I Spent 7 Days as a GUY in VRChat

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and lie to women it's like you were just somebody completely different i feel like really dissociated and i feel really bad all right so i'm back again for day five i'm getting so frustrated why won't people talk to me and then that person after the end of this week like sasuke guccihal will not exist anymore [Music] i'm fia and i'm a girl as an active viewer user i find one of the most influential aspects of vr chat is the game's ability to change people's perceptions of themselves and their connections to their bodies based off of your avatars when you're in vr your brain looks at your avatar's body and relays the message that's me i mean when in your life have you ever looked down and not been you never it's a completely new phenomena still being explored scientifically and philosophically but for the community of dedicated players it's one of the most important topics that can be discussed why do you think people invest in full-body tracking in create themselves custom avatars for that reason vr chat attracts a large community of lgbtq plus players in furries that find comfort in these avatars but there's a significant amount of people who weren't necessarily trans or gender fluid or pan or furry before playing my avatar looks like me my entire life i've been female so putting on a hot anime girl avatar might not be as groundbreaking for me as it is for some other people so to explore this topic of gender identity more i decided to put together my own experiment meet sasuke gucciho he's a 24 year old unemployed e-boy living with his parents who spends his time escaping reality by sitting in front of a mirror with his mute vrgf but with a catch he's me sasuke gucci has me for one week i went into vr chat every day on an alt account to see what it's like to be a boy i literally had no idea how people would treat me or what it would feel like to encapsulate a male body and it ended up being an interesting experiment to say the least before starting i knew i needed two things an eboy avatar and a convincing voice changer because um i don't think this is very convincing woo oh my god oh my god thankfully i was approached by voice mod completely unrelatedly who wanted to sponsor a video promoting their new ai voices pack i am a robot please subscribe to my patreon page cc pee pee too flu but instead they love this video idea and decided to sponsor the entire video and help me breathe life into the lungs of sasuke guchiha if you were to sort of uh like recreate the way he talks like without a voice changer then we will refine the voice afterwards yo guys thank you so much for inviting me to your party here in vrchat i've been looking forward to this all week dudes we can start experimenting a little bit with the voice that's called the custom pitch it's me fear and i'm a dude now you'll hear me using this custom voice throughout the video and i literally would not have been able to do any of this without them so please watch through until the very end to see what you think because i actually have a five percent off discount code that directly supports me and it's perfect for discord streaming sound boards and of course vr now get ready for the emotional tragic yet beautiful journey that was and is sasuke this is kind of nerve-wracking for some reason okay taken 24 and just here to chilling meme around oh okay so is this like accurate then babe yeah that's pretty good oh yeah i don't want to crush my pee pee bowls yeah everybody watch out for my 12 inch being a boy for the first time okay here we go okay so the first day i was pretty awkward because i wasn't really sure how to interact with people naturally and i pretty much came off as a creepo so people would literally just walk away from a mid-conversation it was basically what you would expect from a girly girl like me having no idea how to act like a dude i even got laughed at at one point you can be my mom i've got a new one there we go that's why i don't use it bro that's why i don't like using this one not exactly reassuring to say the least so i changed avatars in preparation for day two in hopes that things would go a lot smoother spoiler it didn't it alright so night two is off to a little bit of a rough start my computer has randomly crashed twice the plan for tonight has been i'm gonna meet up with my vr chat bestie crowa and incorporating me into the group without any of them knowing that i'm actually fia i'm hoping that after resetting and unplugging and all this different stuff then maybe it will not happen again so let's go so yeah i just gave up so we're about to start day three what i'm actually going to be doing is joining my own patreon meetup i hold a vr chat meet up at the end of every month for my patreon members and so i fia had to conveniently leave about halfway through a game of never have i ever which just so happened to be the small period of time that sasuke guchiha was able to come never because i wanted like the cool shiny holographic one made a female account on an mmo to try and scam people that's useful dude my mods were the only ones who knew about this but a lot of these people are actually my friends who know me inside and out at this point and well believe it or not they had no idea i'll be honest your voice change was super goddamn convincing it was you i would have never guessed not just your voice but also like the inflections of like you made it seem like oh that you were a stranger your mannerisms as well were quite masculine i was convincing enough that you would have thought i was a dude you were very convincing for sure yeah so yeah shout out to voice mod because literally no one had any idea i was using a voice changer the entire time so by this point i was getting comfortable being a boy but day four is the day that changed everything today i'm gonna go back public world hopping and hopefully make some friends i explored around feeling way more dude-like than before and ended up in a world with some people playing pool and a guy wearing the exact same avatar as me so i tried to stick up a conversation about it but got totally ignored i'm getting so frustrated why won't people talk to me i was hanging out there for a while and then walked near didn't he even start talking to a girl immediately one of the guys just walked up there and got hyper territorial of this girl just through me getting within the proximity of her never in my life have i experienced that before but once i striked up a conversation with them well that's where things changed these guys were cool like really cool i ended up having an hour-long conversation hanging out with them they really liked me i felt like i was fitting in but i mean they really liked sasuke who is me i just got out of your chat i'm kind of having this weird identity crisis because i was one of the boys they were like talking to me and asking me questions calling me dude and like come on brother it was so weird sasuke gucci has like a person with thoughts and feelings but it's a lie i have embodied being a dude so much that when i'm actually in vr chat i feel like i am a dude not because fia feels like a guy but because when i'm in vr chat i'm somebody else i'm sasuke guchiha and i'm a dude but i'm starting to get oddly comfortable with lying and being someone i'm not and i don't know if i necessarily like that i feel like really dissociated and i feel really bad i honestly don't know if i should even continue this because [Music] they just made friends with somebody they thought was really cool and then that person is gone after the end of this week like sasuke guccihal will not exist anymore i don't i don't know what's gonna happen i actually don't know what's gonna happen [Music] well day five and six i was feeling pretty confident in myself as a dude all of a sudden being sasuke felt creepily natural as soon as i was inside the avatar i felt great and totally comfortable i was actually pretty charismatic i'm not even kidding that i went from being the person people just ignored and walked away from to being so funny that trusted users would crowd around me and friend me right away but at one point i did change avatars and this is what some girls said about me so i think the avatar might have a lot to do with it based off of my avatar what kind of person do you think i am solely based is there anything else yup they sure got me but just as fast as sasuke came alive it all came to an end but on the last day there was a catch so for tonight's experiment i'm going to do something slightly different and come in here with my boyfriend thrill except for he's actually going to be my mute girlfriend that's what we're up to tonight let's get gucci going i'm glad sasuke spent his final hours with his girlfriend doing the classic mirror cuddling thing switching gender roles through vr and our relationship is honestly worth a whole video on its own the most ridiculous moment i experienced was asking someone to clone their avatar but they refused until this yo can we get this abby can we clone that no bro look at how cute my girlfriend is she really wants his avatar come on come on come on pretty please look look how can you say no to this innocent face come on come on how can you say no i want to make my oh oh oh dude you're the best hey that worked while hilarious it was also a slap in the face to me to actually realize there might be certain perks you get from people solely based on the fact that you're a cute girl with no other reason and with that the life of sasuke gucciho comes to a close while i still am fully female and identify as such i discovered an aspect of myself that is a guy there were a lot of things i liked about being one of the boys and a lot of things i hated but what's important here is that without vr i never would have had the opportunity to experience it he started as a funny character and ended as a part of me that will somewhat always be there i'm really glad i did this experiment because it pushed and challenged me in some uncomfortable ways to the point i did almost give up completely in all honesty but ultimately i did grow as a person because of it which i am thankful for again huge thank you to voicemod for sponsoring this entire experiment i really hope that you guys will check out the free version use code fia buddy for five percent off your purchase to start endeavors just like this if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more of this kind of content anyways i'll see you in the next video bye [Music] special thanks to this month's patreon members and virtual vips alewin black amethyst clarity kaze ryu neoplasm neheir nightmare prism scoremiller 8 head [Music]
Channel: The Virtual Reality Show
Views: 398,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vrchat, vr, virtual reality, days in virtual reality, 7 days in virtual reality, 7 days in vr, guy, dude, boy, eboys, pretending to be a boy, gender, gender identity, vr gender identity, vr and gender identity, vr gender swap, swapping genders, swapped genders, I pretended to be a boy, pretending to be a boy for a week, I spent a week in vrchat, spending a week in vrchat, I spent a month in a vr headset, quest 2, vrchat trolling, vrchat funny, philosophy, VRChat voice trolling
Id: lgCnY7J00RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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