I Paid Fiverr to Day Trade for Me

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day trading is a pretty simple concept you look at a publicly traded company commodity or even currency buy into it if it then goes up sell it and there you go you just made some money sounds pretty easy but it's not although it's an easy concept to understand it's definitely not as easy to successfully execute since when you bought into that position earlier it could have just as likely dropped and you would have lost money now there's people out there who have spent years and years and years mastering this craft of looking at charts and graphs and numbers graphs stats numbers and apparently they can predict where the price of certain commodities or companies can go and they make a really good living doing so but if you watched any of my previous videos on this topic you know that the day trading is definitely not my area of expertise so I decided hey I need some help here so I decided to go on the single most trustworthy website on the Internet where all the experts of the world gather and sell their services for $5 that's right I went on Fiverr for investing advice and Wow who would have thought there was not a shortage of people there willing to take my money in return for some advice on how I can successfully de trade so in this video I want to test a specific type of fiber listings where the individuals claim that they will give you live winning trades as in they'll straight-up tell you you got to get into this position here and get out of this position here and you'll make money and they're promising that they're right like 98% of the time which is a pretty bold claim I am beyond hyped to put this to the test are they really as good as they say and I'm about to secure a serious come up here or are they just gonna take my five dollars and run I don't know let's find out let me put this scrumptious vanish to the side here and let's go ahead and hop on fiverr.com okay so I typed in day trading on Fiverr but it's mostly people selling advice what I want is called signals and that's where the person actually tells you this is where you buy this is where you sell so they're sending you a signal of one to buy yourself and when I type in day trade signals it's all Forex signals which is where you day trade currencies I wanted to try out day trading stocks but no one is really selling stock signals on fivers so I guess we're gonna have to go with Forex which is fine it works the same way you just buy low sell high same way you do with the stocks there's a whole lot of these listings but let's see what cash money eight eight eight is promising here okay so for seventy five dollars this guy says he's gonna provide accurate day trading signals for one month he's been on Fiverr since December 2011 so that's nine years he's from the United Kingdom let's see what else he's selling here wow what a guy not only is this guy gonna make me rich for $75 but for another 75 dollars he's gonna be my dating coach but anyways I'm gonna look around here and try to find the most trustworthy Forex signals seller on Fiverr and we'll go with that I ended up going with this listing right here it had some reviews which others did not pay $30 for a month of signals I was asked to provide a telegram account I didn't have one so I created one put it into the fiber order I then waited a couple of hours and sure enough I was eventually added into a group chat on telegram so now that I'm a member of this group chat I can look at the previous message logs and I'm looking at the signals this fiber guy sends out and they're easy to understand which is great he just tells you where to buy or short a certain currency where it's about a stop loss in case the trade doesn't go your way and then also where to put an automatic close in that position and take your profits and you can take profits in two different spots so you can close like half of your position on the first take profit level and then close the other half of the position on the second take profit level and I guess you could play around with that you can close 80% of your position on the first take profit level and then the other 20% on the second so that's how cool these signals are nice and simple to understand but what I did not realize is that this guy is from Sri Lanka while I'm on the west side of the United States so our time zones are quite a bit different looking at these previous message logs he usually sends out two signals at around 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. which I usually wake up around 7 or 8 a.m. so if I have to go to sleep at 3 a.m. that's really gonna cut into my sleep but I got $5,000 in a Forex brokerage account and we're diving straight into this so I guess I'm just gonna have to stay up tonight so I'll see you guys in a bit at 2:24 a.m. the fiber guy finally him a line I got a notification telling me to short the British Pound and Japanese yen pair so I did that and then also said the stop-loss as well as an automatic closed and with that I went to sleep I woke up around 7 a.m. dead tired and not ready to take on the day however 15 minutes after I woke up I got a telegram notification telling me that the take profit level was reached so I checked my Forex app I guess it didn't yet on my brokerage so I manually close the position so I put in like six hundred dollars into that trade last night and we got 21 profit out of it so that's like a three or four percent return which is not bad at all I'm gonna be real I definitely was not expecting that to work but I think I think it's way too early to celebrate just yet since I could send anybody any signal and I'll be right 50 percent of the time so this is something that's gonna take at least a few days to actually test out to see if these signals are really accurate although this was a great start we gotta continue testing this so I'll see you guys once again at around 3:00 a.m. tonight when the mystery fiber man that sends us our next signal that night I got two signals one at 2:12 a.m. and the other at 2:37 a.m. I followed both mate the orders set the stop loss and the limit guess what happened on both of those trades let me let me actually show you let me get my phone here as you can see we lost 77 dollars on the first straight and another hundred 50 on the second I'm never gonna financially recover from this the guy said he's right 90% of the time so he was just wrong twice which means that he should be right on the next 98 trades I don't know if I'm buying incident that combined with the fact that I have to stay up really late to receive these signals makes me want to find a different listing so I'm gonna go in fiber here and try to find somebody located in the US not that that's gonna make me trust them any more I just want to find somebody closer to my time zone I ended up finding a listing from a US seller that promised to send the signals out at 8 a.m. Eastern Time which is 5 a.m. for me so not too bad he was asking $50 for a month of signals which was more than a Pete laughs time but I handed over the 50 although it was a little sketchy since he never clarified how he's gonna send the signals out okay so it's been an hour and this guy actually responded so let me show you what he said here he went over the pair's he's gonna be trading and then said that he doesn't utilize stop losses only take profits so that means he's not gonna tell me where to said the stop-loss I'm gonna have to do that on my own he's only gonna tell me where I should take a profit so I guess that's fine but the more important thing here is that he answered my question about where I'm actually gonna receive these signals and that will be on my email address so I'm gonna provide him with that right now okay so I just set an alarm to 4:45 that way I have 15 minutes to get ready for when this guy sends me the signals at 5:00 a.m. and I'll see you guys then the next day was Saturday I forgot the markets were closed and woke up at 5:00 a.m. for no reason but Sunday night rolled around and I actually got a signal from the first cell arose still up around 1:00 a.m. so I decided hey why not I'm up anyways let's try signal one more time so I put in the order woke up the next morning at 5:00 a.m. with a $60 profit on that which was a pleasant surprise but more importantly I also got an email that morning from the new US seller so I follow his signal for the day once again he didn't send a stoploss so I pulled the one-to-one risk ratio here for that and made my own as the day went on the position hit about $90 profits at that point I set a stop loss at around 70 profit just in case and it did drop down to hit the stop loss which I was fine with since I still made almost 70 on this trade no I so this new fiber guy seems very promising his signal was absolutely right today but then again so was the other guys on the first day so we definitely have to do some more testing there so I'm gonna continue waking up at 5:00 a.m. this week to test these new signals that I'm getting from this new fiber seller and we're gonna see what happens there and I might also actually continue using the signals from the first guy and this new guy so that way we can kind of compare the two although I'm really not sure how long I can keep up staying up till 3:00 a.m. and then waking up at 5:00 a.m. Oh okay never mind we are good I'm gonna continue zhing both signal providers and then we're gonna compare the two Tuesday rolled around I got a 1 a.m. signal from the first seller that I put in which results it in a 67 dollar gain and then it woke up at 5 a.m. that's a night for a signal from the second seller which resulted in a $136 game on Wednesday I got two signals from the first seller one came out to a loss of $62 but the other was a 79 profit and then the second 5:00 a.m. guy sent me a signal that resulted in a 62 dollar gain that day and then on Thursday the final day the first seller sent me a whopping three signals teasing me one of them actually made me $34 profit but the other two were losses the first was a $92 loss and then the other one was $135 loss but the five AM seller came through that day with a signal that resulted in our biggest profit of the video at 245 dollars and 85 cents in the green so as you can see from this number over here over there not sure where it's gonna be but after everything combined we came out with a profit of 263 dollars and 46 cents which is great we made money but things get even more interesting when we actually break down the sources of the profit here since when you add all of the traits from the first seller up we actually lost $250 and 39 cents on their signals but the crazy part is when you add up all the second sellers trades we got a total profit of five hundred thirteen dollars and 85 cents now to be fair the first seller sent out to take profit levels on every trade and I always took profit on the lower one since I was not awake to close half of the position on the first and then wait for the second but that doesn't really excuse the fact that out of ten signals five of them hit the stop-loss and came out negative so wouldn't matter where the take profit level and those was so for this first seller it might as well have been a coin flip since half the trades came out positive and the other half were negative now when it comes to the second seller we did make a solid profit I mean five hundred dollars in just four trades all four were in the green but the problem this is that only did four trade so the results although very promising are not really conclusive since there's not enough data here however I will say I went into this thinking that this is gonna go a lot worse than it actually did I was always somewhat skeptical of people selling signals because I keep on getting gree see ads on Instagram of sleazy gurus trying to shove their Forex signal memberships down my throat so I really did not have a positive perception of this so for us to come up positive on some signals randomly bought on Fiverr is kind of crazy and makes me see forex trading in a definitely more positive manner I thought this was a very interesting and if these random Fiverr signals were decently accurate it makes me wonder what kind of signals these different forex guru send out since they kind of have something to lose if they're wrong their reputation is at stake whereas it's not so much for these Fiverr sellers so if you enjoyed this video and want to see a follow-up video where I test out different guru signals let me know in the comments if I should do that and whose signals I should actually test out but I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video as much as I enjoyed making it I genuinely was curious to what's gonna happen with these fiber signals and I'm really curious to find out what these different for exclusive NAL's are really like so we'll see what happens maybe I'll do a full video but for now I hope that you guys have a great rest of your day peace [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Biaheza
Views: 1,600,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forex, day trading, forex day trading, forex trading, how to trade forex, day trade, make money online, forex investing, forex beginner, forex signals
Id: uScH7xktWKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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