How are these ARTIFACTS and BUILDS REAL??? (2.7 flex edition)

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all right as you guys can tell by the title it is flex day did you really just dees nuts me through your message here ito into these nuts first flex for today ah yes chad i love today pog champ the day where i get owned his best in slot harin gapaku of futsu four echoes of the offering see one triple crown let me just take a peek at one random piece oh oh my eyes oh my god my eyes oh my god my eyes dude wow you have good stats wow that is really high curt rate that's almost 90 crit rate wow that is good recharge that's the first piece that i see today damn that is a that is a good piece dude not only is it 40 crit value but it also has 13 recharges double max roll and hp percent which iota does use okay almost 40. nice okay if it had created be really good nice piece it's got good stats while you have some really good recharge all right what do you got for your mask wait max roll max roll two high rolls and then two defense rolls damn this piece was really close to being super super good this is a very impressive iot for echoes though that's for sure this piece right here well done excellent piece very nice piece very nice ayato build mr ace overall stats with haren is 86 to 216.6 very nice tomes ayaka all right mr tome r1 miss splitter best in slot very nice or blizzard expected very nice crowned burst all right boys the attack oh hey it looks good the attack is lower so you are using quick damage mass let's see the stats though 37 130 oh i forgot to do this for aces that's my bad it's pretty good but it could be better we've seen better than this this is really good i was considering what to describe this as because it's like a 30 but it does have 12 recharge so it's almost it's it's just mineral middle on the crit damage it's like minerals it's like not like a like an amazing piece but it is pretty good oh nice off piece 36.5 those are some good crit damage rolls yeah nice nice uh nice crit damage there okay this is a d-minus i'll give you extra points because it's a cryo damage on set but yeah this one's holding you back a little bit but it's because this is your off piece yeah this is holding you back a little bit tom you have some wasted stats here this is okay but like you have improvements to be made not terrible all right boys pasta party's noel let's see okay uh attack and defense look like look good zero elemental mastery okay and do you have red horn stone thresher you're white blind wipe line with four gladiator your constellation six with nine six nine oh i think this is very good it's a 75 150 build and noel does not have a crit rate or crit damage ascension stat so this is a plus 68 plus 100 it's a 1.7 build [Music] this is a strong build for white blind if this was stone thresher it would be 73 240. all right the recharge looks good as well plus 20 recharge yes looks good as well oh my wretch dude jesus christ nice job bro let's go dude not only is it max roll average of a seven roll and a max energy recharge roll wow wow 49 into 45 wow 49 into 45 you're off piece wow your off piece is actually worse than your on set pieces damn that means you don't have a better timepiece it's still really good though yeah so this this piece is uh could still be slightly improved but still it's still very solid okay so you are hard carried by these two pieces with a 50 and a 45 your other pieces still really good build but damn damn what what what king pieces holy sh nice can you imagine that this is your best gladiator circlet and yet you have this piece and you have this piece that's actually so funny to me all right next one woo two two one maxed out yai miko do you mean that this is a oh it's r5 kagara let's go dude you know what i respect it man ah yes this is a c6 r5 oh yes triple crowned as well nice i love it dude you're you're a yfk right now he's afk and she does all the damage all right how's your stats though two wanderers two shimanos okay and you're probably going for maximum subsets here wandershoop is perfectly fine because of her passive talent that converts elemental mastery into totem damage stats whoa that is high crit rate dude y'all with your perfect builds are coming in with seriously high current rate how's your artifact details oh it's a 1.75 let's see how your subsets are okay another another a really good piece this is your off piece by the way it's a 48 it's a 40 with attack percent only only optimization would be elemental mastery here oh this oh that's crit rate oh okay that's crit rate i'm that's cr oh this is almost max quit rate this is one mini roll off of max crit rate damn is this the highest crew that we've seen i think it is what is max current rate 23.4 ah so it is two sub stats off actually chet it is 2.4 rolls off of max curry close nice piece flat attack roll in a flight hp roll this was a four line start we got a one one two one build good rules though yeah also decent one defense roll is it 35 these are these are standardly good pieces these are like three lines that rolled well right they're not like miracle pieces and then the oh this is good but high rolls that's good yeah it's a good piece it's a good bill there are still slight improvements to be made obviously if you get four line starts but for three line pieces is a really good build three line three line piece good three line piece dead defense roll four line piece dead attack in the hp roll 22 crit rate yes and then uh 48 uh overall build coming out to 1.75 ellos kachin once you have your kachin r1 missed with a reforged two gladiator two thundering constellation two triple crown very nice what are your stats 72 i actually don't remember and i need to see the stats right now i don't know of how good this is oh oh that's good oh that's high hold on what are they what are these stats he typically doesn't have recharge problems so 1.8 wow wow these are good crib pieces what are you looking at for pieces then wow this is nearly a 40 with a dead defense roll okay that's a hyrule piece 28.8 7.8 and you had an extra defense rule here what is this 44 this could have been a 50 if you dodged the defense that's a nice piece especially on the thundering fury wow you got some good and thundering fury pieces man this is unfortunately low rolled but uh it's still over 40. so you ain't complaining and then you're off piece oh your off piece isn't even that good wow this could still be better 17.5 crit is obviously like great but um i think it low rolled here yeah this could still be improved your build could still get even better than this and then your mass is thirty point six correct yeah it's good it's a very heavy crit build i like it xiao all right boys 1k defense shell from mario january sphere okay it's best in slot two gladiator tv iridescent constellation zero oh you're triple crown though you did dedicate a lot into him with triple crown all right what does his stats look like wow it's clean 92 crit rate as well that's clean let me see the artifacts that still oh it's a heavy crit damage build oh this is a really clean 150 crit damage props for you for hitting exactly 200 very nice and a very high crit rate as well for highest consistency very nice what are your oh you guys are showing off some solid pieces right now these are over 40 with extra dead rolls so these are almost miracle pieces very nice this piece is a great piece has energy returned on top of it it's a 35. nice timepiece you got a nice uh puridescent set of pieces i still have not been able to get a good uh iridescent so props on this piece did a low roll crit damage a little bit though unfortunate flat defense here this was a four line start two dead defense rolls two quarterback rolls and one quick damage roll i had the potential though i would say that like this is well-rounded but has room for improvement right yeah it's nice yeah you do have extra defense rolls though room for improvement chat listen all right not every build is going to be insanely perfect okay drummer have a look at my xiao thinkage okay we have back-to-back shell oh you ran staff of houma though i think this is the first four vermilion shell that i've seen how impressive are your stats though okay i'm interested because this is a four vermilion consolation one a level eight talents okay what are your stats with staff of homeland what are your stats 77 218 okay so i think how good is this what are the stat builds okay it's a 1.5 with the new set i would say that's fairly good how long have we had since the new domain's been out also plus 29 recharge so we get uh how many subsets is this about five subsets of recharge here five subsets of recharge along with the 1.5 yeah that's good that's very good okay let's see how the pieces are wow that's uh that's probably the best one i'm gonna see from this crew right i'd say uh 44 with 11 attack nice luck damn that you got this four line in a roll like that that's a nice piece feather wow you have these two pieces this is a 44 with a 10 attack and then this is a 40 with 10 attack these were both four line starts so this is your off piece and it is only 35 with 11 recharge it's a good piece but i'm surprised that your onset pieces are better ah you just had to force it wow you still managed to get this though i'm fairly impressed you still managed to get a nemo on set goblet with 27 crit damage you can dodged a minefield here ah you know you know chat sometimes you have to do what you have to do sometimes you have to do what you have to do i give them the kudos it has nothing else boys all right you can't do anything when you try to have four pieces sometimes your piece can be dead like that if you improve this though then you're in you're golden your build is really really good well done well done drummer very good vermilion piece very impressive got some really really sick stats here nice luck i already giving you bonus points because using r4 lithic spear olympic spear is a great weapon for xiao especially if you're running a lydia com i like lee i like uh lithic spear comps because not a lot of people use the weapon but it's really really really solid for show it's like really solid it's like a non-stacked weapon you get all the bonuses right off the bat all right so oh great attack wow okay okay this is really good attack 2.3k attack so this is about 140 attack this is more attack than i would see most people building on their channel this is good this is really good extra points because you have an extra attack good crit rate good crit damage depends on your team but this is a slightly lacking on the recharge but you're like one or two sub sets off one or two subsets off you're current right you have 78 points wait does anka show lithic spears crit rate in here or not it doesn't right so this is actually lacking crit rate because like i can't see the extra crit rate from lithic spear because lithic spears crit rate depends on the number of liya party members you have so there's probably an extra 12 percent crit rate missing here is that that would be accurate right 12 12 percent crit missing because this is r4 so this is actually a 90 crit rate and 195 crit damage yeah that's good this is a very good shell build and great artifacts too 27.2 crit damage 34 degree damage 20 damage so you have a 6.2 22.5 here you have a 1022 7.8 27 16 13 and then 14 crit rate wow these artifacts are excellent okay i think the only way to make this shout slightly better is turning these defense rolls here into energy recharge rolls very good build nice job yeah that's a that's a nice shot build level 81 ninguang okay lost prayer gladiator shiminawa constellation six with uh 989 okay i actually i'm not i'm not really knowledgeable about ninguan builds so i will try my best here all right let's see what we got here stats wise oh it's a really good ratio though good attack percent that we can definitely see is being benefited by glider shimanawa granting an extra 36 percent it's a really good attack percent really nice crit ratio here i think the recharge is okay right i don't know how much recharge ninguang needs but i don't think her burst costs that much so i think this recharge is fine and uh expected geodamage bonus costs 40 oh yeah then it's perfectly fine stat wise 47 135 very nice your pieces you guys are showing off really really solid flowers i think a lot of your strength is in just this flower it's a 43.5 and you also have attack percent on extra roll very nice piece this is an accidentally rolled piece 3.5 average crit right 7.5 average square damage very nice wow 45 and 43 and with an extra 6.5 recharge roll wow these both pieces i think are carrying your build very nice pieces wait this is still good okay these are really solid pieces how about your goblet and your mask ah it's just lacking curve right here it's not bad it's just like in crit rate and i can see that this is your best geo damage because it's your off piece so you don't have a better uh geo damage piece yeah definitely good luck on finding that geo damage piece that you need for your build oh dude okay actually take it back there's a lot of attack percent in this build the crit ratio is lower but the attack percent we have 10 percent here 14 here and then 16 here so we have an additional 40 attack which balances out the build more i think this is actually this is a very good build this is definitely better than just strictly smashing crit rate right if you're just smashing career damage but you're lacking attack percent then it's going to be weaker than this build it's a good build a very nice build well done your caption here was a c6 kazuho waiting room does that mean what i think it means wait are you actually going to wait there's no are you actually going to will for c6 just for main dps kazoa you said maybe pause champ okay i respect it holy sh okay dude this guy crowned the cause of this guy triple crown crossbow before even c fixing him all right dude anyways let's see how are the stats this is how well balance is this let me think i need to do a little bit of math here so 40 plus c6 is d6 was how much em per normal charge plunging 0.04 okay so four percent with 52 plus 67 okay i had to figure it out for a little bit nice piece man be iridescent pieces bro nice piece you got the extra elemental mastery too elemental mastery main stat oh okay so you went one of the two builds it's either em attack or it's attack em but yeah you you got it right for c6 okay very nice oh okay this could have been a 50 but you low-rolled crit damage really hard now you guys noticed this right here this could have been a 50 but the cream is low rolled pretty hard wow you got a really good pieces these two very nice 777 are you winning the lottery this is the only piece that i feel like could be improved here alfred flexing my ito ooh okay aritaki ito the one in oni lighthorn stone dasher very nice four husk very nice constellation three very nice 999 very nice wow your crit rate praise 95.7 man what stats are you what the holy crap man that's crazy high from artifacts only 71.5 wow four husks 71.5 crit rate okay as expected a near perfect piece only thing here is energy recharge holy sh okay uh chat i want to tell you this is a 45 this is also a 45 this started four line do every single piece that i've seen has started four line this is disgusting every single piece has started four lines this is a four line with an extra attack percent roll finally something relatable and it's not even that bad alright so chat let's see 13.2 crit rate six crit rate 10 curt rate 11 crit rate wait this is such a heavy stat piece this mask is a four line start triple maxwell defense it's a seven point three by three so double two rolls into defense here at seven point three and then three rolls into crit damage at average rolls so this ito is cracked man well done only uh lacking is uh the energy recharge but other than that excellent build very very nice 150 defense nearly 100 cr rate wow this is a very very good build this is uh this is an a minus ito it's above 90 quality i would say i can't get all my points so here's my shenhus support for a change of pace she could still be better oh i'm interested okay chad oz champ ooh okay so level 79 out of 80 shenhua she is using the r1 calamity color at 90. her attack is 3k which is looking good 200 attack your creating crit damage are not strictly necessary and your research is 211 percent oh you're using main stat recharge i think you can swap the time beast for attack percent have you ever get the chance to all right where's your attack coming from twenty percent from the flower nine percent from the feather okay so i think the flower is perfect because you have a ton of attack percent a little bit of recharge and then curvature damage for extra stats not necessary curriculum but not necessary at all for the feather we have ten percent attack and seventeen point five percent recharge there's dead stats here i'm incredibly quick damage or more attack percent rolls the timepiece is 21 crit damage hp and 10 percent attack so the timepiece is your weakest piece i think your timepiece would definitely be better your goblet is attack percent gobbled with 31.1 recharge well done i don't know how you manage this but uh that's a really good piece for her and then your circuits also attack percent okay this can be improved so your timepiece and your mask can be improved for sure other than that great channel build 3k attack as expected career damage is totally extra and your research is good very nice who freeze c6 r5 ioka they said that it's almost done r5 must better reforged four blizzard constellation six triple level nine your attack seems above average let's see your stats so 201k attack has above average that means you do have some attack percent substance which is good your crit rate is just slightly under what i would recommend even with four blizzard guys i've heard my spiel about this but like as much as you are okay with this level of curry it is really easy to hit a hundred percent crit with all the buffs if you just get to 40 to 45 and you can sacrifice a little bit of crit damage for that for the guaranteed procs the recharge is also about 15 to 20 less than what i would optimize so it's close to your artifacts wow it's a perfect piece it's just unfortunate the current rate low rolled this curve could have been 7.8 this is absolutely a perfect piece for ioka wow good recharge extra attack percent crit damage there could be improved could have a little bit more recharge here and like one line of crit rate would also help you reach 40. but recharge is the most important thing that you're lacking on this piece this piece yeah not bad just recharge just lacking i think you're honestly just lacking recharge for most of these pieces but you have good attackers and sub stats so a little bit of bonus points there and then you're circling ah so your circlip could definitely be improved and because you were r5 miss splitter i can honestly see you running attack percent on your circlet a little bit more optimized if you do get good qraker damage so consider that so your off piece here is your circuit so if you do have a really good attack person piece with good career damage you could make that work besides that i think the only thing is slightly below i would recommend just bumping in just like two or three more sub stats of recharge is all you need here and then curve rate is like one to two more subsets of crit rate okay big bad toef xiao my shout out with the worst circlet you have 2.75 k attack jade spear r2 4 ver million oh you managed to hit four of a million okay now section zero triple crown okay so i'm a little concerned obviously when i see this big amount of attack i'm worried if you're circling this attack the goblet being attacked is okay the goblin attack is okay because you have crown burst the crown burst will provide you basically like 1.5 goblets worth of stats let me first check out your uh stats here okay that's not bad it's getting there percent goblet that's fine this is this is fine then what's your mask oh so your mask definitely could be optimized you definitely don't need the attack percent from the mask because you already have it from your goblet this is probably your biggest point of improvement it's just unlucky how it rolled just unlucky that's just all it is man how about these great piece very nice 40. wow that's a nice vermilion piece man congrats on getting this the 46. very nice piece to get when the dungeon's only been out for for so long that's a very very nice piece uh attack percent wow is this your best one as an off piece wow your attack percent timepieces are struggling if this is your best one it's not bad at all it's just as an off piece i would have expected a little bit more right because it's barely hitting 30. yeah so this is a point of improvement as well this could have been perfect this was a piece that could have been really really well rolled but it unfortunately mineraled the crit rate and a low rolled the crit damage low rolled the energy recharge and then had one extra hit into elemental mastery trade this for l100 mastery role here for like a crit rate and you up this curve to be 7.8 and this crit damage if at hyrule would be 28 this would have been a 40 piece almost it's just unlucky how it turned out not bad though pretty good okay echo echolite with yellow and gone you r1 simulacra constellation zero oh you an hp circlip wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this yellow on is looking really really good for a non-r5 simulacra this might actually be one of the best c0s that i've seen how many wasted stats are there two two wasted stats on this that's it ten nine at twelve point eight six point six twelve point four for the crit rate hp percent timepiece and hp percent mask 27 17.9 5.4 17.9 7.8 crit damage with simulacrus 88.2 this is a very very good build i do not know how you managed to get this recharge sub stats on every single piece this is a near perfect constellation zero simulacra hp hydro hp build you have a hundred and seventy four percent recharge without a timepiece and with purely subsets and emblem two-piece your crit rate is really good crit damage is perfect your hp is good your dead stats this is a 97 quality yellow 97 quality it is so hard to get this let me see 10 27 4.5 10 18 5.8 12.8 5.4 but 16.8 here with 80 17.5 on the recharge here the dead stats are only one roll or zero rolls this is the best constellation zero yell on because i want you guys to understand echolite needed to hit a good energy recharge threshold sacrificing his crit stats in order to do this build so like all of these energy recharge subsets are not extra he cannot hit 170 to 180 without this many subsets of recharge so chad just just uh and youtube frost as well those of you guys are witnessing this with a four emblem set and an hp hydro hp all of their artifacts have crit rate crit damage and recharge to hit these stats well done props to you bud all right and then echo lights gone you as well or wander 50 crit rate 238 crit damage almost bow 113 elemental mastery dude what the is your timepiece bro what the is your mask bro 727 and then your mass has 16 crit rate your goblet can be better your goblet doesn't have kerate on it and it doesn't have element oh it does have elemental mastery just kidding i lied i lied yeah a crew right here would be an optimization your feather has 13.21 holy your flower is perfect they just low rolled elemental mastery attack percent roll crit rate could have been 10 and then crit damage is perfect damn good builds very nice builds these are these are extremely impressive builds to show off the best constellation 0 yellow on build that i have ever seen with aqua simulacra and then a crazy crack on your build all right zajuf you're cutting the line i'm skipping like 10 builds for this you want to show off your causewa why is your name sucrose okay all right dude what it bro it's f2p causal i don't have a better option is that why you call yourself sucrose dude this is a jeff guy dude okay you know what i'll give you props for farming triple elemental mastery main stat thundering fury i don't think anyone who's sane at this game would ever have done this i don't know i don't know why you did it but it's already hard enough to get elemental mass remain stab but you did it for three pieces in this dungeon i okay wow you're so impressive dude 82 em with career damage you're so talented for kazoa's best in slot artifacts it editor please cut this out of the video how about your sucrose for very lesson huh wow and 866 em wow with 146 recharge wow wow the jeff skipped the line for that one boys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Xlice
Views: 391,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact, Genshin, Abyss, Gacha, Xlice, #GenshinImpact, #原神
Id: 8qdSnrOjuNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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