you're working with a budget want to make sure that it's a good page be very selective don't go with the page that gets back to you first I mean if they're a good page sure go for it but don't go with them just because they got back to you first pages you choose to advertise on are gonna be a very important factor in whether this whole hundred fifty dollar scheme is gonna work out for you almost as important as the product itself so that's that but now what are you gonna do for the actual ad you send out to the theme page for them to post this part is kind of tricky because when you're starting out you don't have a huge budget that you can pay for every single product you test out for the person to film the ad for you and edit it for you very professionally in my personal situation when I was using this strategy I actually had some experience with video making since I used to make skateboarding videos with the boys they're good at this whole life thing huh so I already knew how to use a DSLR camera and how to use Final Cut Pro and that put me in a position where creating my own advertisement was an option since add the filming and editing skills all I had to do was hit up some people in the area on Instagram who would fit the demographic for the advertisement I wanted to create kind of fit the product and I could just do everything myself from there however I realized that a lot of people going into this business don't have any background with video filming or editing so that's not gonna be an option for a lot of people out there common alternative and the whole drop shipping space and especially in the beginner dropshipping space what people do is they'll go on YouTube and search up videos of their product they'll search up reviews or just product videos in general they'll then download those videos and combine that into like a forty second advertisement and then they're gonna add some text to it edit it a little bit and they're gonna use that as their final ad and people usually do that to test out products run the ad and once they see that it's a successful product and the ad is working they'll then use that money the little bit of money they made from using that ad to go out and create their own advertisement and their own photos and whatnot however I'm definitely not gonna endorse or recommend this strategy since you can run into some with copyright issues with it I'm not held liable for this you're doing it at your own risk but that's just something that people do to test out different products so technically whichever route you take the advertisement portion creating the advertisement can actually be free for you which brings us to the fact that the only two expenses you really have with this hundred to fifty dollar strategy is fourteen dollars for the domain and then spending the rest of the 136 136 dollars on a two to three Instagram theme page advertisements but that's given that you do a ton of work on your own instead of paying people for certain parts of the shaking business you're gonna pay with your own time since you don't have a budget to work with and that's what kind of makes the drop shipping business difficult is that you have to successfully execute a lot of these moving parts in order for all of it to work but once you do this you're ready to launch your store and once you start receiving orders you can just go ahead and fulfill them on I'll Express the money that you get from people paying you is only gonna arrive to your bank account in like a day or two so you're probably gonna want at least a little bit of money on the side that you can pay for order so that you can ship them out right away right as the order comes in so that that already Aliexpress a long shipping time isn't even longer now this point of the video my original plan was actually launch this up of store but unfortunately it is skew for it is Black Friday weekend this weekend when I'm making this video so I just don't have the time for you to have to work on my actual drop shipping stores that I do for myself personally not for YouTube but I will go ahead and actually feel everything that I was gonna do and go over my whole strategy for this the pages that I was planning on using and the product itself so this was the product here is a type of beard oil that kind of stimulates growth so you can grow a fuller beard and I knew this was a winning product because I've actually got a ton of ads for it when I'm looking at my personal Instagram and scrolling through stories or or not so I knew that this product had to be selling the plan was to take this fraud I can build a one product Josh makes or Ford on Shopify and I mean this would be this product rater would be perfect for a one product store you can definitely do some solid branding for this type of product make it look really nice and the conversion rates would be through the roof with something like this I then thought about what kind of people would actually buy this product probably mostly men who are interested in how they look so I kind of thought about what Instagram theme pages match that and I thought of men's fashion pages since there's a lot of those so I would find some fashion pages with good engagement to hit them up as them for the promo rates find a few good ones and launch this product on them and there you go and all this can definitely be done under $150 when I was starting out Josh Irving I basically did I use this exact strategy with even a similar product here but that's gonna wrap up this video hope you guys enjoyed it found it helpful I hope that it helps you seeker that Wi-Fi bread hope you guys have a great rest of your day if you're interested in my full drop sermon course link in the description peace you [Music]
Channel: Biaheza
Views: 967,359
Rating: 4.9248939 out of 5
Keywords: shopify dropshipping, dropshipping, shopify, aliexpress dropshipping, beginner dropshipping, how to dropshipping, dropshipping 2020, how to start dropshipping, earn money online, dropshipping strategy, shopify tutorial for beginners, ecommerce, drop shiping
Id: VprSDx_ZpdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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