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after driving people around in the limo for many years I now have zero dollars in the bank so I've decided to turn my life around and move on to better things this is the start of my challenge to become a millionaire okay ma'am here is your handkerchief and another bottle of wine your next driver's gonna be here in 30 minutes I'll never see you again this is my last day on the job see you what I'm gonna do now is head to the luxury dealership and see what I can trade this thing in on I got scammed by the dealership before when I bought it and we're gonna see if we can trade it in for a good amount all right salesman get your behind out here man I gotta I got a limo to sell what are you selling this for right here this black one this one right here is selling for three hundred thousand dollars 300 that great sir that is good news you'll know I I got one right out here uh sir that is not the same same thing oh yeah you're right it's it's white it's not black so White's a little more expensive isn't it I can go 1 500 105 000 you're saying no sir fifteen hundred dollars two grand let's shake on it and give me a job two grand okay two thousand dollars all right we're gonna keep the cash let me guess it's right here it's right here sir don't go back is it underneath the plane I'm not an employee here here you go two thousand cash let's go let's go for 10 bucks an hour you're gonna be cleaning off my car right guys we are on our own I have two thousand well I have two thousand one hundred dollars in my pocket right now which actually pretty cool the most money I've had in my pocket ever and that limo is no longer with us I put a million miles on it and now we're just gonna do odds and end jobs until we start building up some money we can start buying things and starting our own business best limo drives I ever had as I was working for this guy a few years ago and he said he was telling me all this advice how to make money and stuff he just said work really hard do the best you can and always keep growing and all that that's what I'm gonna do I'm literally starting from the bottom and I'm gonna work my way up there you are sir I got it all spit shined up looks good don't it yeah so these are called money bags more money than you're ever gonna see in your life what you'll do you'll go to the place you'll drop off the money and then you'll leave okay here's one money bag we'll set it on the front porch that's what he said and the other one there we go okay we'll head back here's your 15. thank you do you have enough gas you think to go to the gas station yep I could do that all right that's what we're gonna have you do you're just gonna go to the gas station fill it up and then do you own your own car oh no I just sold you yep okay so I want to see you back here tomorrow but I'm gonna let you take that thing home okay you're gonna get fill it up I'll pay for the gas you take it home and then you drive that back here tomorrow and we'll go from there what if I don't have a home sir all I got is the two thousand I guess I can get a hotel here you know what I own another business we do Airbnb no one's in there tonight so you can sleep there just for tonight okay I was gonna say hotel is gonna cost me more than a maid working for you all day today here you go five dollars oh no guys we're coming in on fumes oh oh no Odo all right push push push push push what do you give me ten dollars to fill up with gas hopefully it fills it up enough to get to the Airbnb that didn't even make a debt in the few fuel gauge and this is the place I guess this is awesome we're gonna the four wheelers taking up the whole entire driveway two car driveway this looks like a three four bedroom house this is pretty awesome oh no guys I'm running late and I'm not gonna be able to eat breakfast Okay jump on the four-wheeler boss gave to me yesterday we gotta get there oh it's late it's late let's go let's go hit the brakes oh we hit the window hopefully he's in the bathroom back over all right perfect sorry I'm late what is this about man I told you to be on time that was the last thing I told you it is 705. 7.5 uh yeah no excuses uh I'm sorry okay tomorrow I want to see you here early 15 minutes early at that okay and you won't be paid for that time what is this man I I know you whacked our window no no I was just washing it you are just one of the worst workers already but I'm gonna keep giving you a try you gotta start impressing me man have you ever done any kind of like log work before have you ever cut down a tree or anything I've cut down a few trees but what for my grandma in the winner all right that's that's a start I guess so I just bought a tractor it's a M7 Kubota have you ever driven one of those uh yep every day so you're gonna go pick that up it's from a local farmer we now own it well I now own it you're gonna drive it though and then what I want you to do is go to the local shop nearby I'll send you the address and you're gonna pick up a log processor we made it to the Kubota tractor he said he already paid for it uh I haven't driven one before no but I see the brake pedals the clutch there's a monitor steering wheel this looks pretty familiar all right now where's the throttle these are all really weird controls it's like riding a spaceship oh there's gear okay we're going we're rolling I lied to boss man I said that you know I've driven one every day that was a lie I drove a garden tractor more or less a ride on lawn mowers there we go we got it connected he's renting this for the day so I think we're on we're like on the clock so here's what we're gonna have happen do you see those trees right behind our shop right over there yeah okay so all those trees I want them chopped down and I want you to process them in this thing and make them just really small pieces and then I have this pickup truck over here just load it up and a full load I need delivered right back here and anything else you can sell and keep that money let's go hurry it up don't talk to me about being late don't talk to me at all man I'm getting to work Timber she's coming down hopefully nobody's over there hopefully no no squirrels in the tree she's coming down there we go move it or lose it man get that thing set up for me all right so we have to figure this out I've seen a few of these before on YouTube videos this thing extends out this is the picker upper thingy that comes down and lifts it I guess but and you run the Michael Garrett you just ran to the dump truck man it's okay I own that thing all right boss I got it from here you go back to work man you're a dress for this oh I did not plan to be here for long all right so yeah you bring it in all the way to the little stopper that it just hit and you worked the chainsaw and then you push it with the hydraulic pusher all right guys we almost got the dump truck full he said to the brim there we go oh yeah probably could have made a bit of a nicer pile but yeah the dump truck didn't work best I had to shake it a bit but uh who's gonna sort all that for you and stack it it's gonna be another employee don't worry I'm just gonna push it to the side a bit so it's not blocking I was gonna say man I gotta go make my own money well here actually help me out a little bit oh my God no I'm good all right guys I got a lot of wood stacked up here ready to go it should fill that dump truck a couple times at least maybe three well guys we got the truck loaded and we sold more wood to spare so hopefully boss man lets me keep going all day I'm a little worried he's a little mad at me for not helping him earlier so he might cut me short but let's go let's go we're getting into the cell point and we gotta get this firewood sold there we go we got it down now we just gotta sell it there we go oh we missed a few three thousand six hundred dollars holy biscuits oh my goodness I gotta call boss man let him know there we go finish out we got five thousand nine hundred dollars now hey this is Spencer I just got done until my first load guess how much I made 28.32 way more than that man and closer to twenty eight hundred dollars oh there you go I'm gonna keep working is that is that okay or yeah you can keep working it again until the sun goes down you're more than free to just make sure to bring back the equipment before you go to bed all right guys we made a lot of money like 8 900 today roughly somewhere around there so I uh as you can tell the sun is down and I I need to get moving I need to get bringing this stuff back wow these lights are amazing I should have turned these on earlier tomorrow man I got a surprise for you you're gonna be operating an excavator for what that's awesome all you gotta know is you'll be offering to excavator you'll have to come back tomorrow 15 minutes early to find out more all right right that works I'm gonna go bring this back and get some sleep well guys you know yesterday we were late by like five ten minutes got in trouble with boss man now we're gonna be about 20 minutes early and the place doesn't even have the lights on what in tarnation oh there we go a door is wide open he must have forgot that one oh he left it for me heck who knows all right I'm gonna get to work I gotta get some paperwork oh there he is pulling in I'm gonna act like I was like busy sweeping doing all this stuff so I impress him you're late you can't come in you scared me I just got done sweeping all in the cars I dusted the inside and then I did some nice tire shine on the tires so I've been here for a while man oh okay it didn't really shine them that well but oh yeah you know what I'm doing better sorry no no there we go have you ever done kind of like construction work in your life oh yeah all the time okay awesome awesome I you seems like you've kind of done everything I need you to pick up my trailer it's a little bit rough uh but it's okay it's just the trailer goes on the tractor yeah you're gonna attach it to the tractor at the back here oh oh it actually has a ball wow interesting I haven't seen one like that before I need you to get a big excavator how big of an excavator they get pretty big man like like I'm talking about that kind of 50 000 Mark but don't buy it I just rent 50 000 pounds yeah this is gonna be able to haul it what kind of trailer do you got a lowboy detach hydraulic detach man you'll see when you're there it's it will be fine it'll be fine just if a cop pulls you over don't say that you will just don't stop how about that I just won't stop I'll come to here and then you'll have to deal no no no you don't come to here that's that main part that matters okay so anything you do doesn't involve me then four yeah okay where are we doing the work so you're gonna be digging out a lake we'll go over all that once you're back here with that excavator okay get moving man oh what the heck is that thing it's wide it'll be wide enough for the excavator what is he gonna be able to handle the weight let's get hooked up here all right let's check this thing out it's just like a draw bar dude I feel like that thing could break into snap if we're going fast enough have to hit the brakes okay thank goodness I was gonna say there's tandems in the back just single dude this looks like a woody a gravity wagon and there's the excavator man that thing might be bigger than 50 000 pounds 75 stands for 75 metric tons which is bigger than a you know Standard time or Imperial ton that thing's coming in at 165 000 pounds that's more than triple what he said we got it trapped down to the best of our ability and try and go nice and slow if we can oh my goodness I wonder if I can turn her if it's just gonna push me into the trees okay okay I'll watch the arm watch the arm took out a few branches there oh no guys we got an issue we came down the hill a little too fast we aren't supposed to drive these with the metal tracks on the cement like this but that's right it'll just wash away well we got it repositioned and we got a lot of weight up front so it was kind of sliding not gonna lie and I quickly had to strap it down but anyway guys doesn't matter we're almost there if we can just make this turn and not destroy anything or the tractor whatever hopefully boss man's happy with it all right follow me okay geez okay nice we don't have to turn I was worried Angela you gotta tell me way ahead of time man I have a 165 000 pounds behind me I thought it was like 50 000. no it was Triple more than triple I think you were just doing this to test me so do you recognize this area yeah it's right behind the dealership this is where you're gonna be digging out a lake all right we're gonna be digging out a lake back here this is gonna be interesting I wanted to be pretty big okay pretty much want it centered to where the big back doors are 10-4 will do I'm gonna get to work man I've ran one of these back in the day so I should be good to go I thought you'd like use them all the time well back in the day all the time you know how it is I see I see okay I'm starting to understand you more and more as time goes on all right man this thing's so big the bucket is almost as big as the Kubota tractor all right guys I got my first few Scoops in here we go big old scoop here hopefully boss man's gonna be happy he said just figure it out and first time digging up I guess he's calling it a lake we're gonna try and go really big with it all right guys this is what we're gonna do we're gonna get his get his four-wheeler what are you doing man oh yeah that's what you get man you gotta watch out you drive this home you realize this right it'll be a good habitat for the fish for the okay you'll get me a new one yeah you can swim with the fishies no worries man no I'm saying like they can live down there and it'll make like a good you know what I mean yeah you'll be taking the bus home tonight no worries it's hard to see it's way down there man why do you drive it so low like that oh yeah I totally drove it that low this is why I should not be checking up on you yeah just be careful next time is anybody coming pick up some of this dirt man we're getting pretty piled up here yep they should be coming soon you can actually go on your lunch break if you want okay okay that works I'll get a few more Scoops here I think that's gonna be our depth or at least the deepest part of the lake which is gosh I think it's like 25 feet deep that's plenty deep I'm gonna go get some lunch here I wonder well I don't got a four wheeler heck I'll just take the tractor I'll go get me some Jimmy John's real quick yeah so that's where we were logging yesterday that could all cleared up real good hopefully he doesn't mind me taking the Kubota oh all these people are coming to get some dirt look at that man we got a traffic jam coming up here we should be able to get them loaded out I'm gonna go for pizza instead of Jimmy John's they were closed hyper cue Pizza hopefully they're okay with parking my tractor there all right I got a warm large sausage all right excuse me sorry everybody oh yeah it looks like they came in with dump trucks and trailers and who knows what they came in with but they tore it up right there that's I mean that's totally fine most that's gonna be like Anyway if we're gonna be loading out that way you might as well pile up right here and we'll just keep going there we go looks good Skipper up ass oh yeah man I'm getting used to this Volvo I'm quick with it well guys it's much later in the day and after a few Red Bulls I'm getting tired Phil I think I'm gonna go home and we kind of said hey this is going to be a two day project I made pretty good leeway and we had some hiccups looks like if I dig any lower more water is going to seep in but we'll see what it's like in the morning I'm gonna get some sleep off Garrett give me a ride home or something but anyway guys I'll see you back in the morning Garrett made me walk home last night so I had to walk here this morning too but this morning was a lot nicer to walk I was kind of awake and stuff but anyway let's jump in the Volvo uh oh guys I'm about to cave in this isn't good all right get out of here get out of here come on the dirt slipped out from underneath me there for a minute hey what do you want just watching you seeing if you can actually use that thing heck yeah man I'm you got more people to come pick up some of this dirt yep they should be by soon I'm pretty much just gonna have them continue coming like when you're on break we're gonna take another lunch break I've been working for a while it's looking pretty good here what what I was dreaming you were sleeping on the job oh it's raining man it's raining and you know what that means yeah yeah yeah okay last one there's Rodney come on come on come on come on I got done digging guys took a nap let's go it's all full you could probably use a little bit more water but it's coming down hard so I expect to be full in no time oh yeah how long was I sleeping for I don't know I didn't even know you were sleeping and then I went to go find you I checked the excavator I checked the tractor and then I just assumed I was like oh he's probably sleeping in the shop yeah I I think I went to sleep at like 2 2 30 and I started Excavating at like 5 a.m got it all done and then I didn't see there was raining coming that's awesome and it came down hard so good work man I'd like how this turned out I'd say overall it turned out pretty well and obviously over time it's gonna just look better and better oh yeah get it we'll put some blue dye in it to get it looking really nice could I get a tip could you get a tip yeah a bonus sorry not a tip okay you know what I have an idea but I can't give you anything right now but here's the thing if you come on time again tomorrow for work yes sir then I promise you it will be worth it okay okay you have to be on time if you're not on time then I'm gonna be very disappointed and you will be too can I just sleep at the dealership that way I can't not be on time you sleep in the dealership can you give me fifty dollars yeah I'll give you 50 bucks okay sounds good so you can sleep in the dealership you're such a weird guy all right thanks man I'm going to bed oh my neck and my back it hurt so bad I slept on I laid on all these four chairs I put my head right there on that armrest oh my back okay sounds like Garrett's getting to work let's see Breakfast of Champions we got Coca-Cola Diet Coke Sprite Dr Pepper Fanta and water I'll do a diet coke try and stay healthy good morning good morning you would like to sleep in it was the most comfortable bed I I was at ball at night and then finally I passed out so all right so you ready to get to work that's what I'm hearing I was here before you were yeah I I guess that's true why are you telling me that well you said I I couldn't be late otherwise I missed a surprise was a surprise that was early oh right I forgot about it okay you forgot I've been thinking about it all night hey well you should have been sleeping man we're good we're good I already got it all ready to go but this is just gonna be one one little twist so do you trust me uh is that a trick question I don't know do you trust me do you trust me I'm in your car dealership with a tractor and all these luxury cars around do you trust me don't do anything you're going to regret um you're trying to gasp me out here all right okay okay so I know you don't have the most amount of money in your bank however I got you a gift okay now the catches you're gonna have to pay for an Uber ride there because that's fine yeah oh okay okay order an Uber I'll sit I'll give you here actually right down right now on the paper for you yep there you go okay that's a place don't lose that paper uh yeah come on Uber all right they're coming you go there that's not how Ubers work that's a taxi my guy all right hurry up what do we got okay I have eight thousand dollars for you eight G's yes but you're gonna have to spend it right away okay so take this money yep and then go to that place and once you're there you'll see a little surprise when you see that surprise you're gonna take the surprise and you're gonna leave the money does that make sense what if I don't spend all the 8 000 do I get to keep some you have to spend all the eight thousand okay every single dollar of it no keeping in Deal all right I'm going man thank you yep no problem all right guys what are you guessing the first thing that comes to mind for me gosh I I gotta think it's a car okay we're we aren't getting Uber guys we're saving 20 bucks we're just gonna flag somebody down the road is this guy yeah we ain't calling no Uber we're just we're just hitchhiking sir sir can I get a ride hey hold up oh dang it he just blew right behind me all right let's just start walking until we find somebody to give me a ride here stop where you are I need a ride it's very important and I have a ten dollar bill with your name on it sir sir here here here here's a no he's taking off Dang It screw it we're calling an Uber oh there's my Uber all right that looks good oh it says on my phone 20 bucks dang it twenty dollars remember right sir I just need to head down the road thank you I'm getting in here there we go they said this is Mama Joe's Diner this is where we're heading to I guess something to eat all right I'm gonna go in there and see who I can talk to all right guys I just got done at the diner talking to the manager and he said go outside and that's your new truck so this is the truck Garrett got me boss man got me a truck check this baby out so they gave the manager 8 000 to 8 000 and then he gave me the keys to this truck it's a Ford my favorite look at that it's got nice new tires bfgs this is an old boy he says it's a 1970 something the old Ford F-100 let's see if she turns over yes sir and she rumbles a little bit too oh look at the dash look at this premium white interior for eight thousand dollars you can get this yeah he said there's no AC and no heat in like crank Windows like stuff like that which I'm totally cool with man and it's got a little bit of zip on her let's see here oh we're low on fuel all right we gotta hit the gas station before we get going which is all right when I had the limo business I had to drive everywhere but I never had to buy my own gas it was always filled up for me all right guys this is pretty good we got my biggest paycheck ever technically and then right away I had to go spend the eight thousand dollars kind of hurts me but it's good to have a truck I can get around town to and from heck maybe I can put a snow plow on the front plow Oh Oh I thought I thought I did have the brackets on there I can put them on put a snow plow in the front I can haul things in the back all right guys this thing's a gas guzzler that cost me 67 filled up three quarters oh let's get on her let's get on her what are we at we're at 80 85 90 Mile and Aces we're going 90 mile oh we just passed it oh geez all right I better slow her down here put on the old hazards or two there we go big cat coming in hot what do you think okay looks pretty good check her out did you see me fly down the road I missed my turn I was going home I was gonna say I thought that was you heading down there no honestly this thing looks nice do you like it yeah I love it it's got a tailgate it's got a bumper It's got tires I never had one like this before with the tires or the tailgate pickup bed you know it looks good okay there you go let's look at the lake let's see how it turned out oh okay heck yeah man that looks really good and it rained even more what were you saying you we got for work I'm ready to go all right so today's gonna be one of those days that a bit more physical labor dang it yeah it's you got a truck okay so no complaining that's true do you see this right here weed eater oh yeah yes sir so this is for you all right what do you want me to do we need the place you don't it's all cement man I'll show you where here help me take it out all right where do you want me to go come with me I guess we should probably put a fence gate here but we'll have to walk around no worries you want me to just we'd eat this whole place I could use a mower yeah so first things first get around the fence line okay because want that all cleaned up it's just too messy right now how's that looking let me see oh that actually pretty good thank you thank you yeah I used to weed eat back in the day I could add a little lawn care business you know what I'm saying when I was growing up somehow you did everything back in the day and you somehow made no money get around all this and let me know when you're done I'm gonna be eating lunch all right boss got done weeding and what now all right here's your forty dollars for that thank you and now what I need you to do is go to the hardware store and pick up some wood pallets well actually just one there should be a forklift down there do you know how to drive one of those yeah man I'll figure it out I used to do that all the time all right this looks like what boss man was talking about all right now that we got a pickup truck like I said we can do anything a lot of time I never ran one of these before but I've driven a pickup truck so how hard can it be look at this you like spin this little disco what are you you know DJ disco ball I don't know all right that should work come on get up in there oh nope a bit more there we go all right now let's roll it back in the back of my pickup truck this is gonna be exciting I'm so excited to shut the tailgate and head down the road this is my first load in the old truck so this is gonna be pretty cool I'm sure the truck's done many loads it's from the 70s so oops when he put her to go to use but they were shorter real nice all right let's throw a strap on there all right it only needs one oh I feel the weight yeah yeah when you sit here like this it kind of feels like you're going down the lake in the boat and the bow is up in the air and you can't see over that's kind of what it feels like all right boss I'm back have you sold any cars yet today for this week you don't have to talk about that there was some online orders or don't worry about it I own multiple businesses fair enough fair enough all right dude look at my truck it looks awesome with a big load of wood in the back wow that's quite spots down yeah it does I don't think it's too heavy duty but where do you want me to build a gate you're saying all right so right over here come with me actually here just drive your truck could have put the lawnmower back on the Shelf come on we have a lawnmower it's a weed eater I never really thought but this how are we gonna get it off of there I'll just leave the palette there I'll just take piece by piece yep I need a fence built right here a gate so we can open it and you can choose the direction that works do you got paint for it yeah I do have paint 10-4 will do I'll have it done before you know it I used to be a carpenter yep of course you were all right big awesome dog did it turn out good turned out great couldn't be any better all right so I you actually spent not that long on that I told you yeah Carpenter yeah okay okay I don't buy that you know that right check it out open it up just push it there you go all right might need some like WD-40 or something on here but it's a little crazy I think it's a little maybe a little too much weight for the hinges but if we need new ones I'll get new ones all right watch out okay yeah that's the same I slamming that on me well here you know what instead of paying you for like just like the hourly rate because you literally spent like 40 minutes on I'll just give you a solid 30 bucks yes or one for the boys back home I can pay for gas you get going home I'll see you back here tomorrow does that sound good heck yeah man today was a good day ah good morning guys good oh geez the sun's up pretty high right there that tells me it's about time to get to work here we go let's turn her over a little cold start this morning [Music] yes sir all right let's get to work so I didn't tell you guys and I haven't told boss man but I'm renting a new place right next to the shop so I guess driving to work isn't too bad anymore all right boss man I'm ready to work all right today's gonna be a busy day so I hope you got your work boots on yep I got them all I got my work truck all warmed up too all right awesome you're actually gonna be using this thing right away do you have a trailer hitch on here uh let's see let's see I got the hitch I just need a one of them nice balls on the back there all right so you're gonna have to go buy one of those because it's gonna be needed for a bunch of stuff okay size two inch um two and five sixteens okay two inch man two inch of course come back here after that I am also you actually gonna see a trailer right by there just go pick it up on your way all right boys let's get to work without hitting the fence I just weeded it the other day Okay this thing's got a little pick-me-up sometimes I get on or too fast and I've driven in a while this is my first truck so we made it to the automotive store Morgan's massive Motors it might work me up a video deal here let's see what we can get done there we go we got the two inch drop two inch ball hitch and then plow package in front so we can hook up to a plow and make some money here and this is the trailer we gotta hook up to yes sir all right perfect we got the electricity connected jacks up couplers on and we're good to go all right we'll pull around back all right so you got it all the goods yeah come look at my truck you notice anything different about it uh oh you're ready for snow plowing that's right yep I just got to give me a plow now and guess how much it cost me though 200 300 600 bucks for that and then they threw in the hitch for me what I need to do is pick up a brand new forklift that I bought okay where's it at it is gonna be just down the road a little wait where's your tailgate oh I just have him take it off for me you just don't want anymore I sent it to work truck I don't need no tailgate okay well hopefully everything stays in make sure you have your straps and everything yeah I'll strap it down if I ever need it but Heck if we're gonna be doing forklifting we're gonna be hauling things who needs tailgate anymore I I guess that's true all right so I'll send it to your phone wait do you still have your own phone am I still having to pay your phone bill yep pretty much we'll keep that way forever okay yeah someday that needs to change man but anyways go get the forklift and then come back here and have a pretty big job for you to do hey boss man I'm about out of gas you got Can you spot me some gas money making good money now you can afford that yourself dang it I don't think Garrett realizes how big this like for how much this forklift weighs and I don't know either but I know it weighs a lot like if we took this into the grass like it would just sink down now the tires aren't really meant to go in the grass uh let's see let's try forward on all right up and over here we go okay probably don't pull too far forward we don't need that much weight on the truck okay I'd say that's good right there all right guys hopefully gas prices haven't jumped too much last week they went up like 20 okay all right they're only up 10 cents today all right let's get her pumped in here hey man that was 68 dollars just to fill my tank up dang that's pretty crazy right let's get on the road here and we aren't too far away so we're gonna get back to Garrett and I think we're about 10 minutes behind schedule but should be good dang the water's still really high too still a lot of flooding going on around town all right man what do you need where do you want it all right that thing looks good is this is this is the right one right yeah yep that's the right one I'm looking at the wheel over here and yeah it seems like it is uh yeah we're rubbing some tread there we better get unloaded yep just a little bit all right well get it unloaded here and actually uh yeah unload here and then just pull it around to the side all right perfect we'll drop her down have you sold any cars man you said you were gonna sell some here this week don't worry man like we're working on it all right we'll see let's unload this is It's a lizard I'd never heard of a lizard brand before yeah it's a little bit odd but it's okay they work well yeah turned around on time it looks like a really heavy duty Forks like I've never seen Forks that wide so it must be able to hold a lot of weight yep and speaking of weight here's your weight so what happened was well first off here's thirty dollars because you picked it up which I appreciate delivery yes sir thank you but now this will be what actually gives you a big payday I need you to grab all these pallets and bring it over to my Waffle Shop they delivered it here overnight obviously it's not supposed to be here we don't really need any of this stuff so you got to bring it to the right spot you own a Waffle Shop what's it called yeah man you brought money there before it's called waffles oh yeah yeah that's right all right right let me pull around the truck and we'll well do I need the trailer for it I'd say so it's probably a little too much for just the truck but you probably want to load some up in both look at these backing up skills man oh yeah you've done this before no this is my that one's my first time ever backing up a trailer that's your you've done everything else but trailer backing up all right this is as tight as the forks are gonna go let's hopefully this works yeah this Forks are a little bigger than I thought you might have to grab it from the side here yeah I think so we gotta we gotta reposition the trailer in the truck though if we're gonna do that here we go load it up drop it down I should be able to fix him on the truck too if we run out of space on the trailer here we go let's see I don't know what oh we're getting do oh okay I was gonna say there's no way the forks are going that far in there or at least I didn't think they were this looks like a thing of cheese what the heck a thing of eggs and there's no top to them let's see here let's try and get it loaded up I don't want to bust these oh geez this makes me nervous oh we got tomatoes on the end there too let's try and drop those okay let's see here where are we gonna with the eggs and I gotta make sure they're strapped down and maybe put a pillow underneath them tuck them in there we go stay on the edge there okay all right is this plant coming with us no man this plant stays here it's always been here looks really weird that's like the only plan on this whole place it's okay man it's part of the modern Decor but man uh your truck is uh squatting a little yeah she's squatting she's getting dirty I'll have to wash her up here quick but let's uh let's throw some straps on the tomatoes get some on the waffles the flour the butter the eggs all right does that look good I think so hopefully this will hold all right man I'm squatting down here this is a big load all right coast is clear I cannot be accelerating really fast and especially hitting the brakes all right guys I think this is going to take a little longer to unload it because we're gonna have to do it like Box by box I think all right here comes the eggs uh oh careful careful we'll set them on top of the tomatoes all right there we got it okay jeez I kind of got this one here we got it all off but now we gotta get it inside the store and that's gonna be a pain oh okay man quit honking the horn man you can go around me just go around I got well I gotta put my hazards on here oh geez that took another 45 minutes to get everything inside some of the employees started helping me when they didn't get us busy so that that saved me at least an hour had like three guys come help but we're gonna head back that took way longer than I thought and Garrett better be paying me a big box all right here we go we're just gonna take these parking spots screw it all right man I'm beat oh my goodness that took forever yeah there for quite some time that was a few hours well hey you know what that means getting 250 dollars yes sir that's okay that's pretty good actually I'm happy with that yeah here come I'll get the money so usually it's a semi that holds all that and they got a nice like palp Fork thing yep yeah typically it is and that's what dropped it off here but again it wasn't supposed to go here they just got their orders confused and they weren't gonna be able to move it till tomorrow then everything would have gone bad anyways won't bore you with the details but good work man here's 250 dollars thank you thank you I'm gonna head back home all right all right I'll see you here tomorrow morning 7 A.M yep that works well we're about 30 minutes earlier to work I don't think I've ever been early to work but one of the reasons why we're early is because I got some stuff planned out on Facebook Marketplace this morning when I woke up I got a notification that there's a garage sale just next door to me well not next door but close to me and we're gonna head down there I saw they had a Segway I've always wanted to segue well it's one of the hoverboards anyway let's uh let's see I'm gonna jump on the ATV just because I want to take a Joyride and boss man should think I'm working somewhere if he happens to come in early and I'm not back by then so let's head to the garage sale well Google Maps says it's right here oh yeah okay there's a lot of people here let's not pull into the driveway all right we'll park right here hey good morning guys good morning yep I'm looking at this hoverboard here is this one of the okay you guys got a bunch of stuff in the garage well I'm just interested in this for the most part all right let's see this is one of the new additions this came out a year ago looks brand new so you said your son and you bought it for your son he just didn't like it or it didn't fit him okay yeah man it looks like he never really used it all right I know you gotta listen for 400 but what do you take 250 man 250 cash right here here's 250 cash okay okay you came down to 350 would you meet me in the middle at three let's shake on it yep here we go here's 300 bills yes sir all right thank you guys I'm heading out well I guess I should have test drove this before I paid for it but that was 300 I thought I got a pretty good deal these are like 600 new oh wait a second look at that camper right there oh yeah check this out oh this is cool guys that camper looks pretty cool I got an idea we got about 20 minutes before I need to get to work I can try and strike a deal hey guys is that your camper over there you mind if I take a look I'm interested if it's for sale all right guys to give me the keys to go inside but they said it wasn't for sale but they'd be willing if I gave them an offer to listen to it all right let's figure this out now Bossman always said that there's money to be made in fixing things up and selling it and kind of uh getting good deals that's kind of what I've been looking for so first things we got to look at let's look at some of the plum coming this looks like it was all well redone yep Plumbing looks good close it back up oh this is pretty cool so I'm guessing this folds out into a bed and stuff all these blinds open up all these windows all right let's open these doors okay so here is the master bedroom which I was guessing this must be the bathroom oh yeah plenty of room in here okay that looks clean they took good care of it stove the oven looks like that hasn't been used in years I think I can get a good deal I think we're gonna try to offer them 4 000 for it looks like good condition I mean who knows how long they've driven it probably gotta go through the wheel bearings before I sell it to make sure the hubs are all good in Greece and we're gonna have any issues there because that's the biggest thing you run these things without greasing them then they pretty much destroy themselves so gotta make sure that's one of the big maintenance on them all right man I paid you 300 for the hoverboard what do you do 4 000 for the travel trailer yes I got the cash all right man meet in the middle at five let's shake on it at five there we go thank you sir uh oh don't go out in front of the car so it's 6.55 I got it for five thousand dollars but it's 6 55 a.m work starts at seven so there's no way I'm getting back in time so what we got to do is first off I'm not I was I have a hitch on this four-wheeler so technically I could pull it but I gotta go get my truck real quick but we can't get in trouble for being late to work I spent 300 on the hoverboard and that's all I was gonna do and then I just spent five thousand on that camper but I think if I fix it up a bit clean it up present it well and and kind of Market it and sell it good on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist should be able to turn a profit on it all right guys the only thing is I'm gonna Park the four wheeler just in the bushes for right now all right we got to figure out where boss man is he's gonna make me go to work and I and I need to pick up the camper I don't I don't see him though all right we're making a run for it run run run run all right the train's coming by he shouldn't hear my truck firing up oh he's in the back office he's in the back office oh wait no he's in the van okay there's no way he doesn't see me okay let's go let's go he's gonna be very upset at me hopefully he doesn't fire me I'm a Joe's Diner they got good glazed donuts I'm gonna get it for boss man there we go half a dozen donuts should make him not fire me but I might get a little pay deduction for being probably probably an hour late by the time we get back and everything all right here we go let's get hooked up I gotta pay the guy he's five thousand too I didn't have the cash on me I kind of used that as a negotiation piece but I got it all right man here's your five thousand it's in the envelope go ahead count it I'm gonna get hooked up here all right there we go make the electrical connection I think oh yes it has brakes okay that's a plus oh here we go he said they haven't taken this out for about four years but they always make sure it's clean then in the winter they store it in like a just like a shed so it doesn't see the snow but it does see the Sun for like nine months out of the year so a little bit of paint fade but nothing terrible I think we should be able to flip it all right guys we're gonna quickly detach the trailer or the camper whatever you want to call it some people call it travel trailers campers and we're gonna we're gonna head over here I'm gonna park it behind my house so then he doesn't see it because I don't want him knowing that I was late because of that I'm gonna say I slept in and then got him some donuts because I felt bad so I'm a little extra late hey good morning boss man how's it going it's going well where have you been I I I will say I slept in and then I was like crap I'm like 25 minutes late and I was like well it's another 5-10 minutes so I went to Mama Joe's Diner and they had glazed donuts it's Monday morning so they got glazed donuts for you here's six uh-huh so you know like I noticed you had your truck here and you check it and then you came back right uh that must have been somebody else or somebody else's truck oh you should file a police report then because it was your truck okay oh that's no worries here's a glazed donuts they're warm oh yes Boston cream my favorite glass milk you getting any of these sold you get it all cleaned up ready for show yeah yeah just doing work in them and actually speaking of that maybe I can put you to work I need you to go get a pallet with new tires because some of these just in the showroom they've been sitting so long they get flat spots and stuff and anyways just get new tires uh they should be on the pallet at the local dealer all right 10-4 you should probably sell them so the tires don't rot out all right I guess here's the tires he was talking about I thought they would be at the auto store down there yeah he's got one two okay four four tires those don't look like for that van must have been something else he's got a brake caliber a rotor a whole kind of brake assembly there okay that's not cheap here we go looks good strap it down that forklift was nice to use oh gosh doing all that pulling and pulling that camper I lost a lot of fuel I gotta head to the gas station real quick fuel up that's one thing I gotta talk to boss man about probably not today because he's upset at me for being late but I've been spending about 60 on gas to fill this thing up and half the time I'm driving for him here we go let's fill up here all right we're good to go I need to I need to power wash this thing off and I was speaking of power wash he's got a really nice hot water power washer like a steam one and it gets the dirt off really good which I'll use but I was thinking I gotta use that on the camper should work out perfect all right he probably wants me pulling around back sometimes it's nice to not have a truck with a tailgate because you don't got to worry about it and when I go that's it real yeah man um stop for a sec stop what's wrong all right just come with me nice and slow don't stare am I in trouble don't stare look over there look at the window window like yeah right yeah oh geez who is that I don't know he hasn't said anything he's just been looking for like five minutes what in tarnation okay I'll act like I'm doing computer work is that a customer I've never seen one here yeah I I haven't either and where's his shirt I don't know but man no shoes no shirt no service exactly man you talk to me I've never dealt with a customer before I haven't dealt with too many either at least not ones that are behind glass okay here you you go do that just just keep an eye on me okay okay 10-4 yeah that's kind of weird we got a customer and the guy's dress a little funny but I don't know if he's a customer we'll see all right Gary I just put it on the rack shelf okay and that guy just like I started talking to him and he just ran away okay well that's uh better than having no customers I guess yeah I guess so uh also man you gotta clean up your truck because this thing is making this place look bad oh yeah I think that's why we don't have customers okay that is not why we don't have customers but I just got there's like two weeks ago and now it's dirty but anyway yeah I was gonna say I could I could really use it actually I was gonna ask you man could I borrow this for like whenever I need it kind of thing like it's really nice to have uh I won't move it but say I need to wash something and bring it here or you know like something like that or like girlfriend's car you know trying to be nice to her mom you have a girlfriend no I'm just saying if I did man don't worry about that you'll never have a girlfriend but yeah for sure if you've got to use it definitely can I am I done for the day yeah you're done for the day also have you bought a cell phone yet or am I still paying this bill you're still paying the bill so it's 50 bucks a month oh no no it's 60 bucks a month and then uh 50 is the actual bill and I just pocket 10 but yeah and then could you pay me for the day too that would be nice okay yeah here here is here let's grab money I'm giving give you 150 because you didn't really do much today well I spent 65 bucks on gas too so appreciate it yeah here here's 150. there you go all right man I'll talk to you later see you tomorrow well I slept good last night here this was the first night in the new camper everything worked good I'd run water I had the AC going so let's jump out I gotta get to work here for now on I'm taking the hoverboard to work because the drive is so short and I've been spending so much on gas recently so this is a good start for my morning got the cool air going through my face but I think today I'm gonna let Garrett know that I bought a camper I know he's gonna be a bit upset for me spending the money but I just gotta show them that I can flip it and make some money yo boss man you here is his computer on no he's not here yo Boss Man nobody's in here what the heck wait a second who's that pulling in he's aiming it on the horn hey you're late for work boss man I know I'm late but man what do you think about the setup I just got a new truck here I was gonna say who the heck is pulling in here like a crazy man but I guess kind of thought it was you but what is this a Nissan yeah it's a Nissan Titan man do you like it not really I'm either a Ford Chevy or Dodge guy look look look check out the friend okay at most at most you could do a Toyota Tundra but I don't know about this in a Honda Ridgeline look at the front lights isn't it a nice setup yeah all trucks have nice front lights nowadays ah okay okay fine whatever anyways this is yours man I got you a house finally and before you say anything I know you've been living across the street you realize like my cousin lives there he he's the one who rents out that to you okay so I've known about this entire time and he loves having you there but he wants to use that house that you're living in or pretty much a shed to actually store tools so I got you this thing all right that uh that should work come check it out you want me to live in it I want you to live in it yeah man here hop on in nice finish I like the flooring a little rustic it's nothing too fancy but skylights the ceiling could be a bit taller but I'll make deal with it I think it'll work I just can my truck my truck should be able to pull it right oh yeah yeah this should have no problem did you ride the Segway here yeah yeah yeah I'm sick and tired of spending gas so if you're a little Nissan Titan can do it my Ford can't grab your truck and then come pick up the camper 10-4 all right look to the left look to the right we're good one thing we can't do is let them see the camper that I have here which I haven't told them about I kind of hinted about it but yeah I didn't tell him and so I still want to you know fix it up flip it restore it I want to kind of do that today here all right tell me what all right slow down it's okay you're good man dude you gotta tell me I was trying to here you go Garrett said he was gonna come over here once to get this set up so I don't have too much time I want to try and hide this I mean if he sees it I don't know what he's gonna I I don't want him to feel bad I don't want him to be mad so let's just get this out of here we're gonna move it down the road but I still have work to do I want to like fix it up restore it a bit make it feel a bit cleaner and then I just tested out that bathroom it's pretty nice no no no you tested out my bathroom I dropped off all the kids oh I haven't even I haven't even tried it out man can you can you turn the fan on I kind of smell it from out here oh okay okay one sec do you mind if I just borrow the weed eater and I'll I'll keep the shop clean and stuff like that as long as you actually keep the shop clean then sure but well I mean like I'll do it I'll do all the weed eating at the dealership okay if if you'll actually start doing that it is what you paid for but if you want to do it for free go for it that works there we go yeah it's a lot cleaner when you actually come in here and weed in this stuff where do I go to dump the toilet stuff oh uh I didn't really think about that one so like is there have you you went camping before is there like a recycling places dumping out at or yeah there are places if you want to go to them you definitely can um you could also maybe turn it into fertilizer and just kind of head to a forest I'll let that just kind of be up to you I don't know after you used it I don't know if I can do that that might be illegal yeah probably not recommended but man you do you you know this is your responsibility I just got it for you as a gift I hope you like it I didn't hear you say thank you at all but that's okay oh yep no problem thank you yeah no problem is right all right well hey man before you go uh just literally today I'm kind of giving you the day off to just enjoy this and get it all situated but I need you to trust me do you trust me nope okay well today you're gonna have to trust me okay trust like it's gonna be worth it okay I need two thousand dollars from you I thought you had all the money in the world I need two thousand dollars from you you just trust me it will be worth it okay all I gotta know is when do I get it back you're gonna get something back tomorrow here you go two grand cash all in 100. all right perfect thank you I was worried about getting paid in quarters right he went home for the night I got some time here where we came I want to clean out the inside he's got a really nice shop vac I want to power wash the outside I gotta shut these windows otherwise we'll be spraying water in this thing here we go should be watertight let's get cleaning it hot water pressure washer let's get in here because I'm gonna be I'm gonna be coming in I'm gonna open these caps off get in there I might have to jack it up too we'll see all right wheel bearings are good we got them repacked with grease and then I just want to make sure everything's good in here yep made my bed check check check lights are off now it's just time to take the best pictures I possibly can let's pull it around get it in the sunlight and we need to take 10 really good pictures put it on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist and we'll see if somebody somebody tries to buy it here I'm gonna have the lake in the background nice blue water green grass the orange on it's gonna make it look amazing heck yeah there we go all right let's take some pictures there we go should be good and let's get this out of here so we don't get in trouble well today is the day we're gonna finally get this camper sold I need to get it out of here because I am very low on funds compared to what I'm used to I got it listed for 7 500 bucks thought I was gonna do 7 000 but I thought heck 7 500 let's start there I'm just gonna back it up to the main road here there we go that should be good enough I don't want to stick her way out there and then we're gonna put a for sale sign on it with my number just on this back window here I'm gonna leave the lights on so somebody stops by they can look the door's unlocked it can't go anywhere because hook up to my truck and I got the keys all right let's head in did you ride a segue here I did one second I uh my pockets are feeling a little light where did my 2000 go yesterday that I gave you what did you do okay okay well here I'm not gonna tell you quite yet but I do need you to go somewhere and I need to know why I need to know man okay okay well you better drive fast then don't break the laws though because this is under my insurance but here you go get this Kubota trailer okay and I'm gonna send you this address and you're gonna go pick up what cost you two grand okay so I'm gonna get the money back yeah it will be good it'll be good let's head over there no questions asked well I was asking a few but anyway no questions asked text me the address oh here we go oh wait that's not Garrett oh it's somebody on Craigslist they sent me a text said they were interested in the camper yes okay we're getting more interested the words getting out there hopefully we get somebody by the end of the day okay there's Garrett's text came through okay dang it that's on the other side of town I don't know why I'm taking this tractor and trailer but heck he's probably got something crazy that I gotta load up on here and bring back for him uh oh my stomach's growling guys real quick okay sorry buddy we're gonna pull out in front of you okay that was pretty bad by me but the waffle yep here we go we're gonna get some breakfast food here I didn't make eggs this morning so real quick we're gonna make a pit stop in the tractor let's get some waffles William the waffle maker he's raised his price it was eight bucks all right let's let's knock on the door I guess if you call this a door well guys I just spoke with the gentleman and he actually lives in the shed I actually had a lot in common with him I said I've been living in a shed the past few months too now living in a camper a little upgrade there but this is it this is what Garrett bought me for 2 000 bucks he bought me the truck so I guess the guy knew everything about it he knew I was coming to pick it up today dang it this thing looks like a hunk of garbage it's all rusted out the paint's chipping off but it does fire up and run I was actually kind of surprised it turned over pretty good all right man what the heck two grand for this pile of metal you don't like it I was worried it wasn't gonna start but it started up yeah man this thing starts up and it can hold a lot more weight than what you're currently driving obviously it needs some work it's not new sell Mork it needs a full paint job get rid of all the rust all the some well now we got to do on that and then yeah we need a bed on here Garrett this thing isn't anything crazy Here's my thought right you were complaining about your other truck and like it just it kind of was getting to me you know like I I really was hoping you'd like that other one I I've got it for you as a gift it's like you know what this time you're gonna spend a little bit of money but you're gonna make this thing exactly how you want it oh real quick I'm getting a call I'll talk to you later okay yes hello this is Spencer yep I'm selling that uh camper oh no not the truck though yeah just the camper I just have the truck tucked up to it so I can move it around okay you're gonna be there in five minutes yeah I'll send you the address that works I'll see you there all right guys somebody's coming to check out the camper and they were really interested in the truck like very like hey I wanted the truck more than the camper they were kind of talking about it now that we have this truck maybe I can sell the sell my F-100 for more than I bought it for and pocket even more cash okay I'd better get over there make sure I got everything ready to go hey boss man I gotta head out real quick I'll be back in 30 minutes you going on your lunch break uh no I gotta do that later do something else I'll talk to you later you catch it okay fine all right guys everything in the camper is squared away he's about here this is the first real offer I've kind of gotten seemed very interested very serious but I haven't thought about to sell in the truck until boss man got me the the new truck over there well I paid for it but he kind of hooked me up and uh now I guess I can get rid of it and so I paid 8 000 for the truck 5 000 for the camper I have this listed for 7 500 so 2500 profit I'm thinking if he wants a package deal okay here he is he's coming in here I was thinking package deal 20 grand that'd be some good profit there hey how's it going sir oh you look like a mechanic yeah if you want to uh here I'll open everything up for you I just gotta unlock it there you go go ahead go on inside make yourself feel comfortable just walk around a bit uh oh guys he's really interested in this camper I have back here the one I'm living in this isn't good to be honest I like the what I got hooked up to my truck there but the original one I bought way more than in here he liked that camper a lot and he wants that one he said he's gonna pay 22 for the camper and the truck package deal oh no boss man can't see me sell his camper that he just gifted me this is getting complicated but I'm detaching from I'm more red retro looking camper the one I guess I'm Gonna Keep now the one I was originally gonna sell all right man Shake on it good man he's got a cashier's check I'll go cash this in here all right man you're good to go 22 000 let's go okay what the heck how do you drive this thing it's a manual gosh I haven't driven a manual in years I'm gonna cash this check and then he said he lives very close to the bank so that'll work out perfect but that way if you have any issues the guy's literally right there there we go twenty two thousand dollars richer boys let's go all right guys we're getting to work this morning I gotta ask boss man a question and kind of a favor here but what the heck is in the parking lot I run this Fair every single year and today is that day what Fair the county fair yeah man I'm the one who operates all this always you got the Top Spin here this is my favorite ride yeah yeah okay okay these are expensive don't no don't start going crazy I love the county fair Oh I thought it was last week okay yeah I always kind of wanting to help set up one of these well you'll be definitely helping this year because as people that usually have help they all quit and they didn't want to do this year summer off at school yeah because you're a mean boss whoa whoa whoa I've bought you a lot of stuff that makes me a good boss anyways I don't get in my truck get in a truck man we need to get going well I have no idea like how to set these up hopefully there's an instructions manual uh there's a little bit of instructions on there but pretty much on our own for this do you know how to set it up you've been doing this for years well I know the basics for some of them like you know how to turn them on all right here we are I guess this is crazy so I grew up here in Goldcrest and this is where the county fair takes place every year I gotta ask boss man a few questions but we got to get these get all the machines down here get all the all the rides down here this ride is called the Techno power I think this is one ah I don't think it's my favorite I like topspin but this might come in close second all right we got this side open in carrot night boss man has no idea he has an instruction manual that from like 1990. all right there we go it's folding out nice oh yeah that looks good this thing man all right Garrett got the ride going and it's starting to warm up here starting to get I remember this now I don't think it's been here in past years man it has but last year we didn't have it because it was needing some work all right Gary I'm gonna sit right here with my lemonade getting paid ten dollars an hour to watch you set it up okay I don't know if that's what you paid for all right Garrett that looks oh watch out man be careful that looks pretty crazy yeah man this thing is working well it's my favorite ride because it just always works we've never had to like spend money to fix it or anything heck no power baby this one when I haven't seen in a little bit but yeah we'll see how she looks get her unfolded all right Garrett so we're hitting some controls man oh yeah lights are coming on oh yeah here we go nice there's the seats they're over overhead lap bars they're not lap bars but oh that's awesome this ride looks pretty cool man and then there's module one going and module two we have one final one to set up and we have an hour to do it so let's get moving ten four all right guys we got it unfolded Garrett's in the booth trying to figure out the controls okay he hits up the Garrett you hit the lights are on lights are on lights okay you're activating the controls it's it's similar to techno power all right oh this one looks even cooler and then what does this one do okay it's spinning spinning yep spinning it looks like that is uh that's one crazy ride try it's spinning and then try and hit the one button you hit before this one all right okay I was kind of laughing at you man because I was like dude it's probably so hot in there he's trying to hit all these buttons check that thing out oh that looks like do you not have a chili cheese dog before this ride holy cow they're all lined up ready to get on the ride man that's awesome yeah man so many people showed up today turn on the smoke they want to see it okay okay here we go so we spraying with like the steam well it's not steam but don't worry it's not hot but it's like cool smoke here we go okay so we got a bunch of people lined up I'll give you guys a little tour we did some finishing touches we got a special TV to sponsor the concert today or not the carnival we have some outhouses there people need to hit the restroom they're pretty much just porta potties decorated so it looks cool and you know not like the gross Porta bodies but anyway this is looking good we got lights up the Sun is setting so the clouds look beautiful like pink and orange that's really nice and then we have more people lined up here jeez man when are we opening up Garrett in a few minutes right yep yeah we will be opening up soon very very soon all right guys boss man's at work I'm hammering on the horn I'm a little frustrated with them this morning yo big cat where's my money at from working the carnival on all week and I'm so tired oh I gotta pay you for that dude I worked there 8 am every morning until two in the morning running the carnival like being the guy you were like in the bathroom half the time okay you know how many throw-ups I had to clean up in the bathroom because people were eating your cotton candy that that was too old it was okay don't be telling people about that one sec and I'll get you cat how much do I owe you let me think let me think well you shouldn't have to think about it 250 a day and I worked uh Friday Saturday Sunday so what is that uh 750. 750 all right you know what I'll give you 800 because that I'm late okay yeah thank you appreciate it away with more um probably thank you thank you 800 Richard I'm I'm uh and I'm asking for the morning off well at least like 30 minutes to an hour I gotta drive my truck down to Morgan's Motors and I think one of their head technicians is gonna get started on putting the flatbed and painting I don't know if you've ever actually worked a morning shift like every single time you have something going on well perfect sounds like I got another day off here so I'll be back in an hour okay okay I'll be here do you know if Morgan Motors if they had courtesy cars like they'll I can take one of their cars for the day oh I don't think they do I could pick you up if my Segway isn't charged okay you can pick me up well I don't want you to have to do that I'm gonna try and get the four wheeler on here all right that's the best I could do I think the frame is a bit skinnier than the uh Tire width on this should I go okay it's already moving quite a bit I guess I'm going a little too fast man and this new truck's got a lot of power it's a diesel all right oh no okay guys watch this okay it's gonna go flying but it's gonna be funny I'm just gonna have Garrett pick me up let's check this out here we go hit the brakes there we go nice oh that was pretty smooth okay it's Steve right oh yes sir big spins how are you doing today okay I'm I'm doing good man nice to meet you sounds like you're the head technician here how long have you been working for Morgan well I've been working for him for around nine years now it's been a long time nine years okay well uh so this is the flatbed that I ordered he didn't give me a price on it he said it would be it'd be fair price and then I also want a paint job I don't know if he let you know that yeah of course usually I do around 10K but you sound like a really good guy so I think it should be around 8 000 in total Steve that sounds fair man let's shake on it all right I love Steve's sideburns if you guys check that out he's uh he's got red hair and then his sideburns were red too and they're like oh that's pretty cool but anyway I'm going to uh stick my thumb out here try and get a hitchhike nah I'm joking boss man pick me up man I've got to tell you I need a ride you do need a ride okay I was expecting that I'm actually already on my way because I I just saw it coming oh there's boss man he took the caddy yes sir I didn't know I hey hold up I didn't know it was that special I get to ride in the in the Chevy of course you do man and this is completely legal oh here wait wait I gotta lower down we gotta go turbo mode oh there we go here raise it back up I want to see it we're up you want to go down yep here we go low rider in the Chevy Impala you should probably cut the grass now cut the grass all I got is a weed eater you told me last week to cut the grass and you said you'd buy a mower for me where's the mall no I know I thought about this I felt bad it took you a while to use so you're gonna go pick up the mowers just down the road you can take my truck if you if you know how to drive all the neighbors that got that little like toy tractor for oh yeah it does have a mower behind it that's right it's not a toy it's it's a John Deere 110. I went through the train tracks and then the thing came down oh no oh no oh no oh no oh gosh I was driving through here and all of a sudden these barriers come down and the train came out of nowhere okay let me pull forward hopefully boss man didn't see that all right let's see here's the John Deere tractor we're picking up I've been seeing this driving to work a few times it's a 110 I mean it's not that small and it's really cool it articulates this would be a dream little tractor to have growing up you know this would be perfect Spencer what do you think man looks pretty good doesn't it uh what's up with my trailer uh it's got a mo or in a tractor on it no no so I was looking at you and I saw like there was a train there and oh yeah the one that just came by and I missed you missed um yeah it didn't miss you what went on there okay okay I'm not gonna lie I was in fiddling with the radio switching mutations because you had it on a weird talk show and I pulled through and all of a sudden the bear came down and the train was flying yeah this is coming at you a paycheck dude he's just a little paint buff get some white spray paint in one of those Dent pullers and everything works fine I see the ramps weren't good and it went down the road uh-huh yeah if you fix it up then you won't get any deduction do you know how to use that thing uh watch out don't put your foot underneath there I just turned it on I'm not putting my foot under anywhere all right let's try and keep her straight this could be hard to keep a trades articulating tractor which is kind of hard like once I make a turn it's like I just gotta get used to it it's not like a nice old zero turn what would have been nice is if it had duals on here that way I don't tip this is going to be a side Hill action here you're not slide into the wall water this wouldn't be good it's not it's pretty steep but it's not terrible how do you think it's looking boss man I think it's looking pretty good but I think someone's here for you nice okay I will uh that's about as close I can get to the pond like Water's Edge it gets too Steep and sketchy but uh yeah I'll finish it up later okay okay yeah this person they were asking for you is it my truck it looks like it it looks a lot better than I remember baby that red looks better than the samples well here's the 8K Steve there you go man hopefully Morgan doesn't take too big of a cut out of that I won't let him tell him that one's just straight to you he tell him he doesn't get nothing of that oh that's what I like to hear all right did you uh drive it through the mud or something it's a little dirty uh maybe a little bit he tested it out oh okay okay I knew it was gonna be dirty dude he's gonna make sure everything was okay that's right okay well hey if you want to leave this at the shop Spencer then you gotta give this thing a washing okay this is gonna be the best work vehicle boss man like this is going to be really great so yeah I can I'll get this washed up I'm glad you like it you seemed a little hesitant at first no I thought it was great it's way better than your little Nissan Titan or whatever the heck you call that whoa whoa whoa you don't gotta be dissing my truck everything's pretty nice I might buy one here for myself too yeah we'll see man it's a 3500 and that diesel I love the sound of the diesel okay so I gotta head out for the day but I'm gonna give you 200 bucks now to finish up the job here try cleaning up the best you can I will uh yeah I'll finish up my own here okay okay keep at it have a good night see you later big cat good morning boss man good morning how you doing pretty good you remember yesterday well the whole last week I was telling you I was looking for some land to buy yeah we'll come out here real quick come on come on okay see that I own this lens here yeah no I understand you see the hill that you don't own yeah Mitch's land what's what's up yeah Mitch the neighbor the one that you got in a few scuffles a few years back you guys don't like each other that's in the past fast we don't talk about that no he's still he still like hates you he I so anyway I went to him and I was like hey is that like little Hill acre up there could I could I you know is that for sale he's like no no and I explained to him I was like oh I work for Boss Man and he's like oh really I was like yeah I uh I do and I'm trying to build a house up there so I overlook his business and look down on him and when I told him that he was a gung-ho and he sold it to me for five grand what I've been trying to buy that land for the past like I don't know 10 years how how did you convince him by just saying it's gonna be looking down on me yeah I said I work for you eventually I'm gonna quit from here and probably take you over or something and he's like oh yeah is that wait you're gonna do what now no nothing that's just something I told Mitch are you gonna be building something there what's the plan today I'm gonna need your help I'll pay you five dollars an hour and you're gonna help me build my new house make it seven dollars an hour and you give me a cookie for snack all right 650 you got a deal 10-4 Shake on it oh stop with this okay okay fine there you go I need to get on a more proper fit because I don't want to get this thing you get your little outfit all put together I know you like to look cute for the Instagram pictures I'm gonna jump in the Kubota tractor go pick up a roller that I'm renting some construction equipment and I'll meet you up there ten four okay so here's my camper and I got the roller delivered last night which was really nice that they delivered it but they delivered it to my address and not the address of the uh of the acreage of what we're gonna be building on no big deal I can move it myself but the guy hauled it with an 18-wheeler man and I'm just using this the reason why I'm building right here is one to kind of Stick it to boss man be like hey I bought some land that you could divide overlooks your you know business but then also a short drive to work it is a cool view over the lake I built so I don't know it's close to home it should be good we might have to take down that big tree right there but we'll try and leave it there we go got it unloaded boss man what the heck are you wearing you said you were gonna change I did look look at my pants man what the hell look at my gloves my boots my hat is that a what do you call those fedoras I don't know something else I just know I look cool in it yeah we'll see how that works out you're gonna be changing out of that soon but here's the roller we're gonna use to kind of flatten the land I'm thinking the house is going to be built we're gonna try and leave I love that big tree right there but we'll see don't know where exactly we're gonna put the driveway but I want to try and keep everything fairly minimal don't get in front of me boss man I gotta level this ground out here get it nice and compacted we got the Sheep feet on here well you call them something like that but it's the Sheep roller here so it gets a little more pressure in the ground look at that thing go told you man I used to run these back in the day watch out for this bush excuse me there we go do you just say excuse me to a bush I think we got a good base set out need to do a bit more level in there but I'll probably bring the skid steer in and then semi truck just text it says he's gonna be here in about 20 minutes so let's get this all prepped up well it's two hours later now and as you can tell we are bringing something for the project and I think we're making this project a little bigger than we need too but hey it's better to have the right tool for the job I went down to the rental store grabbed this Kubota 75 and then uh some grinder on it too stump grinder is so expensive but this is gonna cost me 500 to rent it for the day so 500 bucks to rent it for the day and we're gonna take out probably three stumps these are stumps we need to grind it out we can't just leave them and don't ask me how we got this on my pickup truck because it was sketchy here we go boss man's doing some work this is an interesting setup you got going I didn't expect to see it on your truck bed yeah dude it's a trailer it's clapping out the old uh oh it's not good it's destroying the shocks how are we getting this I think it's going off on its own uh-oh you're squatting okay yeah did you get uh any kind of insurance on this though no just don't show them don't take any pictures of it or anything all right Timber where you at boss okay there you are don't knock it on this cat over here she's coming down no man I used to uh be arborist for like 10 20 years um I remember you told me early on when you're working for me that it was like five years interesting nah probably like 20. right after I got done running the rollers how old are you 25. when are the supplies coming to actually build this thing are they oh I didn't realize that they aren't here no not yet okay uh I'm gonna give them a call when I get done with these stumps we aren't really ready for them anyway so I I'm actually not too bad okay and how much are you spending on supplies it's gonna be you know I'm not 100 for sure right now but I I already wrote a check for five thousand it's a five grand for the land this guy to rent this skid steer was 500 bucks and then 5 000 materials so far that I bought but we might be short all right we got it prepped ready to go okay let's go what do you want to eat man Jimmy John's yeah man I'm starving we we need to get food and I got a phone call they were saying that they're going to be laying a foundation perfect here pretty soon my guys we're almost here that's perfect all right let's uh let's head out here how was your Jimmy John's Garrett I like the slice wheat man that's good yeah man it was pretty good I'd say nine out of ten wow they did a good job with this nothing better than that man you go Jimmy John's get some lunch and then you come back and the foundation's already in look at that yeah so these are just uh like templates if it kind of makes sense so it is gonna be a lot like Legos and this mod will show you kind of how it works Garrett's gonna be the official crane operator the one placing them in I think I'm gonna be the designer man I'm gonna tell you where to put them where I want the windows I want a big window right here I actually might get rid of some of this we don't need this as much I'll figure that out later but I want to be able to look over over you so I'll kind of show you guys how it's gonna work technically we don't have a crane here and all that but you can see Garrett's placing down the blocks this one's a little funky there's a we're getting the hang of it and there's I guess I would call them teeth that go in the bottom into the squares you probably call them Peg and holes there we go they're dropping down This is Gonna Come Together and then we'll figure out like yep you guys saw the teeth fall right in there here we go so we're gonna build out this wall it doesn't take too long obviously we'll have the front door somewhere around here [Music] foreign this is the house it's a little rough and we are limited we are very limited and I see why people don't build with this material but we have the main structural support beam in all the walls in and this is gonna be my house I was like Eric can you build me a bathroom a bedroom he's like probably not here's your house all right man it looks pretty good yeah it's it's a little wait where's my window go yeah so your window doesn't work we might try it again someday but we almost broke the whole structure it's good it's good you know like this is It's a structure you can live in it it's pretty big yeah maybe get a bed you might need to get a Lego bed but yeah and where's your camper man I haven't seen that thing around here yeah that's a good question I guess I don't need it now that I have a house oh are you gonna like give it to a friend or something or I'll probably sell it the house turned out good I think parking garage we got to plant some grass and stuff a few plots a few plants out front we'll make it feel a little homemier yeah actually you know what let's just get some grassy down maybe we will come back here in a few days and see what it looks like and four and there it is we got the grass growing a little fence that was Garrett's touch he thought that would look good and it did it or it does and so there we go there's the house Garrett you look good in it thank you thank you I definitely want to get back on my normal outfit because I'm not a fan of this one what I need you to do man is I could have returned this by the end today other otherwise they're gonna charge me another 100 bucks on top of the 500. so I need you to return the Kubota with the stump grinder and then I'm gonna return the cat and here we go we're bringing it back to Morgan's massive Motors he's gonna charge me a thousand bucks and then like I said I gotta pay Garrett something boss man I guess I'm boss man today but we'll just give him 200 bucks even that should be good for the day all right there we go that was a buck just to rent that but it came in handy well guys two days into our house being built and we had a thunderstorm 100 mile an hour wind gusts came through and it's looking pretty rough so I called down Steve my body the one who worked on my pickup truck and he also is a contractor along with many other things he should be here anymore it he's gonna take a look and see what he can do but this is looking bad I don't even want to go inside yo man Steve look at this like I'll have to get a ladder but like the roof is coming apart not looking good now that is not looking good that is not a sturdy roof no no I don't think there's anything I think it's because my boss man I had him help put it together I don't think he knew what he was doing I gotta get back down there to work do you think you have it done by today oh definitely yeah geez jeez okay I was kind of joking there I thought it would take weeks but yeah I don't know I'm a professional I got I got it okay I'm gonna jump in the pickup truck head out give me a call if you need anything I'll be right below uh as you know we haven't really sold many cars recently or well like ever that's your department yeah okay well here's my thoughts you know like look at the dealership right it's it looks okay but really it could be a lot better it could be like a hundred times better so I want you to put on your work gloves today and same way we were working on your host the other day I want to work on this dealership I want to really get the landscape looking good pretty much have whatever budget we need I'm taking all the money out of that waffle business us and bringing it here I think this could do the job eating some of those bushes it's not a bush hog though oh it should be able to at least it could get rid of some of this grass but are you ready to knock this thing down yeah I'm thinking here let's turn around look it's almost like lining up like I don't know maybe more this way yeah yeah don't go too far what is that direction North maybe we started like right here kind of yep that maybe uh like this one this guy okay all right let's get here we go boss man I think that was the hardest work I've ever seen you do okay you know what I've done hard work before how do you think I even got this business started I don't know man I think you gotta hand it to you but anyway we gotta knock on it I'm thinking we're gonna knock out at least two more make it a bit wider so two ways that traffic can come through and then when we get cars in when we start selling cars and then they're bringing them in with the big old semis they got to be pretty wide through here so you work on knocking out a few more throw the throw the debris in the dump truck and then I'll start knocking out these trees all right can you help me load into the dump truck here with the wood yeah no this one's still got some leaves on you you left it yeah just trim it up I left my chainsaw over there oh I just got a text from Steve he says he's done with the house and he's driving down to the dealership now there he is right there I think he's texting me he's driving a little weird here I'm gonna get out of the way I'm gonna tell him too uh I'm gonna tell him to drive through a new driveway just for fun he's in a Hummer so it's a little wet grass pull through your ear Steve but you're a first person to drive through a new driveway how does it feel it feels fantastic you guys uh really did well with that one thank you Steve I could uh you're done with the house but I want to keep paying you for the day you got done so early here come to the trailer real quick and gosh I would love to see the house here follow me I'm gonna get you hooked up here all right you're all hooked up oh I can see it from here dude that looks amazing good work but what I need you to do now Steve is you're gonna head to uh to the shop and I'm gonna have you pick up a skid steer and a stump grinder because we're taking down some trees here so we gotta take out the stumps all right Gary can I get some time off work man I want to go give a tour of my house real quick what's with you always wanting time off no you cannot have time off you can go there at the end of the day end of the day okay guys stay tuned at the end of the video we're gonna go check out my new house to see built for me uh yeah we spent all day yesterday uh was it good so we he redid it all right oh Steve's here with the skid steer Perfect all right Steve I'll get you on hooked here just fold down them ramps man and I think you're gonna run her heck yeah okay Steve maybe next time when you haul it I don't know how they let you leave like it but just lower this down man it's a little safer than it having it up here I'm a professional I could I could do what I want no I don't even worry about it that that is true you just literally built my house in half an afternoon so uh I guess you can all right guys I probably shouldn't be staying in the middle of the highway but this is kind of the view it's looking like we I knocked down two more trees he's gonna grind the stumps after mowing it taking out the bushes this is looking great I'm thinking right now what we should do is probably put some new lights down because this place is dark at night and you know like people drive past and get kind of get some interest in maybe they'll come in the morning type of thing 10-4 lights how about you work on lights and I'm gonna work on that uh kind of Podium thing for the vehicles okay that works all right meet in the middle all right and see who gets done first all right so that's kind of what we made up okay we might need to make the runway oh no yeah we're gonna make uh we're gonna make this a bit longer because as you can see we're bottoming out here all right guys we got the Mercedes up there on the platform things are coming together we're getting some sod laid down because we gotta tour up some stuff but boss man tore up the place with lights oh it's gonna be brighter at night than it is during the day you liking it man I think it looks great and I think now that you have me on the sales I'm about the sales team right you know what tomorrow you will try out give me one day if I show a car tomorrow oh okay if you want to make it that high mistake so I was gonna give you like a week to do it but yeah sure sell one more tomorrow I get the job if I don't you can fire me from here from everything from I like that that would be good that would be good okay well I should be able to fire you then that'll save me a bunch of money here it is guys see I love it because I got the pollen right below the dealership's looking better oh that tree I love that we didn't take down that tree that looks amazing okay guys the place is is quite a bit different yes we uh pretty much tore down the old one and Steve put up the new one in a matter of a day so that's all I need right there man I'm a single guy heck yeah two garages for a house you can't ask for anything more man I think your house looks like a garage this is all oh no this is great it's good thank you very much Steve you put a lot of work into this the finishes look great and all right so you probably have to pay him so I'm gonna pay you Spencer yep so here you go you did a good job Jad say so I'm gonna pay you six thousand dollars oh okay oh yep that is uh that that's probably Fair Deal all right and then you guys I don't know whatever you're paying them 25 an hour or something uh three an hour you worked five hours what does that come out to be 150 something like that I'll take 150. all right there you go man thanks for your work today you know my pleasure today is the day oh yeah first day actually being a Salesman let's check in with boss man I'm Drew he's got a name tag for me I a new shirt hey boss man what's going on man hello hello look at you on time today that's right I'm fired up man I had like 200 milligrams of caffeine already I can tell yeah you seem to be full of energy okay okay Sameer down simmer down okay sorry let's hope this is gonna lead to some sales if I sell a car today I get my sales commission plus five thousand dollars plus five and if I don't I don't get the five thousand dollars I don't get the sales commission okay okay so it's either that I'll be giving you nothing or I'll be giving you a big bonus and I'll say if I don't sell a car I give you 100 bucks oh yeah you know what man that works Shake on it all right okay stop you got these types of deals these are life-changing deals you have to spit on your hand and shake it these are the these are the deals man yeah okay okay you you I used to be a little driver I used to be a limo driver every single day hustling around giving these rich people rides and then disrespecting me I'm I'm getting it today I'm selling a car yeah maybe you'll have actually sell a limo today we do have one here so who knows hello all right welcome in this is your customer Yep this is my customer Steve maybe you guys have met what do you mean maybe we met like literally a few days ago yeah yeah he's looking for a car he's a family man and yeah we're gonna get him hooked up here did you know he was coming yes yes I I always have pre-interviews with my clients want to treat them really right want to get their background information so yep we called last night what the heck okay okay it's worth it here can I step boss man can I have a word with you yeah yeah yeah sorry we'll be right back wait you can't Step On My Feet man I'm trying to make a deal what's going on you never had somebody anything it's not cheating it's friends and family you're not giving them a friends and family discount no I'm not but I can sell that my friend he's he's I've only known him for a week man come on he's okay okay go get the sale okay yeah back off all right cool do you got everything figured out oh yeah yeah he was just I think he's going to get me some coffee this morning so anyway you are you said you had kids yeah I got four kids I got so I need a car to impress a teenager but also a comfortable ride for my for my child I know you're a hard-working man I saw your pickup truck I know you like some power underneath the hood so this is the Mercedes G-Class this is the high-end SUV Mercedes there's a quite a bit of aftermarket kits why don't we take our own test drive that sounds like a really fun idea I just need a copy your license real quick and I'll I'll get your license back to you yeah yeah no worries boss man boss man what's up how do you how do I do a copy of the license uh and the scanner all right man good luck thank you all right there he goes oh he's flying hopefully boss man doesn't TM oh he's cooking here he goes boss man looks like you're working hard you're not going with them on the test drive no I I'm not that type of guy I'm not the type of salesman don't want to be too pushy oh what what the oh don't look don't look that was somebody else he's good he's good what okay okay yeah totally yeah I think he's got a lot of money so I think we're good if if there's any damage we'll see all right man take it easy test for a car fun to drive oh my goodness yeah you can just park it here no need to pull it back in the showroom right now sounds good yeah you like how it sounds oh yes I do heck yeah so one of the best cards I've ever driven in my life best coach you've ever driven you said your buddy had that Beamer when you first walked in yeah yeah yeah this Beamer is like half the speed and power of your your D800 oh wow so basically what you're saying is that if I were to race him I would absolutely smoke them smoke them and have all your kids in the back and pull in a trailer and you'll still beat them fantastic can I get you water anything cookies snack you guys got coffee I got coffee yep yep real quick just hang out and I will uh I'll get some coffee for you awesome and Bossman real quick can you make some coffee for them can I make some coffee yeah dude this is your set I'm doing paperwork you make the coffee he wants coffee is he gonna buy it we're gonna see it yeah he's pretty young home but we gotta work the numbers okay okay I'll make some is he in my office it's my office today all right man I'll get you a coffee here in a second but let's pull up on the computer here all right let's see so sticker price you saw it on the window it's 125. 125 is sticker out the door all in taxes Insurance you know registration all that right right I got I got the money to spend so it really doesn't matter too too much oh okay okay that's good to know uh are you doing cash or financing or you said you had the cash yeah you have the cash I always have cash oh okay nice okay well let's see so would you do 125 is that something you're I mean what do you do any lower like I don't know 115 114. you know what real quick I'm gonna talk with my boss I appreciate the honesty and I will uh I'll see what numbers I could do it's my first day so we'll see here all right man you got the coffee yep here it is perfect okay um so this guy's got cash in hand ready to go in his Hummer 125 Grand that sounds like but he wants a little discount so I'm gonna go 120. okay yeah 120 works yeah there's no lower than that okay okay no lower okay 10-4 all right boss man said he can do 120. 120. wow what a steal you got it here get you're kind of there you go you're scuffing up our chairs there but yeah let's shake on it there we go good man he spits on his hand and shakes it without asking all right Steve you said money's in the Hummer oh yes sir yeah I'll help you carry it nice you strapped it down got it secured all right we'll just carry this in so 60 000 in each bag that is what it should be did he rob a bank I don't know but I'm not gonna ask any questions all right man is the money good is it all accounted for yeah weirdly enough it seems to be all here and it looks to be real all right here help me carry these to the office and then I'll get you some money out of the safe 10-4 geez these are kind of heavy it's hard making money around here yeah yeah for sure I just I don't want to see that news report about the bank being robbed or something and yeah yeah no he's a good hard-working guy I think I paid him pretty good for doing my house made him 20 grand or something I I can't remember but yeah all right so I owe you what you're saying 5K plus 6K 11k yeah 11 000. and then that you're gonna be having to stay working here that's the worst part I think I'm gonna be head salesman now we might demote you I don't think you have the ability to do that you go all right thank you all right big cat I'm ready for work all right nice to see you here on time that's right you too did you did you change something with your hair uh I got my ears lowered oh you don't have any like gel in there or something no I just think it's the grease I haven't showered a couple days oh okay oh you still have the shower at your house do you nope just about I don't I I was just saying I don't even have a bed I got nothing man it's just a garage right now well hey at least you got a roof over your head but man we gotta get going uh as you know well you can probably tell we're a little short on inventory here yep between putting the limo out on display and then the car I sold the first car ever sold this place is empty now why do you keep having to mention it's the first car ever so we get it man we get it I'm just rubbing it in by the way we were talking about shower can I ever take a bath in your pond I helped build it yeah just I don't know if I'm even allowed to say yes get in your truck we gotta pick up I ordered a bunch of vehicles that cost me a lot of money uh so yeah we're gonna go pick up these two trailers right now and then we're just gonna start moving them over here so these are the trailers we're gonna use to transport the vehicles we don't yet have official car trailer I was trying to convince boss man to do it but how many cars we got to sell to get one of them three car trailers that I can hook up on my gooseneck here uh the answer is a lot more than one more than one yeah you probably think we made a lot more from that sale than we actually did especially since I had to pay you so much money boss man is this the building where the cars get delivered to yep should be that red one right up there yeah it's kind of hard to miss you said it was red so I thought it was this one this is pretty cool place who the heck owns this I don't know this is just like by the dealer the dealer for the dealer interesting so this is where they drop oh yes it's here it's here here stand outside this Overhead Door okay and then close your eyes close my eyes which door this one this one watch out I'm looking the other way all right guys this is the car that I got he doesn't know about it all right boss man turn around what the heck is that you told me purple is your favorite color you've got like a metallic purple yeah I didn't even know that they would do this yeah it's the E63 samg version it's clean oh look at the interior man yeah yeah red interior I tried to do purple they didn't have the option but once you're in it it's like you can't really see the outside anyway so you might as well have the interior be something you like boss man don't pull out in front of that car that was that was bad one that's okay they know to get out of my way if they hit me it's gonna be bad for insurance that's true sometimes it is kind of nice having big trailers like this because like people kind of get out of the way a little bit all right man where do you want this or should we get everything then we can organize yeah I just kind of get it in here just make sure there's some space and then we'll move everything around and four let's go get some more so here's our BMW X7 I love the interior white leather all around pretty much everywhere beside yeah besides the little Dash there but this is uh I think this one's gonna sell pretty good boss man here we go got the motorcycle in there the BMW and guys we're squatting that SUV's pretty heavy Gary I'm gonna put this front and center at the at the front door I'm thinking and then that way you can see it from the window still but it's uh I'm not gonna move everything around over there so wait what's going on with this one and how is it so dirty oh it's dirty oh dang it okay uh yeah I'll get it cleaned up real quick okay yeah we we cannot be having this one look dirty Spencer your Hood's open yeah I know I was actually gonna watch the engine bay it had some dust in it oh okay go for it there we go that looks good what would be nice is if this Mercedes had the the fold up wings or heck I forget what you call them but we don't have many cars like that there's a few Mercedes that can but this one doesn't so we're just gonna have this one like dead center when you walk in I'm thinking man you just come through the front door and boom all right here's the X7 here I'm gonna just probably have the trunk open on this that way we don't take up too much walking room and then people can always open it up and stuff but that way you can at least see inside a bit better oh yeah and I'm kind of thinking we bring this one outside every day okay ML350 yep that works all right man the showroom is coming together now we just need customers yep so I'm thinking we just go like full on out with the marketing are you good with that stuff yeah and all that yeah okay okay yeah so we'll just put a bunch of posts out and hopefully we have like a just huge rush of customers come in all right Spencer it is payday yes how many hours did you work today today it worked uh I think it was eight eight hours you get hours do I have to increase pay with this new position or are you good with the old amount like you technically haven't even done sales today yeah I get the sales commission and there's an hourly wage right yeah I'm supposed to give you a bonus right now ah okay fine here we go here's the 800 let's go away honey I'll pay for diesel don't blow it all okay like I don't want to see you back being broke we're done with that okay yeah no I'm not going broke man that's for sure boss man yeah what's up I'm going to I'm going to mow around the pond real quick here okay go for it try not to get it in the water this time last time I saw the wheels came back a little wet by the way I was gonna ask you can I get 30 minutes off work tonight like can I get off 30 minutes early can you get off work 30 minutes early sure I just got to meet somebody at the bank just personal reasons uh okay okay you do you all right nice we're getting off 30 minutes early the reason why I gotta do that and I didn't I didn't want to tell boss man kind of nice you didn't question me but I'm actually gonna be selling my camper so as you guys know I built my house up here so the camper that I got parked over at the old house I used to live at or the one I used to rent well I'm planning on selling it pocketing some of that cash and I I got it listed for a lot more than I paid for it so hopefully we can get that done today at the bank all right let's fire up the mower there we go all right it's mowing good I just sharpened the blades on it went through a service on the mower I do want to take in the tractor and just get a tune-up I'm not too familiar with you know how to maintenance and services just yeah I should probably buy a manual for it and kind of read through it but I just haven't got the time to do it just yet oh no that that didn't sound good oh the mower stopping dang it okay what the heck was that noise that did not sound good in the mower shutdown right away here let's see if we can just fire it up again first test let's see please start back up don't be broken okay it's trying to go I'm sending power to it it okay it starts to spin a little bit then it bogs down it's all binded up all right let's see floor jack somewhere around here oh yep it's down here yeah that doesn't look too good okay we'll release it back down here oh that was fast you already done no man no I got an issue I just uh I got it looked at got it it's pretty much figured out but I'm gonna need to take the mower in to the shop into Morgan's Motors they gotta fix it up wait wait what happened I ran over there was a piece you know we built the fence and all that and stuff yeah well I think we left a big piece of wood and I went over it with the mower and then it just shredded the whole entire like motor like it didn't ruin the blades like yeah it just seized it up so okay yeah you go take that in are you just gonna get the whole thing worked on then since I know this thing's been needing that tune-up yeah I'm gonna bring the mower in too and I'll just leave it connected that way I don't have to lift anything and it's easy moving around let me know what it's gonna cost or whatever I'll obviously be covering it then four oh no guys check engine lights coming on and I'm overheating dang it okay uh let's pull off let's pull off your ball right here I hate to pull off on the bridge oh yeah oh no it's starting to smoke no no no no no no shut it down shut it down oh dang it dang I was just toeing with this the other day and this isn't even a heavy load and we just took off dang it man okay uh yeah this is an issue we got a broken well the the tractor isn't broken a broken Mower and then the truck that I'm hauling it with this is my baby I just got her all tuned I didn't all change yesterday let me get boss man on the phone right now I need some advice hello hey boss man it's Spence I am uh heck I got issues I am on which corner I'm just off of Main Street on Franklin going over the the River on the bridge and anyway my truck started to overheat check engine light came on everything started flashing and I lost power to the truck so right now what I'm gonna do is take the mower in get it there and you still have the mower yeah it's on the trailer I didn't even get there in time ah okay okay yep so I'm gonna just drive the motor down it goes like 10 miles an hour tops speed so I only have to go a few like a mile or two down the road no issues but if you want to call a tow truck that'd be good okay yeah I'll call one of my buddies well you gotta look on the bright side I get to drive the tractor down the road now I don't know if I can technically do this I should probably maybe be on the sidewalk but the sidewalks for people walking I it's fine it's two lanes people can get around me here but it is fun driving this little mower down the road this just makes me smile I mean look at me here I bet do I got hazards no I just got headlights that's about it but that's all you need man all right perfect parking spot right there I gotta take a quick picture oh that's hilarious Morgan said that they'll have it done by the end of the week so that's really nice that's way sooner than I thought they would have it done all right I was thinking here guys I could maybe drive this back so I don't have a ride I don't want to spend the money on Uber but I think I'm gonna because we need to get the Tractor Service tuned up and then obviously the mower like totally fixed that's gonna be a lot of money Morgan said it's roughly gonna be like he thinks under a thousand bucks but it could go slightly over but anyway I'm gonna call an Uber real quick and it will get up and out of here all right there we go how much is this thing what the 25 box dang it all right Uber dropped me off here just in time looks like hopefully that's her tow truck coming in come on please yeah I bet it is the purple Power Wreckers man what's going on thanks for coming by all right man I got the trailer detached I'll let you do the work from here all right looks like he's gonna do my play well it was probably his plan but it's kind of what I recommended hey pull forward a bit more man it's probably there you go all right so he's gonna drop the bed down we're gonna get the truck on there and then from there we're gonna see if we can hook onto the trailer we were kind of thinking maybe where like his hitch actually goes is too high and the trailer might scrape a bit but we'll kind of see this is pretty cool he's got her down all right then from there he hooked it up to the front of the truck and there we go it's winching oh yeah dude this is pretty cool it'd be fun to just jump in the cab for a day and see what the heck how this works and stuff hey you're getting a little closer to my side a little close all right I guess he's almost there keep going all right man it looks like you're good and look at that he's dropping it down letting it go hey man if it's cool could you ever drop the trailer off at our dealership and then take this to Morgan's place right yeah I think that's the plan a little extra driving but it'll save us a lot of time all right man how much is it gonna be hope you don't empty my pocket all right 225 between truck and trailer that's understandable here you go thank you for your work appreciate it all right guys he's heading out he said I can't ride with them and I'm gonna get an Uber he's gonna take care of the trailer too looks like 30 dollars for an Uber geez I'm spending a lot of money today just getting around here I guess I better make sure my truck's good to go so I don't got to pay for any more Ubers all right man what's going on thanks for bringing the trailer back oh yeah yeah where do you want it where do you want to let's put it in back back corner here follow me it's pretty crazy he's got like this old style Jeep that's hilarious this guy's interesting all right man thanks so much I appreciate it well hey the day's pretty much over now since you took way longer than you should have yeah I'm sorry man yeah and you need to get off 30 minutes earlier saying so yeah it's 4 20. yeah I get to leave in 10 minutes can I borrow your truck I'll have it back here we're at 5 15 at the latest okay okay actually no no you know what you you delayed all this work today you're taking the tractor tractor you're taking the tractor okay then uh I'll get back to you if that works in like 10 minutes if it doesn't work I'll be back with the tractor okay if that works what oh okay you know what I mean okay I better go to the bank uh yeah kinda I'll see you later okay see ya okay I was kind of worried he wasn't gonna let me take this truck oh I could take the dump trailer too all right let's see if the tractor's gonna work we gotta hook up to the camper and I I'm trying to sell it man I got somebody meeting me he was one of the first ones to message me but listen it Freight the guy just overthrow and talked me down to seven so I think we should be able to strike at the out seven if not I got a little more room to work but not too much boss man if you guys can't remember he doesn't know I have this camper technically so we're gonna try and say nonchalant about it but I'm literally driving this orange tractor down the road he easily could just look up from the computer and see me all right man how's it going my name is Spencer nice to meet you all right if you want to walk around check this out already opened up the door for you spend as much time as you want light is on and just uh if you've got any questions let me know man all right so he's in there seems like just I think he's a single guy so this might work out good for him maybe he's looking for a place to live all right man you like it yeah yeah the cabinets are nice soft clothes and then they lock for when you travel so yeah I just took this down the road and this is you know none of the cabinets are flying everywhere and stuff all right you got a deal 6 500 let's do it let's head over to the bank man all right sir after you maplefield Bank let's get her done ah and there we go guys I just got a detached from the trailer he's picking it up with his truck and we are scot-free but 6 500 richer it feels good all right boss man I need a ride yep your truck is ready they just called so finally get that and they also got the mower fix when they called did they say anything about the bill uh they didn't but they typically are going to charge like over two grand for this I don't know what your exact total is gonna be wow but this is going to be expensive man yeah you'll you'll have to see when we're there I think you're pretty good at Shifting The Old Man manual oh yeah come on traffic dude come on basically it's a gravy that ain't good they were in my way Whoa man you're on the wrong side of the road what are you doing yeah do not enter this is where I enter I'm not getting back in that car with you again especially because that thing doesn't even have airbags or seat belt that's okay man it looks cool boss man oh this hurts 2500 buckaroos gone ouch that's not good wait you've made lots of money recently so it sounds like injectors went out on the diesel engine and yeah not too good so I thought this thing was running Tip-Top shape but hopefully it is running better now all right thanks for doing the forklift Garrett that's a little rough but I think that's honestly as good as we're ever gonna get it we should have brought a trailer yeah it took like I had to drive my nice car I couldn't pull a trailer with that thing are you gonna ramp it or not I'll just drive it off okay here we go oh it's a tractor man yeah it's very durable that's why it was just being repaired before I tell you what we're gonna do I have a question for you yeah those are serious questions so come in my office are you just borrowing my office for the day uh this is my office okay we'll see about that anyways go ahead do you want to maybe do some like investing with me how does that sound yeah I got some money now I think I can do her okay what about uh twenty thousand dollars I got 20. what if we build a parking garage in the heart of the city on the ground where we usually do the fair and all the all that traffic and everything they come park there and obviously you know parking garages you can charge quite a bit of money for them so we're just racking in those daily dollars yeah I don't know if my 20 000 is gonna do it you gotta front quite a bit but yeah I've noticed there's a big demand for parking I'm gonna cover the rest of it that's my labor I'm guessing yeah it's gonna be a lot more than that but the main thing is yeah it's like the labor and whatnot obviously I'll take the majority of the money made from it since I'll put more in it yep but you're gonna be just getting that passive income and can become a millionaire before you know it and four yeah parking garage sounds like I need to do some Excavating oh it does man so I need 20 000 now though 20 000 now are you sure yeah like I already paid for it to get all the materials and everything but like I just need to reimburse me for at least some of it and then yeah we'll get going all right here's 20 000. that hurts all right I can't believe you had that in your pocket that's wild oh you got the Volvo here and then you got a a case too e and what's it oh this is 250 but it's got the Long Reach so we're gonna be going probably pretty deep guys it starts by just digging a little hole like this from there you grow here I think we got a lot of work ahead of us boss man I'm expecting this is going to take the entire day maybe a bit more than that all right man last scoop of the day what time is it you're making us work so late out here man it is late I don't even know what time it is I think it's we're about to have midnight yeah that's the last scoop for me tonight I'm going to bed boss man I will talk to you in the morning all right see you nice and early okay we're almost done with the excavation guys we got along pretty good I think concrete's coming tomorrow isn't that right if we get down here yep that's the Hope Oh no guys we didn't have any rain when we left yesterday in the forecast but it's pouring boss man we working today it's pretty wet out here man I don't think we're able to work in this all right man let's get to work all right today's looking a lot better than yesterday yeah dried up a bit but concrete's coming in a couple hours man we got to get that little ramp going we gotta get all it going okay okay this is this is gonna be busy man get in your activator get that ball ever started up I know you let it warm it up I'm just full throttle I don't know if that's a good idea it's a pretty good idea to me by the way I need to tell you guys we're doing the underground Park maybe we did the other day but it's underground it's not above ground that's why we're digging so much all right there it is concrete called me said they're gonna be here in 10 minutes let's get everything cleaned up here all right man next time you guys see it it's gonna be done hey boss man boss man the concrete guy called they're done they're done yes sir this looks good heck let's just pull right in I'm gonna say Park underground there we go obviously we still got to get all of our signs and everything but check this out yeah yeah this looks good ventilation's in lighting everything all the safety equipment fire extinguisher stuff like that the pillars are down and this is finished up now we're just gonna do like landscape work up top they got the hedgerzine oh yeah parking meters in so that's how we're gonna make our money guys right here you set your number and then charges yeah all that stuff so how often do you want to be paid uh every day every okay what every day that's right you're a crazy one okay we can do that all right boss man I'm gonna finish up mowing does that work with you yeah I realized you didn't finish yesterday but man you gotta get paid right now because the parking garage has made us some money oh yes guess how much I'm about to give you okay so we're 60 40 split your 60 I'm 40. it's been two days 200 bucks 235. let's go score one for the boys back home I'm gonna finish up Mowing and the grass is still pretty wet but it's not down pouring I'm already in my work clothes I guess I could run home real quick and change if I get too smelly turn off tomorrow for a second barely hear you yeah what's up all right so uh you have a customer here uh Haley Haley oh Haley yeah what time is it what time is it oh it's 11 o'clock you gotta you gotta get okay like it's so sweaty right now nobody smell me you oh dude you never smelled good let's go just go man dang it dude I smell like wet grass like a wet dog hey bestie oh oh geez okay uh yeah come on in nice to finally meet you after talking on the phone yeah nice to meet you too it's all it's good seeing you in person yeah you too well look at what we got in the middle of the showroom it came in yesterday and I knew I wanted to set up an appointment with you today sorry about being late I just got done mowing oh my God after this my Manny Petty I'm so gonna get my nails this color oh you're gonna get your oh okay that's that's a good idea I was gonna say yeah I can uh tell you what I can get you the exact paint color so when you go to the nail salon they can try and match it for you that sounds awesome ah perfect okay well this is a V8 AMG Mercedes oh my god it feels comfy cozy perfect well Haley you do whatever you want in there get get comfortable I'm gonna get uh I'm gonna get you a water can I get a copy of your license and we'll get you on a test drive here's the license can I'm gonna grab water for you if you want to print off a copy of her uh driver's license that way she's usually gonna take a test drive here soon okay okay I'll make a copy seems a little crazy man yeah yeah she's a little hyped up for sure and she called me a bestie right and she walked in so that's kind of weird what what does that even mean I didn't ask I didn't ask no we've just been on the phone a bit she's been looking for this car and we got it in so we'll see if we can get it sold here congrats to your new bestie let's get the sale done yeah I'm gonna get a water okay let's see here water and I'm gonna need I'm gonna die Coke for myself here all right you got the copy yep yeah uh should be bottom cabinet yep there you go I got it there you are all right Haley here's a water hopefully yeah you're thirsty that's bestie yeah yeah no problem no problem well here are the keys as well I can if you want me I can get out of the showroom for you that way you don't accidentally hit anything I'm sure you're a great driver or uh or you can do it or you can hop in passenger with me you you look kind of cute as my passenger oh no no no no uh nope that's somebody else so I'll just let you handle it here's the keys go ahead and fire it up for you I'll shut the door here all right Haley nice and easy just reverse out turn the wheel a bit to your right and you'll be good oh Haley Haley hey stop it's okay it's okay I know what I'm doing okay pull forward turn the wheel okay right there straighten it out I'm a good driver okay okay uh no I trust you I trust you just nice and easy there you go all right man number six oh Haley dude she's crazy I know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing okay okay she's just gonna go around the parking lot yeah I'm not too sure what she's doing she's probably just breaking it in I think she's doing yeah she's doing donuts Haley Haley honey no no okay you got it this is a new car you haven't bought it yet once you buy it you can do what you want but we got it we gotta Follow The Lawns no Donuts in the parking lot jeez man I'm sweating yeah that is crazy but man did you see the car that she pulled up in yeah I was wondering when I was talking to you and you're telling me to get in here she left it running too you want to go in a little bit of a joy ride yeah I was actually thinking here let's stop at my house I'm gonna take a quick shower all right let's do it what the heck even is this I've never seen what's the brand of it I don't know maybe she builds it herself I don't know if she hold the wrong thing she seemed pretty clueless on what a V8 was well I think she's she might be playing uh playing dumb on us and then she knows everything she didn't negotiate me wait do you have a shower here are you using that no I I there's a yep I got this speaker right here I just hook up a hose too and hang it from the rafters okay well quickly just rinse their hair or something you gotta get going back before she comes [Music] all right man I'm done we'll just go really fast they'll drop me off but that feels way better I was sticky I had a bunch of grass in my face I don't need to know about you being Dicky man keep that to yourself there she goes right there you see it oh yeah Haley Haley honey that is a light puller dancer this girl scares me yeah yeah that's why I'm kind of I wanted to see where she was going and that way she just makes it back to the dealership but she flies that's where it is there we go good thing we made this entrance really wide yep just uh hand me those keys if you don't mind here you go thank you yeah thank you all right real quick yep yeah Haley if you want to step into my office we can kind of talk some numbers did you like it yeah I did okay it was a very fun time very fun time yeah and I was asking what is this whole thing about oh it was a gift for my grandma oh okay that's pretty cool my grandma wasn't I wasn't a go-kart gang oh a go-kart gang you say not just like a club but actual gang yeah all right that's awesome was it called Granny's go-kart gang or something how did you know oh Grandma part of it too well the Triple G on Facebook page yeah my grandma used to do it back in the day oh wow not much in common yeah and boss man was always scared of them they would pull through kind of rustle things up with him oh you have a pretty cozy office in here yeah yeah the the windows are really nice you can see out and stuff yeah it uh and the sun sets it looks really good out there but yeah go ahead sit down I got some paperwork here so I don't know if you saw the list price on that is is 125 out the door right now that's a discount typically we have it listed MSRP is 142. so pretty good discount for you are you saying I can't get even more of a discount you could you could but um I would have to talk to boss man over there and kind of see what I can work but you know I already gave you a pretty good one all right yeah that's fair I'll let you go and sign there and I'm gonna get you another water okay thanks bestie uh yeah no problem what hey what's the whole bestie thing about we're not besties well I want to say we're best friends just yet maybe after you uh we get you all hooked up with the car yeah as long as there's a potential to be besties I'm gonna call you bestie okay uh fair enough Haley I will be right back bestie okay man we got the deal she took 125 and uh yeah everything's good she's doing credit so that'll be a little more paperwork but that's kind of nice too but I'm gonna grab a water for you real quick anything else yeah I think she has some questions about her service or something if you want to talk to her there um okay that's about it I'm kind of scared of her man yeah I am too hey pasty oh she called me back yep yeah thanks thanks there yeah yeah I'll close the door for you guys no worries now we can have some alone time uh yeah yeah kind of but anyway that is all looks good from here if you want here are the keys you know I can get you on your way oh my God thanks bestie yeah yeah no problem let's make sure okay oh I thought he locked the door on us that would have been terrible now uh what you want us to do with your old car are you gonna come pick it up oh you could just burn it we can have it we can have it oh I don't need it anymore sure all right yeah for sure we'll definitely take it off hands probably just bringing the scrap yard or something but yeah no worries yeah we'll recycle it make sure there's no damage and yeah make sure it's good for the environment so perfect that's smart that's smart all about the environment here we sell very fuel efficient cars that's right that's why you got the big old V8 in there extra horsepower that way it goes faster you get there quicker all right Jump On In have a good one Haley you're all set thanks best it was so good seeing you yep no problem remember the cars underneath your insurance now so you're responsible for everything all right have a good one deal bye bestie six thousand two hundred fifty dollars according to my calculator six two fifty ah okay fine here you go take this I said I've been able to cash it I took some of the money out so yeah enjoy well good morning guys just stopped by the coffee shop got me a hot mocha double frappe Express a but it's almost the weekend I'm excited to be done with work this week it was a busy week all right man what's going on here's what's gonna happen first off here's 300 bucks because the part parking garage is making some good money let's go 300 yes there you go and I'm gonna give you a card now don't abuse this card it's the company credit card or it's your personal this is the company credit card let's go what I want you to do is only buy stuff for the company what that means is you're gonna go shopping because your outfit is terrible all right we're gonna head into Jonathan's tailors it's the far one on the end and look at that big old base right there that per oh it's blue I thought it was purple for a second all right let's park all right perfect I'd say that's good they'll pass all right this outfit we bought really nice khaki slick jeans or pants whatever you want to call them nice tennis shoes because we're always on our feet and then a nice red Polo so that looks good I also bought this outfit and the reason why I bought it is because we're going camping guys I bought Garrett another set too as well and so we're gonna be matching but the guy inside to help me pick everything out he's the one who owns this he just started renting it out it's brand new 500 a day and we're gonna rent this out for the weekend so Friday Saturday Sunday we're going camping all right let's fire up we got the keys I just charge everything to the company card this thing has air brakes everything this is crazy I let the guy know I parked my car out there I said it's the one parked really really good what are you wearing man this is not what I have told you to buy and what the heck is this thing oh real quick here put this on you're gonna be uh you're gonna be camping we're going camping you you were saying you wanted to did you use my money for this no I used the companies it's not yours oh what I thought you'd be excited give me back the card here here yeah I got my suit I'll show you that but right now I'm just I'm getting ready for camp but I got you an outfit too okay I'll I'll put this on this is oh come on man we're taking the day off yep yeah okay let me get changed no no no looking all right man hurry up what's taking so long okay I'm I'm ready what the okay all right I don't know where you got the cowboy hat but anyway I I just had in my office here we go big cat I think we're ready I just gotta fold up the ramps are you able to drive the earth roamer if you want me to are you sure you can handle it I can drive whichever one you want me to I can either go with your truck or I can go with this all right I'm taking my truck you take that I put your name on the rental anyway so something happens you gotta pay for it here we go there's a deer you just ran over Bambi no no he's okay Bamboo's okay yeah I think yeah I think she went underneath you I'll just keep going there's a watch tower up there we'll just check things out you want to go take a look to see what it looks like sure man dude that thing going up there with all the tires kicks up so much dust I bet it does how did my dust taste pretty good yeah it wasn't too bad a little gritty okay okay check this out yeah pretty cool yeah that's nice should we keep going yeah I don't think there's that much more to keep going too I think that was the top I see a little shed or something over here a little cabin hey kind of looks like where you used to live in yeah that's true besides the windows weren't busted out did that thing even have Windows no but they weren't busted if I did all right you find something up there I did find something it's just some kind of opening it's a little weird all right let's back this thing off who gets to ride this the whole time well hey there's two seats that's true but I don't want you driving me okay let's get this thing off yep just jump on it man jump on it okay I'll unstrap you all right floor it go okay how are we gonna get across the water well there's a bridge all right last one tops are rotten egg all right I'll see you in my dust dang it yeah man you're cooking oh the four-wheeler's blocking down I got a downshift come on come on here we go I'm at the top hey do you think I could ride across he's right here oh I fell I don't even see you man where'd he go look down oh okay yeah you got to be careful dude all right I'm taking the dyno you got to get the four-wheeler all right jump in the fence all right man the sun's going down it's actually getting a bit chilly too we better get cooking in this thing yeah so since I paid for this I get the biggest bed in there right yeah yeah I'll let you have it I'll take the one over I'll take the bunk house one and then yeah I brought steaks Burgers hot dogs the whole works all right sounds good let's do it even got massage and chairs AC two furnaces yeah man this thing's crazy all right man it's time to pack up that's the end of the weekend all right this was good man yeah I had fun did you yeah I had a lot of fun the only thing I'm a little worried about is how are we gonna get the four-wheeler oh the guy's texting he's saying we got to bring it back right now what yeah okay he says we're late I thought it was what time is it man my watch is broken okay yeah yeah let's get going he keeps he's pretty mad he says somebody else is supposed to pick it up okay let's uh okay do you want to just drive that back then and don't worry about the rest of this 10-4 all right man I'll talk to you later okay see ya well guys I had the best night last night I pulled an all-nighter in complete decorated the dealership oh wait boss man's calling what's going on my credit card company just called oh they're saying that there's a lot of charges on the card yeah yep uh why don't you just come in we'll talk about it in person it'll all make sense all right man what do you think of the place pretty cool right I see why my credit card company called so give me a tour man yeah front entrance tried to keep it pretty cool and then that is a robotic spider and I have a remote control for it so what we're gonna do is like say a little kid comes in the dealership with his parents or whatever we're gonna retract it back so you don't see it when you walk up and then when the little kids coming out I'll drive it forward if that makes sense then it'll crawl and anyway I love this spider up there I thought that was really cool Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year so let me know in the comments guys what do you guys like Halloween some people like it some people don't but I'm a big fan until we went all out here at the dealership all right this scarecrow this thing is huge it's really heavy but I think it looks great are these uh bad employees no those are not bad employees those are bad boss man do you know the pain plan today do you know what time of year it is well obviously you do you have the Halloween decorations we're building a corn maze man it's one of the best attractions see this is why the Segway is the best thing ever I could just scoot it across the road heading over to his cousin's piece of land and this is where we're gonna build out the maze this is gonna be amazing boss man that was the worst thing I've ever heard oh guys boss man's loss boss man man I'm behind you oh oh gosh I thought you were lost I was looking for you forever no I'm good man I'm good you weren't looking too hard you're at the corn maze entrance I know I know I didn't want to get in there and then I got lost because we built this thing and I built half it boss man built half and I'm worried I'm gonna get lost second I step in there it's so complicated so we we had to switch a few things up this is actually a legit cornfield so it turned out great we have the signs but this maze is a 100 Acre cornfield or 120 something around there what do you think of the corn maze I think it's gonna be really fun it'll be yeah the whole month of oh can't show too much of it but the whole month of like October should be a blast hopefully we don't get a big Windstorm it all gets knocked down but that would make it really hard so today turned out to be a pretty good day we completely decorated well I guess I started at 10 10 p.m last night I started decorating this place finished at 6am then we did the whole entire maze all day and so big boss man give me my money man for the parking money okay for the park garage and for today and for the maze yep that's gonna be a big money maker okay so start off here is 450 for the parking garage we've been making good money on that thing heck yeah and then uh how much do I have to pay for today looks like let me check my computer what 250 bucks I thought it was a million uh no 250. here you go they're 2.5 million yeah 250 there you are okay perfect thanks let's try and open up that corn maze ASAP all right where is boss man he's not at the cooler getting something to drink he must be in his office oh dude what are you wearing do you like it I got inspiration from you we're literally twinning dude we should uh yeah why are you wearing the same thing I wear we got different shoes on okay I know I know you're wearing the same thing because you realize that I'm getting all the sales so you're trying to copy me maybe that's part of it it doesn't matter anyways man I realized that we have a lot of money we're making right now and I want to give you all that money for the parking garage I was gonna I almost forgot yeah how much did we make today dude it's like you always forget about it today you're getting paid so again you get only 40 okay but only 40 means that you're getting 475 here you go score one for the boys back home high five oh yeah so today did you bring the truck in yep got the truck awesome awesome okay so I'm thinking first things first you're gonna hook up to your trailer and I bought these hot air balloons oh hot air balloons I've always wanted to be in one yeah so like a few weeks back my wife was like Hey I'm gonna go in a hot air balloon ride so she went on it and of course cost me a lot of money okay I was thinking this is a great way we can make money wait a second what's up there on the left look at that something's catching my eye right there all right let's pull over real quick now whenever I drive and I have boss man's credit card and I see something catch my eye I gotta stop and pull over you never know the first thing I saw was this bright blue golf cart but then look it over here a Husqvarna dirt bike this is like a 250 Enduro dude this thing is pretty sick looking that's pretty cool I don't think my wife would be happy with me buying that but anyway let's see what this guy's asking it has a for sale sign but no price right you're asking 22.50 and you just used it for the past 10 years and got it totally refurbished yeah man it looks good the seats are all no cracks or anything no Fades I tell you what Craig I'll do two thousand does that work Craig all right that works just pay your wife all right perfect cash only okay yeah I can do cash you don't take Card dang it guys he doesn't take card okay we are going to I got a bunch of cash in my glove box here all right two grand will pay the lady well guys we got a new golf cart we didn't make it to where we were supposed to go that happens sometimes I've been having that issue a bit spending a little too much but hey this is going to come in handy holy biscuits and gravy you could fit like at least six people in there oh those are those are the I'm guessing it's propane or whatever fuel that is to fuel the burners wow these look good the burners look a little rough but I guess they get really hot so all the paint comes off all right I just knocked on the guy's door and I totally forgot Boss Man City already paid for it but where am I gonna put the golf cart I'm thinking I'm gonna try and get it oh okay these get man just just go around me man it's all good all right back the card off we're gonna figure out I think what I'm gonna do is put the golf cart on the bed of the truck all right those guys got moved out of the way perfect and then yeah we'll just get these two baskets on here these those are a bit heavier than I thought let's throw some straps down oh what the heck is this yep made a little pit stop and picked her up don't worry I didn't use your card they wouldn't take it yeah speaking of which uh here here's the back yeah thank you thank you help me get these on strap real quick they actually here pull around to the back all right boss man if you want jump in take you on a Little Ride no it's okay all right so you know how I have this Nissan truck out here right yeah the one you like hate yeah like I literally hate this thing it drives so poorly but apparently they do have some other trucks that drive a lot better so I decided to just go for it and I got a trade deal made so I need you to go drop this thing off and pick up the new one okay and what if I crash it on my way there all good right don't crash it my insurance is about to run out on that thing so yeah drive carefully all right looks like yep oh we're being at this gas station here I gotta fill up I looked at the fuel tank and then the fuel light came on halfway here it was a pretty long drive all right we'll pump some gas in I think all right I'm gonna work a deal with the guy inside sounds like he wants to trade straight up for it all right all good I'm just gonna get all boss man stuff out of this truck transfer to the other one and we're good to go let me know if this is a fair trade that was a newer like one-year-old Nissan Titan you put like 10 000 miles on it and uh yeah I don't think this thing's worth as much what they did a straight trade up and boss man's happy with it I guess all right man and made it back the uh it was kind of interesting the guy asked like what you did for a living and stuff like that and when I told him you had like a car dealership he just started dying laughing by the way you owe me uh 50 bucks for gas 50 bucks dude the thing about ran out I had to stop well hey I have a 50 bill right here there we go perfect yeah this will be nice for loading in I agree for sure go to work thank you for picking this thing up yeah no problem and I guess fly hot air balloon fly hot air balloon fly hot air balloon please okay okay you can go do that but here first let me pay you for the day yes since you did do quite a bit of work so can I just take off from here uh yeah you can take off okay dealership I watch some YouTube videos on how to fly it like a 10 minute one and it was like this 12 year old kind of talking about it he uh he said I just gotta check the win and I'm good to go do you not want me to pay you or oh yeah pay me I'm just gonna be out here checking the wind the wind feels pretty good not too windy I think we're good to go all right here's three hundred dollars perfect do you want to help me get this in the middle of the parking lot yeah sure let's drag it over all right I'm turning on the two tanks okay here we go all right they're going up oh yeah this is awesome let it get to full size before you start trying to fly anything okay okay and then well it's just gonna lift off on its own right no I'm holding on to the strap okay you hold on it looks like the Torches are just burning low here we go oh I'm going it's moving oh the wind is blowing a lot more than I thought oh no yeah start going up man go up go up all right man I'm hitting the gas oh we're good we're moving oh how do I how do I slow it down I don't you watch the video you said I don't know all the details he didn't show that bar boss man real quick dude it's going too fast man I don't know what to do oh no oh no the wind's starting to push me if you add in air then it will make it go up you take out air it will go down yeah I need to turn off there okay there I got the switch okay I'm coming back down oh wait watch watch the trees okay more gas more gas opening up it's not lighting it's not light okay there we go it lit it lit okay okay I think we got it okay we need to clear everything yeah here just go up high man you don't want to fly low on holy biscuits and gravy I can barely see you yeah no man I can't eat you look like a little ant down there look at that what's the view like from up there it looks pretty sick man is that as high as you can go nope I'm opening the gas here we go we're gonna see how high we can go here we go guys check that out in 20 episodes I went from a worn out limo and zero dollars in the bank owning a parking garage with 17 grand cash this is just the start of my challenge to become a millionaire
Channel: Spencer TV
Views: 3,172,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roleplay, fs22 roleplay, fs roleplay, spencer tv roleplay, usa map, usa farming, usa roleplay, spencer tv, spencer tv fs19, austin farmer fs, farming simulator 22, austin farmer fs22, the squad, fs22, mudding map, fs22 camping map, fs22 camping, fs22 limo, survival farming, flood water, fs camping, fs22 truck mod, fs22 flood water, fs22 mods, fs22 camping mod, starting with $0 and a limo, becoming a millionaire with $0, millionaire challenge, austin farmer
Id: IT_pIMfmhSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 49sec (7489 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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