I Programmed ROBOTS to Colonize a PLANET

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so today we have a rocket that is frozen landing on a frozen planet and we'll need to work on tha everything out like the stone deposit here if we combine these two together then we get sparks the Sparks get combined with coal here then we get fire so now we can melt the rocket so it can open his hatch and give us a bonfire which we can place over here and then once we fuel it like we did before with the fire we start to melt the snow way but we can't do this by ourselves that's why we have these robots here that come in head and body separately some assembly required we just do that and we have a craftting made here and then Stone plus coal together without the Sparks give us a coal brick so our little guy can just munch on that and fuel himself and we can also have this guy automate some tasks because the bonfire needs constant fueling so we pull up his programming here and then we tell him to find some Stone then once he combines those he gives a spark he finds coal and then combines again and then he delivers it to the bonfire so once he does that he can go back to idle and start the whole thing again so hopefully this works there we go he finds some Stone combines it yes he has a spark goes over to the coal and now he has fire and now he's feeding the bonfire that works so good and then he just does that to the end of days that is excellent now we also need to create some bricks so we find some soil over here and then some Stone like this and now we have a brick and then if we combine that brick with some coal we have a bonfire that will go over here and then this bonfire is good for a little bit so let's change up our friends programming to sweet so instead of going to that bonfire over there he was going to this one ooh we caught him just in time and now we're melting over this way hey that gave us another robot and the ship just wa it just modified itself into a command center wow so now we need to provide Stone to the command center which we can have Kip the big do that for us let's go back into here find Stone and deliver to here and then idle that should work right picks up the stone delivers it straight to here and then he's done oh he's playing keep away with the arm in the command center what are you doing oh you silly instead of finding and picking let's get rid of that and then you need to pick from a specific spot and you pick from here now that should do it so he delivers it to the command center and then he goes on his own way excellent uh-oh oh no Todd he ran out of battery oh you sad little thing here eat this there we go let's just make up a few of those and then feed it to him need to make sure these Bots are are well maintained and it looks like our bonfire died over here I have a different idea we don't really need soil right now let's put the bonfire over here and then reprogram tot to fuel it because this one should have the range to thought Kip the chubby just fuel the fire there and there we have him hey now we can put you to work let's just really quickly move you to oh we completed that objective okay go to point over here just so we can get you out of the cold range in case you freeze again all right now the command Center has given us an upgrade point so we can tell the robots to eat things now that's really good for the coal bricks that's probably what we can have Kip the chubby do which is an unfortunately fitting name for that now we already have you so you are going to find some Stone and then find some coal and then combine them and then you can drop them somewhere Central like here so now our guy will be constantly making coal batteries or coal bricks I suppose now the command center need need some Sparks so we can have kep the big do that oh why are you sitting there oh cuz I didn't tell it to Loop whoops fix that really quick and now these coal bricks are constantly being made so we can fuel up the guys that need them which it looks like these two are constantly needing them all right but now we need Kip to do some combining things so you can pick from there and then can I copy this I can so we can just have this again and then he'll combine and then drop to this point and then idle oh it looks like he's having trouble with the bricks because they don't stack that's a bit of a problem well we won't need to worry about the stacking if I'm constantly feeding the robots that need them and what's going on here oh we had a robot pop out of there I didn't realize that well now we have more help for us Bob the silly okay this bonfire can go back over here oh I just did I just ripped I just ripped fire out of the bonfire oh that that doesn't help but if we need to empty it so we can move it then that'll be good for us as soon as it's done burning are you the one that's fueling it okay pause you just wait for this fire to run out there's a lot of goodies way over here some storage of straight up bodies oh no the fire's freezing that's not how that works but we need this over here and then fuel it so we can have access to the soil again well we'll get that fire back later okay now you can resume I suppose I need to change where he's delivering the stuff to there we go hey we got another upgrade Point Let's see we have counters energy Direction so if we get this low battery upgrade then we can tell it to check the robot's charge level that'll be good for keeping it maintained and look everybody's got these little little jerseys on with the lightning bolts oh that's so fun ooh there's iron over there wow need to unfreeze it though so let's create some bonfires oh I think I just told the robot to eat the rock that's not what I meant to do I just need to create a bonfire ooh and then we get another robot like that put this free fire off to the side let's just go ahead and get that started right away mine up some of this iron here and then can we combine it it doesn't look like we can ah but we can combine it with fire and that creates steel neat and we have another robot here pick the skinny oh we got more of them the skinny wow we have so many robots I'm not sure I know what to do with them all and the Sparks aren't needed over here anymore so let's just move that okay stop you you don't need to create Sparks anymore just stop it stop stop just stop stop what you're doing you don't need to do it anymore take a break okay I've got the game paused right now just because I need to think about reevaluating these robots so what I'm thinking is at the end of their production Cycles that's when they can check the energy and then respond as needed so if the energy level is okay then they can go back to idle but then if it's low they need to collect the coal bricks but the coal bricks don't stack which is an issue ooh but if we deliver enough of the iron bars then we get storage containers don't need to tell me any more things let's just oh I create a magnet by accident whoops let's just set that off to the side you're delivering fire to there but this bonfire has a lot of fire in it already this one does not though so new bonfire Target is over here because we need the iron we have who's making the Sparks and such it's you so we can copy this program over to this one yeah this one so now once you make fire instead of going to the bonfire you find some iron and then combine it and then deliver to here but it looks like there's some things there already get this spark out of here I suppose with this I can just make some fire and then combine things initially just to do this a little bit more manually than I would like to but now uhoh the bonfire died see that's why I wanted who was in charge of fueling it just resume things and you get to work and you stop delivering Sparks to that point this is so much to keep track of and you why are you not working right you've already got your hands full well that's your oh it stopped being connected for whatever reason well that's an easy fix you I haven't figured out yet but these Sparks need to get out of here okay now the bonfire is being fueled and he's making steel oh good we also have all these Sparks off to the side let's just go ahead and create some fire so this thing stays fueled we'll let the robot handle creating the steel and some more or these people are not working like they should and you just constantly have a problem with these coal bricks taking up the spot that you want to place them into this is why we need storage and it was you that was in charge of traing the things I forgot to put in the idle again just go through it there we go take some steel and then deliver it before you're standing there and we did the objective ooh there's more grass showing up too wow and we have storage perfect okay so how do we use this storage oh we just place it that was easy so we can place a storage there next to the Command Center probably off to the side here actually and this one can go over there for now I hope it doesn't block the way let's just actually put over here changing your programming instead of dropping it there can I have you yeah drop to storage so you go there and then you go to idle and then we just remove this entirely now we need to reset that so he figures out what to do and then he should proceed as normal now we do have another upgrade point let's see compare object variables nodes that store values interesting ooh this top branch has a thing for checking if something's empty that'd be good so let's unlock this for now but they all get fancy little monol that's cool all right so now that we have a storage for the coal bricks we can go through some of these working Bots because they expend a lot more energy and then once they're done with their task we tell them to energy check and if your energy is okay then they just go to idle and if it's low then they take from Storage pick from this and then eat it and then go to idle yeah that works really good I really love these node flow charts here and then let's see can I copy a few of these it looks like I can so we need to copy these four things copy it and then all the working Bots will also get this command oh this is working super good so now you get that and then the rest of these robots that aren't working we're just going to put the code in there so I don't have to copy it later I still need work for them to do oh you were doing something I was telling you oh yeah you were going to combine stuff well then if you're going to be working then you get the energy check command as well and then you can do the work today what were you doing before nothing well you still get this just to have off to the side there and now we're making some more steel things and we have a good backlog from the storage as well or at least we did he's going through it really fast and we get two more robots out of this oh my goodness maybe I just need these other robots to fuel fires so who's doing that is it you no it's you right yeah but you're also just going and completing the work without checking your battery level charge level drops below seven oh I see even with red bars is it still at 20 wow so I guess a full head is 100% instead of the little tick marks on there interesting and you just picked up the storage box what are you doing put that down I need you to drop what you have and did you what did you do oh you lost the storage box because this guy picked it up just drop the Box just reset okay now we place that there there we go I need you to take a pause so that our guy can collect actually it looks like we can also adjust their speed so why don't we just do that we have plenty of coal bricks so he should be able to work just fine now the one that was fueling fires is you yeah it was you so let's copy your code over to you and then over to you so you will go to this fire which you could probably move to the edge of this there's a lot of good stuff out there let's move this bonfire over up here that should be good so now all of the bonfire suppliers are up and going that's really good and thankfully these cold deposits have a lot of coal I just really want to see someone ooh Peck the skinny is about to have have low charge so once he's done with his task then he should yes take a cal brick and he ate it that works so good I love it so now you can resume your task because there's plenty of these in storage now all of our robots are working this is beautiful except Bob should get a move on because Izzy already started oh wait no no no that's sand okay wait stop you stop no no no you grabbed the thing get a move on Bob why are you not moving because this didn't get connected neat oh the little programming bugs what would you ever do without him I'm not sure you're going to do yet so you just hold on there okay so you combin and made sand and did someone just put coal in there who's doing that why are you confused all right I'm just going to take fire from here and then set that in there or maybe I can't because the sand needs to go in there who was it that got confused Bob did okay different Bots working at different speeds this seems to be working without anyone having any errors that's very good it's just a little concerning that they're running at so low power but they're getting the job done and there's also all this paint here I'm not sure what we do with this can we paint the robots oh we did he just ate the white paint that's weird don't do that reset you back to yellow or orange okay now you're just never the right color anymore sorry about that and you picked up the storage box again you working slower I don't know why you have to be so complicated Izzy maybe I should take some of these fires and put them in here so there's a back log of them because these bonfires have plenty to work with as is and now Izzy can deliver the final glass to the thing and then stop what you're doing stop it stop stop stop stop what you're doing ooh magnets hey so the magnets were made by steel and iron together just need to get this little robot out of the way ah the calm maybe hey we just did a thing a heater ooh heater is good for that can we put that up here uh oh what did that do heater needs thing to work okay well we have plenty of those so if we plug that in oh yeah look at that it's heating it up we got more storage containers that was a really lucky spot to do that and there's more green stuff showing up oh I love it so much and now we we have way too many magnets hold on oh yeah I meant to check if this was empty so we buy this and then once we find whoever's in charge of taking things like izy for example he's meant to take things and combine them and then yeah but now you don't have things to combine what are you doing oh I messed this up if it's full you're supposed to pick from here and then do that so reset all right so he checks the container it has stuff in it so he takes it yeah and then he goes over and finds a thing I love that he actually peered into it that was really cool that is working also I have no idea what the thing is it's a bubble of sorts we need to find ice I suppose that's what this oh that is what this is we also need to move this heater which I can't do yet or I just make another one which I'm kind of working on so can the robots collect us yet or no it's extremely cold so they probably can't well we can take one of these bonfires and place it over here probably and then get the fires going inside there are the IES available so if we take this and then combine it uhhuh with water or fire that makes water and then we can just do that do we we really even have robots that can do that already I don't know but we have another thing for a heater here oh I'm de the skinny isn't available in the demo that's sad bib wants to come out and play look at him he's depressed I mean I would be too if I was frozen in ice we also have bodies here with no heads where are the heads there's a head over there so let's place this heater over here and then the last battery goes in here that heats that up and now we have bodies and heads for more robots now we can use those wait because someone took the who took the coal battery who moved it that's supposed to be down here why why did you move it someone pulled a funny prank oh no and I just fed the storage container to somebody okay we have another one over here just need to avoid person Bean there okay we have at least most of the robots going around properly hey we got a battery out of that good so wa it just gave us a lot of batteries okay now it wants to have us make charged plates which thankfully we have plenty of these to do so I'm just going to take care of this myself and I accidentally just made a battery because whoever it is keeps delivering water to here you stop although the batteries are good for the heaters out here here so that's some goodness going on there not too sure I really need them though I've already made five of these and I'm starting to understand why I made robots do it but this is a temporary thing so I'm just going to finish it also why are you broken because you picked from there already if that's the air that keeps coming up then you're just going to move on to combining okay I think that solved it oh good less I have to worry about oh and now there's light bulbs but I have more points so we can unlock functions and variables and function seems like it's a entire thing oh yes it is all right I think I've ran out of brain power today so we're just going to call it there but I hope you guys enjoy this video of craft amation 101 it's a fun little demo if you can get everything working properly I've kind of lost track of my own creation but if you guys want to see me attempt some more things with this then be sure to let me know thank you for watching and sub to inter and thanks to the channel members including bread ancient Elixir one Corby Farm Dakota C donam Moto Devon X Lucas s splatter saxs the real nickname hateful heral Peggy Su Dre belong TJ seriously sarcastic Angel Lily B the minor within the gity and Sans
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 98,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz
Id: O7uxXObZ76Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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